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Certain junctions between ependymal cells, between astrocytes, and between some electrically coupled neurons have heretofore been regarded as tight, pentalaminar occlusions of the intercellular cleft. These junctions are now redefined in terms of their configuration after treatment of brain tissue in uranyl acetate before dehydration. Instead of a median dense lamina, they are bisected by a median gap 20–30 A wide which is continuous with the rest of the interspace. The patency of these "gap junctions" is further demonstrated by the penetration of horseradish peroxidase or lanthanum into the median gap, the latter tracer delineating there a polygonal substructure. However, either tracer can circumvent gap junctions because they are plaque-shaped rather than complete, circumferential belts. Tight junctions, which retain a pentalaminar appearance after uranyl acetate block treatment, are restricted primarily to the endothelium of parenchymal capillaries and the epithelium of the choroid plexus. They form rows of extensive, overlapping occlusions of the interspace and are neither circumvented nor penetrated by peroxidase and lanthanum. These junctions are morphologically distinguishable from the "labile" pentalaminar appositions which appear or disappear according to the preparative method and which do not interfere with the intercellular movement of tracers. Therefore, the interspaces of the brain are generally patent, allowing intercellular movement of colloidal materials. Endothelial and epithelial tight junctions occlude the interspaces between blood and parenchyma or cerebral ventricles, thereby constituting a structural basis for the blood-brain and blood-cerebrospinal fluid barriers.  相似文献   

小脑皮层在兔瞬膜条件反射过程中的调制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨伯仪  魏顺光 《生理学报》1991,43(2):103-112
以音调结合气流刺激兔角膜的训练建立瞬膜条件反射,在条件反射率刚达90%,连续出现三组的学习初始阶段,电解损毁小脑半球第六小叶皮层使 D-I 核的学习相关性电活动和瞬膜条件反射消除,但不影响“非条件”反射,而在经一周巩固训练的动物,损毁小脑皮层上述区域不发生影响。D-I 核的细胞自发电活动在学习初期和记忆巩固时期也有所不同。在学习后期,D-I 核的细胞自发电活动频率减低,和在学习初期与损毁小脑皮层后的频率变化相似。实验结果表明:在瞬膜条件反射过程中,以小脑皮层为主导,对瞬膜条件反射的产生和D-I 核的学习相关性电活动具有调制作用。随着记忆巩固过程,D-I 核脱离皮层的控制而发展成为这一学习模式的记忆痕迹基础部位。  相似文献   

The meroblastic egg of the teleost, Fundulus heteroclitus, was studied electrophysiologically from cleavage to mid-gastrula stages. The yolk is an intracellular inclusion surrounded by a membrane of high resistivity (50 kΩcm2). This membrane generates a cytoplasm-negative resting potential in later stages. Cells of all stages studied are coupled electrically. In gastrulae, coupling is both by way of specialized junctions between cells and by way of intra-embryonic extracellular space, the segmentation cavity. The latter mode is present because the segmentation cavity is sealed off from the exterior by a high resistance barrier, and the outer membrane of surface cells is of high resistance (50–100 kΩcm2) compared to the inner membrane. It can be inferred that clefts between surface cells are occluded by circumferential junctions. Isolated cells from late cleavage stages develop coupling in vitro, confirming the existence of coupling by way of intercellular junctions. Both modes of coupling could mediate communication between cells that is important in embryonic development.  相似文献   

There have been several reports describing paracrystalline arrays in the intermembrane space of mitochondria. On closer inspection these structures appear to be junctions of two adjoining membranes. There are two types. They can be formed between the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes (designated outer-inner membrane junctions) or between two cristal membranes (intercristal membrane junctions). In rat heart, adjoining membranes appeared associated via a central dense midline approximately 30 Å wide. In rat kidney, the junction had a ladder-like appearance with electron-dense "bridges" approximately 80 Å wide, spaced 130 Å apart, connecting the adjoining membranes. We have investigated the conditions which favor the visualization of such structures in mitochondria. Heart mitochondria isolated rapidly from fresh tissue (within 30 min of death) contain membrane junctions in approximately 10–15% of the cross sections. This would indicate that the percentage of membrane junctions in the entire mitochondrion is far greater. Mitochondria isolated from heart tissue which was stored for 1 h at 0°–4°C showed an increased number of membrane junctions, so that 80% of the mitochondrial cross sections show membrane junctions. No membrane junctions are observed in mitochondria in rapidly fixed fresh tissue or in mitochondria isolated from tissue disrupted in fixative. Thus, the visualization of junctions in the intermembrane space of mitochondria appears to be dependent upon the storage of tissue after death. Membrane junctions can also be observed in mitochondria from other stored tissues such as skeletal muscle, kidney, and interstitial cells from large and small intestine. In each case, no such junctions are observed in these tissues when they are fixed immediately after removal from the animal. It would appear that most studies in the literature in which isolated mitochondria from tissues such as heart or kidney were used were carried out on mitochondria which contained membrane junctions. The presence of such structures does not significantly affect normal mitochondrial function in terms of respiratory control and oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

