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The univariate and multivariate study of variation for phenotypic plasticity is central to providing a clear understanding of hypotheses about the genetic control and evolution of reaction norms in natural populations. Arabidopsis thaliana is an ideal organism for the study of Genotype × Environment interactions (i.e., genetic variation for plasticity), because of the ease with which it can be grown in large numbers and due to the amount of information already available on its genetics, physiology and developmental biology. In this paper, we report on the plasticity, genetic variation and G × E interactions of four populations of A. thaliana in response to three environmental gradients (water, light and nutrients), each characterized by four levels of the controlled parameter. We measured nine traits and obtained their reaction norms. Path analysis was used to study the plasticity of character correlations. We found a tendency for A. thaliana reaction norms to be linear (either flat, i.e. no plasticity, or with a significant slope), in accordance with previous studies. We detected substantial amounts of genetic variation for plasticity in the light and nutrient gradients, but not in the water gradient. Dramatic restructuring of character correlations was induced by changes in environmental conditions, although some paths tended to be stable irrespective of the environment, thereby suggesting some degree of canalization.  相似文献   

通过栽培实验研究了高、中、低不同养分水平对外来入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)表型可塑性的影响。结果表明:随着养分含量的增加,互花米草分枝强度不断增加,低养分处理与中、高养分处理间差异显著;间隔子长度随着养分含量的增加而增加,但分枝角度不受养分含量的影响;互花米草生物量分配格局显著受养分水平的影响,随着养分的降低,互花米草对地上部分(茎和叶)的生物量投资减小,而对地下部分(根和根茎)的生物量投资增加。这些结果说明,养分水平对互花米草的克隆生长有显著影响,互花米草对不同的养分条件表现出较强的可塑性。  相似文献   

Environmental variation in temperature can have dramatic effects on plant morphology, phenology, and fitness, and for this reason it is important to understand the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature. We investigated constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to a temperature gradient in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana by applying modern analytical tools to the classic data of Westerman & Lawrence (1970). We found significant evidence for two types of constraints. First, we detected numerous significant genetic correlations between plastic responses to temperature and the mean value of a trait across all environments, which differed qualitatively in pattern between the set of ecotypes and the set of mutant lines in the original sample. Secondly, we detected significant costs of flowering time plasticity in two of the three experimental environments, and a net pattern of selection against flowering time plasticity in the experiment overall. Thus, when explored with contemporary methods, the prescient work of Westerman & Lawrence (1970) provides new insights about evolutionary constraints on the evolution of plasticity.  相似文献   

To better understand the genetic basis and evolution of phenotypic plasticity, we have investigated how the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) responds to nutrient stress. A preliminary experiment showed that two populations that are very closely related genetically tended to respond in a similar fashion to a variety of nutrient stresses. We then asked if there is a general relationship between the degree of genetic differentiation of 16 natural populations of A. thaliana and the similarity in the way they cope with a fundamental nutrient stress, nitrogen limitation. We also grew plants from four mutant lilies known to be affected in nitrogen uptake and metabolism, using their background isogenic line as a control. This last experiment tested whether or not defects in major genes involved in nitrogen bioprocessing affect the intensity or pattern of phenotypic plasticity. We found a high degree of genetic differentiation among populations for the ability to respond to nitrogen stress. However, we detected no significant correlation between the genetic distance among natural populations and the similarity of their response to low nitrogen availability. Since the genetic distances among populations were measured using neutral molecular markers, this suggests that random genetic drift and other non-deterministic evolutionary phenomena were not the driving force shaping differences among populations in the response to stress. On the other hand, several characters were highly correlated in their responses to nitrogen limitation, suggesting either that they were modified by natural selection in a like manner, or that they are influenced by similar genetic constraints (due to either pleiotropy or tight linkage). Finally, the mutants did not differ from the parental wild type strain in their pattern of nitrogen-induced stress response. Therefore, although the genes defective in the mutants are part of the biochemical pathway that uptakes and metabolizes nitrates, we conclude that they are not involved in the control of phenotypic plasticity to nitrogen limitation in this species.  相似文献   

