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Spermatozoa of six species of Australian marsupials have been studied. The nucleus is highly unstable when compared with those of eutherian mammals. When thin films of spermatozoa in buffered saline are air-dried on glass slides, the nucleus disintegrates and flattens, leaving the acrosome, midpiece, and tail intact. This spreading of the nucleus can be inhibited by seminal plasma proteins and by bovine serum albumin, but is potentiated by detergents. The nucleus also decondenses spontaneously in the presence of high concentrations (>0.25M) of calcium and magnesium salts, leaving the head membranes, acrosome, midpiece, and tail intact. This is inhibited by EDTA. In some species, certain areas of the nucleus appear more resistant t o Ca++/Mg++ treatment, and the initial stages of decondensation are uneven. Ultrastructurally the Ca++/Mg++ dispersed chromatin shows a moderately fine, branching, fibrillar structure, interspersed with dense granules. Treatment with disulphide bond cleaving agents together with detergents results in rapid and complete dispersal of the chromatin and acrosome, and slow digestion of midpiece and tail structures. Treatment with HCl, NaCl, KCl, EDTA, detergents, and sucrose has no effect on nuclear integrity, but treatment with NaOH (0.9–1.0M) results in complete digestion of the whole sperm. These findings are discussed in the light of evolutionary differences between marsupial and eutherian mammals in terms of sperm structure and composition.  相似文献   

The organization of the mammalian sperm nucleus was probed with staphylococcal nuclease. Although isolated nuclei are resistant to cleavage, following reduction and alkylation, 30% of the sperm DNA could be digested and the remaining DNA had a heterodisperse size distribution. By morphological criteria, a model acidic protein, polyglutamic acid was capable of decondensing purified sperm nuclei that had been reduced and alkylated. The maximal extent of nuclease digestion increased to 85–90%. The subsequent addition of purified, exogenous core histones in 0.1 M NaCl partially reversed this vulnerability to nuclease cleavage such that only 55% of the DNA was digested. Furthermore, analysis of the remaining DNA revealed a nucleosome ladder pattern with unit length repeat of 150 bp. These results strongly suggest that polyglutamic acid can mediate not only decondensation of sperm nuclei but also the assembly of sperm chromatin into nucleosomes.  相似文献   

A micromethod is presented which makes possible the analysis of mouse sperm nucleus decondensation in vitro using very small volumes of cytoplasmic preparations, even smaller than 1 microliters. We show that cell-free extracts obtained from interphase HeLa cells as well as lysates from mouse eggs and embryos can sustain early stages of mouse sperm nucleus transformation, provided the sperm nuclear envelope is damaged or removed.  相似文献   

Biochemical studies using highly condensed Xenopus sperm chromatin and protein extracts prepared from multiple systems have lead to the identification of conserved proteins involved in chromosome decondensation. However, mutations to these proteins are unavailable as the systems used are not amenable to genetic studies. We took a genetic approach to isolating chromosome decondensation mutants by incubating Xenopus sperm chromatin with whole-cell extracts prepared from the Hartwell library of random temperature sensitive (ts) yeast cells. We show that decondensation of Xenopus sperm chromatin using wild type yeast extracts was rapid, ATP- and extract-dependent, and resistant to heat, N-ethylmaleimide, protease K, RNase A, and micrococcal nuclease. From 100 mutant extracts screened, we obtained one strain, referred to as rmc4, that was chromosome decondensation defective. The mutant was slow growing and exhibited germination defects. Low concentrations of rmc4 extract would eventually decondense sperm heads, and fractionation of the mutant extract produced a decondensation competent fraction, suggesting the presence of an overactive inhibitor in rmc4 cells. We performed a multicopy suppressor screen that identified PDE2, a gene encoding a protein that inhibits protein kinase A (PKA) activity. As PKA was previously shown in human cells to maintain condensed chromatin, our results suggest that PKA activity is elevated in rmc4 cells, causing a decondensation defect. Thus, our experiments reveal that yeast encodes an evolutionarily conserved chromosome decondensation activity that can be genetically manipulated.  相似文献   

The correlation between morphological changes and the dynamics of protamine in boar sperm chromatin during in vitro fertilization of pig oocytes matured in vitro was assessed. For this purpose, protamine was purified from boar sperm nuclei and an antiserum against protamine was developed. After affinity purification, the antiserum reacted exclusively with boar protamine during western blotting, showing no crossreactivity with core histones. Immunohistochemical evaluation revealed that only fully developed spermatid nuclei in boar testes stained strongly with the antiserum. When pig oocytes matured in vitro were fertilized in vitro, sperm penetration was observed in 37% of oocytes at 2 h after insemination and the penetration rate increased to 99% by 5 h after insemination, accompanied by an increase in polyspermic penetration. Paraffin wax sections of the inseminated oocytes were examined by immunohistochemical analysis with the antiserum. The proportion of condensed sperm nuclei that reacted with the antiserum was 87% of the sperm nuclei that penetrated by 2 h after insemination, and this decreased to 20 and 13% at 3 and 5 h after insemination, respectively. However, none of the decondensing sperm nuclei or male pronuclei reacted with the antiserum during the entire insemination period. These results indicate that a specific antiserum against boar protamine can be raised and, using this serum, it has been demonstrated that protamine is dissociated from boar sperm nuclei before decondensation during in vitro fertilization.  相似文献   

