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Quantitative cell and organelle dynamics of the male gamete-producing lineage of Plumbago zeylanica were examined using serial transmission electron microscopic reconstruction at five stages of development from generative cell inception to sperm cell maturity. The founder population of generative cell organelles includes an average of 3.88 plastids, 54.9 mitochondria, and 3.7 vacuoles. During development the volume of the pollen grain increases from 6,200 μm3 in early microspores to 115,000 μm3 at anthesis, cell volume of the male germ lineage decreases more than 67% from 362.3 μm3 to 118.4 μm3. By the time the generative cell separates from the intine, plastid numbers increase by >600%, mitochondria by 250%, and vesicles by 43 times. A cellular projection elongates toward and establishes an association with the vegetative nucleus; this leading edge contains plastids and numerous mitochondria. When the generative cell completes its separation from the intine, organellar polarity is reversed and plastids migrate to the opposite pole of the cell. Cytoplasmic microtubules are common in association with cellular organelles. Plastids accumulate at the distal end of the cell as a linked mass, apparently adhered by lateral electron dense regions. Before division of the highly polarized generative cell, plastids decrease in number by 16%, whereas mitochondria increase by ∼90% and vacuoles increase by ∼140% from the prior stage. After mitosis, the resultant sperm cells differ in size and organelle content. The sperm cell associated with the vegetative nucleus (Svn) contains 62.7% of the cytoplasm volume, 87% of the mitochondria, 280.4 vesicles (79% of those in the generative cell), and 0.6% of the plastids. At maturity, the Svn mitochondria increase by 31% and the cell contains an average of 0.4 plastids, 158.9 vesicles, and 0.36 microbodies. The mature unassociated sperm (Sua) contains 39.8 mitochondria (up 3.3%), 24.3 plastids (down 31%), 91.1 vesicles (up 54.9%), and 3.18 microbodies. The small number of organelles initially in the generative cell, followed by their rapid multiplication in a shrinking cytoplasm suggests a highly competitive cytoplasmic environment that would tend to eliminate residual organellar heterogeneity. Cell and cytoplasmic volumes vary as a consequence of fluctuations in the number and size of large vesicles or vacuoles, as well as loss of cytoplasmic volume by (1) formation of “false cells” involving amitotic cytokinesis, (2) “pinching off” of cytoplasm, and (3) dehydration of pollen contents prior to anthesis.  相似文献   

 Sperm of Plumbago zeylanica are dimorphic with regard to numbers of mitochondria and plastids. In most cases examined, the plastid-rich sperm fused with the egg while the sperm with fewer plastids fused with the central cell. However, plastids cannot be directly responsible for fusion because fusion occurs between the plasma membranes of egg and sperm. The question is whether sperm cell membranes are distinctive and possibly dimorphic. Sperm in whole pollen grains and isolated sperm were freeze-fractured. In pollen, freeze-fractured sperm appeared only in cross fractures. No extended membrane fracture faces of sperm were found. Among isolated sperm, two sizes of sperm with different organelles were observed. Isolated sperm were assigned to two categories based on cell diameter and on size and density of organelles. Membrane particles on most sperm were arranged without distinctive pattern. Some hexagonal arrays were observed. In sperm that had been maintained at 4°C, particle-free areas, a probable consequence of lipid phase separations, appeared on plasma membrane fracture faces. No unique fracture patterns and no patterns of dimorphism were detected on freeze-fractured plasma membranes of Plumbago sperm. Received: 14 January 1997 / Revision accepted: 6 June 1997  相似文献   

 A protocol for isolating viable eggs in Plumbago zeylanica by mechanical dissection is reported. The optimum solution for isolation was 0.8 M mannitol + 10 mM MOPS + 10 mM CaCl2, (pH 4.5–5.0) with an osmolality of 860–940 mmol/kg. Eggs retain their viability for at least 24 h. Isolated eggs were true protoplasts without cell walls and could tolerate osmolality of 437 mmol/kg to 965 mmol/kg. Observation of the isolated eggs using transmission electron microscopy indicated that they were well preserved and reflected the ultrastructure of physiologically active cells, displaying features similar to those of in vivo egg cells. Notable differences include the absence of a filiform apparatus and the accumulation of dense particles in the plastids, which was most conspicuous in egg cells that were damaged during isolation. Received: 22 July 1997 / Revision accepted: 5 September 1997  相似文献   

