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Among vertebrates, comparable spatial learning abilities have been found in birds, mammals, turtles and fishes, but virtually nothing is known about such abilities in amphibians. Overall, amphibians are the most sedentary vertebrates, but poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) routinely shuttle tadpoles from terrestrial territories to dispersed aquatic deposition sites. We hypothesize that dendrobatid frogs rely on learning for flexible navigation. We tested the role of experience with the local cues for poison frog way-finding by (i) experimentally displacing territorial males of Allobates femoralis over several hundred metres, (ii) using a harmonic direction finder with miniature transponders to track these small frogs, and (iii) using a natural river barrier to separate the translocated frogs from any familiar landmarks. We found that homeward orientation was disrupted by the translocation to the unfamiliar area but frogs translocated over similar distances in their local area showed significant homeward orientation and returned to their territories via a direct path. We suggest that poison frogs rely on spatial learning for way-finding in their local area.  相似文献   

Since its development about 40 years ago (1981–2021), Morris water maze has turned into a very popular tool for assessing spatial learning and memory. Its many advantages have ensured its pertinence to date. These include its effectiveness in evaluating hippocampal-dependent learning and memory, exemption from motivational differences across diverse experimental manipulations, reliability in various cross-species studies, and adaptability to many experimental conditions with various test protocols. Nonetheless, throughout its establishment, several experimental and analysis loopholes have galvanized researchers to assess ways in which it could be improved and adapted to fill this gap. Therefore, in this review, we briefly summarize these developments since the early years of its establishment through to the most recent advancements in computerized analysis, offering more comprehensive analysis paradigms. In addition, we discuss the adaptability of the Morris water maze across different test versions and analysis paradigms, providing suggestions with regard to the best paradigms for particular experimental conditions. Hence, the proper selection of the experimental protocols, analysis paradigms, and consideration of the assay’s limitations should be carefully considered. Given that appropriate measures are taken, with various adaptations made, the Morris water maze will likely remain a relevant tool to assess the mechanisms of spatial learning and memory.  相似文献   

Here, we found that functionally active mitochondria isolated from the brain of NMRI donor mice and administrated intranasally to recipient mice penetrated the brain structures in a dose-dependent manner. The injected mitochondria labeled with the MitoTracker Red localized in different brain regions, including the neocortex and hippocampus, which are responsible for memory and affected by degeneration in patients with Alzheimer''s disease. In behavioral experiments, intranasal microinjections of brain mitochondria of native NMRI mice improved spatial memory in the olfactory bulbectomized (OBX) mice with Alzheimer’s type degeneration. Control OBX mice demonstrated loss of spatial memory tested in the Morris water maze. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed that allogeneic mitochondria colocalized with the markers of astrocytes and neurons in hippocampal cell culture. The results suggest that a non-invasive route intranasal administration of mitochondria may be a promising approach to the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases characterized, like Alzheimer''s disease, by mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Memory is critical to understanding animal movement but has proven challenging to study. Advances in animal tracking technology, theoretical movement models and cognitive sciences have facilitated research in each of these fields, but also created a need for synthetic examination of the linkages between memory and animal movement. Here, we draw together research from several disciplines to understand the relationship between animal memory and movement processes. First, we frame the problem in terms of the characteristics, costs and benefits of memory as outlined in psychology and neuroscience. Next, we provide an overview of the theories and conceptual frameworks that have emerged from behavioural ecology and animal cognition. Third, we turn to movement ecology and summarise recent, rapid developments in the types and quantities of available movement data, and in the statistical measures applicable to such data. Fourth, we discuss the advantages and interrelationships of diverse modelling approaches that have been used to explore the memory–movement interface. Finally, we outline key research challenges for the memory and movement communities, focusing on data needs and mathematical and computational challenges. We conclude with a roadmap for future work in this area, outlining axes along which focused research should yield rapid progress.  相似文献   

