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The effects of commercial forestry harvest and regeneration practices (clearfelling and slash-burning) on the lucanid fauna of the wet sclerophyll forests of southern Tasmania and the dry sclerophyll forests of eastern Tasmania were examined using pitfall catches. Lucanids are saproxylic beetles, dependent on dead, moribund and decaying wood. Samples taken from old-growth forest and from a chronosequence of sites regenerating after logging, in each forest type, were used to compare the species richness and abundance of the lucanid assemblages. In both forest types, species richness and abundance was highest in the youngest regeneration sites (1–3 year), reflecting the species richness of the original and adjacent unlogged forest, lowest in the older (20–25 year) sites, and variable in the old-growth sites. TWINSPAN cluster analysis showed no clear distinction between regeneration and old-growth forest. The post-harvest slash and stump residue provided an important refugium and initial habitat, but our research indicates that some species may not maintain populations in the long term. Our results suggest that most species of lucanids will find a continuous supply of suitable habitat only in old-growth forests; and such species may become less common as clearfell harvesting leads to a replacement of heterogeneous old-growth forest with single-aged monospecific stands. Continuity of supply of wood in all decay stages, the maintenance of sufficient source areas, and biological connectivity between old-growth stands to enable dispersal, are all likely to be essential to maintain lucanid beetle community integrity. If similar principles apply to other saproxylic species of invertebrate, then clearfelling and slash-burning may cause a gradual extinction of an important element of the forest biota.  相似文献   

Abstract Invasion by exotic species following clearfelling of Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. (Mountain Ash) forest was examined in the Toolangi State Forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. Coupes ranging in age from < 1- to 10-years-old and the spar-stage forests (1939 bushfire regrowth) adjacent to each of these coupes and a mature, 250-year-old forest were surveyed. The dispersal and establishment of weeds was facilitated by clearfelling. An influx of seeds of exotic species was detected in recently felled coupes but not in the adjacent, unlogged forests. Vehicles and frequently disturbed areas, such as roadside verges, are likely sources of the seeds of exotic species. The soil seed bank of younger coupes had a greater number and percentage of seeds of exotics than the 10-year-old coupes and the spar-stage and mature forests. Exotic species were a minor component (< 1% vegetation cover) in the more recently logged coupes and were not present in 10-year-old coupes and the spar-stage and mature forests. These particular exotic species did not persist in the dense regeneration nor exist in the older forests because the weeds were ruderal species (light-demanding, short-lived and short-statured plants). The degree of influence that these particular exotic species have on the regeneration and survival of native species in E. regnans forests is almost negligible. However, the current management practices may need to be addressed to prevent a more threatening exotic species from establishing in these coupes and forests.  相似文献   

Diversity of Medicinal Plants among Different Forest-use Types of the Pakistani Himalaya Medicinal plants collected in Himalayan forests play a vital role in the livelihoods of regional rural societies and are also increasingly recognized at the international level. However, these forests are being heavily transformed by logging. Here we ask how forest transformation influences the diversity and composition of medicinal plants in northwestern Pakistan, where we studied old-growth forests, forests degraded by logging, and regrowth forests. First, an approximate map indicating these forest types was established and then 15 study plots per forest type were randomly selected. We found a total of 59 medicinal plant species consisting of herbs and ferns, most of which occurred in the old-growth forest. Species number was lowest in forest degraded by logging and intermediate in regrowth forest. The most valuable economic species, including six Himalayan endemics, occurred almost exclusively in old-growth forest. Species composition and abundance of forest degraded by logging differed markedly from that of old-growth forest, while regrowth forest was more similar to old-growth forest. The density of medicinal plants positively correlated with tree canopy cover in old-growth forest and negatively in degraded forest, which indicates that species adapted to open conditions dominate in logged forest. Thus, old-growth forests are important as refuge for vulnerable endemics. Forest degraded by logging has the lowest diversity of relatively common medicinal plants. Forest regrowth may foster the reappearance of certain medicinal species valuable to local livelihoods and as such promote acceptance of forest expansion and medicinal plants conservation in the region.  相似文献   