Callus and suspension cultures derived from leaf explants of Plumbago rosea were established and plumbagin, a naphthoquinone, was isolated from them and confirmed by 1H NMR and electron-ionization mass spectroscopy. Maximum content of plumbagin was obtained in the stationary phase of growth (4.3 mg g–1 dry cell wt). Media pH, phytohormones and carbon sources were optimized for biomass and plumbagin accumulation. Cell aggregates, measuring 500 m in diam, produced 8.2 g dry cell wt l–1, but larger aggregates (above 500 m) favored plumbagin accumulation with an yield of 4.5 mg g–1 dry cell wt.  相似文献   

Calcium was localized in ovules of Plumbago zeylanica from 1 day before anthesis to 3 days after anthesis using potassium antimonate and transmission electron microscopy in pollinated and emasculated flowers. At 1 day before anthesis, embryo sacs (containing an egg cell, a central cell and zero to three accessory cells) appear mature and contain abundant calcium precipitates (ppts), in contrast to nucellar cells. At anthesis, the vacuoles of nucellar cells have enlarged, and micropylar cells, in particular, are heavily labeled with calcium ppts. As pollen tubes elongate through ovular tissues, ppts diminish in ovular cells and become concentrated in the pollen tube cell wall. After fertilization, the calcium ppts sharply diminish in fertilized ovules; in unfertilized ovules, calcium ppts remain abundant up to 3 days after anthesis (when unfertilized ovules are shed). The distribution of calcium in the ovule changes in apparent response to fertilization, suggesting that calcium content may be related to the attraction and receipt of the pollen tube. In contrast with conventionally-organized embryo sacs with synergids, Plumbago accumulates calcium in the egg cell. Received: 30 December 1999 / Revision accepted: 24 March 2000  相似文献   

H. S. Yu  S. Y. Hu  S. D. Russell 《Protoplasma》1992,168(3-4):172-183
Summary The organization of the sperm cells and vegetative nucleus (male germ unit) ofNicotiana tabacum was examined 18 h after semivivo pollination using transmission electron microscopy, computerassisted serial section reconstruction and quantitative cytology. Based on a measurement of 11 cellular parameters in nine reconstructed sperm cell pairs, there are no statistically significant differences between the two cells. The Svn is characterized by a strapshaped cytoplasmic extension that is physically associated with the surface of the vegetative nucleus. The nucleus is located adjacent to the sperm crosswall, with sperm organelles being distributed between the nucleus and the extension. The Sua is a tapered cell with cytoplasmic areas at both poles and deep axial invaginations near the crosswall. This cell has a centrally-located nucleus and a largely polar distribution of organelles. Three mechanisms for cytoplasmic diminution were observed that appear to contribute actively to the loss of cytoplasmic volume and organelles: (1) enucleated cytoplasmic body production in the Sua; (2) vesiculation at the tip of the cytoplasmic projection of the Svn; and (3) vesicle-containing body accumulation in the periplasm of both the Svn and Sua.Abbreviations 3-D three-dimensional - ECB enucleated cytoplasmic body - MGU male germ unit - Svn leading sperm cell - Sua trailing sperm cell - TEM transmission electron microscopy - VCB vesicle-containing body  相似文献   

Summary Rapid in vitro propagation of Limonium wrightii (Hance) Ktze. (Plumbaginaceae), an endangered medicinal plant, was achieved by culturing the shoot-tip (primary and lateral), leaf- and influorescence-node explants. MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) medium supplemented with 8.87 μMN6-benyladenine (BA) and 1.07 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) supported induction of adventitious shoots from the shoot-tip, inflorescence-node and middle and basal parts of leaf explants after 60 d of culture. Adventitious shoots were multiplied by subculturing on MS medium supplemented with BA (2,21–17.75 μM) in combination with NAA (1.07 μM). The percentage of explants forming shoots and the average number of adventitious shoot buds produced per explant were stimulated by increasing the strength (1/4x, 1/2x, 1x, 2x) of the MS medium. Shoots were rooted on MS basal medium with 4.92 μM indole-3-butyric acid. Plantlets with a morphologically normal appearance produced from adventitious shoots were transferred to soil and acclimated in the growth chamber for 1 mo.  相似文献   

