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The addition of combined nitrogen to substrate at an appropriate rate can stimulate N2-fixation thus inreasing the efficiency of the Alnus-Frankia symbiosis. To examine how nitrogen additions can effect the peformance of different pairs of symbionts, growth and time course of N2-fixation were studied in plants supplied with NH4NO3. Two cloned ofAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., propagatedin vitro, were inoculated with two strains ofFrankia (AVP3d and ACN14a) and grown in a greenhouse. Calcined montmorillonite (TotfaiceR) was used as growth substrate. Six N treatments were made up of varied amounts of NH4NO3 supplied in one single addition shortly before inoculation. Weekly measurements of shoot height and repeated measurements of nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction) performed on intact root systems were used to monitor the development of the symbioses. Nitrogen treatments containing from 0.10 to 0.68 mg N g−1 dry substrate stimulated N2-fixation as well as growth. The relative performance of the two clones was different according to N treatment; one clone showed a greater benefit from the nitrogen input. Our results support the recommendation that selection of symbionts according to performance should be carried out with an input of combined nitrogen. This can provide optimum conditions for the development of each pair of symbionts.  相似文献   

Ten strains of Frankia isolated from root nodules of plant species from five genera of the host family Rhamnaceae were assayed in cross inoculation assays. They were tested on host plants belonging to four actinorhizal families: Trevoa trinervis (Rhamnaceae), Elaeagnus angustifolia (Elaeagnaceae), Alnus glutinosa (Betulaceae) and Casuarina cunninghamiana (Casuarinaceae). All Frankia strains from the Rhamnaceae were able to infect and nodulate both T. trinervis and E. angustifolia. Strain ChI4 isolated from Colletia hystrix was also infective on Alnus glutinosa. All nodules showed a positive acetylene reduction indicating that the microsymbionts used as inoculants were effective in nitrogen fixation. The results suggest that Frankia strains from Rhamnaceae belong to the Elaeagnus-infective subdivision of the genus Frankia.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings ofCeanothus griseus varhorizontalis were irrigated with 0, 10, 20, 50, 75 or 100ppm nitrogen as NH4NO3 for eight weeks prior to inoculation with infectiveFrankia. After inoculation, half of the plants for each treatment nitrogen level continued to be irrigated with the preconditioning nitrogen level and half were given no more supplemental nitrogen. For plants continuously receiving nitrogen, nodule initiation (nodule number) was inversely correlated with increasing supplemental nitrogen levels, and suppressed above 50 ppm N. Leaf nitrogen above 2% in continuous-N plants correlated with greatly reduced or suppressed nodulation. Plants maintained after inoculation without supplemental nitrogen showed influence of the prior nitrogen treatment on nodulation. Preconditioning at 50 ppm and above greatly reduced the number of nodules formed. The evidence suggests that stored internal nitrogen can regulate nodulation.Plant biomass accumulated maximally when nodulation was suppressed, at 75 and 100 ppm supplemental N applied continuously. Internode elongation during the nodulation period occurred only on nodulated plants, or in the presence of supplemental N (10 ppm and above).  相似文献   

Zimpfer  J. F.  Kaelke  C. M.  Smyth  C. A.  Hahn  D.  Dawson  J. O. 《Plant and Soil》2003,254(1):1-10
The effects of soil biota, Frankia inoculation and tissue amendment on nodulation capacity of a soil was investigated in a factorial study using bulked soil from beneath a Casuarina cunninghamiana tree and bioassays with C. cunninghamiana seedlings as capture plants. Nodulation capacities were determined from soils incubated in sterile jars at 21 °C for 1, 7, and 28 days, after receiving all combinations of the following treatments: ± steam pasteurization, ± inoculation with Frankia isolate CjI82001, and ± amendment with different concentrations of Casuarina cladode extracts. Soil respiration within sealed containers was determined periodically during the incubation period as a measure of overall microbial activity. Soil respiration, and thus overall microbial activity, was positively correlated with increasing concentrations of Casuarina cladode extracts. The nodulation capacity of soils inoculated with Frankia strain Cj82001 decreased over time, while those of unpasteurized soils without inoculation either increased or remained unaffected. The mean nodulation capacity of unpasteurized soil inoculated with Frankia CjI82001 was two to three times greater than the sum of values for unpasteurized and inoculated pasteurized soils. Our results suggest a positive synergism between soil biota as a whole and Frankia inoculum with respect to host infection.  相似文献   

