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Periplasmic glucose oxidation (by way of a pyrrolo-quinoline-quinone [PQQ]–linked glucose dehydrogenase [GDH]) was observed in continuous cultures of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus regardless of the carbon source (glucose or gluconate) and the nitrogen source (N2 or NH3). Its synthesis was stimulated by conditions of high energetic demand (i.e., N2-fixation) and/or C-limitation. Under C-excess conditions, PQQ-GDH synthesis increased with the glucose concentration in the culture medium. In batch cultures, PQQ-GDH was actively expressed in very early stages with higher activities under conditions of N2-fixation. Hexokinase activity was almost absent under any culture condition. Cytoplasmic nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)–linked glucose dehydrogenase (GDH) was expressed in continuous cultures under all tested conditions, and its synthesis increased with the glucose concentration. In contrast, low activities of this enzyme were detected in batch cultures. Periplasmic oxidation, by way of PQQ-GDH, seems to be the principal pathway for metabolism of glucose in G. Diazotrophicus, and NAD-GDH is an alternative route under certain environmental conditions.  相似文献   

葡萄糖对重组CHO细胞生长代谢及EPO表达的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙祥明  张元兴   《生物工程学报》2001,17(6):698-702
在CHO细胞批培养中 ,葡萄糖浓度从8.9增加到49.6mmol/L ,最大活细胞密度没有明显的差异 ,乳酸对葡萄糖的得率系数首先随着葡萄糖浓度的增加而增加 ,葡萄糖浓度达到 17.9mmol/L后 ,乳酸对葡萄糖的得率系数基本上维持恒定。在本实验中 ,葡萄糖浓度对谷氨酰胺代谢没有明显的影响。EPO的累积浓度首先随着起始葡萄糖浓度的增加 ( 8.9~ 17.9mmol L)而增加 ,进而又随着葡萄糖浓度的增加 (17.9~ 49.6mmol L)而下降 ,表明存在一最适浓度 ,在此浓度下重组CHO细胞的EPO表达最大。  相似文献   

The regulation of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis was examined in cultures of bacteria whose growth was limited in the chemostat by the supply of a required amino acid. Strains possessing the relaxed (relA) mutation accumulated excess RNA (relative to protein) at low growth rates when growth was limited by arginine, histidine, or cysteine but not when limited by methionine. In contrast, stringent (relA(+)) strains maintained a constant RNA/protein ratio with decreasing growth rate regardless of the amino acid used to limit growth. The presence of excess RNA in relaxed strains was accompanied by an absence of increase in RNA production upon addition of chloramphenicol, a lag upon shift-up in growth by addition of excess of the limiting amino acid, and a decreased rate of production of beta-galactosidase upon induction. Analysis of the RNA accumulated in relaxed strains indicated it was present as transfer RNA as well as 50S and 30S ribosomal subunits. Microscope examination of the relaxed strains during histidine-, arginine-, or cysteine-limited growth in the chemostat showed them to be 10 to 20 times longer in size than the stringent strains. Also, cell density was reduced to one-tenth when the increased size was observed. An analysis of the amount of ppGpp present in all slow-growing amino acid-limited cultures (relaxed and stringent) demonstrated that only basal levels of ppGpp were made. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that when growth is limited in the chemostat by an initiation event in protein synthesis, i.e., limited methionine, RNA regulation occurs in relaxed as well as stringent strains. Also, when other amino acids are limiting in concentration during translation, errors occur in relaxed strains, resulting in misread proteins.  相似文献   

Lycopersicon pennellii Corr. (D'Arcy) an insect-resistant, wild tomato possesses high densities of glandular trichomes which exude a mixture of 2,3,4-tri-O-acylated glucose esters that function as a physical impediment and feeding deterrent to small arthropod pests. The acyl moieties are branched C4 and C5 acids, and branched and straight chain C10, C11, and C12 acids. The structure of the branched acyl constituents suggests that the branched chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway participates in their biosynthesis. [14C]Valine and deuterated branched chain amino acids (and their oxo-acid derivatives) were incorporated into branched C4 and C5 acid groups of glucose esters by a process of transamination, oxidative decarboxylation and subsequent acylation. C4 and C5 branched acids were elongated by two carbon units to produce the branched C10-C12 groups. Norvaline, norleucine, allylglycine, and methionine also were processed into acyl moieties and secreted from the trichomes as glucose esters. Changes in the acyl composition of the glucose esters following sulfonylurea herbicide administration support the participation of acetohydroxyacid synthetase and the other enzymes of branched amino acid biosynthesis in the production of glucose esters.  相似文献   

