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Karyotypes of 18 species of Nabidae (Heteroptera), belonging to the genera Nabis (11), Himacerus (3), Hoplistoscelis (1), and Pagasa (1) were studied. The data on Nabis meridionalis Kerzhner 1963, N. tesquorum (Kerzhner 1968), N. ussuriensis (Kerzhner 1962), N. pallidus Fieber 1861, N. sareptanus Dohrn 1862, Hoplistoscelis sordidus (Reuter 1872), and Pagasa fusca (Stein 1857) were obtained for the first time in this study. Karyotypes of Nabis punctatus A. Costa 1847, N. ferus (Linnaeus 1758), N. pseudoferus Remane 1949, N. rugosus (Linnaeus 1758), N. stenoferus Hsiao 1964, N. limbatus Dahlbom 1851, N. reuteri Jakovlev 1876, N. flavomarginatus Scholtz 1847, Himacerus apterus (Fabricius 1798), H. mirmicoides (O. Costa 1834), and H. maracandicus (Reuter 1890) were re-examined. A karyotype of 2n = 18 (16 + XY), which seems to be the most characteristic of Nabidae as a whole, was found in 12 species. Nabis pallidus and N. sareptanus showed a precise numerical doubling of the autosomal complement compared with the modal karyotype, 2n = 34 (32 + XY). Autosomal polyploidy is discussed as a possible evolutionary mechanism for these species. Meiosis in males of the above species was studied in detail. Male meiosis in Nabidae was shown to follow a highly peculiar scenario differing in many aspects from that known in the majority of the Heteroptera taxa.  相似文献   

从云南怒江产的长鞭红景天(Rhodiola fastigiata (Hook. f. et Thoms.) S. H. Fu)根茎中分离得到13个化合物,它们的结构通过波谱和化学方法得到鉴定.其中,化合物1被鉴定为新的葡萄糖甙(2-O-β-D-吡喃葡糖基-3-甲基-戊酸甲酯),命名为长鞭红景天素甲,化合物2和 5~9首次从该植物中分离得到.  相似文献   

长鞭红景天中一个新的葡萄糖甙   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从云南怒江产的长鞭红景天 (Rhodiolafastigiata (Hook .f.etThoms.)S .H .Fu)根茎中分离得到 13个化合物 ,它们的结构通过波谱和化学方法得到鉴定。其中 ,化合物 1被鉴定为新的葡萄糖甙 (2_O_β_D_吡喃葡糖基_3_甲基_戊酸甲酯 ) ,命名为长鞭红景天素甲 ,化合物 2和 5~ 9首次从该植物中分离得到  相似文献   

Karyotypes were analysed in 113 populations of 34 species of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). They showed typical holocentric chromosomes lacking primary constrictions. Nucleolar constrictions were observed in the terminal regions of a few chromosomes (except in R. nanuzae , in which they were interstitial). The chromosome numbers varied between 2 = 4 and 2n = 50. The primary base number seems to be x = 5; x = 6 and x = 9 are secondary. Dysploidy occurred at low frequency, whereas polyploidy seemed to be the predominant event in the karyotype evolution of the genus. Karyotypic differences were found in R. consanguinea var. speciosa and R. consanguinea var. rigida and the closely related R. emaciata, R. riparia and R. tenuis from section Tenues. On the other hand, karyotypic similarities occurred among sections Valderugosae, Marisculae, Stenophylku and Cemuae.  相似文献   

To study the consequences of hybridization and genome duplication on polyploid genome evolution and adaptation, we used independently formed hybrids (Spartina x townsendii and Spartina x neyrautii) that originated from natural crosses between Spartina alterniflora, an American introduced species, and the European native Spartina maritima. The hybrid from England, S. x townsendii, gave rise to the invasive allopolyploid, salt-marsh species, Spartina anglica. Recent studies indicated that allopolyploid speciation may be associated with rapid genetic and epigenetic changes. To assess this in Spartina, we performed AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) and MSAP (methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism) on young hybrids and the allopolyploid. By comparing the subgenomes in the hybrids and the allopolyploid to the parental species, we inferred structural changes that arose repeatedly in the two independently formed hybrids. Surprisingly, 30% of the parental methylation patterns are altered in the hybrids and the allopolyploid. This high level of epigenetic regulation might explain the morphological plasticity of Spartina anglica and its larger ecological amplitude. Hybridization rather than genome doubling seems to have triggered most of the methylation changes observed in Spartina anglica.  相似文献   

