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Summary The CO2 release from the soil shows strong seasonality, with peaks during late spring and early autumn. Litter decomposition is higher during the wet period, and woody plants economize high quantities of leaf nitrogen before leaf fall by exporting this nutrient to the stems in the form of free amino acids.  相似文献   

Dehydrogenase activity, cellulose decomposition, nitrification, and CO2 release were measured for 2 years to estimate the effects of a wildfire over a phryganic ecosystem. In decomposers' subsystem we found that fire mainly affected the nitrification process during the whole period, and soil respiration for the second post-fire year, when compared with the control site. Our data suggest that after 3–4 months the activity of microbial decomposers is almost the same at the two sites, suggesting that fire is not a catastrophic event, but a simple perturbation common to Mediterranean-type ecosystems.  相似文献   

Only a small fraction of the energy which is needed for the maintenance of the biological structure during the dry and hot summer in a phryganic ecosystem comes from non-structural carbohydrates. Possibly the higher fraction comes from hemicellulose which is deposited in the inner part of the xylem cell wall during the mild winter.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

After a fire in a phryganic ecosystem, the nutrient losses in above-ground plant biomass, in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were quantitatively different. The most important is that of nitrogen (96%), followed by magnesium (59%), potassium (54%) and calcium (36%) while phosphorus content remained constant. Removal of these elements took place through fire's smoke.  相似文献   

We studied the flower duration, the phenology of flowering and fruiting, and flower, fruit, and seed production in three Genisteae shrub species of the W Mediterranean Region: Cytisus multiflorus, C. striatus , and Retama sphaerocarpa . Flower duration was negatively correlated with temperature, and in the case of C. striatus it was also influenced by pollination. In Cytisus multiflorus , which flowers during winter in the population studied, two floral morphs were recognized differentiated by flower size, phenological pattern, and production of the reproductive organs: morph LF (large flowers) and morph SF (small flowers). The former is earlier in phenology but its reproductive success is less than the second since it not only produces significantly fewer flowers/plant, but also a smaller crop of fruit and seeds. The flowering of the LF morph lasted some three months and of the SF morph 11 weeks. The winter-spring flowering C. striatus , with a four month duration of flowering time, is sympatric with C. multiflorus and their flowering periods overlap, but the former is more successful reproductively. Retama sphaerocarpa is clearly spring flowering, with an extremely short duration of flowering (c. 6.5 weeks), but, unlike the other two species which disperse their seeds in the same season in which they are produced, it staggers the dispersal of its diaspores over more than one year. Despite the great flower per plant production, especially in Retama sphaerocarpa , and of the number of fruit initiated, the final crop of fruit and seed/plant is low in the three species (C. multiflorus : fruit 8.40% and seeds 1.96%; C. striatus : fruit 13.09% and seeds 4.12%; Retama sphaerocarpa : fruit 5.65% and seeds 1.33%).  相似文献   

Fluctuating conditions throughout the year and changes in floral display may promote shifts in pollinator activity and predator pressure, influencing female reproductive output, especially for extended flowering species under seasonal climates. In this regard, flowering and fruit production were tracked in 2 different years in 2 populations of Ononis tridentata in Central Spain. Total fruit production was estimated, and fruits were harvested to obtain primary fruit investment, pollination success, predation incidence, seed production, seed weight and germination rates. Ononis tridentata combined spring mass flowering with a steady long flowering period across the summer and fall. The fewer flowers that are produced in fall were successfully pollinated, and produced fruits that were subject to minimal predation pressure relative to spring fruits. Moreover, fall fruits contained a higher number of heavier seeds and showed higher germination rates than those of spring seeds. Fall reproductive output represent 10% of annual viable seeds and thus may act as an important complement to the main spring reproductive investment. Extended flowering could be interpreted as a “bet-hedging strategy” for enduring Mediterranean unpredictable and changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Current climate projections predict drier and warmer conditions in the Mediterranean basin over the next century. While advanced spring growth due to warming has been described in the literature, few data are available on the effects of drought on phenology. Hence, the phenology and growth of two Mediterranean shrubs, Erica multiflora and Globularia alypum, was studied in a rainfall exclusion field experiment to simulate spring drought in a natural shrubland. We estimated the onset of growth in spring by monitoring the appearance of new stems, and the end of growth in summer by following the elongation of stems. Drought treatment caused earlier onset of the spring growing season in E. multiflora, whereas no advance was observed in G. alypum. However, growth cessation was not affected in E. multiflora. Drought reduced the growth of both shrubs, as reflected in less stem elongation. The results show that a drier climate might affect not only growth but also spring phenology of some Mediterranean species. We suggest that a reduction in the cooling effect of transpiration may have analogous effects to warming and might advance the start of growth in E. multiflora, a species whose phenology has been described as warming‐sensitive. The lengthening of the growing season resulting from advanced growth did not imply higher productivity, as growth was restricted by drought.  相似文献   

