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J. F. Fox 《Oecologia》1985,67(2):244-249
Summary Recent theories predict the evolution of dioecy among higher plants, in association with certain pollination and fruit dispersal traits. However, reported associations of dioecy with pollination, dispersal and growth form traits have not distinguished the effects of each trait separately, controlling for the others. Because these traits are associated among themselves, existing analyses may involve spurious or indirect correlations. This paper reports the incidence of dioecy in a subarctic and an arctic flora, and analyzes the occurrence of dioecy among vascular plants classified jointly by growth form, floral (pollination) syndrome, and fruit (dispersal) syndrome. Dioecism is no more frequent in the arctic flora as a whole, but its incidence increases northward among woody plants. This increase is associated with an increase in the proportion of woody species having small, inconspicuous flowers, and not with the syndrome of fleshy or animal dispersed fruits. Within the floras of Alaska, California, and the Northeastern US, dioecy is markedly more frequent among woody plants and among plants having small, inconspicuous flowers, and that is the only strong statistical association of dioecy for the species of these floras. When genera and families are analyzed similarly, dioecy is also associated significantly with dispersal syndrome. Thus, among angiosperms, evidence currently does not support either an uniquely strong or exclusive association of dioecy with dispersal traits, as it does for gymnosperms (Givnish 1980). It is extremely desirable to analyze the occurrence of dioecy among taxa classified jointly by all relevant ecological traits, rather than analyzing marginal distributions.  相似文献   

We report on a phylogenetic analysis of correlations between the occurrence of dioecy and several ecological and life-history attributes: tropical distribution, woody growth form, abiotic pollination, small inconspicuous flowers and inflorescences, many-flowered inflorescences and fleshy fruits. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain why associations occur between dioecy and several of these attributes, yet most assume that dioecy originates more often in clades with these traits than in clades with alternative character states. To investigate correlations between dioecy and these attributes, and to provide insights into the potential evolutionary pathways that have led to these associations, we assigned states of these traits to genera on a large-scale molecular phylogeny of the angiosperms; we then used maximum-likelihood analysis to analyse the presence of correlations and the sequence of acquisition of traits. Phylogenetic analysis revealed correlations between dioecy and six of the seven attributes; only many-flowered inflorescences exhibiting no association with the dioecious condition. The particular correlations that were revealed and the strength of the association differed among the three main monophyletic groups of angiosperms (Rosids, Asterids, and Eumagnoliids). Our analysis provided no general support for the hypothesis that dioecy is more likely to evolve in lineages already possessing the seven attributes we considered. Further analysis of the intercorrelations of the seven attributes provided evidence for non-independence between some of the traits, implying that functional associations among these traits have influenced the ecology and evolution of dioecious species.  相似文献   

Dioecy is a rare breeding system in flowering plants, but one that has evolved multiple times in different plant lineages. Dioecious species are commonly associated with several ecological traits, including woody habit, fleshy fruit, and small, inconspicuous flowers, although the significance of these correlations has been debated extensively. Monoecy is a breeding system that may lead to the evolution of dioecy, but ecological correlates of monoecious species have rarely been analyzed. We determined the diversity of breeding systems in the littoral forests of Madagascar and used multivariate methods to estimate which ecological traits have the strongest association with dioecy and are the best predictors of breeding systems. The Malagasy littoral forest flora is a well‐documented subset of the Malagasy flora, with 13 percent of total species diversity in an area <1 percent of the island's total. We found high levels of dioecy (18.4%) and monoecy (9.2%), similar to incidences in other tropical floras. Using multinomial logistic regression, dioecy has the strongest association with woody habit and fleshy fruit. Monoecious species have a strong association with small flowers, although this association does not hold at higher taxonomic levels. Using classification and regression tree (CART) methods, the best predictors of dioecy are woody habit and fleshy fruit; monoecy is equally predicted by fleshy and dry fruit. For the Malagasy littoral forest, both methods provide further support for the importance of woody habit and fleshy fruit in the evolution of dioecy.  相似文献   

