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Production of milligram quantities of numerous proteins for structural and functional studies requires an efficient purification pipeline. We found that the dual tag, his(6)-tag-maltose-binding protein (MBP), intended to facilitate purification and enhance proteins' solubility, disrupted such a pipeline, requiring additional screening and purification steps. Not all proteins rendered soluble by fusion to MBP remained soluble after its proteolytic removal, and in those cases where the protein remained soluble, standard purification protocols failed to remove completely the stoichiometric amount of his(6)-tagged MBP generated by proteolysis. Both liabilities were alleviated by construction of a vector that produces fusion proteins in which MBP, the his(6)-tag and the target protein are separated by highly specific protease cleavage sites in the configuration MBP-site-his(6)-site-protein. In vivo cleavage at the first site by co-expressed protease generated untagged MBP and his(6)-tagged target protein. Proteins not truly rendered soluble by transient association with MBP precipitated, and untagged MBP was easily separated from the his-tagged target protein by conventional protocols. The second protease cleavage site allowed removal of the his(6)-tag.  相似文献   

Affinity chromatography is widely employed in laboratory and large-scale for the purification of biotherapeutics and diagnostics. Some of the most widely used ligands in affinity chromatography have been several reactive chlorotriazine dyes. In particular, immobilized anthraquinone dyes have found a plethora of applications in affinity chromatography because they are inexpensive, are resistant to chemical and biological degradation, are sterilizable and cleanable in situ, and are readily immobilized to generate affinity absorbents which display high binding capacity for a broad spectrum of proteins. This article provides detailed protocols on the preparation of a dye-ligand affinity adsorbent. Also, detailed protocols for effective application of these media, emphasizing binding and elution conditions are presented.  相似文献   

The first known non-covalent inhibitors of rhinovirus 3C protease (3CP) have been identified through fragment based screening and hit identification activities.  相似文献   

Petrakis S  Sklaviadis T 《Proteomics》2006,6(24):6476-6484
PrPC, the cellular prion protein, is widely expressed in most tissues, including brain, muscle and the gastrointestinal tract, but its physiological role remains unclear. During propagation of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), prion protein is converted to the pathological isoform, PrPSc, in a process believed to be mediated by as-yet-unknown host factors. The identification of proteins associated with PrP may provide information about the biology of prions and the pathogenesis of TSEs. In the present work, we report proteins identified from brain tissue based on their ability to bind to recombinant PrP (recPrP) or form multimolecular complexes with native PrPC in the presence of cross-linkers. Immobilized his-tagged recPrP was used as an affinity matrix to isolate PrP-interacting proteins from brain homogenates of normal individuals. In parallel, PrPC-associated proteins were characterized by cross-linking and co-immunoprecipitation assays. The unknown molecules were identified by MS and the results of LC-MS/MS analysis were subsequently verified by Western blot. Both techniques resulted in identification of proteins participating in the formation of cytoskeleton and signal transduction, further supporting the hypothesis that PrP is involved in the organization and function of receptors throughout the nervous system.  相似文献   

The lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A (alpha-Gal A) metabolizes neutral glycosphingolipids that possess alpha-galactoside residues at the non-reducing terminus, and inherited defects in the activity of alpha-Gal A lead to Fabry disease. We describe here an efficient and rapid purification procedure for recombinant alpha-Gal A by sequential Concanavalin A (Con A)-Sepharose and immobilized thio-alpha-galactoside (thio-Gal) agarose column chromatography. Optimal elution conditions for both columns were obtained using overexpressed human alpha-Gal A. We recommend the use of a mixture of 0.9 M methyl alpha-mannoside and 0.9 M methyl alpha-glucoside in 0.1 M acetate buffer (pH 6.0) with 0.1 M NaCl for the maximum recovery of glycoproteins with multiple high-mannose type sugar chains from Con A column chromatography, and that the Con A column should not be reused for the purification of glycoproteins that are used for structural studies. Binding of the enzyme to the thio-Gal column requires acidic condition at pH 4.8. A galactose-containing buffer (25 mM citrate-phosphate buffer, pH 5.5, with 0.1 M galactose, and 0.1 M NaCl) was used to elute alpha-Gal A. This procedure is especially useful for the purification of mutant forms of alpha-Gal A, which are not stable under conventional purification techniques. A protocol that purifies an intracellular mutant alpha-Gal A (M279I) expressed in COS-7 cells within 6h at 62% overall yield is presented.  相似文献   