The once extensive native forests of New Zealand’s central North Island are heavily fragmented, and the scattered remnants are now surrounded by a matrix of exotic pastoral grasslands and Pinus radiata plantation forests. The importance of these exotic habitats for native biodiversity is poorly understood. This study examines the utilisation of exotic plantation forests by native beetles in a heavily modified landscape. The diversity of selected beetle taxa was compared at multiple distances across edge gradients between each of the six possible combinations of adjacent pastoral, plantation, clearfell and native forest land-use types. Estimated species richness (Michaelis–Menten) was greater in production habitats than native forest; however this was largely due to the absence of exotic species in native forest. Beetle relative abundance was highest in clearfell-harvested areas, mainly due to colonisation by open-habitat, disturbance-adapted species. More importantly, though, of all the non-native habitats sampled, beetle species composition in mature P. radiata was most similar to native forest. Understanding the influence of key environmental factors and stand level management is important for enhancing biodiversity values within the landscape. Native habitat proximity was the most significant environmental correlate of beetle community composition, highlighting the importance of retaining native remnants within plantation landscapes. The proportion of exotic beetles was consistently low in mature plantation stands, however it increased in pasture sites at increasing distances from native forest. These results suggest that exotic plantation forests may provide important alternative habitat for native forest beetles in landscapes with a low proportion of native forest cover.  相似文献   

Abstract The biodiversity of macrofungi in mature and young regrowth Tasmanian wet forests is described at the species level and at the community level. The macrofungal communities studied were much more species‐rich than their vascular plant counterparts, with the total number of macrofungal taxa outnumbering vascular plants by four to one. This ratio applied in both mature and young regrowth forest sites. Some 242 taxa of macrofungi were recorded, of which 132 were identified to species level, the remainder to species groups or higher taxa. Distinct communities could be discerned from multivariate analysis (ordination and classification) of vascular plant and macrofungal data from the mature and regrowth sites. The two vascular plant communities had different fire histories, and this difference is also assumed to account for the separation of the macrofungal communities of the two forest types. There was generally a high level of congruence between the vascular plant and the macrofungal communities. However, one young regrowth site, which was relatively close to the mature sites in the ordination space for the analysis of vascular plants, was distant from the mature forest sites for the analysis of macrofungi. Another regrowth site, which had experienced wildfire rather than silvicultural regeneration, clustered with mature sites for some analyses of the macrofungal assemblage. Variation in the macrofungal communities was correlated with a different set of the measured environmental variables than was variation in the vascular plant communities. Mature and young regrowth forests were found to have distinctly different macrofungal floras, with approximately 40% of the taxa in each forest type being restricted to that type of site. Suitable indicator taxa (restricted or preferential to particular forest types) for use in further studies are suggested.  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) are conspicuous components in most terrestrial ecosystems, performing important ecological functions and services. Being sensitive to several types of disturbance, they have been successfully used as indicators of habitat change. Dung beetle communities in tropical rainforests have been well studied, but considerably less information is available for tropical dry forests. In this study I sampled dung beetles in two undisturbed habitats, deciduous forest and semideciduous forest, and two disturbed habitats, secondary forest and open area habitat, in the Chamela-Cuixmala region of western Mexico. Dung beetle species with high indicator value for each habitat were identified. Beetle abundance, observed species richness and estimated species richness were similar in the three forest habitats, but significantly lower in the open area habitat. A more detailed analysis of species-specific abundances in the three forest habitats revealed some differences. Transects of one of the undisturbed habitats, the deciduous forest, were more similar to the non-adjacent transects of disturbed secondary forest, than to the adjacent undisturbed semideciduous forest transects. Unlike studies in other tropical sites that have found a decrease in equitability in Scarabaeinae assemblages between undisturbed forest and disturbed habitat (particularly open habitats), in the Chamela-Cuixmala region all four habitats showed similar low equitability in community structure, with two or three very dominant species.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied movements of the noctuid moths Xestia speciosa and X. fennica in a fragmented forest landscape including old-growth spruce forest corridors in eastern Finland. We individually marked and released 1,796 adults of the habitat generalist X. speciosa and 683 individuals of X. fennica, which prefers old-growth spruce forests. Moths were recaptured with 60 sugar-bait traps that were placed within habitat corridors, in the non-habitat matrix and in surrounding old-growth forest patches. Both species favoured the corridors during their movements and tended to avoid entering the matrix. We analysed recapture rates and movements of the recaptured moths. Results suggest that X. speciosa moves longer distances than X. fennica. Though corridors clearly canalized movements by both species, the impact of old-growth forest corridors at the larger landscape scale was less clear in X. fennica. Movement behaviour of the two sexes differed more than that of the two species.  相似文献   

