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植物化学防卫与植食性哺乳动物的适应对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李俊年  刘季科 《兽类学报》2000,20(3):225-232
植物化学防卫与植食性哺乳动物的适应是动物—植物系统协同进化研究的重要内容。植物次生化合物可降低动物的食物摄入量及消化率、蛋白质可利用率。某些次生化合物还影响植食性哺乳动物的正常繁殖活动。单宁是动物的重要觅食阻遏剂之一。动物在学习食物选择的过程中,通过认知过程和感知过程处理食物信息,选择食物项目。幼体在胚胎期和哺乳期能从母体获得食物信息,或向有觅食经验的同胞伙伴学习处理食物的经验。动物亦可通过形成络和物,改变体内环境,通过微生物降解、氧化还原、基础代谢率等降低生理对策,以降低植物次生化和物的影响。  相似文献   

A chemical survey of pollen lipids was carried out to examine the composition of pollenkitt in relation to that of whole pollen and to evaluate the possible role of pollenkitt as the principal carrier of chemical cues used by flower visitors. Investigated pollen was collected from 69 angiosperm species (28 families) in California. Lipid extracts of pollenkitt and of the internal portion of pollen were analyzed for each species using thin-layer chromatography. Neutral lipids (energy storage and essential oil constituents) were most diverse in pollenkitt, while polar lipids (mostly membrane constituents) were found almost exclusively in the internal pollen fraction. Patterns in neutral lipid compositions suggest that pollenkitt may provide pollen with species-specific odors. Yellow pigments were observed in pollen of most species, with carotenoids predominating in pollenkitt and flavonoids in the internal fraction. Phenolic and heterocyclic nitrogen compounds were found in the lipid extracts of several species.  相似文献   

光合率作为藻类毒理测试指标   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以氧电极法的光合率作为藻类毒性测试指标。整个测试过程准确,简便,快速。能够随时测定受试毒物对藻类光合作用的效应,与常规毒性试验比较,测定时间由96h缩短到2h。灵敏度约提高了一倍,Cu~(2 )对光合作用的半数效应浓度(EC_(50))是0.105mg/L,比Cu~(2 )对藻的急性毒性试验的EC_(50)(0.204mg/L)少了一倍。  相似文献   

The current general model of the organization of a fully developed rhodophycean pit plug includes a cap membrane associated with each end of the plug. Continuity of the plasmalemma and cap membrane results in the plug core being extracellular. However, routine ultrastructural methods have not convincingly demonstrated cap membranes in the Bangiales or the Corallinales. In this study, a variety of fixation regimes that enhance membrane contrast were used in an attempt to detect cap membranes in representatives of these two orders. Although cap membranes were readily and clearly demonstrable by these methods in a representative of an order previously known to have cap membranes, they could not be detected in members of the Bangiales or Corallinales. Should the absence of cap membranes prove to be an invariant feature of these two orders, presence or absence of cap membranes will constitute a new character for phylogenetic analysis. It is proposed that the ancestral character state of red algal pit plugs was a homogeneous plug without caps and without cap membranes.  相似文献   

The current general model of the organization of a fully developed rhodophycean pit plug includes a cap membrane associated with each end of the plug. Continuity of the plasmalemma and cap membrane results in the plug core being extracellular. However, routine ultrastructural methods have not convincingly demonstrated cap membranes in the Bangiales or the Corallinales. In this study, a variety of fixation regimes that enhance membrane contrast were used in an attempt to detect cap membranes in representatives of these two orders. Although cap membranes were readily and clearly demonstrable by these methods in a representative of an order previously known to have cap membranes, they could not be detected in members of the Bangiales or Corallinales. Should the absence of cap membranes prove to be an invariant feature of these two orders, presence or absence of cap membranes will constitute a new character for phylogenetic analysis. It is proposed that the ancestral character state of red algal pit plugs was a homogeneous plug without caps and without cap membranes.  相似文献   

油茶皂素化学和物理特性及其开发利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油茶皂素学名茶皂角甙,结构糖是由葡萄糖醛酸,阿拉伯糖,木糖及半乳糖组成,结构酸是由反(顺)白芷酸及醋酸组成。茶皂角甙是由结构相似5─7种三萜类皂甙元构成。油茶皂素的表面活性主要是结构一端为疏水的脂肪酸基团,另一端为结构糖,结构酸亲水基团,吸附和胶团化,使皂素可用来做乳化剂,洗涤剂,发泡剂,分散剂,润湿剂,洗发剂,清洗剂,柔软剂等。  相似文献   

