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ER stress triggers myocardial contractile dysfunction while effective therapeutic regimen is still lacking. Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2), an essential mitochondrial enzyme governing mitochondrial and cardiac function, displays distinct beneficial effect on the heart. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of ALDH2 on ER stress-induced cardiac anomalies and the underlying mechanism involved with a special focus on autophagy. WT and ALDH2 transgenic mice were subjected to the ER stress inducer thapsigargin (1 mg/kg, i.p., 48 h). Echocardiographic, cardiomyocyte contractile and intracellular Ca2 + properties as well as myocardial histology, autophagy and autophagy regulatory proteins were evaluated. ER stress led to compromised echocardiographic indices (elevated LVESD, reduced fractional shortening and cardiac output), cardiomyocyte contractile and intracellular Ca2 + properties and cell survival, associated with upregulated autophagy, dampened phosphorylation of Akt and its downstream signal molecules TSC2 and mTOR, the effects of which were alleviated or mitigated by ALDH2. Thapsigargin promoted ER stress proteins Gadd153 and GRP78 without altering cardiomyocyte size and interstitial fibrosis, the effects of which were unaffected by ALDH2. Treatment with thapsigargin in vitro mimicked in vivo ER stress-induced cardiomyocyte contractile anomalies including depressed peak shortening and maximal velocity of shortening/relengthening as well as prolonged relengthening duration, the effect of which was abrogated by the autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenine and the ALDH2 activator Alda-1. Interestingly, Alda-1-induced beneficial effect against ER stress was obliterated by autophagy inducer rapamycin, Akt inhibitor AktI and mTOR inhibitor RAD001. These data suggest a beneficial role of ALDH2 against ER stress-induced cardiac anomalies possibly through autophagy reduction.  相似文献   

We report the first intracellular characterization of an endogenous nontransmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP). Using affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies, we have identified PTP-1B as a 50 kd serine phosphoprotein in immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting assays. Surprisingly, indirect immunofluorescence experiments indicate that PTP-1B is localized predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Subcellular fractionation is consistent with this localization and establishes that PTP-1B is tightly associated with microsomal membranes, with its phosphatase domain oriented towards the cytoplasm. The C-terminal 35 amino acids of PTP-1B are both necessary and sufficient for targeting to the ER. The finding of a tyrosine phosphatase on the ER suggests new possibilities for cellular events controlled by tyrosine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

TLR9 is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum prior to stimulation   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
In mammals, 10 TLRs recognize conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns, resulting in the induction of inflammatory innate immune responses. One of these, TLR9, is activated intracellularly by bacterial DNA and synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN), containing unmethylated CpG dinucleotides. Following treatment with CpG ODN, TLR9 is found in lysosome-associated membrane protein type 1-positive lysosomes, and we asked which intracellular compartment contains TLR9 before CpG exposure. Surprisingly, we found by microscopy and supporting biochemical evidence that both transfected and endogenously expressed human TLR9 is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. By contrast, human TLR4 trafficked to the cell surface, indicating that endoplasmic reticulum retention is not a property common to all TLRs. Because TLR9 is observed in endocytic vesicles following exposure to CpG ODN, our data indicate that a special mechanism must exist for translocating TLR9 to the signaling compartments that contain the CpG DNA.  相似文献   

The addition of sialic acid to glycoproteins and glycolipids requires Golgi sialyltransferases to have access to their glycoconjugate substrates and nucleotide sugar donor, CMP-sialic acid. CMP-sialic acid is transported into the lumen of the Golgi complex through the CMP-sialic acid transporter, an antiporter that also functions to transport CMP into the cytosol. We localized the transporter using immunofluorescence and deconvolution microscopy to test the prediction that it is broadly distributed across the Golgi stack to serve the many sialyltransferases involved in glycoconjugate sialylation. The transporter co-localized with ST6GalI in the medial and trans Golgi, showed partial overlap with a medial Golgi marker and little overlap with early Golgi or trans Golgi network markers. Endoplasmic reticulum-retained forms of sialyltransferases did not redistribute the transporter from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that transporter-sialyltransferase complexes are not involved in transporter localization. Next we evaluated the role of the transporter's N- and C-terminal cytoplasmic tails in its trafficking and localization. The N-tail was not required for either endoplasmic reticulum export or Golgi localization. The C-tail was required for endoplasmic reticulum export and contained di-Ile and terminal Val motifs at its very C terminus that function as independent endoplasmic reticulum export signals. Deletion of the last four amino acids of the C-tail (IIGV) eliminated these export signals and prevented endoplasmic reticulum export of the transporter. This form of the transporter supplied limited amounts of CMP-sialic acid to Golgi sialyltransferases but was unable to completely rescue the transporter defect of Lec2 Chinese hamster ovary cells.  相似文献   

