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We compared the production of pseudoparasitization by Microplitis rufiventris females in most (third) and less (fourth) preferred instars of Spodoptera littoralis larvae at 20+/-1 and 27+/-1 degrees C. The parasitized hosts were classified into hosts producing parasitoids (type A hosts) and hosts producing no parasitoids, i.e., pseudoparasitized hosts (type B hosts). The latter were further classified into: (a) pseudoparasitized hosts with "well" arrested development (type B1 hosts); (b) pseudoparasitized hosts with partially arrested development (type B2 hosts); and (c) pseudoparasitized hosts that successfully pupated to apparently normal host pupae (type B3 hosts). The present series of experiments showed that parasitization by M. rufiventris was clearly affected by host instar, age within an instar and rearing temperature. Production of type B hosts was less when third instar S. littoralis larvae were exposed to the wasp females than when the host larvae were in fourth instar. The production of type A hosts was much greater when early or mid ages of an instar was stung by the wasp females comparing with stung late age of the same instar. Production of type B hosts may be due to one or overall of the following: (a) dosage dilution of M. rufiventris female's factors in the different age classes of the instar; (b) endocrine system (physiological state) at parasitization time, i.e., early vs late age of the instar; (c) growth rate of host larvae. The lowest production of type B hosts was at highest growth rate; and (d) temperature, larger proportions of type B hosts were produced at 27+/-1 than at 20+/-1degrees C. The three types host development (B1, B2 and B3) are possibly representing three levels of host resistance (host control) resulting in partial or complete failure of parasitoid control. Type A hosts represent complete success of parasitoid control. The results suggest that the impact of parasitoid factor(s) on developmental arrest is affected by host age at the time of parasitism and/or by temperature.  相似文献   

How communities of natural enemies, such as parasitoids, adapt to the range expansion of their hosts or the arrival of a novel invasive host is an important question in invasion biology. Do parasitoids track the expansion of their hosts from their shared native range? Do they locally adapt both behaviorally and physiologically to the arrival of a novel species by shifting hosts? Few studies have addressed those questions, yet they are important to develop efficient methods to manage invasive species. Here we focus on Pnigalio mediterraneus Ferriére and Delucchi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), an important parasitoid of two major agricultural and ornamental pests, the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae Rossi (Diptera: Tephritidae) and the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). C. ohridella recently invaded Europe starting from the Southern Balkans, whereas B. oleae has been associated since the Quaternary with wild olives in the Mediterranean, where it largely spread after the domestication of cultivated olives. We used two markers, the ribosomal spacer ITS2 and the mitochondrial gene COI. Although the ITS2 dataset provided little variation and no phylogeographic signal, analysis of mtDNA of 188 individuals of P. mediterraneus from 54 European localities allowed us to identify 53 haplotypes. Both nucleotide and haplotype diversity were higher for Mediterranean samples, and from samples reared from B. oleae. The statistical parsimony network identified one haplotype as the most frequent, ancestral and mainly associated with C. ohridella. Our findings suggest that P. mediterraneus locally host switched to C. ohridella from other hosts in the Balkans and later tracked the horse chestnut leafminer invasion over Europe. Therefore both host-tracking and ecological sorting could explain the current distribution of P. mediterraneus haplotypes.  相似文献   

Living and freeze-killed natural and laboratory hosts, with different susceptibility to entomopathogenic nematodes, were exposed to the larvae of Steinernema affine and Steinernema kraussei in two different experimental arenas (Eppendorf tubes, Petri dishes), and the success of the colonisation and eventual progeny production were observed. Both nematodes were able to colonise both living and dead larvae of Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera) and adult Blatella germanica (Blattodea) even though the progeny production in dead hosts was lower on average. Living carabid beetles, Poecilus cupreus, and elaterid larvae (Coleoptera) were resistant to the infection, however, both nematodes were able to colonise and multiply in several dead P. cupreus and in a majority of dead elaterid larvae. By scavenging, EPNs can utilise cadavers of insects that are naturally resistant to EPN infection, and so broaden their host range.  相似文献   