Chitosan/cellulose-based beads (CCBs) for the affinity purification of histidine-tagged proteins were prepared from chitosan/cellulose dissolved in ionic liquid as a solvent, and their structures were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The affinity purification was used to separate hexahistidine-tagged (his-tagged) enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) from Escherichia coli. The results showed that Zn2+–CCB exhibited more specific adsorption capacity toward the target protein compared with Ni2+–CCB and Cu2+–CCB. The maximum adsorption of EGFP was 1.84?mg/g of Zn2+–CCB, with 90% purity under the optimized conditions (ionic strength (1.0?M NaCl), pH (7.2) and imidazole concentration (500?mM)). In addition, a regeneration method for the sorbent was further developed by washing with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium and then reimmobilizing with metal ions. This technique is an alternative method for the purification of his-tagged proteins, making the process more economical, fast, stable, and large batch.  相似文献   

Plant virus‐based expression systems allow quick and efficient production of recombinant proteins in plant biofactories. Among them, a system derived from tobacco etch virus (TEV; genus potyvirus) permits coexpression of equimolar amounts of several recombinant proteins. This work analyzed how to target recombinant proteins to different subcellular localizations in the plant cell using this system. We constructed TEV clones in which green fluorescent protein (GFP), with a chloroplast transit peptide (cTP), a nuclear localization signal (NLS) or a mitochondrial targeting peptide (mTP) was expressed either as the most amino‐terminal product or embedded in the viral polyprotein. Results showed that cTP and mTP mediated efficient translocation of GFP to the corresponding organelle only when present at the amino terminus of the viral polyprotein. In contrast, the NLS worked efficiently at both positions. Viruses expressing GFP in the amino terminus of the viral polyprotein produced milder symptoms. Untagged GFPs and cTP and NLS tagged amino‐terminal GFPs accumulated to higher amounts in infected tissues. Finally, viral progeny from clones with internal GFPs maintained the extra gene better. These observations will help in the design of potyvirus‐based vectors able to coexpress several proteins while targeting different subcellular localizations, as required in plant metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Overproduction of proteins from cloned genes using fusion protein expression vectors in Escherichia coli and eukaryotic cells has increased the quantity of protein produced. This approach has been widely used in producing soluble recombinant proteins for structural and functional analysis. One major disadvantage, however, of applying this approach for clinical or bioindustrial uses is that proteolytic removal of the fusion carrier is tedious, expensive, and often results in products with additional amino acid residues than the native proteins. Here we describe a new method for productions of native proteins with original amino termini in vivo via intracellular self-cleavage of the fusion protein using tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease. Our design allows one to simultaneously clone any gene into multiple fusion protein vectors using two unique cloning sites (i.e., SnaBI and XhoI) without restriction digestion, and then rapidly identifies those constructs producing soluble native proteins. This method will make the fusion protein approach more feasible for protein drug research.  相似文献   

High level expression and efficient recovery of recombinant protein aretwo main critical factors that determine the use of transgenic plants asnaturalbioreactors to produce foreign proteins for industrial applications. Wedemonstrate here the potential of a new strategy involving chloroplasttransformation, GUS-fusions and affinity-tag based chromatography tooverexpressand purify a human therapeutic protein, interferon gamma (IFN-g) in tobaccoplants. Our results show that IFN-g accumulation reaches up to 6% of totalsolubleprotein when expressed as a GUS-fusion protein in tobacco chloroplasts.Additionof His-tag simplified the downstream process and the recombinant protein yieldswere considerably high (360 g/g fresh leaf tissue).Further we demonstrate the use of GUS-fusions to identify recombinant proteincontaining fractions very rapidly (< 5 minutes) through simple GUS assay, animportant consideration for those proteins that are highly labile duringlengthyand harsh downstream processing conditions. The chloroplast-produced IFN-g isbiologically as active as the same protein obtained through E.coli expression without any involvement of refolding procedure. Ourresults demonstrate that the new strategy has tremendous potential for largescale production of proteins from heterologous source, independent of theirphysio-chemical and biological properties, using plants as naturalbioreactors.  相似文献   

