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Environmentally induced maternal effects on offspring phenotype are well known in plants. When genotypes or maternal lineages are replicated and raised in different environmental conditions, the phenotype of their offspring often depends on the environment in which the parents developed. However, the degree to which such maternal effects are maintained over subsequent generations has not been documented in many taxa. Here we report the results of a study designed to assess the effects of parental environment on vegetative and reproductive traits, using glasshouse-raised maternal lines sampled from natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana . Replicates of five highly selfed lines from each of four wild populations were cultivated in two abiotic environments in the glasshouse, and the quality and performance of seeds derived from these two environments were examined over two generations. We found that offspring phenotype was strongly influenced by parental environment, but because the parental environments differed with respect to the time of seed harvest, it was not possible to distinguish clearly between parental environmental effects and the possible (but unlikely) effects of seed age on offspring phenotype. We observed a rapid decline in the expression of ancestral environmental effects, and no main environmental effects on progeny phenotype persisted in the second generation. The mechanism of transmission of environmental effects did not appear to be associated with the quantity or quality of reserves in the seeds, suggesting that environmental effects may be transmitted across subsequent generations via some mechanism that generates environment-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Environmental variation in temperature can have dramatic effects on plant morphology, phenology, and fitness, and for this reason it is important to understand the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature. We investigated constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to a temperature gradient in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana by applying modern analytical tools to the classic data of Westerman & Lawrence (1970). We found significant evidence for two types of constraints. First, we detected numerous significant genetic correlations between plastic responses to temperature and the mean value of a trait across all environments, which differed qualitatively in pattern between the set of ecotypes and the set of mutant lines in the original sample. Secondly, we detected significant costs of flowering time plasticity in two of the three experimental environments, and a net pattern of selection against flowering time plasticity in the experiment overall. Thus, when explored with contemporary methods, the prescient work of Westerman & Lawrence (1970) provides new insights about evolutionary constraints on the evolution of plasticity.  相似文献   

Le Corre V 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(13):4181-4192
Flowering Locus C (FLC) and Frigida are two interacting genes controlling flowering time variation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Variation at these genes was surveyed in 12 A. thaliana populations sampled in France. These populations were also screened for variation at molecular markers [12 microsatellites and 19 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers] and at seven quantitative traits measured with and without vernalization. Seven populations were highly polymorphic at markers (H(S) = 0.57 at microsatellites, 0.24 at CAPS) and showed heritable variation for bolting time and some other traits. Five populations were genetically fixed or nearly fixed. Q(ST) for bolting time without vernalization was significantly higher than F(ST), suggesting local divergent selection. One of the two haplotype groups at FLC (FLC(A)) was very predominant (frequency of 99%). The first exon of Frigida showed elevated nonsynonymous variation, and nine loss-of-function mutations were found throughout the gene. The association between loss-of-function and earlier bolting was confirmed. Overall, 18 Frigida haplotypes were detected. The pattern of variation at Frigida was largely similar to that found at markers and traits, with the same populations being fixed or highly diverse. Metapopulation dynamics is thus probably the main factor shaping genetic variation in A. thaliana. However, F(ST) for functional (FRI) vs. nonfunctional (FRI(Delta)) haplotypes was significantly higher than F(ST) at markers. This suggested that loss-of-function at Frigida is under local selection for flowering time.  相似文献   

While phenotypic plasticity has been the focus of much research and debate in the recent ecological and evolutionary literature, the developmental nature of the phenomenon has been mostly overlooked. A developmental perspective must ultimately be an integral part of our understanding of how organisms cope with heterogeneous environments. In this paper I use the rapid cycling Arabidopsis thaliana to address the following questions concerning developmental plasticity. (1) Are there genetic and/or environmental differences in parameters describing ontogenetic trajectories? (2) Is ontogenetic variation produced by differences in genotypes and/or environments for two crucial traits of the reproductive phase of the life cycle, stem elongation and flower production? (3) Is there ontogenetic variability for the correlation between the two characters? I found genetic variation, plasticity, and variation for plasticity affecting at least some of the growth parameters, indicating potential for evolution via heterochronic shifts in ontogenetic trajectories. Within-population differences among families are determined before the onset of the reproductive phase, while among-population variation is the result of divergence during the reproductive phase of the ontogeny. Finally, the ontogenetic profiles of character correlations are very distinct between the ecologically meaningful categories of early- and late-flowering “ecotypes” in this species, and show susceptibility to environmental change.  相似文献   