Differences among flagellated and nonflagellated sperm in land plants are striking, but close examination reveals similarities in pattern of cytoskeleton and in nuclear structure. The microtubular cytoskeleton of flowering plant sperm consists of microtubule bundles arranged obliquely around the nucleus, terminating in cellular extensions. Microtubules are linked into bundles that branch and rejoin along the axis of the sperm cell, forming a cytoskeleton that determines cell shape but does not actively participate in cell movement. Generative cells and sperm share a pattern of microtubules not found in somatic cells. This pattern is initiated in the generative cell, one division before sperm formation, a situation parallel to spermatogenous cell development in vascular plants with flagellated sperm. Chromatin in flagellated and nonflagellated sperm is condensed by specialized histones.  相似文献   

Summary The behavior of the generative cell during male gametophyte development inPlumbago zeylanica was examined by epifluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy with organelle nucleoid as a cytoplasm marker. When the thin sections stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindoIe (DAPI) were observed under an epifluorescence microscope, two types of fluorescence spots were detected in the cytoplasm of the pollen cells before the second mitosis. The spots emitting stronger fluorescence were confirmed as plastid nucleoids and those emitting dimmer fluorescence were mitochondrial nucleoids. Before the first mitosis, both plastid and mitochondrial nucleoids distributed randomly in the cytoplasm of the microspore. A small lenticular generative cell formed with attachment to the interior of the intine after the mitosis. Small vacuoles were found in the lenticular cell. In the cytoplasm of the lenticular cell, both plastid nucleoids and the small vacuoles were distributed randomly at the very beginning but began to migrate in opposite directions immediately. Plastid nucleoids aggregated to the side of the cell that faces the pollen center and the small vacuoles aggregated to the side of the cell that attaches to the inline. As the result, the lenticular generative cell appeared highly polarized in cytoplasm location soon after the first mitosis. In accordance with the definition of the cytoplasm polarization, the primary wall between the generative and the vegetative cells began to flex and the lenticular generative cell started to protrude towards the pollen center. When the generative cell peeled away from the inline, it was spherical in shape with the pole that aggregated plastids towards the vegetative nucleus. But the cell direction appeared to be transformed immediately. The pole that aggregated small vacuoles turned to the position towards the vegetative nucleus and the pole that aggregated plastid nucleoids turned to the position countering to the vegetative nucleus. A cellular protuberance formed at the edge of the pole that aggregated small vacuoles and elongated into a tapered end that got into contact with the vegetative nucleus. The polarization of the cytoplasm kept constant throughout the second mitosis. The small vacuoles that apportioned to the sperm cell which attached the vegetative nucleus (the leading sperm cell) disappeared during sperm cell maturation. Plastid nucleoids were apportioned to the other sperm cell (the trailing sperm cell) completely. Mitochondrial nucleoids became undetectable after the second mitosis.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of Brassica campestris L. var. acephala DC and B. oleracea L. were serially sectioned and examined using transmission electron microscopy to determine the three-dimensional organization of sperm cells within the microgametophyte and the quantity of membrane-bound organelles occurring within each cell. Sperm cells occur in pairs within each pollen grain, but are dimorphic, differing in size, morphology and mitochondrial content. The larger of the two sperm cells (Svn) is distinguished by the presence of a blunt evagination, which in B. oleracea wraps around and lies within shallow furrows on the vegetative nucleus and in B. campestris can penetrate through internal enclaves of the vegetative nucleus. This sperm cell contains more mitochondria in both species than the second sperm cell (Sua). This latter cell is linked to the first by a common cell junction with the S vn, but is not associated with the vegetative nucleus and lacks a cellular evagination. Such differences are indicative of a system of cytoplasmic heterospermy in which sperm cells possess significantly different quantities of mitochondria.Abbreviations mtDNA mitochondrial DNA - Sua sperm cell unassociated with the vegetative nucleus - Svn Sperm cell physically associated with the vegetative nucleus  相似文献   

Summary Somatic embryogenesis was induced from suspension cultures (derived from leaf callus) of an important medicinal plant, Plumbago rosea L. While acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) alone induced embryogenesis, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) failed to elicit a similar response. This is the first time that ASA-induced somatic embryogenesis has been reported in cultured cells. Optimal embryogenic response per culture was observed in Murashige and Skoog’s medium containing a combination of ASA (8.32 μM) and IAA (5.06 μM). but 1-naphthaleneacetic acid and indole-3-butyric acid individually did not induce somatic embryogenesis. Increase in the concentration of ammonium enhanced the number of embryos formed per culture. Accumulation of plumbagin, an important naphthoquinone and a medicinal compound, was three times higher in embryogenic compared to non-embryogenic suspensions.  相似文献   

