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The chromosomal distribution of murine genes expressed during differentiation of skeletal muscle cells was determined by Southern blot analysis of DNA from mouse-Chinese hamster hybrid cell lines containing incomplete subsets of mouse chromosomes. All detectable myosin heavy chain genes are located on chromosome 11. The gene for the myosin light chain 2 is located on chromosome 7. The skeletal muscle alpha-actin gene and several other actin genes, or pseudogenes, are located on chromosome 3. Additional actin DNA sequences are distributed on other mouse chromosomes.  相似文献   

The actins are a group of highly conserved proteins encoded by a multigene family. We have previously reported that the skeletal muscle actin gene is located on mouse chromosome 3, together with several other unidentified actin DNA sequences. We show here that the gene coding for the cardiac muscle actin, which is closely related to the skeletal muscle actin (1.1% amino acid replacements), is located on mouse chromosome 17. The gene coding for the cytoplasmic beta-actin is located on mouse chromosome 5. Thus, these three actin genes are located on three different chromosomes.  相似文献   

P D Wagner 《Biochemistry》1984,23(25):5950-5956
A low-speed centrifugation assay has been used to examine the binding of myosin filaments to F-action and to regulated actin in the presence of MgATP. While the cross-linking of F-actin by myosin was Ca2+ insensitive, much less regulated actin was cross-linked by myosin in the absence of Ca2+ than in its presence. Removal of the 19000-dalton, phosphorylatable light chain from myosin resulted in the loss of this Ca2+ sensitivity. Readdition of this light chain partially restored the Ca2+-sensitive cross-linking of regulated actin by myosin. Urea gel electrophoresis has been used to distinguish that fraction of heavy meromyosin which contains intact phosphorylatable light chain from that which contains a 17000-dalton fragment of this light chain. In the absence of Ca2+, heavy meromyosin which contained digested light chain bound to regulated actin in MgATP about 10-fold more tightly than did heavy meromyosin which contained intact light chain. The regulated actin-activated ATPases of heavy meromyosin also showed that cleavage of this light chain causes a substantial increase in the affinity of heavy meromyosin for regulated actin in the absence of Ca2+. Thus, the binding of both myosin and heavy meromyosin to regulated actin is Ca2+ sensitive, and this sensitivity is dependent on the phosphorylatable light chain.  相似文献   

Cloned cDNA probes were used to measure the accumulation of myosin heavy chain, myosin light chain 2, and actin mRNA during differentiation of rat skeletal muscle cell cultures. This was compared with the changes in the rate of synthesis of the corresponding proteins. Accumulation of those mRNA sequences was detectable a few hours before the onset of the phase of cell fusion; however, the main increase in hybridizable RNA occurred during the phase of rapid cell fusion. A close correlation was found between the amounts of mRNAs coding for these proteins and the rate of synthesis of the proteins. The results suggest that the activation of stored mRNA is not a major mechanism for controlling the time at which these proteins are synthesized.  相似文献   

Myosin-heavy-chain-specific cDNA clones have been isolated from a cDNA library prepared from hind leg muscle of a 14-day-old rabbit. According to restriction enzyme analysis these can be grouped into at least two, probably three different classes. RNA dot-blot hybridization shows that all of these clones correspond to mRNAs expressed in fast skeletal muscle. The clones of the most abundant form, class I, can be aligned to cover the complete light meromyosin portion of myosin heavy chain. The sequence of the coding and the 3'-untranslated region, together comprising 2143 base pairs, has been determined. The class I clone detects a multigene family of 8-12 members on a Southern blot of rabbit genomic DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The polypeptide hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin are structurally related, having the identical pentapeptide GWMDF located at their C-terminus. The precursors to these two hormones also show amino acid homology, suggesting that they may have a common ancestral origin. Recombinant DNA clones corresponding to gene fragments encoding human gastrin and cholecystokinin were used to determine their respective chromosomal localization by analyzing human-rodent cell lines. We have assigned the cholecystokinin gene to human chromosome 3q12-3pter and the gastrin gene to chromosome 17q.  相似文献   

The human desmin and vimentin genes are located on different chromosomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have used somatic cell hybrids of Chinese hamster X man and mouse X man to localize the genes (des and vim) encoding the intermediate filaments desmin and vimentin in the human genome. Southern blots of DNA prepared from each cell line were screened with hamster cDNA probes specific for des and vim genes, respectively. The single-copy human des gene is located on chromosome 2, and the single-copy human vim gene is assigned to chromosome 10. Partial restriction maps of the two human genomic loci are presented. A possible correlation of the des locus with several reported hereditary myopathies is discussed.  相似文献   

