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黄红慧  李景照 《广西植物》2018,38(2):210-219
该研究对地质时期樟科植物花化石的主要类群,即Androglandula、Lauranthus、Mauldinia、Neusenia、Perseanthus和Potomacanthus属分别从属和种的形态特征、分布、地层以及系统意义进行了论述,并结合现代樟科植物从地层和分布、花序类型、花部形态特征和显微构造特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)樟科植物在中晚白垩纪期,已经起源于劳亚古陆的中纬度区域。(2)樟科植物的花序类型为Mauldinia属的侧生花序类型和假伞形花序类型。(3)花为3基数的两性花,花被片6枚排列为2轮,雄蕊12或6,排列为4、3或2轮,最内轮雄蕊不育,第三轮雄蕊基部常见一对附属腺体,雄蕊药室瓣裂,4或2药室,雌蕊为单心皮。(4)花被片上常有大量的油细胞、并列型气孔器和单细胞毛。该研究结果中樟科花化石的发现,为樟科植物的系统演化提供了古生物学的证据和资料。  相似文献   

印度、尼泊尔晚中新世-上新世SIWALIK-CHURIA群轮藻化石组合与中国塔里木盆地及哈萨克斯坦东南部伊犁盆地轮藻组合极为接近。据此讨论了它们的古生物地理和古生态学特征。中新世-上新世轮藻植物繁盛的原因与当时季风活动引起的季节性洪水泛滥,在广大河漫滩地上形成有利于轮藻植物生长发育的局部湖泊环境有关。  相似文献   

The anterior cervical vertebrae form the skeletal connection between the cranial and postcranial skeletons in higher tetrapods. As a result, the morphology of the atlas‐axis complex is likely to be shaped by selection pressures acting on either the head or neck. The neoceratopsian (Reptilia:Dinosauria) syncervical represents one of the most highly modified atlas‐axis regions in vertebrates, being formed by the complete coalescence of the three most anterior cervical vertebrae. In ceratopsids, the syncervical has been hypothesized to be an adaptation to support a massive skull, or to act as a buttress during intraspecific head‐to‐head combat. Here, we test these functional/adaptive hypotheses within a phylogenetic framework and critically examine the previously proposed methods for quantifying relative head size in the fossil record for the first time. Results indicate that neither the evolution of cranial weaponry nor large head size correlates with the origin of cervical fusion in ceratopsians, and we, therefore, reject both adaptive hypotheses for the origin of the syncervical. Anterior cervical fusion has evolved independently in a number of amniote clades, and further research on extant groups with this peculiar anatomy is needed to understand the evolutionary basis for cervical fusion in Neoceratopsia.  相似文献   

由多种盐组成的复合渗透稳定剂用于分离蓝藻原生质球的效力与单一盐溶液相比较,其作用多数显示加强,但对原生质球稳定性的影响随盐类组合而异。若干种盐类,如酒石酸铵、硫酸铵和硫酸镁,对蓝藻细胞壁表现一定的降解作用,以酒石酸铵作用最强,可用于分离原生质球。此种原生质球透明度较差,但对低渗敏感  相似文献   

镜像花柱是指花柱在花水平面上向左(左花柱型)或向右(右花柱型)偏离花中轴线,是一种花柱多态现象,可根据左、右花柱花在植株上的排列式样划分为单型镜像花柱和二型镜像花柱两类,或根据镜像花柱和雄蕊的排列方式划分为雌雄互补镜像花柱和非雌雄互补镜像花柱两类。镜像花柱现象已在被子植物11个科的部分种类中进行了报道,它在保护功能型雄蕊和雌蕊、通过自交产生繁殖保障效应以及通过减小雌雄功能间干扰、提高异交率和雄性适合度等方面具有重要的进化意义,目前已成为植物繁殖生物学领域的研究热点。本文总结分析了国际上有关镜像花柱的研究工作,重点介绍:(1)镜像花柱的类型、镜像花的形态分化及花部特征,(2)镜像花柱植物在被子植物中的分布及其遗传演化,(3)镜像花的交配式样和交配频率、传粉特点及其进化生物学意义,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望,以期为进一步研究镜像花柱植物的进化生物学特性,推动我国在该领域的发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

