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Agan, J. C. & Lehman, R. L. Department of Physical and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, TX 78412 USA Benthic algal sampling from high and low energy zones at a selected site on the south jetty at Port Aransas, Texas was completed between April 1999 and February 2000. Species composition and seasonal periodicity in relation to temperature and salinity fluctuations were determined. Dominant plants throughout the year included Bryocladia cuspidata, Bryocladia thyrsigera, Gelidium pusillum, Centroceras clavulatum, Ulva fasciata, and Padina gymnospora. The Rhodophyta dominated species coverage, along with biomass accumulation, although Chlorophyta species accrued the greatest biomass on the high energy side in April and June sampling. Chlorophyta are important to benthic coverage and biomass in the shallowest of waters, despite being fewer in species richness. Phaeophyta species including Petalonia fascia, Hincksia mitchelliae, and Ectocarpus siliculosus were found only during the cooler months. Padina gymnospora was the one exception as it was collected year-round. Results indicate that a greater Rhodophyta abundance was found on the channel side (low energy), where as, the surf side (high energy) contained a greater Chlorophyta abundance. Phaeophyta abundance for both high and low energy sites were comparable possibly due to the greater depth of water in which they are located. Little variance occurred in average biomass accumulation throughout the year. Highest biomass was in August (216.613g dry weight) with lowest occurring in April (107.4205g dry weight).  相似文献   

H. L. BELL 《Ibis》1982,124(3):252-274
The results of 156 transect counts carried out over 30 months in savanna of the Coastal Hill Zone, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, are analysed. The avifauna is depauperate compared to similar habitats in New Guinea and temperate Australia. Twelve common species of the Port Moresby savannas were not so in the Coastal Hill Zone and reasons for their rarity are given. Most species present are solely savanna forms but some are dependent upon the presence of small patches of monsoon forest. Average density of birds was estimated at 55 per 10ha, a very low figure compared to New Guinean rainforests. Carnivores and mixed-feeders make up two thirds of numbers present but frugivores, because of their large individual size, are a significant proportion of biomass. There was little significant seasonal difference in overall numbers except for granivores which decline in numbers during the wet season. However, individual species show regular seasonal fluctuations reasons for which are postulated. A correlation exists between flowering of trees and numbers of certain species, and also between the annual grass-fires and numbers of certain grassland species. Merops ornatus, Lalage sueurii and Coracina novaehollandiae, considered in the literature to be wintering migrants, are also shown to be breeding residents. Breeding records for 462 species were analysed. Most breeding of insectivores and mixed-feeders occurs in the Austral spring during the dry season and ends before the onset of heavy rains. Granivores breed in the late wet season. The few records for frugivores indicate a wet season peak.  相似文献   

东山湾及其邻近海域游泳动物多样性的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2009年11月至2010年8月在东山湾及其邻近海域的调查资料,统计渔获物物种组成,计算该海域各物种的相对重要性指数(IRI)、相对资源密度、Margalef种类丰富度指数、Shannon-Weiner种类多样性指数以及Pielou均匀度指数,并分析其时空分布特征。结果表明,东山湾及其邻近海域的物种组成比例与台湾海峡大体一致。秋冬春夏4个季度优势种种类数均较少,分别为4、2、1、3种,且季节更替明显。不同季节多样性指数表现为夏季>春季>秋季>冬季,各季Margalef种类丰富度均值为3.54,Shannon-Weiner种类多样性均值为1.99,Pielou均匀度均值为0.71;各调查站位Margalef种类丰富度均值为7.87,Shannon-Weiner种类多样性均值为2.94,Pielou均匀度均值为0.75,表明该海域生物多样性处于较低水平。分析东山湾及其邻近海域游泳动物多样性,可为今后开展海洋工程建设渔业资源损益评价、生态环境修复工作和基于生态系统的渔业和海洋管理策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

武汉东湖浮游病毒的丰度及多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用透射电镜及荧光显微技术 ,对富营养化的武汉东湖中浮游病毒丰度及多样性进行了研究。电镜观察和计数结果显示 ,东湖中浮游病毒的丰度达到 10 8个 /mL。荧光显微镜计数结果约是电镜计数结果的 2 72倍 ,差异极显著 (P <0 0 1)。在东湖超富营养区的水样中观察到了多种与各种病毒形态类似的颗粒 ,其中大部分与噬菌体和噬藻体类似 ,具多种形态的尾部和六边形头部。还有一些线状、杆状、子弹形等形态的病毒粒子。研究结果显示东湖水环境中的浮游病毒不仅丰度极高 ,而且种类丰富。提示浮游病毒在东湖水环境和水生态系统中可能扮演重要角色。  相似文献   

