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Anatomy and ultrastructure of the floral nectary of Peganum harmala L. were studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. The floral nectary was visible as a glabrous, regularly five‐lobed circular disc encircling the base of the ovary. Anatomically, it comprised a single layered epidermis and 15–20 layers of small, subepidermal secretory cells overlying several layers of large, ground parenchyma cells. The floral nectary was supplied by phloem and both sieve tubes and companion cells were found adjacent to the ground parenchyma. Based on our ultrastructural observations, plastids of secretory cells during the early stages of development were rich in starch grains and/or osmiophilic plastoglobuli, but these disappeared as nectar secretion progressed. The nectar appeared to exude through the modified stomata along symplastic and apoplastic routes. The abundant plastids and mitochondria suggest an eccrine mechanism of nectar secretion in P. harmala.  相似文献   

γ-Harmine, a new carboline alkaloid isolated from Peganum harmala L. (Zygophylaceae), has been shown to be 7-methoxy-4-methyl-γ-carboline (Ⅵ) according to its color reaction and spectral analyses. This is the first γ-carboline compound isolated from a plant, Harmine (Ⅰ) has also been isolated from the same plant material.  相似文献   

采用不同溶剂分级提取骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala L.)根、茎、叶及种子中的蛋白质,结果表明总蛋白以种子中的蛋白含量最高,而营养器官以叶中的蛋白含量较高。当年种子总蛋白含量显著高于贮藏种子。不同溶剂分级提取的当年生种子、根、茎和叶中各组分,以碱提组分蛋白含量最高。用含不同盐离子浓度的缓冲液和不同pH值的广泛缓冲液提取骆驼蓬种子的蛋白质,结果表明优化后的缓冲液条件为含0.2mol/LNaCl,pH:7.0~8.0的5mmol/LPBS缓冲液。硫酸铵沉淀法获得的骆驼蓬种子中的蛋白粗提物(1.2mg/mL)对供试真菌交格链孢菌(Alternaria alternata)、指状青霉菌(Penicillium degitatum)、灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)、稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthe grisea)和意大利青霉菌(Penicillium italicum)等5种植物病原真菌均有抑菌作用,其中对意大利青霉菌和交格链孢菌表现出较好的抑菌活性,抑菌环直径分别为19.50和18.50mm。对供试细菌表皮葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus epidermidis)、粪肠球菌(Enterococcus faecalis)、臭鼻克雷伯菌(Klebsiella penumoniae)、福氏志贺氏菌(Shigella flexneri)、金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureua)和鲍曼不动杆菌(Acinetobacter baumannii)等6种病原细菌也有抑菌作用,其中对臭鼻克雷伯菌、福氏志贺氏菌、表皮葡萄球菌等病原细菌等有较好的抑制作用,抑菌圈直径分别10.20、10.10和9.30mm。  相似文献   

以骆驼蓬幼苗为材料,采用盆栽试验研究不同浓度(0、50、100、200、400 mg·kg-1)Ni、Cu处理对骆驼蓬叶片光合作用、叶绿素荧光特性及生长状况的影响.结果表明: 随着Ni浓度的增加,骆驼蓬幼苗叶片的光合色素含量、净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ电子传递量子产率(ΦPSⅡ)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)及各项生长指标均呈显著下降趋势,而细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)和非光化学猝灭系数(qN)呈显著增加趋势,其中Pn的下降主要是由非气孔限制所致;骆驼蓬幼苗叶片的光合色素含量、Pn、Gs、Tr、Ci、Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、qP及各项生长指标均在50 mg·kg-1 Cu处理时达到峰值,叶绿素a和b、Pn、Gs、Tr、Ci、Fv/Fm及各项生长指标值在100 mg·kg-1 Cu处理时仍微高于对照,而后随Cu浓度的增加,光合色素含量、Pn、Gs、Tr、Ci、 Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、qP及各项生长指标均呈下降趋势,qN呈增加趋势,其中Pn的下降主要是由气孔限制所致.  相似文献   