利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因结合鼠Talin基因表达技术及水稻(Oryza sativa L.)转基因技术,筛选出表达稳定和具等位基因型的第三代转基因水稻。在其活体花粉的4个发育阶段(Ⅰ.小孢子晚期;Ⅱ.二细胞早期;Ⅲ.二细胞晚期;Ⅳ.三细胞阶段),观察了细胞内微丝骨架的分布和结构形态的变化。发现在这4个花粉发育阶段,花粉内的营养核、生殖核、生殖细胞和精细胞都在不同的发育阶段出现位移。而这些位移与微丝骨架的结构变化和运动有密切关系。在胞质中央的微丝网络以及细胞周质的网络不断变化和互动,导致营养核、生殖核或生殖细胞和精细胞的定向位移。在活体生殖细胞和精细胞内,存有一股与细胞纵轴平行排列的微丝骨架。这些微丝骨架对生殖细胞及精细胞可以提供移动的动力,这对生殖细胞或精细胞在花管内以及胚囊内的运动(包括独自游动)提供了依据。  相似文献   

Cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions are important physiological determinants of cell growth, survival and transformation. Cell adhesion to the extra cellular matrix (ECM) via integrins also crucially influences the organization of the cytoskeleton. It triggers a cascade of intracellular biochemical events, which regulate cell viability and growth. We have studied the relationship between cell attachment to the substratum and cytoskeletal organization and cell survival and transformation. Our results demonstrate that in the absence of attachment to the substratum, adhesion-dependent fibroblasts exhibit rapid loss of viability. However, a small percentage of cells survive even after remaining non-adherent for 16h. The adherent and non-adherent cells differ from one another both morphologically and physiologically. The latter show a loss of alpha5beta1 integrin expression on their surface and bind non-specifically to the substratum and ECM, thereby activating certain pathways more efficiently than adherent cells. We have also shown that non-adherent cells grow faster and have worse cytoskeletal organization after attachment to the substratum, and do not form focal adhesions or actin stress fibres. Hence, our data suggests that rat fibroblasts in prolonged suspension exhibit some properties that are comparable to cells undergoing transformation, by adapting integrin-dependent or independent signalling pathways for their survival.  相似文献   

Approximately 15%-20% of clinically recognizable pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. About half of the spontaneous abortions in the early stage of the pregnancy are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Using GTG chromosome banding and dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques, we determined the cytogenetic aberration in the husband of a couple with spontaneous recurrent abortions. Karyotype analysis showed 46, XX in the wife and 45, XY, −14, −21, +t(14; 21) in the husband. We studied the mechanism of formation of the abnormal chromosome with Robertsonian translocation between chromosomes 14 and 21 by FISH and flow cytometric sorting in the sperm cells. The result showed that 71% of the gametes were balanced and the remaining 29% were not. As a result, the couple was given genetic counseling.  相似文献   

15%-20%的妊娠因为自发流产而中止,其中约50%是因为染色体异常所致.夫妇中的一方为平衡的染色体异常携带者时,即可能产生不平衡的配子和胚胎,临床症状可以有不同程度的变化:如不育、反复流产、甚至产出染色体综合症的患儿.以临床接诊的一对具有反复自然流产史夫妇为研究对象,常规进行精液、激素水平检测.取患者外周血淋巴细胞用RPMI 1640培养基进行短期培养,经低渗、固定处理制备染色体标本片,对染色体数目和结构进行核型分析.选用特异的21qter和14qter DNA标记作为探针,对患者外周血淋巴细胞中期染色体进行FISH分析.运用FISH技术对患者精子细胞进行研究,配合流式细胞分析技术对精细胞DNA组份进行检测,分析配子中遗传物质的组成及各种类型配子的比例.结果发现女方核型正常为46,XX,男方核型为罗伯逊易位的携带者45,XY-14,-21,+t(14;21).患者外周血体细胞的分裂相染色体FISH显示一个细胞中分别存在1个红色的21qter和1个绿色的14qter杂交信号,另外有1个红色和1个绿色信号共同存在于一条由易位形成的亚中着丝粒染色体上.在患者精液样本的精细胞FISH研究中,可以观察到5种不同类型的杂交信号,异常的配子的种类与理论推断相同,但各型所占的比例有其特点,结合精液中精细胞流式细胞术的分析表明,平衡的单倍体配子占71%,不平衡的配子占29%.通过国内外文献资料统计,对罗伯逊易位染色体的常见和罕见类型进行综述,为其生育的临床治疗方案提供建议.  相似文献   


