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The accumulation of phytic acid during development of lily (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.) pollen and its degradation during germination have been studied. A substantial amount of phytic acid accumulates in lily pollen by 5 days before anthesis, and little change occurs during subsequent maturation. Mature lily pollen contains 7 to 8 micrograms phytic acid per milligram pollen. Considerable degradation of phytic acid occurs by 15 minutes of incubation in glucose culture medium, and very little is left by 3 hours. No partially phosphorylated myo-inositol accumulates during germination. The breakdown of phytic acid proceeds at a constant rate during this time period. The rate is calculated to be 0.037 microgram phytic acid/milligram pollen/minute. Two phytases are detected in germinated lily pollen extract using high performance liquid chromatography with an anion exchange column (diethylaminoethyl-5PW). The results suggest that one of the phytases is already present in mature ungerminated lily pollen and the other one is newly synthesized during germination from a long-lived, pre-existing mRNA.  相似文献   

In this study, pollen grains and anatomical features of Turkish lilies were investigated under the electron (SEM) and light (LM) microscope. LM and SEM observations showed that the pollen grains are monosulcate, heteropolar, elliptical in polar view and oblate. Numerical results based on combined palynological and anatomical characters were discussed and compared with traditional taxonomic treatments. It was found that the midrib shape, mesophyll type, P/E (polar/equatorial), sulcus length, and lumina width are the most valuable traits in separating the examined taxa. The numerical analysis showed that Lilium candidum L. differs from the rest Turkish Lilium and also confirmed a close relationship between L. szovitsianum Fisch. & Avé-Lall. and L. armenum Miscz. ex Grossh. Also this study is the first report dealing with anatomical and palynological features of all Turkish lilies.  相似文献   

A Calcium-Activated Phytase from Pollen of Lilium longiflorum   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A phytase was isolated and partially purified from the pollen of Lilium longiflorum Thumb. Optimum activity was at pH 8.0. The phytase was activated by Ca2+ and Sr2+ but not by the other divalent cations tested. Activity was inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetate. The phytase had a temperature optimum of 55 to 60°C and an activation energy of about 12,700 calories/mole. Extraction of L. longiflorum pollen with 0.1% Triton X-100 increased recovery of the phytase by nearly 4-fold. The phytase had a molecular weight of about 88,000 as determined by gel filtration chromatography and a Km value of 7.2 micromolar for phytic acid in the presence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Lilium Iongiflorum pollen tubes absorbed myo-[2-3H]inositol produced labeled metabolites which were separated into acid-soluble and -insoluble fractions. The soluble fraction contained labeled myo-inositol, d-glucuronic acid, myo-inositol 1-phosphate, and at least three other unidentified compounds. The acid-insoluble fraction contained considerable chloroformsoluble radioactivity and a labeled residue. Labeled myo-inositol was also absorbed by germinating pollen prior to the time of pollen tube initiation; however, there was a marked reduction in amounts of myo-inositol 1-phosphate and glucuronic acid produced by this pollen in comparison with growing pollen tubes.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy of pollen from Lilium longiflorum Thunb. reveals electron-dense inclusions in storage body organelles ubiquitous in the cytosol. In ungerminated pollen, these inclusions are rounded in appearance and appressed to the inner surface of the smooth membrane of the storage body. During pollen germination, these inclusions become less rounded, smaller, and enclosed in storage bodies that have developed crenated membranes. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis reveals high levels of P, Mg, K, and Ca in the inclusions relative to other regions of the cytosol in which elemental signals can be obtained. The elemental composition and the degradation of inclusions during germination are offered as evidence for storage of phytin in these structures which are thus analogous to phytin storage globoids of seed tissues.  相似文献   

Callose, a ß, 1–3 glucan as a component of plantcells has received sporadic attention. Here, we report an attemptto determine whether aniline blue and lacmoid are indeed specificfor visualizing callose. We also re-evaluate, based on a checkfor stain specificity, the localization of callose in elongatingLilium longiflorum, cv. ‘Ace’ pollen tubes. Specificityof these stains was checked by chemical and enzymatic extractionprocedures which solubilize proteins and polysaccharides. Resultsherein question the generally accepted validity of the fluorescent-anilineblue method for detecting callose. Lacmoid either possessesan affinity for both callose and protein or for callose as aglycoprotein. As for callose localization, the walls of thenon-growing region of the lily pollen tube contain callose,probably as a glycoprotein. Presence of the callosicglycoproteinin the wall of the growing tube-tip is dependent on tube length.Callose plugs exhibiting an affinity for aniline blue or lacmoidwere never seen. Phase-contrast microscopy revealed non-stainablewall ingrowths in fixed-tubes and free-moving cytoplasmic masseswithin living tubes.  相似文献   