Villadia, ranging from Texas to Peru with some 25 species, has a rather distinctive thyrsoid to spicate inflorescence, and we keep it as a genus separate from Sedum. Twenty species show every gametic chromosome number from 9 to 17 and also 20-22 and higher. Chromosome pairing in hybrids shows that the species differ by many translocations and that species with 21 or lower are effectively diploid. More specialized species tend to have fewer and larger chromosomes, suggesting that through time translocations have rearranged the ancestral genome into fewer units. We suspect that relocated genes may be programmed differently, affecting phenotype. Thus Villadia is like Echeveria in having a remarkably long descending series of evidently diploid chromosome numbers. Altamiranoa, often included in Villadia, with about 15 species from Mexico south, more closely resembles Sedum in its broadly cymose inflorescence. It appears polyphyletic, with no clear boundary from Sedum, and we disperse its species in Sedum. The ten species studied have gametic numbers from 20 to 29 that probably are effectively diploid, with a few higher and probably polyploid. Again, chromosome pairing in hybrids shows that the species differ by many translocations. Putative relatives in Sedum section Leptosedum have n = 26 to 31. Thus cytologically as well as morphologically Altamiranoa has remained more similar than Villadia to its Sedum relatives.  相似文献   

A restriction-site analysis of chloroplast DNA from 44 species, representing 19 genera and all six subfamilies of the Crassulaceae was conducted using 12 restriction endonucleases. A total of 969 variable sites was detected, 608 of which were phylogenetically informative and used in parsimony analysis. Estimated values of nucleotide sequence divergence were used to construct a distance tree by the neighbor-joining method. Maximum sequence divergence in the family was ~7%. Different tree inference methods yielded only moderately different topologies. The amount of support for the monophyletic groups obtained in the Wagner parsimony analysis was evaluated by bootstrap and decay analysis. There is very strong support for a basal division of the family, which separates the monophyletic subfamily Crassuloideae from all other taxa. Four of the six traditionally recognized subfamilies are indicated to be polyphyletic. These include the Cotyledonoideae, Sempervivoideae, Sedoideae, and Echeverioideae. The Kalanchoideae and the genera Cotyledon and Adromischus exhibit low levels of cpDNA sequence divergence relative to one another, suggesting a relatively recent radiation. The genera Sedum and Rosularia are indicated to be polyphyletic. Sedum comprises sister taxa of most of the other genera of the family.  相似文献   

Approximately 70% of the angiosperm species are polyploid, an important phenomenon in the evolution of those plants. But ploidy estimates have often been hindered because of the small size and large number of chromosomes in many tropical groups. Since polyploidy affects cell size, morphometric analyses of pollen grains and stomata have been used to infer ploidy level. Polyploidy is present in many species of the Cerrado, the Neotropical savanna region in Central Brazil, and has been linked to apomixis in some taxa. Eriotheca gracilipes and Eriotheca pubescens are common tree species in this region, and present cytotypes that form reproductive mosaics. Hexaploid individuals (2n = 6x = 276) are polyembryonic and apomictic, while tetraploid and diploid individuals (2n = 2x = 92, 2n = 4x = 184) are sexual and monoembryonic. We tested whether morphometric analysis can be used to estimate ploidy levels in E. gracilipes and E. pubescens individuals. Pollen material from diploid and hexaploid individuals of E. gracilipes, and tetraploid and hexaploid individuals of E. pubescens, were fixed in 50% FAA, and expanded leaves were dried in silica gel. Pollen grains and stomata of at least five individuals from each population were measured. The results demonstrate that all measures were significantly different among cytotypes. Individuals with higher levels of ploidy (hexaploid) all presented measurements that were higher than those with lower levels (diploid and tetraploid). There was no overlap between ploidy levels in each species at 95% confidence interval. Thus, the size of the pollen grains and stomata are effective parameters for analysis of ploidy levels in E. gracilipes and E. pubescens.  相似文献   