Rapid destruction of forest habitats has led to the establishment of protected areas in formerly managed forests with the aim of restoring biodiversity. Conservation in spruce-dominated reserves is often contradicted by salvage logging after insect outbreaks. Here we study the community characteristics of wood decaying fungi in a high montane Norway Spruce forest with three different management types: (1) a formerly managed area disturbed by a large-scale bark beetle outbreak, (2) an area with continuous salvage logging, and (3) an old-growth forest. Bark beetle activity in the disturbed area resulted in downed wood amounts comparable to those of the old-growth forest. However, species accumulation curves for the disturbed forest were more similar to those of the logged forest than to those of the old-growth forest. This arose because of differences in the diversity of wood decay classes; wood decay in the disturbed forest was more homogeneous. Logs in the disturbed forest originated almost exclusively from bark-beetle-infested trees, but the causes of tree mortality in the old-growth forest were manifold. Although most red-listed species were clearly confined to old-growth forest, Antrodiella citrinella was most abundant in the disturbed forest. Our analysis furthermore showed that the between stand scale is the most effective unit for diversity wood-decaying fungi. We therefore suggest a conservation strategy for preserving old-growth forests and establishing protected forest stands to enhance structural heterogeneity in spruce-dominated forests. For this, a careful screening of protected areas throughout Europe is necessary to provide managers with guidelines for conservation.  相似文献   

林业活动和森林片断化对甲虫多样性的影响及保护对策   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
森林片断化是造成生物多样性丧失的主要原因之一,而林业活动是导致森林片断化的重要因素,同时也在森林恢复中起重要作用。本文从小尺度、局域尺度以及生物地理尺度(大尺度)3个生态尺度分析林业活动和森林片断化对甲虫多样性的影响。在小尺度下,林业活动能够通过改变森林生境或微生境的类型和特性而影响甲虫物种分布。在局域尺度下,林业活动(尤其是森林砍伐)往往能提高许多甲虫类群(如步甲)的物种丰富度(α多样性),这主要与来自周围环境物种扩散以及保留了若干耐受新环境能力较强的森林物种有关;然而,对森林生境依赖性很强的特有种受到了森林片断化的负面影响,面临局域种群灭绝的危险。在生物地理尺度下,林业活动(伐木或森林恢复)使森林生境单一化、异质性降低,从而导致对森林生境变化敏感的物种种群数量降低甚至灭绝。基于以上结果,可以归纳出3个基本原则用于指导林业管理,既能保证林业经济收益,又能维持森林生物多样性。首先,保留大面积的原始森林作为特有种的栖息环境基地,为这些物种在将来森林恢复后重新定居提供资源;其次,由于保护区内原始森林面积有限,且所代表的生境类型有限,所以发展依据自然干扰模式的新伐木方法十分必要;最后,依据自然规律(如火灾)进行森林恢复和天然演替,避免森林的单一化,丰富森林生境类型。  相似文献   

In the humid warm-temperate zone of southwestern Japan, old-growthforests have been seriously fragmented to small remnants due to traditionalagriculture and coppicing as well as recent rapid plantation with conifers.Assemblages of longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Disteniidae and Cerambycidae) werecompared among old-growth forests, second-growth forests and conifer plantationsusing collision traps baited with chemical attractants. Species richness oflongicorn beetles was poorer in second-growth forests and conifer plantationsthan in old-growth forests. It was proved by multidimensional scaling(MDS) that the beetle assemblages of old-growth forests were distinct from thoseof conifer plantations, while those of second-growth forests were intermediatebetween them. Further analysis showed that a number of species, including manyPidonia spp., were specific to or closely associated withold-growth forests, and the results were largely supported by the indicatorvalue (IndVal) approach. It is likely that many of such old-growth forestspecies in the larval and pupal stages require large broad-leaved trees standingor fallen with thick bark. At the same time, the flower-visiting adults wouldplay an important role in pollinating various herbaceous and woody plants.Regional forest management for the conservation of insect biodiversity is alsodiscussed.  相似文献   