主要抗蚜小麦品种(系)的抗性类型及其生化抗性机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对10个抗麦蚜品种(系)室内苗期生命参数、抗性类型和抗蚜次生物质的研究,明确了不同抗性级别的品种对麦蚜种群控制力及部分生化抗蚜机制。实验结果表明,参试的抗蚜品种(系)中30%左右为不选择性:表现为爬行频繁,定殖率低,但是定殖个体生长发育良好;70%为抗生性;表现为使麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae(F.)和禾谷缢管蚜只Rhopalosiphum padi(L.)的发育历期分别延长2.1%~28.2%和3.7%~13.9%,若蚜死亡率增加1.0~3.6倍和1.0~2.25倍,平均寿命缩短10.2%~96.5%和37.5~97,1%,繁殖力下降3.4%~72.8%和25%~97.2%。苗期生化测定结果表明:不同抗源的单宁和总酚含量明显高于感蚜品种,其总酚含量与抗麦长管蚜级别呈显著负相关,以抗生性为主的品种其总酚含量亦与麦长管蚜的内禀增长力(rm)呈显著负相关(P<0.05),表明总酚是小麦抗长管蚜的关键因子之一,而与禾谷缢管蚜抗性水平无关;单宁含量与麦蚜抗性关系不密切。  相似文献   

益智胚珠的珠心冠原与承珠盘细胞壁的组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用组织化学方法研究了益智胚珠中珠心冠原与承珠盘细胞壁的组成。珠心冠原细胞壁含有纤维素、胼胝质、果胶质,但不含栓质。承珠盘细胞壁含有纤维素、木质素、果胶质,也不含栓质。讨论了珠心冠原与承珠盘细胞壁的组成及承珠盘的可能功能。  相似文献   

The relationship between Homo habilis and early African Homo erectus has been contentious because H. habilis was hypothesized to be an evolutionary stage between Australopithecus and H. erectus, more than a half‐century ago. Recent work re‐dating key African early Homo localities and the discovery of new fossils in East Africa and Georgia provide the opportunity for a productive re‐evaluation of this topic. Here, we test the hypothesis that the cranial sample from East Africa and Georgia represents a single evolutionary lineage of Homo spanning the approximately 1.9–1.5 Mya time period, consisting of specimens attributed to H. habilis and H. erectus. To address issues of small sample sizes in each time period, and uneven representation of cranial data, we developed a novel nonparametric randomization technique based on the variance in an index of pairwise difference from a broad set of fossil comparisons. We fail to reject the hypothesis of a single lineage this period by identifying a strong, time‐dependent pattern of variation throughout the sequence. These results suggest the need for a reappraisal of fossil evidence from other regions within this time period and highlight the critical nature of the Plio‐Pleistocene boundary for understanding the early evolution of the genus Homo.  相似文献   

Lignins are complex phenolic heteropolymers present in xylem and sclerenchyma cell walls in tracheophytes. The occurrence of lignin-like polymers in bryophytes is controversial. In this study two polyclonal antibodies against homoguaiacyl (G) and guaiacyl/syringyl (GS) synthetic lignin-like polymers that selectively labelled lignified cell walls in tracheophytes also bound to cell walls in bryophytes, the GS antibody usually giving a stronger labelling than the G antibody. In contrast to tracheophytes, the antibody binding in liverworts and mosses was not tissue-specific. In the hornworts Megaceros flagellaris and M. fuegiensis the pseudoelaters and spores were labelled more intensely than the other cell types with the GS antibody. The cell walls in Nitella were labelled with both antibodies but no binding was observed in Coleochaete. The results suggest that the ability to incorporate G or GS moieties in cell walls is a plesiomorphy (primitive character) of the land plant clade.  相似文献   