Dioecy has evolved independently, many times, among unrelated taxa. It also appears to have evolved along two contrasting pathways: (1) from hermaphroditism via monoecy to dioecy and (2) from hermaphroditism via gynodioecy to dioecy. Most dioecious plants have close cosexual relatives with some means of promoting outcrossing (e.g., herkogamy, dichogamy, self-incompatibility, or monoecy). To the extent that these devices prevent inbreeding, the evolution of dioecy in these species cannot logically be attributed to selection for outcrossing. In these cases, the evolution of dioecy is, we believe, due to selection for sexual specialization. However, in other species, that lack outbreeding close relatives, dioecy may have evolved from gynodioecy (males and hermaphrodites) as an outbreeding device. Subsequent disruptive selection and selection for sexual specialization may have also shaped the evolution of dioecy from gynodioecy in these species, resulting in two genetically determined, constant sex morphs. Both pathways for the evolution of dioecy require the operation of disruptive selection, though the gynodioecy route involves more restrictive disruptive selection and a genetic designation of gender. In contrast, the monoecy route is not dependent on the genetic designation of two sex morphs, but, rather, allows the possibility of sexual intermediates and sexual lability. Both pathways produce one morph in which maleness is suppressed and another in which the female function is negligible or nonexistent—the reproductive mode recognized as dioecy. Evidence is presented here to support the thesis that instances of sexual lability, the presence of an array of sexual intermediates, sex-switching, and sexual niche segregation can be explained in terms of the pathway that was taken in the evolution of a particular dioecious species. In addition, the degree of sexual dimorphism seen in dioecious species is correlated with mode of pollination (insector wind-pollinated) and other ecological factors.  相似文献   

Dioecy is a rare sexual system among angiosperms whose occurrence and frequency depend on the kind and geographical location of the ecosystem. We evaluate the frequency of dioecy in the Caatinga, a special semi-arid vegetation type in Brazil. We compare the floral traits and other ecological characteristics usually related to dioecy between the Caatinga and other tropical ecosystems. Dioecious species of the Caatinga were compiled based on 24 published floristic lists including most of the Caatinga domain. These lists were compared with publications comprising data on sexual systems in different kinds of vegetation in the world. Sexual system confirmation and the database of the reproductive traits of the dioecious species were made by consulting herbaria, literature, and field observations. We registered 22 dioecious species occurring in the Caatinga. The overall dioecy frequency was 2.36 %, considering all Caatinga species, and 6.91 % within woody species. Most dioecious species exhibited traits related to this sexual system (e.g., woody habit, greenish inconspicuous flowers, generalistic pollination syndrome, and zoochory). The distribution of dioecy across the Caatinga plant community exhibited a very low level of phylogenetic signal (D = ?0.145), indicating a phylogenetic structure under Brownian evolution (p = 0.671). The frequency of dioecy in the Caatinga (2.36 %) proved lower than reported for angiosperms in general (ca. 6 %) and for other tropical ecosystems. This low frequency can be related to particular ecological characteristics of the Caatinga, such as low percentage of trees >3–4 m tall (13–18.7 %), low rainfall (50 % of the Caatinga vegetation with annual rainfall lower than 750 mm), and strong seasonality (6–9 months of dry season). Dioecious species of the Caatinga exhibited typical reproductive traits for this sexual system, similar to what has been reported for dioecious species of other tropical ecosystems in the world.  相似文献   

The role of diversification in causing the correlates of dioecy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dioecy is reported to be correlated with a number of ecological traits, including tropical distribution, woody growth form, plain flowers, and fleshy fruits. Previous analyses have concentrated on determining whether dioecy is more likely to evolve in lineages possessing these traits, rather than considering the speciation and extinction rates of dioecious lineages with certain combinations of traits. To address the association between species richness in dioecious lineages as a function of the ecological traits, we compared the evolutionary success (i.e., relative species richness) of dioecious focal lineages with that of their nondioecious sister groups. This test was repeated for the evolutionary success of randomly chosen nondioecious lineages (control lineages) compared with their nondioecious sister groups. If the possession of certain ecological traits enhances the evolutionary success of dioecious lineages, we predict an association between the presence of these traits and relative species richness in the former, but not latter, set of sister-group comparisons. Dioecious focal lineages with a higher number of these traits experienced higher evolutionary success in sister-group comparisons, whereas no trend was found for the control focal lineages. The increase in evolutionary success was especially true for dioecious focal lineages that had a tropical distribution or fleshy fruit. We discuss how these results provide strong support for differential evolutionary success theories for the correlations between dioecy and the ecological traits considered.  相似文献   

