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The vertebral column derives from somites generated by segmentation of presomitic mesoderm (PSM). Somitogenesis involves a molecular oscillator, the segmentation clock, controlling periodic Notch signaling in the PSM. Here, we establish a novel link between Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and the segmentation clock. Axin2, a negative regulator of the Wnt pathway, is directly controlled by Wnt/beta-catenin and shows oscillating expression in the PSM, even when Notch signaling is impaired, alternating with Lfng expression. Moreover, Wnt3a is required for oscillating Notch signaling activity in the PSM. We propose that the segmentation clock is established by Wnt/beta-catenin signaling via a negative-feedback mechanism and that Wnt3a controls the segmentation process in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl stress on cell area and intracellular pH (pHi) of individual cells of two Debaryomyces hansenii strains were investigated. Our results show that one of the strains was more NaCl tolerant than the other, as determined by the rate of growth initiation. Whereas NaCl stress caused similar cell shrinkages (30–35%), it caused different pHi changes of the two D. hansenii strains; i.e., in the more NaCl-tolerant strain, pHi homeostasis was maintained, whereas in the less NaCl-tolerant strain, intracellular acidification occurred. Thus, cell shrinkage could not explain the different intracellular acidifications in the two strains. Instead, we introduce the concept of yeasts having an intracellular pKa (pKa,i) value, since permeabilized D. hansenii cells had a very high buffer capacity at a certain pH. Our results demonstrate that the more NaCl-tolerant strain was better able to maintain its pKa,i close to its pHi homeostasis level during NaCl stress. In turn, these findings indicate that the closer a D. hansenii strain can keep its pKa,i to its pHi homeostasis level, the better it may manage NaCl stress. Furthermore, our results suggest that the NaCl-induced effects on pHi were mainly due to hyperosmotic stress and not ionic stress.  相似文献   

Clinical studies have established the important impact of atherosclerotic disease in Western societies. This disease is characterized by the accumulation of lipids and the migration of various cell types in the sub-endothelial space of blood vessels. As demonstrated by many studies, endothelial cells play an essential role in the development of this disease. The endothelium acts as a gatekeeper of blood vessel integrity and cardiovascular health status. For instance, the transfer of lipids via the transport of lipoproteins in the arterial intima is believed to be mediated by endothelial cells through a process termed transcytosis. In addition, lipoproteins that accumulate in the sub-endothelial space may also be modified, in a process that can direct the activation of endothelial cells. These steps are essential for the initiation of an atherosclerotic plaque and may be mediated, at least in part, by caveolae and their associated protein caveolin-1. In the present study, we evaluate the role of caveolin-1/caveolae in the regulation of these two steps in endothelial cells. Our data clearly demonstrate that caveolin-1 is involved in the regulation of lipoprotein transcytosis across endothelial cells and in the regulation of vascular inflammation.  相似文献   

To inhibit expression specifically in the phloem, a 274-bp fragment of a cDNA (Gln1-5) encoding cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1) from tobacco was placed in the antisense orientation downstream of the cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase promoter of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. After Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, two transgenic N. tabacum lines exhibiting reduced levels of GS1 mRNA and GS activity in midribs, stems, and roots were obtained. Immunogold labeling experiments allowed us to verify that the GS protein content was markedly decreased in the phloem companion cells of transformed plants. Moreover, a general decrease in proline content in the transgenic plants in comparison with wild-type tobacco was observed when plants were forced to assimilate large amounts of ammonium. In contrast, no major changes in the concentration of amino acids used for nitrogen transport were apparent. A (15)NH(4)(+)-labeling kinetic over a 48-hr period confirmed that in leaves of transgenic plants, the decrease in proline production was directly related to glutamine availability. After 2 weeks of salt treatment, the transgenic plants had a pronounced stress phenotype, consisting of wilting and bleaching in the older leaves. We conclude that GS in the phloem plays a major role in regulating proline production consistent with the function of proline as a nitrogen source and as a key metabolite synthesized in response to water stress.  相似文献   