The faunas of tank bromeliads were sampled over two years in three forest types at different elevations in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, and the diversity of their animal communities compared. Bromeliad plants behaved as islands in that, within forests, the species richness and abundance of their animal communities were significantly and positively correlated with increase in plant size. The amount of canopy debris they accumulated was similarly correlated with increase in plant size. Overall diversity was lowest in the dwarf forest, where plants were uniformly small. Animal communities were stable from year to year, and could be characterised for each forest type and for compartments within the plant. They showed a pattern of high dominance, which increased with elevation (Mc-Naughton index 37, 54, and 73, respectively, for the tabonuco, palo Colorado, and dwarf forest). Alpha-diversity for sites sampled in each year reflected net primary productivity (NPP) of the forest, declining with increasing elevation when animal abundance measures were used (jackknife estimates of Simpson's diversity index 6.54 & 11.04 [tabonuco], 3.53 & 6.22 [palo Colorado], and 2.75 & 2.17 [dwarf forest]). Species richness over the two years, however, was highest in the intermediate palo Colorado forest (187 species), compared to 146 and 88 in the tabonuco and dwarf forests, respectively. These figures were close to jackknife estimates of maximum species richness. The difference in species richness between tabonuco and palo Colorado forests was significant in one year only. In addition to NPP, other factors, such as litter quality and the structural complexity of the habitat in the palo Colorado forest, may have influenced species richness. The most abundant species in individual plants were also the most widely occurring, confirming known patterns of abundance and distribution in other functional groups. Diversity within bromeliad microcosms at different elevations supported known relationships between diversity, productivity, and habitat complexity along gradients and was not related to differences in the total bromeliad habitat available for colonization.  相似文献   

The occurrence and habitat associations of the majority of invertebrate groups in boreal forests are poorly known, even though these groups represent perhaps over 99% of the animal species diversity in the forests. We studied the beetle (Coleoptera) fauna of four forest site types in northern Finland: in spruce mires, herb rich, mesic and sub-xeric forests. We sampled beetles in 32 study sites with five window and five pitfall traps in each. We describe the species abundance and diversity patterns within and among forest types and relate these patterns to structural components of the forests. The volume of decaying wood varied from 14 to 93 m3 ha−1 among sampling sites. The total beetle catch consisted of 100 333 individuals and 435 species. The beetle species richness did not vary according to site fertility but the number of specimens increased with increasing fertility in heath forest sites. The richness of beetle species correlated only weakly with any of the stand structure characteristics at the stand level. Nevertheless, the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) indicated that different beetle assemblages are characteristic of different forest types. The high level of beta-diversity in beetles among forest types indicates that focusing exclusively on, for example, key-biotopes (presumed biodiversity hotspots) when selecting areas to be set aside would result in a situation where a large proportion of species, even of the rare and threatened ones, is not included in this network of protected areas. This suggests that the complementary set of different forest types may be the best general strategy to maintain the overall beetle species diversity in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Abstract. We documented the occurrence of a 1934 blowdown in a subalpine forest in northwestern Colorado, USA. Prior to the blowdown, the stand was dominated by old‐growth Picea engelmannii ‐ Abies lasiocarpa forests. Although blowdowns are believed to trigger outbreaks of Dendroctonus rufipennis (spruce beetle), we found no detectable increase in beetle caused mortality. Forest recovery was by both release of the previously suppressed regeneration and by new seedling establishment. Both recovery pathways were dominated by Abies. The blowdown thus caused a shift in species dominance from Picea to Abies; 65 yr after the blowdown, the fallen logs and tip up mounds continue to provide favourable habitat for seedling establishment of both species. The present study shows that the legacy of blowdowns can influence forest dynamics for decades following the disturbance event.  相似文献   