We integrated biological experimental data with mathematical modelling to gain insights into the role played by L-alanine in amino acid-stimulated insulin secretion (AASIS) and in D-glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS), details important to the understanding of complex β-cell metabolic coupling relationships. We present an ordinary differential equations (ODEs) based simplified kinetic model of core metabolic processes leading to ATP production (glycolysis, TCA cycle, L-alanine-specific reactions, respiratory chain, ATPase and proton leak) and Ca2+ handling (essential channels and pumps in the plasma membrane) in pancreatic β-cells and relate these to insulin secretion. Experimental work was performed using a clonal rat insulin-secreting cell line (BRIN-BD11) to measure the consumption or production of a range of important biochemical parameters (D-glucose, L-alanine, ATP, insulin secretion) and Ca2+ levels. These measurements were then used to validate the theoretical model and fine-tune the parameters. Mathematical modelling was used to predict L-lactate and L-glutamate concentrations following D-glucose and/or L-alanine challenge and Ca2+ levels upon stimulation with a non metabolizable L-alanine analogue. Experimental data and mathematical model simulations combined suggest that L-alanine produces a potent insulinotropic effect via both a stimulatory impact on β-cell metabolism and as a direct result of the membrane depolarization due to Ca2+ influx triggered by L-alanine/Na+ co-transport. Our simulations indicate that both high intracellular ATP and Ca2+ concentrations are required in order to develop full insulin secretory responses. The model confirmed that K+ ATP channel independent mechanisms of stimulation of intracellular Ca2+ levels, via generation of mitochondrial coupling messengers, are essential for promotion of the full and sustained insulin secretion response in β-cells.  相似文献   

Perilla cell suspension cultures contained caffeic acid at 0.073%of the fresh weight. When 1 min glyphosate was administeredto the cell culture in the logarithmic and stationary phases,the amount of caffeic acid ceased to increase and remained ata nearly constant level during the following several days. Phenylalanineammonia-lyase (PAL) activity in the cell culture increased immediatelyafter transfer to a fresh medium, decreased rapidly in the midstof the logarithmic phase and became almost undetectable in thestationary phase. PAL activity was markedly inhibited by glyphosateat more than 0.2 mM. The shikimic acid content of cells from14-day culture grown in the presence of 1 mM glyphosate increasedup to 74.9 µg per g fresh weight during 6-day culture,whereas that of the control cells was undetectable. The dosageof 0.15 mM L-2-aminooxy-3-phenylpropionic acid (L-AOPP), aninhibitor of PAL, to the cells did not cause shikimic acid accumulation. (Received June 25, 1983; Accepted October 6, 1983)  相似文献   

Regulation of Glucose Metabolism in Thiobacillus intermedius   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Glucose-yeast extract or glucose-casein hydrolysate-grown Thiobacillus intermedius cells, which use glucose for energy generation, possess high specific activities of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and related enzymes, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrase, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase, glucokinase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, but low activities of enzymes unique to the pentose shunt and Embden-Meyerhof pathways. Although the synthesis of the latter enzymes remains largely unaffected by the growth environment, that of the former is stimulated by glucose. Radiorespirometric measurements demonstrate an early and parallel respiration of glucose carbon atoms one and four in glucose-casein hydrolysate broth. It is concluded that the Entner-Doudoroff pathway performs an energetic role in glucose metabolism by T. intermedius with the pentose shunt and Embden-Meyerhof pathways functioning mainly in biosynthesis. The presence of thiosulfate in the growth medium inhibits the synthesis of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and related enzymes. In addition, both thiosulfate and glucose inhibit the synthesis of the Krebs cycle enzymes, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-linked isocitrate and alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenases. Thus, repression of enzymes is of significance in the adaptation of T. intermedius to its nutritional environment. The activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of T. intermedius is inhibited by adenosine triphosphate. Such a control could afford the organism a mechanism to regulate the flow of glucose into major energetic and biosynthetic routes.  相似文献   