地椒花蜜腺发育的解剖学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过显微和亚显微观察对地椒花蜜腺的发育进行了研究。地椒花蜜腺位于子房基部的花盘上,属于盘状蜜腺,新鲜时呈绿色。蜜腺由分泌表皮和泌蜜组织组成,分泌表皮为一层细胞,表皮细胞角质膜较厚,表皮上分布着大量的气孔器,气孔器突出于表面;泌蜜组织细胞多层。花盘中央有维管束通向子房,在维管束和泌蜜组织之间有4 ̄5层大型的薄壁细胞。蜜腺由花盘的表皮及其内侧相邻的细胞发育而来,在发育过程中,其细胞中的液泡和贮藏的淀粉  相似文献   

Anacardiaceae and Burseraceae are traditionally distinguished by the number of ovules (1 vs. 2) per locule and the direction of ovule curvature (syntropous vs. antitropous). Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have shown that these families are sister groups in Sapindales after having been separated in different orders for a long time. We present a comparative morphological study of the flower structure in both families. The major clades, usually supported in molecular phylogenetic analyses, are well supported by floral structure. In Anacardiaceae, there is a tendency to gynoecium reduction to a single fertile carpel (particularly in Anacardioideae). The single ovule has a long and unusually differentiated funicle, which connects with the stylar pollen tube transmitting tract in all representatives studied. In Anacardiaceae–Spondiadoideae, there is a tendency to form an extensive synascidiate zone, with a massive remnant of the floral apex in the centre; these features are also present in Beiselia (Burseraceae) and Kirkiaceae (sister to Anacardiaceae plus Burseraceae) and may represent a synapomorphy or apomorphic tendency for the three families. In core Burseraceae, gynoecium structure is much less diverse than in Anacardiaceae and has probably retained more plesiomorphies. Differences in proportions of parts of the ovules in Anacardiaceae and Burseraceae are linked with the different direction of ovule curvature. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 499–571.  相似文献   

鹅掌柴花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对鹅掌柴(Scheffler octophylla Harms.)花蜜腺的发育进行解剖结构观察。鹅掌柴花盘蜜腺位于下位子房上方环绕花柱基部。蜜腺由分泌表皮、产蜜组织组成,心皮维管束与其相邻并发出一些伸入蜜腺基部的短分枝。蜜腺起源于心皮原基基部外侧的几层细胞。鹅掌柴花蜜腺为淀粉型蜜腺,淀粉粒为许多微小颗粒聚集成的复粒。原蜜汁由蜜腺基部维管束的筛管提供,达产蜜组织细胞和表皮细胞后以淀粉粒的形式贮藏。泌出的蜜汁一部分来自淀粉粒的降解,一部分来自泌蜜期输入的原蜜汁。表皮和产蜜组织细胞均具泌蜜功能。泌出的蜜汁大部分通过气孔排出,还有部分由角质层渗出。  相似文献   

The floral development and anatomy ofChrysosplenium alternifolium were studied with the scanning electron microscope and light microscope to understand the initiation sequence of the floral organs and the morphology of the flower, and to find suitable floral characters to interpret the systematic position of the genus within the Saxifragaceae. The tetramerous flower shows a highly variable initiation sequence. The median sepals and first stamens arise in a paired sequence resembling a dimerous arrangement, but the first sepal and stamen arise on the side opposite to the bract. Transversal sepals and stamens emerge sequentially, as one side often precedes the other; sepals and stamens occasionally arise on common primordia. Initiation of the gynoecium is more constant with two median carpel primordia arising on a sunken floral apex. Several flowers were found to be pentamerous with a 2/5 initiation sequence. Flowers were invariably found to be apetalous without traces of petals in primordial stages; this condition is interpreted as an apomorphy. It is postulated that the development of a broad gynoecial nectary is responsible for the occurrence of an obdiplostemonous androecium. The gynoecium shows a number of anatomical particularities not observed in other Saxifragaceae. The presence and distribution of colleters is discussed.  相似文献   