Flood response is a crucial component of the life strategy of many plants, but it is seldom studied in non-flooded tolerant species, even though they may be subjected to stressful environmental conditions. Phenotypic plasticity in reaction to environmental stress affects the whole plant phenotype and can alter the character correlations that constitute the phenotypic architecture of the individual, yet few studies have investigated the lability of phenotypic integration to water regime. Moreover, little has been done to date to quantify the sort of selective pressures that different components of a plant's phenotype may be experiencing under contrasting water regimes. Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity at the single-trait and multivariate levels were investigated in 47 accessions of the weedy plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and the relationship of plastic characters to reproductive fitness was quantified. Results indicate that these plants tend to be highly genetically differentiated for all traits, in agreement with predictions made on the basis of environmental variation and mating system. Varied patterns of apparent selection under flooded and non-flooded conditions were also uncovered, suggesting trade-offs in allocation between roots and above-ground biomass, as well as between leaves and reproductive structures. While the major components of the plants' multivariate phenotypic architecture were not significantly affected by environmental changes, many of the details were different under flooded and non-flooded conditions.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity (the pattern of response of organisms to changes in environmental conditions) and phenotypic integration (the pattern of character correlations) are important components of our understanding of the evolution of complex phenotypes. Most studies published so far in this area have been conducted within populations with the express aim of predicting future response to evolutionary forces. However, among-population differentiation for plasticity and trait correlations are important indicators of recent past events that have shaped the currently observable phenotypes. We investigated variation in the reaction norms of several traits in a large number of accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to different levels of light quantity as well as the environmental lability of the corresponding across-population character variance–covariance matrix. Our results show that there is an astounding degree of inter-population variation for character means and very little variation for plasticity, in agreement with the idea that A. thaliana is a light-specialist often occurring in open, disturbed habitats. However, this plant also shows patterns of plasticity that are predicted to be adaptive based on functional ecological considerations, such as an increase in either specific leaf area or leaf number (but not both) under low light. We also demonstrate that the set of character correlations in A. thaliana is extremely stable to changes in light availability, contrary to previous findings in the same species when different environmental factors were considered. Several processes that might have been responsible for the observed patterns are discussed as a prelude to follow-up research on these problems.  相似文献   

雷妮娅  米湘成  陈勇  王旭航  李俊清   《生态学报》2008,28(5):1949-1949~1958
以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)两种基因型(ws-0和col-0)材料,采用复因子混合水平正交试验设计开展盆栽实验,研究了土壤盐分、土壤水分、光照强度、去叶处理等生态因子及其交互作用对受试植株18个表型特征的影响.结果表明生态因子对植物表型可塑性的影响是有针对性的:土壤水分主要影响植物体构件数目;土壤盐分主要影响生物量、角果数及种籽总数等直接反映植株适合度的表型特征;光照条件则主要影响植物的物候表型特征.植物体表型可塑性的方向随水分梯度的变化而发生改变.生态因子交互作用对植物表型可塑性的影响效果不是各因子独立作用的简单加和:对某个表型特征都有显著影响的两个生态因子其交互作用对该特征可能没有影响;反之,受两个生态因子交互作用影响显著的表型特征也可能不受它们的独立影响.在对生态因子交互作用作出响应时,col-0的9个特征表现出可塑性,而ws-0仅有4个表型是可塑的;同一基因型内彼此相关的表型特征在可塑性上也具一致性.抽苔时莲座叶数与角果平均籽粒数不受任何生态因子及其交互作用的影响,这两个表型作为数量特征而未表现出可塑性.  相似文献   

While phenotypic plasticity has been the focus of much research and debate in the recent ecological and evolutionary literature, the developmental nature of the phenomenon has been mostly overlooked. A developmental perspective must ultimately be an integral part of our understanding of how organisms cope with heterogeneous environments. In this paper I use the rapid cycling Arabidopsis thaliana to address the following questions concerning developmental plasticity. (1) Are there genetic and/or environmental differences in parameters describing ontogenetic trajectories? (2) Is ontogenetic variation produced by differences in genotypes and/or environments for two crucial traits of the reproductive phase of the life cycle, stem elongation and flower production? (3) Is there ontogenetic variability for the correlation between the two characters? I found genetic variation, plasticity, and variation for plasticity affecting at least some of the growth parameters, indicating potential for evolution via heterochronic shifts in ontogenetic trajectories. Within-population differences among families are determined before the onset of the reproductive phase, while among-population variation is the result of divergence during the reproductive phase of the ontogeny. Finally, the ontogenetic profiles of character correlations are very distinct between the ecologically meaningful categories of early- and late-flowering “ecotypes” in this species, and show susceptibility to environmental change.  相似文献   