The morphology, cytology and viability of Hermodactylus tuberosus L. (Iridaceae) pollen were examined from the first mitosis until maturation and after anther opening. During maturation, the pollen coat becomes modified, and the vegetative cell cytoplasm accumulates several types of reserve substances. In the vegetative cell cytoplasm, starch is quickly utilised whereas lipid inclusions of different dimensions, shape and composition occur during pollen maturation. Pollen from opened anthers have a thin pollen coat; the cytoplasm has mostly lipid reserves, and many small vesicles and vacuoles. It is similar in size or larger than pollen located inside the anther, and its viability does not decrease until one day after anther dehiscence. Large osmiophilic bodies, different from those of the vegetative cell cytoplasm, are present in the generative cell cytoplasm starting from the first stage of pollen development. The poorly developed pollen coat in pollen from opened anthers suggests that it plays a minor role in attracting insects for pollination. The size and structural and ultrastructural features of mature pollen indicate that it does not undergo dehydration and possesses sufficient vigour for immediate germination.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells are a type of nurse cell in the seminiferous epithelium that are crucial for sustaining spermatogenesis by extending nutritional and energy support to the developing germ cells. Dysfunction of Sertoli cells could cause disordered spermatogenesis and reduced fertility in males. In this study, we focused on the expression and function of palmitoyl protein thioesterase 1 (PPT1), a lysosomal depalmitoylating enzyme, in Sertoli cells. Here, we show that PPT1 expression in Sertoli cells is responsive to cholesterol treatment and that specific knockout of Ppt1 in Sertoli cells causes male subfertility associated with poor sperm quality and a high ratio of sperm deformity. Specifically, Ppt1 deficiency leads to poor cell variably accompanied with abnormal lysosome accumulation and increased cholesterol levels in Sertoli cells. Further, Ppt1 deficiency results in poor adhesion of developing germ cells to Sertoli cells in the seminiferous epithelium, which is likely to be responsible for the reduced male fertility as a consequence of declines in sperm count and motility as well as a high incidence of sperm head deformity. In summary, PPT1 affects sperm quality and male fertility through regulating lysosomal function and cholesterol metabolism in Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The generative cell at anthesis in the mature pollen grain of Erythrina crista-galli (Fabaceae) was examined by 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI)-fluorescence microscopy using the squash method. An unequal, polarized distribution of DNA-containing organelles (plastids and/or mitochondria) within the generative cell was observed in every mature pollen grain examined. Polarization of DNA-containing organelles is obvious when generative cells are freed and assume a spherical shape soon after microspore mitosis, as revealed by fluorescence-microscopic observations of specimens embedded in Technovit 7100 resin and thin-sectioned at different developmental stages. Early establishment of polarized localization of organelles in young generative cells of E. crista-galli and maintenance of this unequal distribution until pollen maturation strongly suggests that the organelles may still be clustered at pollen mitosis. Production of a dimorphic pair of sperm cells, as has been reported in Plumbago zeylanica, was observed in some pollen tubes germinated in vitro. The differentiation of the two sperm cells is discussed in relation to possible preferential double fertilization in angiosperms. Received: 28 July 1999 / Revision accepted: 8 November 1999  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of anthocyanin (ACN), phenolic acid (PA) fractions, and their combination (ACNs:PAs) from wild blueberry powder (Vaccinum angustifolium) on the speed of endothelial cell migration, gene expression, and protein levels of RAC1 and RHOA associated with acute exposure to different concentrations of ACNs and PAs. Time-lapse videos were analyzed and endothelial cell speed was calculated. Treatment with ACNs at 60 μg/mL inhibited endothelial cell migration rate ( P ≤ 0.05) while treatment with PAs at 0.002 μg/mL ( P ≤ 0.0001), 60 μg/mL ( P ≤ 0.0001), and 120 μg/mL ( P ≤ 0.01) significantly increased endothelial cell migration rate compared with control. Moreover, exposure of HUVECs to ACNs:PAs at 8:8 μg/mL ( P ≤ 0.05) and 60:60 μg/mL increased ( P ≤ 0.001) endothelial cell migration. Gene expression of RAC1 and RHOA significantly increased 2 hours after exposure with all treatments. No effect of the above fractions was observed on the protein levels of RAC1 and RHOA. Findings suggest that endothelial cell migration is differentially modulated based on the type of blueberry extract (ACN or PA fraction) and is concentration-dependent. Future studies should determine the mechanism of the differential action of the above fractions on endothelial cell migration.  相似文献   

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