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The present paper reports 10 species of Bosentomon, including 9 new species, whichwere collected from Nanking, Wusih, Soochow and Shanghai, in the latter half of 1963.Types are preserved in the museum of East China Entomological Institute, AcademiaSinica, Shanghai. Their specific characters are summarized as follows:  相似文献   

This paper deals with two new species of the genus Scolytoplatypus Schaufuss 1891.These species represent two groups of the genus,one with and the other lacking thedorsal pore in the pronotum.The types are deposited in the museum of the Instituteof Zoology,Academia Sinica. Scolytoplatypus sinensis,sp.nov. Body length ?3.0 mm,? 3.1mm,dark-brown,elytral declivity red-brown,an-tennae and tarsi yellowish-brown.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the larvae of 10 species of Luciliini from China. The 10 species of Luciliini are as follows: Hypopygiopais infumata (Bigot, 1877), Fig. 1. Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wied., 1830), Fig. 2. Lucilia sericata (Meig., 1826), Fig. 3. L. cuprina (Wied., 1830), Fig. 4. L. illustris (Meig., 1826), Fig. 5. L. caesar (L., 1758), Fig. 6. L. porphyrina (Walk., 1857), Fig. 7. L. ampullacea laoshanensis Quo, 1952, Fig. 8.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author described the larvae of Chinese Chrysomyine flies. All larval specimens of the seven species studied in this paper were reared in the laboratory. The 7 species of Chrysomyinae are as follows: Chrysomya megacephala (Fab., 1794). Fig.1. Ch. pinguis (Wlk., 1858). Ch. bezziana Vill., 1914, Fig.2. Ch. defixa (Wlk., 1857), Fig.3. Achaetandrus rufifacies (Macq., 1842). Fig. 4a.b. Ach. villeneuvii (Patton. 1922). Fig. 4b. (right 5, 8.) Ceylonomyia nigripes (Aubt., 1932). Fig. 5. The larvae of following species are described for the first time.  相似文献   

<正> The megacerine deer (the tribe Megacerini of the subfamily Cervinae) is a rather ancient extinct group, known from the end of the Miocene, The tribe comprises 8 genera: Megaceros Owen, 1844, Sinomegaceros Dietrich, 1933, Praemegaceros Portis, 1920, Praedama Portis, 1920, Arvernoceros Heintz, 1970, Neomegaloceros Korotkevitch, 1971, Orchonoceros Vislobokova, 1979 and Praesinomegaceros Vislobokova, 1983. The Pleistocene history of megacerines is much studied regarding the evolutionary stage of these deer. Almost all students recognize the existence of two branches of megacerines in the Pleistocene of Europe: one of these connected with Megaceros giganteus (Blumenbach, 1803) and the other with Praemegaceros verticornis (Dawkins, 1872), although the estimations of the systematic range of these cervids are different (Azzaroli,  相似文献   

<正> Mammalian pelage color can vary among individuals of many species, although this intraspecific variation is oftenoverlooked by researchers, perhaps because of its sometimes subtle nature and difficulty in assessing it quantitatively. Thus, suchvariation is rarely studied in mammals, and this is especially true within the order Chiroptera, where there has been very little empiricalresearch. We examined museum specimens of red bats (Lasiurus borealis, family Vespertilionidae) from Georgia, USA, todetermine the extent of sexual dimorphism in pelage color and to explore possible associations between body size and pelagecolor. We photographed 54 specimens under uniform lighting, and used an image analysis program to measure pelage hue on theuropatagium region, which is fully furred in members of the genus Lasiurus. Statistical analyses of pelage hue scores showedmales had significantly redder pelage than females when considered alone, but when examined together with effects of body sizeand collection year, sex was not significant, and collection year and body size were. More recent specimens tended to be less redthan older specimens, which might indicate a wearing of the buffy tips of hairs from older specimens, and smaller bats of bothsexes tended to be more red. These interesting findings are encouraging and we suggest that future explorations into intraspecificvariation in pelage color of bats using this or similar approaches are warranted to clarify the significance of the patterns. Thisstudy also demonstrated that care must be taken in analyses of mammalian pelage color from older museum skins, or at least thatresearchers must take into account the age of the specimens .  相似文献   