Studies on the in vitro propagation of Alnus crispa, A. glutinosa, A. incana, A. japonica, A. rubra, A. sinuata and A. viridis indicated interspecific as well as intraspecific variations in their requirements for in vitro culture. The WPM and Blaydes media supported, respectively, growth of A. glutinosa and A. crispa but not that of both species, while the MS medium induced equal or significantly better growth than WPM and Blaydes media for both species. The optimum type and concentration of sugar to be used in the multiplication medium varied with species. Only A. glutinosa showed good growth on sucrose while glucose was optimum for all other species but at different concentrations. All species rooted in 3 weeks on half-strength MS medium including 1 M IBA. All clones of A. glutinosa and A. rubra rooted 100%, whereas easy-to-root and difficult-to-root clones were observed in the other species. In the rooting medium, glucose promoted rooting of the difficult-to-root clones better than sucrose. Survival following transfer to an artificial substrate was 100% for all species. Nodulation tests using pure cultures of two Frankia strains showed 100% nodulation on all Alnus clones.  相似文献   

Optimum growth conditions and inoculation regimes were determined for severalFrankia strains isolated from both Alnus and Casuarina host plants. Growth conditions were estabilished that allowed a reduction in generation time to less than 15 hours for certain Alnus derivedFrankia. Differences in plant growth response were observed with differing inoculum levels and soil mixtures. Elite strains of Alnus derivedFrankia were isolated that elicited similar growth reponses in allAlnus species tested; however, differences were observed betweenFrankia strains and plant growth response of variousCasuarina species tested.  相似文献   

The effects of time after exposure to acetylene and of nodule excision were examined using a flow-through system. After a transient depression in the rate of acetylene reduction that began about 1.5 min after exposure to acetylene, the rate recovered to 98% of the initial maximum value after 40 min. After nodule excision the rate stabilized to 90% of the initial maximum value observed in the intact plant.Excised nodules, measured at 6-min intervals in a closed system, with frequent changes of the gas mixture, were used for the remaining experiments. Acetylene reduction by the nodules increased rapidly as temperature was increased between 6 and 26°C. Between 26 and 36°C there was relatively little effect of temperature on acetylene reduction.Nodules and cultures ofFrankia were compared with respect to the effect of temperature and pO2 (partial pressure of oxygen) on oxygen uptake. Cultures ofFrankia were grown on a nitrogen-free medium at either 0.3 kPa O2 (vesicles absent) or 20 kPa O2 (vesicles present). Oxygen uptake by nodules (vesicles absent) and by vesicle-containing cultures was strongly dependent on pO2 at values below 20 kPa. This suggests the presence of a barrier to oxygen diffusion. Oxygen uptake was dependent on temperature as well as on pO2, but the Q10 was much larger for the cultures than for the nodules. This suggests that vesicles or related structures are not the source of the diffusion barrier in Casuarina nodules. Respiration by cultures ofFrankia lacking vesicles became O2-saturated at low pO2 values. Thus these cultures did not have a significant diffusion barrier. From these results it is concluded that nodules ofCasuarina cunninghamiana have a barrier to oxygen diffusion supplied by the host tissue and not byFrankia.  相似文献   