Aims Sexual systems influence many components of the ecology and evolution of plant populations and have rarely been documented in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests (SEBLF). Here we report frequency distribution and ecological correlates of plant sexual systems in SEBLF at Ailao Mountains, and compare our results with that of tropical and cool temperate forests.Methods We examine the sexual systems of 703 species of woody angiosperms belonging to 103 families and 296 genera based on a comprehensive survey of SEBLF at Ailao Mountains Natural Reserve. Information of plant sexual systems and ecological traits were mainly based on published literatures and specimens as well as our field observations. The associations between plant sexual system and ecological traits were assessed with chi-square tests.Important findings Among these species, 60.2% were hermaphroditic, 15.8% were monoecious and 24.0% were dioecious. The percentage of dioecious sexual system among tree species (22.2%) in SEBLF was comparable to those of tropical tree floras, but much higher than those of temperate forests at North America. The percentage of monoecious sexual system among tree species (30.1%) in SEBLF was higher than that of tropical tree floras, but much lower than those of temperate forests at North America. Monoecy was significantly associated with the tree growth form and was relatively common in temperate genera. Dioecy was significantly associated with fleshy fruits and monoecy was significantly associated with dry fruit type in SEBLF. The high percentage of diclinous sexual systems (monoecy and dioecy) in SEBLF may be associated with the origin of the flora and the prevalence of relatively small inconspicuous flowers of the forests in the Oriental Region.  相似文献   

Plant sexual systems can be affected by various environmental factors, and thus show a range of morphological differences. The associations between plant sexual systems and morphology are unique, for example, the subnival belt of the Hengduan Mountains has harsh climatic conditions, but hosts remarkable biodiversity. However, these associations have received surprisingly little attention. We analyzed the associations in this region, and compared the pattern of sexual systems with that of other floras, and we also reviewed the breeding system of 36 alpine species. Information on plant sexual systems and these traits were mainly based on published information, herbarium collections, and field observations. The results showed that there was a high proportion of hermaphroditic species and a low proportion of dioecious and monoecious species. Hermaphroditism was strongly associated with showy floral displays, specialist entomophily, and perennial forbs. Dioecy was strongly associated with inconspicuous, pale-colored flowers, anemophily, and shrubs, whereas monoecy was strongly associated with inconspicuous, pale-colored flowers, generalist entomophily, and perennial grasses. Although no association was found between sexual systems and fruit type, plants with dry fruits (98.1%) were predominant in our study region. With respect to the plant breeding systems in the alpine region of southwest China, we predicted that pollination service might be particularly low; most of the plants lacked enough outcrossing pollinators. Our data revealed that 97.1% of the hermaphroditic species were self-compatible, and 88.2% of them showed autonomous or facilitated selfing. The plant sexual systems identified might serve to optimize the probability of pollination and thus ensure reproductive success.  相似文献   

The flowers and inflorescences of animal-pollinated dioecious plants are generally small and inconspicuous in comparison with outcrossing cosexual species. The net benefits of an attractive floral display may be different for dioecious compared to cosexual populations because dioecious species experience a more severe reduction in pollen delivery when pollinators forage longer on fewer individuals. Here, we develop a model that predicts the decrease in pollen delivery in dioecious relative to cosexual populations from female-female, female-male and male-male visit sequences as the number of individuals visited varies. To evaluate the predictions of our model we conducted a common garden experiment with dioecious and monoecious (cosexual) arrays of the insect-pollinated herb Sagittaria latifolia. We find that, although increasing the advertisements of floral rewards (i.e. increasing floral display) attracts more pollinators to individuals, the probability that these pollinators subsequently deliver pollen to neighbouring plants depends on sexual system. Because the number of individual plants visited per foraging trip did not increase significantly with floral display, the relative pollination success of dioecious versus monoecious populations decreases with increased floral display. We propose that this could explain why dioecy is strongly correlated with reduced floral display among angiosperm species.  相似文献   