Local adaptation of plants along environmental gradients provides strong evidence for clinal evolution mediated by natural selection. Plants have developed diverse strategies to mitigate stress, for example, drought escape is a phenological strategy to avoid drought stress, while polyploidy was proposed as a genomic adaptation to stress. Polyploidy as an adaptation to aridity (an environmental parameter integrating temperature and precipitation) was previously documented in annual Brachypodium spp. (Poaceae) in the Western Mediterranean. Here, we examined whether polyploidy or phenology are associated with aridity in annual Brachypodium spp. along the aridity gradient in the Eastern Mediterranean. Using flow cytometry, we determined ploidy levels of plants from natural populations along the Israeli gradient, spanning ∼424 km from mesic Mediterranean to extreme desert climates. In a common garden we recorded time of seedling emergence, flowering and senescence. We tested whether the proportion of allotetraploids in the populations and phenological traits were associated with aridity. Contrary to a previous study in the Western Mediterranean, we found no effect of aridity on the proportion of allotetraploids and diploids within populations. Interestingly, phenology was associated with aridity: time of emergence was later, while flowering and senescence were earlier in desert plants. Our results indicate that in the Eastern Mediterranean, adaptation of Brachypodium to aridity is mediated mainly by phenology, rather than ploidy level. Therefore, we suggest that genome duplication is not the main driver of adaptation to environmental stress; rather, phenological change as a drought escape mechanism may be the major adaptation.  相似文献   

It is timely to re-examine the phenomenon of polyploidy in plants. Indeed, the power of modern molecular technology to provide new insights, and the impetus of genomics, make polyploidy a fit, fashionable and futuristic topic for review. Some historical perspective is essential to understand the meaning of the terms, to recognize what is already known and what is dogma, and to frame incisive questions for future research. Polyploidy is important because life on earth is predominantly a polyploid phenomenon. Moreover, civilization is mainly powered by polyploid food – notably cereal endosperm. Ongoing uncertainty about the origin of triploid endosperm epitomizes our ignorance about somatic polyploidy. New molecular information makes it timely to reconsider how to identity polyploids and what is a polyploid state. A functional definition in terms of a minimal genome may be helpful. Genes are known that can raise or lower ploidy level. Molecular studies can test if, contrary to dogma, the relationship between diploids and polyploids is a dynamic two-way system. We still need to understand the mechanisms and roles of key genes controlling ploidy level and disomic inheritance. New evidence for genome duplications should be compared with old ideas about cryptopolyploidy, and new views of meiosis should not ignore premeiotic genome separation. In practice, new knowledge about polyploidy will be most useful only when it reliably predicts which crops can be usefully improved as stable autopolyploids and which genomes combined to create successful new allopolyloids.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 411–423.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic sporophytes were obtained from three strains of Laminaria japonica Areschoug. These sporophytes grew to maturity in the sea, producine spores that all grew into female gametophytes. These female gametophytes gave rise to another generation of parthenogenetic sporophytes during the next year, so that by the year 1990 parthenogenetic sporophytes had been cultivated for 12, 9, and 7 generations, respectively, for the three strains. When female gametophytes from parthenogenetic sporophytes were combined with normal male gametophytes, normal sporophytes that reproduced and gave rise to both female and male gametophytes were obtained. The parthenogenetic sporophytes were shorter and narrower than the normal sporophytes of the same strain. Chromosome counts on mature sporophytes showed that normal sporophytes (from fertilized eggs) were diploid (2n = approximately 40) and that the spores they produced were haploid (n = approximately 20), while nuclei from both somatic and sporangial cells in parthenogenetic sporophytes were haploid. All gametophytes were haploid. Young sporophytes derived from cultures with both female and male gametophytes were diploid, while young, sporophytes obtained from female gametophytes from parthenogenetic sporophytes had haploid, diploid, or polyploidy chromosome numbers. Polyploidy was associated with abnormal cell shapes. The presence of haploid parthenogenetic sporophytes should be use in breeding kelp strains with useful characteristics, since the sporophyte phenotype is expressed from a haploid genotype which can be more readily selected.  相似文献   

