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Since the discovery of protein phosphorylation as an important modulator of many cellular processes, the involvement of protein kinases in diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and central nervous system pathologies, has been extensively documented. Our understanding of many disease pathologies at the molecular level, therefore, requires the comprehensive identification of substrates targeted by protein kinases. In this review, we focus on recent techniques for kinase substrate identification in high throughput, in particular on genetic and proteomic approaches. Each method with its inherent advantages and limitations is discussed.  相似文献   

Screening for content--the evolution of high throughput   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

A semi-automated technique for massive parallel solid-phase organic synthesis based on a "split only" strategy is described. Two different types of purpose-oriented reaction vessels are used. The initial steps are performed in domino blocks, and the resin-bound intermediates then split into wells of a micro plate for the last combinatorial step. The domino block is a reaction block for manual and semi-automatic parallel solid-phase organic synthesis that simplifies liquid exchange and integrates common synthetic steps. The synthesis in micro plates does not use any filter for separation of resin beads from the supernatant liquid, and allows high throughput parallel synthesis on solid phase to be performed. This technique, documented on examples of diverse disubstituted benzenes, includes the use of gaseous cleavage in the last synthetic step and allows the synthesis of thousands of compounds per day in mg quantities.  相似文献   

As higher density formats become more and more common in HTS labs, the expectations for maintaining faster, lower cost screens puts great pressure on traditional 96-well screens. In some cases higher density formats are not compatible with the assay. This seems especially true in cell-based assays. In our case, the nature of the cells' response forced us to remain in 96-well plates. In this paper, we describe the development of a luminescence reporter assay and its performance in two detection modes, flash and glow. The advantages in cost and throughput for each technique are explored, along with automation considerations. An additional new technology, the use of pins for low-volume transfers, is also briefly described because of its dramatic effect on our screen's throughput. However, it will be more thoroughly presented in a future publication. Comparing the technologies available for HTS aids in designing automated systems that meet the unique needs of each assay.  相似文献   

Fungal cell wall synthesis is essential for viability, requiring the activity of genes involved in environmental sensing, precursor synthesis, transport, secretion, and assembly. This multitude of potential targets, the availability of known agents targeting this pathway, and the unique nature of fungal cell wall synthesis make this pathway an appealing target for drug discovery. Here we describe the adaptation of an assay monitoring cell wall synthesis for high-throughput screening. The assay requires fungal cell growth, in the presence of the test compound, for 3 h before the cells are subjected to osmotic shock in the presence of a dye that stains DNA. Miniaturization of the assay to a 384-well plate format and removing a mechanical transfer led to subtle changes in the assay characteristics. Validation of the assay with a library of known pharmacologically active agents has identified a number of different classes of compounds that are active in this assay, causing aberrant cell wall morphology and in many cases the inhibition of fungal cell growth.  相似文献   

We attempte through the following overall review pertaining to the basics of PCR techniques (Polymerase Chain Reaction), to introduce the main applications used in veterinary parasitology. A major problem restricting the application possibilities of molecular biology techniques is of quantitative nature. Amplification techniques represent a real revolution, for it makes possible the production of tens, even hundreds of nanogrammes of sequences when starting from very small quantities. The PCR technique has dramatically transformed the strategies used so far in molecular biology and subsequently research and medical diagnosis.  相似文献   

MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
We describe MUSCLE, a new computer program for creating multiple alignments of protein sequences. Elements of the algorithm include fast distance estimation using kmer counting, progressive alignment using a new profile function we call the log-expectation score, and refinement using tree-dependent restricted partitioning. The speed and accuracy of MUSCLE are compared with T-Coffee, MAFFT and CLUSTALW on four test sets of reference alignments: BAliBASE, SABmark, SMART and a new benchmark, PREFAB. MUSCLE achieves the highest, or joint highest, rank in accuracy on each of these sets. Without refinement, MUSCLE achieves average accuracy statistically indistinguishable from T-Coffee and MAFFT, and is the fastest of the tested methods for large numbers of sequences, aligning 5000 sequences of average length 350 in 7 min on a current desktop computer. The MUSCLE program, source code and PREFAB test data are freely available at http://www.drive5. com/muscle.  相似文献   

High-throughput crystallisation requires the rapid and accurate dispensing of protein and precipitating agent solutions at nanovolumes, but does not end there. The choice of the initial screens is very important, especially with respect to the availability of protein material. Data from previous crystallisation experiments that are scattered in the literature and only partially available in databases have to be analysed in efficient ways that will maximise their utility for designing new screens. A larger portion of crystallisation parameter space should be made accessible to screening, through the use of nucleants and seeding. Observation, assessment and scaling up of the crystallisation trials should be efficiently performed and, finally yet importantly, optimisation of conditions must also be adapted to the high-throughput environment. The above requirements are briefly addressed in the following paper.  相似文献   

The use of small molecule inhibitors of cellular processes is a powerful approach to understanding gene function that complements the genetic approach. We have designed a high throughput screen to identify new inhibitors of eukaryotic protein synthesis. We used a bicistronic mRNA reporter to multiplex our assay and simultaneously screen for inhibitors of cap-dependent initiation, internal initiation and translation elongation/termination. Functional screening of >90 000 compounds in an in vitro translation reaction identified 36 inhibitors, 14 of which are known inhibitors of translation and 18 of which are nucleic acid-binding ligands. Our results indicate that intercalators constitute a large class of protein synthesis inhibitors. Four non-intercalating compounds were identified, three of which block elongation and one of which inhibits initiation. The novel inhibitor of initiation affects 5' end-mediated initiation, as well as translation initiated from picornaviral IRESs, but does not significantly affect internal initiation from the hepatitis C virus 5'-untranslated region. This compound should be useful for delineating differences in mechanism of initiation among IRESs.  相似文献   