To assess the structural stability of mammalian sperm nuclei and make interspecies comparisons, we microinjected sperm nuclei from six different species into hamster oocytes and monitored the occurrence of sperm nuclear decondensation and male pronucleus formation. The time course of sperm decondensation varied considerably by species: human and mouse sperm nuclei decondensed within 15 to 30 min of injection, and chinchilla and hamster sperm nuclei did so within 45 to 60 min, but bull and rat sperm nuclei remained intact over this same period of time. Male pronuclei formed in oocytes injected with human, mouse, chinchilla, and hamster sperm nuclei, but rarely in oocytes injected with bull or rat sperm nuclei. However, when bull sperm nuclei were pretreated with dithiothreitol (DTT) in vitro to reduce protamine disulfide bonds prior to microinjection, they subsequently decondensed and formed pronuclei in the hamster ooplasm. Condensed rat spermatid nuclei, which lack disulfide bonds, behaved similarly. The same six species of sperm nuclei were induced to undergo decondensation in vitro by treatment with DTT and detergent, and the resulting changes in nuclear size were monitored by phase-contrast microscopy and flow cytometry. As occurred in the oocyte, human sperm nuclei decondensed the fastest in vitro, followed shortly by chinchilla, mouse, and hamster and, after a lag, by rat and bull sperm nuclei. Thus species differences in sperm nuclear stability exist and appear to be related to the extent and/or efficiency of disulfide bonding in the sperm nuclei, a feature that may, in turn, be determined by the type(s) of sperm nuclear protamine(s) present.  相似文献   

Bovine oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage were inseminated in Brackett & Oliphant's medium with bovine serum albumin, caffeine and heparin. Eight hours after insemination, oocytes were transferred into tissue culture medium-199 containing 10% fetal calf serum and cultured for 5-40 h at 39 degrees C in 5% CO2 in air. The proportions of unpenetrated and penetrated oocytes reaching metaphase II increased as the time of examination increased, reaching 70 and 65% 40 h after transfer, respectively. When oocytes were penetrated by more than four spermatozoa, meiotic maturation was greatly retarded. Sperm nuclei were decondensed in most (81%) penetrated oocytes 5 h after transfer. The decondensed sperm nuclei were recondensed and then transformed to metaphase chromosomes which were morphologically compacted at first but became slightly dispersed later. The formation of the metaphase chromosomes was observed in 86% of penetrated oocytes examined 40 h after transfer, and occurred in all metaphase II oocytes at that time. In oocytes penetrated by more than nine spermatozoa, no such transformation of sperm nuclei was observed. Well-developed male and female pro-nuclei were observed in only three (6%) of 51 oocytes penetrated 40 h after transfer.  相似文献   

The sea urchin sperm nucleus rapidly loses its conoid morphology and becomes more voluminous and spherical upon its entry into the egg cytoplasm during fertilization. This investigation has attempted to determine what are the structural constraints placed upon the sperm nucleus, so that further investigations might determine the egg cytoplasmic factors that are responsible for modifying nuclear morphology. Isolated sperm nuclei were subjected to various extraction procedures in order to remove the majority of the proteins (histones) and also the DNA; subsequently, the residual structures were processed for and examined by electron microscopy. The data presented in this investigation demonstrate the removal of the sperm nuclear histones plus other nonhistone proteins has no effect on the conoid morphology of the sperm nucleus, yet this protein removal has a profound effect on the structure of the nuclear chromatin. It is also shown that removal of the majority of the nuclear DNA has no effect on the shape of the sperm nucleus. These results indicate that there are other components (possibly a nuclear matrix) associated with the sperm nucleus that are responsible for maintaining its conoid morphology.  相似文献   

