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A female preference for intense sexual visual signals is widespread in animals. Although the preferences for a signal per se and for the intensity of the signal were often regarded to have the identical origin, no study has demonstrated if this is true. It was suggested that the female fiddler crabs prefer males with courtship structures because of direct benefit to escape predation. Here we tested if female preference for both components (i.e. presence and size) of the courtship structure in Uca lactea is from the sensory bias to escape predation. If both components have the identical origin, females should show the same response to different-sized courtship structures regardless of predation risk.


First, we observed responses of mate-searching female U. lactea to courting males with full-sized, half-sized and no semidomes which were experimentally manipulated. Females had a directional preference for males with bigger semidomes within normal variation. Thereafter, we tested the effect of predation risk on the female bias in the non-courtship context. When threatened by an avian mock predator, females preferentially approached burrows with full-sized semidomes regardless of reproductive cycles (i.e. reproductive periods and non-reproductive periods). When the predator cue was absent, however, females preferred burrows with semidomes without discriminating structure size during reproductive periods but did not show any bias during non-reproductive periods.


Results indicate that selection for the size of courtship structures in U. lactea may have an origin in the function to reduce predation risk, but that the preference for males with structures may have evolved by female choice, independent of predation pressure.  相似文献   

Correlations between genomic GC contents and amino acid frequencies were studied in the homologous sequences of 12 eubacterial genomes. Results show that amino acids encoded by GC-rich codons increases significantly with genomic GC contents, whereas opposite trend was observed in case of amino acids encoded by GC-poor codons. Further studies show all the amino acids do not change in the predicted direction according to their genomic GC pressure, suggesting that protein evolution is not entirely dictated by their nucleotide frequencies. Amino acid substitution matrix calculated among hydrophobic, amphipathic and hydrophilic amino acid groups' shows that amphipathic and hydrophilic amino acids are more frequently substituted by hydrophobic amino acids than from hydrophobic to hydrophilic or amphipathic amino acids. This indicates that nucleotide bias induces a directional changes in proteome composition in such a way that underwent strong changes in hydropathy values. In fact, significant increases in hydrophobicity values have also been observed with the increase of genomic GC contents. Correlations between GC contents and amino acid compositions in three different predicted protein secondary structures show that hydropathy values increases significantly with GC contents in aperiodic and helix structures whereas strand structure remains insensitive with the genomic GC levels. The relative importance of mutation and selection on the evolution of proteins have been discussed on the basis of these results.  相似文献   

The primary goal of a genomewide scan is to estimate the genomic locations of genes influencing a trait of interest. It is sometimes said that a secondary goal is to estimate the phenotypic effects of each identified locus. Here, it is shown that these two objectives cannot be met reliably by use of a single data set of a currently realistic size. Simulation and analytical results, based on variance-components linkage analysis as an example, demonstrate that estimates of locus-specific effect size at genomewide LOD score peaks tend to be grossly inflated and can even be virtually independent of the true effect size, even for studies on large samples when the true effect size is small. However, the bias diminishes asymptotically. The explanation for the bias is that the LOD score is a function of the locus-specific effect-size estimate, such that there is a high correlation between the observed statistical significance and the effect-size estimate. When the LOD score is maximized over the many pointwise tests being conducted throughout the genome, the locus-specific effect-size estimate is therefore effectively maximized as well. We argue that attempts at bias correction give unsatisfactory results, and that pointwise estimation in an independent data set may be the only way of obtaining reliable estimates of locus-specific effect-and then only if one does not condition on statistical significance being obtained. We further show that the same factors causing this bias are responsible for frequent failures to replicate initial claims of linkage or association for complex traits, even when the initial localization is, in fact, correct. The findings of this study have wide-ranging implications, as they apply to all statistical methods of gene localization. It is hoped that, by keeping this bias in mind, we will more realistically interpret and extrapolate from the results of genomewide scans.  相似文献   

Because of the large number of tests for linkage that are performed in genome scans, the naive estimator of the size of a genetic effect in cases of borderline significance can be inflated and lead to unrealistic expectations for successful replication. As a remedy, this report proposes lower confidence limits that account for the multiple comparisons of the genome scan.  相似文献   