In today's high-throughput screening (HTS) environment, an increasing number of assay detection technologies are routinely utilized in lead finding programs. Because of the relatively broad applicability of several of these technologies, one is often faced with a choice of which technology to utilize for a specific assay. The aim of this study was to address the question of whether the same compounds would be identified from screening a set of samples in three different versions of an HTS assay. Here, three different versions of a tyrosine kinase assay were established using scintillation proximity assay (SPA), homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (HTR-FRET), and fluorescence polarization (FP) technologies. In this study, 30,000 compounds were evaluated in each version of the kinase assay in primary screening, deconvolution, and dose-response experiments. From this effort, there was only a small degree of overlap of active compounds identified subsequent to the deconvolution experiment. When all active compounds were then profiled in all three assays, 100 and 101 active compounds were identified in the HTR-FRET and FP assays, respectively. In contrast, 40 compounds were identified in the SPA version of the kinase assay, whereas all of these compounds were detected in the HTR-FRET assay only 35 were active in the FP assay. Although there was good correlation between the IC(50) values obtained in the HTR-FRET and FP assays, poor correlations were obtained with the IC(50) values obtained in the SPA assay. These findings suggest that significant differences can be observed from HTS depending on the assay technology that is utilized, particularly in assays with high hit rates.  相似文献   

This perspective discusses current DNA technologies used in basic and applied microbiology research and speculates on possible new future technologies. DNA remains one of the most fascinating molecules known to humans and will continue to revolutionize many areas ranging from medicine, food and forensics to robotics and new industrial bioproducts/biofuel from waste materials. What’s next with DNA is not always obvious, but history shows the international microbiology research community will readily adopt it.  相似文献   

Increasing our knowledge of the secretory pathway remains fundamental to a greater understanding of cell health and disease. High throughput cell biology approaches provide a new opportunity to study this important process at a truly genome-wide scale. This review highlights how techniques such as high throughput subcellular localisation, RNA interference screening and automated microscopy are now being harnessed to provide new information about secretory pathway function.  相似文献   

A semi‐automated technique for massive parallel solid‐phase organic synthesis based on a “split only” strategy is described. Two different types of purpose‐oriented reaction vessels are used. The initial steps are performed in domino blocks, and the resin‐bound intermediates then split into wells of a micro plate for the last combinatorial step. The domino block is a reaction block for manual and semi‐automatic parallel solid‐phase organic synthesis that simplifies liquid exchange and integrates common synthetic steps. The synthesis in micro plates does not use any filter for separation of resin beads from the supernatant liquid, and allows high throughput parallel synthesis on solid phase to be performed. This technique, documented on examples of diverse disubstituted benzenes, includes the use of gaseous cleavage in the last synthetic step and allows the synthesis of thousands of compounds per day in mg quantities. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng (Comb Chem) 61:135–141, 1998/1999.  相似文献   

In recent years, the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has increased its potential, also thanks to mass spectrometry (MS) proteomics. Modern MS proteomics tools permit analyzing a variety of biological samples, ranging from single cells to tissues and body fluids, like plasma and urine. This approach enhances the search for informative biomarkers in biological samples from apparently healthy individuals or patients, thus allowing an earlier and more precise diagnosis and a deeper comprehension of pathogenesis, development and outcome of CVD to further reduce the enormous burden of this disease on public health. In fact, many differences in protein expression between CVD‐affected and healthy subjects have been detected, but only a few of them have been useful to establish clinical biomarkers because they did not pass the verification and validation tests. For a concrete clinical support of MS proteomics to CVD, it is, therefore, necessary to: ameliorate the resolution, sensitivity, specificity, throughput, precision, and accuracy of MS platform components; standardize procedures for sample collection, preparation, and analysis; lower the costs of the analyses; reduce the time of biomarker verification and validation. At the same time, it will be fundamental, for the future perspectives of proteomics in clinical trials, to define the normal protein maps and the global patterns of normal protein levels, as well as those specific for the different expressions of CVD. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 7–20, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A novel generic ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric (UPLC/MS/MS) method for the high throughput quantification of samples generated during permeability assessment (PAMPA) has been developed and validated. The novel UPLC/MS/MS methodology consists of two stages. Firstly, running a 1.5min isocratic method, compound-specific multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) methods were automatically prepared. In a second stage, samples were analyzed by a 1.5min generic gradient UPLC method on a BEH C18 column (50mmx2.1mm). Compounds were detected with a Waters Micromass Quattro Premier mass spectrometer operating in positive electrospray ionization using the compound-specific MRM methods. The linearity for the validation compounds (caffeine, propranolol, ampicillin, atenolol, griseofulvin and carbamazepine) typically ranges from 3.05nM to 12,500nM and the limits of detection for all generically developed methods are in the range between 0.61nM and 12nM in an aqueous buffer. The novel generic methodology was successfully introduced within early Drug Discovery and resulted in a four-fold increase of throughput as well as a significant increase in sensitivity compared to other in-house generic LC/MS methods.  相似文献   

A novel method for discovery of HIV-1 protease inhibitors in complex biological samples has been developed. The assay is based on two specific reagents: a recombinant protein constituted by a portion of the HIV-1 Gag polyprotein comprising the p17-p24 cleavage site, fused to E. coli beta-galactosidase, and a monoclonal antibody which binds the fusion protein in the Gag region. Binding occurs only if the fusion protein has not been cleaved by the HIV-1 protease. The assay has been adapted for the screening of large numbers of samples in standard 96-well microtiter plates. Using this method about 12000 microbial fermentation broths have been tested and several HIV-1 protease inhibitory activities have been detected. One of these has been studied in detail.  相似文献   

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