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Visual cues are necessary for optimal mating success in Drosophila melanogaster. The male's most important visually guided behaviour is tracking. It is shown here that tracking requires intact visual receptor cells R1–6 and the presence of screening pigments in the eye. Thus flies carrying the mutation ebony as well as wild type flies affected in receptor cell R1–6 are unable to use visual cues when they track females. A similar defect was obseved in white-eyed flies lacking screening pigments. Female receptivity depends on visual signals provided by the male flies. Most important cues are the light reflection from and the shape of the male's eyes. No influence of the light reflected from the thorax could be seen. Absence of eyes in the male, however, does not depress female receptivity as much as white eyes. Some evidence is provided that male courtship behaviour is evaluated visually by the female.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster females were subjected to pulse song before being allowed to mix with males. Sine song increases female receptivity, pulse song does not. Pulse song does however increase receptivity if the females are subjected to it while being courted by males which are deaf and which cannot produce any auditory stimulation themselves. It is suggested that sine song is summated and has a priming effect on female receptivity whereas pulse song functions as a species recognition signal in a trigger-like fashion.  相似文献   

Understanding the relative importance of different sources of selection (e.g., the environment, social/sexual selection) on the divergence or convergence of reproductive communication can shed light on the origin, maintenance, or even disappearance of species boundaries. Using a multistep approach, we tested the hypothesis that two presumed sister species of wolf spider with overlapping ranges and microhabitat use, yet differing degrees of sexual dimorphism, have diverged in their reliance on modality‐specific courtship signaling. We predicted that male Schizocosa crassipalpata (no ornamentation) rely predominantly on diet‐dependent vibratory signaling for mating success. In contrast, we predicted that male S. bilineata (black foreleg brushes) rely on diet‐dependent visual signaling. We first tested and corroborated the sister‐species relationship between S. crassipalpata and S. bilineata using phylogenomic scale data. Next, we tested for species‐specific, diet‐dependent vibratory and visual signaling by manipulating subadult diet and subsequently quantifying adult morphology and mature male courtship signals. As predicted, vibratory signal form was diet‐dependent in S. crassipalpata, while visual ornamentation (brush area) was diet‐dependent in S. bilineata. We then compared the species‐specific reliance on vibratory and visual signaling by recording mating across artificially manipulated signaling environments (presence/absence of each modality in a 2 × 2 full factorial design). In accordance with our diet dependence results for S. crassipalpata, the presence of vibratory signaling was important for mating success. In contrast, the light and vibratory environment interacted to influence mating success in S. bilineata, with vibratory signaling being important only in the absence of light. We found no differences in overall activity patterns. Given that these species overlap in much of their range and microhabitat use, we suggest that competition for signaling space may have led to the divergence and differential use of sensory modalities between these sister species.  相似文献   

Sexual traits (e.g. visual ornaments, acoustic signals, courtship behaviour) are often displayed together as multimodal signals. Some hypotheses predict joint evolution of different sexual signals (e.g. to increase the efficiency of communication) or that different signals trade off with each other (e.g. due to limited resources). Alternatively, multiple signals may evolve independently for different functions, or to communicate different information (multiple message hypothesis). We evaluated these hypotheses with a comparative study in the family Estrildidae, one of the largest songbird radiations, and one that includes many model species for research in sexual selection and communication. We found little evidence for either joint evolution or trade‐offs between song and colour ornamentation. Some negative correlations between dance repertoire and song traits may suggest a functional compromise, but generally courtship dance also evolved independently from other signals. Instead of correlated evolution, we found that song, dance and colour are each related to different socio‐ecological traits. Song complexity evolved together with ecological generalism, song performance with investment in reproduction, dance with commonness and habitat type, whereas colour ornamentation was shown previously to correlate mostly with gregariousness. We conclude that multimodal signals evolve in response to various socio‐ecological traits, suggesting the accumulation of distinct signalling functions.  相似文献   

Age and size at reproduction are important components of fitness, and are variable both within and among angiosperm species. The fitness consequences of such life-history variation are most readily studied in organisms that reproduce only once in their lifetime. The timing of the onset of reproduction (bolting) in the monocarpic perennial, Lobelia inflata, occurs over a range of dates within a season, and may be postponed to a later year. Empirical relationships among life-history traits, derived from over 950 wild-growing and experimentally manipulated plants in the field, are used to model an optimal changing size threshold (norm of reaction) for bolting over the growing season. Comparisons are made between observed and expected norms of reaction governing bolting. An apparently suboptimal bolting schedule that precludes bolting beyond an early (conservative) date is observed, and is found to be qualitatively consistent with conservative bet hedging under unpredictable season lengths. On this basis we propose the schedule of bolting as a plausible example of a conservative bet-hedging strategy. The results underscore the critical need for long-term studies of fluctuating selection to distinguish suboptimality from bet hedging.  相似文献   

