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Part of the large subunit of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisco) gene (rbcL) was sequenced from three fern species: Adiantum capillus-veneris, Botrypus strictus, and Osmunda cinnamomea var. fokiensis. This region included 1,333 base pairs, about 90% of the gene. Maximum likelihood analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences indicated that (1) Botrypus (Ophioglossaceae) clustered monophyletically with other ferns (Adiantum, Angiopteris, Osmunda); the closest relative to Botrypus among the three species was Osmunda, which did not support the hypothesis that the Ophioglossaceae are linked to the progymnosperm-seed plant lineage. (2) Eusporangiate ferns containing Botrypus (Ophioglossaceae) and Angiopteris (Marattiaceae) were a paraphyletic group. (3) Seed plants and the four fern species examined formed a monophyletic group, but ferns and bryophytes (liverwort) did not. Variations in rates of substitution for synonymous and nonsynonymous codons were found in fern lineages.Correspondence to: M. Hasebe  相似文献   

Cyperaceae are the third largest monocotyledon family, with considerable economic and conservation importance. In subfamily Mapanioideae there is particular specialization of the inflorescence into units termed spicoids. The structural homology of the spicoid is difficult to interpret, making determination of intrafamilial relationships problematic. To address this, pollen from eight species in Mapanioideae was investigated using light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Pollen development was also examined to identify the type of pollen present in these species. We also analyzed DNA sequence data using the trnL-F and rps16 regions from 25 genera and 35 species of Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, and Thurniaceae. Two types of pollen, Mapania-type and pseudomonad, were identifed. Analysis of combined DNA and pollen data resolved a clade sister to the rest of Cyperaceae, corresponding to Mapanioideae. Within this, two further clades were resolved. One comprised taxa assigned to tribe Hypolytreae, which had Mapania-type pollen. The other comprised taxa mainly assigned to tribe Chrysitricheae, but included two taxa from Hypolytreae, Capitularina and Exocarya. All taxa in this clade had pseudomonad pollen. Thus new groupings within the subfamily have been discovered based on the specialization of some taxa in terms of their pollination biology.  相似文献   

This study examined in detail the rbcL sequence and morphological support for subfamilial relationships and monophyly of Lecythidaceae. Initially we needed to establish relationships of Lecythidaceae among other dicot families. To complete this we examined 47 rbcL sequences of 25 families along with molecular observations from several large analyses of rbcL data. All analyses strongly support the monophyly of the asterid III grouping. This analysis revealed Lecythidaceae to be paraphyletic and indicated potential outgroup relationships with Sapotaceae. Once relationships had been evaluated using molecular data we then concentrated on analyzing separate and combined morphological and molecular databases. The topology of the morphological data set was similar to the rbcL sequence and combined data sets except for the positioning of Napoleonaeoideae, Grias, Gustavia, and Oubanguia. According to the combined results, Planchonioideae, Lecythidoideae. and Foetidioideae are monophyletic, whereas the subfamily Napoleonaeoideae are paraphyletic. Nested within Napolconaeoideae, we found Asteronthos forms a strongly supported clade with Oubanguia (Scytopetalaceae). Foetidia, the only genus of Foetidioideae, is sister to Planchonioideae, and this clade is sister to Lecythidoideae. The [(Planchonioideae, Foetidioideae) Lecythidoideae are sister to Asteranthos/Oubanguia. Napoleonaeoideae are sister to the rest of Lecythidaceae.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene were used to examine phylogenetic relationships of the genus Salix together with other allied genera of the family Salicaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences strongly suggest the monophyly of three commonly recognized genera (Chosenia, Salix, and Toisusu). Two monophyletic groups are recognized within the larger monophyletic group. They do not correspond with any infrageneric taxa proposed so far. With regard to character evolution, it is thought that the reduction of stamen number from more than two stamens to two might occur in at least three lineages and that fused bud scales evolved several times and/or the reverse evolution occurred from fused to free. Some types of pollen surfaces are considered to have evolved independently.  相似文献   