The ability to use adenosine 5-phosphosulfate (APS) or 3-phosphoadenosine 5-phosphosulfate (PAPS) as the substrate for the initial reductive step in sulfate assimilation has been tested in most of the known Rhodospirillaceae species and in some chemotrophic bacteria. Improved and optimized methods for the synthesis and purification of the sulfonucleotides APS and PAPS are described. The production of acid volatile radioactivity from 35S-APS and 35S-PAPS was measured under various conditions in the presence and absence of non-labeled sulfate. Specific differences in the ability to reduce APS or PAPS were observed among the Rhodospirillaceae species and also the chemotrophic bacteria. APS was found to be the substrate of the thiolsulfotransferase in Rps. acidophila, Rps. globiformis, Rm. vannielii, Rc. purpureus, R. tenue, Rps. gelatinosa, in Alcaligenes eutrophus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PAPS was the substrate in Rps. capsulata, Rps. sphaeroides, Rps. sulfidophila, Rps. palustris, Rps. viridis, R. rubrum, R. fulvum, in Paracoccus denitrificans and in several Enterobacteriaceae. The presence of different enzymatic systems for sulfate reduction in the Rhodospirillaceae family is compared with their taxonomical grouping and their possible phylogenetic relatedness.Nonstandard Abbreviations APS adenosine 5-phosphosulfate - PAPS 3-phosphate adenosine 5-phosphosulfate - DTE dithioerythrol - Rc. Rhodocyclus - R. Rhodospirillum - Rm. Rhodomicrobium - Rps. Rhodopseudomonas  相似文献   

A correlation between genome size and cell volume has been observed across diverse assemblages of eukaryotes. We examined this relationship in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), a phylum in which cell volume is of critical ecological and biogeochemical importance. In addition to testing whether there is a predictive relationship across extant species, we tested whether evolutionary divergences in genome size were correlated with evolutionary divergences in cell size (using independent contrasts). We estimated total DNA content for 16 diatom species using a flow cytometer and estimated cell volumes using critical dimensions with scaling equations. Our independent contrast analyses indicated a significant correlated evolution between genome size and cell volume. We then explored the evolutionary and ecological implications of this evolutionary relationship. Diatom cell volume is an important component of the global carbon cycle; therefore, understanding the mechanisms that drive diatom genome evolution has both evolutionary and ecological importance.  相似文献   

The Macaronesian endemic flora has traditionally been interpreted as a relict of a subtropical element that spanned across Europe in the Tertiary. This hypothesis is revisited in the moss subfamily Helicodontioideae based on molecular divergence estimates derived from two independent calibration techniques either employing fossil evidence or using an Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) to sample absolute rates of nucleotide substitution from a prior distribution encompassing a wide range of rates documented across land plants. Both analyses suggest that the monotypic Madeiran endemic genus Hedenasiastrum diverged of other Helicodontioideae about 40 million years, that is, well before Macaronesian archipelagos actually emerged, in agreement with the relict hypothesis. Hedenasiastrum is characterized by a plesiomorphic morphology, which is suggestive of a complete morphological stasis over 40 million years. Macaronesian endemic Rhynchostegiella species, whose polyphyletic origin involves multiple colonization events, evolved much more recently, and yet accumulated many more morphological novelties than H. percurrens. The Macaronesian moss flora thus appears as a complex mix of ancient relicts and more recently dispersed, fast‐evolving taxa.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in Ephedra (Gnetales) is limited and confusing from an evolutionary perspective, with parallelisms and intraspecific variation. However, recent analyses of molecular data provide a phylogenetic framework for investigations of morphological traits, albeit with few informative characters in the investigated gene regions. We document morphological, anatomical and histological variation patterns in the female reproductive unit and test the hypothesis that some Early Cretaceous fossils, which share synapomorphies with Ephedra, are members of the extant clade. Results indicate that some morphological features are evolutionarily informative although intraspecific variation is evident. Histology and anatomy of cone bracts and seed envelopes show clade‐specific variation patterns. There is little evidence for an inclusion of the Cretaceous fossils in the extant clade. Rather, a hypothesized general pattern of reduction of the vasculature in the ephedran seed envelope, probably from four vascular bundles in the fossils, to ancestrally three in the living clade, and later to two, is consistent with phylogenetic and temporal analyses, which indicate that extant diversity evolved after the Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary. Notwithstanding striking similarities between living and Cretaceous Ephedra, available data indicate that the Mesozoic diversity went almost entirely extinct in the late Cretaceous causing a bottleneck effect in Ephedra, still reflected today by an extraordinarily low level of genetic and structural diversity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 387–430.  相似文献   



It is generally agreed that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is common in phagotrophic protists. However, the overall scale of HGT and the cumulative impact of acquired genes on the evolution of these organisms remain largely unknown.