Despite increasing efforts to re-establish forest cover in landscapes that have been previously cleared, the relative ability of different styles of reforestation to contribute to conservation and support forest biota is poorly known, particularly for invertebrates. We investigated the use of different types of reforested habitat by ground-active rainforest beetle assemblages on land, which had been previously cleared of rainforest, in the tropics and subtropics of eastern Australia. Between five and ten replicate sites within each of five reforestation styles were selected in each region: un-managed regrowth, young mono-species timber plantations, young mixed-species timber plantations, ecological restoration plantings, and old mono-species timber plantations, together with reference sites in pasture and in intact rainforest. Ground-active beetles were sampled using pitfall traps, and assemblages were compared among site-types. In both regions, beetle assemblages in all styles of reforestation were intermediate in species composition between pasture and rainforest. The similarity of beetle assemblages to intact rainforest increased with the age and structural complexity of reforested sites. The most rainforest-like beetle assemblages were from older reforestation sites (38–70 year plantations in tropics, and 30–40 year regrowth in subtropics) and in younger (6–22 years) but floristically and structurally diverse ecological restoration plantings in both regions. Assemblages in younger (5–20 year) sites of regrowth, mono-species timber plantations, and mixed-species timber plantations were more similar to pasture than rainforest. We conclude that achieving high canopy cover and sufficient structural complexity are important factors associated with the restoration of rainforest-like beetle assemblages to reforested sites.  相似文献   

Forest patterns along topographical gradients were compared between second- and old-growth forested watersheds in a warm-temperate zone of Mt Kiyosumi, central Japan. Three community types were distinguished depending on the topographical habitat type in each watershed, for example, conifer forest was dominated byAbies firma andTsuga sieboldii on ridge sites, evergreen broad-leaved forest was dominated byQuercus acuta, Q. salicina andCastanopsis cuspidata var.sieboldii on slope sites, and deciduous forest was dominated byEuptelea polyandra andCornus controversa in valley sites. Beta diversity and distinctiveness of each topographical community type increased with progression of secondary succession. Conifers and evergreen broad-leaved trees, which were intermingled with each other on ridges and slopes of the second-growth watershed, were in turn restricted to the ridge and slope habitat type, respectively, in the old-growth watershed. The process of this differentiation can be explained by the continuous regeneration of conifers on ridge sites, and its absence on slope sites due to different light conditions caused by progressive canopy closure of evergreen trees on the slope sites toward the old-growth watershed. In the valley type habitat, frequent soil disturbance, such as landslides and soil creep, hinder the continuous growth of late successional evergreen trees, and thus seral or pioneer deciduous trees can persist in the habitat.  相似文献   

The effects of dwarf bamboo,Sasa, cover on the initial morrality of hardwood seedlings were investigated by transplanting 1-year-old beech (Fagus crenata) and current-year oak (Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata) seedling to three different stands; old-growth beech and secondary oak forests withSasa undergrowth, and aSasa grassland in a grassland-forest series near the top of Mt Jippo, southwestern Japan. The most frequent cause of seedling morrality was gnawing of the stems by rodents. In the beech forest, the gnawing was more likely to occur underSasa cover, suggesting that it provides a good habitat for rodents on the beech forest floor. TheSasa under growth may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of beech forest. In the oak floor, mortality of both species was low and only a little gnawing occurred during a year. However, no natural oak seedling were found in the forest even after a mast year. This may be because most of the acorns disappeated before establishment. The early-stage demography of hardwood seedling as oak may thus play an imporrant role in regeneration of oak forest. In theSasa grassland where the seed supply is small, almost all of the seedlings died fromo gnawing regardless of the presence ofSasa cover. These factors prevent the recruitment of a sizable seedling bank. Rodents may thus play an imporrant role in maintenance of theSasa grassland.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping was used in commercial Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) regrowth forest to study the effects on epigeal arthropods of high-intensity wildfire plus salvage logging, and of harvesting by clearfelling plus slash burning, followed by fire-induced natural or artificially established regeneration respectively. The study, the first of its kind in the Victorian Central Highlands, 60 km east of Melbourne, was based on 146 922 specimens of 30 ordinal or lower level taxa collected over a 3-year period. The abrupt replacement of the ecologically complex regrowth forest by ecologically much simpler even-aged regeneration caused appreciable instability among the litter-frequenting arthropods. An immediate decline in diversity occurred due to short-term boosts in activity of some common ‘major’ taxa (notably a species of seed-harvesting ant) and the suppression of other taxa. A broad mix of functionally diverse taxa reappeared within two years of regeneration, and all but three rarely trapped ‘minor’ taxa present in undisturbed 43–46 year old regrowth (‘control’) forest had returned within 5 years. Epigeal arthropods therefore appeared to be affected only over a short period relative to the nominal 80–150 year rotation of the E. regnans ecosystem. Research is needed at the species level to achieve a more precise assessment of arthropod responses to major ecological disturbances.  相似文献   