In many hummingbird species there is an opposite pattern of sexual dimorphism in bill length and other morphometric measures of body size. These differences seem to be closely related with differences in foraging ecology directly associated with a different resource exploitation strategy. The aim of this study was to assess if natural selection is acting on wing length and bill size in hummingbird males and females with different resource exploitation strategies (i.e., territorial males and non-territorial females). If competition for resources promotes sexual dimorphism as a selective pressure, males should be subjected to negative directional selection pressure for wing length and no selection pressure over bill size, while females should undergo positive directional selection pressure for both bill size and wing length. The morphometric data we collected suggests that there is no selection for wing length and bill size in male hummingbirds. In contrast, our females exhibited positive directional selection for both wing length and bill size. Although we cannot reject sexual selection acting on sexually dimorphic traits, this study suggests that natural selection may promote sexual dimorphism in traits that are closely related with hummingbird foraging ecology and resource exploitation strategies.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may facilitate genetic isolation among populations and result in increased rates of diversification. As a mechanism driving diversification, sexual selection has been invoked and upheld in numerous empirical studies across disparate taxa, including birds, plants and spiders. In this study, we investigate the potential impact of sexual selection on the tempo and mode of ponyfish evolution. Ponyfishes (Leiognathidae) are bioluminescent marine fishes that exhibit sexually dimorphic features of their unique light-organ system (LOS). Although sexual selection is widely considered to be the driving force behind ponyfish speciation, this hypothesis has never been formally tested. Given that some leiognathid species have a sexually dimorphic LOS, whereas others do not, this family provides an excellent system within which to study the potential role of sexual selection in diversification and morphological differentiation. In this study, we estimate the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times for Leiognathidae, investigate the tempo and mode of ponyfish diversification, and explore morphological shape disparity among leiognathid clades. We recover strong support for a monophyletic Leiognathidae and estimate that all major ponyfish lineages evolved during the Paleogene. Our studies of ponyfish diversification demonstrate that there is no conclusive evidence that sexually dimorphic clades are significantly more species rich than nonsexually dimorphic lineages and that evidence is lacking to support any significant diversification rate increases within ponyfishes. Further, we detected a lineage-through-time signal indicating that ponyfishes have continuously diversified through time, which is in contrast to many recent diversification studies that identify lineage-through-time patterns that support mechanisms of density-dependent speciation. Additionally, there is no evidence of sexual selection hindering morphological diversity, as sexually dimorphic taxa are shown to be more disparate in overall shape morphology than nonsexually dimorphic taxa. Our results suggest that if sexual selection is occurring in ponyfish evolution, it is likely acting only as a genetic isolating mechanism that has allowed ponyfishes to continuously diversify over time, with no overall impact on increases in diversification rate or morphological disparity.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to document the existence of intersexual or intrasexual selection in the clam shrimp,Eulimnadia texana. Individuals within this species are either males or hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites can self their own eggs or outcross with a male, but they cannot outcross with other hermaphrodites. Theoretical considerations suggest that both intrasexual and intersexual selection could be occurring on the part of the hermaphrodites and the males. When males were given a choice between two non-gravid hermaphrodites of different sizes, they did not exhibit a mating preference based upon size. When two males of different sizes were isolated with a single nongravid receptive hermaphrodite, the hermaphrodite showed no preference between the two males. There was evidence, however, of male-male competition for receptive hermaphrodites and of mate guarding on the part of the males. During aggressive encounters between twp males, the larger of the two had a significant advantage over the smaller, and larger males were always the victors hermaphrodite takeovers occurred as a result of male-male conflict. Hermaphrodites appear to control the mating process both by struglling with males when they are not receptive to them and by selfing in the presence of males. This suggests that hermaphrodites withhold receptivity cues from males, or produce non-receptivity cues, when they are going to self. Though hermaphrodites do not appear to select males based upon size, they make a selection between selfing and outcrossing by controlling the use of receptivity signals.  相似文献   