Summary It has been reported that PCMBS (p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate) blocks the water permeability of red cells and of the tubular kidney membranes. In this study we compare the effects of this mercurial compound on the permeability of water and other small solutes in the frog urinary bladder.We observed that: (i) 5mm PCMBS applied at pH 5.0 to the mucosal side inhibited the net and unidirectional water fluxes induced by oxytocin without changing the P f/P d ratio. (ii) The oxytocin-induced urea and Na+ influxes were also inhibited by PCMBS. (iii) The unidirectional Cl movement was first reduced and then increased during the course of PCMBS treatment. (iv) The short-circuit measured at low mucosal Na+ concentration (10mm), diminished continuously, whereas the transepithelial resistance first increased and then diminished. (v) Mannitol, raffinose, -methyl-glucose, antipyrine, caffeine and Rb+ movements were not changed significantly during the first 26 min of the water permeability inhibition. In conclusion: (i) The ADH-sensitive water, urea and Na+ transport systems were inhibited by PCMBS, (ii) PCMBS did not induce a nonspecific and general effect on the permeability of the membrane during the development of the water permeability inhibition, and (iii) in terms of water channels, the inhibition of water transport with the maintenance of a highP f/P d ratio suggests that PCMBS closes the water channels in an all or none manner, reducing their operative number in the apical border of frog bladder.  相似文献   

褪黑素对大鼠空间学习记忆的影响及其机制研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
Feng Y  Zhang LX  Chao DM 《生理学报》2002,54(1):65-70
本研究运用Morris水迷宫和电生理学方法 ,以逃避潜伏期、穿环系数和海马CA1区突触长时程增强(long termpotentiation ,LTP)为指标 ,研究褪黑素对大鼠空间学习记忆能力的影响。实验结果显示 :( 1)在Morris水迷宫 6d训练中 ,对照组大鼠后 4d平均逃避潜伏期为 18 4 4± 2 7s,褪黑素组为 3 0 0 2± 3 6s,两者有显著差异 (P <0 0 1) ;训练 6d后 ,褪黑素组穿环系数为 2 5 68± 2 3 2 % ,明显小于对照组的 4 3 3 3± 2 85 % (P <0 0 1)。( 2 )采用微量注射法给予海马CA1区褪黑素 ,强直后 60min ,fEPSP斜率为基准值的 114 2 8± 1 80 % ,显著低于对照组的 169 71±6 4 8% (P <0 0 1)。( 3 )预先给予东莨菪碱 ,不影响褪黑素对海马CA1区LTP的抑制 ,强直后 60minfEPSP斜率为基准值的 113 70± 5 5 5 %。( 4 )提前给予荷包牡丹碱后给予褪黑素 ,强直后 60minfEPSP斜率为基准值的 162 2 9±10 5 2 % ,明显大于褪黑素组 (P <0 0 1) ,而与对照组无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。上述结果表明 ,褪黑素对大鼠的空间学习记忆能力及海马CA1区LTP均有明显的抑制作用 ,两者相关 ;东莨菪碱不能阻断褪黑素对海马CA1区LTP的抑制作用 ,而荷包牡丹碱可以阻断褪黑素对LTP的抑制 ,提示褪黑素的作用可能不是由胆碱能系统所介  相似文献   

The tendency of nectarivorous birds to perform better on tasks requiring them to avoid previously rewarding locations (to win-shift) than to return to them (win-stay) has been explained as an adaptation to the depleting nature of nectar. This interpretation relies on the previously untested assumption that the win-shift tendency is not associated with food types possessing a different distribution. To test this assumption, we examined the specificity of this bias to different food types in an omnivorous honeyeater, the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala). As predicted, we found that the win-shift bias was sensitive to foraging context, manifesting only in association with foraging for nectar, not with foraging for invertebrates.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of the dusky damselfish Stegastes fuscus to associate conditioned and unconditioned stimuli (single CS–US) and to find a specific place in a clueless ambiece (spatial learning). After tested for colour preference and showing no specific colour attractively, the fish were trained to associate a colour cue with a stimulus fish (conspecific). Fish were then challenged to locate the exact place where the stimulus fish was presented. Stegastes fuscus spent most time close to the zone where stimulus was presented, even without obvious marks for orientation. The results confirm that S. fuscus show single CS–US learning and suggest the fish ability for spatial orientation. Stegastes fuscus appears to use multiple senses (sight and lateral line) for cues association and recall, and appear to perform relational learning similar to mammals. These data suggest the importance of cognitive skill for reef fishes that may have contributed to their establishment and evolutionary success in such complex environment.  相似文献   