Ochnaceae s.l. (Ochnaceae, Quiinaceae and Medusagynaceae), one of the well‐supported subclades of the large order Malpighiales retrieved so far in molecular phylogenetic studies, were comparatively studied with regard to floral structure using microtome section series and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Floral morphology, anatomy and histology also strongly reflect this close relationship. Potential synapomorphies of the subclade include: flowers nectarless, sepals of different sizes within a flower, petals not retarded in development and forming the protective organs of advanced floral buds, petal aestivation contort, petals with three vascular traces, petals reflexed over the sepals and directed toward the pedicel, polystemony, anthers almost or completely basifixed, gynoecium often with more than five carpels, short gynophore present, styles separate for at least their uppermost part and radiating outwards, suction‐cup‐shaped stigmas, vasculature forming a dorsal band of bundles in the upper stylar region, gynoecium epidermis with large, radially elongate cells, ovules either weakly crassinucellar or incompletely tenuinucellar with an endothelium, abundance of tanniferous tissues and sclerenchyma in floral organs. The most strongly supported subclade of two of the three families in molecular analyses, Quiinaceae and Medusagynaceae, is also particularly well supported by floral structural features, including the presence of functionally and morphologically unisexual flowers, a massive thecal septum that persists after anther dehiscence, styles radiating outward from the ovary, two lateral ovules per carpel, positioned one above the other, conspicuous longitudinal ribs on the ovary wall at anthesis, and a ‘false endothelium’ on the nucellus at anthesis. Additionally, the group fits well in Malpighiales and further emphasizes the relationship of Malpighiales with Celastrales and Oxalidales, and thus the unity of the COM clade. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 299–392.  相似文献   

Early floral development with focus on the androecium was studied with the help of scanning electron microscopy and serial microtome sectioning in Fouquieria columnaris and F. splendens. Perianth organs appear in a spiral pattern on the floral apex. The spiral may be a clockwise or anti-clockwise. The androecium is best interpreted as two-whorled with all the stamens arranged in a single series. In F. splendens, two or more of the five epipetalous stamen positions are doubled, i.e. they are occupied by stamen pairs. Unusual features in the floral development of Fouquieriaceae include (1) a strong spiral component even in whorled organ categories and (2) a pronouncedly asymmetric floral apex during an early phase of floral development. From a phylogenetic point of view, it seems plausible that the common ancestor of Fouquieriaceae and its sister family Polemoniaceae was characterized by two alternating, pentamerous stamen-whorls.  相似文献   

Crataegus section Douglasii exhibits variation in stamen number per flower typical for the genus throughout North America. To understand the developmental basis for this variation we studied the early floral ontogeny of the three taxa in section Douglasii: C. douglasii (both Pacific northwest and the upper Great Lakes basin), C. rivularis, and C. suksdorfii. Crataegus suksdorfii, like all known diploid Crataegus, has ≈20 stamens; the two other taxa have ≈10 stamens, a condition associated only with polyploidy. In all taxa petal primordia and a whorl of five pairs of stamen primordia develop from five common primordia. The 10-stamen∗∗∗ condition results from loss of two whorls of five stamens that are subsequently formed in C. suksdorfii. Loss of these two whorls in the 10-stamen taxa is the result of neither a smaller floral apex at initiation, nor a smaller flower at anthesis. Stamen number variability, particularly in C. douglasii and C. rivularis, is the result predominantly of fewer than two stamen primordia developing between adjacent petal primordia. Pollen production in C. douglasii is half that in C. suksdorfii because of the reduction in stamen number. The results are presented and discussed in terms of morphogenetic explanations of meristic variation.  相似文献   