Using seasonal cues to time reproduction appropriately is crucial for many organisms. Plants in particular often use photoperiod to signal the time to transition to flowering. Because seasonality varies latitudinally, adaptation to local climate is expected to result in corresponding clines in photoperiod-related traits. By experimentally manipulating photoperiod cues and measuring the flowering responses and photoperiod plasticity of 138 Eurasian accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, we detected strong longitudinal but not latitudinal clines in flowering responses. The presence of longitudinal clines suggests that critical photoperiod cues vary among populations occurring at similar latitudes. Haplotypes at PHYC, a locus hypothesized to play a role in adaptation to light cues, were also longitudinally differentiated. Controlling for neutral population structure revealed that PHYC haplotype influenced flowering time; however, the distribution of PHYC haplotypes occurred in the opposite direction to the phenotypic cline, suggesting that loci other than PHYC are responsible for the longitudinal pattern in photoperiod response. Our results provide previously missing empirical support for the importance of PHYC in mediating photoperiod sensitivity in natural populations of A. thaliana. However, they also suggest that other loci and epistatic interactions likely play a role in the determination of flowering time and that the environmental factors influencing photoperiod in plants vary longitudinally as well as latitudinally.  相似文献   

植物从营养生长到生殖生长的转变是开花发育的关键,在合适的时间开花对植物的生长和繁衍极为重要,植物开花时间的调控对农业生产发展意义重大。植物开花是由遗传因子和环境因子协同调节的一个复杂过程。近年来,对不同植物开花调控的研究,特别是对模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana(L.) Heynh.)的开花调控研究取得了显著进展,已探明开花时间分子调控的6条主要途径分别是光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径、温度途径、赤霉素途径和年龄途径。各遗传调控途径既相互独立又相互联系,构成一个复杂的开花调控网络。本文综述了模式植物拟南芥开花时间调控分子机制相关研究的最新进展,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Variations in magnetic field (MF) intensity are known to induce plant morphological and gene expression changes. In Arabidopsis thaliana Col‐0, near‐null magnetic field (NNMF, i.e., <100 nT MF) causes a delay in the transition to flowering, but the expression of genes involved in this response has been poorly studied. Here, we showed a time‐course quantitative analysis of the expression of both leaf (including clock genes, photoperiod pathway, GA20ox, SVP, and vernalization pathway) and floral meristem (including GA2ox, SOC1, AGL24, LFY, AP1, FD, and FLC) genes involved in the transition to flowering in A. thaliana under NNMF. NNMF induced a delayed flowering time and a significant reduction of leaf area index and flowering stem length, with respect to controls under geomagnetic field. Generation experiments (F1‐ and F2‐NNMF) showed retention of flowering delay. The quantitative expression (qPCR) of some A. thaliana genes expressed in leaves and floral meristem was studied during transition to flowering. In leaves and flowering meristem, NNMF caused an early downregulation of clock, photoperiod, gibberellin, and vernalization pathways and a later downregulation of TSF, AP1, and FLC. In the floral meristem, the downregulation of AP1, AGL24, FT, and FLC in early phases of floral development was accompanied by a downregulation of the gibberellin pathway. The progressive upregulation of AGL24 and AP1 was also correlated to the delayed flowering by NNMF. The flowering delay is associated with the strong downregulation of FT, FLC, and GA20ox in the floral meristem and FT, TSF, FLC, and GA20ox in leaves. Bioelectromagnetics. 39:361–374, 2018. © 2018 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

 We have mapped QTLs (quantitative trait loci) for an adaptive trait, flowering time, in a selfing annual, Arabidopsis thaliana. To obtain a mapping population we made a cross between an early-summer, annual strain, Li-5, and an individual from a late over-wintering natural population, Naantali. From the backcross to Li-5 298 progeny were grown, of which 93 of the most extreme individuals were genotyped. The data were analysed with both interval mapping and composite interval mapping methods to reveal one major and six minor QTLs, with at least one QTL on each of the five chromosomes. The QTL on chromosome 4 was a major one with an effect of 17.3 days on flowering time and explaining 53.4% of the total variance. The others had effects of at most 6.5 days, and they accounted for only small portions of the variance. Epistasis was indicated between one pair of the QTLs. The result of finding one major QTL and little epistasis agrees with previous studies on flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana and other species. That several QTLs were found was expected considering the large number of possible candidate loci. In the light of the suggested genetic models of gene action at the candidate loci, epistasis was to be expected. The data showed that major QTLs for adaptive traits can be detected in non-domesticated species. Received: 15 January 1997/Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