Hibernation, a hypometabolic state associated with low body temperature and reduced metabolic and activity rates, represents one adaptation to harsh seasonal environmental conditions. As a consequence of hypometabolism, energetically costly neuronal processes also ought to be reduced. Since active neuronal pathways are prerequisites for learning and memory, and because previous studies revealed variable patterns, it remains unclear whether and how hibernating animals retain memories, however. Here, we investigated the effect of seasonally reduced activity on memory retention in 36 wild grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Data from activity loggers confirmed that female grey mouse lemurs entered hibernation during the cool dry season, whereas males exhibited episodic bursts of activity throughout the austral winter. Thus, compared to males, we predicted females to show lower memory retention of visual and spatial stimulus–reward associations learned before hibernation. In contrast to our prediction, all individuals performed worse in the post-hibernation testing session in both types of tests, compared to the pre-hibernation learning session, and males (N = 11) performed even worse than females (N = 14) in the post-hibernation testing session. Although females (N = 9) equipped with activity loggers tended to be less active than males (N = 4), sex-specific activity levels were unrelated to interindividual differences in memory retention. Hence, the post-hibernation decrease in performance of grey mouse lemurs may reflect a more general disability to retain stimulus–reward associations than a lack of memory retention due to seasonal hypometabolism, as suggested for some species of bats or squirrels.  相似文献   

Brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) are obligate brood parasites. Only females search for host nests and they find host nests one or more days before placing eggs in them. Past work has shown that females have a larger hippocampus than males, but sex differences in spatial cognition have not been extensively investigated. We tested cowbirds for sex and seasonal differences in spatial memory on a foraging task with an ecologically relevant retention interval. Birds were trained to find one rewarded location among 25 after 24 h. Females made significantly fewer errors than males and took more direct paths to the rewarded location than males. Females and males showed similar search times, indicating there was no sex difference in motivation. This sex difference in spatial cognition is the reverse of that observed in some polygynous mammals and is consistent with the hypothesis that spatial cognition is adaptively specialized in this brood-parasitic species.  相似文献   

Hippocampal principal neurons-'place cells'-exhibit location-specific firing. Recent work addresses the link between place cell activity and hippocampal memory function. New tasks that challenge spatial memory allow recording from single neurons, as well as ensembles of neurons, during memory computations, and insights into the cellular mechanisms of spatial memory are beginning to emerge.  相似文献   

Androgens affect cognitive processes in both humans and animals. The effects of androgens may be limited to certain cognitive domains, specifically spatial memory, but this hypothesis remains elusive. Here, we tested castrated and sham-operated mice in various behavioral tasks to ask whether androgens affect multiple or specific cognitive domains in male mice. Castration impaired spatial working memory performance in the delayed matching to place water maze task following a 1-h, but not a 1-min, retention interval, as has been reported for rats. In contrast, castration had no effect on novel object recognition memory, spatial reference memory in the water maze, motor coordination, or passive avoidance memory. Castration increased anxiety-like behavior in the open field test, but not the elevated zero maze. Finally, we assessed the effects of androgen replacement with non-aromatizable dihydrotestosterone on spatial working memory following various retention intervals. Dihydrotestosterone recovered spatial memory performance following a 24-h, but not a 1-h retention interval, and had no effect at other retention intervals. These data support that in male mice androgens specifically affect spatial working memory performance, and that the neurobiological processes underlying spatial memory formation may be differentially affected by androgens.  相似文献   