Simulation models presented here show that gall size of Eurosta solidaginisFitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) is a reliable predictor of its quality as a host to the parasitoid Eurytoma giganteaWalsh (Hymenoptera; Eurytomidae). The nutritional value of a gall to a parasitoid increases with diameter, but so does the likelihood that ovipositing parasitoids will fail to penetrate to the gall's central chamber. Despite the large differences in gall quality with size, this parasitoid seems incapable of distinguishing large, impenetrable galls from smaller, more suitable ones (Weis, A. E., et al., Ecol. Entomol. 10:341–348, 1985). This paper shows that Eurytomais capable of quick rejection of nonhost galls of similar size and shape to suitably sized host galls. Several lines of reasoning are explored to understand the seemingly maladaptive lack of sizediscrimination ability on host galls.  相似文献   

Flowering plants often have specific floral cues, which allow bees and other pollinators to differentiate between them. Many bee species exhibit specialised associations with flowers (oligolecty) and it is important for them to find and recognise their specific host plants. In this study we compared the visual and olfactory floral cues of different Echium and Pontechium (Boraginaceae) species with the closely related Anchusa officinalis (Boraginaceae). We tested whether plant-specific cues occur in Echium and Pontechium which may allow oligolectic Hoplitis adunca (Megachilidae) to recognise its host plants and to distinguish them from Anchusa non-hosts. Our investigations showed that Echium/Pontechium provides a specific scent bouquet. Furthermore, we identified compounds which were not described as floral scent before ((Z)-3-nonenal and 1,4-benzoquinone). These unique volatiles and the specific bouquet could act as a recognition cue for H. adunca. The corolla colours differed between all species, but were grouped together in the bee colour categories blue and UV-blue and can indicate potential host flowers for H. adunca.  相似文献   

Intimate bacterial adhesion to the intestinal epithelium is a pathogenic mechanism shared by several human and animal enteric pathogens, including enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Two bacterial protein partners involved in this intimate association have been identified, intimin and Tir. Some key remaining questions include whether intimin specifically interacts with one or more host-cell-encoded molecules and whether these contacts are a prerequisite for the subsequent intimate intimin-Tir association. Recent data support the hypothesis that the formation of a stable intimin-Tir relationship is the consequence of intimin protein interactions involving both host and bacterial components.  相似文献   

Oviposition rates and related behaviours were quantified for Lariophagus distinguendusFörster attacking Calosobruchus chinensis (L.) and C. maculatus (F.). Oviposition rates varied with parasitoid age; parasitoids aged 1–7 days laid approximately twice as many eggs per day as those aged 8–14 days. Similar differences were noted in search rates and handling times; younger parasitoids had higher attack rates and lower handling times than older parasitoids. Search rates and handling times also varied with the host stage available for attack. Search rates were higher and handling times were lower on larger stages. The results are discussed with reference to their impact on the dynamical behavior of insect parasitoid-host populations.  相似文献   

Ilse Storch 《Oecologia》1993,95(2):257-265
The use of habitat by female and male adult capercaillie Tetrao urogallus during summer and autumn was studied by comparing the distribution of radio locations of birds with the availability of habitat at forest stand, home range and landscape level in an area of the Bavarian Alps, Germany. Capercaillie preferred forests with structural features typical of their main distribution range, the boreal forest: they selected large patches of old forest with moderate canopy cover of about 50%, and a well developed field layer with high proportions of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus. Hens selected both home ranges and sites within home ranges in old forest. Ranges selected by cocks did not differ from availability in the study area, but they preferred old forest within their ranges. The size of home ranges was negatively related to bilberry cover both in hens and cocks. The distribution of bilberry also determined habitat use by capercaillie at the landscape scale. The study demonstrated that bilberry is the major determinant of the selection of habitat by capercaillie in landscapes with sparse and fragmentary cover of ericaceous shrubs, such as central Europe.  相似文献   

