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珠江水系鱼类群落多样性空间分布格局   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
珠江是我国南方第一大河,是我国重要淡水渔业生产基地和水生生物资源基因库。珠江鱼类在维持生物多样性、提供鱼类种质资源方面举足轻重。但是到目前为止,关于其鱼类空间分布格局的研究甚少。特别是近几十年来各种水工建设和过度捕捞使得渔业资源急剧衰退,鱼类空间分布的研究显得尤为重要。2015年对珠江全流域13个站位进行了全面调查,共采集渔获物10119尾,隶属于94种72属17科。鲤科鱼类占显著优势,其次种类较多的依次为鲿科、鳅科。采用非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)方法对鱼类群落空间分布特征进行了分析,结果表明珠江鱼类被划分为3个类群,即以餐、南方拟餐、黄颡鱼等小型鱼类为主的中上游类群、以赤眼鳟、鲮鱼、广东鲂等中型鱼类为主的中下游类群和以罗非鱼为主的重要支流类群。同时发现中下游物种多样性高,上游及河口江段多样性低的格局。采用冗余分析方法(RDA)分析了鱼类多样性与环境因子的关系,发现年均气温、降雨量、年均径流量、河流宽度与透明度是珠江水系河流鱼类群落结构差异的主要影响因子,其中年均气温是影响鱼类群落分布的最关键因子之一。与历史资料对比后发现,珠江鱼类种类明显减少、空间分布也发生了巨大改变。研究是珠江水系野生渔业资源长期调查的一部分,研究结果将对渔业资源的多样性保护和可持续利用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

研究对珠江水系广西江段15个站位的鱼类群落展开了调查, 共采集渔获物67985尾, 隶属于23科134种, 鲤形目种类(92种)最多, 占总数69%。采集到外来生物11种, 其中, 罗非鱼几乎遍布整个广西水域, 说明广西江段外来水生生物入侵严重。各江段以小型鱼类居多, 鱼类小型化严重。空间分布呈现一级河流物种多样性指数高, 均匀度高; 二级河流多样性指数低, 均匀度低的趋势。特别是经过十级水电开发后的红水河江段, 渔业资源量最低, 鱼类群落结构与其他江段具有显著的差异(P<0.05)。研究结果是珠江水系自然渔业资源长期调查的一部分, 将对广西渔业资源多样性的保护管理和可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts from urbanization, deforestation, and agriculture have degraded the riparian margins of waterways worldwide. In New Zealand, such impacts have caused changes in native vegetation, enhanced invasion by exotic grasses, and altered river bank morphology. One consequence has been a great reduction in obligate spawning habitat of a diadromous fish, Galaxias maculatus. Juvenile G. maculatus comprise a culturally important fishery that has been considerably reduced over recent decades. Rehabilitation of riparian vegetation needed for spawning is relatively straightforward, but slow. We hypothesized that artificial spawning habitats could accelerate restoration of fish egg production by creating an environment that would support at least the same density and survival of eggs as non‐impacted vegetation. We tested three artificial devices (straw bales, straw tubes, and moss tubes) in degraded and intact sites. Eggs were laid in all of these with numbers and survival usually exceeding that in riparian grasses. Where habitat was degraded, artificial spawning habitats yielded up to 10,000 eggs compared to none in nearby natural spawning habitat. The ground‐level environment of artificial habitat was similar to that of intact vegetation in buffering ambient temperature and humidity fluctuations. Crucial properties of the artificial habitats were (1) shelter to provide shade and hold moisture; (2) accessibility to allow adult fish to deposit and fertilize eggs; and (3) robustness to provide reliable surfaces and protection for the eggs during their development. We show that artificial spawning habitats are a viable short‐term alternative to rehabilitating spawning habitat while legacy effects abate and riparian vegetation recovers.  相似文献   

