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Nuclear 2C DNA content was determined by laser flow cytometry for 13 diploid (2n = 34) lines (cultivated varieties and inbred lines) of Helianthus annuus. Mean DNA amount of second leaf nuclei varied from 6.01 to 7.95 pg (32%) among lines. Mean DNA content varied up to 19% within lines. Variability in mean DNA content exceeding 27% and 48% was detected among leaves from different nodes of plants of the open-pollinated variety, Californicus, and the inbred line, RHA 299, respectively. The root tip and shoot tip nuclei of H. annuus have been reported to consist of a mixture of aneuploid (17 to 33 chromosomes) and diploid (34 chromosomes) cells, a condition called aneusomaty. Chromosome counts of root tips and an analysis of the distribution of DNA content of large numbers of nuclei from leaves indicate that aneusomaty either does not occur, or is not common, among the lines investigated. The intraspecific, intraline, and intraplant variation in DNA content in H. annuus support the concept that a sizable portion of a plant genome is unstable and subject to rapid changes in DNA amount.  相似文献   

A survey of allozyme variation in cultivated races of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) was undertaken. Eight plants each of 83 accessions representing the five primary races and five of the intermediate races of sorghum were analyzed for 15 enzyme systems encoded by 27 loci. Low levels of variation were found within accessions, which is typical of self-pollinating species. Little variation was also found among accessions. Compared with other cereals, S. bicolor is depauperate in allozyme variation. We found an average of 1.81 alleles per locus with a mean expected heterozygosity of 0.008 for the accessions and total panmictic heterozygosity of 0.093. Only 9% of the variation present was found within accessions, while 91% was among accessions. Most of the variation present is attributable to differences in geographic origin of the accessions rather than racial differences. Western and eastern Africa have the highest levels of total heterozygosity (0.108 and 0.088, respectively), while southern Africa has the lowest (0.008). Principal component analysis revealed continuous variation among races and geographic regions with the accessions failing to segregate into discrete racial or geographic clusters.  相似文献   

Flavonoid aglycone variation within Helianthus annuus, a species widely distributed throughout North America, was analyzed. Flavonoid aglycones of H. annuus consist of two types, flavones and chalcones. The flavone aglycones are sequestered in glandular trichomes that occur on both leaf surfaces, whereas the chalcone aglycones appear to be incorporated in the waxy leaf cuticle. Considerable variation in flavonoid profile was observed with some plants exhibiting as few as one, and others as many as seven of the eight aglycones detected. No definable phytogeographic patterns were observed for this flavonoid variation. Flavonoid aglycone variation also did not differentiate the infraspecific taxa within H. annuus.  相似文献   

本研究以四倍体高粱与约翰逊草为材料,利用SSR分子标记和细胞遗传学方法分析了高粱与约翰逊草间的亲缘关系,SSR分析结果表明,高粱与约翰逊草的遗传背景差异较大,SSR差异位点和相似位点在连锁群上的分布具不平衡性;按照差异引物出现频率高低,将连锁群分为两类:高度差异区和低度差异区。细胞学分析结果表明:(1)双亲及杂交种都是不规则的四倍体遗传群体。(2)花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I,双亲及杂交种染色体配对以二价体和四价体为主,杂交种平均每个细胞二价体数为17.00,四倍体高粱为15.23、约翰逊草为15.83,四价体数分别为0.95,2.15和1.60个。但杂交种减数分裂过程中也出现一定数量的单价体,减数分裂会形成一定比例的非整倍配子。SSR检测结果与细胞学分析结果具有一致性,约翰逊草与高粱的染色体组间存在一定程度的同源性。二者杂交不能形成稳定遗传的双二倍体。  相似文献   

