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Summary A three-dimensional 1H chemical shift/1H-15N dipolar coupling/15N chemical shift correlation spectrum was obtained on a sample of specifically 15N-labeled magainin peptides oriented in lipid bilayers between glass plates in a flat-coil probe. The spectrum showed complete resolution of the resonances from two labeled amide sites in all three dimensions. The three orientationally dependent frequencies associated with each resonance enabled the orientation of the peptide planes to be determined relative to the direction of the applied magnetic field. These results demonstrate the feasibility of multiple-pulse spectroscopy in a flat-coil probe, the ability to measure three spectral parameters from each site in a single experiment, and the potential for resolving among many labeled sites in oriented membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The coat proteins of filamentous phage are first synthesized as transmembrane proteins and then assembled onto the extruding viral particles. We investigated the transmembrane conformation of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pf3 phage coat protein using proton-decoupled 15N and 31P solid-state NMR spectroscopy. The protein was either biochemically purified and uniformly labelled with 15N or synthesized chemically and labelled at specific sites. The proteins were then reconstituted into oriented phospholipid bilayers and the resulting samples analysed. The data suggest a model in which the protein adopts a tilted helix with an angle of approximately 30 degrees and an N-terminal 'swinging arm' at the membrane surface.  相似文献   

Statins are drugs that specifically inhibit the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase and thereby reduce the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which represents a well-established risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. The results of several clinical trials have shown that there are important intermolecular differences responsible for the broader pharmacologic actions of statins, even beyond HMG-CoA reductase inhibition. According to one hypothesis, the biological effects exerted by these compounds depend on their localization in the cellular membrane. The aim of the current work was to study the interactions of different statins with phospholipid membranes and to investigate their influence on the membrane structure and dynamics using various solid-state NMR techniques. Using 1H NOESY MAS NMR, it was shown that atorvastatin, cerivastatin, fluvastatin, rosuvastatin, and some percentage of pravastatin intercalate the lipid-water interface of POPC membranes to different degrees. Based on cross-relaxation rates, the different average distribution of the individual statins in the bilayer was determined quantitatively. Investigation of the influence of the investigated statins on membrane structure revealed that lovastatin had the least effect on lipid packing and chain order, pravastatin significantly lowered lipid chain order, while the other statins slightly decreased lipid chain order parameters mostly in the middle segments of the phospholipid chains.  相似文献   

The interchain (13)C-(19)F dipolar coupling measured in a rotational-echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiment performed on mixtures of differently labeled KIAGKIA-KIAGKIA-KIAGKIA (K3) peptides (one specifically (13)C labeled, and the other specifically (19)F labeled) in multilamellar vesicles of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (1:1) shows that K3 forms close-packed clusters, primarily dimers, in bilayers at a lipid/peptide molar ratio (L/P) of 20. Dipolar coupling to additional peptides is weaker than that within the dimers, consistent with aggregates of monomers and dimers. Analysis of the sideband dephasing rates indicates a preferred orientation between the peptide chains of the dimers. The combination of the distance and orientation information from REDOR is consistent with a parallel (N-N) dimer structure in which two K3 helices intersect at a cross-angle of approximately 20 degrees. Static (19)F NMR experiments performed on K3 in oriented lipid bilayers show that between L/P = 200 and L/P = 20, K3 chains change their absolute orientation with respect to the membrane normal. This result suggests that the K3 dimers detected by REDOR at L/P = 20 are not on the surface of the bilayer but are in a membrane pore.  相似文献   

The orientation of the insect antibiotic peptide cecropin A (CecA) in the phospholipid bilayer membrane was determined using (15)N solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Two peptide samples, each specifically labeled with (15)N at Val(11) or Ala(27), were synthesized by solid phase techniques. The peptides were incorporated into phospholipid bilayers, prepared from a mixture of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol, and oriented on glass slides. The (15)N chemical shift solid-state NMR spectra from these uniaxially oriented samples display a single (15)N chemical shift frequency for each labeled residue. Both frequencies are near the upfield end of the (15)N chemical shift powder pattern, as expected for an alpha-helix with its long axis in the plane of the membrane and the NH bonds perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. These results support a mechanism of action in which CecA binds to and covers the membrane surface, thereby causing a general destabilization and leakiness of the lipid bilayer membrane. The data are discussed in relation to a proposed mechanism of membrane lysis and bacterial killing via an ion channel activity of CecA.  相似文献   

