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Using the drilling muricid, Nucella lamellosa (Gmelin 1791) and its prey, the mussel Mytilus trossulus (Gould 1850), the impact of a secondary predator, the crab Cancer gracilis, on drilling was investigated experimentally. The frequency of incomplete holes was compared under two conditions: (1) when the gastropod's natural predator, C. gracilis, was present and (2) when it was absent. The results indicate that the presence of a secondary predator can affect drilling activity, leading to a significant increase in the frequency of incomplete drill holes. The introduction of a secondary predator can also decrease the overall drilling frequency. The size distributions of completely and incompletely drilled mussels suggest that in the presence of the secondary predator the decision by the gastropod to either abandon or continue drilling its prey might be influenced by how much time it has already invested into drilling or the size of the prey item. These results are important for the ecological and evolutionary implications of incomplete drill holes frequencies, especially with regard for their use as proxies for evolutionary prey improvement.  相似文献   

In some systems, the identity of a prey species' dominant predator(s) may not be constant over time. In cases in which a prey species exhibits different responses to various predator species, such changes in predator identity may have population-wide consequences. Our goals were to determine (1) whether mortality of and refuge use by the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, were predator-specific, and (2) how effects of prey size and habitat interacted with predator type. Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) exerted twice as much predation pressure as mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus), although not equally as great on large (female) and small (male) shrimp. Mummichog, which fed preferentially on large shrimp, forced a partitioning of habitat between the two shrimp size classes. In contrast, large and small shrimp occupied similar habitats when subjected to striped bass, which fed on both size classes equally. Refuge use of grass shrimp depended on predator type. In the presence of mummichog, which occupied shallower depths in the water column than striped bass, shrimp stayed deep and close to structural habitat. Striped bass, which were deeper, caused shrimp to move high in the water column away from structural habitat. When both predators were present, shrimp distribution was similar to that when only striped bass were present, striped bass predation rate was enhanced, and overall mortality was higher than with either predator alone. Results suggest that at times when mummichogs are the dominant predators, large (female) shrimp experience higher predation than small (male) shrimp and are physically separated from their potential mates. When striped bass are more abundant, male and female shrimp may share a similar, shallow, less structure-oriented distribution and be subjected to higher mortality. When both predators are present, mortality rates may be higher still. This predator-, size-, and habitat-specificity of grass shrimp behavior suggests significant population and distribution consequences of fluctuating predator guilds and fluctuating cover of structural habitats in the field.  相似文献   

We determined the complete mitochondrial genome sequences for Bursaphelenchus mucronatus, one species of pinewood nematode. The genome is a circular-DNA molecule of 14,583 bp (195 bp smaller than its congener Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) and contains 12 protein-coding genes (lacking atp8), 22 tRNA genes, and 2 rRNA genes encoded in the same direction, consistent with most other nematodes. Based on sequence comparison of mtDNA genomes, we developed a PCR-based molecular assay to differentiate B. xylophilus (highly pathogenic) and B. mucronatus (relatively less virulent) using species-specific primers. The molecular identification system employs multiplex-PCR and is very effective and reliable for discriminating these Bursaphelenchus species, which are economically important, but difficult to distinguish based on morphology. The comparison of the mitochondrial genomes and molecular identification system of the two species of Bursaphelenchus spp. should provide a rich source of genetic information to support the effective control and management (quarantine) of the pine wilt disease caused by pinewood nematodes.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress leads to diabetes-associated damage to the microvasculature of the brain. Pericytes in close proximity to endothelial cells in the brain microvessels are vital to the integrity of the blood–brain barrier and are especially susceptible to oxidative stress. According to our recently published results, streptozotocin-diabetic mouse brain exhibits oxidative stress and loose pericytes by twelve weeks of diabetes, and cerebral pericytes cultured in high glucose media suffer intracellular oxidative stress and apoptosis. Oxidative stress in diabetes is hypothesized to be caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced during hyperglycemia-induced enhanced oxidative metabolism of glucose (respiration). To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effect of high glucose on respiration rate and ROS production in mouse cerebral pericytes. Previously, we showed that pharmacological inhibition of mitochondrial carbonic anhydrases protects the brain from oxidative stress and pericyte loss. The high glucose-induced intracellular oxidative stress and apoptosis of pericytes in culture were also reversed by inhibition of mitochondrial carbonic anhydrases. Therefore, we extended our current study to determine the effect of these inhibitors on high glucose-induced increases in pericyte respiration and ROS. We now report that both the respiration and ROS are significantly increased in pericytes challenged with high glucose. Furthermore, inhibition of mitochondrial carbonic anhydrases significantly slowed down both the rate of respiration and ROS production. These data provide new evidence that pharmacological inhibitors of mitochondrial carbonic anhydrases, already in clinical use, may prove beneficial in protecting the brain from oxidative stress caused by ROS produced as a consequence of hyperglycemia-induced enhanced respiration.  相似文献   

Previous work used hydrogen exchange (HX) experiments in kinetic and equilibrium modes to study the reversible unfolding and refolding of cytochrome c (Cyt c) under native conditions. Accumulated results now show that Cyt c is composed of five individually cooperative folding units, called foldons, which unfold and refold as concerted units in a stepwise pathway sequence. The first three steps of the folding pathway are linear and sequential. The ordering of the last two steps has been unclear because the fast HX of the amino acid residues in these foldons has made measurement difficult. New HX experiments done under slower exchange conditions show that the final two foldons do not unfold and refold in an obligatory sequence. They unfold separately and neither unfolding obligately contains the other, as indicated by their similar unfolding surface exposure and the specific effects of destabilizing and stabilizing mutations, pH change, and oxidation state. These results taken together support a sequential stabilization mechanism in which folding occurs in the native context with prior native-like structure serving to template the stepwise formation of subsequent native-like foldon units. Where the native structure of Cyt c requires sequential folding, in the first three steps, this is found. Where structural determination is ambiguous, in the final two steps, alternative parallel folding is found.  相似文献   

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