Martínez  F.  Merino  O.  Martín  A.  García Martín  D.  Merino  J. 《Plant and Soil》1998,201(2):209-216
Belowground structure and annual production in an open Mediterranean scrub were studied on a sandy substrate which had not been harvested or exposed to fire during the last 30–40 years. Estimated belowground biomass (1328 ± 93.4 g m-2) and production (548 ± 246.9 g m-2 yr-1) were lower than in other Mediterranean scrubs. However, the energy investment in belowground structures was high (root biomass/ shoot biomass = 2.7; annual belowground production/ annual aboveground production = 7.1), which is associated with a high density of fine roots in the top soil (the average distance between the fine roots = 0.76 cm). A very simple model based on nutrient diffusion was considered to analyse the resource constrains of the community. The results underline the importance of nutrients (and more specifically phosphorus) rather than water, as possible determinants of the structure and dynamics of the root system, as well as for the primary production of the community during the vegetative period.  相似文献   

Recent anthropogenic climate change is strongly associated with average shifts toward earlier seasonal timing of activity (phenology) in temperate-zone species. Shifts in phenology have the potential to alter ecological interactions, to the detriment of one or more interacting species. Recent models predict that detrimental phenological mismatch may increasingly occur between plants and their pollinators. One way to test this prediction is to examine data from ecological communities that experience large annual weather fluctuations. Taking this approach, we analyzed interactions over a four-year period among 132 plant species and 665 pollinating insect species within a Mediterranean community. For each plant species we recorded onset and duration of flowering and number of pollinator species. Flowering onset varied among years, and a year of earlier flowering of a species tended to be a year of fewer species pollinating its flowers. This relationship was attributable principally to early-flowering species, suggesting that shifts toward earlier phenology driven by climate change may reduce pollination services due to phenological mismatch. Earlier flowering onset of a species also was associated with prolonged flowering duration, but it is not certain that this will counterbalance any negative effects of lower pollinator species richness on plant reproductive success. Among plants with different life histories, annuals were more severely affected by flowering–pollinator mismatches than perennials. Specialized plant species (those attracting a smaller number of pollinator species) did not experience disproportionate interannual fluctuations in phenology. Thus they do not appear to be faced with disproportionate fluctuations in pollinator species richness, contrary to the expectation that specialists are at greatest risk of losing mutualistic interactions because of climate change.  相似文献   

Adaptive responses to past climate change may play an important role in the persistence of high‐mountain plants, which are vulnerable to global warming. Armeria caespitosa is a high‐mountain plant, endemic to the Iberian Central Range. Differences in abiotic environment along the elevational gradient impose two opposing stress gradients (i.e. water stress and duration of the growth season) on the species. Furthermore, the species is found in two interspersed, contrasting microhabitats (rocky outcrops and dry cryophilic grasslands) that have different effects on plants depending of the elevation. As a result of this, the species shows great among‐population variation in many reproductive and vegetative traits. We used a common garden approach to determine whether this phenotypic variation has a genetic basis or is the result of plastic responses shaped by heterogeneous environmental conditions. Plants from the high‐elevation edge and dry cryophilic grasslands flowered earlier and produced more viable fruits but were smaller. These results confirm that among‐population variation in flowering phenology and reproductive performance traits in A. caespitosa is partially genetically based. The results also show that the stronger selection response in favour of early‐flowering individuals in populations at the low‐elevation edge did not correspond with the greater proportion of early‐flowering individuals. Genetic variability associated with flowering onset may be relevant in coping with the impacts of ongoing global warming. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 384–395.  相似文献   