Previous molecular phylogenetic analyses of the family Cyperaceae based on rbcL sequences showed Bulbostylis as paraphyletic, with B. atrosanguinea and B. hispidula forming a clade with Nemum spadiceum. On the contrary, phylogenetic analyses of the tribe Abildgaardieae based on nuclear (ITS ribosomal region) and plastid sequences (trnL-F region) showed Bulbostylis as monophyletic, although they only incorporated four species of Bulbostylis and none of Nemum. In this work, we presented a phylogenetic hypothesis of Bulbostylis based on a comprehensive sampling, including species from different continents for the first time. New sequences of Abildgaardia, Crosslandia, Fimbristylis, and Nemum were included to test the monophyly of Bulbostylis. In total, 84 sequences of both ITS and trnL regions were generated. Analyses were performed using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and parsimony. Ancestral state reconstruction was performed using ML, MCMC, and parsimony methods. In all analyses, Bulbostylis resulted paraphyletic as Nemum atracuminatum is nested within it. Most American species of Bulbostylis grouped together, but relationships amongst them appeared poorly resolved. Ancestral state reconstructions of native distribution suggest an African ancestor of Bulbostylis, with at least three introduction independent events of the species in America. Morphological diagnostic characters such as the ‘style base permanence or detachment from the ripe achene’, and the ‘micromorphological patterns of the achene surface’ are homoplastic in this phylogenetic context, and therefore unsuitable to propose infrageneric groupings within the Bulbostylis.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of some angiosperm families have remained enigmatic despite broad phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences. One example is the aquatic family Podostemaceae, the relationships of which have long been controversial because of major morphological modifications associated with their aquatic habit. Podostemaceae have variously been associated with Piperaceae, Nepenthaceae, Polygonaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Rosaceae, Crassulaceae, and Saxifragaceae. Two recent analyses of rbcL sequences suggest a possible sister-group relationship of Podostemaceae to Crassulaceae (Saxifragales). However, the branch leading to Podostemaceae was long, and use of different outgroups resulted in alternative placements. We explored the phylogenetic relationships of Podostemaceae using 18S rDNA sequences and a combined rbcL + 18S rDNA matrix representing over 250 angiosperms. In analyses based on 18S rDNA data, Podostemaceae are not characterized by a long branch; the family consistently appears as part of a Malpighiales clade that also includes Malpighiaceae, Turneraceae, Passifloraceae, Salicaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Violaceae, Linaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Trigoniaceae, Humiriaceae, and Ochnaceae. Phylogenetic analyses based on a combined 18S rDNA + rbcL data set (223 ingroup taxa) with basal angiosperms as the outgroup also suggest that Podostemaceae are part of a Malpighiales clade. These searches swapped to completion, and the shortest trees showed enhanced resolution and increased internal support compared to those based on 18S rDNA or rbcL alone. However, when Gnetales are used as the outgroup, Podostemaceae appear with members of the nitrogen fixing clade (e.g., Elaeagnaceae, Ulmaceae, Rhamnaceae, Cannabaceae, Moraceae, and Urticaceae). None of the relationships suggested here for Podostemaceae receives strong bootstrap support. Our analyses indicate that Podostemaceae are not closely allied with Crassulaceae or with other members of the Saxifragales clade; their closest relatives, although still uncertain, appear to lie elsewhere in the rosids.  相似文献   