Physical characteristics of mouse sperm nuclei.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The nuclei of epididymal sperm, isolated from C57BL/6J and CBA/J inbred mice by their resistance to trypsin digestion, retain the shape differences of the intact sperm head. Various physical characteristics of these nuclei were measured and compared. The measurement of the projected dimensions of nuclei showed that the CBA nuclei are 13.5% longer than C57BL/6 nuclei (8.64 +/- 0.02 mum compared with 7.61 +/- 0.02 mum), 0.8% narrower (3.51 +/- 0.01 vs. 3.54 +/-0.01 mum) with 6.8% more area (22.34 +/- 0.10 vs. 20.91 +/- 0.09 mum2). However, the volumes of the nuclei as based on reconstructing calibrated electronmicrographs of serial sections of the nuclei indicated that CBA are about 7% smaller than C57BL/6 nuclei (3.72 +/- 0.08 vs. 4.01 +/- 0.03 mum3). The buoyant density of the CBA nuclei is 1.435 +/- 0.002 g/cm3 compared with 1.433 +/- 0.002 g/cm3 for the C57BL/6 nuclei as determined on linear CsCl and Renografin-76 density gradients and confirmed by a technique utilizing physiological tonicities. Therefore, the average mass of the CBA nuclei is less than that of the C57BL/6 nuclei (5.34 +/- 0.12 vs. 5.75 +/- 0.05 pg). The sedimentation velocities at unit gravity of nuclei from 11 inbred strains differ over a range of more than 6% with CBA nuclei sedimenting about 2.0% more slowly than C57BL/6 nuclei. We show that for these nuclei the sedimentation velocity can be related to their buoyant density, volume and a sedimentation shape factor. Within the errors of our measurements of these various characteristics, it was found that C57BL/6 and CBA nuclei have similar sedimentation shape factors. Therefore, the difference in sedimentation velocity between these nuclei appears to be primarily a result of differences in volume. The possible applications of these techniques to the physical separation of sperm are evaluated in the discussion.  相似文献   

We have developed a method that effectively removes all of the perinuclear materials of a mouse sperm head, including the acrosome, plasma membrane, perinuclear theca, and nuclear envelope. By injection of a single purified sperm head into a metaphase II mouse oocyte followed by activation with strontium chloride, 93% of the zygotes developed into two-cell embryos. Although only approximately 17% of the transferred two-cell embryos were born alive, all live pups developed into adults, and they appeared to be normal in reproduction and behavior. We detected RNA species, including mRNAs and miRNAs from the purified sperm heads. Our data demonstrate that pure membrane-free sperm heads are sufficient to produce normal offspring through intracytoplasmic sperm injection and that at least part of the RNA molecules are deeply embedded in the sperm nucleus.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric sorting of non-human primate sperm nuclei   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Pre-determination of the sex of offspring has implications for management and conservation of captive wildlife species, particularly those with single sex-dominated social structures. Our goal is to adapt flow cytometry technology to sort spermatozoa of non-human primate species for use with assisted reproductive technologies. The objectives of this study were to: (i) determine the difference in DNA content between X- and Y-bearing spermatozoa (ii) sort sperm nuclei into X- and Y-enriched samples; and (iii) assess the accuracy of sorting. Spermatozoa were collected from two common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), seven hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) and two common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Human spermatozoa from one male were used as a control. Sperm nuclei were stained (Hoechst 33342), incubated and analyzed using a high-speed cell sorter. Flow cytometric reanalysis of sorted samples (sort reanalysis, 10,000 events/sample) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH; 500 sperm nuclei/sample) were used to evaluate accuracy of sorting. Based on fluorescence intensity of X- and Y-bearing sperm nuclei, the difference in DNA content between X and Y populations was 4.09 +/- 0.03, 4.20 +/- 0.03, 3.30 +/- 0.01, and 2.97 +/- 0.05%, for marmoset, baboon, chimpanzee and human, respectively. Sort reanalysis and FISH results were similar; combined data revealed high levels of purity for X- and Y-enriched samples (94 +/- 0.9 and 93 +/- 0.8%, 94 +/- 0.7 and 94 +/- 0.5%, 91 +/- 0.9 and 97 +/- 0.6%, 94 +/- 0.6 and 94 +/- 0.9%, for marmoset, baboon, chimpanzee and human, respectively). These data indicate the potential for high-purity sorting of spermatozoa from non-human primates.  相似文献   

An extensive quantitative analysis of deformed mouse spermatozoa was undertaken. Improvements over previous studies included the isolation and purification of sperm nuclei, a multifaceted analytical approach using several fluorochromes and the analysis of individual nuclei classified into shape categories. Malformed sperm nuclei in BALB/c mice could not be distinguished from normal ones in terms of total and basic proteins, sulfhydryl and disulfide group concentration, DNA concentration and chromatin organization. The shape of sperm nuclei is therefore probably determined by the manner in which the internal biochemical components are assembled.  相似文献   