Analysis of leaf proteins in late flowering mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Late flowering monogenic mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa, fy and their corresponding wild type, Landsberg erecta , were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. All plants were grown under continuous light and proteins were extracted from leaves of the same age (20-day-old). The polypeptide patterns of the mutants at the loci co, gi, fca, fve, fwa, fha, fpa , and Landsberg erecta were identical. The mutant at the fy locus showed a qualitative difference with Landsberg erecta . Crosses were made between this line and the wild type Landsberg erecta . F2 plants, resulting from autopollination of the hybrid, were analysed and showed no cosegregation between the observed protein and the flowering phenotype, indicating that these two lines differ by more than a single mutation.  相似文献   

The germination and flowering responses to cold treatment were investigated in 32 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana. A month-long cold treatment at the seed stage decreased the time until flowering in all but one strain, whereas a 3-d cold treatment had little, or the opposing effect. A month-long cold treatment at the rosette stage also decreased the time until flowering, but was less effective than seed cold treatment. Seed and rosette cold treatments did not have an additive effect on time until flowering. Cold treatment usually increased the speed of germination, however no clear response patterns for the probability of germination were detected. These findings are discussed in relation to the life cycle of the plant.  相似文献   

Flood response is a crucial component of the life strategy of many plants, but it is seldom studied in non-flooded tolerant species, even though they may be subjected to stressful environmental conditions. Phenotypic plasticity in reaction to environmental stress affects the whole plant phenotype and can alter the character correlations that constitute the phenotypic architecture of the individual, yet few studies have investigated the lability of phenotypic integration to water regime. Moreover, little has been done to date to quantify the sort of selective pressures that different components of a plant's phenotype may be experiencing under contrasting water regimes. Genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity at the single-trait and multivariate levels were investigated in 47 accessions of the weedy plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and the relationship of plastic characters to reproductive fitness was quantified. Results indicate that these plants tend to be highly genetically differentiated for all traits, in agreement with predictions made on the basis of environmental variation and mating system. Varied patterns of apparent selection under flooded and non-flooded conditions were also uncovered, suggesting trade-offs in allocation between roots and above-ground biomass, as well as between leaves and reproductive structures. While the major components of the plants' multivariate phenotypic architecture were not significantly affected by environmental changes, many of the details were different under flooded and non-flooded conditions.  相似文献   

Earlier flowering is triggered by vernalization in some but not all Arabidopsis ecotypes, often reflecting allelic variation at the FRIGIDA (FRI) locus. Using a recombinant inbred (RI) population polymorphic at FRI, we examined fitness consequences of variation for plasticity. Flowering and fitness were scored for 68 RI genotypes following full and partial vernalization treatments. Within-environment and mixed-model anovas estimated variance components for a genotype effect and a G x E term, respectively. Selection analyses examined whether delayed bolting increases fitness; a plasticity costs analysis asked whether increased plasticity lowers fitness. We also explored whether trait QTL had environment-specific effects, colocated in the immediate vicinity of FRI, or overlapped with fitness QTL. Selection may favor fri alleles and constitutive early flowering, especially in conditions that only partially vernalize plants. Plasticity costs, detected only after partial vernalization and only marginally significant, were nonetheless consistent with FRI-FLC function. We discuss how information about QTL with environment-specific effects, fitness QTL, and knowledge about plasticity genes can improve interpretation of selection or plasticity cost analyses.  相似文献   