We studied day‐night patterns in fish diversity in natural, gravel‐sand stretches and boulder covered rip‐rap habitats in the littoral zone of the River Danube. Sample‐based rarefaction indicated marked differences in species richness between day and night, and smaller differences between habitats for both day and night. Whereas, individual‐based rarefaction indicated no such substantial differences in species richness. However, distinct fish assemblages were found based on relative abundance data, and species of great conservation concern tended to link to natural habitats. The diversity of biological traits/attributes were generally higher in rip‐rap habitats. The differences in fish assemblage characteristics between habitats revealed the importance of gravel‐sand habitats in maintaining natural assemblages and that rip‐rap sections increase compositional beta diversity at the mesohabitat scale. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Estuaries are globally important to fisheries but face many anthropogenic stressors that reduce water quality and degrade benthic habitat. The Maumee River estuary has been degraded by industrial contaminants, high sediment and nutrient loads, channelization and elimination of surrounding wetlands, lessening its value as spawning habitat for fishes of Lake Erie. Regulation and better management practices (BMPs) in the watershed have improved the water quality in this estuary, which should result in a response of the biotic community. We compared recent (2010/2011) larval fish assemblage data to similar data from the 1970s (1976/1977) in order to identify changes due to improved water and habitat quality. Family‐level diversity was greater in recent study years compared to the 1970s and family richness increased from 6 to 10. In addition, the abundance of lithophilic spawning fishes was significantly greater in the recent study years. Increased diversity and family richness were consistent with increased water quality in the Maumee River whereas the observed increase in abundance of lithophilic spawners was consistent with an increase in the amount or quality of benthic habitat used by species in these families for spawning. Better wastewater management and agricultural practices in coastal watersheds can benefit the early life stages of fishes, thus benefitting coastal fisheries. Furthermore, larval fish assemblages may be useful indicators of biological integrity because of their sensitivities to environmental change. Routine sampling of estuarine larval fish assemblages could provide practitioners with insight into ecosystem changes and measure the response of the biotic community to restoration.  相似文献   

为了解阿勒泰地区额尔齐斯河和乌伦古河流域的鱼类多样性现状和历史演变, 本研究于2013-2016年间在该流域的鱼类多样性进行了连续调查, 并结合历史资料和标本, 以Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数分析评估了流域内鱼类的多样性水平和时空变化。该流域历史上分布有土著鱼类23种, 当前记录到19种, 流域内还有外来鱼类15种。阿勒泰鱼类的区系组成以鲤科种类为主, 其中特有和珍稀濒危物种占比高, 具有重要的保护价值。多样性指数计算结果显示, 2013-2016年鱼类多样性情况整体稳定, 额尔齐斯河鱼类物种数多于乌伦古河。研究还基于鱼类生物完整性指数(Fish Index of Biological Integrity, F-IBI)对34个采集点的河流健康状况进行了评价, 结果显示额尔齐斯河流域大多数调查点的健康状况处于“亚健康”或“一般”水平, 乌伦古河流域多数调查点的健康状况处于“健康”水平。水利工程、外来物种、过度捕捞是影响阿勒泰地区鱼类多样性的重要因素。未来应通过水利工程的联合调度、下泄合理生态流量、布设鱼类通道、规范养殖渔业、严控外来物种、本地土著鱼类的人工增殖放流, 以及合理的就地保护措施对阿勒泰地区的鱼类多样性加以保护, 提升水体健康程度。  相似文献   

作为干流高坝水电开发导致鱼类生境丧失的一种补偿措施,支流替代生境近年来被广泛应用于受工程影响河段的土著鱼类保护,但替代支流发挥怎样的保护效果及干流对其的影响仍不清楚。以实施了澜沧江梯级生境替代的支流基独河与罗梭江为研究对象,并选择了邻近的对照支流,通过对鱼类调查数据的分析对比,揭示了各支流鱼类种类组成与群落结构的差异特征,初步阐明了梯级开发下鱼类支流生境替代效果以及干流工程建设对其的影响。结果表明:澜沧江支流替代生境对干流鱼类具有明显的保护作用,支流生境修复后鱼类物种丰富度明显提高,罗梭江土著鱼类、特有鱼类物种数分别增加了12种、7种,基独河则是7种、2种,替代生境能为澜沧江土著鱼类、部分濒危特有鱼类和洄游鱼类提供完成生活史的关键栖息地。干流对支流生境替代保护有着重要影响,罗梭江、基独河与邻近干流鱼类群落的Bray-Curtis相似性分别为21.76%、10.73%,支流河口段保持“河相”是支流生境替代保护效果可持续的关键。综合考虑生境替代保护的效益与投入,建议今后开展此类保护措施时优先选择库尾河相区的支流。  相似文献   

