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Seasonal growth, dynamics of morphological and anatomical structure, and sugar content in ectomycorrhizal roots of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) were studied. A variability of the root tip structure related to variations in hydrothermal conditions in soils of spruce phytocenoses was observed. A high content of mono- and disaccharides was detected in root tips in the beginning and end of the growth season. Changes in the growth pattern of spruce mycorrhizal roots were associated with changes in the sugar concentration in them, the thickness and volume of the mycelium sheath, and respiration.  相似文献   

A freshwater green alga, Rhizoclonium riparium (Roth) Harvey, was found to grow in diluted seawater with salinities (PSU) from 0.1 to 34.0 (0.1–34.0 S). It grew best at 13.6 S and least at 0.1 S which was the least salinity reported in its habitat. Net photosynthetic oxygen production of R. riparium rose with salinity up to 34.0. However, in the medium adjusted at pH 8.1. the net photosynthesis rose at low ranges of salinity and was almost at the same level in all ranges of salinities examined. The net photosynthesis was increased by the addition of bicarbonate in the medium. Respiratory oxygen consumption did not rise with the increase of external salinities from 0.1 to 34.0. The results indicate that R. riparium can grow by increasing net photosynthesis in diluted seawater in which the pH value is suitable for effective bicarbonate supply to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and carbon balance of a Sahelian fallow savanna   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eddy-covariance measurements of CO2 exchange above a Sahelian savanna consisting of small shrubs over a near-continuous herb layer were made during the HAPEX-Sahel experiment in Niger, West Africa. The measurements were made near-continuously during an 8-week period, covering the main part of the rainy season and three weeks at the beginning of the dry season. The measurements were corrected for in-canopy storage of CO2 and the night-time measurements used to derive respiration functions for the soil, roots and above-ground plant material. Photosynthetic CO2 uptake was estimated and compared to simulations using a biochemical photosynthesis model in a simple, ‘big-leaf’, implementation. The model satisfactorily reproduced the measurements (coefficient of determination 0.80) using parameters defined from the literature and based on soil nutrient concentrations. When the quantum yield (α) and rubisco capacity (Vmr) were fitted to the data with allowance for physiological changes through the season, an excellent agreement between model and measurements was obtained (coefficient of determination 0.93, RMS error 1.46 μmol m–2 s–1). The fitted photosynthesis and respiration model was used to estimate the carbon balance of the savanna site during the growing season of 1992 and for the complete calendar year. Harvest estimates of net plant biomass accumulation during the growing season and annual wood accumulation agreed well with modelled net photosynthesis and annual net carbon accumulation, respectively. Peak instantaneous ecosystem CO2 uptake was comparable to peak values observed in other biomes, but annual photosynthesis and carbon sequestration were considerably lower than observed elsewhere.  相似文献   

We present results from two years’ net ecosystem flux measurements above a boreal forest in central Sweden. Fluxes were measured with an eddy correlation system based on a sonic anemometer and a closed path CO2 and H2O gas analyser. The measurements show that the forest acted as a source during this period, and that the annual balance is highly sensitive to changes in temperature. The accumulated flux of carbon dioxide during the full two-year period was in the range 480–1600 g CO2 m–2. The broad range is caused by uncertainty regarding assessment of the night-time fluxes. Although annual mean temperature remained close to normal, the results are partly explained by higher than normal respiration, due to abnormal temperature distribution and reduced soil moisture during one growing season. The finding that a closed forest can be a source of carbon over such a long period as two years contrasts sharply with the common belief that forests are always carbon sinks.  相似文献   

Net ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange (NEE) was measured in a northern temperate grassland near Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for three growing seasons using the eddy covariance technique. The study objectives were to document how NEE and its major component processes—gross photosynthesis (GPP) and total ecosystem respiration (TER)—vary seasonally and interannually, and to examine how environmental and physiological factors influence the annual C budget. The greatest difference among the three study years was the amount of precipitation received. The annual precipitation for 1998 (481.7 mm) was significantly above the 1971–2000 mean (± SD, 377.9 ± 97.0 mm) for Lethbridge, whereas 1999 (341.3 mm) was close to average, and 2000 (275.5 mm) was significantly below average. The high precipitation and soil moisture in 1998 allowed a much higher GPP and an extended period of net carbon gain relative to 1999 and 2000. In 1998, the peak NEE was a gain of 5 g C m?2 d?1 (day 173). Peak NEE was lower and also occurred earlier in the year on days 161 (3.2 g C m?2 d?1) and 141 (2.4 g C m?2 d?1) in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Change in soil moisture was the most important ecological factor controlling C gain in this grassland ecosystem. Soil moisture content was positively correlated with leaf area index (LAI). Gross photosynthesis was strongly correlated with changes in both LAI and canopy nitrogen (N) content. Maximum GPP (Amax: value calculated from a rectangular hyperbola fitted to the relationship between GPP and incident photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)) was 27.5, 12.9 and 8.6 µmol m?2 s?1 during 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. The apparent quantum yield also differed among years at the time of peak photosynthetic activity, with calculated values of 0.0254, 0.018 and 0.018 during 1998, 1999 and 2000, respectively. The ecosystem accumulated a total of 111.9 g C m?2 from the time the eddy covariance measurements were initiated in June 1998 until the end of December 2000, with most of that C gained during 1998. There was a net uptake of almost 21 g C m?2 in 1999, whereas a net loss of 18 g C m?2 was observed in 2000. The net uptake of C during 1999 was the combined result of slightly higher GPP (287.2 vs. 272.3 g C m?2 year?1) and lower TER (266.6 vs. 290.4 g C m?2 year?1) than occurred in 2000.  相似文献   