A size class of polysomes was isolated from chick embryonic leg skeletal muscle which synthesized almost exclusively a polypeptide chain with a molecular weight identical to the myosin heavy chain. The mRNA purified from these polysomes was shown to synthesize the 200,000 dalton polypeptide in the wheat germ cell-free translation system. At least 90% of the polypeptide had properties similar to the myosin heavy chain. Isoelectric focusing indicated that the myosin heavy chain synthesized in vitro contained two chains in equal amounts, as did purified embryonic leg skeletal muscle myosin. The kinetics of hybridization of the complementary DNA with an excess of the myosin heavy chain mRNA (MHC mRNA) indicated the presence of two different mRNA sequences. Reassociation of the cDNA to an excess of the DNA of the genome suggest that there is little, if any, reiteration of the myosin heavy chain genes.  相似文献   

The catabolic action of glucocorticoids on the molecular level of the two main muscular proteins, myosin and actin, was found to depend on the type of muscle fibres. The synthesis rate of actin and myosin heavy chain was decreased in all types of muscle fibres, and in myosin light chain only in the slow-twitch red fibres. The turnover rate of actin and myosin heavy chain was also found decreased in all types of muscle fibres. The myosin light chains turned over more rapidly in dexamethasone-treated than in the control rats in all types of muscle fibres except in the case of the slow-twitch red ones as was shown by single and double isotope methods. Dexamethasone treatment enhanced the urinary 3-methylhistidine excretion in rats by 60%.  相似文献   

In this study, myosin types in human skeletal muscle fibers were investigated with electrophoretic techniques. Single fibers were dissected out of lyophilized surgical biopsies and typed by staining for myofibrillar ATPase after preincubation in acid or alkaline buffers. After 14C-labelling of the fiber proteins in vitro by reductive methylation, the myosin light chain pattern was analysed on two-dimensional gels and the myosin heavy chains were investigated by one-dimensional peptide mapping. Surprisingly, human type I fibers, which contained only the slow heavy chain, were found to contain variable amounts of fast myosin light chains in addition to the two slow light chains LC1s and LC2s. The majority of the type I fibers in normal human muscle showed the pattern LC1s, LC2s and LC1f. Further evidence for the existence in human muscle of a hybrid myosin composed of a slow heavy chain with fast and slow light chains comes from the analysis of purified human myosin in the native state by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis. With this method, a single band corresponding to slow myosin was obtained; this slow myosin had the light chain composition LC1s, LC2s and LC1f. Type IIA and IIB fibers, on the other hand, revealed identical light chain patterns consisting of only the fast light chains LC1f, LC2f and LC3f but were found to have different myosin havy chains. On the basis of the results presented, we suggest that the histochemical ATPase normally used for fibre typing is determined by the myosin heavy chain type (and not by the light chains). Thus, in normal human muscle a number of 'hybrid' myosins were found to occur, namely two extreme forms of fast myosins which have the same light chains but different heavy chains (IIA and IIB) and a continuum of slow forms consisting of the same heavy chain and slow light chains with a variable fast light chain composition. This is consistent with the different physiological roles these fibers are thought to have in muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The myosin alkali light chain proteins and their genes.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

Modification of the free alkali light chains of myosin by iodoacetylation results in a much lower extent of exchange into myosin subfragment 1 by the thermal hybridization procedure (Burke, M., and Sivaramakrishnan, M. (1981) Biochemistry 20, 5908-5913). As reported by others (Wagner, P. D., and Stone, D. B. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 8876-8882), free alkali light chains modified by iodoacetate at their single sulfhydryl residue exhibit minimal exchange into intact myosin. However, when unmodified alkali light chain is used to probe for exchange, close to the theoretical limit of exchange is observed for subfragment 1, and significant levels of exchange are found for myosin. It appears that modification of the free alkali light chain alters the structure of the protein, and this causes either a marked reduction in its affinity for the heavy chain or in its ability to enter the light chain binding site. This conclusion is supported by tryptic digestions done on the unmodified and modified free light chains where it is found that the latter is degraded at a much faster rate, indicating a more open structure for the modified protein. The observation that alkali light chain exchanges into myosin when unmodified alkali light chains are used indicates that the presence of the associated 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) light chains does not preclude the reversible dissociation of this subunit from myosin under ionic and temperature conditions approaching the physiological state.  相似文献   