Addition of myo-inositol to pentaerythritol-based germination media repressed the conversion of d-[1-14C]glucose to labeled uronosyl and pentosyl units of tube wall pectic substance in lily pollen (Lilium longiflorum Thunb.). Conversion of d-[1-14C]glucose to labeled glucosyl, galactosyl, and rhamnosyl units was unaffected. The reverse experiment, addition of d-glucose to pentaerythritol-based media, failed to affect the conversion of myo-[2-3H]inositol to uronosyl and pentosyl units although the flow of label into products of myo-inositol-linked glucogenesis was blocked. Results of these experiments are discussed in terms of a functional myo-inositol oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

Exudate production in the pistil of Lilium longiflorum was studiedin relation to pollen tube growth, using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), transmission electron microscopy and light microscopy.In contrast with conventional fixation for SEM, during whichthe exudate of L. longiflorum largely washes away, the exudateremains present through freezing in case of cryo-SEM. Usingthe latter method we observed that exudate production on thestigma and in the style started before anthesis. Just underneaththe stigma the exudate was first accumulated at the top of eachsecretory cell, followed by a merging of those accumulationsas exudate production proceeded. Exudate is also produced bythe placenta. It was however not possible to determine whetherany of this fluid originated from the micropyle. Apart fromthe cell shape and the cuticle present in between the secretorycells, the ultrastructure of the secretory cells covering theplacenta was comparable to those of the stylar canal. The transferwall of the secretory cells of the placenta originated fromfusing Golgi vesicles but the endoplasmic reticulum seemed tohave an important role as well. After pollination the pollen tubes grew across the stigma andentered the style through one of the slits in the three stigmalobes. The pollen tubes grew straight downward through the styleand were covered by exudate. As the pollen tubes approachedthe ovary their growth was restricted to the areas with secretorycells. In the cavity the pollen tubes formed a bundle and theybent from this bundle in between the ovules towards the micropylarside. There they bent again to stay close to the secretory cells.After bud pollination the pollen tube growth was retarded. Laterarriving pollen tubes had a tendency to grow close to the secretorycells of the style, which resulted in a growth between thesecells and preceding pollen tubes. If there was still a littleexudate produced, it resulted in a lifting up of the pollentubes, out of the exudate. The relationship between exudateproduction and pollen tube growth is discussed. Both the speedand the guidance of the pollen tube seemed determined by theproperties of the exudate.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Cryo-scanning electron microscopy, exudate, Lilium longiflorum, lily, ovary, pollination, pollen tube growth, secretory cell, stigma, style  相似文献   

A Mg2+-dependent, alkaline phosphatase has been isolated from mature pollen of Lilium longiflorum Thunb., cv. Ace and partially purified. It hydrolyzes 1l- and 1d-myo-inositol 1-phosphate, myo-inositol 2-phosphate, and β-glycerophosphate at rates decreasing in the order named. The affinity of the enzyme for 1l- and 1d-myo-inositol 1-phosphate is approximately 10-fold greater than its affinity for myo-inositol 2-phosphate. Little or no activity is found with phytate, d-glucose 6-phosphate, d-glucose 1-phosphate, d-fructose 1-phosphate, d-fructose 6-phosphate, d-mannose 6-phosphate, or p-nitrophenyl phosphate. 3-Phosphosphoglycerate is a weak competitive inhibitor. myo-Inositol does not inhibit the reaction. Optimal activity is obtained at pH 8.5 and requires the presence of Mg2+. At 4 millimolar, Co2+, Fe2+ or Mn2+ are less effective. Substantial inhibition is obtained with 0.25 molar Li+. With β-glycerophosphate as substrate the Km is 0.06 millimolar and the reaction remains linear at least 2 hours. In 0.1 molar Tris, β-glycerophosphate yields equivalent amounts of glycerol and inorganic phosphate, evidence that transphosphorylation does not occur.  相似文献   

A particulate fraction from pollen tubes and ungerminated pollen of Lilium longiflorum incorporated 14C-glucose from UDP-glucose-14C into a lipid fraction and into β-1, 3-glucan. Partial hydrolysis of the glucan yielded laminaribiose as the only radioactive disaccharide. The preferred substrate was UDP-glucose, and enzyme activity was stimulated by glucose and by β-linked di- and trisaccharides. Enzyme from growing pollen tubes synthesized β-1, 3-glucan more rapidly and produced a higher proportion of alkali-insoluble glucan than did enzyme from ungerminated pollen. The onset of pollen tube growth may be dependent on altered activity of β-1, 3-glucan synthase.  相似文献   