The photosystem stoichiometry in Dunaliella salina thylakoidswas measured during cell growth in a fully contained culture.In dilute cultures, obtained after inoculation of cells intofresh growth medium, the PS II/PS I stoichiometry was about2.2/1.0. This ratio was gradually lowered to about 1.2/1.0 inmature cultures. The decrease of the PS II/PS I ratio is discussedin terms of increasing self-shading in the culture and increasingpH in the growth medium. Changes in the pH occurred from 7.7in young cultures to 8.9 in mature ones and caused a significantdepletion of soluble CO2 from the growth medium. A correlationof the CO2/HCO3 ratio in the growth medium with the PSII/PS I ratio in the thylakoid membrane is presented. 1 Permanent address: Department of Physics, Palacky University,tr. Svobody 26, 771 46 Olomouc, Czechoslovakia (Received September 12, 1990; Accepted April 4, 1991)  相似文献   

Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, which catalyzes the conversion of l-phenylalanine to trans-cinnamic acid and ammonia, has been partially purified from the cells of Rhodotorula. Some of the properties of this phenylalanine ammoyia-lyase were investigated. The enzyme was stable in phosphate buffer of pH over the range of 6.0 to 7.0 On heating, the enzyme was stable up to 50°C, but above 60°C, it was destroyed. The enzyme activity was strongly inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate at 10?5 m and almost recovered by the addition of glutathione or mercaptoethanol at 10?3 m. The present enzyme preparation of Rhodotorula also catalyzed the deamination of l-tyrosine to trans-p-coumaric acid. trans-p-Coumaric acid was isolated from the reaction mixture and identified by its absorption spectra. The rates of deamination showed optima at pH 9.0 and 9.5 for l-phenylalanine and l-tyrosine, respectively.  相似文献   

Synchronous cultures obtained by isopycnic density gradient centrifugation are used to investigate amino acid metabolism during the cell division cycle of the food yeast Candida utilis. Isotopic labeling experiments demonstrate that the rates of uptake and catabolism of arginine, the sole source of nitrogen, double abruptly during the first half of the cycle, while the cells undergo bud expansion. This is accompanied by a doubling in rate of amino acid biosynthesis, and an accumulation of amino acids. The accumulation probably occurs within the storage pools of the vacuoles. Amino acids derived from protein degradation contribute little to this accumulation. For the remainder of the cell cycle, during cell separation and until the next bud initiation, the rates of uptake and catabolism of arginine and amino acid biosynthesis remain constant. Despite the abrupt doubling in the rate of formation of amino acid pools, their rate of utilization for macromolecular synthesis increases steadily throughout the cycle. The significance of this temporal organization of nitrogen source uptake and amino acid metabolism during the cell division cycle is discussed.  相似文献   

