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Serjania Mill. (Paullinieae) is considered the most important neotropical genus of Sapindaceae due to species number and its widespread distribution. In this study, 14 species belonging to three sections were analyzed using conventional staining, C/CMA/DAPI banding, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with a 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA probe. New chromosome counts are reported for Serjania crassifolia, Serjania platycarpa, and Serjania regnellii, all with 2n = 24, which is remarkably constant for Serjania. The karyotypes are moderately asymmetric, and variations observed in A1 and A2 indices show resemblances between S. platycarpa, Serjania hebecarpa, and S. crassifolia, and between Serjania communis, Serjania gracilis, and S. regnellii. The banding pattern was homogeneous in Serjania. C/DAPI bands (AT-rich sites) were not clearly evidenced, but changes in the number and position of GC-rich sites (CMA bands) were observed. These segments were associated with 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA sites. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to chromosomal data available for the genus and in regard to the infrageneric treatment of Serjania.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic study was conducted on four species of the genus Urvillea (Sapindaceae, Paullinieae): U. chacoensis Hunz., U. filipes Radlk. and U. ulmacea Kunth of the Urvillea section and U. laevis Radlk. of the Stenelytron section. The chromosome numbers in U. chacoensis (2n = 22) and U. laevis (2n = 24) were confirmed, and new chromosome numbers are reported for U. filipes with 2n = 22 and U. ulmacea with 2n = 88. Additionally, data on interphase nuclear structure, chromosome banding patterns (C-Giemsa and C-CMA3/DAPI) and FISH with rDNA probes are also presented. The distribution of AT- and GC-rich regions and the physical mapping of ribosomal genes (45S and 5S rDNA sites) were established for the first time in these Urvillea species. Sections of Urvillea are cytogenetically differentiated according to basic chromosome number, where x = 11 in the section Urvillea and x = 12 in the section Stenelytron. This first section displayed an important karyotypic feature, the occurrence of large AT- and GC-rich bands at terminal chromosomal regions. The Urvillea section showed polyploidy and its species were differentiated by their banding patterns. Urvillea chacoensis showed several terminal AT-rich bands, while terminal AT- and GC-rich bands were both found in U. ulmacea. However, the section Stenelytron did not exhibit this banding pattern. The 45S rDNA sites appeared always associated with GC-rich regions and they were numerically variable among species, being located or not the same chromosome 5S rDNA sites. Variation in the repetitive DNA distribution and their role in karyotype differentiation among these Urvillea species are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species ofSerjania sect.Serjania,Serjania neei from Bolivia andS. rhytidococca from Mexico, are described, illustrated, and compared with their closest relatives.
Resumen  En el presente artículo se describen, se ilustran y se comparan con los parientes mas cercanos las nuevas especiesSerjania neei de Bolivia yS. rhytidococca de México, ambas pertenecientes a la secciónSerjania.

Two new Brazilian species,Serjania fluminensis andS. unidentata, are described, illustrated, and discussed.  相似文献   

The new species Serjania matogrossensis from Mato Grosso, Brazil, belonging to Serjania sect. Platycoccus, is described and illustrated. Serjania decemstriata is reinstated in Serjania sect. Platycoccus, and S. grammatophora (previously of doubtful origin) is identified as being of Brazilian origin. Fruits and tendrils of Lophostigma plumosum are described for the first time.  相似文献   

Three new species ofSerjania (S. magnistipulata andS. mori from Bahía, Brazil andS. schunkei from Perú) are described, discussed, and illustrated.  相似文献   

The new speciesUrvillea venezuelensis, from northwestern Venezuela, is described, illustrated, and compared to its putative closest relativeU. dasycarpa. Additionally micromorphological characters of pollen grains are described. The new species belongs toUrvillea sectionStenelytron, which is characterized by compressed fruit locules.  相似文献   

One new species ofSerjania (S. erythrocaulis) belonging to theS. paradoxa group ofSerjania sect.Eurycoccus is described and illustrated bringing the total number of species in this group to eight. A second new species,Serjania divaricocca, belonging to sect.Serjania is also described and illustrated.
Resumen  Una especie neuva deSerjania (S. erythrocaulis) perteneciente al grupoS. paradoxa de la secciónEurycoccus es descrita e ilustrada. Con esta especie, el numero total de especies conocidas para este grupo aumenta a ocho. Una segunda nueva especie,Serjania divaricocca, perteneciente a la secciónSerjania es también descrita e ilustrada.