Juncus and Luzula are the largest, almost cosmopolitan, genera in the Juncaceae. Relationships within Juncus and Luzula and among other genera of Juncaceae (Distichia, Marsippospermum, Oxychloë, Patosia and Rostkovia) remain incompletely resolved. RbcL sequence data resolved a part of the supraspecific phylogeny, but many clades remain polytomic. For this reason, the non‐coding cpDNA regions, trnL intron and trnL‐trnF intergenic spacer, were sequenced. We intended to create hypotheses of relationships within Juncaceae and to test the classification of the sections, but a primary goal to this study was to assess the relationships within Juncus and Luzula and to test for monophyly of groups recognized from rbcL data (especially the monophyly of genus Luzula and the Southern Hemisphere Clade (SHC)). Furthermore, we tested the influence of different rooting and ingroup composition on the tree topology. The parsimony analyses revealed several well‐supported lineages. The traditionally distinguished genus Luzula is monophyletic and Juncus is non‐monophyletic. Two subgenera of Luzula (Pterodes and Luzula) are non‐monophyletic, while subg. Marlenia forms a sister group to the whole Luzula clade (trnL‐F data set). Within Juncus, both subgenus Juncus and subgenus Agathryon are non‐monophyletic. SHC is clustered not only with the South African J. lomatophylus and J. capensis, but also together with members of the section Juncus, Caespitosi and Graminifolii. These sections form a well‐separated sister group to the SHC. Within the genera Juncus and Luzula, monophyly is demonstrated for a number of groups (e.g., Juncus section Stygiopsis, Luzula section Luzula) but questioned for others (e.g., Juncus section Graminifolii). The unusual, separate positioning of Juncus trifidus and J. monanthos were clarified by trnL‐trnF sequence data, but vary within the tree topology depending on outgroup selection and also due to LBA phenomenon. © The Willi Hennig Society 2006.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Cyperus and allied genera has been reconstructed using cladistic analysis of plastid rbcL gene, rps16 intron, trnL intron, and trnL-F intergenic spacer sequence data in 40 species of tribe Cypereae. Cyperus s.s. as currently circumscribed is not monophyletic because ten cyperoid genera are embedded within it. Eucyperoid Cyperus species (with a C3 anatomy, e.g. C. involucratus ) and the genera Courtoisina , Kyllingiella and Oxycaryum form a clade that is sister to a clade comprising chlorocyperoid species (with a C4 anatomy, e.g. C. papyrus ) and the genera Alinula , Ascolepis , Kyllinga , Lipocarpha , Pycreus , Remirea and Sphaerocyperus . The position of two species is uncertain; C . tenellus is resolved in a clade together with Isolepis although with typical cyperoid spikelets, whereas I. humillima is not resolved near either Isolepis or Cyperus s . l . © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 145–153.  相似文献   

The order Malvales remains poorly circumscribed, despite its seemingly indisputable core constituents: Bombacaceae, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Tiliaceae. We conducted a two-step parsimony analysis on 125 rbcL sequences to clarify the composition of Malvales, to determine the relationships of some controversial families, and to identify the placement of the Malvales within Rosidae. We sampled taxa that have been previously suggested to be within, or close to, Malvales (83 sequences), plus additional rosids (26 sequences) and nonrosid eudicots (16 sequences) to provide a broader framework for the analysis. The resulting trees strongly support the monophyly of the core malvalean families, listed above. In addition, these data serve to identify a broader group of taxa that are closely associated with the core families. This expanded malvalean clade is composed of four major subclades: (1) the core families (Bombacaceae, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae); (2) Bixaceae, Cochlospermaceae, and Sphaerosepalaceae (Rhopalocarpaceae); (3) Thymelaeaceae sensu lato (s.l.); and (4) Cistaceae, Dipterocarpaceae s.l., Sarcolaenaceae (Chlaenaceae), and Muntingia. In addition, Neurada (Neuradaceae or Rosaceae) falls in the expanded malvalean clade but not clearly within any of the four major subclades. This expanded malvalean clade is sister to either the expanded capparalean clade of Rodman et al. or the sapindalean clade of Gadek et al. Members of Elaeocarpaceae, hypothesized by most authors as a sister group to the four core malvalean families, are shown to not fall close to these taxa. Also excluded as members of, or sister groups to, the expanded malvalean clade were the families Aextoxicaceae, Barbeyaceae, Cannabinaceae, Cecropiaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Euphorbiaceae s.l., Huaceae, Lecythidaceae, Moraceae s.l., Pandaceae, Plagiopteraceae, Rhamnaceae, Scytopetalaceae, Ulmaceae, and Urticaceae.  相似文献   

The genus Scrophularia L. (Scrophulariaceae) comprises 200?C300 species, of which approximately 19 are distributed in North America and the Greater Antilles. To investigate phylogenetic and biogeographic relationships of the New World species, two intergenic spacers (trnQ-rps16 and psbA-trnH) of chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal ITS were sequenced. Phylogenetic analyses revealed three distinct New World clades that correspond to their geographical distribution and are corroborated by morphological characters. Phylogenetic inference indicates the eastern American S. marilandica L. as sister to all Antillean species; for colonization of the Caribbean archipelago, a late Miocene dispersal event from the North American mainland is assumed. There is evidence for a hybrid origin of the most widespread North American species, S. lanceolata Pursh. The results further suggest that S. nodosa L. is sister to all New World and three Japanese species of Scrophularia. The latter form an Eastern Asian?CEastern North American (EA-ENA) disjunction with six New World species. We propose an eastern Asian origin for the New World taxa of Scrophularia. Divergence times estimated using a relaxed molecular clock model suggest one or more Miocene migration events from eastern Asia to the New World via the Bering Land Bridge followed by diversification in North America.  相似文献   