Interaction of bovine myelin basic protein and its constituent charge isomers (C1-C3) with phospholipid bilayers was studied using solid-state NMR experiments on model membranes. 31P NMR experiments on multilamellar vesicles and mechanically aligned bilayers were used to measure the degree of protein-induced disorder in the lipid headgroup region while 2H NMR data provided the disorder caused by the protein in the hydrophobic core of the bilayers. Our results suggest that MBP and its charge isomers neither fragment nor significantly disrupt DMPC, POPC, POPC:POPG, and POPE bilayers. These results demonstrate that the MBP-induced fragmentation of POPC bilayers is due to the freeze-thaw cycles used in the preparation of multilamellar vesicles and not due to intrinsic protein-lipid interactions.  相似文献   

Sarcolipin (SLN), a 31 amino acid integral membrane protein, regulates SERCA1a and SERCA2a, two isoforms of the sarco(endo)plasmic Ca-ATPase, by lowering their apparent Ca(2+) affinity and thereby enabling muscle relaxation. SLN is expressed in both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers with significant expression levels also found in the cardiac muscle. SLN shares approximately 30% identity with the transmembrane domain of phospholamban (PLN), and recent solution NMR studies carried out in detergent micelles indicate that the two polypeptides bind to SERCA in a similar manner. Previous 1D solid-state NMR experiments on selectively (15)N-labeled sites showed that SLN crosses the lipid bilayer with an orientation nearly parallel to the bilayer normal. With a view toward the characterization of SLN structure and its interactions with both lipids and SERCA, herein we report our initial structural and topological assignments of SLN in mechanically oriented DOPC/DOPE lipid bilayers as mapped by 2D (15)N PISEMA experiments. The PISEMA spectra obtained on uniformly (15)N-labeled protein as well as (15)N-Leu, (15)N-Ile and (15)N-Val map the secondary structure of SLN and, simultaneously, reveal that SLN exists in two distinct topologies. Both the major and the minor populations assume an orientation with the helix axis tilted by approximately 23 degrees with respect to the lipid bilayer normal, but vary in the rotation angle about the helix axis by approximately 5 degrees . The existence of the multiple populations in model membranes may be a significant requirement for SLN interaction with SERCA.  相似文献   

Summary Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the orientations of two amphipathic helical peptides associated with lipid bilayers. A single spectral parameter provides sufficient orientational information for these peptides, which are known, from other methods, to be helical. The orientations of the peptides were determined using the15N chemical shift observed for specifically labeled peptide sites. Magainin, an antibiotic peptide from frog skin, was found to lie in the plane of the bilayer. M2, a helical segment of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, was found to span the membrane, perpendicular to the plane of the bilayer. These findings have important implications for the mechanisms of biological functions of these peptides.  相似文献   

This study reports the solid-state NMR spectroscopic characterization of a long chain phospholipid bilayer system which spontaneously aligns in a static magnetic field. Magnetically aligned phospholipid bilayers or bicelles are model systems which mimic biological membranes for magnetic resonance studies. The oriented membrane system is composed of a mixture of the bilayer forming phospholipid palmitoylstearoylphosphatidylcholine (PSPC) and the short chain phospholipid dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC) that breaks up the extended bilayers into bilayered micelles or bicelles that are highly hydrated (approx. 75% aqueous). Traditionally, the shorter 14 carbon chain phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) has been utilized as the bilayer forming phospholipid in bicelle studies. Alignment (perpendicular) was observed with a PSPC/DHPC q ratio between 1.6 and 2.0 slightly above T(m) at 50 degrees C with (2)H and (31)P NMR spectroscopy. Paramagnetic lanthanide ions (Yb(3+)) were added to flip the bilayer discs such that the bilayer normal was parallel with the static magnetic field. The approx. 1.8 (PSPC/DHPC) molar ratio yields a thicker membrane due to the differences in the chain lengths of the DMPC and PSPC phospholipids. The phosphate-to-phosphate thickness of magnetically aligned PSPC/DHPC phospholipid bilayers in the L(alpha) phase may enhance the activity and/or incorporation of different types of integral membrane proteins for solid-state NMR spectroscopic studies.  相似文献   