编者按:英国通过鸦片战争强行割让我国香港与九龙之后,十九世纪七十年代,又派人两次从印度拉合尔(lull’)re,现隶巴基斯坦)出发,向北深入到我国新疆莎车(Yalkand),以科学考察为掩护,其实际目的是军事上的需要。因两次调查均由T.DOuglasForsyth带队,故又称“Forsy  相似文献   

HistoricalreviewoneshouldexpectthatanewtheorychangesorimprovestheunderstandingofPhylogeneticquestions.ThatdoesnotseemtobetrueoftheoriginoftetrapodsasRosenetal.(l98l)havealreadyshowninthecaseoftheapPearanceofDarwin's'ontheoriginofsPecies"inl859.Incontrast,thehistoryofthedevelopmentofhypothesesontheoriginoftetrapodsdemonstratesthatdiscoveryofnewextantorfos-silforms(Tab.l)shapesourunderstandingoftherelationshipoftetrapodstofishes.Thefrstextantlungfishwasdiscoveredinl836inSouthAmerica(Fitzinge…  相似文献   

Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) is the key project for the governance and development of the Yangtze River. TGR is an important region for the ecological and environmental protection in the Yangtze River economic belt. The hydrology and water environment have taken fundamental changes since the impoundment of TGR with some negative ecological and environmental problems. To address whether the aquatic ecosystem of TGR is healthy or not, the phytoplankton community index (PhyCoI) was used to assess the ecosystem health of TGR. Field survey was carried out on April 2015 in the whole region of TGR, including 23 tributary bays and 18 sections in the main channel of TGR with 173 sampling sites. A total of 61 phytoplankton taxa were identified, belonging to Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta, Cryptophyta, Pyrrophyta, Euglenophyta, and Chrysophyta. Based on the scores of PhyCoI, the overall health status of TGR is good, with 68% sites in the status of very healthy (4≤PhyCoI<5) or healthy (3≤PhyCoI<4), 26% sites in sub-healthy (2≤PhyCoI<3), and 6% sites in general sick condition (1≤PhyCoI<2). Specifically, 96% sites in the main channel of TGR are healthy, and other 4% sites are in the status of sub-healthy. In the tributary bays, the ratios for the status of very healthy, healthy, sub-healthy, and general sick are 2%, 53%, 35%, and 9%, respectively. From the view of spatial distribution, overall health status of the main channel of TGR is good, and the health status of the main channel in Hubei Province is better than that in the Chongqing Province. In addition, the health status of sites in the Xiangxi Bay, Meixi Bay, and Xiaojiang Bay were highly variable. And in general, the health status of the bays near the dam of TGR is better than the bays far away from the dam. These results provide science and technology support for ecological and environmental protection of TGR. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The 2nd Congress of the Paleobotanical Society of Palaeontological Society and the Paleobolanical symposium (1987) held from November 24th to 27th at Nanjing, Jiangsu. Present at the meeting were 86 Chinese paleobotanists and several students from research institutes, universities, colleges, natural historical museums and geological, coal- and petroleum-prospecting parties.  相似文献   

To better understand zooplankton distribution and its relationship with the physical-chemical factors in middle Yangtze River, we collected 20 zooplankton samples from segments at Yichang, Jingzhou, Yueyang, Wuhan and Hukou in October, 2016. A total of 23 species that belong to 13 families and 14 genera were identified, among which 16 species belong to Rotifera, 4 to Copepoda and 3 to Cladocera. Among the five segments, the highest number of zooplankton species was detected at Hukou (9 species), while the lowest was at Yueyang (5 species). The average density at Wuhan (10.94±5.81) ind./L was higher than that at Hukou and the other segments. Rotifers (3.41±0.21) ind./L were dominant in the zooplanktonic community, and Keratella valga, Synchacta atylata and Keratella cochlearis were the dominant species. The average density of copepods (mainly nauplius) was (0.75±0.07) ind./L. Cladocera had the lowest average density. Similarly, the zooplankton biomass at Wuhan was also higher than that at Hukou and the other three segments. Comparing with studies at other segments of Yangtze River, we detected lower zooplankton diversity in our investigation. Spearman correlations indicated that the biomass and diversity of zooplankton were significantly and positively correlated (P<0.05) to chlorophyll a. © 2019, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The freshwater copepod-fauna of Yunnan Province is heretofore imperfectly known,although it had previously been reported by several authors, such as Brehm (1921, 1923,1930, 1931) from the Erh Hai Lake, Ta-li; Chappuis (1936) from Yungning; Tchangand Ⅰ (1945) from the Kunming Lake; Hsiao (1950) from the Erh-Hai Lake, Ta-li, andthe present authors (1964) from Hsi-Song-Pang-Na, Tai Autonomous County, SouthernYunnan, amounting in all not more than 26 species from the various localities mentionedabove. Recently, colleagues of the Institute of Hydrobiology have kindly put at our dis-posal three lots of zooplankton samples, which were collected during July—September,  相似文献   