Heiser (1949) hypothesized that a weedy race of Helianthus bolanderi had originated by the introgression of genes from H. annum into a serpentine race of H. bolanderi. Although Heiser's investigation of these species is frequently cited as one of the best examples of introgression in plants, definitive evidence of gene exchange is lacking (Heiser, 1973). To determine whether the weedy race of H. bolanderi actually originated via introgression, we analyzed allozyme, chloroplast-DNA (cpDNA), and nuclear-ribosomal-DNA (rDNA) variation. Evidence from enzyme electrophoresis did not support the proposed introgressive origin of weedy H. bolanderi. We detected a total of 37 low-frequency alleles distinguishing the serpentine race of H. bolanderi from H. annuus. Weedy H. bolanderi possessed only four of the 37 marker alleles. Further analysis demonstrated that serpentine H. bolanderi combined seven of the 35 alleles distinguishing H. annuus from weedy H. bolanderi, indicating that serpentine H. bolanderi shares three more marker alleles with H. annuus than does weedy H. bolanderi. These results are similar to expectations for race divergence from a single common ancestor and suggest that, if introgression occurred, the majority of marker alleles were rapidly lost following the initial hybridization event. Even more compelling evidence opposing Heiser's (1949) hypothesis, however, was from restriction-fragment analysis of cpDNA and nuclear rDNA. We detected a total of 17 cpDNA and five rDNA restriction-site mutations among the 19 populations examined. No parallel or back mutations were observed in phylogenetic trees constructed using either cpDNA or rDNA mutations, and both phylogenies were completely congruent regarding the alignment of all three taxa. In addition, the weedy race of H. bolanderi possessed a unique cpDNA, which was outside the range of variation observed among populations of either of the presumed parental species. Mean sequence divergences between the cpDNAs of weedy H. bolanderi and those of serpentine H. bolanderi and H. annuus were 0.30% and 0.35%, respectively. These estimates are comparable to sequence-divergence values observed between closely related species in other plant groups. Given the lack of parallel or convergent mutations in the cpDNA and rDNA phylogenetic trees, the complete congruence of these trees with flavonoid- and allozyme-variation patterns, and the presence of a unique and divergent chloroplast genome in the weedy race of H. bolanderi, we suggest that the weedy race of H. bolanderi was not derived recently through introgression, as hypothesized, but is relatively ancient in origin.  相似文献   

The timing of expression of environmental maternal effects on seedling growth was investigated in greenhouse-grown populations of Erigeron annuus (Asteraceae). Maternal differences were generated in genetically identical lines grown under high and low nutrient conditions. There were significant differences among maternal families within genotypes for seed size, cotyledon size, number of leaves, and rosette diameter. When seedlings were grown individually, effects of the maternal fertilizer treatment on leaf number and rosette diameter were present early but could not be detected after eight weeks. When seedlings from HIGH and LOW lines were grown in competition, the maternal effects and the relative size advantage of seedlings from HIGH parents increased throughout the experiment. Most of the variation among nutrient treatments for seedling size characters could be explained by variation in initial seed size. In the competition experiment, the increasing magnitude of maternal environmental differences over time masked genetic variation for seedling characters; without competition, the relative contribution of genetic variation increased through time. Under competitive conditions that generate persistent maternal effects on fitness, maternal environmental effects may retard natural selection.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in sunflower anthers is compared with its normal (N) line by using light and electron microscopy. Degeneration and disintegration of CMS tapetum and microspore tetrads occur after meiosis II, resulting in sterility. At the onset of meiosis, the CMS tapetum enlarges radially and shows signs of disorganization of organelles and walls. The developing CMS meiocytes and tetrads of microspores do not show these abnormalities when compared with their N counterparts. The CMS microspore tetrads remain viable until a rudimentary exine forms around each microspore. At this time, the radially enlarged tapetum disintegrates, followed by disintegration of the tetrads. In N-line microsporogenesis, a peripheral, dense tapetum is present at the tetrad stage, and as each locule enlarges, free spaces occur around the tetrads. After a rudimentary exine with associated spines and colpi is formed around each microspore, the callose holding each tetrad together dissolves, freeing the microspores for further development. Eventually the binucleate tapetum becomes plasmodial, persisting until the vacuolate pollen stage.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was measured for several morphological and life history characters in Erigeron annum, a triploid and obligately apomictic species. There was significant genetic variation for nearly all characters measured, including plant size, growth rate, time of flowering, biomass allocation to roots and shoots, seed weight, and germination response to temperature. Variance among genotypes accounted for up to 55% of the total phenotypic variance, well within the range of heritabilities observed for sexual species. These estimates of broad-sense heritability predict substantial short-term response to selection on life history characters in this asexual species.  相似文献   

Techniques of horizontal starch gel electrophoresis were employed to estimate levels of genetic variation within and genetic differentiation among populations of the three Florida subspecies of Helianthus debilis. The subspecies are H. d. debilis, H. d. vestitus, and H. d. tardiflorus. These taxa are very similar with respect to levels of genetic variability. The average values across all populations for proportion of polymorphic loci (25.5%) and number of alleles per polymorphic locus (2.35) are comparable to those found in other outcrossing plants. The average frequency of heterozygotes per locus (0.05) is lower than that found in other outcrossers. Local populations within each subspecies are genetically very similar. The average genetic distance between local populations is D = 0.010 ± 0.001. Subspecies vestitus and subspecies tardiflorus are also genetically very similar (D = 0.015 ± 0.001). However, subspecies debilis is differentiated from both subspecies vestitus (D = 0.121 ± 0.006) and subspecies tardiflorus (D = 0.103 ± 0.005). This genetic differentiation parallels morphological differentiation. The average genetic distance among all three subspecies is D = 0.080 ± 0.003. A moderate amount of genetic differentiation accompanies the process of subspeciation in Helianthus debilis.  相似文献   