1,3-beta-D-Glucan, a major filamentous component of the cell wall in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is synthesized by 1,3-beta-glucan synthase (GS). Although a yeast gene whose product is required for GS activity in vitro, GNS1, was isolated and characterized, its role in GS function has remained unknown. In the current study we show that Deltagns1 cells accumulate a non-competitive and non-proteinous inhibitor(s) in the membrane fraction. Investigations of inhibitory activity on GS revealed that the inhibitor(s) is mainly present in the sphingolipid fraction. It is shown that Deltagns1 cells contain phytosphingosine (PHS), an intermediate in the sphingolipid biosynthesis, 30-fold more than wild-type cells do. The membrane fraction isolated from Deltasur2 cells contains an increased amount of dihydrosphingosine (DHS) and also exhibits reduced GS activity. Among constituents of the sphingolipid fraction, PHS and DHS show striking inhibition in a non-competitive manner. The intracellular level of DHS is much lower than that of PHS in wild-type cells, suggesting that PHS is the primary inhibitor of GS in vivo. The localization of PHS to the endoplasmic reticulum in wild-type cells coincides with that of the inhibitor(s) in Deltagns1 cells. Taken together, our results indicate that PHS is a potent inhibitor of yeast GS in vivo.  相似文献   

Peripheral endoplasmic reticulum membrane proteins residing in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum occupy the same space as other secreted proteins. The presence of a four amino acid salvage or retention signal (KDEL-COOH = Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu-COOH) at the carboxyl-terminal end of peripheral membrane proteins has been shown to represent a signal or an essential part of a signal for their retention within the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In heart and skeletal muscle, a number of sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins have recently been identified which are peripheral membrane proteins. The high-affinity calcium-binding protein (55 kilodaltons (kDa] appears to conform to the above described mechanisms and contains the KDEL carboxyl-terminal tetrapeptide. Thyroid hormone binding protein is present in the sarcoplasmic reticulum, in addition to its endoplasmic reticulum location, and has a modified but related tetrapeptide sequence (RDEL = Arg-Asp-Glu-Leu), which also probably functions as the retention signal. Calsequestrin and a 53-kDa glycoprotein, two other peripheral membrane proteins residing in the lumen of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, do not contain the KDEL retention signal. The sarcoplasmic reticulum may have developed a unique retention mechanism(s) for these muscle-specific proteins.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B x antigen up-regulates the liver expression of URG7 that contributes to sustain chronic virus infection and to increase the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma by its anti-apoptotic activity. We have investigated the subcellular localization of URG7 expressed in HepG2 cells and determined its membrane topology by glycosylation mapping in vitro. The results demonstrate that URG7 is N-glycosylated and located to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane with an Nlumen–Ccytosol orientation. The results imply that the anti-apoptotic effect of URG7 could arise from the C-terminal cytosolic tail binding a pro-apoptotic signaling factor and retaining it to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

There is evidence that a carboxyl-terminal valine residue is an anterograde transport signal for type I transmembrane proteins. Removal of the signal would either delay glycosylation in the Golgi complex of proteins destined to recycle to the endoplasmic reticulum or determine accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum of newly synthesized proteins destined for the plasma membrane. We used the human CD8 alpha glycoprotein to investigate the role of the carboxyl-terminal valine in the exocytic pathway. Using immunofluorescence light microscopy, metabolic labeling, and cell fractionation, we demonstrate that removal of the carboxyl-terminal valine residue delays transport of CD8 alpha from the endoplasmic reticulum to the intermediate compartment. Removal of the residue did not affect the other steps of the exocytic pathway or the folding/dimerization and glycosylation processes. Therefore, it is likely that this signal plays a role in the transport of CD8 alpha from the endoplasmic reticulum to the intermediate compartment either before or during the formation of the transport vesicles that drive the exit the protein from the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell movement of beet yellows closterovirus requires four structural proteins and a 6-kDa protein (p6) that is a conventional, nonstructural movement protein. Here we demonstrate that either virus infection or p6 overexpression results in association of p6 with the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The p6 protein possesses a single-span, transmembrane, N-terminal domain and a hydrophilic, C-terminal domain that is localized on the cytoplasmic face of the endoplasmic reticulum. In the infected cells, p6 forms a disulfide bridge via a cysteine residue located near the protein's N terminus. Mutagenic analyses indicated that each of the p6 domains, as well as protein dimerization, is essential for p6 function in virus movement.  相似文献   

Neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase (NCEH) accounts for a large part of the nCEH activity in macrophage foam cells, a hallmark of atherosclerosis, but its subcellular localization and structure-function relationship are unknown. Here, we determined subcellular localization, glycosylation, and nCEH activity of a series of NCEH mutants expressed in macrophages. NCEH is a single-membrane-spanning type II membrane protein comprising three domains: N-terminal, catalytic, and lipid-binding domains. The N-terminal domain serves as a type II signal anchor sequence to recruit NCEH to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with its catalytic domain within the lumen. All of the putative N-linked glycosylation sites (Asn270, Asn367, and Asn389) of NCEH are glycosylated. Glycosylation at Asn270, which is located closest to the catalytic serine motif, is important for the enzymatic activity. Cholesterol loading by incubation with acetyl-LDL does not change the ER localization of NCEH. In conclusion, NCEH is targeted to the ER of macrophages, where it hydrolyzes CE to deliver cholesterol for efflux out of the cells.  相似文献   

Signal sequences for insertion of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum induce translocation of either the C- or the N-terminal sequence across the membrane. The end that is translocated is primarily determined by the flanking charges and the hydrophobic domain of the signal. To characterize the hydrophobic contribution to topogenesis, we have challenged the translocation machinery in vivo in transfected COS cells with model proteins differing exclusively in the apolar segment of the signal. Homo-oligomers of hydrophobic amino acids as different in size and shape as Val(19), Trp(19), and Tyr(22) generated functional signal sequences with similar topologies in the membrane. The longer a homo-oligomeric sequence of a given residue, the more N-terminal translocation was obtained. To determine the topogenic contribution of all uncharged amino acids in the context of a hydrophobic signal sequence, two residues in a generic oligoleucine signal were exchanged for all uncharged amino acids. The resulting scale resembles a hydrophobicity scale with the more hydrophobic residues promoting N-terminal translocation. In addition, the helix breakers glycine and proline showed a position-dependent effect, which raises the possibility of a conformational contribution to topogenesis.  相似文献   

Transport vesicles coated with the COPII complex, which is assembled from Sar1p, Sec23p-Sec24p, and Sec13p-Sec31p, are involved in protein export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We previously identified and characterized a novel Sec23p-interacting protein, p125, that is only expressed in mammals and exhibits sequence homology with phosphatidic acid-preferring phospholipase A(1) (PA-PLA(1)). In this study, we examined the localization and function of p125 in detail. By using immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, we found that p125 is principally localized in ER exit sites where COPII-coated vesicles are produced. Analyses of chimeric proteins comprising p125 and two other members of the mammalian PA-PLA(1) family (PA-PLA(1) and KIAA0725p) showed that, for localization to ER exit sites, the p125-specific N-terminal region is critical, and the putative lipase domain is interchangeable with KIAA0725p but not with PA-PLA(1). RNA interference-mediated depletion of p125 affected the organization of ER exit sites. The structure of the cis-Golgi compartment was also substantially disturbed, whereas the medial-Golgi was not. Protein export from the ER occurred without a significant delay in p125-depleted cells. Our study suggests that p125 is a mammalian-specific component of ER exit sites and participates in the organization of this compartment.  相似文献   