Background and AimsDioecy has evolved up to 5000 times in angiosperms, despite the potentially high intrinsic costs to unisexuality. Dioecy prevents inbreeding, which is especially relevant on isolated islands when gene pools are small. Dioecy is also associated with certain dispersal traits, such as fruit size and type. However, the influence of dioecy on other life history traits and island distribution remains poorly understood. Here, we test the effect of dioecy on palm (Arecaceae) speciation rates, fruit size and frequency on islands.MethodsWe used phylogenetic comparative methods to estimate the ancestral state of the sexual system and its impact on speciation rates and fruit size. Frequency of sexual systems, effect of insularity on the probability of being dioecious, and phylogenetic clustering of island dioecious vs. mainland species were inferred. Lastly, we determined the interplay of insularity and sexual system on speciation rates.Key ResultsPalms repeatedly evolved different sexual systems (dioecy, monoecy and polygamy) from a hermaphrodite origin. Differences in speciation rates and fruit size among the different sexual systems were not identified. An effect of islands on the probability of the palms being dioecious was also not found. However, we found a high frequency and phylogenetic clustering of dioecious palms on islands, which were not correlated with higher speciation rates.ConclusionsThe high frequency and phylogenetic clustering may be the result of in situ radiation and suggest an ‘island effect’ for dioecious palms, which was not explained by differential speciation rates. This island effect also cannot be attributed to long-distance dispersal due to the lack of fruit size difference among sexual systems, and particularly because palm dispersal to islands is highly constrained by the interaction between the sizes of fruit and frugivores. Taken together, we suggest that trait flexibility in sexual system evolution and the in situ radiation of dioecious lineages are the underlying causes of the outstanding distribution of palms on islands.  相似文献   

Surveys of plant breeding systems in angiosperm families have shown a significant association between monoecy and dioecy, and researchers have proposed that dioecy has tended to evolve from monoecy. We evaluated this hypothesis in the context of a phylogeny of 918 monocotyledons assembled from 19 published trees. Binary and multistate breeding system characters were mapped onto a set of composite trees, and alternative models of character change were compared using maximum likelihood. Over a range of tree topologies and optimizations, we found three to eight times as many changes from hermaphroditism to dioecy as we did from monoecy to dioecy. Also, the rate at which monoecy gave rise to dioecy was not significantly higher than the rate at which hermaphroditism gave rise to dioecy. Our analysis implies that the correlation of monoecy and dioecy in angiosperm families does not reflect a preponderance of changes from monoecy to dioecy. Instead, we postulate that the family-level correlation results from the clustering of breeding system changes in the underlying phylogeny. Our results suggest renewed attention to modeling the transition from hermaphroditism to dioecy, possibly involving transient intermediates such as gynodioecy.  相似文献   

Dioecious clades have been observed to have lower species richness than their non‐dioecious sister groups indicating that dioecious species experience higher extinction rates and (or) lower speciation rates. To determine whether current threats to biodiversity may exacerbate this pattern, we examined the threat to exclusively dioecious families of angiosperms among the 13,013 species of threatened plants included in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. When examined phylogenetically, dioecious families had proportionally more species listed than their sister groups. We then examined whether ecological traits correlated with dioecy, namely tropical distribution, woody growth form, and fleshy fruits, are associated with having higher proportions of threatened species. Ignoring breeding system, woody growth form was the only trait that was associated with a greater than expected proportion of threatened species per family. Red‐Listed dioecious families were more likely to have a woody growth form than non‐dioecious families. Woody growth habit is likely contributing to the higher incidence of dioecious species being at risk of extinction but is not solely responsible for the pattern because higher risk within dioecious groups was also apparent in a comparison of exclusively woody sister‐group pairs. Our results indicate that dioecious plants may warrant special attention in conservation practices.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

About 6 % of an estimated total of 240 000 species of angiosperms are dioecious. The main precursors of this sexual system are thought to be monoecy and gynodioecy. A previous angiosperm-wide study revealed that many dioecious species have evolved through the monoecy pathway; some case studies and a large body of theoretical research also provide evidence in support of the gynodioecy pathway. If plants have evolved through the gynodioecy pathway, gynodioecious and dioecious species should co-occur in the same genera. However, to date, no large-scale analysis has been conducted to determine the prevalence of the gynodioecy pathway in angiosperms. In this study, this gap in knowledge was addressed by performing an angiosperm-wide survey in order to test for co-occurrence as evidence of the gynodioecy pathway.


Data from different sources were compiled to obtain (to our knowledge) the largest dataset on gynodioecy available, with 275 genera that include at least one gynodioecious species. This dataset was combined with a dioecy dataset from the literature, and a study was made of how often dioecious and gynodioecious species could be found in the same genera using a contingency table framework.

Key Results

It was found that, overall, angiosperm genera with both gynodioecious and dioecious species occur more frequently than expected, in agreement with the gynodioecy pathway. Importantly, this trend holds when studying different classes separately (or sub-classes, orders and families), suggesting that the gynodioecy pathway is not restricted to a few taxa but may instead be widespread in angiosperms.