Higginson DM  Henn KR 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e34190
Sperm conjugation is an unusual variation in sperm behavior where two or more spermatozoa physically unite for motility or transport through the female reproductive tract. Conjugation has frequently been interpreted as sperm cooperation, including reproductive altruism, with some sperm advancing their siblings toward the site of fertilization while ostensibly forfeiting their own ability to fertilize through damage incurred during conjugate break-up. Conversely, conjugation has been proposed to protect sensitive regions of spermatozoa from spermicidal conditions within the female reproductive tract. We investigated the possibility of dissociation-induced sperm mortality and tested for a protective function of conjugation using the paired sperm of the diving beetle, Graphoderus liberus. Sperm conjugates were mechanically dissociated and exposed to potentially damaging tissue extracts of the female reproductive tract and somatic tissue. We found no significant difference in viability between paired sperm and dissociated, single sperm. The results further indicate that the reproductive tract of female G. liberus might not be spermicidal and conjugation is not protective of sperm viability when damaging conditions do exist. Our results support the interpretation that, at least in some taxa, sperm conjugation is neither protective nor damaging to sperm viability.  相似文献   

Limiting reduction of boar sperm nuclei revealed that disulfide cross-links of the boar protamines complexed with DNA were classifiable into five groups from the differences in their sensitivity toward the reduction. A feature of cross-linkings in boar sperm chromatin and that of bull is discussed.  相似文献   

During mouse spermiogenesis, two protamines, mP1 and mP2, are synthesized in replacement of histones. One of them (protamine mP2, 63 residues) appears at first in elongating spermatid nuclei as a pro-protamine of 106 residues (pmP2) with an amino-terminal extension that is progressively excised. The two protamines were previously described as the only proteins associated with DNA in sperm chromatin. This paper shows that the nuclear proteins of mouse spermatozoa are indeed heterogeneous: at least six minor polypeptides in addition to protamines can be identified. The primary structure of four of them has been established. They are intermediate in the maturation of the precursor of protamine mP2 and correspond to polypeptides pmP2/11, pmP2/16, pmP2/20, and pmP2/32, characterized previously in mouse testis. Therefore, these intermediates of proteolysis generated from pmP2 inside spermatid nuclei persist in mature sperm, whereas the largest precursors, pmP2 and pmP2/5, disappear. These findings clearly indicate that limited proteolysis events still occur outside of the testis. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Plethodontid salamanders have n = 13 or 14 large metacentric or sub-metacentric chromosomes. Sperm nuclei from Plethodon cinereus measure 72×1 m. The nucleoprotein of spermatids is at first finely granular. In elongate spermatids it clumps into larger granules, which then fuse to form the compact nucleoprotein of the mature sperm. The nuclei of mature sperm are negatively birefringent with respect to their length. — 3H RNA complementary to high-density satellite DNA of centromeric heterochromatin in P. cinereus has been hybridized in-situ to spermatids and sperm, and its site of binding to these cells has been examined by autoradiography. Labelling of round spermatid nuclei is localized in a single patch. Elongate spermatid nuclei are labelled only over the rear quarter of the nucleus. Label over the nuclei of mature sperm is localized in a region extending 10–20 m forwards from the rear of the nucleus. — In P. cinereus the ribosomal genes are located near the centromere on the short arm of chromosome 7. 3H ribosomal RNA hybridizes to a single patch in round spermatid nuclei. Elongate spermatid nuclei show label over a short segment of the rear half of the nucleus. In spermatids nearing maturity the labelled region is never more than 20 m long. — These results indicate that in P. cinereus each chromosome is arranged in a U formation with its centromere at the base of the sperm nucleus, and its arms extended forwards along the length of the nucleus. — Among plethodontids, increase in C value and corresponding increase in chromosome size is accompanied by increase in the length rather than the width of the sperm nucleus. — 3H ribosomal RNA hybridizes to a short segment in spermatid and sperm nuclei from Xenopus and Triturus. In these animals, the position of the labelled segment varies from sperm to sperm.  相似文献   

Chromatin within swollen or lysed isolated sperm nuclei of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, was examined by electron microscopy. Spread preparations of lysed sperm nuclei demonstrated dense aggregates of nondispersed material and beaded filaments radiating from these aggregates. These beaded fibers are similar in size and appearance to the “beads-on-a-string” seen as characteristic of chromatin spreads from numerous interphase nuclei. The beads are nucleosomes that have an average diameter of 130 Å. The interconnecting string is 40 Å indiameter and corresponds to the spacer DNA. In thin sections of swollen nuclei the sperm chromatin appears to be composed of 400 Å superbeads that are closely apposed to form 400 Å fibers. As the chromatin disperses, the superbeads are seen to be attached to one another by chromatin fibers of 110 Å diameter. In thin sections, the 400 Å superbeads appear to disperse directly into the 110 Å fibers with no intervening structures. This work demonstrates that the heterochromatin in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sperm nuclei is composed of nucleosomes that form 100 Å filaments that are compacted into 400 Å superbeads. The superbeads coalesce to give the morphological appearance of 400 Å fibers.  相似文献   

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