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Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae may increase resistance of plants to drought by a number of mechanisms, such as increased root hydraulic conductivity, stomatal regulation, hyphal water uptake and osmotic adjustment. However, a substantial contribution of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) hyphae to water uptake has not been demonstrated unequivocally. The objective of this investigation was to examine the contribution of hyphae from two VAM fungi to water uptake and transport by the host plant. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants were grown in a container divided by a screen into two compartments. One was occupied by roots, the other only by VAM hyphae, which the screen permitted to pass. Roots were colonized by the VAM fungi Glomus deserticola or Glomus fasciculatum, or were left uninoculated but P-supplemented. Water was supplied to the hyphal compartment at a distance of 10 cm from the screen (root). CO2 exchange rate, water-use efficiency, transpiration, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic phosphorus-use efficiency of VAM or P-amended control plants were evaluated at three levels of water application in the hyphal compartment. Results indicate that much of the water was taken up by the hyphae in VAM plants. VAM plants, which had access to the hyphal compartment, had higher water and nutrient contents. G. deserticola functioned efficiently under water limitation and mycelium from G. fasciculatum-colonized plants was very sensitive to water in the medium. This discrepancy in VAM behaviour reflects the various abilities of each fungus according to soil water levels. Different abilities of specific mycelia were also expressed in terms of nutritional and leaf gas-exchange parameters. G. fasciculatum caused a significant increase in net photosynthesis and rate of water use efficiency compared to G. deserticola and P-fertilized plants. In contrast, the G. deserticola treatment was the most efficient affecting N, P and K nutrition, leaf conductance and transpiration. Since no differences in the intra- and extra-radical hyphal extension of the two endophytes were found, the results demonstrate that mycorrhizal hyphae can take up water and that there are considerable variations in both the behaviour of these two VAM fungi and in the mechanisms involved in their effects on plant water relations.  相似文献   

Aims We investigate the effect of position within a size-structured population on the reproductive allocation (RA) and flowering probability of individual plants of Sinapis arvensis. We also assess the effects of plant size and changing level of CO2 on both responses.Methods Sinapis arvensis L., (field mustard), an annual agricultural weed, was grown in monoculture at six densities under ambient and elevated CO2 in a study with 84 stands. Individual aboveground biomass and reproductive biomass were measured. Varying density produced a wide range of mean plant sizes across stands and size hierarchies within stands. Many (~40%) individuals had zero reproductive biomass. Employing a novel modelling approach, we analysed the joint effects of position in stand size hierarchy, plant size and CO2 on RA and flowering probability of individuals.Important findings We found a strong effect of position within the size hierarchy of individuals in a population: for an individual of a given size, greater size relative to neighbours substantially increased RA and flowering probability at a single harvest time. There was no other effect of plant size on RA. We found a positive effect of elevated CO2 on RA regardless of position within the size hierarchy. These observed patterns could impact doubly on the reproductive biomass (R) of small individuals. First, because RA is not affected by size, smaller plants will have smaller R than larger plants; and second, for smaller plants lower down in a population size hierarchy, their RA and hence R will be further reduced. These results suggest that size relative to neighbours may be independent of and more important than direct abiotic effects in determining RA. Further studies are required to evaluate how these observed patterns generalize to other populations in non-experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The timing of the snowmelt is a crucial factor in determining the phenological schedule of alpine plants. A long-term monitoring of snowmelt regimes in a Japanese alpine area revealed that the onset of the snowmelt season has been accelerated during the last 17 years in early snowmelt sites but that such a trend has not been detected in late snowmelt sites. This indicates that the global warming effect on the snowmelt pattern may be site-specific. The flowering phenology of fellfield plants in an exposed wind-blown habitat was consistent between an unusually warm year (1998) and a normal year (2001). In contrast, the flowering occurrence of snowbed plants varied greatly between the years depending on the snowmelt time. There was a large number of flowering species in the fellfield community from mid- to late to late June and from mid- to late July. The flowering peak of an early-melt snowbed plant community was in the middle of the flowering season and that of a late-melt snowbed community was in the early flowering season. These habitat-specific phenological patterns were consistent between 1998 and 2001. The effects of the variation in flowering timing on seed-set success were evaluated for an entomophilous snowbed herb, Peucedanum multivittatum, along the snowmelt gradient during a 5-year period. When flowering occurred prior to early August, mean temperature during the flowering season positively influenced the seed set. When flowering occurred later than early August, however, the plants enjoyed high seed-set success irrespective of temperature conditions if frost damage was absent. These observations are probably explained based on the availability of pollinators, which depends not only on ambient temperature but also on seasonal progress. These results suggest that the effects of climate change on biological interaction may vary depending on the specific habitat in the alpine ecosystem in which diverse snowmelt patterns create complicated seasonality for plants within a very localized area.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Convergent evolution is invoked to explain similarity between unrelated organisms in similar environments, but most evaluations of convergence analyse similarity of organismal attributes rather than of the environment. This study focuses on the globular succulent plants of the Americas, the cacti, and their counterparts in Africa in the ice-plant, spurge and milkweed families. Though often held up as paragons of convergent morphological evolution, the environmental similarity of these plants has remained largely unexamined from a quantitative perspective.


Five hotspots (centres of high species diversity of globular succulents) were selected, two in Mexico and three in South Africa. Their environments were compared using niche modelling tools, randomization tests of niche similarity and multivariate analyses to test for environmental similarity.