This work complements that previously carried out on the monoecy pathway and suggests that gynodioecy is also a common pathway in angiosperms. The results also identify angiosperm families where some (or all) dioecious species may have evolved from gynodioecious precursors. These families could be the targets of future small-scale studies on transitions to dioecy taking phylogeny explicitly into account.  相似文献   

Figs (Ficus, Moraceae) are either monoecious or gynodioecious depending on the arrangement of unisexual florets within the specialized inflorescence or syconium. The gynodioecious species are functionally dioecious due to the impact of pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) on the maturation of fig seeds. The evolutionary relationships of functionally dioecious figs (Ficus subg. Ficus) were examined through phylogenetic analyses based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA and morphology. Forty-six species representing each monoecious subgenus and each section of functionally dioecious subg. Ficus were included in parsimony analyses based on 180 molecular characters and 61 morphological characters that were potentially informative. Separate and combined analyses of molecular and morphological data sets suggested that functionally dioecious figs are not monophyletic and that monoecious subg. Sycomorus is derived within a dioecious clade. The combined analysis indicated one or two origins of functional dioecy in the genus and at least two reversals to monoecy within a functionally dioecious lineage. The exclusion of breeding system and related characters from the analysis also indicated two shifts from monoecy to functional dioecy and two reversals. The associations of pollinating fig wasps were congruent with host fig phylogeny and further supported a revised classification of Ficus.  相似文献   

Siparunaceae comprise Glossocalyx with one species in West Africa and Siparuna with 65 species in the neotropics; all have unisexual flowers, and 15 species are monoecious, 50 dioecious. Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of combined nuclear ribosomal ITS and chloroplast trnL-trnF intergenic spacer sequences yielded almost identical topologies, which were used to trace the evolution of the two sexual systems. The African species, which is dioecious, was sister to all neotropical species, and the monoecious species formed a grade basal to a large dioecious Andean clade. Dioecy evolved a second time within the monoecious grade. Geographical mapping of 6,496 herbarium collections from all species sorted by sexual system showed that monoecy is confined to low-lying areas (altitude < 700 m) in the Amazon basin and southern Central America. The only morphological trait with a strong phylogenetic signal is leaf margin shape (entire or toothed), although this character also correlates with altitude, probably reflecting selection on leaf shapes by temperature and rainfall regimes. The data do not reject the molecular clock, and branch lengths suggest that the shift to dioecy in the lowlands occurred many million years after the shift to dioecy in the ancestor of the Andean clade.  相似文献   

Ashman TL  Majetic CJ 《Heredity》2006,96(5):343-352
The characteristics of flowers influence most aspects of angiosperm reproduction, including the agents of pollination and patterns of mating. Thus, a clear view of the forces that mediate floral phenotypic evolution is central to understanding angiosperm diversity. Here, we inform on the capacity for floral phenotype to respond to selection by reviewing published data on heritabilities and genetic correlations for several classes of floral traits (primary sexual, attraction, mating system) in hermaphroditic plants. We find significant heritability for all floral traits but also variation among them, as well as a tendency for heritability to vary with mating system, but not life history. We additionally test predictions stemming from life history theory (eg, negative covariation between male-female traits and flower size-flower number), and ideas concerning the extent and pattern of genetic integration between flowers and leaves, and between the sexes of dioecious and gynodioecious species. We find mixed evidence for life history tradeoffs. We find strong support for floral integration and its relation with floral morphology (actinomorphy vs zygomorphy) and for a decoupling of floral and vegetative traits, but no evidence that modular integration varies with floral morphology. Lastly, we find mixed evidence for a relationship between the level of sexual dimorphism in attraction traits and the between-sex correlation in gender dimorphic plants.  相似文献   