The Gambia River of West Africa is a large unobstructed river, characterized by a natural flow regime and lateral connectivity across its floodplain. Construction of a major dam, however, is planned. We compared patterns of fish diversity, habitat use, assemblage structure, and the distribution of trophic position and body morphology in riverine and floodplain habitats in Niokolo Koba National Park, located downstream of the planned dam site. A total of 49 fish species were captured, revealing a lognormal distribution as expected for species‐rich assemblages. Fish species exhibited a range of habitat use patterns, from generalist to highly habitat‐specific, and appeared to migrate laterally among habitats between seasons. Species richness was homogenous among habitats in the wet season yet appeared to increase with isolation from the main river in the dry season. Fish assemblage structure was best explained by the interaction between habitat type and season, underlining the importance of the natural flow regime and lateral connectivity among floodplain habitats. The abundance of fishes having elongate bodies increased with isolation from the main channel in the wet season only. The distribution of fishes having compressed cross‐sectional morphology decreased with isolation from the main channel in the dry season only. These patterns of trait distribution support the conclusion that variation in hydrologic connectivity structures the fish assemblage. Our results suggest that altered flow regimes and loss of floodplain habitats after damming could lead to both decreased taxonomic and functional diversity of the fish assemblage.  相似文献   

汉江中下游水文特点与渔业资源状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对汉江中下游水文特点和渔业资源状况的研究,分析了该区域水文与饵料生物、渔业资源的关系。结果表明:汉江中下游中段的水文变化趋势适宜于产漂流性卵鱼类的繁殖;由于水文状况,汉江中下游的鱼类生长与繁殖季节晚于长江干流;4—6月的水文状况适宜下游江段饵料生物的生长;汉江中下游的饵料生物丰富,为鱼类的生长与繁殖提供了良好条件;汉江下游主要经济鱼类年龄组成简单,种群中以小型鱼类为主。  相似文献   

为摸清乌江下游干流现有的鱼类种类组成和物种多样性状况, 探索水电开发对鱼类群落多样性的影响, 本研究于银盘电站蓄水前的2006-2008年和蓄水后的2011-2013年, 采用渔获物调查方法对乌江下游沿河至白马干流江段鱼类进行了调查。两次调查共采集鱼类105种, 其中2006-2008年采集到100种, 2011-2013年采集到62种; 两次调查相比, 广适性鱼类减少10.38%, 湖沼定居型鱼类减少0.98%, 喜流水性鱼类减少9.62%。两个时期的鱼类群落多样性分析显示: 各个调查江段Margalef丰富度指数(R)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)在2011-2013年均低于2006-2008年。渔获物分析结果表明: 大鳍鳠(Mystus macropterus)、中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)、瓣结鱼(Tor (Folifer) brevifilis)等鱼类在渔获物中的重量比例从2006-2008年间的大于5%, 下降到2011-2013年间的不足2%, 而(Hemiculter leucisculus)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)等在2011-2013年渔获物中的重量比例有所上升, 成为调查区域的主要渔获对象。丰度生物量比较表明: 2006-2008年鱼类群落结构受到中等程度的干扰, 而2011-2013年受到严重程度的干扰。为保护乌江下游的鱼类生物多样性, 需采取现有栖息地修复、控制过度捕捞等多种资源保护方式。  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis), a kind of maricolous anadromous migratory fish species, is endangered and protected in China. Historical spawning habitats were distributed in the lower reaches of Jinsha River and the upper reaches of Yangtze River. Since the establishment of the Gezhouba water conservancy pivot in 1981, the migratory route of Chinese sturgeon spawning was blocked. Therefore, the fish was forced to propagate in a new spawning ground which was mainly distributed in the 4-km-long mainstream from Gezhouba Dam to Miaozui in the middle Yangtze River. After water storage and power generation of the Three Gorges reservoir (TGR) in 2003, the propagation of Chinese sturgeon has been impacted gradually. According to field surveys, the fish used to spawn twice a year before TGR impoundment, but only once happened after that. Besides, the spawning scale is also declining with each passing year.In order to simulate and evaluate the effect of TGR impoundment on spawning habitats of Chinese sturgeon, with consideration of their reproductive characteristics, an eco-hydrodynamic model was established by coupling a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model and a fuzzy fish habitat module based on fuzzy logic inference. Flow fields at the studied site in an impoundment scenario and an assumed no impoundment scenario were simulated with the 2D hydrodynamic model. Afterwards, by linking hydrodynamic conditions to the expert knowledge base, the fuzzy habitat model used fuzzy logic inference to compute habitat suitability of the Chinese sturgeon. In addition, the approach was used to propose a suitable instream flow range during the propagation period for Chinese sturgeon. The results indicated that the suitable instream flow needed for Chinese sturgeon spawning in middle Yangtze River should be between 10,000 m3/s and 17,000 m3/s and it also showed that after TGR was put into pilot impoundment operation at the designed water level of 175 m, the habitat suitability has decreased significantly in October. Besides, the water temperature of spawning habitat increased to a higher level in propagation period due to the impoundment of the TGR. All these alterations have had imposed tremendous impacts on the propagation of Chinese sturgeon. Therefore, adjusting impoundment schedule of the TGR to recover the water flow over spawning habitat in October is a crucial way to improve the habitat suitability. Furthermore, the presented method also provides a theoretical basis for further research on the assessment of habitat suitability of aquatic species at a micro-habitat scale.  相似文献   