Tébar  F.J.  Gil  L.  Llorens  L. 《Plant Ecology》2004,174(2):295-305
A study of the flowering and fruiting phenology was undertaken for twenty species of the xerochamaephytic communities that characterize the mountain-crest areas of the island of Majorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). The flowering period of the species considered extends from March to November, with the majority flowering during the spring and early summer, and a peak in June. The flowering duration at the species level is longest for Rosmarinus officinalis var. palaui (which flowered in spring and autumn) and was shortest for Genista majorica and Rubia balearica. In this community, three strategies were observed that may serve to reduce interspecific competition between pollinators: 1) pollination specialization of white-pink flowers; 2) high diversification of yellow flower pollinators; and 3) the divergence in flowering time of less common flower colours. The flowering duration of individual plants and whole populations are positively correlated, which may indicate that individuals of each population optimize the time which is phenologically useful. The flowering of the spiny cushion species of the community is characterized by a smaller intraspecific overlap in comparison to the other species examined. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The functional adjustments of winter-deciduous perennials to Mediterranean conditions have received little attention. The objectives of this study were: (i) to determine whether Amelanchier ovalis, a winter-deciduous shrub of Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean regions, has nutritional and phenological traits in common with temperate zone deciduous trees and shrubs and (ii) to determine the constraints of Mediterranean environmental conditions on these traits. Over two years, phenology and nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations were monitored monthly in the crown of A. ovalis. Leaf longevity, survival and nutrient resorption from senescing leaves were used to infer nutrient use efficiency and retention times of nutrients within the crown. In A. ovalis, bud burst was much earlier than in temperate deciduous trees and shrubs. Most vegetative and reproductive growth occurred in spring. Limited phenological development took place during the summer drought period. Unexpectedly, leaf shedding was very gradual, which might be related to water shortages in summer. Leaf longevity, nutrient resorption from senescing leaves, and maximum leaf nutrient concentrations indicated that nutrient retention times were short and nutrient use efficiency was low compared to that found in temperate deciduous plants and co-occurring Mediterranean evergreens. A. ovalis exhibited phenological development appropriate for a Mediterranean climate, although its limited ability to retain nutrients likely restricts the types of sites that it can occupy.  相似文献   

We studied the nectar characteristics in relation to flower age of the summer flowering Mediterranean shrubCapparis spinosa in three localities in Southern Greece. Anthesis was nocturnal. Nectar volume, concentration, and sucrose/hexose ratio varied with site, year, and between individual plants; amino acid concentration varied only with site. The sucrose/hexose ratio decreased considerably with flower age, while the glucose/fructose ratio remained constant (ca. 1), implying that nectar sucrose broke down in the course of anthesis. Sugar breakdown increased with water content of nectar. Amino acid concentration was strongly age-dependent: It was low in fresh flowers, relatively high in middle-aged ones (except aspartic acid that was extremely increased), and very high in senescent ones. We attribute the amino acid changes to phenomena related to flower senescence in the dark.  相似文献   