The eta isoform of protein kinase C, isolated from a cDNA library of mouse skin, has unique tissue and cellular distributions. It is predominantly expressed in epithelia of the skin, digestive tract, and respiratory tract in close association with epithelial differentiation. We report here that this isoform is localized on the rough endoplasmic reticulum in transiently expressing COS1 cells and constitutively expressing keratinocytes. By the use of polyclonal antibodies raised against peptides of the diverse D1 and D2/D3 regions, we found that immunofluorescent signals were strongest in the cytoplasm around the nucleus and became weaker toward the peripheral cytoplasm. Under immunoelectron microscopic examination, electron-dense signals were located on the rough endoplasmic reticulum and on the outer nuclear membrane which is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. However, no signals were detected in the nucleus, inner nuclear membrane, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, or plasma membrane. Treatment of the cells in situ with detergents suggested association of the isoform of protein kinase C with intracellular structures. By immunoblotting, a distinct single band with an M(r) of 80,000 was detected in whole-cell lysate and in rough microsomal and crude nuclear fractions, all of which contain outer nuclear membrane and/or rough endoplasmic reticulum. We further demonstrated the absence of a nuclear localization signal in the pseudosubstrate sequence. The present observation is not consistent with the report of Greif et al. (H. Greif, J. Ben-Chaim, T. Shimon, E. Bechor, H. Eldar, and E. Livneh, Mol. Cell. Biol. 12:1304-1311, 1992).  相似文献   

The COOH-terminal sequence KDEL has been shown to be essential for the retention of several proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (Munro S., and Pelham, H. R. B. (1987) Cell 48, 899-907; Pelham, H. R. B. (1988) EMBO J. 7, 913-918; Mazzarella; R. A., Srinivasan, M., Haugejorden, S. M., and Green, M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 1092-1101). We have previously demonstrated that variants to the KDEL retention signal, particularly at the initial two positions of the tetrapeptide, can be made without affecting its ability to direct intracellular retention when appended to the neuropeptide Y precursor (pro-NPY) (Andres, D. A., Dickerson, I. M., and Dixon, J. E. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 5952-5955). To further investigate the nature of the KDEL retention signal, oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis and transfection was used to generate stable mouse anterior pituitary AtT-20 cell lines expressing pro-NPY mutants with variants of the KDEL sequence added to their direct carboxyl terminus. Analyses of dibasic processing and indirect immunofluorescent microscopy of AtT-20 subclones were consistent with the retention of the pro-NPY mutants bearing the COOH-terminal extensions QDEL, KEDL, or KDEI within the endoplasmic reticulum. A change in the final amino acid of the tetrapeptide from Leu to Val abolished retention completely, and the peptide hormone was processed and secreted. These results indicate that only a limited number of conservative changes can be made to the final two positions of the tetrapeptide without abolishing activity and suggest a highly specific interaction of the retention signal and the KDEL receptor.  相似文献   

We used immunocytochemical and fluorescence assays to investigate the subcellular location of the protein encoded by Down syndrome critical region gene 2 (DSCR2) in transfected cells. It was previously suggested that DSCR2 is located in the plasma membrane as an integral membrane protein. Interestingly, we observed this protein in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of cells. We also studied whether the truncated forms of DSCR2 showed different subcellular distributions. Our observations indicate that DSCR2 probably is not inserted into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum since the fragments lacking the predicted transmembrane (TM) helices remained associated with the ER. Our analyses suggest that, although DSCR2 is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, it is not an integral membrane protein and it is maintained on the cytoplasmic side of the ER by indirect interaction with the ER membrane or with another protein.  相似文献   