Chloroplast gene matK sequence data were used to estimate the phylogeny of 112 species of Crassulaceae sampled from 33 genera and all six recognized subfamilies. Our analyses suggest that five of six subfamilies recognized in the most recent comprehensive classification of the family are not monophyletic. Instead, we recovered a basal split in Crassulaceae between the southern African CRASSULA: clade (Crassuloideae) and the rest of the family (Sedoideae). These results are compatible with recent studies of cpDNA restriction site analyses. Within Sedoideae, four subclades were also recovered: KALANCHOE:, Leucosedum, Acre, and AEONIUM:; evidence also exists for a TELEPHIUM: clade and SEMPERVIVUM: clade. The genus SEDUM: is highly polyphyletic with representatives spread throughout the large Sedoideae clade. Sympetaly and polymerous flowers have arisen multiple times in Crassulaceae and thus are not appropriate characters upon which to base subfamilial limits, as has been done in the past. One floral character, haplostemy, appears to be confined to the well-supported CRASSULA: clade. Our analyses suggest a southern African origin of the family, with subsequent dispersal northward into the Mediterranean region. From there, the family spread to Asia/eastern Europe and northern Europe; two separate lineages of European Crassulaceae subsequently dispersed to North America and underwent substantial diversification. Our analyses also suggest that the original base chromosome number in Crassulaceae is x = 8 and that polyploidy has played an important role in seven clades. Three of these clades are exclusively polyploid (SEMPERVIVUM: clade and two subclades within the KALANCHOE: and AEONIUM: clades), whereas four (Crassula, Telephium, Leucosedum, and ACRE: clades) comprise both diploid and polyploid taxa. Polyploidy is particularly rampant and cytological evolution especially complex in the ACRE: clade.  相似文献   

The tribes and subtribes of Aurantioideae, an economically important subfamily of the Rutaceae, have a controversial taxonomic history because of the lack of a phylogenetic framework. The rps16 and trnL-trnF sequences of the chloroplast were analyzed phylogenetically to construct an evolutionary history and evaluate the most recent classification system of Swingle and Reece (The Citrus Industry, volume 1 [1967]). Taxa representing tribes Citreae and Clauseneae and five of the six subtribes were sampled. Conflicts in the positions of some taxa between the rps16 and trnL-trnF trees are poorly supported. In all analyses, the Aurantioideae are monophyletic. The strict consensus tree of the combined analysis indicates that the two tribes along with the subtribes sampled are not monophyletic. The combined topology is not congruent with the widely used classification of Aurantioideae by Swingle and Reece. The tribes and subtribes are in need of revision.  相似文献   

The sequence of the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA was determined for the following strongyloid nematodes: Cylicocyclus insignis, Chabertia ovina, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Cloacina communis, Cloacina hydriformis, Labiostrongylus labiostrongylus, Parazoniolaimus collaris, Macropostrongylus macropostrongylus, Macropostrongylus yorkei, Rugopharynx australis, Rugopharynx rosemariae, Macropostrongyloides baylisi, Oesophagostomoides longispicularis and Paramacropostrongylus toraliformis, and compared with published sequences for species of Strongylus and for Hypodontus macropi. The resultant phylogenetic trees supported current hypotheses based on morphological evidence for the separation of the families Strongylidae and Chabertiidae, but did not support the separation of the endemic Australian genera as a distinctive clade within the Chabertiidae. The implications of this finding for the phylogenetic origins of the Australian strongyloids are discussed.  相似文献   