A considerable limitation of NMR spectroscopy is its inherent low sensitivity. Approximately 90 % of the measuring time is used by the spin system to return to its Boltzmann equilibrium after excitation, which is determined by 1H-T1 in cross-polarized solid-state NMR experiments. It has been shown that sample doping by paramagnetic relaxation agents such as Cu2+-EDTA accelerates this process considerably resulting in enhanced sensitivity. Here, we extend this concept to Gd3+-complexes. Their effect on 1H-T1 has been assessed on the membrane protein proteorhodopsin, a 7TM light-driven proton pump. A comparison between Gd3+-DOTA, Gd3+-TTAHA, covalently attached Cu2+-EDTA-tags and Cu2+-EDTA reveals a 3.2-, 2.6-, 2.4- and 2-fold improved signal-to-noise ratio per unit time due to longitudinal paramagnetic relaxation enhancement. Furthermore, Gd3+-DOTA shows a remarkably high relaxivity, which is 77-times higher than that of Cu2+-EDTA. Therefore, an order of magnitude lower dopant concentration can be used. In addition, no line-broadening effects or peak shifts have been observed on proteorhodopsin in the presence of Gd3+-DOTA. These favourable properties make it very useful for solid-state NMR experiments on membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The conformation of the 20-residue antibiotic ionophore alamethicin in macroscopically oriented phospholipid bilayers has been studied using (15)N solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in combination with molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations. Differently (15)N-labeled variants of alamethicin and an analog with three of the alpha-amino-isobutyric acid residues replaced by alanines have been investigated to establish experimental structural constraints and determine the orientation of alamethicin in hydrated phospholipid (dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine) bilayers and to investigate the potential for a major kink in the region of the central Pro(14) residue. From the anisotropic (15)N chemical shifts and (1)H-(15)N dipolar couplings determined for alamethicin with (15)N-labeling on the Ala(6), Val(9), and Val(15) residues and incorporated into phospholipid bilayer with a peptide:lipid molar ratio of 1:8, we deduce that alamethicin has a largely linear alpha-helical structure spanning the membrane with the molecular axis tilted by 10-20 degrees relative to the bilayer normal. In particular, we find compatibility with a straight alpha-helix tilted by 17 degrees and a slightly kinked molecular dynamics structure tilted by 11 degrees relative to the bilayer normal. In contrast, the structural constraints derived by solid-state NMR appear not to be compatible with any of several model structures crossing the membrane with vanishing tilt angle or the earlier reported x-ray diffraction structure (Fox and Richards, Nature. 300:325-330, 1982). The solid-state NMR-compatible structures may support the formation of a left-handed and parallel multimeric ion channel.  相似文献   

Traaseth NJ  Buffy JJ  Zamoon J  Veglia G 《Biochemistry》2006,45(46):13827-13834
Phospholamban (PLN), a single-pass membrane protein, regulates heart muscle contraction and relaxation by reversible inhibition of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA). Studies in detergent micelles and oriented lipid bilayers have shown that in its monomeric form PLN adopts a dynamic L shape (bent or T state) that is in conformational equilibrium with a more dynamic R state. In this paper, we use solid-state NMR on both uniformly and selectively labeled PLN to refine our initial studies, describing the topology and dynamics of PLN in oriented lipid bilayers. Two-dimensional PISEMA (polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle) experiments carried out in DOPC/DOPE mixed lipid bilayers reveal a tilt angle of the transmembrane domain with respect to the static magnetic field, of 21 +/- 2 degrees and, at the same time, map the rotation angle of the transmembrane domain with respect to the bilayer. PISEMA spectra obtained with selectively labeled samples show that the cytoplasmic domain of PLN is helical and makes an angle of 93 +/- 6 degrees with respect to the bilayer normal. In addition, using samples tilted by 90 degrees , we find that the transmembrane domain of PLN undergoes fast long-axial rotational diffusion about the bilayer normal with the cytoplasmic domain undergoing this motion and other complex dynamics, scaling the values of chemical shift anisotropy. While this dynamic was anticipated by previous solution NMR relaxation studies in micelles, these measurements in the anisotropic lipid environment reveal new dynamic and conformational features encoded in the free protein that might be crucial for SERCA recognition and subsequent inhibition.  相似文献   