雷妮娅  米湘成  陈勇  王旭航  李俊清   《生态学报》2008,28(5):1949-1949~1958
以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)两种基因型(ws-0和col-0)材料,采用复因子混合水平正交试验设计开展盆栽实验,研究了土壤盐分、土壤水分、光照强度、去叶处理等生态因子及其交互作用对受试植株18个表型特征的影响.结果表明生态因子对植物表型可塑性的影响是有针对性的:土壤水分主要影响植物体构件数目;土壤盐分主要影响生物量、角果数及种籽总数等直接反映植株适合度的表型特征;光照条件则主要影响植物的物候表型特征.植物体表型可塑性的方向随水分梯度的变化而发生改变.生态因子交互作用对植物表型可塑性的影响效果不是各因子独立作用的简单加和:对某个表型特征都有显著影响的两个生态因子其交互作用对该特征可能没有影响;反之,受两个生态因子交互作用影响显著的表型特征也可能不受它们的独立影响.在对生态因子交互作用作出响应时,col-0的9个特征表现出可塑性,而ws-0仅有4个表型是可塑的;同一基因型内彼此相关的表型特征在可塑性上也具一致性.抽苔时莲座叶数与角果平均籽粒数不受任何生态因子及其交互作用的影响,这两个表型作为数量特征而未表现出可塑性.  相似文献   

The evolutionary response of organisms to global climate change is expected to be strongly conditioned by preexisting standing genetic variation. In addition, natural selection imposed by global climate change on fitness‐related traits can be heterogeneous over time. We estimated selection of life‐history traits of an entire genetic lineage of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana occurring in north‐western Iberian Peninsula that were transplanted over multiple years into two environmentally contrasting field sites in southern Spain, as southern environments are expected to move progressively northwards with climate change in the Iberian Peninsula. The results indicated that natural selection on flowering time prevailed over that on recruitment. Selection favored early flowering in six of eight experiments and late flowering in the other two. Such heterogeneity of selection for flowering time might be a powerful mechanism for maintaining genetic diversity in the long run. We also found that north‐western A. thaliana accessions from warmer environments exhibited higher fitness and higher phenotypic plasticity for flowering time in southern experimental facilities. Overall, our transplant experiments suggested that north‐western Iberian A. thaliana has the means to cope with increasingly warmer environments in the region as predicted by trends in global climate change models.  相似文献   

Association studies utilize the action of recombination over numerous generations to identify loci that underlie quantitative traits. We use a candidate‐gene association approach, segregation analyses and analyses of local linkage disequilibrium (LD) to evaluate the potentially causal effects of molecular variation at PIF4 (PHYTOCROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4) on ecologically important traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. A preliminary analysis of sequence diversity in 14 natural genotypes revealed one intermediate‐frequency replacement polymorphism at PIF4. A sample of 161 natural accessions was genotyped at PIF4 and screened for average length of early internodes, inflorescence length, days to flowering and flowering interval (days between bolting and flowering) under high‐ and low‐density environments to test for genotype‐phenotype associations. PIF4 was associated with early internode lengths, while the PIF4× treatment interaction was associated with flowering interval in the panel of 161 accessions. Further, in a set of recombinant inbred lines that segregate for the PIF4 polymorphism, nucleotide substitutions at PIF4 co‐segregated with early internode lengths, days to flowering and fruit set, suggesting that cryptic population structure in the association‐mapping panel and attendant LD with a physically distant locus do not account for the observed association. Finally, in a panel of pseudochromosomes from 20 re‐sequenced genotypes, LD appeared to decay rapidly in the immediate vicinity of PIF4, suggesting that flanking loci contribute little to the observed association. In sum, the results suggest that PIF4 causally affects early internode lengths on the primary inflorescence, potentially via effects on reproductive timing and that these traits in turn affect fitness.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs grow longer and denser in response to low-phosphorus availability. In addition, plants with the root hair response acquire more phosphorus than mutants that have root hairs that do not respond to phosphorus limiting conditions. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the efficiency of root hairs in phosphorus acquisition at high- and low-phosphorus availability. Root hair growth, root growth, root respiration, plant phosphorus uptake, and plant phosphorus content of 3-wk-old wild-type Arabidopsis (WS) were compared to two root hair mutants (rhd6 and rhd2) under high (54 mmol/m) and low (0.4 mmol/m) phosphorus availability. A cost-benefit analysis was constructed from the measurements to determine root hair efficiency. Under high-phosphorus availability, root hairs did not have an effect on any of the parameters measured. Under low-phosphorus availability, wild-type Arabidopsis had greater total root surface area, shoot biomass, phosphorus per root length, and specific phosphorus uptake. The cost-benefit analysis shows that under low phosphorus, wild-type roots acquire more phosphorus for every unit of carbon respired or unit of phosphorus invested into the roots than the mutants. We conclude that the response of root hairs to low-phosphorus availability is an efficient strategy for phosphorus acquisition.  相似文献   

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