Serjania (Sapindaceae, Paullinieae) comprises about 230 species, and currently two infrageneric classifications have been proposed but both are difficult to apply. This work tested which infrageneric classification fitted better in relation to cytogenetic traits added to the main morphological features used by the authors of the subgenus arrangements to gain an insight into the evolutionary karyotype relationships. In order to test the relationship between karyotypes and the systematics of this genus, the karyotypes of five species of Serjania belonging to five different sections (sensu Radlkofer) were described. Known karyological information on 26 species was used to complement the results. With these data, a cluster analysis was set up to test which infrageneric classification fitted better. In addition, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to examine the relevance of the traits in the subgenus classification. All the karyotypes analyzed (including new as well as previous records) had 2n?=?24 chromosomes, and the karyotypes were asymmetrical: submetacentric and metacentric chromosomes were common, whereas telocentric chromosomes were rare. The PCA revealed seven principal components, the first two explained 52?% of the total variation, and the last ones were related to all the karyotypic features studied. The phenogram obtained reflected a scarce fitting into both infrageneric classifications, with only 3 sections of the 12 proposed by Radlkofer and two of the six sections proposed by Acevedo-Rodríguez being represented. Finally, regarding karyotype evolution, the constancy of chromosome number and the variation in the length of the complement suggest that structural chromosome changes would have played a leading role.  相似文献   

Gynoecium, fruit and seed structure of Paullinieae (Sapindaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite an emphasis on fruit characters in Paullinieae taxonomy, few detailed morphological and anatomical studies of the gynoecia, fruits and seeds exist. The aims of the present study were (1) to provide a detailed documentation of gynoecium, fruit and seed structure and ontogeny in selected Paullinieae taxa; (2) to determine whether the gynoecium, seed and seedling provide additional characters of systematic value within the tribe; and (3) to relate the structural findings to mechanisms of fruit dehiscence and dispersal within these taxa. Newly described characters of systematic value within Paullinieae are shape and surface of the obturator, type of pollen tube transmitting tract, indumentum of the inner and outer surface of the carpels, ovary wall anatomy, aril anatomy, pseudo-hilum form, seedling germination mode and structure of first leaves. The fruits of Paullinia are septifragal, and conspicuous colour contrasts between the pericarp, aril and seed in most species of this genus are suggestive of a bird dispersal syndrome. Interestingly, it appears that relatively minor structural changes are associated with switches to rodent dispersal in Paullinia sphaerocarpa and water dispersal in P. clathrata and P. hystrix. Anemochorous fruits are septifragal ( Cardiospermum and Urvillea ) or schizocarpic ( Houssayanthus , Lophostigma , Serjania ). They are structurally similar and Cardiospermum with septifragal capsules may also show septicidal dehiscence.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 159–189.  相似文献   

A new species ofSerjania (S.lancistipula) from Bahia belonging to theS. paradoxa group is described and illustrated. A key to the species in theparadoxa group is provided.  相似文献   

Urvillea chacoensis is a climber with 2n = 22 and some terminal AT-rich heterochromatin blocks that differentiate it from other species of the genus. The AT-rich highly repeated satellite DNA was isolated from U. chacoensis by the digestion of total nuclear DNA with HindIII and XbaI and cloned in Escherichia coli. Satellite DNA structure and chromosomal distribution were investigated. DNA sequencing revealed that the repeat length of satDNA ranges between 721 and 728 bp, the percentage of AT-base pairs was about 72–73% and the studied clones showed an identity of 92.5–95.9%. Although this monomer has a tetranucleosomal size, direct imperfect repetitions of ~180 bp subdividing it in four nucleosomal subregions were observed. The results obtained with FISH indicate that this monomer usually appears distributed in the terminal regions of most chromosomes and is associated to heterochromatin blocks observed after DAPI staining. These observations are discussed in relation to the satellite DNA evolution and compared with other features observed in several plant groups.  相似文献   