The relationships between flowering plants and their insect visitors were studied in a Mediterranean grassland in north-east Spain. Floral traits (size, shape, symmetry, and colour), floral rewards (pollen and nectar), flowering period, and floral visitors were recorded for the 17 most abundant plants in the community. Flowering was year-round, but most species flowered in spring. The three species that flowered after spring had small flowers, but the distribution of floral features (including rewards offered) did not show a strong seasonality. Ants contributed 58.5% to the flower visits recorded. Other frequent visitors were beetles (12%), flies (9.5%), honey bees (6.4%), wild bees (6.4%), and wasps (5.2%). Honey bees were most abundant in April, wild bees from April to July, beetles from May to July, and ants from May to September. The lack of tight plant-insect associations was the rule, with most plant species visited by a rather diverse array of insects representing two or more orders. The plant species having narrower spectra of visitors either had flower rewards exposed or attracted mostly illegitimate visitors. By means of correspondence analysis four categories of plants were defined according to their main groups of visitors: (1) honey bees and large wild bees; (2) large wild bees; (3) ants and beetles; and (4) beetles and small-sized bees. The Mantel test was used to calculate correlations among four matrices representing similarities in visitors attracted, floral morphological traits, pollen-nectar rewards, and blooming time, respectively. In spite of seasonality shown by the different insect groups, results indicate that the observed patterns of visitor distribution among plants were most affected by pollen-nectar rewards. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 19 October 1996  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the main climatic and biological trends related to olive flowering in central-southern Italy compared to those in Andalusia, Spain. Results since 1982 were compared for the two long-series monitoring areas of Cordoba and Perugia, and since 1992–1999 for the short-series areas. The relationship between climatic trends and the biological response of the olive, a widespread culture in the Mediterranean basin, were investigated. An aerobiological method involving capturing pollen released into the atmosphere was utilised as a bioindicator of flowering phenology. The study results confirm the strong relationship between flowering periods and spring temperature trends for the olive. Temperature during March, April and May was the parameter most related to flowering date in the study areas, particularly in Italy. In some cases we found a significant correlation between flowering and past autumn temperatures, probably due to their effect on floral bud dormancy induction, but this phenomenon appeared to be of minor importance in the studied areas. The phenological trend results show the continuous advance of flowering dates to the late 1990s, followed by a relatively stationary time series related to a short-term temperature fluctuation in the Mediterranean area. This latter period probably represents a mesoscale event forced by a macroscale event—the North Atlantic Oscillation. The results reveal that the trend towards increased temperatures, and the consequent flowering advance of some species, indicated some years ago is nowadays not as clear as was expected and should be confirmed over the next few years in the Mediterranean areas under investigation.  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers of 2n = 39, 40, 50, 60, 69, 70, 80 and 90 are reported for Heteropogon contortus from a world collection. The numbers 2n = 39, 69, 70 and 90 are new to the literature. The cytogeographic distribution indicates that the tropical latitudes are almost exclusively occupied by tetraploids while the sub-tropical latitudes are characterized by a wide range of ploidy levels from tetraploid to nonaphid. Observations on the time of flowering of these accessions using uniform grass garden techniques indicate that pan-tropical populations are made up almost exclusively of late flowering lines and those from subtropical areas are of mixed lines showing great diversity from early to late flowering types. The association of polyploidy and flowering time are discussed in relation to the possible origin of H. contortus, to its adaptation and migration. It seems reasonable to suggest that polyploidy and the development of an earlier flowering response are both adoptively advantageous and have been selected for the species’migration into sub-tropical latitudes.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2001,22(2):121-127
Trade-offs between allocation to sexual or vegetative regeneration capacity are well established as a driving force in the life history patterns of plants in fire-prone environments. However, it is not known whether such trade-offs exist in plants which after aboveground removing disturbances, such as fire, may regenerate by sexual (seeding) or asexual (sprouting) mechanisms. We evaluated whether in the fire-recruiting resprouter Erica australis, which after fire can regenerate by seedling establishment or resprouting, a larger investment in flowers and seeds prior to being disturbed by clipping its aboveground parts would decrease subsequent sprouting, that is, its vegetative regeneration capacity. We analysed the relationships between flower and seed production and the ensuing production and growth of sprouts of six plants from thirteen different sites in central-western Spain. We found no significant relationships between measures of sexual reproductive effort and resprout production and growth 6 months after clipping the aboveground parts of the plants. No evidence of trade-offs between sexual and asexual efforts was found. Furthermore, no significant relationship was found between lignotuber total non-structural carbohydrates and sexual reproductive effort. In addition, 2 years after the disturbance, resprout biomass was positively and significantly correlated with sexual reproductive effort prior to the disturbance. This indicates that growth of resprouts was higher at the sites where plants made a greater reproductive effort. The sites that were more favourable to producing flowers and seeds could also be more favourable to resprouting.  相似文献   

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