珠江东塔产卵场鳙繁殖的生态水文需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帅方敏  李新辉  李跃飞  杨计平  李捷 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6071-6078
鳙(Aristichthys nobilis(Richardson)),我国著名的四大家鱼之一,是一种重要的大型淡水经济鱼类。然而近年来由于各种原因,我国鳙种群数量急剧下降。依据2006—2013年珠江中下游长时间序列仔鱼数据和日平均流量数据,分析了研究水域鳙的繁殖生态,包括仔鱼出现的时间分布特征和早期资源周年变化规律,同时采用交互小波光谱分析方法 (cross wavelet analysis),分析了径流量与鳙仔鱼多度的关系。发现珠江水系鳙早期资源发生主要在5至8月,2006—2011年早期补充资源量逐渐减少,2012—2013年间呈明显著增加;鳙早期资源年度出现的时间呈缩减趋势,其中最大繁殖量出现的时间逐年提前。交互小波光谱分析结果表明:径流量的改变与鳙仔鱼的多度显著正相关,当径流量大于5×103m3/s,且持续2d以上,是珠江水系鳙大量繁殖的基础,将对受梯级水坝控制的鳙产卵场的繁殖生态水文保障具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) experienced severe declines due to habitat destruction and overfishing beginning in the late 19th century. Subsequent to the boom and bust period of exploitation, there has been minimal fishing pressure and improving habitats. However, lack of recovery led to the 2012 listing of Atlantic sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act. Although habitats may be improving, the availability of high quality spawning habitat, essential for the survival and development of eggs and larvae may still be a limiting factor in the recovery of Atlantic sturgeon. To estimate adult Atlantic sturgeon spatial distributions during riverine occupancy in the Delaware River, we utilized a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach along with passive biotelemetry during the likely spawning season. We found that substrate composition and distance from the salt front significantly influenced the locations of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River. To broaden the scope of this study we projected our model onto four scenarios depicting varying locations of the salt front in the Delaware River: the contemporary location of the salt front during the likely spawning season, the location of the salt front during the historic fishery in the late 19th century, an estimated shift in the salt front by the year 2100 due to climate change, and an extreme drought scenario, similar to that which occurred in the 1960’s. The movement of the salt front upstream as a result of dredging and climate change likely eliminated historic spawning habitats and currently threatens areas where Atlantic sturgeon spawning may be taking place. Identifying where suitable spawning substrate and water chemistry intersect with the likely occurrence of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River highlights essential spawning habitats, enhancing recovery prospects for this imperiled species.  相似文献   

Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a protected anadromous fish species. The migration pattern of the fish has been blocked by the construction of Gezhouba Dam, reducing the natural spawning site length to less than 7 km along the Yangtze River. However, the fish has since established an alternative spawning ground in the narrow reach downstream of Gezhouba Dam. To enhance navigation, a Separation Levee Project (SLP) was implemented in the new-found spawning habitat of the fish. To therefore evaluate the effect of the SLP on Chinese sturgeon spawning habitat suitability, the conditions in the spawning habitat were simulated using River2D (a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model). Two main approaches (habitat kinetic energy and circulation metrics) were used in the simulation. The study showed that SLP only slightly changed the physical conditions in the spawning habitat. Using hydrodynamic simulation, the weighted usable area (WUA) before and after the SLP construction was also computed and habitat preference curve developed for water depth and velocity. On the average, SLP reduced WUA—a finding that was consistent with field-measured data. Based on WUA, the habitat conditions were more sensitive to SLP proximity than metrics based on velocity gradients. SLP posed detrimental impacts on the suitability of spawning habitats of Chinese sturgeon. The findings in this study provide further basis for the protection and restoration of Chinese sturgeon spawning habitats in especially the lower reach of Yangtze River.  相似文献   