Extreme environmental conditions have been thought to limit algal growth in the upper sea-ice. In McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, chrysophyte statocysts (stomatocysts) and dinoflagellate hypnozygotes (resting cysts) overwinter in first- and second-year land-fast sea-ice exposed to temperatures of -20° C or lower. In early November, when temperatures in the upper ice are < ?8°C and brine salinities are >126 psu, dinoflagellate cysts activate and shortly thereafter excyst. During early November, chrysophyte statocysts also begin to excyst. Net daily primary production occurs in the sea-ice brine at temperatures as low as ?7.1° C, at brine salinities as high as 129 psu, and at average photon flux densities as low as 5 μmol photons.m?2.s?1. Dinoflagellate densities were >106 vegetative cells.L?1 of ice while temperatures in the upper ice were between ?6.8 and ?5.8° C and brine salinities were ~100 psu. Chrysophyte densities reached >106.L?1 of ice by early December. High densities of physiologically active clyo- and halotolerant algae can occur in the upper land-fast sea-ice under extreme conditions of temperature and salinity.  相似文献   

Velasquez, C.R., Kalejta, B. & Hockey, P.A.R. 1991. Seasonal abundance, habitat selection and energy consumption of waterbirds at the Berg River estuary, South Africa. Ostrich 62:109-123.

The distribution and abundance of waterbirds at the Berg River estuary were studied between September 1987 and April 1989. The estuary supports an unusually high density of waterbirds, especially of Pale-arctic migrant waders, and is a site of subregional importance for at least nine species. Intertidal mudflats are the favoured feeding habitat of the majority of species on the estuary during the low tide period. Low tide feeding densities on saltmarshes are mud less than on mudflats, but saltmarshes are important as roost sites, high tide feeding sites, and in counteracting the negative hydrological consequences of development. The current conservation status of the estuary is not commensurate with its importance as a waterbird habitat and, given the current threats facing the estuary, enhanced protection at the national level is considered a greater priority than registration with, for example, the RAMSAR Convention.  相似文献   

Responses to short-term selection for knockdown resistance to heat (37°C) in Drosophila melanogaster reared under stressful (high larval density) and nonstressful (low larval density) conditions were compared. No difference in selection response between density treatments was found. A test of heat resistance (39°C) after pretreatment (37°C) did not reveal an increase in survival for selected lines as compared to controls. Flies reared at high density had higher knockdown resistance throughout the experiment. Resistance to heat was not associated with body size.  相似文献   

研究通过高通量测序和荧光定量PCR等分子生物学分析方法, 以氨单加氧酶基因(amoA)为分子标记, 研究了东湖表层沉积物中AOA和AOB的群落多样性、丰度及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明, 东湖沉积物AOA主要为Nitrosopumilus, 其群落结构与沉积物中总氮含量显著相关, 而AOB主要为Nitrosomonas, 群落结构与沉积物中总有机碳和总磷显著相关。此外, 不同季节AOA丰度均高于AOB, 且沉积物AOA数量与温度呈显著负相关, 但AOB丰度变化不明显。东湖沉积物中AOA可能主导了氨氧化过程。  相似文献   

从硇洲岛和徐闻珊瑚礁自然保护区潮间带采集的海水和沉积物样品中分离培养海洋微藻, 筛选其中富含多糖、脂类或蛋白质的藻株。采用形态学观察、18S rDNA序列比较及其系统发育分析法, 对分离培养的海洋微藻及其富含多糖、脂类或蛋白质的藻株进行分类鉴定和生物多样性分析。分离、培养、鉴定并储藏了189株海洋微藻, 归属于65个种, 分布于硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)、绿藻门(Chlorophyta)、定鞭藻门(Haptophyta)和红藻门(Rhodophyta)的9纲、25目、30个科、38个属; 其中多糖含量较高的46株海洋微藻, 分布于25个种, 20个属; 脂类含量较高的46株海洋微藻, 分布于32个种, 15个属; 蛋白含量较高的46株海洋微藻, 分布于28个种, 18个属。结果表明硇洲岛和徐闻珊瑚礁自然保护区潮间带可培养的海洋微藻及其富含多糖、脂类和蛋白质藻株的物种多样性丰富, 在新型药物、活性天然产物、功能食品和饲料及其添加剂的发掘等方面具有良好前景。  相似文献   