Key Results

Although the sites selected have ‘similar’ but unrelated life forms, almost all our results highlighted more climate differences than similarities between the hotspots. Interprediction of niches within and between continents, a niche equivalence test, and MANOVA results showed significant differences. In contrast, a niche similarity test showed that the comparisons of Cuatrociénegas–Richtersveld, Huizache–Knersvlakte and Huizache–Richtersveld were similar.


Differences in rainfall and temperature regimes and the potential effect of edaphic factors may be involved in the differences between the hotspots. In addition, differences in structure, morphology and physiology of the globular succulents may coincide with some of the climatic dissimilarities; i.e. given convergence as the evolution of similar morphologies under similar conditions, then it may be that differing environments diagnose inconspicuous morphological differences. Moreover, although fine-scale differences between sites were found, a coarser perspective shows that these sites are clearly similar as drylands with relatively moderate drought and mild temperatures, illustrating how all studies of convergence must address the issue of how similar two entities must be before they are considered convergent.  相似文献   

Background: Helicobacter pylori colonize the mucus layer that covers the gastric epithelium and can cause gastritis, ulcers, and gastric cancer. Recently, Lactobacillus sp. have also been found to reside in this niche permanently. This study compares adhesive properties and proliferation of co‐isolated lactobacilli and H. pylori in the presence of mucins and investigates possibilities for lactobacilli‐mediated inhibition of H. pylori. Materials and methods: Binding and proliferation of four H. pylori and four Lactobacillus strains, simultaneously isolated after residing in the stomachs of four patients for >4 years, to human gastric mucins were investigated using microtiter‐based methods. Results: The H. pylori strains co‐isolated with lactobacilli exhibited the same mucin binding properties as demonstrated for H. pylori strains previously. In contrast, no binding to mucins was detected with the Lactobacillus strains. Proliferation of mucin‐binding H. pylori strains was stimulated by the presence of mucins, whereas proliferation of non‐binding H. pylori and Lactobacillus strains was unaffected. Associative cultures of co‐isolated H. pylori and Lactobacillus strains showed no inhibition of H. pylori proliferation because of the presence of whole bacteria or supernatant of lactobacilli. Conclusions: The presence of lactobacilli in the stomach did not select for different mucin binding properties of H. pylori, and Lactobacillus sp. did neither compete for binding sites nor inhibit the growth of co‐isolated H. pylori. The effects of human gastric mucins on H. pylori proliferation vary between strains, and the host–bacteria interaction in the mucus niche thus depends on both the H. pylori strain and the microenvironment provided by the host mucins.  相似文献   

For marine top predators like seabirds, the oceans represent a multitude of habitats regarding oceanographic conditions and food availability. Worldwide, these marine habitats are being altered by changes in climate and increased anthropogenic impact. This is causing a growing concern on how seabird populations might adapt to these changes. Understanding how seabird populations respond to fluctuating environmental conditions and to what extent behavioral flexibility can buffer variations in food availability can help predict how seabirds may cope with changes in the marine environment. Such knowledge is important to implement proper long‐term conservation measures intended to protect marine predators. We explored behavioral flexibility in choice of foraging habitat of chick‐rearing black‐legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla during multiple years. By comparing foraging behavior of individuals from two colonies with large differences in oceanographic conditions and distances to predictable feeding areas at the Norwegian shelf break, we investigated how foraging decisions are related to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We found that proximity to the shelf break determined which factors drove the decision to forage there. At the colony near the shelf break, time of departure from the colony and wind speed were most important in driving the choice of habitat. At the colony farther from the shelf break, the decision to forage there was driven by adult body condition. Birds furthermore adjusted foraging behavior metrics according to time of the day, weather conditions, body condition, and the age of the chicks. The study shows that kittiwakes have high degree of flexibility in their behavioral response to a variable marine environment, which might help them buffer changes in prey distribution around the colonies. The flexibility is, however, dependent on the availability of foraging habitats near the colony.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates are plant secondary compounds involved in direct chemical defence by cruciferous plants against herbivores. The glucosinolate profile can be affected by abiotic and biotic environmental stimuli. We studied changes in glucosinolate patterns in leaves of non-transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus ssp. oleifera) under elevated atmospheric CO2 or ozone (O3) concentrations and compared them with those from transgenic for herbivore-resistance (Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac endotoxin), to assess herbivory dynamics. Both elevated CO2 and O3 levels decreased indolic glucosinolate concentrations in transgenic and non-transgenic lines, whereas O3 specifically increased the concentration of an aromatic glucosinolate, 2-phenylethylglucosinolate. The herbivore-inducible indolic glucosinolate response was reduced in elevated O3 whereas elevated CO2 altered the induction dynamics of indolic and aliphatic glucosinolates. Herbivore-resistant Bt plants experienced minimal leaf damage after target herbivore Plutella xylostella feeding, but exhibited comparatively similar increase in glucosinolate concentrations after herbivory as non-transgenic plants, indicating that the endogenous glucosinolate defence was not severely compromised by transgenic modifications. The observed differences in constitutive and inducible glucosinolate concentrations of oilseed rape under elevated atmospheric CO2 and O3 might have implications for plant–herbivore interactions in Brassica crop-ecosystems in future climate scenarios.  相似文献   

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