南广河是长江上游一级支流, 为全面了解该河流的鱼类多样性, 作者于2017年11月至2018年9月在南广河干流及支流28个采样点进行了6次调查, 共采集鱼类64种, 隶属于5目13科48属, 其中四川省重点保护鱼类有鲈鲤(Percocypris pingi)和岩原鲤(Procypris rabaudi) 2种, 长江上游特有鱼类17种, 列入《中国脊椎动物红色名录》的濒危和易危的鱼类有9种。南广河现有分布鱼类以小型种类为主, 宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)为优势种。南广河鱼类多样性总体较高, Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数及Pielou均匀度指数分别为6.57、3.10、0.93、0.74; 中游河段的鱼类种类和数量较丰富, 分别占渔获物总种类和总数量的65.63%和28.98%; 支流镇舟河的鱼类种类和数量也较丰富, 分别占37.50%和20.48%。南广河不同河段的鱼类种类组成具有明显差异, 大坝建设和过度捕捞可能影响了鱼类分布并导致其资源量下降。  相似文献   

长江中华鲟繁殖群体资源现状的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
根据1994—1998年获得的246尾标本,对中华鲟繁殖群体的性比、性腺发育成熟个体比例、年龄结构、体长和体重特征等进行了研究。并结合历史资料,对其种群资源现状进行评价,提出了相应的资源保护措施建议。  相似文献   

Eels have fascinated biologists for centuries due to their amazing long-distance migrations between freshwater habitats and very distant ocean spawning areas. The migratory life histories of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, in the waters of south China are not very clear despite its ecological importance, and the need for fishery regulation and management. In this study, strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) microchemical profiles of the otoliths of silver eels were measured by X-ray electron probe microanalysis based on data collected from different habitats (including freshwater and brackish habitats), in the large subtropical Pearl River. The corresponding habitat preference characteristics were further analysed using redundancy analysis (RDA). A total of 195 Japanese eels were collected over 6 years. The collected individuals ranged from 180 to 771 mm in total length and from 8 to 612 g in body weight. Two-dimensional pictures of the Sr:Ca concentrations in otoliths revealed that the A. japonica in the Pearl River are almost entirely river eels, spending the majority of their lives in fresh water without exposure to salt water, while the catadromous migration time has delayed about 1 month in the Pearl River estuary in the past 20 years. RDA analysis further indicated that juveniles and adults preferred water with high salinity and high tide levels. Youth preferred habitats with high river fractals. Our findings contribute to a growing body of evidence showing that the eels are extremely scarce currently and conservation measures against them are imminent, including the protection of brackish and freshwater areas where they live in south China.  相似文献   

Dams can impede access to habitats that are required for the completion of life history phases of many migratory fish species, including anadromous sturgeons. Various forms of fish passage have been developed to permit migratory fishes to move above dams, but many dams still lack such structures. Translocation of ripe, mature fish above dams has been used as a first step to determine the efficacy of potential fish passage systems. The anadromous Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, inhabits the Gulf of Mexico and coastal rivers from Florida to Louisiana, and requires upriver spawning habitats to complete its life cycle. Historic overfishing and other anthropogenic threats, including dam construction, led to species declines and subsequent listing as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. In the Apalachicola River, FL, the 1957 completion of Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam (JWLD) created Lake Seminole and blocked Gulf Sturgeon from accessing 78% of historic riverine habitat—including potential spawning habitat—in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin. The objective of this pilot study was to determine the efficacy of passage around JWLD through the trap-and-transport of 10 male Gulf sturgeon from the Apalachicola River to the reservoir above the dam. Through the use of acoustic telemetry, we were able to assess the ability of these fish to navigate Lake Seminole, access potentially suitable spawning habitat in the Flint and River, and complete their seasonal outmigration to the Gulf of Mexico. In this study, 2 translocated sturgeon moved 69 km upstream into potential spawning habitat in the Flint River, but 6 fish fell back through the lock/spill gates at JWLD within days of translocation. Four sturgeon appeared to remain trapped in the reservoir, and their long-term survival was deemed unlikely. Given our low sample size, and examination of male fish only, we cannot conclude that a trap-and-transport program would ultimately fail to restore spawning above JWLD, but our findings suggest that the risk of adult mortality is nontrivial. Alternatively, we suggest future studies examine the population level trade-offs associated with translocation of adults or consider alternatives such as a head-start program to rear and release juvenile sturgeon above JWLD to study viability of their passage in addition to effects on overall recruitment in the population.  相似文献   