Suspended and benthic algal communities from a mildly acidic, third-order Rhode Island stream were examined to determine the seasonal distribution, abundance and diversity of the lotic desmids. Within a one-year sampling period, 148 species and 202 subspecific taxa of desmids were identified, representing 23 genera. Species of Cosmarium and Closterium accounted for approximately 70% of the desmids present, and were the most diverse and abundant taxa during all seasons except spring, when Hyalotheca dissiliens was the dominant desmid species. Average abundance and species richness generally were greatest during summer for both suspended and benthic desmids. Most desmids occurred in benthic habitats, and were randomly distributed among substrata. Average seasonal abundance was 7.4 × 104 cells·g?1 dry wt substratum, among 13 types of substrata. Highest desmid abundance was measured among substrata with intricate morphologies, such as Fontinalis spp., which was associated with 1.2 × 106 desmid cells·g?1 dry wt substratum, or 1.7 × 103 cells·cm?2 substratum. Cell division was observed for 70 desmid taxa, and average seasonal reproduction (based on cell numbers) among all substrata ranged from 4% in winter to 20% during summer. In addition, sexually produced zygospores were found occasionally for H. dissiliens. Desmids were distributed among most substrata examined in this stream, with abundance comparable to reported estimates from softwater lakes and acid bogs. In contrast to established dogma, lotic desmids are not incidental drift organisms, but rather comprise a viable and persistent component of the stream periphyton.  相似文献   

Some cell cycle events were compared in Chlamydomonas segnis Ettl during its development in synchronous cultures (12:12 LD) supplied with air and air enriched with 5% CO2. In cultures bubbled with air, growth resulted in production of 2 relatively small zoospores. In cultures provided with 5% CO2, 4 large zoospores were formed but not released in darkness unless the cultures were bubbled with CO2-free air and/or exposed to light. Respiration in zoospores was inhibited by high CO2 tension. In cultures maintained under continuous illumination for one cell cycle, provision of 5% CO2 led to enhanced growth, a relatively long S-phase and a 4 h delay of the second cell division. In such cultures, the DNA content of parental cells (12 h L) was insufficient to support two cell divisions. The RNA/DNA ratio of the resulting zoospores was 10 compared to 4 in air cultures. These results provided evidence that the delay of the second cell division was a consequence of the delay in DNA production.  相似文献   

Growth of winter cereals at low, nonfreezing temperatures is essential for the establishment of a cold-hardy state and subsequent survival of the overwintering plant. In this paper, I describe the consequences of growth and development of Secale cereale L. cv. Puma at cold-hardening temperatures with respect to leaf morphology, anatomy, and biochemistry, and with particular emphasis on their relationship to photosynthetic acclimation. Low temperature-induced structural and functional alterations at the level of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase and the chloroplast thylakoid membrane are described and related to overall photosynthetic efficiency and capacity for CO2 utilization. Growth and development at cold-hardening temperatures appear to result in changes in protein conformation and membrane organization, but not in basic composition. It is proposed that developmental temperature imparts a significant effect on the assembly of these multimeric, photosynthetic components, which leads to distinct structural and functional changes.  相似文献   

本文研究小牛胸腺DNA和组蛋白在体外低、高离子强度盐溶液中的动态缔合与解离。 实验结果是低离子溶液中荧光给体DANsyl-Cl-组蛋白在发射峰位上荧光强度降低,荧光受体吖啶橙-DNA在发射峰位上的荧光强度增高。此两峰位上荧光受体的荧光增量比值是2.7/1(大于1),有能量转移发生,DNA和组蛋白缔合。高离子溶液中两峰位上受体的荧光增量比值降到1.6/1,能量转移减少,DNA和组蛋白解离。 低离子溶液中所得的吖啶橙-DNA的荧光偏振度P值小而高离子溶液中的P值大。说明解离的DNA硷基排列比缔合的DNA硷基排列有序程度强,进一步证明低离子溶液中DNA和组蛋白是缔合的,而高离子溶液中它们是解离的。  相似文献   

Resting and active states of cells are described in terms of the expectation, derived from experiments with aqueous polymers, that they contain two modified forms of water: high density, reactive, fluid water and low density, inert, viscous water. Low density water predominates in a resting cell and is converted to high density water in an active cell. It is proposed that switching from one state to another is an integral part of cellular function. When this ability is lost cells are transformed either to a state of rigor or to a hyperactive state in which they no longer depend upon external signals.  相似文献   