Amsler, C. D.1, Iken, K. B.1, McClintock, J. B.1, Furrow, F. B.2, & Baker, B. J.2 1Department of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham AL 35294-1170 USA; 2Department of Chemistry, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 32901 USA We examined palatability of Antarctic Peninsula macroalgae in feeding bioassays with three common, sympatric macroalgal-consuming omnivores (amphipod, fish, sea star). Antarctic macroalgae have low C:N ratios, high nitrogen contents, and are usually growth limited by carbon (light). The Carbon Nutrient Balance Hypothesis (CNBH) predicts that macroalgae would produce nitrogenous secondary metabolites for defense rather than high levels of non-nitrogenous defenses under these conditions. To date, feeding bioassays have been performed on fragments of thallus from 26 macroalgal species and 21 (81%) were rejected by at least one omnivore. Organic extracts from 13 macroalgal species rejected as thallus were used in feeding bioassays. At least one extract from 12 species (92%) was rejected by at least one omnivore, suggesting that chemical defenses against herbivores probably are present in at least some of the macroalgal species. We have identified a number of specific, non-nitrogenous secondary metabolites in these extracts and previous workers have also reported non-nitrogenous secondary metabolites from antarctic macroalgae. Additional extracts targeting nitrogenous metabolites from 25 species were subjected to thin layer chromatography and visualized by stains specific for nitrogenous compounds. No nitrogenous secondary metabolites were identified by this or other methods. Nitrogenous secondary metabolites are also extremely rare in macroalgae from other areas of the world. Consequently, although our bioassays suggest that chemical defenses probably do occur, our data cast doubt on the applicability of the CNBH for predicting the chemical composition of macroalgal defenses under carbon limited conditions. (NSF OPP9814538, OPP9901076)  相似文献   

Mammals have evolved several morphological and behavioral adaptations to reduce the risk of predation, but we know little about the ecological factors that favor their evolution. For example, some mammalian carnivores have the ability to spray noxious anal secretions in defense, whereas other species lack such weaponry but may instead rely on collective vigilance characteristic of cohesive social groups. Using extensive natural history data on 181 species in the order Carnivora, we created a new estimate of potential predation risk from mammals and birds of prey and used comparative phylogenetic methods to assess how different sources of predation risk and other ecological variables influence the evolution of either noxious weaponry or sociality in this taxon. We demonstrate that the evolution of enhanced spraying ability is favored by increased predation risk from other mammals and by nocturnality, but the evolution of sociality is favored by increased predation risk from birds of prey and by diurnality, which may allow for enhanced early visual detection. These results suggest that noxious defenses and sociality are alternative antipredator strategies targeting different predator guilds under different lighting conditions.  相似文献   

生物诱导子调节植物组织次生代谢的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论述了生物诱导子对植物组织次生代谢的调节作用,包括生物诱导子的作用机制、生物诱导子的来源和种类以及生物诱导子的应用  相似文献   

The present study on the ultrastructure of Bacillus subtilis was undertaken in order to examine by means of the freeze-etching technique possible structural changes occurring during the chemical fixation procedure (Ryter-Kellenberger (R-K) fixation). Three stages were followed by freeze-etching, viz.: (a) fixation in osmium tetroxide, (b) fixation in osmium tetroxide and posttreatment with uranyl acetate, and (c) fixation in osmium tetroxide, posttreatment in uranyl acetate, and dehydration in a graded series of acetone. Preparations were made after each stage in the presence of 20% glycerol. Good preservation of ultrastructure was observed, after any of the three treatments, of the outer surface of the plasma membrane, and the inner surface of the plasma membrane. No alteration in fracturing properties could be observed. However, if we are to judge by the results of freeze-etching, any of the successive steps of the chemical fixation procedure achieve strong contrast between the nucleoplasmic region and the cytoplasm. Dependent on the quality of fixation, very delicately preserved DNA fibrils or strongly aggregated ones were seen. It appears that R-K fixation is capable of producing more or less distinctly visible changes in the native state of the nucleoplasm in young cells of B. subtilis.  相似文献   