Two Frankia strains were isolated from root nodules of Alnus acuminata collected in the Tucumano-oranense forest, Argentina. Monosporal cultures were obtained by plating a spore suspension of each strain and isolating a single colony. The strains (named AacI and AacIII) showed branched mycelia with polymorphic sporangia and NIR-vesicles. They differed in their ability to use carbon sources: the AacI strain grew well on pyruvate, while the AacIII strain grew on mineral medium supplemented with glucose or, alternatively, with sucrose. The two strains were sensitive to oleandomycin, erythromycin, kanamycin, penicillin G, streptomycin and chloramphenicol at 5 μg/ml. The AcIII strain exhibited a moderate resistance to rifampicin, ampicillin and vancomycin. The nitrogenase activity in vitro of the strains was significantly higher in basal medium without nitrogen than that determined in the presence of ammonium chloride. Both strains were infective on seedlings of Alnus glutinosa, inducing an approximately similar percentage of nodulated plants (80%), although strain AacIII produced a higher number of nodules per plant (≤15) than strain AacI (≤6). They were also effective for nitrogen fixation in planta, determined by the acetylene reduction assay. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The osmotolerance, rather than the halotolerance, of the endosymbiont predicted the xerotolerance of acetylene reduction by Alnus nodulated withFrankia ARgP5 AG . Cloned plants ofAlnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. AG8022-16 were subjected to water stress under controlled conditions in an environmental growth chamber. Transpiration, stomatal conductance, and leaf water potential had decreased after successive 10 day periods of moderate (75% of water demand) and severe (50% of water demand) water stress. After severe stress had wilted the plants, reducing leaf water potential to –2.10 MPa, nitrogenase activity had fallen to 2.51 M per plant per hour. The reported rapid turnover of nitrogenase implies thatFrankia mycelium was metabolically active at this low water potential, a water potential at which no Alnus-derivedFrankia has been reported active. Although ARgP5 AG was similar to other such strains in halotolerance (lower limitca.–1.25 MPa), the low water potential limit for growth with glucose (a non-assimilated osmoticum) wasca.–2.53 MPa. Nitrogenase activity was apparently more limited by host xerotolerance than by endophyte xerotolerance.Journal article J-5400 of the Oklahoma Agriculture Experiment Station, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA.  相似文献   

Fifty strains of Frankia were tested for their ability to nodulate six species of actinorhizal plants. Pure cultured strains were used to inoculate seedlings of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Alnus rubra Bong., Casuarina equisetifolia L., Elaeagnus angustifolia L., Hippophaë rhamnoides L. and Myrica cerifera L. in nutrient solution culture. From the results of this study, host inoculation groups among the actinorhizal plants were defined. Although overlap between host inoculation groups appears to be common, the results from this study did not support the view that Frankia strains are promiscuous. All Frankia strains tested in this study could easily be classified into four major host-specificity groups.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of some chrysosporium species isolated in France   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to appreciate the pathogenicity of several geophilic Chrysosporium species (including Anixiopsis stercoraria, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. pannorum, C. state of Arthroderma curreyi, C. state of A. multifidum, and C. state of A. tuberculatum), the authors have realized two series of experimental infestations. Inoculation of these fungi on the back of guinea pigs produced rare erythematous scaling lesions which spontaneously disappeared 3–5 weeks later. No real hair invasion was observed. In white mice, eight weeks after intraperitoneal inoculation, granulomas with necrotic center were observed in the peritoneal tissue with C. keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. state of A. curreyi and C. state of A. tuberculatum. Conidia were often intact in necrotic centers and retrocultures were positive. With C. state of A. curreyi, spherical spores associated with rare budding cells were noted. The pathogenic role of these keratinophilic fungi is uncertain. However, their ability to remain viable for several weeks in skin and peritoneal tissue indicates that they could become pathogen in certain circumstances.This paper was presented at the Xth congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology at Barcelona, Spain from June 27 to July 1, 1988.  相似文献   

The ability of Hawaiian volcanic soils to nodulate actinorhizal Myrica cerifera, Casuarina equisetifolia, and Alnus glutinosa was determined using a host-plant bioassay. Myrica-nodulating Frankia occurred in five volcanic deposits with depositional ages ranging from 20 to 162 years before present. The oldest deposit had a mean estimated nodulation capacity from 450 to 1200 times greater than those of the younger deposits. Only the oldest deposit had high moisture content, high organic matter content, and increased vegetative cover, including an abundance of actinorhizal M. faya. Casuarina- and Alnus-nodulating Frankia were not detected in any of these volcanic deposits.  相似文献   