Variation in flowering time of Arabidopsis thaliana was studied in an experiment with mutant lines. The pleiotropic effects of flowering time genes on morphology and reproductive yield were assessed under three levels of nutrient supply. At all nutrient levels flowering time and number of rosette leaves at flowering varied among mutant lines. The relationship between these two traits depended strongly on nutrient supply. A lower nutrient supply first led to an extension of the vegetative phase, while the mean number of leaves at flowering was hardly affected. A further reduction resulted in no further extension of the vegetative phase and, on average, plants started flowering with a lower leaf number. At low nutrients, early flowering affected the timing of production of siliques rather than the total output, whereas late flowering was favorable at high nutrients. This may explain the fact that many plant species flower at a relatively small size under poor conditions. Flowering time genes had pleiotropic effects on the leaf length, number of rosette and cauline leaves, and number of axillary flowering shoots of the main inflorescence. Silique production was positively correlated with the number of axillary shoots of the main inflorescence; the number of axillary primordia appeared to have a large impact on reproductive yield.  相似文献   

Many plants exhibit characteristic photomorphogenic shade ’avoidance’ responses to crowding and vegetation shade; this plasticity is often hypothesized to be adaptive. We examined the contribution of specific photomorphogenic loci to plastic shade avoidance responses in the annual crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana by comparing single-gene mutants defective at those loci with wild type plants exhibiting normal photomorphogenesis. The hy1 and hy2 mutants, deficient in all functional phytochromes, were less plastic than the wild type in response to a nearby grass canopy or to a low-red/far-red light ratio characteristic of vegetation shade. These mutants displayed constitutively shade-avoiding phenotypes throughout the life cycle regardless of the treatment: they bolted at an earlier developmental stage and were characterized by reduced branching. In contrast, the hy4 mutant, deficient in blue light reception, exhibited greater plasticity than the wild type in response to vegetation shade after the seedling stage. This mutant produced more leaves before bolting and more basal branches under normal light conditions when compared to the wild type. These results indicate that specific photomorphogenic loci have different and sometimes antagonistic pleiotropic effects on the plastic response to vegetation shade throughout the life cycle of the plant. The fitness of the constitutively shade-avoiding phytochrome-deficient mutants was lower than that of the plastic wild type under normal light, but was not different in the vegetation shade treatments, where all genotypes converged toward similar shade avoidance phenotypes. This outcome supports one key prediction of the adaptive plasticity hypothesis: that inappropriate expression of shade avoidance traits is maladaptive.  相似文献   

Variability of inorganic nutrient concentrations in leaves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We present a general quantitative genetic model for the evolution of reaction norms. This model goes beyond previous models by simultaneously permitting any shaped reaction norm and allowing for the imposition of genetic constraints. Earlier models are shown to be special cases of our general model; we discuss in detail models involving just two macroenvironments, linear reaction norms, and quadratic reaction norms. The model predicts that, for the case of a temporally varying environment, a population will converge on (1) the genotype with the maximum mean geometric fitness over all environments, (2) a linear reaction norm whose slope is proportional to the covariance between the environment of development and the environment of selection, and (3) a linear reaction norm even if nonlinear reaction norms are possible. An examination of experimental studies finds some limited support for these predictions. We discuss the limitations of our model and the need for more realistic gametic models and additional data on the genetic and developmental bases of plasticity.  相似文献   

The evolution of phenotypic plasticity has rarely been examined within an explicitly phylogenetic framework, making use of modern comparative techniques. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine phylogenetic patterns in the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to vegetation shade (the ‘shade avoidance’ syndrome) in the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana and its close relatives. Specifically, we asked the following questions: (i) Do A. thaliana and related species differ within or among clades in the magnitude and/or pattern of plasticity to shade? (ii) Are the phenotypic variance–covariance matrices (phenotypic integration) of these taxa plastic to the changes in light quality induced by the presence of a canopy? (iii) To what extent does the variation in uni- and multivariate plasticity match the phylogeny of Arabidopsis? In order to address these questions we grew individuals from six taxa of known phylogenetic relationship in a greenhouse under full sun and under a grass canopy. Taxa differed in the magnitude, but not in the pattern, of plasticities for all traits. At the univariate level, the late flowering species, A. pumila and A. griffithiana, as well as the late flowering Moscow ecotype of A. thaliana, showed greater plasticity for allocation to vegetative and reproductive meristems. At the multivariate level, several taxa displayed a very low stability of their variance–covariance structures to environmental change, with only one taxon sharing as many as three principal components across environments. We conclude that both univariate and multivariate plasticities to vegetation shade can evolve rapidly within a genus of flowering plants, with little evidence of historical constraints (phylogenetic inertia).  相似文献   