Abstract. Growth and gas exchange measurements are used to formulate a carbon balance model to describe the sorghum- Striga hermonthica host-Parasite association. S. hermonthica reduces the growth and radically alters the architecture of infected sorghum plants. Grain and stem weight are reduced, whilst leaf and root biomass are maintained. Losses in host productivity result from two processes: export of carbon to the parasite and Parasite-induced reductions in host photosynthesis. The latter occurs before the emergence of the Parasite above ground and accounts for 80% of the Predicted loss in production over the lifecycle of the association. S. hermonthica is dependent on carbon exported from the host, since the plant has low rates of photosynthesis coupled with high rates of respiration. Host-derived carbon accounts for approximately one-third of the total parasite carbon requirement.  相似文献   

In previous experiments systematic differences have been found in the morphology, carbon economy and chemical composition of seedlings of inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species, grown at a non-limiting nutrient supply. In the present experiment it was investigated whether these differences persist when plants are grown at suboptimal nutrient supply rates. To this end, plants of the inherently fast-growing Holcus lanatus L. and the inherently slow-growing Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. were grown in sand at two levels of nitrate supply. Growth, photosynthesis, respiration and carbon and nitrogen content were studied over a period of 4 to 7 weeks. At low N-supply, the potentially fast-growing species still grew faster than the potentially slow-growing one. Similarly, differences in leaf area ratio (leaf area:total dry weight), specific leaf area (leaf area:leaf dry weight) and leaf weight ratio (leaf dry weight:total dry weight), as observed at high N-supply persisted at low N-availability. The only growth parameter for which a substantial Species × N-supply interaction was found was the net assimilation rate (increase in dry weight per unit leaf area and time). Rates of photosynthesis, shoot respiration and root respiration, expressed per unit leaf, shoot and root weight, respectively, were lower for the plants at low N-availability and higher for the fast-growing species. Species-specific variation in the daily carbon budget was mainly due to variation in carbon fixation. Lower values at low N were largely determined by both a lower C-gain of the leaves and a higher proportion of the daily gain spent in root respiration. Interspecific variation in C-content and dry weight:fresh weight ratio were similar at low and high N-supply. Total plant organic N decreased with decreasing N-supply, without differences between species. It is concluded that most of the parameters related to growth, C-economy and chemical composition differ between species and/or are affected by N-supply, but that differences between the two species at high N-availability persist at low N-supply.  相似文献   

Translocation and utilization of carbon in wheat (Triticum aestivum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. SUN 9E) was grown in a growth chamber under conditions of low soil nitrogen. Translocation of carbon to the roots and the subsequent utilization of these carbohydrates was determined. In vegetative plants (22 days old), 21.5 mg C day−1 were translocated to the roots. 29% of this was incorporated into dry matter, 32% was respired (28% via the cytochrome and 4% via a SHAM-sensitive, presumably the alternative nonphosphorylating, pathway) and 39% was translocated back to the shoots, mainly in the form of amino acids. – The rote of root maintenance respiration during the vegetative phase was estimated to be 0.7 mg O2 h−1 (g dry weight of roots)−1 and the root growth respiration to be 0.41 g O2 (g dry weight of roots)−1. Total carbohydrate utilization due to root respiration via the alternative, nonphosphorylating pathway during the major part of the growth period was calculated to be only ca 6% of carbohydrate utilization for grain growth. The rate of specific mass transfer (SMT) of sugars in the sieve tubes was estimated from the data on C-translocation and data on the total area occupied by sieve tubes in a cross section of the root system. SMT was calculated to be 0.8 mg sucrose s−1 cm−2, which is very similar to the published value on SMT for other organs, except roots.  相似文献   

Auxin modulates a range of plant developmental processes including embryogenesis, organogenesis, and shoot and root development. Recent studies have shown that plant hormones also strongly influence metabolic networks, which results in altered growth phenotypes. Modulating auxin signalling pathways may therefore provide an opportunity to alter crop performance. Here, we performed a detailed physiological and metabolic characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) mutants with either increased (entire) or reduced (diageotropicadgt) auxin signalling to investigate the consequences of altered auxin signalling on photosynthesis, water use, and primary metabolism. We show that reduced auxin sensitivity in dgt led to anatomical and physiological modifications, including altered stomatal distribution along the leaf blade and reduced stomatal conductance, resulting in clear reductions in both photosynthesis and water loss in detached leaves. By contrast, plants with higher auxin sensitivity (entire) increased the photosynthetic capacity, as deduced by higher Vcmax and Jmax coupled with reduced stomatal limitation. Remarkably, our results demonstrate that auxin‐sensitive mutants (dgt) are characterized by impairments in the usage of starch that led to lower growth, most likely associated with decreased respiration. Collectively, our findings suggest that mutations in different components of the auxin signalling pathway specifically modulate photosynthetic and respiratory processes.  相似文献   

Effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations on gas exchange, growth and productivity were investigated on an important grassland species, Trifolium repens L. cv. Blanca. Pure stands of this species were cultivated over an entire growing season in small acrylic greenhouses with an artificial atmosphere of ±367 or ±620 ppm CO2, respectively. Effects on growth and development were examined in a functional growth analysis, while consequences for gas exchange were determined by photosynthesis and transpiration measurements on canopy level. The stands were regularly clipped for production assessment. Canopies grown at high CO2 levels showed an average increase in productivity of almost 75%. Growth analysis indicated development of a larger foliage area as the major cause, particularly in the first days of regrowth after cutting. The growth advantage that began in this stage was maintained or bettered during the following weeks. The difference between gas exchange measurements expressed per unit leaf area and per unit ground area suggested that changes in net photosynthesis and respiration did not contribute to the increase in total yield. Transpiration declined under high CO2 if expressed on a leaf area basis but total canopy transpiration was at least as large as in ambient CO2 due to the larger leaf area. Water-use efficiency calculations on the summer data indicated a 35% improvement with a doubling of CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

1. To investigate the influence of elevated temperatures and nutrients on photosynthesis, respiration and growth of natural phytoplankton assemblages, water was collected from a eutrophic lake in spring, summer, autumn, winter and the following spring and exposed to ambient temperature and ambient +2, +4 and +6 °C for 2 weeks with and without addition of extra inorganic nutrients. 2. Rates of photosynthesis, respiration and growth generally increased with temperature, but this effect was strongly enhanced by high nutrient availability, and therefore was most evident for nutrient amended cultures in seasons of low ambient nutrient availability. 3. Temperature stimulation of growth and metabolism was higher at low than high ambient temperature showing that long‐term temperature acclimation of the phytoplankton community before the experiments was of great importance for the measured rates. 4. Although we found distinct responses to relatively small temperature increases, the interaction between nutrient availability, time of the year and, thus, ambient temperature was responsible for most of the observed variability in phytoplankton growth, photosynthesis and respiration. 5. Although an increase in global temperature will influence production and degradation of organic material in lakes, the documented importance of ambient temperatures and nutrient conditions suggests that effects will be most pronounced during winter and early spring, while the remaining part of the growth season will be practically unaffected by increasing temperatures.  相似文献   

We examined whether auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) proteins, which are key players in auxin-signal transduction, are involved in brassinosteroid (BR) responses. iaa7/axr2-1 and iaa17/axr3-3 mutants showed aberrant BR sensitivity and aberrant BR-induced gene expression in an organ-dependent manner. Two auxin inhibitors were tested in terms of BR responses. Yokonolide B inhibited BR responses, whereas p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid did not inhibit BR responses. DNA microarray analysis revealed that 108 genes were up-regulated, while only eight genes were down-regulated in iaa7. Among the genes that were up- or down-regulated in axr2, 22% were brassinolide-inducible genes, 20% were auxin-inducible genes, and the majority were sensitive neither to BR nor to auxin. An inhibitor of BR biosynthesis, brassinazole, inhibited auxin induction of the DR5-GUS gene, which consists of a synthetic auxin-response element, a minimum promoter, and a beta-glucuronidase. These results suggest that Aux/IAA proteins function in auxin- and BR-signaling pathways, and that IAA proteins function as the signaling components modulating BR sensitivity in a manner dependent on organ type.  相似文献   

Effect of fruiting and drought or flooding on carbon balance of apple trees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The response of fruiting or deblossomed trees to water stress such as drought or flooding was investigated in six semi open-top cuvettes each containing one apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Golden Delicious) tree. Xylem water potentials of leaves dropped from -1.2 to -4.1 MPa within 7 d of drought, the effect being enhanced by fruiting. Apple trees without fruits showed smaller reductions in net photosynthetic rate (P N ) and dark respiration rate (R D ) after 2 d of drought and hence more positive carbon balances relative to fruiting trees. Flooding for 4 d had a more pronounced effect on P N than on transpiration, resulting in a reduced water use efficiency (WUE). This reduction in WUE was greater in the non-fruiting trees. Flooding reduced P N of the whole apple canopies irrespective of fruiting; aple trees without fruits increased R D resulting in a less positive carbon balance relative to fruiting trees. Fruiting increased the sensitivity to drought of apple trees (R D and P N ), but decreased their sensitivity to flooding (R D and WUE), suggesting different adaptation mechanisms for the two forms of water stress. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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