The mobilization of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in planta is a complex process regulated by a number of developmental and environmental cues. Plants possess many Pi transporters that acquire Pi from the rhizosphere and translocate it throughout the plant. A few members of the high-affinity Pht1 family of Pi transporters have been functionally characterized and, for the most part, have been shown to be involved in Pi acquisition. We recently demonstrated that the Arabidopsis Pi transporter, Pht1;5, plays a key role in translocating Pi between tissues. Loss-of-function pht1;5 mutant seedlings accumulated more P in shoots relative to wild type but less in roots. In contrast, overexpression of Pht1;5 resulted in a lower P shoot:root ratio compared with wild type. Also, the rosette leaves of Pht1;5-overexpression plants senesced early and contained less P, whereas reproductive organs accumulated more P than those of wild type. Herein we report the molecular response of disrupting Pht1;5 expression on other factors known to modulate P distribution. The results reveal reciprocal mis-regulation of PHO1, miR399d, and At4 in the pht1;5 mutant and Pht1;5-overexpressor, consistent with the corresponding changes in P distribution in these lines. Together our studies reveal a complex role for Pht1;5 in regulating Pi homeostasis.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the roles of shoot and root in the regulation of premature leaf senescence induced by potassium (K) deficiency in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Two contrasting cultivars (CCRI41, more sensitive to K deficiency; and SCRC22, a less sensitive cultivar) were selected for self- and reciprocal-grafting, using standard grafting (one scion/one rootstock), Y grafting (two scions/one rootstock) and inverted Y grafting (one scion/two rootstocks) at the seedling stage. Standard grafting was studied in the field in 2007 and 2008. There were no obvious differences in senescence between CCRI41 and SCRC22 scions while supplied with sufficient K. However, SCRC22 scions showed significantly greater K content, SPAD values (chlorophyll content), soluble protein content and net photosynthetic rates than CCRI41 scions while grown in K deficient solution or soil, regardless of rootstock cultivars, grafting types, growth stage and growth conditions. Also, SCRC22 scions had greater yield and less variation in boll weight either between upper- and lower sympodials, or between proximal and distal fruit positions from the main stem in the field under K deficiency, probably owing to reduced leaf senescence. Although the effect of rootstocks on leaf senescence under K deficiency was significant in some cases, the scion cultivars explained the highest percentage of variations within grafting treatments. The shoot-to-root feedback signal(s), rather than high shoot demand for K nutrition, was involved in the shoot regulation of premature senescence in cotton plants, achieved possibly by altering root K uptake.  相似文献   

Unfolded bovine rhodanese, a sulfurtransferase, does not regain full activity upon refolding due to the formation of aggregates and disulfide-linked misfolded states unless a large excess of reductant such as 200 mM -ME and 5 mg/ml detergent are present [Tandon and Horowitz (1990), J. Biol. Chem. 265, 5967]. Even then, refolding is incomplete. We have studied the unfolding and refolding of three rhodanese forms whose crystal structures are known: ES, containing the transferred sulfur as a persulfide; E, without the transferred sulfur, and carboxymethylated rhodanese (CMR), in which the active site was blocked by chemical modification. The X-ray structures of ES, E, and CMR are virtually the same, but their tertiary structures in solution differ somewhat as revealed by near-UV CD. Among these three, CMR is the only form of rhodanese that folds reversibly, requiring 1 mM DTT. A minimum three-state folding model of CMR (NIU) followed by fluorescence at 363 nm, (NI) by fluorescence at 318 nm, and CD (IU) is consistent with the presence of a thermodynamically stable molten globule intermediate in 5–6 M urea. We conclude that the active-site sulfhydryl group in the persulfide form is very reactive; therefore, its modification leads to the successful refolding of urea-denatured rhodanese even in the absence of a large excess of reductant and detergent. The requirement for DTT for complete reversibility of CMR suggests that oxidation among the three non-active-site SH groups can represent a minor trap for refolding through species that can be easily reduced.  相似文献   

The disruption of cholesterol homeostasis leads to an increase in cholesterol levels which results in the development of cardiovascular disease. Mitogen Inducible Gene 6 (Mig-6) is an immediate early response gene that can be induced by various mitogens, stresses, and hormones. To identify the metabolic role of Mig-6 in the liver, we conditionally ablated Mig-6 in the liver using the Albumin-Cre mouse model (Alb(cre/+)Mig-6(f/f); Mig-6(d/d)). Mig-6(d/d) mice exhibit hepatomegaly and fatty liver. Serum levels of total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol and hepatic lipid were significantly increased in the Mig-6(d/d) mice. The daily excretion of fecal bile acids was significantly decreased in the Mig-6(d/d) mice. DNA microarray analysis of mRNA isolated from the livers of these mice showed alterations in genes that regulate lipid metabolism, bile acid, and cholesterol synthesis, while the expression of genes that regulate biliary excretion of bile acid and triglyceride synthesis showed no difference in the Mig-6(d/d) mice compared to Mig-6(f/f) controls. These results indicate that Mig-6 plays an important role in cholesterol homeostasis and bile acid synthesis. Mice with liver specific conditional ablation of Mig-6 develop hepatomegaly and increased intrahepatic lipid and provide a novel model system to investigate the genetic and molecular events involved in the regulation of cholesterol homeostasis and bile acid synthesis. Defining the molecular mechanisms by which Mig-6 regulates cholesterol homeostasis will provide new insights into the development of more effective ways for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Bilayers made of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC)/dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) mixture containing or not cholesterol (Chl) were used to investigate the interaction of a carrier peptide with membranes. Atomic force microscopy revealed that the C-terminal 9-32 fragment of human calcitonin (hCT (9-32)), free or coupled to enhanced green fluorescent protein (hCT-eGFP) cargo forms aggregates in the DOPC fluid phase in absence of Chl and in the DPPC enriched liquid-ordered phase when Chl is present. The data show that hCT (9-32) plays a determinant role in the membrane localization of the peptide-cargo complex. They suggest that carpet-like mechanism for membrane destabilization may be involved in the carrier function of hCT (9-32).  相似文献   