金黄地鼠视皮层中乙酰胆碱(Ach)阳性神经元及纤维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过色疫组织化学方法-PAP法,使用乙酰胆碱(Ach)抗体对金黄地鼠视皮层中的Ach进行定位Ach阳性神经元分布于视皮层的第Ⅱ—Ⅵ层,主要集中在Ⅱ、Ⅲ层.其细胞形态除大部分为非锥体神经元外,还发现有极少数锥体型神经元.这些神经元的数量和树突形态在视皮层17区和18区存在某些区域性差异.17区细胞比较密集,18区比较稀疏.17区第IA层细胞排列整齐,顶树突特别粗大,18区这种现象不太明显.皮层白质中也有少量的Ach阳性神经元.视皮层Ach阳性神经元的相对含量约为10%.视皮层中遍布外源性和内源性Ach阳性神经纤维,它们主要分布在第Ⅳ层.在视皮层微血管周围有大量Ach阳性神经元,说明对血管有舒张作用的Ach可能来源于血管内壁.  相似文献   

猫小脑皮质浦肯野细胞超微结构的年龄相关变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的比较观察青年猫(1-3岁)和老年猫(12-13岁)小脑皮质浦肯野细胞(Purkinje cell,PC)的超微结构,探讨其年龄相关变化的生理意义。方法常规电镜包埋、切片、染色,透射电镜下观察并拍照。结果老年组PC粗面内质网碎裂,核糖体解离;线粒体膨解,嵴减少;高尔基复合体扁平囊扩张,极性退化;脂褐素聚积;膜性髓样结构与空泡变性出现;核膜内陷,染色质固缩;生物膜系统结构破坏等。结论衰老过程中细胞器结构退化可能影响老年PC物质合成、能量供应、信息传递及神经元的结构稳定,导致衰老PC死亡,推测与老年个体运动调节和运动学习等小脑功能退化有重要联系。  相似文献   

小白蛋白(parvaibumin PV)是一种水溶性低分子量的钙结合蛋白,本实验用免疫疫组化法研究了新生儿大脑皮质含 PV 神经元的分布。PV 阳性神经元为非锥体型,主要分布于中央后回、听皮质及视皮质(17区),在中央前回,wernicke's 区与海马 PV 阳性神经元的数目较少,前额叶很少见到 PV 阳性神经元。在听皮质及中央后回,阳性神经元主要集中于Ⅳ层,少数在Ⅴ、Ⅵ层;在视皮质则分布在Ⅴ、Ⅵ、层及ⅣB 层;wernieke's 区深层(Ⅴ、Ⅵ层)及海马锥体细胞层可见部分阳性神经元。在上述皮质区第Ⅰ层亦可观察到阳性纤维与散在阳性神经元.此外,在中央后回及听皮质的白质内有许多 PV 阳性纤维和终末样结构.  相似文献   

本文用免疫组化方法研究了人胎前额叶皮质中神经肽Y(NPY)免疫反应阳性神经元的发育。结果显示,NPY阳性神经元最早于16周出现于前额叶皮质的皮质下板,为未成熟的双极神经元。随着胎儿生长,皮质下板的NPY阳性神经元数量逐渐增加,胞体增大,着色加深,突起增多增长。30周后较少数量的NPY阳性神经元也见于皮质的Ⅵ层及白质,皮质其它层阳性神经元数量很少。28周后皮质内还能见到各种走向的NPY阳性神经纤维,其数量随胎儿生长而增加。本研究提示,与其它动物相比,人类大脑皮质NPY阳性神经元出现较早,其成熟过程基本上在出生前完成  相似文献   

陈文雁  王建军 《生理学报》1996,48(2):132-140
我们首次观察了电刺激大鼠中缝背核(DR)对小脑核团(DCN)──内侧核(MN),间位核(IN)和外侧核(LN)神经元电活动的影响。结果表明:刺激DR可引起DCN神经元的抑制、兴奋和双相(兴奋-抑制、抑制-兴奋)三种不同类型的反应,其中以抑制性反应为主(76%-90%);反应的潜伏期为10—84ms,但大多数细胞呈现小于30ms的短潜伏期反应;DCN细胞的自发放电频率为5-120Hz,自发放电频率高的神经元群体对DR刺激的反应比率却比自发放电频率低的群体低;静脉注射5-HT2/1c受体阻断剂methysergide可以阻断DCN细胞对DR刺激的抑制性反应(66.7%-83.3%)。这些结果提示中缝-小脑5-HT能纤维传入系统可能通过对DCN细胞电活动的调制作用参予小脑的感觉运动整合过程。  相似文献   

人胎视皮质皮质下层NPY-IR神经元的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用免疫组化方法研究了16周至足月人胎视皮质皮质下层NPY-IR神经元的发育。各胎龄视皮质SP层内均有NPY-IR神经元分布。从16周至26周,NPY-IR神经元密度逐渐增高并于26周达高峰;32周以后阳性神经元密度随胎龄增长而下降。人胎视皮质SP层NPY-IR神经元形态也随胎龄而变化;20周以前,NPY-IR神经元大多是胞体较小,突起短而少的未分化神经元、SP层内NPY-IR纤维少。20周以后,NPY-IR神经元胞体增大,突起增多、变长;多极和双极、双簇神经元随胎龄增长而增多;SP层内的NPY-IR纤维大量增加,部分纤维穿入皮质板。32周以后,多极NPY-IR神经元逐渐减少,双极双簇神经元所占比例相对增高。NPY免疫组化结合NADPH-d组化显示人胎视皮质SP层大多数NPY-IR神经元同时呈NOS阳性。本研究观察到人胎视皮质SP层内NPY-IR神经元发育可分为发生、成熟和退化三个阶段。  相似文献   