Members of subfamily Gronovioideae are distinctive among Loasaceae in their androecial and gynoecial simplicity. The four genera of the subfamily differ, however, in chromosome number, floral novelties, and pollen exine sculpturing, which led to suggestions that the Gronovioideae were polyphyletic. Phylogenetic analyses based on sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of nuclear rDNA have been conducted using parsimony and maximum likelihood methods to assess the monophyly of Gronovioideae and to determine the sister group relationships of gronovioid genera. The results show Gronovioideae are monophyletic and placed as the sister to Mentzelia. Within Gronovioideae, Petalonyx is sister to a clade consisting of Cevallia, Gronovia, and Fuertesia. Among the remaining Loasaceae, subfamily Mentzelioideae, as originally circumscribed, is paraphyletic. Subfamily Loasoideae is placed as the sister to the Gronovioideae-Mentzelia clade.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast gene matK for members of Cornales, a well-supported monophyletic group comprising Cornaceae and close relatives. The shortest trees resulting from this analysis were highly concordant with those based on previous phylogenetic analysis of rbcL sequences. Analysis of a combined matK and rbcL sequence data set (a total of 2652 bp [base pairs]) provided greater resolution of relationships and higher internal support for clades compared to the individual data sets. Four major clades (most inclusive monophyletic groups) of Cornales are indicated by both sets of genes: (1) Cornus-Alangium, (2) nyssoids (Nyssa-Davidia-Camptotheca)- mastixioids (Mastixia, Diplopanax), (3) Curtisia, and (4) Hydrangeaceae-Loasaceae. The combined evidence indicates that clades 2 and 3 are sisters, with clade 4 sister to the remainder of Cornales. These relationships are also supported by other lines of evidence, including synapomorphies in fruit and pollen morphology and gynoecial vasculature. Comparisons of matK and rbcL sequences based on one of the most parsimonious rbcL-matK trees indicate that matK has a much higher A-T content (66.9% in matK vs. 55.8% in rbcL) and a lower transition:transversion ratio (1.23 in matK vs. 2.21 in rbcL). The total number of nucleotide substitutions per site for matK is 2.1 times that of rbcL in Cornales. These findings are similar to recent comparisons of matK and rbcL in other dicots. Variable sites of matK are almost evenly distributed among the three codon positions (1.0:1.0:1.3), whereas variable sites of rbcL are mostly at the third position (1.8:1.0 :7.5). Among- lineages rates of nucleotide substitutions in rbcL are basically homogeneous throughout Cornales, but are more heterogeneous in matK.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships in Rosaceae were studied using parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequence data from two regions of the chloroplast genome, the matK gene and the trnL-trnF region. As in a previously published phylogeny of Rosaceae based upon rbcL sequences, monophyletic groups were resolved that correspond, with some modifications, to subfamilies Maloideae and Rosoideae, but Spiraeoideae were polyphyletic. Three main lineages appear to have diverged early in the evolution of the family: 1) Rosoideae sensu stricto, including taxa with a base chromosome number of 7 (occasionally 8); 2) actinorhizal Rosaceae, a group of taxa that engage in symbiotic nitrogen fixation; and 3) the rest of the family. The spiraeoid genus Gillenia, not included in the rbcL study, was strongly supported as the sister taxon to Maloideae sensu lato. A New World origin of Maloideae is suggested. The position of the economically important genus Prunus and the status of subfamily Amygdaloideae remain unresolved. Received February 27, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships were determined in the Araucariaceae, which are now found mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. This conifer family was well diversified and widely distributed in both hemispheres during the Mesozoic era. The sequence of 1322 bases of the rbcL gene of cpDNA was determined from 29 species of Araucariaceae, representing almost all the species of the family. Phylogenetic trees determined by the parsimony method indicate that Araucariaceae are well defined by rbcL sequences and also that the monophyly of Agathis or Araucaria is well supported by high bootstrap values. The topology of these trees revealed that Wollemia had derived prior to Agathis and Araucaria. The rbcL phylogeny agrees well with the present recognition of four sections within Araucaria: Araucaria, Bunya, Eutacta, and Intermedia. Morphological characteristics of the number of cotyledons, position of male cone, and cuticular micromorphologies were evaluated as being phylogenetically informative. Section Bunya was found to be derived rather than to be the oldest taxon. Infrageneric relationships of Agathis could not be well elucidated because there are few informative site changes in the rbcL gene, suggesting the more recent differentiation of the species as their fossil records indicate. The New Caledonian Araucaria and Agathis species each formed a monophyletic group with very low differentiation in rbcL sequences among them, indicating rapid adaptive radiation to new edaphic conditions, i.e., ultramafic soils, in the post-Eocene era.  相似文献   

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