Understanding the patterns of diversification in sexual traits and the selection underlying such diversification represents a major unresolved question in evolutionary biology. We examined the phylogenetic diversification for courtship and external genitalic characters across ten species of Timema walking‐sticks, to infer the tempos and modes of character change in these sexual traits and to draw inferences regarding the selective pressures underlying speciation and diversification in this clade. Rates of inferred change in male courtship behaviours were proportional to speciation events, but male external genitalic structures showed a pattern of continuous change across evolutionary time, with divergence proportional to branch lengths. These findings suggest that diversification of courtship behaviour is mediated by processes that occur in association with speciation, whereas diversification of genitalia occurs more or less continuously, most likely driven by forces of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid titres in whole flies and different tissues of adult male and female Drosophila were determined at various times after eclosion using a radioimmunoassay. The ecdysteroid titre decreased as the flies matured after eclosion. The differences in titre between males and females can be accounted for by their difference in body weight. The ecdysteroids were found to be distributed throughout several tissues. At eclosion not all of the ecdysteroid complement present could be accounted for by that found localised in tissues. After maturation of the flies the ecdysteroids in various tissues can account for the majority of that detected in whole-fly extracts. Ecdysteroids were produced during in vitro culture of various tissues, but the quantities detected were low by comparison with ring glands of wandering 3rd-instar larvae. Neither the ovaries nor the abdominal body walls (fat body) seem to be a major source of hormone, and they are only able to convert minute quantities of ecdysone to the biologically active form, 20-hydroxyecdysone, in vitro. The amounts of 20-hydroxyecdysone present were measured using high performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay. We tentatively suggest that the differential experession of the yolk-protein-genes in the fat bodies of males and females does not result from differences in hormone titres between them.  相似文献   

The clock protein PERIOD (PER) displays circadian cycles of accumulation, phosphorylation, nuclear translocation and degradation in Drosophila melanogaster clock cells. One exception to this pattern is in follicular cells enclosing previtellogenic ovarian egg chambers. In these cells, PER remains high and cytoplasmic at all times of day. Genetic evidence suggest that PER and its clock partner TIMELESS (TIM) interact in these cells, yet, they do not translocate to the nucleus. Here, we investigated the levels and subcellular localization of PER in older vitellogenic follicles. Cytoplasmic PER levels decreased in the follicular cells at the onset of vitellogenesis (stage 9). Interestingly, PER was observed in the nuclei of some follicular cells at this stage. PER signal disappeared in more advanced (stage 10) vitellogenic follicles. Since the phosphorylation state of PER is critical for the progression of circadian cycle, we investigated the status of PER phosphorylation in the ovary and the expression patterns of DOUBLETIME (DBT), a kinase known to affect PER in the clock cells. DBT was absent in previtellogenic follicular cells, but present in the cytoplasm of some stage 9 follicular cells. DBT was not distributed uniformly but was present in patches of adjacent cells, in a pattern resembling PER distribution at the same stage. Our data suggest that the absence of dbt expression in the follicular cells of previtellogenic egg chambers may be related to stable and cytoplasmic expression of PER in these cells. Onset of dbt expression in vitellogenic follicles coincides with nuclear localization of PER protein.  相似文献   

Activation (in the following referred to as firing) of replication origins is a continuous and irreversible process regulated by availability of DNA replication molecules and cyclin-dependent kinase activities, which are often altered in human cancers. The temporal, progressive origin firing throughout S phase appears as a characteristic replication profile, and computational models have been developed to describe this process. Although evidence from yeast to human indicates that a range of replication fork rates is observed experimentally in order to complete a timely S phase, those models incorporate velocities that are uniform across the genome. Taking advantage of the availability of replication profiles, chromosomal position and replication timing, here we investigated how fork rate may affect origin firing in budding yeast. Our analysis suggested that patterns of origin firing can be observed from a modulation of the fork rate that strongly correlates with origin density. Replication profiles of chromosomes with a low origin density were fitted with a variable fork rate, whereas for the ones with a high origin density a constant fork rate was appropriate. This indeed supports the previously reported correlation between inter-origin distance and fork rate changes. Intriguingly, the calculated correlation between fork rate and timing of origin firing allowed the estimation of firing efficiencies for the replication origins. This approach correctly retrieved origin efficiencies previously determined for chromosome VI and provided testable prediction for other chromosomal origins. Our results gain deeper insights into the temporal coordination of genome duplication, indicating that control of the replication fork rate is required for the timely origin firing during S phase.  相似文献   

Some basic characteristics of the enzyme system involved in the oxidative metabolism of xenobiotic compounds were investigated in Drosophila melanogaster flies. Attention was focussed on (1) the normal levels of these enzymes and their activities in whole flies, in different parts of the fly's body and in different sexes, (2) the changes in levels and activities of the enzymes elicited by pretreatment of the flies with known enzyme inducers and (3) differences between strains.Four commonly used wild-type (WT) strains, three insecticide resistant strains (IR) and one white-eyed mutant strain were employed. Except in those experiments on sex differences and in spatial distribution in the fly's body of the enzymatic activities, microsomes were isolated from whole-body homogenates of mixtures of female and male flies. Microsomal cytochrome P-450, benzo[a]pyrene (BP) hydroxylation, p-nitroanisole (pNA) demethylation and aminopyrine (AP) demethylation were measured in control flies and in flies pretreated with Aroclor 1254 (AC), phenobarbital (PB) or butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT).In flies of the WT strain Berlin-K, there were no significant differences in BP hydroxylation activity and its inducibility between the two sexes. In males, inducibility of BP hydroxylation activity was similar in the head, thorax and abdomen, but significantly lower in testis. Considerable differences in some enzyme activities were found between the strains. pNA demethylation and AP demethylation were substantially higher in all IR strains, while no correlation could be found between their increased insecticide resistance and BP hydroxylating capacity or cytochrome P-450 content of the microsomes.Response to enzyme inducing compounds was found to be strain-dependent. PB proved to be a more efficient inducer of BP hydroxylation than AC, which does induce pNA demethylation. BHT has inducing properties that are intermediate between PB and AC. IR strain Hikone-R turned out to be an exception, possessing very low BP hydroxylating capacity and a low degree of inducibility of mixed-function oxidase activities. Differential temperature dependence was found for BP hydroxylation as compared with pNA demethylation. While BP hydroxylation was doubled when raising the temperature from 25°C to 35°C, pNA demethylation was reduced by 50%.  相似文献   

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