The genetic basis of phenotypic traits is of great interest to evolutionary biologists, but their contribution to adaptation in nature is often unknown. To determine the genetic architecture of flowering time in ecologically relevant conditions, we used a recombinant inbred line population created from two locally adapted populations of Arabidopsis thaliana from Sweden and Italy. Using these RILs, we identified flowering time QTL in growth chambers that mimicked the natural temperature and photoperiod variation across the growing season in each native environment. We also compared the genomic locations of flowering time QTL to those of fitness (total fruit number) QTL from a previous three‐year field study. Ten total flowering time QTL were found, and in all cases, the Italy genotype caused early flowering regardless of the conditions. Two QTL were consistent across chamber environments, and these had the largest effects on flowering time. Five of the fitness QTL colocalized with flowering time QTL found in the Italy conditions, and in each case, the local genotype was favoured. In contrast, just two flowering time QTL found in the Sweden conditions colocalized with fitness QTL and in only one case was the local genotype favoured. This implies that flowering time may be more important for adaptation in Italy than Sweden. Two candidate genes (FLC and VIN3) underlying the major flowering time QTL found in the current study are implicated in local adaptation.  相似文献   

We determined reaction norms for developmental time and weight at eclosion for 2 isozygous and 11 genetically mixed strains of Drosophila mercatorum in four culture media differing in yeast concentration. With decreasing yeast concentration, development was delayed, the weight of emerging flies decreased, and the phenotypic variance of both variables increased. Differences among stocks and significant stock × yeast interactions indicated genetic variance for both variables within environment and different phenotypic responses of stocks across environments. The phenotypic correlation between developmental time and weight was negative at low yeast concentrations and disappeared gradually with increasing yeast. The comparison of completely homozygous with genetically heterogenous stocks showed that most of the increase of variability with deteriorating environment was due to the changing expression of genetic variance. The genetic correlation between developmental time and weight turned from negative in poor to positive in rich medium, while the environmental covariance was negative in all media. Plotting the reaction norms in the developmental time-weight plane rather than separately for each trait reveals most of these results at a glance. It also suggests that much of the genetic variance might be additive, because an effect of the half-sib family structure inherent in the design is clearly visible in the plot. We interpret the pattern of changing variances and covariances, pointing out that the special growth physiology of Drosophila and the way environmental factors affect it must be taken into account. We briefly discuss the implications of changing genetic correlations among traits for the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in general.  相似文献   

匍匐茎草本蛇莓克隆构型对土壤养分的可塑性反应   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
罗学刚  董鸣 《生态学报》2001,21(12):1957-1963
克隆植物构型的可塑性可使它在养分斑块性分布的环境中,相应地调整对土壤养分的获取对策,因而可能具有重要的生态学意义。在一项田间实验中,匍匐茎草本蛇莓(Duchesnea indica Focke)经历了不同土壤养分水平(高、中、低和对照)处理,以研究土壤养分对蛇莓克隆构型的影响。结果表明:随着土壤养分水平的增加,间隔子的长度和分枝角度均逐渐降低,而分枝强度和分株密度增加。在不同养分水平生镜中,蛇莓克隆构型相关特征的可塑性变化可用动态Logistic模型进行模拟和预测,拟合效果较好。结合植物对环境异质性的利用对策,对所揭示的蛇莓克隆构型可塑性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract.— We examined the genetic architecture of plasticity of thorax and wing length in response to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster . Reaction norms as a function of growth temperature were analyzed in 20 isofemale lines in a natural population collected from Grande Ferrade near Bordeaux (southern France) in two different years. We found evidence for a complex genetic architecture underlying the reaction norms and differences between males and females. Reaction norms were negative quadratics. Genetic correlations were moderately high between traits within environments. Among characteristic values, the magnitudes of genetic correlations varied among traits and sexes. We hypothesized that genetic correlations among environments would decrease as temperatures became more different. This expectation was upheld for only one trait, female thorax length. For males for both traits, the correlations were large for both very similar and very different temperatures. These correlations may constrain the evolution of the shape of the reaction norms. Whether the extent of independence implies specific regulatory genes or only a specific allelic regulation of trait genes can not be decided from our results.  相似文献   