药用类短命植物新疆阿魏花蜜腺的发育解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王虹  张富春 《植物研究》2004,24(4):406-412
类短命植物新疆阿魏(Ferula sinkiangensts K.M.Shen),是新疆独具特色的药用蜜源植物,其花蜜腺位于下位子房的花盘之上,由子房上部的表层细胞特化而形成的,属下位子房上的盘状蜜腺.但由于其花柱短,基部呈圆锥状,蜜腺分布于盘状结构表面除花柱外的区域,因而可以认为是花柱基部类蜜腺的一种扩展和特化,属于从子房蜜腺向花柱蜜腺过渡的类型.在蜜腺下方分布有大量的子房维管束,其泌蜜途径可能为:前蜜汁经共质体或非共质体途径到产蜜组织中,加工后再经共质体途径运进气孔下方的特殊细胞中,再分泌到孔下室,经气孔泌出.其花蜜腺在发育过程中液泡化动态明显,PAS反应测试细胞具阳性物质,淀粉粒积累动态较明显.  相似文献   

Love‐in‐a‐mist (Nigella damascena) is an annual species of Ranunculaceae native to the Mediterranean Basin, characterized by delicate flowers lying on long lacy bracts. Two floral morphs of N. damascena, designated [P] and [T], differ in the identity and number of perianth organs and in the position of the perianth–androecium boundary on the meristem. They both occur in the wild. Here we describe a precise comparative schedule of floral development in the two morphs. We divided the sequence of developmental events affecting the floral meristem into six stages and related them to the height of the elongating stem and to the time elapsed after the beginning of stem elongation. In addition, we characterized the expression pattern of C‐class genes in floral organs of both morphs in an attempt to better characterize the differences between the two floral groundplans. In the [T] morph an expansion of the expression domain of AGAMOUS (AG) paralogues outside the fertile organs was observed, correlating with the change in identity of the inner perianth organs. Expression of AG‐like genes in the sepal‐like organs suggests these are not identical to true sepals at the molecular level. The morpho‐temporal framework we have defined will allow us to compare various gene expression profiles at targeted developmental stages in both morphs, providing further insight into the molecular control of the floral dimorphism in N. damascena and into the processes underlying the transition from a differentiated (bipartite) to an undifferentiated (unipartite) perianth. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 608–619.  相似文献   

We have used confocal microangiography to examine and describe the vascular anatomy of the developing zebrafish, Danio rerio. This method and the profound optical clarity of zebrafish embryos make it possible to view the entire developing vasculature with unprecedented resolution. A staged series of three-dimensional images of the vascular system were collected beginning shortly after the onset of circulation at 1 day postfertilization through early- to midlarval stages at approximately 7 days postfertilization. Blood vessels in every region of the animal were imaged at each stage, and detailed "wiring patterns" were derived describing the interconnections between every major vessel. We present an overview of these data here in this paper and in an accompanying Web site "The interactive atlas of zebrafish vascular anatomy" online at (http://eclipse.nichd.nih.gov/nichd/lmg/redirect.html). We find a highly dynamic but also highly stereotypic pattern of vascular connections, with different sets of primitive embryonic vessels severing connections and rewiring in new configurations according to a reproducible plan. We also find that despite variation in the details of the vascular anatomy, the basic vascular plan of the developing zebrafish shows strong similarity to that of other vertebrates. This atlas will provide an invaluable foundation for future genetic and experimental studies of vascular development in the zebrafish.  相似文献   

唐古特白刺叶黄酮类及酚酸类成分的分离鉴定   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从蒺藜科植物唐古特白刺(NitrariatangutorumBor.)叶中分得8个黄酮类及酚酸类化合物,经理化常数测定和波谱学方法确定了它们的化学结构,分别为:3甲氧基4羟基反式桂皮酸(1)、对羟基反式肉桂酸(2)、3羟基4甲氧基苯甲酸(3)、邻羟基苯甲酸(4)、3,5二甲醚山柰黄素7OβD葡萄糖甙(5)、3甲醚山柰黄素7OβD葡萄糖甙(6)、异鼠李素7OβD葡萄糖甙(7)、异鼠李素3OβD芸香糖甙(8)。以上化合物均为首次从该植物中得到,可以作为白刺属化学分类学的特征性化合物。  相似文献   