C_3和C_4植物的水分利用效率   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
对C3植物黄豆(Glycinemax)和C4植物玉米(Zeamays)的光合、蒸腾以及水分利用效率(WUE)进行了比较研究。结果表明,玉米WUE水平约为黄豆的2倍,这与两种植物的光合速率水平相一致,说明植物叶片的WUE主要决定于其光合速率大小。通过环境条件对两种植物的影响分析可知,玉米WUE在0-1000μmol·m-2·s-1光强范围内与光合有效辐射(PAR)呈线形关系,最适温度为29℃左右;黄豆WUE在0- 1200mol·m-2·s-1光强范围内与PAR呈线形关系,最适温度为32℃左右。  相似文献   

Two cell populations in sunflower root meristems are described. Most cells stop in G1 after being cultured in sucrose-deficient medium, but “leaky” cells continue through DNA synthesis and stop in G2. A comparison of “leaky” and arrested cells is reported on the basis of radiosensitivity, and cytological and biochemical responses to metabolic inhibitors. “Leaky” cells are randomly distributed throughout primary meristematic tissues. They are not inhibited from initiating DNA synthesis by exposure to doses of γ-irradiation ranging from 300–7200 R; arrested cells, depending upon the dose, are inhibited partially or completely. “Leaky” cells do, however, show a dose-dependent mitotic delay in G2, which is the same as arrested cells. Treatment with puromycin and actidione does not inhibit “leaky” cells from initiating DNA synthesis but does inhibit them from mitosis. Arrested cells are inhibited from advancing to S and M by both inhibitors. Also, puromycin and actidione cause a decrease in protein and RNA synthesis, demonstrating a possible protein dependent RNA synthesis necessary for cell cycle progression. Actinomycin D (10 μg/ml) inhibits neither “leaky” nor arrested cells from entering S and M. At 30 μg/ml, however, arrested cells are partially inhibited. “Leaky” cell metabolism is unique in preparation for and initiation of DNA synthesis but similar to that of the remaining cells of the meristem in terms of requirements for progression through the rest of the mitotic cycle.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural features of pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) caryospses were investigated with thin sections of the dry, mature grain in the transmission electron microscope, and fractured kernels in the scanning electron microscope. The pericarp of those grains is comprised of three distinct layers: epicarp, mesocarp of parenchyma cells, and endocarp of compressed cross and tube cells. Mesocarp cells of grain sorghum contain starch granules embedded in a cytoplasmic matrix. The major constituent of sorghum and millet aleurone cells are aleurone grains (protein bodies) and lipid bodies. Subaleurone cells contain a much higher proportion of protein bodies than starch granules, and the protein bodies are structurally distinct from those in the aleurone. The germ scutellar ultrastructures of the two grains were similar; protein bodies, lipid bodies, epidermal cells and parenchyma cells of the germ are described.  相似文献   

Enzyme electrophoresis and restriction-fragment analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) were used to test the hypothesis that both Helianthus neglectus and H. paradoxus are stabilized hybrid derivatives of H. annuus and H. petiolaris. The four species are annuals, diploid outcrossers, and have the same chromosome number. Helianthus annuus and H. petiolaris had the same allele in highest frequency for 16 of the 18 isozyme loci examined and had different majority alleles for only 6-Pgd3 and Pgi2. The two species had divergent rDNAs that could be distinguished by seven diagnostic restriction site mutations and three length mutations, and their cpDNAs could be differentiated by three diagnostic restriction site mutations. The alleles observed in H. neglectus were not a combination of those observed in H. annuus and H. petiolaris. Although H. neglectus had only one unique allele, it possessed none of the three alleles specific to H. annuus. In contrast, it had four of the seven alleles specific to H. petiolaris. Furthermore, H. neglectus had the same rDNA type as H. petiolaris and had the same cpDNA as that found in two populations of H. petiolaris ssp. fallax. These data allowed us to speculate that H. neglectus may be a recent derivative of H. petiolaris ssp. fallax, rather than a stabilized hybrid derivative as originally proposed. In contrast, H. paradoxus combined the alleles of H. annuus and H. petiolaris and had no unique alleles. At Adh2, H. paradoxus was monomorphic for an allele found only in H. petiolaris ssp. fallax, whereas at 6-Pgd3 and Pgi2, it was monomorphic for high frequency H. annuus alleles. Furthermore, H. paradoxus combined the rDNA repeat types of both proposed parents and had the chloroplast genome of H. annuus. These data provide compelling evidence that H. paradoxus, in contrast to H. neglectus, was derived via hybridization.  相似文献   