The pool sizes of free l-phenylalanine and l-tyrosine, the precursors of rosmarinic acid in Anchusa officinalis L. cell suspension cultures, fluctuated during the culture cycle. The major increase in pool sizes was preceded by a peak of prephenate aminotransferase activity, while the subsequent decrease coincided with the presence of high activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and tyrosine aminotransferase, the two entrypoint enzymes of the rosmarinic acid biosynthesis pathway. Timecourse feeding studies with linear growth stage cells revealed that the tyrosine pool turned over rapidly, consistent with direct participation in rosmarinic acid synthesis. Since externally applied l-tyrosine was rapidly incorporated into rosmarinic acid with little evidence of radioactively labeled intermediates, it is suggested that there exists a close coupling between the l-tyrosine pool and the rosmarinic acid biosynthetic pathway, which may involve the channelling of intermediates both into and within the pathway.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis and fermentation of insoluble cellulose were investigated using continuous cultures of Clostridium cellulolyticum with increasing amounts of carbon substrate. At a dilution rate (D) of 0.048 h−1, biomass formation increased proportionately to the cellulose concentration provided by the feed reservoir, but at and above 7.6 g of cellulose liter−1 the cell density at steady state leveled off. The percentage of cellulose degradation declined from 32.3 to 8.3 with 1.9 and 27.0 g of cellulose liter−1, respectively, while cellodextrin accumulation rose and represented up to 4.0% of the original carbon consumed. The shift from cellulose-limited to cellulose-sufficient conditions was accompanied by an increase of both the acetate/ethanol ratio and lactate biosynthesis. A kinetics study of C. cellulolyticum metabolism in cellulose saturation was performed by varying D with 18.1 g of cellulose liter−1. Compared to cellulose limitation (M. Desvaux, E. Guedon, and H. Petitdemange, J. Bacteriol. 183:119–130, 2001), in cellulose-sufficient continuous culture (i) the ATP/ADP, NADH/NAD+, and qNADH produced/qNADH used ratios were higher and were related to a more active catabolism, (ii) the acetate/ethanol ratio increased while the lactate production decreased as D rose, and (iii) the maximum growth yield (Y) (40.6 g of biomass per mol of hexose equivalent) and the maximum energetic yield (Y) (19.4 g of biomass per mol of ATP) were lowered. C. cellulolyticum was then able to regulate and optimize carbon metabolism under cellulose-saturated conditions. However, the facts that some catabolized hexose and hence ATP were no longer associated with biomass production with a cellulose excess and that concomitantly lactate production and pyruvate leakage rose suggest the accumulation of an intracellular inhibitory compound(s), which could further explain the establishment of steady-state continuous cultures under conditions of excesses of all nutrients. The following differences were found between growth on cellulose in this study and growth under cellobiose-sufficient conditions (E. Guedon, S. Payot, M. Desvaux, and H. Petitdemange, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 67:327–335, 2000): (i) while with cellobiose, a carbon flow into the cell of as high as 5.14 mmol of hexose equivalent g of cells−1 h−1 could be reached, the maximum entering carbon flow obtained here on cellulose was 2.91 mmol of hexose equivalent g of cells−1 h−1; (ii) while the NADH/NAD+ ratio could reach 1.51 on cellobiose, it was always lower than 1 on cellulose; and (iii) while a high proportion of cellobiose was directed towards exopolysaccharide, extracellular protein, and free amino acid excretions, these overflows were more limited under cellulose-excess conditions. Such differences were related to the carbon consumption rate, which was higher on cellobiose than on cellulose.  相似文献   

The influence of the oxygen and glucose supply on primary metabolism (fermentation, respiration, and anabolism) and astaxanthin production in the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma was investigated. When P. rhodozyma grew under fermentative conditions with limited oxygen or high concentrations of glucose, the astaxanthin production rate decreased remarkably. On the other hand, when the yeast grew under aerobic conditions, the astaxanthin production rate increased with increasing oxygen uptake. A kinetic analysis showed that the respiration rate correlated positively with the astaxanthin production rate, whereas there was a negative correlation with the ethanol production rate. The influence of glucose concentration at a fixed nitrogen concentration with a high level of oxygen was then investigated. The results showed that astaxanthin production was enhanced by an initial high carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) present in the medium, but cell growth was inhibited by a high glucose concentration. A stoichiometric analysis suggested that astaxanthin production was enhanced by decreasing the amount of NADPH required for anabolism, which could be achieved by the repression of protein biosynthesis with a high C/N ratio. Based on these results, we performed a two-stage fed-batch culture, in which cell growth was enhanced by a low C/N ratio in the first stage and astaxanthin production was enhanced by a high C/N ratio in the second stage. In this culture system, the highest astaxanthin production, 16.0 mg per liter, was obtained.  相似文献   

Denitrifying anaerobic methane oxidizing (DAMO) microorganisms were enriched from paddy field soils using continuous-flow and batch cultures fed with nitrate or nitrite as a sole electron acceptor. After several months of cultivation, the continuous-flow cultures using nitrite showed remarkable simultaneous methane oxidation and nitrite reduction and DAMO bacteria belonging to phylum NC10 were enriched. A maximum volumetric nitrite consumption rate of 70.4±3.4 mg-N·L−1·day−1 was achieved with very short hydraulic retention time of 2.1 hour. In the culture, about 68% of total microbial cells were bacteria and no archaeal cells were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. In the nitrate-fed continuous-flow cultures, 58% of total microbial cells were bacteria while archaeal cells accounted for 7% of total cell numbers. Phylogenetic analysis of pmoA gene sequence showed that enriched DAMO bacteria in the continuous-flow cultivation had over 98% sequence similarity to DAMO bacteria in the inoculum. In contrast, for batch culture, the enriched pmoA gene sequences had 89–91% sequence similarity to DAMO bacteria in the inoculum. These results indicate that electron acceptor and cultivation method strongly affect the microbial community structures of DAMO consortia.  相似文献   