Choanoflagellates are phagotrophs and the closest living relatives of animals. In this study, we performed phylogenomic analyses to investigate the scale of HGT and the evolutionary importance of horizontally acquired genes in the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis. Our analyses identified 405 genes that are likely derived from algae and prokaryotes, accounting for approximately 4.4% of the Monosiga nuclear genome. Many of the horizontally acquired genes identified in Monosiga were probably acquired from food sources, rather than by endosymbiotic gene transfer (EGT) from obsolete endosymbionts or plastids. Of 193 genes identified in our analyses with functional information, 84 (43.5%) are involved in carbohydrate or amino acid metabolism, and 45 (23.3%) are transporters and/or involved in response to oxidative, osmotic, antibiotic, or heavy metal stresses. Some identified genes may also participate in biosynthesis of important metabolites such as vitamins C and K12, porphyrins and phospholipids.


Our results suggest that HGT is frequent in Monosiga brevicollis and might have contributed substantially to its adaptation and evolution. This finding also highlights the importance of HGT in the genome and organismal evolution of phagotrophic eukaryotes.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-729) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The formation of archeospores is characteristic of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and is important for Porphyra aquaculture. Recently, it has been regarded as a valuable seed source for propagation of thalli in mariculture. Cell wall composition changes are associated with archeospore formation in P. yezoensis. Here, we report changes of cell walls of P. yezoensis during archeospore formation. The surfaces of vegetative cells that were originally smooth became rougher and more protuberant as archeosporangia were formed. Ultimately, the cell walls of archeosporangia ruptured, and archeospores were released from the torn cell walls that were left at distal margins of thalli. With changes in cell walls, both effective quantum yield and maximal quantum yield of the same regions in thalli gradually increased during the transformation of vegetative cells to archeospores, suggesting that the photosynthetic properties of the same regions in thalli gradually increased. Meanwhile, photosynthetic parameters for different sectors of thalli were determined, which included the proximal vegetative cells, archeosporangia, and newly released archeospores. The changes in photosynthetic properties of different sectors of thalli were in accordance with that of the same regions in thalli at different stages. In addition, the photosynthetic responses of archeosporangia to light showed higher saturating irradiance levels than those of vegetative cells. All these results suggest that archeosporangial cell walls were not degraded prior to release but were ruptured via bulging of the archeospore within the sporangium, and ultimately, archeospores were discharged. The accumulation of carbohydrates during archeospore formation in P. yezoensis might be required for the release of archeospores.  相似文献   

We have used transmission electron microscopy to examine plasmodesmata of the charophycean green alga Chara zeylanica, and of the putatively early divergent bryophytes Monoclea gottschei (liverwort), Notothylas orbicularis (hornwort), and Sphagnum fimbriatum (moss), in an attempt to learn when seed plant plasmodesmata may have originated. The three bryophytes examined have desmotubules. In addition, Monoclea was found to have branched plasmodesmata, and plasmodesmata of Sphagnum displayed densely staining regions around the neck region, as well as ring-like wall specializations. In Chara, longitudinal sections revealed endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that sometimes appeared to be associated with plasmodesmata, but this was rare, despite abundant ER at the cell periphery. Across all three fixation methods, cross-sectional views showed an internal central structure, which in some cases appeared to be connected to the plasma membrane via spoke-like structures. Plasmodesmata were present even in the incompletely formed reticulum of forming cell plates, from which we conclude that primary plasmodesmata are formed at cytokinesis in Chara zeylanica. Based on these results it appears that plasmodesmata of Chara may be less specialized than those of seed plants, and that complex plasmodesmata probably evolved in the ancestor of land plants before extant lineages of bryophytes diverged.  相似文献   