α-Synuclein (α-syn) amyloid filaments are the major ultrastructural component of pathological inclusions that define several neurodegenerative disorders, including Parkinson disease and other disorders that are collectively termed synucleinopathies. Since the aggregation of α-syn is associated with the etiology of these diseases, defining the molecular elements that influence this process may have important therapeutics implication. The deletions of major portions of the hydrophobic region of α-syn (Δ74-79 and Δ71-82) impair the ability to form amyloid. However, mutating residue E83 to an A restored the ability of these proteins to form amyloid. Additionally supporting an inhibitory role of residue E83 on amyloid formation, mutating this residue to an A enhanced amyloid formation in the presence of small molecule inhibitors, such as dopamine and EGCG. Our data, therefore, suggest that the presence and placement of the highly charged E83 residue plays a significant inhibitory role in α-syn amyloid formation and these findings provide important insights in the planning of therapeutic agents that may be capable of preventing α-syn amyloid formation.  相似文献   

Maize polyamine oxidase (MPAO) is a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-dependent enzyme that catalyses the oxidation of spermine and spermidine at the secondary amino groups. The structure of MPAO indicates a 30-A long U-shaped tunnel that forms the catalytic site, with residues Glu62 and Glu170 located close to the enzyme-bound FAD and residue Tyr298 in close proximity to Lys300, which in turn is hydrogen-bonded to the flavin N(5) atom via a water molecule (HOH309). To provide insight into the role of these residues in the catalytic mechanism of FAD reduction, we have performed steady-state and stopped-flow studies with wild-type, Glu62Gln, Glu170Gln, Tyr298Phe, and Lys300Met MPAO enzymes. We show that the steady-state enzyme activity is governed by an ionisable group with a macroscopic pK(a) of approximately 5.8. Kinetic analysis of the Glu62Gln, Glu170Gln, and Tyr298Phe MPAO enzymes have indicated (i) only small perturbations in catalytic activity as a result of mutation and (ii) steady-state pH profiles essentially unaltered when compared to the wild-type enzyme, suggesting that these residues do not play a critical role in the reaction mechanism. These kinetic observations are consistent with computational calculations that suggest that Glu62 and Glu170 are protonated over the pH range accessible to kinetic studies. Substitution of Lys300 with Met in MPAO resulted in a 1400-fold decrease in the rate of flavin reduction and a 160-fold decrease in the equilibrium dissociation constant for the Lys300Met-spermidine complex, consistent with a major role for this residue in the mechanism of substrate oxidation. A sizable solvent isotope effect (SIE = 5) accompanies FAD reduction in the wild-type enzyme and steady-state turnover (SIE = 2.3) of MPAO, consistent with the reductive half-reaction of MPAO making a major contribution to rate limitation in steady-state turnover. Studies using the enzyme-monitored turnover method indicate that oxidized FAD is the prominent form during steady-state turnover, consistent with the reductive half-reaction being rate-limiting. Our studies indicate the importance of Lys300 and probable importance of HOH309 to the mechanism of flavin reduction in MPAO. Possible roles for Lys300 and water in the mechanism of flavin reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

The ammonium transport (Amt) proteins are a highly conserved family of integral membrane proteins found in eubacteria, archaea, fungi and plants. Genetic, biochemical and bioinformatic analyses suggest that they have a common tertiary structure comprising eleven trans-membrane helices with an N-out, C-in topology. The cytoplasmic C-terminus is variable in length but includes a core region of some 22 residues with considerable sequence conservation. Previous studies have indicated that this C-terminus is not absolutely required for Amt activity but that mutations that alter C-terminal residues can have very marked effects. Using the Escherichia coli AmtB protein as a model system for Amt proteins, we have carried out an extensive site-directed mutagenesis study to investigate the possible role of this region of the protein. Our data indicate that nearly all mutations fall into two phenotypic classes that are best explained in terms of two distinct effects of the C-terminal region on AmtB activity. Residues within the C-terminus play a significant role in normal AmtB function and the C-terminal region might also mediate co-operativity between the three subunits of AmtB.  相似文献   