为了解我国大刺鳅野生资源状况, 研究采用ISSR技术分析了福建、广东、广西、云南和海南11个地理群体262尾大刺鳅的遗传多样性。10个引物共扩增出112个位点, 多态位点95个, 多态位点比例为84.82%。大刺鳅总群体Nei基因多样性h=0.2126、Shannon 信息指数I=0.3358, 表明大刺鳅总群体遗传多样性较丰富, 其中各群体遗传多样性依次为恩平 红河 屯昌 英德 河池 乐昌 增城 龙岩 五华 仁化 百色。总群体遗传分化系数Gst=0.4620, 显示46.2%的变异来自群体间。总群体基因流Nm=0.5823, 表明大刺鳅总群体间缺乏有效的基因交流, 遗传漂变是大刺鳅群体遗传分化的主要因素。聚类分析表明, 东江群体和韩江群体聚为一支, 西江群体和北江群体聚为一支, 大陆群体聚为一大支, 然后和海南屯昌群体聚类。  相似文献   

Six microsatellite markers were used to investigate the genetic structure of North Sea Pseudo‐nitzschia pungens (Grunow ex P. T. Cleve) Hasle populations. Isolates were collected on 42 separate occasions from waters surrounding the German islands of Helgoland and Sylt over the course of three sampling periods: spring 2002, spring 2003, and autumn 2003. In total, 464 isolates were genotyped, of which 453 were different (i.e. clonal diversity was 98%). The numbers of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 24 and the observed heterozygosities from 0.59 to 0.87 (mean Ho and He were 0.73); there were no significant departures from Hardy‐Weinberg equilibrium at any of the six loci. Sexual reproduction therefore appears to be important in the production of genetic variation. Over the temporal and spatial scales sampled (18 months and 100 km), weak genetic differentiation was detected both within and between sampling periods (significant FST values ranged from 0.0018 to 0.0389), suggesting that the German North Sea supports a single largely unstructured population of P. pungens.  相似文献   

三个柽柳林地取食柽柳的植食性天敌昆虫优势类群组成相同,主要由瘿螨科(Eriophyidae)、瘿蚊科(Cecidomyiidae)、盾蚧科(Diaspididae)、杂斑木虱科(Aphalaridae)、叶蝉科(Cicadellidae)、盲蝽科(Miridae)、象甲科(Curculionidae)、叶甲科(Chrysomelidae)、麦蛾科(Gelechiidae)等类群组成.其中大部分科仅由某一种或某一属组成.位于温暖气候区的大河沿林地虽然面积最小,但植食性昆虫科的总数量、丰富度(中、后期)、多样性指数N1和N1(中、后期)等参数均高于寒冷区的其他两林地.同位于寒冷地区的阜康和呼图壁林地,面积较大的阜康林地的昆虫群落除均匀度在各季节时期显著高于呼图壁外,其他如总科数、Hill系列多样性参数、丰富度等与面积较小的呼图壁林地无显著差异.  相似文献   

喀斯特地区植物钙含量特征与高钙适应方式分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
喀斯特地区土壤的高钙含量是影响该地区植物生理特征的最重要环境因素之一。高钙影响植物的光合作用、生长速率及磷代谢, 从而限制了许多物种在该地区的分布。选取贵州4个石漠化程度不同的地区, 测定采集地内45种优势种或常见种的地上部分和地下部分的全钙含量以及土壤的交换性钙含量。通过分析喀斯特地区植物与土壤钙含量的特征发现: 喀斯特地区植物具有较高的钙含量平均值; 土壤交换性钙含量对植物地上部分钙含量的影响总体上不显著, 对植物地下部分钙含量的影响显著; 不同类别植物的钙含量存在显著差异, 蕨类植物地上部分钙含量平均值明显低于被子植物; 不同类别植物钙的分布部位也存在显著差异, 在蕨类植物和单子叶植物中地上部分和地下部分的钙含量相近, 而双子叶植物的地上部分钙含量明显高于地下部分。分析了喀斯特地区14种优势灌木和草本植物地上部分与地下部分钙含量的差异性以及与土壤交换性钙含量的相关关系, 以此为根据将14种优势植物对土壤高钙的适应方式分为3种类型: 随遇型、高钙型和低钙型。随遇型植物的钙含量主要受土壤交换性钙含量影响, 其地上部分和地下部分的钙含量均与土壤交换性钙含量成显著正相关关系; 高钙型植物具有较强的钙富集能力, 其地上部分即使在低钙含量的土壤中也可维持较高的钙含量; 低钙型植物的地上部分即使在高钙含量的土壤中亦可维持较低的钙含量。对植物适应钙的不同方式的研究可用于筛选退化生态系统恢复所需的植物资源。  相似文献   

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