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Since the 1990s there has been a period of rapid climate warming in Europe. Long-term broad scale datasets coupled with time series at specific locations for rocky intertidal species dating back to the 1950s have been collected in Britain and Ireland. Resurveys of the original locations in 2001–2003 have been undertaken to identify changes in the biogeographical range and abundance of these species. The results show that some ‘southern’ species including Osilinus lineatus da Costa and Gibbula umbilicalis da Costa have undergone north and north-eastern range extensions. Populations have increased in abundance and adult size has decreased since the previous surveys were conducted. These changes have been synchronous throughout Britain, strongly suggesting that climate is responsible. The use of intertidal species as indicators of climate change is proposed.  相似文献   

The multiple cropping practice is essential to agriculture because it has been shown to significantly increase the grain yield and promote agricultural economic development. In this study, potential multiple cropping systems in China are calculated based on meteorological observation data by using the Agricultural Ecology Zone (AEZ) model. Following this, the changes in the potential cropping systems in response to climate change between the 1960s and the 2010s were subsequently analyzed. The results indicate that the changes of potential multiple cropping systems show tremendous heterogeneity in respect to the spatial pattern in China. A key finding is that the magnitude of change of the potential cropping systems showed a pattern of increase both from northern China to southern China and from western China to eastern China. Furthermore, the area found to be suitable only for single cropping decreased, while the area suitable for triple cropping increased significantly from the 1960s to the 2000s. During the studied period, the potential multiple cropping index (PMCI) gap between rain-fed and irrigated scenarios increased from 18% to 24%, which indicated noticeable growth of water supply limitations under the rain-fed scenario. The most significant finding of this research was that from the 1960s to the 2000s climate change had led to a significant increase of PMCI by 13% under irrigated scenario and 7% under rain-fed scenario across the whole of China. Furthermore, the growth of the annual mean temperature is identified as the main reason underlying the increase of PMCI. It has also been noticed that across China the changes of potential multiple cropping systems under climate change were different from region to region.  相似文献   

C Stawski  F Geiser 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e40278
The proportion of organisms exposed to warm conditions is predicted to increase during global warming. To better understand how bats might respond to climate change, we aimed to obtain the first data on how use of torpor, a crucial survival strategy of small bats, is affected by temperature in the tropics. Over two mild winters, tropical free-ranging bats (Nyctophilus bifax, 10 g, n = 13) used torpor on 95% of study days and were torpid for 33.5±18.8% of 113 days measured. Torpor duration was temperature-dependent and an increase in ambient temperature by the predicted 2°C for the 21st century would decrease the time in torpor to 21.8%. However, comparisons among Nyctophilus populations show that regional phenotypic plasticity attenuates temperature effects on torpor patterns. Our data suggest that heterothermy is important for energy budgeting of bats even under warm conditions and that flexible torpor use will enhance bats’ chance of survival during climate change.  相似文献   

Long-term bird population changes in response to natural or anthropogenic factors have been relatively well documented in the temperate zone, but rarely in the tropics, where there are few long-term data sets. Here, we analyze a 25-yr sequence of records of two species of Lophura pheasants, Siamese Fireback L. diardi and Silver Pheasant L. nycthemera in Khao Yai, Thailand's oldest national park. These data suggest that the number and proportion of detections of the lowlands-inhabiting L. diardi have increased significantly in relation to those of the higher elevation inhabitant L. nycthemera . Environmental factors mediated by changing climate are the most plausible explanation for the changing proportions of sightings of the two species. Further work is needed to explore in detail microhabitat selection of these birds and whether changes in microsite conditions on the forest floor or other factors are driving the observed distribution. Long-term monitoring of the avifauna along an elevational gradient is also recommended in tandem with increased monitoring of local climatic conditions.  相似文献   

The unusually high quality of census data for large waterbirds in Europe facilitates the study of how population change varies across a broad geographical range and relates to global change. The wintering population of the greylag goose Anser anser in the Atlantic flyway spanning between Sweden and Spain has increased from 120 000 to 610 000 individuals over the past three decades, and expanded its wintering range northwards. Although population sizes recorded in January have increased in all seven countries in the wintering range, we found a pronounced northwards latitudinal effect in which the rate of increase is higher at greater latitudes, causing a constant shift in the centre of gravity for the spatial distribution of wintering geese. Local winter temperatures have a strong influence on goose numbers but in a manner that is also dependent on latitude, with the partial effect of temperature (while controlling for the increasing population trend between years) being negative at the south end and positive at the north end of the flyway. Contrary to assumptions in the literature, the expansion of crops exploited by greylag geese has made little contribution to the increases in population size. Only in one case (expansion of winter cereals in Denmark) did we find evidence of an effect of changing land use. The expanding and shifting greylag population is likely to have increasing impacts on habitats in northern Europe during the course of this century.  相似文献   



Gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) undertake long migrations, from Baja California to Alaska, to feed on seasonally productive benthos of the Bering and Chukchi seas. The invertebrates that form their primary prey are restricted to shallow water environments, but global sea-level changes during the Pleistocene eliminated or reduced this critical habitat multiple times. Because the fossil record of gray whales is coincident with the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, gray whales survived these massive changes to their feeding habitat, but it is unclear how.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We reconstructed gray whale carrying capacity fluctuations during the past 120,000 years by quantifying gray whale feeding habitat availability using bathymetric data for the North Pacific Ocean, constrained by their maximum diving depth. We calculated carrying capacity based on modern estimates of metabolic demand, prey availability, and feeding duration; we also constrained our estimates to reflect current population size and account for glaciated and non-glaciated areas in the North Pacific. Our results show that key feeding areas eliminated by sea-level lowstands were not replaced by commensurate areas. Our reconstructions show that such reductions affected carrying capacity, and harmonic means of these fluctuations do not differ dramatically from genetic estimates of carrying capacity.


Assuming current carrying capacity estimates, Pleistocene glacial maxima may have created multiple, weak genetic bottlenecks, although the current temporal resolution of genetic datasets does not test for such signals. Our results do not, however, falsify molecular estimates of pre-whaling population size because those abundances would have been sufficient to survive the loss of major benthic feeding areas (i.e., the majority of the Bering Shelf) during glacial maxima. We propose that gray whales survived the disappearance of their primary feeding ground by employing generalist filter-feeding modes, similar to the resident gray whales found between northern Washington State and Vancouver Island.  相似文献   

We used species distribution modeling to investigate the potential effects of climate change on 24 species of Neotropical anurans of the genus Melanophryniscus. These toads are small, have limited mobility, and a high percentage are endangered or present restricted geographical distributions. We looked at the changes in the size of suitable climatic regions and in the numbers of known occurrence sites within the distribution limits of all species. We used the MaxEnt algorithm to project current and future suitable climatic areas (a consensus of IPCC scenarios A2a and B2a for 2020 and 2080) for each species. 40% of the species may lose over 50% of their potential distribution area by 2080, whereas 28% of species may lose less than 10%. Four species had over 40% of the currently known occurrence sites outside the predicted 2080 areas. The effect of climate change (decrease in climatic suitable areas) did not differ according to the present distribution area, major habitat type or phylogenetic group of the studied species. We used the estimated decrease in specific suitable climatic range to set a conservation priority rank for Melanophryniscus species. Four species were set to high conservation priority: M. montevidensis, (100% of its original suitable range and all known occurrence points potentially lost by 2080), M. sp.2, M. cambaraensis, and M. tumifrons. Three species (M. spectabilis, M. stelzneri, and M. sp.3) were set between high to intermediate priority (more than 60% decrease in area predicted by 2080); nine species were ranked as intermediate priority, while eight species were ranked as low conservation priority. We suggest that monitoring and conservation actions should be focused primarily on those species and populations that are likely to lose the largest area of suitable climate and the largest number of known populations in the short-term.  相似文献   

Here, we address the question of why some people have a greater chance of surviving and/or better resistance to cold-related-injuries in prolonged exposure to acute cold environments than do others, despite similar physical characteristics. The main aim of this study was to compare physiological and psychological reactions between people who exhibited fast cooling (FC; n = 20) or slow cooling (SC; n = 20) responses to cold water immersion. Individuals in whom the Tre decreased to a set point of 35.5°C before the end of the 170-min cooling time were indicated as the FC group; individuals in whom the Tre did not decrease to the set point of 35.5°C before the end of the 170-min cooling time were classified as the SC group. Cold stress was induced using intermittent immersion in bath water at 14°C. Motor (spinal and supraspinal reflexes, voluntary and electrically induced skeletal muscle contraction force) and cognitive (executive function, short term memory, short term spatial recognition) performance, immune variables (neutrophils, leucocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, IL-6, TNF-α), markers of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis activity (cortisol, corticosterone) and autonomic nervous system activity (epinephrine, norepinephrine) were monitored. The data obtained in this study suggest that the response of the FC group to cooling vs the SC group response was more likely an insulative–hypothermic response and that the SC vs the FC group displayed a metabolic–insulative response. The observations that an exposure time to 14°C cold water—which was nearly twice as short (96-min vs 170-min) with a greater rectal temperature decrease (35.5°C vs 36.2°C) in the FC group compared with the SC group—induces similar responses of motor, cognitive, and blood stress markers were novel. The most important finding is that subjects with a lower cold-strain-index (SC group) showed stimulation of some markers of innate immunity and suppression of markers of specific immunity.  相似文献   