Ota K  Kito K  Iemura S  Natsume T  Ito T 《Proteomics》2008,8(15):3004-3007
We developed a parallel affinity purification (PAP) procedure, in which ubiquitinated proteins are purified from the cells that coexpress two affinity-tagged ubiquitins by sequential use of affinity chromatography specific to each tag. In contrast with previous procedures using a single affinity-tagged ubiquitin, the PAP eliminates highly abundant ubiquitin monomers and monoubiquitinated proteins to selectively enrich proteins bearing both affinity-tags, or poly- and multiubiquitinated proteins. Accordingly, it would serve as a powerful method to facilitate mass-spectrometric identification of ubiquitinated proteins.  相似文献   

The purification of recombinant proteins by affinity chromatography is one of the most efficient strategies due to the high recovery yields and purity achieved. However, this is dependent on the availability of specific affinity adsorbents for each particular target protein. The diversity of proteins to be purified augments the complexity and number of specific affinity adsorbents needed, and therefore generic platforms for the purification of recombinant proteins are appealing strategies. This justifies why genetically encoded affinity tags became so popular for recombinant protein purification, as these systems only require specific ligands for the capture of the fusion protein through a pre-defined affinity tag tail. There is a wide range of available affinity pairs “tag-ligand” combining biological or structural affinity ligands with the respective binding tags. This review gives a general overview of the well-established “tag-ligand” systems available for fusion protein purification and also explores current unconventional strategies under development.  相似文献   

Efficient proteolytic processing of essential junctions of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) polyprotein requires a heterodimeric complex of the NS3 bifunctional protease/helicase and the NS4A accessory protein. A single-chain recombinant form of the protease has been constructed in which NS4A residues 21-32 (GSVVIVGRIILS) were fused in frame to the amino terminus of the NS3 protease domain (residues 3-181) through a tetrapeptide linker. The single-chain recombinant protease has been overexpressed as a soluble protein in E. coli and purified to homogeneity by a combination of metal chelate and size-exclusion chromatography. The single-chain recombinant protease domain shows full proteolytic activity cleaving the NS5A-5B synthetic peptide substrate, DTEDVVCCSMSYTWTGK with a Km and k(cat) of 20.0 +/- 2.0 microM and 9.6 +/- 2.0 min(-1), respectively; parameters identical to those of the authentic NS3(1-631)/NS4A(1-54) protein complex generated in eukaryotic cells (Sali DL et al., 1998, Biochemistry 37:3392-3401).  相似文献   

Multiple recombinant proteins can be expressed simultaneously by inoculating multiple seed cultures into a single growth medium and inducing protein expression at a single time point. Up to three recombinant proteins can be individually purified from such a mixed culture (cocultivation) through the use of a combination of a multihistidine and a modified intein as affinity tags and the Ni sepharose and chitin as affinity matrices. This method may facilitate the study of protein complexes by rapidly obtaining multiple protein components in a single process and may potentially increase the efficiency of recombinant protein production at research and industrial scales.  相似文献   

A simple novel approach for the purification of pertussis toxin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Pertussis toxin (PT) was purified from concentrated culture supernatants of Bordetella pertussis by a single step based on affinity chromatography on heparin-Sepharose 6B with a recovery of 36% in two fractions. The fraction of highest specific activity (0.91 mg of toxin per mg protein) constituted 15.3% of toxin content in crude material and appeared homogeneous by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. It exhibited the five bands corresponding to toxin subunits. The purified fraction induced clustering of Chinese hamster ovary cells at as little as 0.06 ng per ml. PT solution gave a single precipitation line with rabbit immune serum raised against crude Bordetella pertussis supernatant.  相似文献   

High throughput methods for recombinant protein production using E. coli typically involve the use of affinity tags for simple purification of the protein of interest. One drawback of these techniques is the occasional need for tag removal before study, which can be hard to predict. In this work, we demonstrate two high throughput purification methods for untagged protein targets based on simple and cost-effective self-cleaving intein tags. Two model proteins, E. coli beta-galactosidase (βGal) and superfolder green fluorescent protein (sfGFP), were purified using self-cleaving versions of the conventional chitin-binding domain (CBD) affinity tag and the nonchromatographic elastin-like-polypeptide (ELP) precipitation tag in a 96-well filter plate format. Initial tests with shake flask cultures confirmed that the intein purification scheme could be scaled down, with >90% pure product generated in a single step using both methods. The scheme was then validated in a high throughput expression platform using 24-well plate cultures followed by purification in 96-well plates. For both tags and with both target proteins, the purified product was consistently obtained in a single-step, with low well-to-well and plate-to-plate variability. This simple method thus allows the reproducible production of highly pure untagged recombinant proteins in a convenient microtiter plate format.  相似文献   