Phospholamban (PLB) is a 52 amino acid integral membrane protein that interacts with the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2 + ATPase (SERCA) and helps to regulate Ca2 + flow. PLB inhibits SERCA impairing Ca2 + translocation. The inhibition can be relieved upon phosphorylation of PLB. The Arg9 to Cys (R9C) mutation is a loss of function mutation with reduced inhibitory potency. The effect R9C PLB has on the membrane surface and the hydrophobic region dynamics was investigated by 31P and 2H solid-state NMR spectroscopy in multilamellar vesicles (MLVs). The 31P NMR spectra indicate that, like the phosphorylated PLB (P-PLB), the mutated R9C-PLB protein has significantly less interaction with the lipid bilayer headgroup when compared to wild-type PLB (WT-PLB). Similar to P-PLB, R9C-PLB slightly decreases 31P T1 values in the lipid headgroup region. 2H SCD order parameters of 2H nuclei along the lipid acyl chain decrease less dramatically for R9C-PLB and P-PLB when compared to WT-PLB. The results suggest that R9C-PLB interacts less with the membrane surface and hydrophobic region than WT-PLB. Detachment of the cytoplasmic domain of R9C-PLB from the membrane surface could be related to its loss of function.  相似文献   

Sudheendra US  Bechinger B 《Biochemistry》2005,44(36):12120-12127
Ion channel peptides have been prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis, labeled with 15N at selected sites, and reconstituted into oriented lipid bilayers. The (Leu-Ser-Ser-Leu-Leu-Ser-Leu)3-CONH2 peptide has previously been shown to exhibit well-defined and discrete ionic conductances when investigated by single-channel measurements [Lear, J. D., et al. (1988) Science 240, 1177]. Proton-decoupled 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy indicates that (Leu-Ser-Ser-Leu-Leu-Ser-Leu)3-CONH2 preferentially aligns parallel to the membrane surface in excellent agreement with its amphipathic helical structure. However, by carefully choosing the conditions of the membrane environment, significant contributions that are indicative of transmembrane alignments become obvious in the 15N chemical shift solid-state NMR spectra. The data thereby provide experimental evidence for an equilibrium between in-plane and transmembrane-oriented helix configurations where the transmembrane and surface-oriented peptide fractions are in slow exchange. Similar topological equilibria are observed when the N-terminus of the LS21 peptide is acetylated. These observations provide experimental support for previous models, suggesting that the channels observed in single-channel conductance measurements are indeed formed by hexameric transmembrane helical bundles. In contrast, the shorter peptide (Leu-Ser-Ser-Leu-Leu-Ser-Leu)2-CONH2 is oriented parallel to the membrane surface under all conditions tested. This peptide exhibits erratic conductance changes when investigated by electrophysiological methods, probably because it is too short to span the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the antimicrobial peptide alamethicin was studied by oriented circular dichroism, 31P solid-state NMR, and differential scanning calorimetry in ether-linked phospholipid bilayers composed of 1,2-O-dihexadecyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DHPC). The measurements were performed as a function of alamethicin concentration relative to the lipid concentration, and results were compared to those reported in the literature for ester-linked phospholipid bilayers. At ambient temperature, alamethicin incorporates into the hydrophobic core of DHPC bilayers but results in more lipid disorder than observed for ester-linked 1-palmitoyl, 2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) lipid bilayers. This orientational disorder appears to depend on lipid properties such as bilayer thickness. Moreover, the results suggest that alamethicin inserts into the hydrophobic core of the bilayers (at high peptide concentration) for both ether- and ester-linked lipids but using a different mechanism, namely toroidal for DHPC and barrel-stave for POPC.  相似文献   