Naturally dynamic forests have a high proportion of biotopes with old large trees, diverse vertical and horizontal structure at multiple scales, and much dead wood. As such, they provide habitat to species and ecosystem processes that forests managed for wood production cannot provide to the same degree. Whether termed old-growth, ancient, virgin, intact, primeval or continuity forests, a major challenge and need is to map such potential high conservation value forest for subsequent inclusion in functional habitat networks for biodiversity conservation in forest landscapes. Given that the delivery time of natural forest properties is much longer than of industry wood, we explore the usefulness of using historical maps to identify forests that have been continuously present for 220 years (potential old-growth) versus 140 years (potential aging forest) in a case study in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains (see Online Resource 1). While the total forest cover increased by 35 % over the past two centuries, the area of potential aging and potential old-growth forest declined by 56 and 34 %, respectively. Spatial modelling of edge effects and patch size for virtual species with different requirements indicated an even greater decrease in the area of functional habitat networks of old-growth and ageing forest. Our analyses show that compared to simple mapping of potential high conservation forests, the area of functional habitat patches is severely overestimated, and caution is needed when estimating the area of potential high conservation value forests that form functional habitat networks, i.e. a green infrastructure. In addition, the landscape and regional scale connectivity of patches needs to be considered. We argue that the use of historical maps combined with assessment of spatial patterns is an effective tool for identifying and analyzing potential high conservation value forests in a landscape context.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of deforestation, and the habitat value of coffee and regenerated forest for tropical dung beetles, a functionally significant insect group. Pitfall trapping was conducted at 22 sites in a montane region of central Peru during April and November/December of 2002. Sites included primary and secondary forest, shade-coffee, regenerated forest and open farms (mainly with banana, yuca, and corn). Ordination techniques indicated that beetle assemblages in forests, regenerated forest and coffee were relatively similar. However, assemblage compositions in forested areas differed even at similar altitudes under the influence of biogeographical factors, and the assemblages at disturbed sites (farms/coffee) were influenced by beetle dispersal from adjacent forests. During dry months, when beetle activity is low, communities at all habitat types tended to converge because fewer unique species were recorded in forests at that time and habitat/season generalists were dominant. Preliminary results also indicate that beetles in shady crops such as bananas responded to plant growth: as the banana canopy closed-in, producing more shade, open-habitat specialists retreated and forest/shade specialists invaded the sites. Chronosequence data at two of the sites demonstrate the rapid and dramatic changes in species richness and assemblage composition caused by deforestation. As forests become increasingly fragmented, and open farms continue to expand, dung beetles will become more restricted to the remaining fragments and reserves. In the mosaic landscape studied here, shade crops, like coffee, act as habitat and corridors for many dung beetle species. Small farm size and the consequent magnitude of edge effects, likely contributed to beetle movement between habitat types and determined the apparent generalist nature of many of the dung beetle species in this study.  相似文献   

Human disturbance threatens and modifies forest ecosystems worldwide. Previous studies have investigated the effects of human impact on local bird communities in disturbed forests, but we still lack information on how bird species richness and ecological processes respond to different forest modifications present at a landscape scale. In a heterogeneous South African landscape, we chose six types of indigenous scarp forest, differing in the intensity of human disturbance: continuous natural forests and natural forest fragments in nature reserves, forest fragments in eucalyptus plantations, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests in game reserves. In 36 study sites, we investigated the bird community using point counts and observed the seed removal of birds at the native tree species Celtis africana. Species richness did not differ among the forest types, but abundance varied significantly with most birds observed in fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens, and secondary forests. The higher bird abundance in these forests was mainly due to forest generalists, shrubland and open country species whereas forest specialists were rarely present. Changes in species composition were also confirmed by multivariate analysis which clearly separated bird communities by forest type. Frugivore abundance in C. africana was highest in natural forest fragments, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests. The same trend was found for the estimated total number of fruits removed per C. africana tree, though the differences among forest types were not significant. Consequently, modified forests seem to maintain important ecological functions as they provide food sources for generalist species which may, due to their mobility, enhance natural plant regeneration. However, we could show that protected forest habitats are important refugees for specialist species sensitive to human disturbance.  相似文献   

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