Recombinant wild-type protease of human immunodeficiency virus, type [(HIV-1) expressed in E. coli was purified by pepstatin A affinity chromatography. An 88-fold purification was achieved giving a protease preparation with a specific enzymatic activity of approximately 3700 pmol/min/μg. Two proteolytically inactive HIV-1 mutant proteases (Arg-87 → Lys; Asn-88 → Glu) were found to bind to pepstatin A agarose, and they were purified as the wild-type protease. A third mutant protease (Arg-87 → Glu) was apparently unable to bind to pepstatin A under similar conditions. Binding to pepstatin A indicates the binding ability of the substrate binding site and the ability to form dimers. These features may be used to purify and to characterize other mutated HIV-1 proteases.  相似文献   

Recombinant proteins are essential products of today's industrial biotechnology. In this study we address two crucial factors in recombinant protein production: (i) product accessibility and (ii) product recovery. Escherichia coli, one of the most frequently used hosts for recombinant protein expression, does not inherently secrete proteins into the extracellular environment. The major drawback of this expression system is, therefore, to be found in the intracellular protein accumulation and hampered product accessibility. We have constructed a set of expression vectors in order to facilitate extracellular protein production and purification. The maltose binding protein from E. coli is used as fusion partner for several proteins of interest allowing an export to the bacteria's periplasm via both the Sec and the Tat pathway. Upon coexpression of a modified Cloacin DF13 bacteriocin release protein, the hybrid proteins are released into the culture medium. This essentially applies to a distinguished reporter molecule, the green fluorescent protein, for which an extracellular production was not reported so far. The sequestered proteins can be purified to approximate homogeneity by a simple, rapid and cheap procedure which utilizes the affinity of the maltose binding protein to α-1,4-glucans.  相似文献   

There are seven known vitamin K-dependent proteins in blood. These proteins require calcium ion for expressing their full biological activities. Calcium ion also induces conformational changes in this class of proteins. Taking advantage of the ligand induced conformational changes, a number of unique approaches of affinity chromatography have been developed. These methodologies have been very useful tools for both the purification and for understanding the structure–function relationships of this class of proteins. One method is the use of metal ion dependent immunoaffinity chromatography. The antigen can be dissociated from the antibodies with either the removal or addition of calcium ion under physiological conditions. The other method is pseudoaffinity chromatography. This method uses conventional ion-exchange or hydrophobic resin and manipulates the mobilities of the proteins on these resins by the presence or absence of calcium ions. Researchers working with other calcium binding proteins or other proteins that are known to undergo ligand induced conformational changes may benefit from the experience of these unique conformation-specific affinity chromatography approaches.  相似文献   

Site-specific proteases are the most popular kind of enzymes for removing the fusion tags from fused target proteins. Nuclear inclusion protein a (NIa) proteases obtained from the family Potyviridae have become promising due to their high activities and stringencies of sequences recognition. NIa proteases from tobacco etch virus (TEV) and tomato vein mottling virus (TVMV) have been shown to process recombinant proteins successfully in vitro. In this report, recombinant PPV (plum pox virus) NIa protease was employed to process fusion proteins with artificial cleavage site in vitro. Characteristics such as catalytic ability and affecting factors (salt, temperature, protease inhibitors, detergents, and denaturing reagents) were investigated. Recombinant PPV NIa protease expressed and purified from Escherichia coli demonstrated efficient and specific processing of recombinant GFP and SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein, with site F (N V V V H Q black triangle down A) for PPV NIa protease artificially inserted between the fusion tags and the target proteins. Its catalytic capability is similar to those of TVMV and TEV NIa protease. Recombinant PPV NIa protease reached its maximal proteolytic activity at approximately 30 degrees C. Salt concentration and only one of the tested protease inhibitors had minor influences on the proteolytic activity of PPV NIa protease. Recombinant PPV NIa protease was resistant to self-lysis for at least five days.  相似文献   

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