In order to identify the physiological regulator of calcium dependent myosin light chain kinases of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscles, the effects of the three homologous calciproteins, calmodulin, troponin C, and parvalbumin, on the kinases isolated from bovine myocardium, rabbit skeletal muscle, and turkey gizzard were examined. Only calmodulin was effective in stimulating the cardiac, skeletal, or smooth muscle kinase; troponin C and parvalbumin exhibited no activation of any of the three kinases, even when examined at concentrations as high as 10-(5) M. It is concluded that calmodulin is the specific regulator of myosin light chain kinase in cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase (skMLCK) is a dedicated Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent serine–threonine protein kinase that phosphorylates the regulatory light chain (RLC) of sarcomeric myosin. It is expressed from the MYLK2 gene specifically in skeletal muscle fibers with most abundance in fast contracting muscles. Biochemically, activation occurs with Ca2+ binding to calmodulin forming a (Ca2+)4•calmodulin complex sufficient for activation with a diffusion limited, stoichiometric binding and displacement of a regulatory segment from skMLCK catalytic core. The N-terminal sequence of RLC then extends through the exposed catalytic cleft for Ser15 phosphorylation. Removal of Ca2+ results in the slow dissociation of calmodulin and inactivation of skMLCK. Combined biochemical properties provide unique features for the physiological responsiveness of RLC phosphorylation, including (1) rapid activation of MLCK by Ca2+/calmodulin, (2) limiting kinase activity so phosphorylation is slower than contraction, (3) slow MLCK inactivation after relaxation and (4) much greater kinase activity relative to myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP). SkMLCK phosphorylation of myosin RLC modulates mechanical aspects of vertebrate skeletal muscle function. In permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers, phosphorylation-mediated alterations in myosin structure increase the rate of force-generation by myosin cross bridges to increase Ca2+-sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. Stimulation-induced increases in RLC phosphorylation in intact muscle produces isometric and concentric force potentiation to enhance dynamic aspects of muscle work and power in unfatigued or fatigued muscle. Moreover, RLC phosphorylation-mediated enhancements may interact with neural strategies for human skeletal muscle activation to ameliorate either central or peripheral aspects of fatigue.  相似文献   

In vitro movement of fibrils composed of actin and myosin filaments purified from skeletal muscle was observed by dark field microscopy during superprecipitation at low ionic strengths at room temperature. The movement was activated by phosphorylation of light chain (LC2) of myosin. The activity of the movement was evaluated in terms of the spreading of the area where the fibrils were moving. Adenosine triphosphatase activity of actomyosin was also enhanced by phosphorylation of LC2 and was correlated with the activity of the in vitro movement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find the effect of dexamethasone on the myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms' composition in different skeletal muscles and glycolytic (G) fibres in relation with their synthesis rate and degradation of MyHC isoforms by alkaline proteinases. Eighteen-week-old male rats of the Wistar strain were treated with dexamethasone (100 microg/100 g bwt) during 10 days. The forelimb strength decreased from 9.52 to 6.19 N (P<0.001) and hindlimb strength from 15.54 to 8.55 N (P<0.001). Daily motor activity decreased (total activity from 933 to 559 and ambulatory activity from 482 to 226 movements/h, P<0.001). The degradation rate of muscle contractile proteins increased from 2.0 to 5.9% per day (P<0.001), as well as the myosin heavy chain IIB isoform degradation with alkaline proteinase in fast-twitch (F-T) muscles (12 +/- 0.9%; P<0.05) and glycolytic muscle fibres (15 +/- 1.1%; P<0.001). The synthesis rate of MyHC type II isoforms decreased in Pla muscles (P<0.05) and MyHC IIA (P<0.05) and IIB in EDL muscle and G fibres (P<0.001). The relative content of MyHC IIB isoform decreased in F-T muscles (P<0.001) and in G fibres (P<0.01), and the relative content of IIA and IID isoforms increased simultaneously. Dexamethasone decreased the MyHC IIB isoform synthesis rate and increased the sensibility of MyHC IIB isoform to alkaline proteinase, which in its turn led to the decrease of MyHC IIB isoform relative content in F-T muscles with low oxidative potential and G muscle fibres.  相似文献   

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