The nucleoid of radioresistant bacteria, including D .  radiodurans , adopts a highly condensed structure that remains unaltered after exposure to high doses of irradiation. This structure may contribute to radioresistance by preventing the dispersion of DNA fragments generated by irradiation. In this report, we focused our study on the role of HU protein, a nucleoid-associated protein referred to as a histone-like protein, in the nucleoid compaction of D. radiodurans. We demonstrate, using a new system allowing conditional gene expression, that HU is essential for viability in D. radiodurans . Using a tagged HU protein and immunofluorescence microscopy, we show that HU protein localizes all over the nucleoid and that when HU is expressed from a thermosensitive plasmid, its progressive depletion at the non-permissive temperature generates decondensation of DNA before fractionation of the nucleoid into several entities and subsequent cell lysis. We also tested the effect of the absence of Dps, a protein also involved in nucleoid structure. In contrast to the drastic effect of HU depletion, no change in nucleoid morphology and cell viability was observed in dps mutants compared with the wild-type, reinforcing the major role of HU in nucleoid organization and DNA compaction in D. radiodurans .  相似文献   

The mammalian sperm must be highly motile for a long time to fertilize a egg. It has been supposed that ATP required for sperm flagellar movement depends predominantly on mitochondrial respiration. We assessed the contribution of mitochondrial respiration to mouse sperm motility. Mouse sperm maintained vigorous motility with high beat frequency in an appropriate solution including a substrate such as glucose. The active sperm contained a large amount of ATP. When carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) was applied to suppress the oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, the vigorous motility was maintained and the amount of ATP was kept at the equivalent level to that without CCCP. When pyruvate or lactate was provided instead of glucose, both sperm motility and the amount of ATP were high. However, they were drastically decreased when oxidative phosphorylation was suppressed by addition of CCCP. We also found that sperm motility could not be maintained in the presence of respiratory substrates when glycolysis was suppressed. 2-Deoxy-d-glucose (DOG) had no effect on mitochondrial respiration assessed by a fluorescent probe, 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolylcarbocyanine iodide (JC-1), but, it inhibited motility and decreased ATP content when pyruvate or lactate were provided as substrates. The present results suggest that glycolysis has an unexpectedly important role in providing the ATP required for sperm motility throughout the length of the sperm flagellum.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that regulatory T cells (Treg) accumulate dramatically in aged animals and negatively impact the ability to control persistent infection. However, the mechanisms underlying the age-dependent accrual of Treg remain unclear. In this study, we show that Treg accumulation with age is progressive and likely not the result of increased thymic output, increased peripheral proliferation, or from enhanced peripheral conversion. Instead, we found that Treg from aged mice are more resistant to apoptosis than Treg from young mice. Although Treg from aged mice had increased expression of functional IL-7Rα, we found that IL-7R signaling was not required for maintenance of Treg in vivo. Notably, aged Treg exhibit decreased expression of the proapoptotic molecule Bim compared with Treg from young mice. Furthermore, in the absence of Bim, Treg accumulate rapidly, accounting for >25% of the CD4(+) T cell compartment by 6 mo of age. Additionally, accumulation of Treg in Bim-deficient mice occurred after the cells left the transitional recent thymic emigrant compartment. Mechanistically, we show that IL-2 drives preferential proliferation and accumulation of Bim(lo) Treg. Collectively, our data suggest that chronic stimulation by IL-2 leads to preferential expansion of Treg having low expression of Bim, which favors their survival and accumulation in aged hosts.  相似文献   

CHRK1 encodes a receptor-like kinase that contains a chitinase-related sequence in the extracellular domain in Nicotiana tabacum. In this study, we showed that CHRK1 is mainly expressed in the shoot apex region including leaf primordia and young leaves, and germinating seedlings and vascular tissues, based on GUS activity of transgenic tobacco plants carrying the CHRK1 promoter-GUS fusion gene. Transgenic tobacco plants in which CHRK1 expression was suppressed exhibited pleiotrophic developmental abnormality, including formation of proliferating shooty calli from emerging seedlings and severely altered seedling development. At the cellular level, ectopic cell proliferation, reduced cell specificity, and aberrant chloroplast development were observed. The transgenic lines contained 3-fold higher level of cytokinin than the wild-type plants. Consistently, the transgenic seedlings exhibited a typical cytokinin response in the absence of hormone, such as deetiolation under the dark. Based on these results, we propose that CHRK1 is involved in a developmental signaling pathway regulating cell proliferation/differentiation and the endogenous cytokinin levels in tobacco.  相似文献   

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