Colchicine can induce polyploidy in phalaenopsis orchids. When young protocorms are treated in liquid culture with 50 mg/l colchicine, about 50% of the protocorms develop into tetraploids.  相似文献   

于2015年10月起在广东珠海对40 种景天科多肉植物进行为期2年的生长观测,对其观赏性、生态适应性进行评价,以期筛选适合本土生长的优良多肉植物。结果显示,综合评价等级最优(Ⅴ级)植物9种,分别为姬胧月Graptopetalum ‘Bronze’、胧月Graptopetalum paraguayense、铭月Sedum adolphli、秋丽Graptosedum ‘Francesco Baldi’、江户紫Kalanchoe marmorata、窄叶不死鸟Kalanchoe ‘Fortyniner’、燕子掌Crassula portulacea、丸叶姬秋丽Graptopetalum mendozae、姬秋丽Graptopetalum ‘Mirinae’;综合评价等级优(Ⅳ级)植物6种,分别为子持莲华Orostachys furuser、鲁氏石莲Echeveria runyonii、初恋Echeveria huthspinke、冬美人Pachyphytum oviferum ‘Pachytoides’、青星美人Pachyphytum ‘Doctor Comelius’、千佛手Sedum super ‘Burros’。上述种类可在珠海及周边城市推广应用。  相似文献   

In vitro conditions for Japanese quince polyploidisation were investigated. Microshoots and isolated cotyledons were treated with colchicine and oryzalin. Morphogenesis was more dependent on the concentration of colchicine or oryzalin than on the duration of exposure, genotype differences were observed. Low oryzalin concentrations had no impact on morphogenesis. Plants with changed chromosome numbers were obtained at 0.25–38 mM colchicine and 10–50 μM oryzalin concentrations. It was determined that stomata length is a suitable parameter for identifying putative Japanese quince tetraploids. Stomata of tetraploid shoots of the same clone were approximately 1/3 longer than in the diploids. It was shown that through polyploidisation gigas effect was not obtained in fruit size but tetraploids have reduced seed set and an increased proportion of fruit flesh.  相似文献   

Occurrence of polyploidy in the fishes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Polyploidy, the multiplication of entire setsof chromosomes beyond the normal set of two,has occurred extensively, independently, and isoften repeated in many groups of fish, from thesharks to the higher teleosts. While there areseveral ways that a polyploid fish can develop,environmental change and hybrid stabilizationmay play a large role in the initiation of anew polyploid species. Despite its prevalence,the importance of polyploidy in the evolutionof the fishes is unclear. Polyploidy is morecommon in the lower teleosts than the higherteleosts, possibly due to an advantage gainedthrough decreased specialization in the lowerteleosts, a decreased viability of polyploidyin the higher fish, or both. Polyploid fishcould gain an advantage over diploid fishthrough increased heterozygosity, divergence ofduplicate genes, and/or increased expression ofkey physiological proteins. While polyploidfish do not differ considerably from diploidsphenotypically, they may be at a disadvantage,or certain advantages may be lessened due to anoverall decrease in cell number. This papersummarizes all polyploid species of fish knownto-date, and discusses the possible roles andpathways for establishment of polyploidy in theevolution of the fishes.  相似文献   

邹春玉  孟世勇  许为斌  刘演 《广西植物》2023,43(12):2213-2223
该文基于文献考证、馆藏标本鉴定及野外调查,对广西景天属(Sedum L.)植物进行了系统的梳理,对景天属植物物种多样性进行概述,确定目前分布有17种,其中有6个新记录种。该文概述了广西景天属植物物种多样性,订正了藓状景天(S.polytrichoides Hemsl.),简述了6个新记录种,即钝萼景天(S.leblancae Hamet.)、黎平景天(S.lipingense R. B. Zhang, D. Tan&R. X. Wei)、龙泉景天(S.lungtsuanense S. H. Fu)、圆叶景天(S.makinoi Maxim.)、细小景天(S.subtile Miq.)、土佐景天(S.tosaense Makino),并提供其形态特征集要与彩色照片。该文还对广西景天属植物的多样性以及资源潜在利用价值等进行了讨论,并附有分种检索表和各个分类群在广西的分布情况,为该属后续的研究与利用提供了本底资料。  相似文献   

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