Two new polysaccharides were isolated from the cell walls of the carrageenan producing red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty. They were characterized by chemical analyses, enzymatic degradations, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. One was a 4.0 M NaOH soluble β-(1,4)- d -glucomannan that mostly precipitated upon neutralization and dialysis. It was composed of about 82 residues, and 70% of its glucose and mannose were released by a commercial cellulase enzyme complex. The disaccharide β- d -Man (1→4) d -Glc was recovered from the hydrolysate during the first hours of degradation and confirmed the chemical structure of the polysaccharide. The other polysaccharide was extracted with 1.5 M NaOH and was identified as a sulfated glucan of degree of polymerization of about 180 1,4-linked β-glucose containing 10% 1,3-linkages. The sulfate was located on C-6 of 64% of the 4-linked glucose residues. A third alkali-soluble polysaccharide rich in galactose was also detected. The distribution of the glucomannan and galactose containing polysaccharides was inversely related to the algal cell size. Potential functions of these alkali-soluble polymers are discussed in the context of cell wall polysaccharide assembly.  相似文献   

Gerald Mayr 《Acta zoologica》2016,97(2):196-210
Crown group (neornithine birds) exhibit a great variation in the morphology of the hypotarsus, a structure on the proximal end of the tarsometatarsus, which guides the tendons of the flexor muscles of the toes. Hypotarsus morphology is of significance for the identification of fossil taxa, and several extant groups show characteristic patterns that are of phylogenetic interest. So far, however, the diversity of hypotarsus morphologies has been little studied, and there are no comprehensive studies across all neornithine birds. In particular, the identities of the involved canals and sulci remain elusive, and some confusion exists about their correct homologies. In this study, hypotarsus morphologies are for the first time surveyed among all extant birds, and basic patterns are characterized. Instances are identified, in which particular hypotarsus morphologies are correlated with certain locomotion types, inferences are made about possible ancestral morphologies, and some patterns of phylogenetic interest are discussed.  相似文献   

Biliary bile salt composition of 677 vertebrate species (103 fish, 130 reptiles, 271 birds, 173 mammals) was determined. Bile salts were of three types: C27 bile alcohols, C27 bile acids, or C24 bile acids, with default hydroxylation at C-3 and C-7. C27 bile alcohols dominated in early evolving fish and amphibians; C27 bile acids, in reptiles and early evolving birds. C24 bile acids were present in all vertebrate classes, often with C27 alcohols or with C27 acids, indicating two evolutionary pathways from C27 bile alcohols to C24 bile acids: a) a ‘direct’ pathway and b) an ‘indirect’ pathway with C27 bile acids as intermediates. Hydroxylation at C-12 occurred in all orders and at C-16 in snakes and birds. Minor hydroxylation sites were C-1, C-2, C-5, C-6, and C-15. Side chain hydroxylation in C27 bile salts occurred at C-22, C-24, C-25, and C-26, and in C24 bile acids, at C-23 (snakes, birds, and pinnipeds). Unexpected was the presence of C27 bile alcohols in four early evolving mammals. Bile salt composition showed significant variation between orders but not between families, genera, or species. Bile salt composition is a biochemical trait providing clues to evolutionary relationships, complementing anatomical and genetic analyses.  相似文献   

Red-green color vision is strongly suspected to enhance the survival of its possessors. Despite being red-green color blind, however, many species have successfully competed in nature, which brings into question the evolutionary advantage of achieving red-green color vision. Here, we propose a new method of identifying positive selection at individual amino acid sites with the premise that if positive Darwinian selection has driven the evolution of the protein under consideration, then it should be found mostly at the branches in the phylogenetic tree where its function had changed. The statistical and molecular methods have been applied to 29 visual pigments with the wavelengths of maximal absorption at approximately 510-540 nm (green- or middle wavelength-sensitive [MWS] pigments) and at approximately 560 nm (red- or long wavelength-sensitive [LWS] pigments), which are sampled from a diverse range of vertebrate species. The results show that the MWS pigments are positively selected through amino acid replacements S180A, Y277F, and T285A and that the LWS pigments have been subjected to strong evolutionary conservation. The fact that these positively selected M/LWS pigments are found not only in animals with red-green color vision but also in those with red-green color blindness strongly suggests that both red-green color vision and color blindness have undergone adaptive evolution independently in different species.  相似文献   

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