本研究从大鼠大脑皮质分离、纯化星形胶质细胞,再经培养后收集星形胶质细胞的无血清条件培养液。用盖玻片培养法与快速自动比色微量分析法研究了星形胶质细胞条件培养液对小脑皮质神经元生存以及神经元活力的影响。发现星形胶质细胞条件培养液能够明显提高小脑皮质神经元的体外存活率,增强神经元的活力。表明星形胶质细胞具有神经营养性作用。  相似文献   

目的观察扬子鳄梨状皮质内一氧化氮合酶(nitric oxide synthase,NOS)和乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetylcho-linesterase,AChE)阳性神经元的形态和分布,为扬子鳄脑的比较解剖学积累资料,为其机能研究提供形态学依据。方法采用还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸黄递酶(NADPH-d)法和亚铁氰化酮法观察扬子鳄梨状皮质内NOS和AChE阳性神经元的分布和特征。结果扬子鳄梨状皮质内有NOS和AChE阳性神经元分布,为大、中、小型细胞,以中小型细胞为主,胞体呈圆形、椭圆形、三角形和梭形。结论扬子鳄梨状皮质内有NOS和AChE阳性神经元分布。  相似文献   

本文主要采用冷冻断裂-蚀刻方法,同时结合超薄切片和镧标记实验,研究金鱼精巢内的支持细胞间连接特点及血-睾屏障的形成。结果发现:1)金鱼精巢内支持细胞间连接呈紧密连接、桥粒和间隙连接同时存在的形式。2)各种连接的数量、面积、分布密度会随着小囊内生精细胞的发育而改变。3)紧密连接在精子发生过程的各个阶段都存在,但在形态上表现为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两种。4)血-睾屏障是在粗线期精母细胞期后形成,它是Ⅰ型紧密连接发育为Ⅱ型紧密连接的结果。  相似文献   

短暂性缺血对小脑皮质影响的组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了探讨全脑短暂性缺血对小脑皮质蒲肯野细胞的影响 ,实验用组织化学方法对家兔全脑缺血 5分钟 (B组 )、 10分钟 (C组 )及缺血再灌 (D、 E组 )后蒲肯野细胞的酶组织化学变化进行了观察。结果显示 ,缺血 10分钟及缺血再灌后蒲肯野细胞的 SDH、Mg2 + - ATP活性及 PAS反应均降低 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,L DH增高 (P<0 .0 1)。结果提示家兔全脑缺血 10分钟和缺血再灌可损害小脑皮质蒲肯野细胞的能量代谢酶的活性  相似文献   

Abstract— At birth in the rat brain the Thy-1 antigen was present at 10% of the adult level and increased rapidly to reach near adult levels after 3 weeks. Localization studies by immunofluorescence on sections of rat cerebellar cortex during this period showed that at day 5 there was weak fluorescence associated mainly with the molecular layer and some fibre-like structures in the centre of the folium; no fluorescence was found around the cells of external granular layer. From 5 to 16 days there was a rapid increase in Thy-1 immunofluorescence with noticeably higher levels associated with the white matter than the molecular layer. However, by 21 days the reverse was found' with lower levels in white matter than in the molecular layer with a similar distribution to that observed previously in adult rat cerebellum. Small rings and patches of fluorescence were observed in the molecular and granular layers. The results indicated that Thy-1 was present on axons, mature neurons and their processes. In addition, Thy-1 immunofluorescence was found in the pia-arachnoid until around day 16.  相似文献   

文献报道呼吸复苏剂回苏灵(dimefline,DIM)的作用可能是阻断 GABA 受体。本工作选择 GABA 受体密集的小脑皮层用微电泳方法对此加以验证。用五管玻璃微电极记录了16只家兔小脑皮层100个自发放电单位。除8个单位对 GABA、DIM 均不敏感外,有92个单位对 GABA 敏感。微电泳给予 DIM 能使这些单位的放电出现兴奋,阻遏及先兴奋后阻遏等不同效应。在75个 GABA 敏感的单位中,有71个单位 DIM 能对抗 GABA 的阻遏效应或使该单位对 GABA 的敏感性下降,未能对抗 GABA 作用的单位只有4个。静脉注射 DIM 能产生相似的结果。在35个 GABA 敏感的单位中,比较了荷包牡丹碱(bicuculline,BIC)与DIM 对 GABA 阻遏效应的影响。其中两者均能对抗 GABA 效应的有21个,两者都不能对抗的有3个,还有11个单位则 BIC 不能对抗而 DIM 能对抗。本工作提示,DIN 能对抗GABA 的阻遏效应,可作为 GABA 受体的阻断剂。  相似文献   

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