Indirect effects such as apparent competition (in which two hosts that do not compete for resources interact via a shared natural enemy) are increasingly being shown to be prevalent in the structure and function of ecological assemblages. Here, we review the empirical and theoretical evidence for these enemy-mediated effects in host–parasitoid assemblages. We first address questions about the design of experiments to test for apparent competition. Second, we consider factors likely to affect the coexistence of host species that share a parasitoid and are involved in apparent competition. We show that parasitoid aggregation, and the switching effect that this can generate when hosts occur in separate patches, not only promotes persistence but is also strongly stabilizing. The broader consequences of these effects are discussed. Received: November 6, 1998 / Accepted: January 13, 1999  相似文献   

Superparasitism in solitary parasitoids results in fatal competition between the immature parasitoids, and consequently only one individual can emerge. In the semisoli- tary ovicidal parasitoid Echthrodelphaxfairchildii (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae), 2 adults can emerge under superparasitism with a short interval (〈24 h) between the first and second ovipositions. We determined the female parasitoid's behavioral responses under self- and conspecific superparasitism bouts with first-to-second oviposition intervals of 〈2 h. The self- and conspecific superparasitizing frequencies increased up to an oviposition interval of 0.75 h, with the former remaining lower than the latter, particularly for oviposition intervals of _〈0.25 h, suggesting the existence of self-/conspecific discrimination. The superparasitizing frequency plateaued for oviposition intervals of _〉0.75 h, with no dif- ference between self- and conspecific superparasitism. The ovicidal-probing frequency did not differ under self- and conspecific superparasitism, and was usually 〈20%. The females exhibited no preference for the oviposition side (i.e., ovipositing on the side with or without the first progeny) and almost always laid female eggs for any oviposition in- terval under self- and conspecific superparasitism. The sex ratio was not affected by the type of superparasitism, oviposition sides, or the occurrence of ovicidal probing. These observed results about the oviposition side, ovicidal probing, and sex ratios differed from the predictions obtained assuming that the females behave optimally. Possible reasons for the discrepancies are discussed: likely candidates include the high cost of selecting oviposition sides and ovicidal probing, and, for the sex ratio, the low frequency of encountering suitable hosts before superparasitism bouts.  相似文献   

The potential effects of insect‐resistant, genetically engineered (GE) crops on non‐target organisms, especially on predators and parasitoids, must be evaluated before their commercial cultivation. The effects of GE maize that produces Cry1Ac toxin on the parasitoid Macrocentrus cingulum were assessed by direct bioassay and indirect bioassay. In the indirect bioassay, parasitism rate, cocoon weight and the number of M. cingulum progeny produced per host were significantly reduced when M. cingulum‐parasitized Cry1Ac‐susceptible Ostrinia furnacalis were fed a diet containing purified Cry1Ac; however, life‐table parameters of M. cingulum were not adversely affected when the same assay was performed with Cry1Ac‐resistant O. furnacalis. These results indicated that the detrimental effects detected with a Cry1Ac‐susceptible host were mediated by poor host quality. In a direct bioassay, no difference in life‐table parameters were detected when M. cingulum adults were directly fed a 20% honey solution with or without Cry1Ac; however, survival and longevity were significantly reduced when M. cingulum adults were fed a honey solution containing potassium arsenate, which was used as a positive control. The stability and bioactivity of Cry1Ac toxin in the food sources and Cry1Ac toxin uptake by the host insect and parasitoid were confirmed by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and sensitive‐insect bioassays. Our results demonstrate that M. cingulum is not sensitive to Cry1Ac toxin at concentrations exceeding those encountered in Bacillus thuringiensis maize fields. This study also demonstrates the power of using resistant hosts when assessing the risk of genetically modified plants on non‐target organisms and will be useful for assessing other non‐target impacts.  相似文献   