Traveset  Anna  Bermejo  Teresa  Willson  Mary 《Plant Ecology》2001,155(1):29-34
Theidea that fecal material accompanying vertebrate-dispersed seeds at depositionsites plays an important role in enhancing seed germination and seedlingsurvival has, surprisingly, little empirical support. The present studyattemptsto experimentally test this hypothesis. We examined the effect that manurecomposition from brown bears (Ursus arctos), importantseeddispersers of Rubus spectabilis and Vacciniumovalifolium/alaskaense in the temperate rainforests of SoutheastAlaska, has on seedling emergence and growth of these two fleshy-fruitedspeciesin their natural habitat. The seeds of Rubus spectabilisshowed a significantly higher germination rate in manure composed of animalmaterial (mainly deer hair and bones) than in manure consisting of either fruitpulp or vegetation fiber and than in controls (potting soil with no manureadded). The final number of germinated Rubus seeds wassimilar between the animal material and the fruit pulp treatments, perhaps dueto similar water retention capacities, but was significantly higher than in thevegetation fiber treatment and the control. The germination patterns ofVaccinium seeds, in contrast, appeared to be unaffected bythe composition of manure in which they were embedded. Seedlings of bothspeciesgrew faster, and in the case of Rubus produced moreleaves,when manure consisted of animal material. A principal constituent of bone iscalcium phosphate, which may provide important minerals to growing plants.Manure containing vegetation fiber also enhanced seedling growth compared tomanure with fruit pulp or the control. For Rubus, manurewith fruit pulp did not affect seedling length significantly, although thenumber of leaves per seedling was greater in this treatment than in thecontrol. We conclude that the influence of frugivores on the final fate of seedsof fleshy-fruited plants appears to depend not only upon commonly consideredfactors such as distance of dispersal, treatment in the digestive tract, andlocation of deposition, but also on what material the dispersed seeds areembedded in, i.e., on what other food frugivores have consumed along with thefruits.  相似文献   

Four species of Casuarina were raised in the glasshouse and inoculated with nodules collected from nine different geographical areas within Australia. Isolations ofFrankia were attempted from 10 of the Casuarina-Frankia nodule combinations using two methods, a nodule dissection and a filtration method. With both techniquesFrankia isolates were obtained from four of the 10Frankia sources. Spores were not observed in sections of nodules from the four sources from whichFrankia was isolated, whereas spores were observed in the remaining six nodule sources. For selected nodule sources a range of isolation media were tried, but no improvement in the isolation success rate was achieved. The effect of host species on ease of isolation was studied. The results obtained suggested it was theFrankia strain and not the host plant species which determined the ease of isolation from Casuarina nodules.  相似文献   

Summary Root-colonizing pseudomonads capable of inhibiting seedling winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) root growth in an agar seedling bioassay also significantly inhibited wheat root growth in vermiculite; however, the inhibitory trait is quite labile in laboratory culturing. The extent of inhibition in both the agar and vermiculite medium depended on inoculum level. These pseudomonads were found to produce a toxin capable of inhibiting growth ofEscherichia coli C-la andBacillus subtilis. Field isolates that strongly inhibit growth of indicator bacteria also inhibited root growth. Toxin production by the bacteria appeared necessary for inhibition of root growth and indicator bacteria as toxin-negative (TOX) mutants no longer inhibited either. Antibiosis towardsE. coli as well as wheat seedling root inhibition in agar was reversed by L-methionine, providing further evidence that a toxin, produced by these organisms, is involved in growth retardation.Contribution in cooperation with the College of Agric. Res. Center, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164. Scientific Paper No. 6837.  相似文献   