Microsporogenesis was investigated in hermaphroditic and male-sterile plants in nine gynodioecious taxa of Hawaiian Bidens. Normal microsporogenesis in hermaphrodites and the onset of abortion in male steriles were similar in all taxa and in a hybrid between two gynodioecious species. The early abnormal vacuolation of tapetal cells is the first visible evidence leading to premeiotic abortion of microsporogenesis in male steriles. The sporogenous cells disintegrate rapidly after the vacuolation of the tapetum, resulting in a shrunken, indehiscent anther which is composed of only the epidermal layer with some remnant cells of the endothecium and the connective at anthesis. In hermaphrodites, the tapetal cells remain dense and undergo karyokinesis to become binucleate during meiosis I. The tapetum becomes plasmodial after microspores are released from tetrads and gradually disappears during pollen formation. The genetic factor(s) which cause the abortion act with remarkable precision and consistency in all taxa investigated. This suggests that gynodioecy in all Hawaiian Bidens is homologous and the establishment of male sterility in Hawaiian Bidens occurred only once. The spread of the genetic male-sterile factor(s) may be the result of adaptive radiation of the original gynodioecious species or natural interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   

C3和C4植物光合途径的适应性变化和进化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
高等植物大多为C3植物, C4植物和景天酸代谢(Crassulacean acid metabolism, CAM)植物是由C3植物进化而来的。C4途径的多源进化表明, 光合途径由C3途径向C4途径的转变相对简单。该文分析研究了植物光合途径的进化前景, 指出C4植物是从C3植物进化而来的高光效种类, 且地质时期以来降低的大气CO2浓度和升高的大气温度以及干旱和盐渍化是C4途径进化的外部动力。C3植物的C4途径的发现说明植物的光合途径并非是一成不变的, C3和C4植物的光合特征具有极大的可塑性, 某些环境的变化会引起植物光合途径在C3和C4途径之间转变。C3植物具有的C4途径是环境调控的产物, 是对逆境的适应性进化结果, 因而光合途径的转变也适用于干旱地区植被的适应性生存机理研究。该文还利用国外最新的C4光合进化模型介绍了植物在进化C4途径中所经历的7个重要时期(从分子基础到形态基础、结构基础, 再到物质代谢水平、光合酶活水平, 直到C3和C4途径协调运转时期, 最后达到形态与功能最优化阶段), 并结合全球气候变化的特点对国内外相关领域的研究进行了分析, 总结了植物光合途径的适应性转变和进化的研究成果, 为今后的相关工作提出建议。  相似文献   

Restriction site variation in the chloroplast genome (cpDNA) was surveyed among 37 taxa or cytotypes (40 accessions) of the genus Hordeum. Seventeen restriction enzymes were employed, and a total of 491 restriction sites were assayed. Of these, 120 were variable among the taxa, including 70 synapomorphies. The level of sequence divergence (p) among species of Hordeum varied from 0.0 to 0.017, indicating that Hordeum possesses an about-average level of cpDNA diversity as compared to most other genera of flowering plants for which data are available. Wagner and polymorphism parsimony phytogenies were constructed from the restriction site data. These analyses divided the genus into several distinct groups; 1) American taxa; 2) diploid H. marinum; 3) Asian taxa; 4) H. vulgare-H. bulbosum; and 5) the H. murinum complex. Bootstrap-based confidence limits provided statistical support for the monophylesis of the latter three groups. The cpDNA data showed remarkably good congruence with previously published isoenzymatic, molecular, cytological, and crossing data.  相似文献   

The genus Sorghum Moench is subdivided into sections Chaeotosorghum, Heterosorghum, Parasorghum, Stiposorghum and Sorghum. Section Sorghum includes two rhizomatous species, S. halepense (L.) Pers. (2n = 40) and S. propinquum (Kunth) Hitchcock (2n = 20), as well as the annual S. bicolor (L.) Moench (2n = 20). Sorghum bicolor is divided into subspecies bicolor to include all domesticated grain sorghums, subspecies drummondii (Steud.) de Wet comb. nov. to include stabilized derivatives of hybridization among grain sorghums and their closest wild relatives and subspecies arundinaceum (Desv.) de Wet et Harlan to include the wild progenitors of grain sorghums. Four ecotypes of subspecies arundinaceum are recognized: race aethiopicum of the arid African Sahel. race virgatum of northeastern Africa, race arundinaceum of the African tropical forest, and race verticilliflorum of the African Savanna. The numerous, usually recognized grain sorghums are divided among five basic races, bicolor, caudatum, durra, guinea and kafir, and ten hybrid races that each combine characteristics of at least two of these basic races. Races of grain sorghum are morphologically distinct, and they maintain their unity of type through spacial and ethnological isolation.  相似文献   

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