Calculations of the significance of results from linkage analysis can be performed by simulation or by theoretical approximation, with or without the assumption of perfect marker information. Here we concentrate on theoretical approximation. Our starting point is the asymptotic approximation formula presented by Lander and Kruglyak (1995, Nature Genetics, 11, 241--247), incorporating the effect of finite marker spacing as suggested by Feingold et al. (1993, American Journal of Human Genetics, 53, 234--251). We consider two distinct ways in which this formula can be improved. Firstly, we present a formula for calculating the crossover rate rho for a pedigree of general structure. For a pedigree set, these values may then be weighted into an overall crossover rate which can be used as input to the original approximation formula. Secondly, the unadjusted p -value formula is based on the assumption of a Normally distributed nonparametric linkage (NPL) score. This leads to conservative or anti-conservative p -values of varying magnitude depending on the pedigree set structure. We adjust for non-Normality by calculating the marginal distribution of the NPL score under the null hypothesis of no linkage with an arbitrarily small error. The NPL score is then transformed to have a marginal standard Normal distribution and the transformed maximal NPL score, together with a slightly corrected value of the overall crossover rate, is inserted into the original formula in order to calculate the p -value. We use pedigrees of seven different structures to compare the performance of our suggested approximation formula to the original approximation formula, with and without skewness correction, and to results found by simulation. We also apply the suggested formula to two real pedigree set structure examples. Our method generally seems to provide improved behavior, especially for pedigree sets which show clear departure from Normality, in relation to the competing approximations.  相似文献   

Microarray experiments offer the ability to generate gene expression measurements for thousands of genes simultaneously. Work has begun recently on attempting to reconstruct genetic networks based on analyses of microarray experiments in time-course studies. An important tool in these analyses has been the singular value decomposition method. However, little work has been done on assessing the variability associated with singular value decomposition analyses. In this report, we discuss use of the bootstrap as a method of obtaining standard errors for singular value decomposition analyses. We consider use of this method both when there are replicates and when no replicates exist. The proposed methods are illustrated with an application to two datasets: one involving a human foreskin study, the other involving yeast. Electronic Publication  相似文献   



In this study we present a single population test (Ewens-Waterson) applied in a genomic context to investigate the presence of recent positive selection in the Irish population. The Irish population is an interesting focus for the investigation of recent selection since several lines of evidence suggest that it may have a relatively undisturbed genetic heritage.  相似文献   



Traditionally, heritability and other genetic parameters are estimated from between-family variation. With the advent of dense genotyping, it is now possible to compute the proportion of the genome that is shared by pairs of sibs and thus undertake the estimation within families, thereby avoiding environmental covariances of family members. Formulae for the sampling variance of estimates have been derived previously for families with two sibs, which are relevant for humans, but sampling errors are large. In livestock and plants much larger families can be obtained, and simulation has shown sampling variances are then much smaller.


Based on the assumptions that realised relationship of sibs can be obtained from genomic data and that data are analyzed by restricted maximum likelihood, formulae were derived for the sampling variance of the estimates of genetic variance for arbitrary family sizes. The analysis used statistical differentiation, assuming the variance of relationships is small.


The variance of the estimate of the additive genetic variance was approximately proportional to 1/ (fn2σR2), for f families of size n and variance of relationships σR2.


Because the standard error of the estimate of heritability decreased in proportion to family size, the use of within-family information becomes increasingly efficient as the family size increases. There are however, limitations, such as near complete confounding of additive and dominance variances in full sib families.  相似文献   

Nonrandom selection in one-sample Mendelian Randomization (MR) results in biased estimates and inflated type I error rates only when the selection effects are sufficiently large. In two-sample MR, the different selection mechanisms in two samples may more seriously affect the causal effect estimation. Firstly, we propose sufficient conditions for causal effect invariance under different selection mechanisms using two-sample MR methods. In the simulation study, we consider 49 possible selection mechanisms in two-sample MR, which depend on genetic variants (G), exposures (X), outcomes (Y) and their combination. We further compare eight pleiotropy-robust methods under different selection mechanisms. Results of simulation reveal that nonrandom selection in sample II has a larger influence on biases and type I error rates than those in sample I. Furthermore, selections depending on X+Y, G+Y, or G+X+Y in sample II lead to larger biases than other selection mechanisms. Notably, when selection depends on Y, bias of causal estimation for non-zero causal effect is larger than that for null causal effect. Especially, the mode based estimate has the largest standard errors among the eight methods. In the absence of pleiotropy, selections depending on Y or G in sample II show nearly unbiased causal effect estimations when the casual effect is null. In the scenarios of balanced pleiotropy, all eight MR methods, especially MR-Egger, demonstrate large biases because the nonrandom selections result in the violation of the Instrument Strength Independent of Direct Effect (InSIDE) assumption. When directional pleiotropy exists, nonrandom selections have a severe impact on the eight MR methods. Application demonstrates that the nonrandom selection in sample II (coronary heart disease patients) can magnify the causal effect estimation of obesity on HbA1c levels. In conclusion, nonrandom selection in two-sample MR exacerbates the bias of causal effect estimation for pleiotropy-robust MR methods.  相似文献   