EphA4 receptor (EphA4) tyrosine kinase is an important regulator of central nervous system development and synaptic plasticity in the mature brain, but its relevance to the control of normal behavior remains largely unexplored. This study is the first attempt to obtain a behavioral profile of constitutive homozygous and heterozygous EphA4 knockout mice. A deficit in locomotor habituation in the open field, impairment in spatial recognition in the Y‐maze and reduced probability of spatial spontaneous alternation in the T‐maze were identified in homozygous EphA4?/? mice, while heterozygo us EphA4+/? mice appeared normal on these tests in comparison with wild‐type (WT) controls. The multiple phenotypes observed in EphA4?/? mice might stem from an underlying deficit in habituation learning, reflecting an elementary form of nonassociative learning that is in contrast to Pavlovian associative learning, which appeared unaffected by EphA4 disruption. A deficit in motor coordination on the accelerating rotarod was also demonstrated only in EphA4?/? mice – a finding in keeping with the presence of abnormal gait in EphA4?/? mice – although they were able to improve performance over training. There was no evidence for substantial changes in major neurochemical markers in various brain regions rich in EphA4 as shown by post‐mortem analysis. This excludes the possibility of major neurochemical compensation in the brain of EphA4?/? mice. In summary, we have demonstrated for the first time the behavioral significance of EphA4 disruption, supporting further investigation of EphA4 as a possible target for behavioral interventions where habituation deficits are prominent.  相似文献   

Summary It has been suggested that during the oxytocin-induced hydrosmotic response, water crosses the luminal membrane of urinary bladder epithelium cells through membranespanning proteins. Although specific inhibitors of osmotic water transport have not been found, certain sulfhydryl reagents such as mercurial compounds may help to identify the proteins involved in this permeation process. We tested the effects ofp-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) and of fluoresceinmercuric acetate (FMA) on the net water flux, the microtubule and microfilament structures of the frog urinary bladder, and the distribution of intramembrane particle aggregates in the luminal membrane.We observed that: (i) 5mm PCMBS at pH 5 and 0.5mm FMA at pH 8 added to the mucosal bath at the maximum of the response to oxytocin partially inhibited the net water flux. Inhibition then increased progressively when the preparation was repeatedly or continuously stimulated, until it reached a maximal inhibition at 120 min. This inhibition was not reversed even when cystein was added in the mucosal bath. PCMBS and FMA effects were also observed when cyclic AMP (3,5 cyclic adenosine monophosphate) was used to increase water permeability. (ii) PCMBS mucosal pretreatment did not modify the basal water flux but potentiated the inhibitory effect of PCMBS or FMA on the hydrosmotic response to oxytocin. (iii) Microtubule and microfilament network, visualized in target cells by immunofluorescence, was not affected by PCMBS. (iv) The maximal PCMBS or FMA inhibition was not associated with a reduction of aggregate surface area in the apical membrane.The persistence of the intramembrane particle aggregates associated with the oxytocin-induced hydrosmotic response during the net water flux inhibition by PCMBS, suggests that the PCMBS effect occurs possibly at the level of sulfhydryl groups of the water channel itself.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Yu W  Han TZ  Xie W  Luo Y 《生理学报》2006,58(5):442-448
短期强化训练能否建立可靠的空间长时记忆?用不同训练方式建立空间记忆后,大鼠海马结构NMDA受体的表达发生怎样的变化?目前尚未见明确报道。本研究应用Morris水迷宫方法分别采用以下模式对大鼠进行训练:空间长时记忆训练模式(LT组)、空间短时记忆训练模式(ST组)以及短期强化训练模式(SRT组),对不同训练模式建立的空间记忆进行了比较,应用免疫荧光组织化学方法检测各组大鼠海马结构NMDA/NR1受体表达的变化。结果表明,Morris水迷宫训练过程中,LT和SRT组大鼠寻找站台的半均潜伏期和策略均无显著性差异:记忆检测发现,除LT组大鼠在站台所在象限的停留时间明显长于SRT组大鼠外,两组大鼠寻找站台的潜伏期和策略以及穿越站台的次数均无显著性差异。ST组大鼠海马结构NMDA/NR1的免疫反应强度与对照组相比,无显著差异。但是,LT和SRT组大鼠海马CA1区锥体细胞联及齿状回的颗粒细胞层NMDA/NR1免疫荧光反应都明显增强,两组之间比较无显著差异,但是两组分别与对照组和ST组相比均有显著性差异。上述结果提示,短期强化训练可建立与长期训练基本相同的空间长时记忆。大鼠海马结构CA1区和齿状回NMDA受体表达的增加,可能是空间长时记忆形成的机制之一。  相似文献   

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