Here we report a novel small protein that is highly conserved across vertebrates. The protein, which we have named TRIQK, has no homology to any previously reported proteins or functional domains, but all vertebrate homologs of this protein share a characteristic triple repeat of the sequence QXXK/R, as well as a hydrophobic C-terminal region. The Xenopus triqk gene (xTriqk) was isolated in an expression screen on the basis of its ability to cause dramatic changes in cell size and nuclear size and morphology in developing embryos. The Xenopus and mouse triqk genes are broadly expressed throughout embryogenesis, and mtriqk is also generally expressed in mouse adult tissues. TRIQK proteins are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Depletion of endogenous xTRIQK protein in Xenopus embryos causes no detectable morphological or functional changes in tadpoles.  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that the paraoxonase (PON1/2/3) genes and proteins are expressed in human intestinal biopsies and in Caco-2 cells. The current study aims were to explore whether PON1/2/3 expression is different in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) or celiac disease compared to healthy controls, and to explore the intracellular localization of PON1/2/3. Our results showed that significantly fewer biopsies expressed PON1 and PON3 in the duodenum of celiac patients (PON1, P<0.0001; PON3, P=0.03), in the terminal ileum of Crohn's patients (PON1, P=0.001; PON3, P=0.008), and in the colon of UC patients (PON1, P=0.02; PON3, P=0.06) compared to controls. Since all three disorders share markedly elevated inflammatory mediators we explored the PON1/2/3 mRNA expression on cytokine stimulation. No changes were observed in Caco-2 and HT29 cells. Immunofluorescence experiments localized PON1/2/3 exclusively to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in both CaCo-2 and HT29 cells. These results demonstrate for the first time a novel relationship between PON1 and PON3 expression and several inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders. Together with the localization of PON1/2/3 enzymes to the ER, it may be suggested that PON1/2/3 may have extracellular functions as part of the host response in IBD and celiac disease.  相似文献   

Hsp40 co-chaperones, characterized by the presence of a highly conserved J domain, are involved in nearly all aspects of protein synthesis, folding, and secretion. Within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, these chaperones are also involved in reverse translocation and degradation of misfolded proteins. We describe here the cloning and characterization of a novel Hsp40 chaperone, which we named HEDJ. Epitope-tagged HEDJ was demonstrated by confocal microscopy to be localized to the endoplasmic reticulum. Protease susceptibility, glycosidase treatment, and detergent solubility assays demonstrated that the molecule was luminally oriented and membrane-associated. In vitro experiments demonstrated that the J domain interacted with the endoplasmic reticulum-associated Hsp70, Bip, in an ATP-dependent manner and was capable of stimulating its ATPase activity. HEDJ mRNA expression was detected in all human tissues examined. Highly homologous sequences were found in mouse, Drosophila, and Caenorhabditis elegans data bases. These results suggest potential roles for HEDJ in protein import, folding, or translocation within the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

CPT1c is a carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1) isoform that is expressed only in the brain. The enzyme has recently been localized in neuron mitochondria. Although it has high sequence identity with the other two CPT1 isoenzymes (a and b), no CPT activity has been detected to date. Our results indicate that CPT1c is expressed in neurons but not in astrocytes of mouse brain sections. Overexpression of CPT1c fused to the green fluorescent protein in cultured cells demonstrates that CPT1c is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum rather than mitochondria and that the N-terminal region of CPT1c is responsible for endoplasmic reticulum protein localization. Western blot experiments with cell fractions from adult mouse brain corroborate these results. In addition, overexpression studies demonstrate that CPT1c does not participate in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation, as would be expected from its subcellular localization. To identify the substrate of CPT1c enzyme, rat cDNA was overexpressed in neuronal PC-12 cells, and the levels of acylcarnitines were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Palmitoylcarnitine was the only acylcarnitine to increase in transfected cells, which indicates that palmitoyl-CoA is the enzyme substrate and that CPT1c has CPT1 activity. Microsomal fractions of PC-12 and HEK293T cells overexpressing CPT1c protein showed a significant increase in CPT1 activity of 0.57 and 0.13 nmol.mg(-1).min(-1), respectively, which is approximately 50% higher than endogenous CPT1 activity. Kinetic studies demonstrate that CPT1c has similar affinity to CPT1a for both substrates but 20-300 times lower catalytic efficiency.  相似文献   

The lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) differs from the cytosol in its content of ions and other small molecules, but it is unclear whether the ER membrane is as impermeable as other membranes in the cell. Here, we have tested the permeability of the ER membrane to small, nonphysiological molecules. We report that isolated ER vesicles allow different chemical modification reagents to pass from the outside into the lumen with little hindrance. In permeabilized cells, the ER membrane allows the passage of a small, charged modification reagent that is unable to cross the plasma membrane or the lysosomal and trans-Golgi membranes. A larger polar reagent of approximately 5 kDa is unable to pass through the ER membrane. Permeation of the small molecules is passive because it occurs at low temperature in the absence of energy. These data indicate that the ER membrane is significantly more leaky than other cellular membranes, a property that may be required for protein folding and other functions of the ER.  相似文献   

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