In Lilium cv. enchantment, an orbicule peripheral sheet is characterized. It is 10 nm thick and surrounds the whole Ubisch body. Ultrastructural and cytochemical observations allow us to propose that the orbicule peripheral sheet represents remnants of a glycocalyx supported by the membrane limiting orbicule core on which sporopollenin is synthesized. A model of orbicule sporopollenin architecture and biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Chen M  Loewus FA 《Plant physiology》1977,59(4):653-657
Germinating Lilium longiflorum pollen absorbs and metabolizes myo-inositol-2-(3)H (MI-2-(3)H) with a pronounced lag when label is supplied from the beginning of germination. If MI-2-(3)H is given after 3 hours of germination, incorporation of labeled metabolic products into pollen tube polysaccharides is constant over a range of 0.56 mm to 2.78 mm MI. When MI-2-(3)H is supplied as a 0.5-hour pulse 3 hours after germination, the proper precursor-product relationship to tube wall polysaccharides is observed. Replacing 10% of the germination media with sigmatic exudate from a compatible cultivar hastens germination and tube elongation. Enhanced MI metabolism accompanies tube growth in this exudate-enriched media.  相似文献   

Compatible and incompatible pollen tubes growing on detached Lilium longiflorum pistils which had been prelabeled with myoinositol-U-(14)C take up a portion of the label and utilize it for biosynthesis of tube wall substance. The label is transferred from pistil to pollen tubes apparently via the secretion products (exudate) of the pistil. The exudate thus appears to have a major nutritional role in pollen tube growth in vivo.  相似文献   

Colchicine-induced polyploidy in Lilium longiflorum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

myo-Inositol-1-phosphatase has been purified to homogeneity from Lilium longiflorum pollen using an alternative procedure which includes pH change and phenyl Sepharose column chromatography. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis shows that the enzyme is a dimer (subunit molecular weight, 29,000 daltons). The enzyme is stable at low pH values and is inactivated only below pH 3.0. In addition to 1l-and 1d-myo-inositol-1-phosphate, it shows high specificity for 1l-chiro-inositol-3-phosphate. As observed earlier with other primary phosphate esters, d-glucitol-6-phosphate and d-mannitol-6-phosphate are hydrolyzed very slowly. No activity is observed with inorganic pyrophosphate or myo-inositol pentaphosphate as substrate. The enzyme is inhibited by fluoride, sulfate, molybdate, and thiol-directed reagents. Partial protection against N-ethylmaleimide inhibition by substrate and Mg2+ together suggests sulfhydryl involvement at the active site.  相似文献   

Dormancy-breaking and seed germination studies in genus Lilium reveal that the majority of Lilium spp. studied have an underdeveloped embryo at maturity, which grows inside the seed before the radicle emerges. Additionally, the embryo, radicle or cotyledon has a physiological component of dormancy; thus, Lilium seeds have morphophysiological dormancy (MPD). A previous study suggested that seeds of Lilium polyphyllum have MPD but the study did not investigate the development of the embryo, which is one of the main criteria to determine MPD in seeds. To test this hypothesis, we investigated embryo growth and emergence of radicles and epicotyls in seeds over a range of temperatures. At maturity, seeds had underdeveloped embryos which developed fully at warm temperature within 6 weeks. Immediately after embryo growth, radicles also emerged at warm temperatures. However, epicotyls failed to emerge soon after radicle emergence. Epicotyls emerged from >90% seeds with an emerged radicle only after they were subjected to 2 weeks of cold moist stratification. The overall temperature requirements for dormancy-breaking and seed germination indicate a non-deep simple epicotyl MPD in L. polyphyllum.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 10 species of Hemerocallis was investigated with LM and SEM. In addition to pollen with reticulate sexine, a new verrucate sexine pattern is found in three Chinese endemic species, H. plicata, H. forrestii and H. nana . Between the two typical sexine patterns, there are transitional variants. Also, a new pollen shape, boat-shaped-elliptic, is observed exclusively in H. nana , besides-oblong shape in other species. Phylogenetically, the common reticulate sexine pattern would be more primitive than the verrucate one. The typical reticulate sexine pattern would be basic, from which transitional variants would have derived and finally led to the typical verrucate pattern. Similarly, the common boat-shaped-oblong pollen would be more primitive than the -elliptic one, from which the latter would have derived during phylogenetic development.  相似文献   

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