本文通过研究微型裸腹溞的生活史,探讨了当东湖养殖的鲢鳙密度进一步增大时,它们释放的化学信息素对微型裸腹溞的间接作用,同时也讨论了微型裸腹溞在高密度鱼类捕食下种群能够延续的可能机制。在淡水生态系统中,无视力的生物能通过化学物质的交流来感知环境中的捕食压力,从而作出相应的调整策略。本研究结果显示高浓度的鱼类化学信息素对微型裸腹溞的生活史并没有显著影响,意味着微型裸腹溞有可能通过与该鱼类的长期共存而适应了这类物质。但是我们的结果与前人的相比还是存在着很大的差异,尤其是明显提高的总的后代数、平均怀卵量和内禀增长力;另外短的世代时间、小的初次繁殖时的体长和年龄有可能也是微型裸腹溞在高密度鱼类捕食压力下占优势的良好证据。  相似文献   

The relation between phyloplankton chlorophyll a and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) was investigated during a yearly cycle in Lake Tahoe, California–Nevada, and a variety of North American and New Zealand lakes of ranging trophic state. Since cellular concentrations of ATP have been shown as acceptable indicators of live biomass among natural microbial populations, the ratio of chlorophyll a to cellular ATP reveals the extent of pigment production per unit biomass under diverse environmental conditions. In general, mixed systems, i.e., epilimnion of most lakes sampled, showed good consistency of cellular chlorophyll a:ATP ratios. Under thermally stratified conditions at Lake Tahoe extensive modifications of the ratio occurred, leading to a 10-fold increase in the ratio at the bottom of the euphotic zone by late summer. Thus, the applicability of chlorophyll a as a quantitative algal biomass indicator is greatly restricted in lakes having thermally stratified euphotic zones.  相似文献   

Agar oligosaccharides in the neoagarobiose series were prepared by partial enzyme hydrolysis, separated on Biogel P2 and P4, and analyzed by high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection, yielding neoagarosaccharide fractions with a disaccharide repetition degree ranging from 1 (neoagarobiose) to more than 8 (neoagarohexadecaose). These fractions were analyzed for their biological activity toward the marine red alga Gracilaria conferta (Schousboe ex Montagne) J. et G . Feldmann in terms of increase of oxygen consumption, release of hydrogen peroxide, elimination of epiphytic bacteria, and induction of thallus tip bleaching. The structure–activity and dose–response relationships of neoagarosaccharides were very similar in the respiratory and oxidative burst responses and in their bactericidal properties, with neoagarosaccharides consisting of 6 to 8 disaccharide repeating units being the most active. All these responses were competitively inhibited by the reduced form of neoagarohexaose, neoagarohexaitol. In contrast, the tip-bleaching response was light dependent, required much higher concentrations of neoagarosaccharides, and was not inhibited by neoagarohexaitol, suggesting that it is an unspecific oxidative stress reaction. Putative structural effects on the recognition of endogenous agar-oligosaccharide elicitors by G. conferta are discussed.  相似文献   

Algal aquaculture worldwide is estimated to be a $5–6 billion U.S. per year industry. The largest portion of this industry is represented by macroalgal production for human food in Asia, with increasing activity in South America and Africa. The technical foundation for a shift in the last half century from wild harvest to farming of seaweeds lies in scientific research elucidating life histories and growth characteristics of seaweeds with economic interest. In several notable cases, scientific breakthroughs enabling seaweed-aquaculture advances were not motivated by aquaculture needs but rather by fundamental biological or ecological questions. After scientific breakthroughs, development of practical cultivation methods has been accomplished by both scientific and commercial-cultivation interests. Microalgal aquaculture is much smaller in economic impact than seaweed cultivation but is the subject of much research. Microalgae are cultured for direct human consumption and for extractable chemicals, but current use and development of cultured microalgae is increasingly related to their use as feeds in marine animal aquaculture. The history of microalgal culture has followed two main paths, one focused on engineering of culture systems to respond to physical and physiological needs for growing microalgae and the other directed toward understanding the nutritional needs of animals—chiefly invertebrates such as mollusks and crustaceans—that feed upon microalgae. The challenge being addressed in current research on microalgae in aquaculture food chains is to combine engineering and nutritional principles so that effective and economical production of microalgal feed cultures can be accomplished to support an expanding marine animal aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

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