Nodulation tests onin-vitro propagated clones ofAlnus glutinosa ecotypes (forest ecotype, pioneer ecotype) withFrankia strains originating from both ecotypes indicated differences in host-plant compatibility. Inoculated plants of the pioneer ecotype clone were not infected by strains, that were unable to fix nitrogen in pure culture. Nodulation could only be induced on the clone of the forest ecotype, but no nitrogen-fixing activity could be detected. Ultra-structural observations of the nodules by SEM and TEM indicated that ineffectivity of these strains was correlated with the lack of vesicles in the infected cells. Cells were only filled with hyphae: neither sporangia nor vesicles could be detected. In contrast, effective nodules could be obtained on both alder clones after inoculation with an effective strain, showing normal development of vesicle clusters in infected cells. In pure culture the ineffective strains produced no vesicles; sporangia were found only during early stage of growth. The results demonstrate the existence ofFrankia strains which were either non-infective or ineffective on different clones ofAlnus glutinosa.  相似文献   

Growth curves of stem volume without bark were analyzed on the basis of theu-w diagram and the growth model equivalent to the Bertalanffy model. Some trees experienced several growth phases, in which characteristic values of growth changed. Presumable factors to cause the shifting of growth phase were discussed. In a 130-year-old sugi at Kaneyama in Yamagata Prefecture, estimated rates of anabolism and catabolism were related by a linear relationship with time delay of about 30 years.  相似文献   

Rhizobium fredii is a nitrogen-fixing symbiont from China that combines broad host range for nodulation of legume species with cultivar specificity for nodulation of soybean. We have compared 10R. fredii strains withRhizobium sp. NGR234, a well known broad host range strain from Papua New Guinea. NGR234 nodulated 16 of 18 tested lugume species, and nodules on 14 of the 16 fixed nitrogen. TheR. fredii strains were not distinguishable from one another. They nodulated 13 of the legumes, and in only nine cases were nodules effective. All legumes nodulated byR. fredii were included within the host range of NGR234. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were detected with four DNA hybridization probes: the regulatory and commonnod genes,nodDABC; the soybean cultivar specificity gene,nolC; the nitrogenase structural genes, nifKDH; and RFRS1, a repetitive sequence fromR. fredii USDA257. A fifth locus, corresponding to a second set of soybean cultivar specificity genes,nolBTUVWX, was monomorphic. Using antisera against whole cells of threeR. fredii strains and NGR234, we separated the 11 strains into four serogroups. The anti-NGR234 sera reacted with a singleR. fredii strain, USDA191. Only one serogroup, which included USDA192, USDA201, USDA217, and USDA257, lacked cross reactivity with any of the others. Although genetic and phenotypic differences amongR. fredii strains were as great as those between NGR234 andR. fredii, our results confirm that NGR234 has a distinctly wider host range thanR. fredii.  相似文献   

Sandy alluvial soils in a floodplain supporting a native stand ofCasuarina cunninghamiana Miq. produced about three times as many nodulated seedlings and more than twice as many nodules per nodulated seedling on roots of baitedCasuarina spp. than did clay loam red earth soils from the adjacent valley slope. Moist and well-aerated subsurficial alluvial sands had the greatest nodulation capacity of all the soils sampled. For all topographic positions, soil samples from depths greater than 20 cm promoted 76% more nodulated Casuarina seedlings than samples from the surficial 20 cm.Seedlings of three provenances ofC. cunninghamiana, together with seedlings ofC. glauca Sieb. ex Spreng.,C. cristata F. Muell ex Miq. andC. obesa Miq. developed significantly more nodules per pot and nodules per nodulated seedling in soils from this locale than seedlings of twoCasuarina equisetifolia Forst. provenances. Seedlings of two provenances ofAllocasuarina torulosa (Ait.) L. Johnson had fewer than 1% nodulated seedlings, a significantly lower level by far than that ofCasuarina seedlings.A. torulosa provenances also had significantly fewer nodulated seedlings per pot and nodules per nodulated seedling than all Casuarina hosts excepting one poorly-nodulated provenance ofC. equisetifolia.Nodulated seedlings of allCasuarina species had the capacity to fix atmospheric N2, as indicated by acetylene-reduction capability. The presence of yellow cladodes and low rates of acetylene reduction per plant forC. cristata Miq. suggest that this association was poorly effective.  相似文献   

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