Benson, P. C., Tarboton, W. R., Allan, D. G. & Dobbs, J. C. 1990. The breeding status of the Cape Vulture in the Transvaal during 1980–1985. Ostrich 61: 134–142.

Ten of the 11 extant Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colonies in the Transvaal were censused using aerial and/or ground census techniques in the 1980–1985 breeding seasons. Minimum counts were obtained and best estimates of total numbers of “active nests” were determined using correction factors to compensate for incomplete photocoverage in the aerial technique and nest failures prior to the census dates. In 1985, the year when the most complete data were available, a minimum of 2741 and a best estimate of 2987 active nests were determined to be present in the Transvaal. At the large colonies, which were intensively monitored, breeding numbers did not fluctuate greatly from year to year, and it is thus estimated that about 3000 pairs of birds bred yearly in the Transvaal during the study period. Although the data indicate that the total numbers are greater than previously thought this is due to improved census techniques, rather than an increase in the population. Ninety-eight percent of breeding occurred at six colonies and 82% at three (Kransberg, Blouberg and Manutsa). The large colonies are associated with communal grazing (homelands) Private cattle and game farming and nature conservation areas, where the use of poison for predator control is minimal. The vulnerable status afforded the Cape Vulture in the South African Red Data Book—Birds (Brooke 1984) is justified because of the bird's disappearance from some breeding colonies, reduction in numbers at others and its vulnerability to poisoning.  相似文献   

<正> The Cenozoic deposits of Jingle area was first explored by Teilhard de Chardin & Young in 1929, and six species of mammals: Hipparion houfenense, Gazella blacki Antilospira licenti, Elephas sp., Cervus sp., and Rhinocerotidae gen. indet, were found from the Red Clay in Loc. 1 (Hefeng). Based on the Jingle Fauna, Teilhard de Chardin & Young concluded that the fossil-bearing layer was situated between the typical Hipparion richthofeni Red Clay (Pontian) and the Sanmenian deposits (Polycene) (Teilhard de Chardin & Young, 1930, 1931) and called it "Upper Pontian". Since then, Jingle Formation (or Jingle Red Clay) has been widely used in the stratigraphic generalization of North China (Pei et al., 1963) although its definition and age assignment have never been cleared up. "Jinglean" was put into use for the first time as a stage name by Li et al. (1984, in Chinese) to represent Early Pliocene tentatively: "It may be equivalent to Early Pliocene, more plausibly, it is later ...... Jinglean was temporarily used here to represent Early Pliocene by tradition." In order to make clear the age of Jingle Red Clay and enrich the Hefeng Fauna, a field survey was made in the Summer of 1986 by Chen Xiaofeng and the author. An assemblage of fossil micromammals was unearthed by means of wet-sieving techniques. About 1 ton of sediments from Hefeng (Loc. 86007, or Loc. 1) and Xiagaoai (Loc. 86008, or Loc. 2) in Jingle county (see fig. 1), yielded over 1000 specimens of small mammals. The specimens are from four layers (see table 1), and the present paper only deals with the micromammals from the sand layer and the Red Clay at Hefeng (fig. 2).  相似文献   

SudsrucodedMChy,1848OrderthytdaJaekd,1911wMarmpeytdaeEastman,l898beusHmpopsges'nov'Tpe~Hofrpetahchdnytonguaeasisgen'etSP'nov'~dsSmall-edmacropetalichthytd'Roedandpincalplatheincontac,completeymparahngthepreorbitalplaus'Posteriorpit-linesextendingposteri0riytothetal-line,and0SSficahoncenterofthenuchalplatesitUatalattheposteriorhalfoftheplate'Supia0rbitalsensorycanalnotconvergingwiththeposteri0rpit-lines'~gyHOl-(Gr')whole,enhre,COmPlete;-Petahchthy(G'),ofAnuedinthe.genencnamesofthePeta…  相似文献   

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