Genetic and environmental covariances between pairs of complex traits are important quantitative measurements that characterize their shared genetic and environmental architectures. Accurate estimation of genetic and environmental covariances in genome-wide association studies (GWASs) can help us identify common genetic and environmental factors associated with both traits and facilitate the investigation of their causal relationship. Genetic and environmental covariances are often modeled through multivariate linear mixed models. Existing algorithms for covariance estimation include the traditional restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method and the recent method of moments (MoM). Compared to REML, MoM approaches are computationally efficient and require only GWAS summary statistics. However, MoM approaches can be statistically inefficient, often yielding inaccurate covariance estimates. In addition, existing MoM approaches have so far focused on estimating genetic covariance and have largely ignored environmental covariance estimation. Here we introduce a new computational method, GECKO, for estimating both genetic and environmental covariances, that improves the estimation accuracy of MoM while keeping computation in check. GECKO is based on composite likelihood, relies on only summary statistics for scalable computation, provides accurate genetic and environmental covariance estimates across a range of scenarios, and can accommodate SNP annotation stratified covariance estimation. We illustrate the benefits of GECKO through simulations and applications on analyzing 22 traits from five large-scale GWASs. In the real data applications, GECKO identified 50 significant genetic covariances among analyzed trait pairs, resulting in a twofold power gain compared to the previous MoM method LDSC. In addition, GECKO identified 20 significant environmental covariances. The ability of GECKO to estimate environmental covariance in addition to genetic covariance helps us reveal strong positive correlation between the genetic and environmental covariance estimates across trait pairs, suggesting that common pathways may underlie the shared genetic and environmental architectures between traits.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Through the wealth of information contained within them, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have the potential to provide researchers with a systematic means of associating genetic variants with a wide variety of disease phenotypes. Due to the limitations of approaches that have analyzed single variants one at a time, it has been proposed that the genetic basis of these disorders could be determined through detailed analysis of the genetic variants themselves and in conjunction with one another. The construction of models that account for these subsets of variants requires methodologies that generate predictions based on the total risk of a particular group of polymorphisms. However, due to the excessive number of variants, constructing these types of models has so far been computationally infeasible. RESULTS: We have implemented an algorithm, known as greedy RLS, that we use to perform the first known wrapper-based feature selection on the genome-wide level. The running time of greedy RLS grows linearly in the number of training examples, the number of features in the original data set, and the number of selected features. This speed is achieved through computational short-cuts based on matrix calculus. Since the memory consumption in present-day computers can form an even tighter bottleneck than running time, we also developed a space efficient variation of greedy RLS which trades running time for memory. These approaches are then compared to traditional wrapper-based feature selection implementations based on support vector machines (SVM) to reveal the relative speed-up and to assess the feasibility of the new algorithm. As a proof of concept, we apply greedy RLS to the Hypertension - UK National Blood Service WTCCC dataset and select the most predictive variants using 3-fold external cross-validation in less than 26 minutes on a high end desktop. On this dataset, we also show that greedy RLS has a better classification performance on independent test data than a classifier trained using features selected by a statistical p-value-based filter, which is currently the most popular approach for constructing predictive models in GWAS. CONCLUSIONS: Greedy RLS is the first known implementation of a machine learning based method with the capability to conduct a wrapper-based feature selection on an entire GWAS containing several thousand examples and over 400,000 variants. In our experiments, greedy RLS selected a highly predictive subset of genetic variants in a fraction of the time spent by wrapper-based selection methods used together with SVM classifiers. The proposed algorithms are freely available as part of the RLScore software library at http://users.utu.fi/aatapa/RLScore/.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare iterative and direct solvers for estimation of marker effects in genomic selection. One iterative and two direct methods were used: Gauss-Seidel with Residual Update, Cholesky Decomposition and Gentleman-Givens rotations. For resembling different scenarios with respect to number of markers and of genotyped animals, a simulated data set divided into 25 subsets was used. Number of markers ranged from 1,200 to 5,925 and number of animals ranged from 1,200 to 5,865. Methods were also applied to real data comprising 3081 individuals genotyped for 45181 SNPs. Results from simulated data showed that the iterative solver was substantially faster than direct methods for larger numbers of markers. Use of a direct solver may allow for computing (co)variances of SNP effects. When applied to real data, performance of the iterative method varied substantially, depending on the level of ill-conditioning of the coefficient matrix. From results with real data, Gentleman-Givens rotations would be the method of choice in this particular application as it provided an exact solution within a fairly reasonable time frame (less than two hours). It would indeed be the preferred method whenever computer resources allow its use.  相似文献   