我国伊犁河鱼类群落结构及外来鱼类适生性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012-2019年,在我国伊犁河流域的6个断面开展了鱼类群落结构调查,结果显示我国伊犁河流域现有鱼类共计29种,大多属于鲤形目。鱼类群落组成与20世纪末期相比发生了变化,银色裂腹鱼、短头鲃、银鲫、鲢、北方泥鳅在本研究中未出现,尤其是银色裂腹鱼,截至目前为止的鱼类资源调查中,均无捕获记录。历史研究中未见的乌鳢与大口鲇在本研究中有捕获。外来鱼类的出现率和数量均有所增加。对鱼类群落结构特征进行分析,显示伊犁河流域鱼类群落多样性较低,下游干流和上游支流的鱼类群落结构差异较大。现阶段,我国伊犁河流域主要的优势种外来鱼类有鲤、和鲫。利用最大熵生态位模型(MaxEnt)对鲤、和鲫的适生区域进行预测,与鱼类资源调查获得的鱼类实际分布区对比,显示鲤和在我国伊犁河流域的分布范围与预测结果是吻合的,而鲫在进入伊犁河流域之后开始向上游支流河段扩散。由于这几种外来鱼类在一开始引入的时候未采取管控措施,又具有极强的适应能力,且伊犁河流域的鱼类多样性较小,因此极易形成规模并扩散。外来鱼类的入侵,会对土著鱼类造成巨大的威胁。基于本论文研究结论,应当将已发生生态位漂变的鲫其作为重点关注种类,关注外来鱼类的生活史对策,深入研究外来鱼类的入侵机制和诱因;对上游支流河段的生境进行监测,关注气候和水文变化,尤其是土著鱼类产卵场、索饵场和越冬场的变化,尽可能减小人类活动干扰;对伊犁河流域的鱼类资源进行长期监测,关注鱼类群落结构变化,一旦发现异常及时采取措施;增加对土著鱼类的增殖放流;严格控制进出口贸易和增殖放流时夹带的外来鱼类。维护我国伊犁河流域的生态安全。  相似文献   

马鞍列岛多种生境中鱼类群聚的昼夜变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
汪振华  王凯  章守宇 《生态学报》2011,31(22):6912-6925
为了解岛礁水域鱼类群聚的昼夜变化特征,以便更全面地设计采样方法和掌握采样的时间尺度,于2009年9月对马鞍列岛7种生境进行了共计24网次的刺网昼夜采样,结合排序和聚类方法,从种类组成、相对生物量和丰度、种类丰富度、多样性和相似性等方面对研究海域鱼类群聚特征的昼夜变化作了探讨.在采获的55种鱼类中,昼夜出现的分别为41和46种,数量差别不大,但其昼夜组成却随栖息水层的变化而不同,底层鱼类更趋向于夜间在硬相生境集群活动;近底层鱼类的昼夜集群随生境变化而变化,在同一生境中既有偏向白天也有趋向夜间的;中上层鱼类更多地出现在白天的人工生境(AH).AH白天的丰度渔获率显著大于晚上,而天然生境(NH)昼夜差别不大;生物量渔获率无论NH还是AH皆无显著昼夜差异.具体到种类,仅有小黄鱼Larimichthys polyactis和赤鼻棱鳗Thryssa kammalensis等少数种类的数量在AH有显著的昼夜差别,其他多数种类虽然昼夜的出现率大多有别,但渔获率昼夜差异皆不明显.多样性差异更多的表现在不同生境之间,而同一生境的昼夜差异往往不甚显著.各个生境中鱼类的昼夜种类交替现象非常明显,形成了以褐菖(鲐)Sebastiscus marmoratus和鳗鲇Plotosus anguillaris为代表的夜间优势类群为主的硬相生境群聚格局、以丝背细鳞鲀Stephanolepis cirrhifer和细刺鱼Microcanthus strigatus为代表的白天优势类群为主的硬相生境群聚格局以及缺乏底层优势类群、以石首鱼科鱼类为代表的近底层鱼类为绝对优势类群的软相生境群聚格局.因此,采用被动性渔具在近岸典型生境进行鱼类等相关生物调查时,应使采样时间覆盖昼夜两个时段,且至少保证24h.  相似文献   

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