Bracon lissogaster Mues., a key parasitoid of Cephus cinctus Norton in northern Montana USA, is reported in Canada for the first time. Resurgence of C. cinctus in Alberta and Saskatchewan has led to renewed interest in biological control of this cereal pest in Canada.  相似文献   

  • 1 The seed-harvesting ant Messor (Veromessor) prrgandei (Mayr) is a common inhabitant of southwestern deserts of the U.S.A. Foragers vary in size from less than 1 mg to more than 10 mg in body mass and may travel over 80 m on a single foraging trip. Their small size, long foraging range, and hot, arid habitat suggest that water stress may limit foraging activity. We examined intercolony and interindividual variation in water loss of M.pergandei foragers under several different situations in the field.
  • 2 Colonies differed significantly in minimum critical water content (Wc) of individual foragers (water content below which foragers are incapable of normal locomotion). In one colony small workers had disproportionately higher Wc than larger workers; in the other colony Wc was isometric with body size.
  • 3 Groups of workers confined in the field approached Wc only after normal foraging stopped and substrate temperatures exceeded 45°C, while water content of individual foragers did not approach the Wc during normal foraging periods. Moreover, seed load and distance travelled did not negatively affect forager water content, as measured on return to the nest: indeed, our results suggest that forager hydration level may influence load selection and/or foraging distance. We conclude that, under normal circumstances, foraging in M.pergandei is not water-limited.

The contribution of potential export of materials from bottom sedimentsand salt marshes into the water column of a shallow estuarine system of Ria deAveiro to the observed high bacterial productivity in the mid section of thisestuary was evaluated. Vertical profiles of physical, chemical and bacterialvariables were studied in the marine and brackish water zones, and oftransversal profiles in the brackish zone only. Although the concentrations ofseston (17–241 mg l–1), particulate organiccarbon (3–15.5 mg l–1) and chlorophyll(1.2–7.0 g l–1) varied widely, thevertical and transversal profiles were without much variation. Total bacterialnumber (0.2–8.5 × 109 cellsl–1) and the number of particle-attached bacteria(0.02–2.50 × 109 cellsl–1)along vertical and transversal profiles did not differ much, but the rate ofbacterial production (0.05–14.2 g C l–1h–1) and dissolved organic carbon concentration(6.0–69.2 mg l–1) were frequently highernear the salt marsh margin at the brackish water transect. The increase inproductivity could not be associated with runoff of particulate matter butcoincided with the inputs of dissolved organic carbon. The results of verticaland transversal profiles point to a minor role of particulate matter additionsfrom the salt marsh area or from bed sediments.  相似文献   

There are genetic differences in the hepatic glucose and linoleic acid metabolisms between Muscovy and Pekin ducks ad libitum-fed. To understand the effect of overfeeding on the hepatic metabolisms in these two species of ducks, we compared the different pathways of glucose and linoleic acid reaching the liver of Muscovy (Cairina moschata) (n = 6) and Pekin (Anas platyrhynchos) (n = 6) ducks overfed for 1 week and sacrificed 2–4 h after their last meal by using the ex vivo method of liver slices incubated for 16 h with [U-14C]-glucose, [1-14C]-linoleic acid and [35S]-methionine added to the survival medium. The glucose was the main precursor of triacylglycerol synthesis in the liver of these two species and its hepatic metabolism was similar between species. The hepatic uptake of linoleic acid was 1.7-fold higher (P = 0.020) in the Muscovy duck than in the Pekin duck leading to a 1.9-fold higher (P = 0.017) esterification of this fatty acid in the liver of the Muscovy duck than in that of the Pekin duck. Finally, both species after 1 week of overfeeding exhibited the same capacity to secrete VLDL remaining insufficient to avoid hepatic steatosis.  相似文献   

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