The transition from vegetative to reproductive development involves extensive revisions of cellular collaboration at the apical meristem and results in the production of novel appendages. In Dutch Iris (Iris xiphium) the transition from vegetative apical meristem to inflorescence meristem was morphologically signalled by the appearance of a `spathe leaf '. After enlargement of the inflorescence meristem, a second spathe leaf and a double floral meristem were formed. The then undulated surface corresponded to general topological changes and a beginning of altered cell division patterns. Throughout, all cells produced in the meristem remained in contact via plasmodesmata (Pd), thus maintaining the symplasmic unity of the meristem. Since the symplasm harbours part of the signal network that coordinates the activities of the meristem cells, we investigated if alterations in Pd numbers could underlie meristem transitions. Prior to Pd counting, potentially important borders inside the meristem, representing primary and secondary cell contacts, were identified by the construction of a symplasmetric map. During the transition, significant alterations did take place at some of the borders defined by the map. Within the second tunica layer (L2), and between the L2 and adjacent cells, Pd numbers were strongly reduced. Within the first tunica layer (L1) and within the corpus they remained the same. The reduction was 25% between L2-cells, and between L2- and L1-cells; it was 40% between the L2 and the outer corpus layer. The reductions appeared to be due to a lowered production of primary and secondary Pd by L2-cells towards each other and towards adjacent cells. As a result of this the integration of all L2-cells and, as a consequence, of the L1 as a whole in the symplasmic network of the meristem was reduced. The implied gain in autonomy of the individual L2-cells and of the L1-layer may reflect their new functions in the floral meristem. Received: 29 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

In the attempt to discover new genes involved in the floral development in monoeotyledonousin species,we have cloned and characterized the homologous PISTALLATA-like (PI-like) gone from Phalaenopsis hybrid cultivar named PhPI9 (Phalaenopsis PI STILLATA # 9).The eDNA of PhPI9 has a fragment of 834 bp and has 60% identity with the PISTILATA from Arabidopsis.The deduced amino acid sequence of PhPI9 had the typical PI-motif.It also formed a subelade with other monoeot PI-type genes in phylogenetie analysis.Southern analysis showed that PhPI9 was present in the Phalaenopsis orchid genome as a single copy.Furthermore,it was expressed only in the lip of the Phalaenopsis flower and no expression was detected in vegetative organs.Thus,as a B-function MADS-box gone,PhP19 specifies floral organ identity in orchids.  相似文献   

Orchids are known for their beauty and complexity of flower and ecological strategies. The evolution in orchid floral morphology, structure, and physiological properties has held the fascination of botanists for centuries, from Darwin through to the present. In floral studies, MADS‐box genes contributing to the now famous ABCDE model of floral organ identity control have dominated conceptual thinking. The sophisticated orchid floral organization offers an opportunity to discover new variant genes and different levels of complexity to the ABCDE model. Recently, several remarkable research reports on orchid MADS‐box genes, especially B‐class MADS‐box genes, have revealed the evolutionary track and important functions on orchid floral development. Diversification and fixation of both paleoAP3 gene sequences and expression profiles might be explained by subfunctionalization and even neofunctionalization. Knowledge about MADS‐box genes encoding ABCDE functions in orchids will give insights into the highly evolved floral morphogenetic networks of orchids.  相似文献   

黄瓜花芽启始分化的形态解剖研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陶月良  曾广文  朱诚 《广西植物》2002,22(3):228-231
苗龄 6d的黄瓜幼苗 ,在第一节位叶腋处花芽原基开始启动分化。花芽分化时间早、速度快、节位低、同步性好。诱导黄瓜开花的因素可能不是光和夜低温 ,其开花特性类似于自主开花植物  相似文献   

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