The evolution of environmentally-induced changes in phenotype or reaction norm implies both the existence at some time of genetic variation within a population for that plasticity measured by the presence of genotype x environment interaction (G x E), and that phenotypic variation affects fitness. Otherwise, the genetic structure of polygenic traits may restrict the evolution of the reaction norm by the lack of independent evolution of a given trait in different environments or by genetic trade-offs with other traits that affect fitness. In this paper, we analyze the existence of G x E in metamorphic traits to two environmental factors, larval density and pond duration in a factorial experiment with Bufo calamita tadpoles in semi-natural conditions and in the laboratory. Results showed no plastic temporal response in metamorphosis to pond durability at low larval density. The rank of genotypes did not change across different hydroperiods, implying a high genetic correlation that may constrain the evolution of the reaction norm. At high larval density a significant G x E interaction was found, suggesting the potential for the evolution of the reaction norm. A sibship (#1) attained the presumed “optimal” reaction norm by accelerating developmental rate in short duration ponds and delaying it in longer ponds. This could be translated in fitness by an increment in metamorphic survival and size at metamorphosis in short and long ponds respectively with respect to non-plastic sibships. However, genetic variability for plasticity suggests that optimal reaction norm for developmental rates may be variable and hard to achieve in the heterogeneous pond environment. Mass at metamorphosis was not plastic across different pond durations but decreased at high larval density. Significant adaptive plasticity for growth rates appeared in environments that differed drastically in level of crowding conditions, both in the field and in the laboratory. The fact that survival of juveniles metamorphosed at high density ponds was a monotonic function of metamorphic size, implies that response to selection may occur in this population of natterjacks and that genetic variability in plasticity may be a reliable mechanism maintaining adaptive genetic variation in growth rates in the highly variable pond environment.  相似文献   

Previous models of the evolution of phenotypic plasticity have, for the most part, not considered the effects of genetic architecture and spatial structure. I examine those factors with an individual-based simulation model. With regard to genetic architecture, I considered how the presence of different types of loci would affect medium-term evolutionary outcomes. The types of loci differed in how the environment determined phenotypic expression and included loci that were insensitive to the environment (non-plastic loci), sensitive in a linear fashion, and sensitive in a quadratic fashion (both plastic loci). With regard to spatial structure, I investigated the affects of migration patterns. These simulations demonstrated that two general conditions are necessary for phenotypic plasticity to be selected. (1) The environment must have a strong influence on genotypic expression. (2) The between-generation changes in the environment must be large and predictable, in the current instance because of migration in a spatially-structured (clinal) environment. Responses to selection were not simple, however. Rarely were pure strategies — genetic specialization or phenotypic plasticity — selected for. Instead, the existence of multiple types of loci led to mixed genetic outcomes. The result of this mixed outcome were individuals with reaction norms that were less steep than the optimal reaction norm (when non-plastic and linear-plastic loci were present) or individuals with curved reaction norms when the optimal reaction norms was linear (when all three types of loci were present). A pure plasticity strategy had the highest global fitness because plastic individuals would match the optimal phenotype everywhere. The reason that the metapopulation did not achieve this global fitness optimum is that local selection is stronger than global selection. Each deme is driven to a local fitness peak based on the combined, locally additive effects of the non-plastic and plastic loci. Plasticity is only selected globally, so plasticity becomes more highly favored with high migration rates. This effect was greatest in parts of the cline where the plasticity loci were not being expressed and, thus, not locally selected upon. That is, in these demes local selection was weak or absent allowing global fitness effects to predominate.  相似文献   

* We examined phenotypic plasticity of fitness components in response to zinc (Zn) in the Zn hyperaccumulator, Thlaspi caerulescens. * Two populations from Zn-enriched soils (M) and two populations from normal soils (NM) were grown in pots at three Zn concentrations (0, 1000 and 8000 mg kg(-1) Zn), for an entire life cycle. Growth, Zn accumulation and fitness components were assessed. * Based on vegetative growth, M and NM populations had similar Zn tolerance at 1000 mg kg(-1) Zn. However, reproductive output was markedly decreased in NM at 1000 and 8000 mg kg(-1) Zn. In M populations, Zn did not affect fitness. However, low Zn status enhanced reproductive output in year 1 compared with year 2 and decreased survival after the first flowering season. * M populations are able to achieve equal fitness across a broad range of Zn concentrations in soil by different combinations of fecundity and longevity. No cost of higher tolerance was demonstrated in M populations. Reproductive traits appeared to be a more sensitive indicator of tolerance than vegetative growth.  相似文献   

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