Dioecy is frequent in tropical forests. It has been suggested that small, unspecialized pollinators are among the factors responsible for gender separation in this habitat. The underlying assumption is that poor fliers and/or communal foragers frequently effect selfing which in turn, given sufficiently severe inbreeding depression, should favor the establishment of dioecy. At least 10% of the genera of the angiosperms includes dioecious species; in tropical flowering plants, however, pollinators are reliably known only in a few species. Whereas temperate dioecious species commonly are wind- or water-pollinated, anemophily is less important in tropical forests, but occurs in at least 30 dioecious genera. Our survey of tropical dioecious zoophilous species in 29 genera (in 21 families) for which detailed pollination information is available shows that these species have specialized flowers adapted to specific pollinators rather than generalized flowers suitable for diverse insects. Known pollinators include solitary and eusocial bees, beetles, moths, flies, wasps (including fig wasps), and rarely bats and birds, and cover a wide range in animal size and locomotive capabilities. Floral rewards comprise pollen, nectar, stylar mucilage, nutritious tissues, brood-places, and resins. About a third of the species offer no reward in the female morph, pollination by deceit apparently being common. Our data thus do not support the hypothesis that there is a broad correlation between a dioecious breeding system and unspecialized pollination, although such a correlation may be found in certain taxa. Specialized plant-pollinator relationships seem as critical in dioecious plants in tropical forests, where individuals often grow far apart, as they are in tropical plants with other breeding systems.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants commonly have extensive geographical distributions, implying few restrictions to dispersal. Here we investigate the postglacial history of an aquatic plant with contrasting sexual systems (monoecy and dioecy), which are predicted to affect dispersal ability. We examined the distribution of cpDNA haplotypes using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) among 76 populations (32 monoecious, 38 dioecious, two mixed and four undetermined populations) of Sagittaria latifolia sampled throughout eastern North America. We also use these data to investigate the polarity of the evolutionary transition between monoecy and dioecy. Using PCR-RFLP, we identified eight cpDNA haplotypes. All haplotypes were found in unglaciated areas of the species' range, clustered primarily in the southeastern United States, providing evidence that glacial refugia probably occurred in this area. Genetic diversity (hT) was more than six times greater among monoecious compared to dioecious populations. All seven of the haplotypes for which the sexual system could be determined were represented among monoecious populations. In contrast, only four haplotypes were detected in dioecious populations and 94% of individuals from dioecious populations possessed a single haplotype. Monoecious populations possessing this widespread haplotype were restricted to the southern portion of the range, indicating that dioecy probably originated in this region and then spread northwards. The distribution of cpDNA haplotypes in dioecious populations represents a subset of the variation found in monoecious populations, a pattern expected if dioecy has evolved from monoecy in S. latifolia.  相似文献   

Myriophyllum ussuriense has been described as dioecious but monoecious plants were newly found from some populations in south-western Japan. Sex expression of monoecious plants proved labile and they sometimes bore male or female flowers alone. On the other hand, sex expression of dioecious plants was stable and seemed to be fixed genetically. M. ussuriense may be still in the course of differentiation from monoecy to dioecy. Received 13 April 2001/ Accepted in revised form 22 May 2001  相似文献   

Aims The evolution of the outstanding variation of reproductive systems in angiosperms has been considered an important driver of lineage diversification. Closely related hermaphroditic and dioecious species with biotic pollination provide the opportunity to study and compare traits related to pollinator attraction and their consequences on reproductive components. A higher predictability of pollination syndromes is expected in dioecious species, which are dependent on pollinators, than in self-compatible hermaphroditic taxa. Dioecious species may suffer pollen limitation depending on the quality of floral rewards and the kind and abundance of pollinators, whereas no pollen limitation is expected in hermaphroditic species with autonomous self-pollination. Additionally, in the absence of pollen limitation, more or better seeds are expected in dioecious species, according to the sexual specialization hypothesis.Methods In natural populations of the hermaphroditic Fuchsia fulgens and Fuchsia arborescens and dioecious Fuchsia parviflora and Fuchsia obconica, all endemic to Mexico, we first described flower phenology, flower production and longevity and nectar volume and concentration. Then, we evaluated the correspondence between floral visitors and pollination syndromes. In hermaphrodite plants, we determined the level of herkogamy and the potential for autonomous self-pollination. Finally, we evaluated the effect of pollen limitation on fruit set and seed number and assessed seed germination for all species.Important findings In contrast to our prediction, dioecious species did not show a higher correspondence between pollination syndromes and floral visitors than did hermaphrodites; however, male flowers exhibited a higher correspondence than female flowers. No pollen limitation was detected in dioecious species, for which visitation rate did not differ between male and female flowers. The hermaphroditic F. fulgens showed pollen limitation for seed number, despite the presence of autonomous selfing. Fruit set from autonomous pollination was higher in F. arborescens, which showed a lower level of herkogamy compared with F. fulgens. Finally, dioecious species produced fewer but heavier seeds compared with hermaphrodite species. Although Fuchsia is classified as an outcrossing genus, both hermaphroditic species showed autonomous self-pollination. The heavier but lower number of seeds per fruit in dioecious species may be related to the more efficient resource allocation expected from sexual specialization. This could play an important role in the evolution of dioecy; however, a comparative phylogenetic approach is required to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

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