Several parasitoids of African origin have been introduced to coffee producing areas of the Americas and Asia as biological control agents of the coffee berry borer (CBB) Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). These parasitoids have become established in the field but their effect on the CBB has been limited. A two-year field study in Western Kenya has found Prorops nasuta (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) to be the predominant parasitoid emerging from CBB-infested coffee berries collected on coffee trees or from the ground. P. nasuta comprises more than 75% of the total natural enemies collected. The density of P. nasuta was 90% higher in the berries collected from the ground than from the trees. Its hyperparasitoid, Aphanogmus sp. (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronidae), also emerged from both type of berries. Across the two seasons, the average P. nasuta density per berry was 18–35 times higher than that of Aphanogmus sp. Throughout the two years sampled, significantly higher numbers of P. nasuta and Aphanogmus sp. occurred between February and March, which coincides with the beginning of the rainy season. Higher numbers of live CBB females were recorded in berries collected from the trees. Nevertheless, mortality of adult CBB was considerably higher from January to March and started to decrease from April onwards. The possibly negative effects of cultural control practices in Latin America which include the removal of berries fallen to the ground on biological control of CBB are discussed, and the use of screened collection devices for these berries which would permit the release of parasitoids but prevent escape of the pest is proposed.  相似文献   

In situ experiments were conducted at various depths in the water column to determine the effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280–400 nm) on photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages from the subtropical Lake La Angostura (Argentina, 26°45′ S; 65°37° W, 1980 m asl.). Water samples were taken daily and incubated under three radiation treatments: (a) Samples exposed to UVR + Photosynthetic Available Radiation (PAR) – PAB treatment (280–700 nm); (b) Samples exposed to ultraviolet-A radiation (UV-A) + PAR – PA treatment (320–700 nm), and, (c) Samples exposed to PAR only – P treatment (400–700 nm). Additionally, depth profiles were done to determine different physical (i.e., temperature and underwater radiation field) and biological characteristics of the water column – photosynthetic pigments, UV-absorbing compounds, cell concentration, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). The effects of UVR on natural phytoplankton assemblages were significant only in the first 50 cm of the water column, causing a decrease in photosynthetic rates of 36 and 20% due to UV-A and ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B), respectively; below this depth, however, there were no significant differences between radiation treatments. Concentration of CPDs per mega base of DNA in natural phytoplankton was low, <27 CPDs MB−1 between 0 and 4 m. Data on net DNA damage, together with that on mixing conditions of the water column, suggest that mixing can favour phytoplankton by allowing cells to be transported to depths where active repair can take place. This mechanism to reduce UVR-induced DNA damage would be of great advantage for these assemblages dominated by small cyanobacteria and chlorophytes where UV-absorbing compounds that could act as sunscreens are virtually absent.  相似文献   



Although gestural communication is widespread in primates, few studies focused on the cognitive processes underlying gestures produced by monkeys.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present study asked whether red-capped mangabeys (Cercocebus torquatus) trained to produce visually based requesting gestures modify their gestural behavior in response to human’s attentional states. The experimenter held a food item and displayed five different attentional states that differed on the basis of body, head and gaze orientation; mangabeys had to request food by extending an arm toward the food item (begging gesture). Mangabeys were sensitive, at least to some extent, to the human’s attentional state. They reacted to some postural cues of a human recipient: they gestured more and faster when both the body and the head of the experimenter were oriented toward them than when they were oriented away. However, they did not seem to use gaze cues to recognize an attentive human: monkeys begged at similar levels regardless of the experimenter’s eyes state.


These results indicate that mangabeys lowered their production of begging gestures when these could not be perceived by the human who had to respond to it. This finding provides important evidence that acquired begging gestures of monkeys might be used intentionally.  相似文献   

Previous phylogeographic studies of the warm-temperate zone in China focused on woody plants, but little attention was given to the climate-sensitive herbaceous plants. In this work, we implemented a phylogeographic survey on the perennial herb Achyranthes bidentata in China’s warm-temperate zone. The sequence variation of cpDNA and nDNA was examined across 209 individuals from 21 populations. A total of 11 chlorotypes and 26 ribotypes were identified. The cpDNA data showed weak population genetic differentiation and could not divide the 21 populations into different genetic groups. By contrast, the nDNA data revealed stronger genetic differentiation than cpDNA and could divide these populations into two genetic groups. The cpDNA and nDNA data both gave unambiguous signs of recent sudden population expansion. Based on the cpDNA and nDNA data, the estimated time of population expansion occurred at interglacial Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 9 of the Penultimate Glaciation in China. The cpDNA and nDNA data suggested that the glaciation during this period deeply influenced the current distribution patterns and intraspecific divergence of A. bidentata. Our survey showed that A. bidentata tracked climatic oscillations by a large range of southward retreat into three main refugia during MIS 8, followed by the sudden northward expansion from these refugia during MIS 9.  相似文献   

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