Summary A cycle of full-sib selection is completed in three seasons while that of a modified method is completed in two seasons. In modified full-sib selection, selected families can be recombined and new families generated following a partial-diallel cross. The components of genetic variance can be estimated from the partial-diallel analysis of such families. Thus, in addition to performing selection, genetic parameters can be estimated.  相似文献   

Using validation sets for outcomes can greatly improve the estimation of vaccine efficacy (VE) in the field (Halloran and Longini, 2001; Halloran and others, 2003). Most statistical methods for using validation sets rely on the assumption that outcomes on those with no cultures are missing at random (MAR). However, often the validation sets will not be chosen at random. For example, confirmational cultures are often done on people with influenza-like illness as part of routine influenza surveillance. VE estimates based on such non-MAR validation sets could be biased. Here we propose frequentist and Bayesian approaches for estimating VE in the presence of validation bias. Our work builds on the ideas of Rotnitzky and others (1998, 2001), Scharfstein and others (1999, 2003), and Robins and others (2000). Our methods require expert opinion about the nature of the validation selection bias. In a re-analysis of an influenza vaccine study, we found, using the beliefs of a flu expert, that within any plausible range of selection bias the VE estimate based on the validation sets is much higher than the point estimate using just the non-specific case definition. Our approach is generally applicable to studies with missing binary outcomes with categorical covariates.  相似文献   

Genome scans have been an important approach for discovering historical signatures of selection in both model and nonmodel species. An exciting new experimental design for genome scans is to measure the change in allele frequency before and after contemporary selection within a generation, from a single population. The most widely‐used methods, however, have two major limitations: they are based on testing one locus at a time, and they only have power to uncover loci that have evolved under relatively strong selection. On the other hand, complex quantitative traits are common in nature and are caused by several loci of small effect. Selection on a quantitative trait at the phenotypic level is predicted to be accompanied by subtle allele frequency changes in many loci that covary (a polygenic soft sweep), rather than a large, single‐effect allele (a selective sweep). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Bourret et al. (2014) measure the contemporary response to natural selection across the genome in multiple cohorts of Atlantic salmon during their first year at sea. They introduce a multilocus framework based on groups of markers that covary in their genotypic distribution. While the traditional, single‐locus approach did not find evidence for repeated patterns of selection, the multivariate approach found that a group of covarying SNPs was selected for in different cohorts at one site. Their multilocus framework has potential to be a more fruitful approach for uncovering the genomic basis of adaptation in quantitative traits, although caution should be applied as the framework has yet to be validated with simulated data.  相似文献   

Genomic selection (GS) is a DNA-based method of selecting for quantitative traits in animal and plant breeding, and offers a potentially superior alternative to traditional breeding methods that rely on pedigree and phenotype information. Using a 60 K SNP chip with markers spaced throughout the entire chicken genome, we compared the impact of GS and traditional BLUP (best linear unbiased prediction) selection methods applied side-by-side in three different lines of egg-laying chickens. Differences were demonstrated between methods, both at the level and genomic distribution of allele frequency changes. In all three lines, the average allele frequency changes were larger with GS, 0.056 0.064 and 0.066, compared with BLUP, 0.044, 0.045 and 0.036 for lines B1, B2 and W1, respectively. With BLUP, 35 selected regions (empirical P<0.05) were identified across the three lines. With GS, 70 selected regions were identified. Empirical thresholds for local allele frequency changes were determined from gene dropping, and differed considerably between GS (0.167–0.198) and BLUP (0.105–0.126). Between lines, the genomic regions with large changes in allele frequencies showed limited overlap. Our results show that GS applies selection pressure much more locally than BLUP, resulting in larger allele frequency changes. With these results, novel insights into the nature of selection on quantitative traits have been gained and important questions regarding the long-term impact of GS are raised. The rapid changes to a part of the genetic architecture, while another part may not be selected, at least in the short term, require careful consideration, especially when selection occurs before phenotypes are observed.  相似文献   

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