Carrot suspension cultures resistant to growth inhibition byp-fluorophenylalanine, ethionine. aminoethylcysteine, and 5-methyltryptophanwere obtained by sequential selection for resistance to eachamino acid analogue. Resistance was increased at least 100-foldfor each analogue and the resistance was retained after growthaway from the inhibitors for 40 cell doublings. After each selection,the corresponding free natural amino acid was increased andthe line resistant to all four analogues showed levels of phenylalanine,methionine, lysine, and tryptophan which were 7, 6, 5, and 32times that of the parental wild type line, respectively. Thetotal free amino acid level was doubled in this line. Only afterselection for 5-methyltryptophan resistance did the anthranilatesynthetase show altered feedback sensitivity to tryptophan.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined correlations among growth kinetics, cell shape, and cytoskeletal protein content in rat astrocytes grown in primary culture. Cell suspensions from brains of newborn rats were seeded at densities from 0.2 to 3 × 105/cm2. At initial densities above 1 × 105 the population increased to reach confluency by 10–12 days, after which cell number remained stable for many weeks. At low initial densities, 0.2–0.4 × 105/cm2, cells did not increase in number. Final density increased with increasing plating densities. High-density cells had small perikarya and several long cytoplasmic processes; low-density cells appeared flat and polygonal. All cultures were almost entirely astrocytic, as judged by immunofluorescent staining with antiserum against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Cytoskeletal proteins were analyzed by gel electrophoresis after extraction from cells with nonionic detergent. Relative amounts of the proteins differed, in that low-density cells contained large amounts of cytoskeletal actin relative to the intermediate filament (IF) proteins vimentin and GFAP, whereas high-density cells contained relatively less actin and more IF proteins. Such differences in cytoskeletal proteins between the high- and low-density cultures were mirrored in the relative rates of synthesis of the cytoskeletal proteins. In the low-density cells amino acid incorporation into cytoskeletal-associated actin was more active than that into the IFs, whereas in the high-density cells higher rates of IF protein synthesis were observed.  相似文献   

Mouse brain cell reaggregates have been used to study changes in sodium- and potassium-dependent ouabain-sensitive adenosine phosphohydrolase (Na+, K+-ATPase) activity and in 86Rb+ uptake and exit during development. Na+, K+-ATPase activity in these cultures has two ouabain-inhibitable components, both of which increased severalfold between day 3 and day 17 in culture. This increase, however, was less than that in developing brain. Little change in either total or extracellular water or in the equilibrium levels of Na+ and K+ occurred during development. The uptake of 86Rb+ measured a 10-min incubation showed only a modest increase during culture, whereas the exit of 86Rb+ from reaggregates preloaded with the tracer increased approximately fourfold. The exit consisted of both K+-independent and K+-stimulated components and the K+-stimulated fraction contributed most of the developmental change. When uptake rates were corrected for the contribution of the developmental changes in exit, these rates were found to increase as well. The 86Rb+ uptake correlated closely with the activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase during development. The pattern of developmental changes in enzyme activity and 86Rb+ uptake and exit suggest that, while little change in the steady-state levels of the ions occurred, the rates of ion movement increase markedly.  相似文献   

Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343 has been grown in continuous cultures with glucose as growth-limiting factor. At pH 7.0 and at a dilution rate of 0.07 per h, glucose limited growth in concentrations up to 0.6%. Maximal cell yield and productivity were obtained with 0.87% glucose in the inflowing medium. A pH of 7.0 was optimal for growth. With 0.6% glucose in the fresh medium and at pH 7.0, cell yield and productivity were highest at a dilution rate of 0.07 per h and 0.11 per h, respectively. At dilution rates higher than 0.07 per h, glucose was no longer growth limiting, and at dilution rates above 0.11 per h, another compound seemed to have replaced glucose also as energy source. When grown in batch cultures at pH 7.0, the best yields of B. fragilis was achieved with 0.6% glucose in the fresh medium. The highest specific growth rate (mum) determined from viable counts was 0.45, corresponding to a mean generation time of 92 min.  相似文献   

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