Bovine lactoferricin (LfcinB) is an antimicrobial peptide released by pepsin cleavage of lactoferrin. In this work, the interaction between LfcinB and acidic phospholipid bilayers with the weight percentage of 65% dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), 10% cardiolipin (CL) and 25% dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) was investigated as a mimic of cell membrane of Staphylococcus aureus by means of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and solid-state (31)P and (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, we elucidated a molecular mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of LfcinB by means of potassium ion selective electrode (ISE). It turned out that affinity of LfcinB for acidic phospholipid bilayers was higher than that for neutral phospholipid bilayers. It was also revealed that the association constant of LfcinB was larger than that of lactoferrin as a result of QCM measurements. (31)P DD-static NMR spectra indicated that LfcinB interacted with acidic phospholipid bilayers and bilayer defects were observed in the bilayer systems because isotropic peaks were clearly appeared. Gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperatures (Tc) in the mixed bilayer systems were determined by measuring the temperature variation of relative intensities of acyl chains in (1)H MAS NMR spectra. Tc values of the acidic phospholipid and LfcinB-acidic phospholipid bilayer systems were 21.5 degrees C and 24.0 degrees C, respectively. To characterize the bilayer defects, potassium ion permeation across the membrane was observed by ISE measurements. The experimental results suggest that LfcinB caused pores in the acidic phospholipid bilayers. Because these pores lead the permeability across the membrane, the molecular mechanism of the antimicrobial activity could be attributed to the pore formation in the bacterial membrane induced by LfcinB.  相似文献   

Bovine lactoferricin (LfcinB) is an antimicrobial peptide released by pepsin cleavage of lactoferrin. In this work, the interaction between LfcinB and acidic phospholipid bilayers with the weight percentage of 65% dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), 10% cardiolipin (CL) and 25% dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) was investigated as a mimic of cell membrane of Staphylococcus aureus by means of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and solid-state 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, we elucidated a molecular mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of LfcinB by means of potassium ion selective electrode (ISE). It turned out that affinity of LfcinB for acidic phospholipid bilayers was higher than that for neutral phospholipid bilayers. It was also revealed that the association constant of LfcinB was larger than that of lactoferrin as a result of QCM measurements. 31P DD-static NMR spectra indicated that LfcinB interacted with acidic phospholipid bilayers and bilayer defects were observed in the bilayer systems because isotropic peaks were clearly appeared. Gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperatures (Tc) in the mixed bilayer systems were determined by measuring the temperature variation of relative intensities of acyl chains in 1H MAS NMR spectra. Tc values of the acidic phospholipid and LfcinB-acidic phospholipid bilayer systems were 21.5 °C and 24.0 °C, respectively. To characterize the bilayer defects, potassium ion permeation across the membrane was observed by ISE measurements. The experimental results suggest that LfcinB caused pores in the acidic phospholipid bilayers. Because these pores lead the permeability across the membrane, the molecular mechanism of the antimicrobial activity could be attributed to the pore formation in the bacterial membrane induced by LfcinB.  相似文献   

The assignment of amide resonances in the two-dimensional PISEMA (Polarization Inversion with Spin Exchange at the Magic Angle) spectrum of uniformly 15N labeled M2 peptide corresponding to the channel-lining segment of the acetylcholine receptor in oriented phospholipid bilayers is described. The majority of the resonances were assigned through comparisons with spectra from selectively 15N labeled recombinant peptides and specifically 15N labeled synthetic peptides. Some resonances were assigned to specific amino acid residues by means of homonuclear 15N spin-exchange spectroscopy. A modification to the conventional spin-exchange pulse sequence that significantly shortens the length of the experiments by combining the intervals for 15 N spin-exchange and 1H magnetization recovery is described.  相似文献   

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