La especie nueva Serjania glandulosa, de Serra do Cabral, Brasil, es descrita, ilustrada y comparada con la especie más próxima S. acutidentata. Adicionalmente se describen caracteres de epidermis y del polen. Esta especie es un endemismo de la vegetación de campos rupestres. Pertenece a Serjania sección Serjania. Se provee una clave para identificar las especies relacionadas con S. glandulosa.  相似文献   

Cardiospermum L. belongs to the Paullinieae tribe (Sapindaceae) and comprises 16 species. Of these, 12 species are present in South America and all occur in Brazil. Cardiospermum shows the most variable chromosome number of the tribe. Phylogenetic relationships within the genus Cardiospermum, especially with other species of the tribe, are poorly understood. This research focuses on characterisation of the karyotypic features of Cardiospermum using conventional cytogenetic methods, CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). To elucidate the phylogeny of the genus, the nuclear markers ITS1 and ITS2 were sequenced and analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Cardiospermum shows important diversity in basic numbers, with x = 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12. All species studied have metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, some species have subtelocentric chromosomes, while telocentric chromosomes are absent. The interphase nuclei differentiate the Cardiospermum species into two groups. The CMA3/DAPI chromosome banding revealed the presence of an AT‐rich terminal region in C. corindum, C. grandiflorum and C. urvilleoides, whereas GC‐rich regions were found in C. grandiflorum, C. halicacabum var. halicacabum, C. halicacabum var. microcarpum, C. heringeri and C. integerrimum. FISH revealed syntenic and non‐syntenic distribution of the 18‐5.8‐26S and 5S rDNA. The syntenic distribution always occurred in the short arms of the same chromosome in all of the species. The phylogenetic relationships reveal, in part, the taxonomic arrangement of the genus Cardiospermum.  相似文献   

The relationship between the specific anatomy of tilapia gametes and their function was studied in the sequence of events which follow artifical fertilization. Scanning electron microscopic observations showed that some events of the fertilization process, involving spermatozoon migration through the micropylar canal until reaching the villous plasma membrane of the eggs and its penetration into the egg cytoplasm, occur very rapidly (fractions of a second). However, the spermatozoon tail remains outside for about 1–2 min. Then, following the zygote formation and the elevation of the chorion after its separation from the plasma membrane, numerous sperm cells could be found in the vicinity of the micropyle. This cell mass, which seemed to be trapped by a network of microfilaments, was suggested to be the result of the evacuation of excess sperm cells throughout the micropylar canal. The significance of these results for sperm and egg plasma membrane interaction and for prevention of polyspermy are discussed.  相似文献   

Paullinia fournieri, a new species from Costa Rica is described, illustrated, and its relationships to other species are discussed.  相似文献   

Ten karyotypes of Phaseolus were analyzed. Possible directions of karyological evolution of those species are suggested. All species studied have karyotypes composed exclusively of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes, except P. filiformis with all metacentrics, and P. chiapasanus with one pair of subtelocentric chromosomes. Secondary constrictions and satellites are common among species studied. Phaseolus leptostachyus, P. micranthus, and P. macvaughii are considered as aneuploids with 2n= 20, whereas the rest of the species have 2n= 22.  相似文献   

A study of morphometric karyotype characters was carried out in 14 species ofPeucedanum s. lat. (Umbelliferae — Apioideae) and in one species of the related genusLomatium. The differences of the species in their karyotype characters are correlated only to a limited degree with their similarities of dissimilarities in morphological (i. a. carpological) characters, and thus with their taxonomic position. The evolution of these two sets of characters seems to have proceeded not synchronously or even in different directions in the group of platycarpousUmbelliferae united in the genusPeucedanum. Therefore, it is unlikely that morphometric chromosome characters revealed by monochrome staining can be used appropriately in the taxonomic revision of the polymorphous genusPeucedanum.  相似文献   

The present paper describes and illustrates the new speciesAverrhoidium dalyi and provides a key to the species ofAverrhoidium. The new species is known from lowland, terra firme forest in the Purus River basin, in Acre, Brazil, and from Manu National Park in Madre de Dios, Peru.
Resumen  En el presente artículo se describe, discute e ilustra la nueva especieAverrhoidium dalyi coleccionada en la cuenca del Río Purus en el estado de Acre, Brasil y en el Parque Nacional del Manu en el departamento Madre de Dios, Peru. También en el presente se provee una clave para las especies deAverrhoidium.

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