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Nucleic acid-based techniques represent a promising alternative to cultivation-based microbial water quality assessment methods. However, their application is hampered by their innate inability to differentiate between living and dead organisms. Propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment was proposed as an efficient approach for alleviating this limitation. In this study, we demonstrate the performance of PMA–quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for the detection of indicator organisms (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) in a background of a highly abundant and complex microflora. Treatment with 10 μM PMA resulted in the complete or significant reduction of the false positive signal arising from the amplification of DNA from dead cells.  相似文献   

Pax6, a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila paired box gene family member expressed in stem and progenitor cells, resides at the top of the genetic hierarchy in controlling cell fates and morphogenesis. While Pax6 activation can lead to mitotic arrest, premature neurogenesis, and apoptosis, the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been resolved. Here we report that either Pax6(+5a) or Pax6(-5a) was sufficient to promote, whereas their knockdown reduced the expression of δ-catenin (CTNND2), a neural specific member of the armadillo/β-catenin superfamily. Pax6(+5a) elicited stronger effects on δ-catenin than Pax6(-5a). Inducible Pax6(+5a) expression demonstrated a biphasic and dose-dependent regulation of δ-catenin expression and cell fates. A moderate upregulation of Pax6(+5a) promoted δ-catenin expression and induced neurite-like cellular protrusions, but increasing expression of Pax6(+5a) reversed these processes. Furthermore, sustained high expression of Pax6(+5a) triggered apoptosis as determined by the reduction of phospho-Bad, Bcl-2, survivin and procaspases, as well as the increases in Bax and cleaved poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Importantly, re-introducing δ-catenin by ectopic expression elicited a feedback suppression on Pax6(+5a) expression and reduced Pax6(+5a) induced apoptosis. Therefore, δ-catenin expression is not only controlled by Pax6, but it also provides a feedback suppression mechanism for their functional interactions with important implications in cellular morphogenesis, apoptosis, and cancer.  相似文献   

A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) may have an impact on phenotype, but it may also be influenced by multiple SNPs within a gene; hence, the haplotype or phase of multiple SNPs needs to be known. Various methods for haplotyping SNPs have been proposed, but a simple and cost-effective method is currently unavailable. Here we describe a haplotyping approach using two simple techniques: polymerase chain reaction–single-strand conformational polymorphism (PCR–SSCP) and haplotype-specific PCR. In this approach, individual regions of a gene are analyzed by PCR–SSCP to identify variation that defines sub-haplotypes, and then extended haplotypes are assembled from the sub-haplotypes either directly or with the additional use of haplotype-specific PCR amplification. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by haplotyping ovine FABP4 across two variable regions that contain seven SNPs and one indel. The simplicity of this approach makes it suitable for large-scale studies and/or diagnostic screening.  相似文献   

Continuous cell lines are widely used in cell biology and serve as model systems in basic and applied research. Fundamental requirements for the use of cell lines are a well-identified origin and the exclusion of cross-contamination by prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells. Because the cross-contamination of one cell line with another cell line may occur in a concealed manner, special emphasis must be taken to (1) prevent such an "accident" and (2) monitor regularly the identity of the cell line(s) in use. Apart from human cell lines, mouse-, rat-, and hamster-derived cell lines are used in basic cell culture and biotechnology. We established a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to detect and confirm the species origin for these species and to detect interspecies cross-contamination. Our PCR method is based on oligonucleotide primers annealing to specific sequences in the beta-globin gene, which were designed to amplify one deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) segment only per analyzed sample. We confirmed the species identity of 82 cell lines as human, mouse, rat, and Syrian hamster by beta-globin PCR. The DNAs from eight additional cell lines of less frequently used species were not amplified with the primers chosen. Cross-contamination of 5-10% of either mouse or rat DNA was detectable. One species-specific primer pair was sufficient for confirmation of the expected species, and for identification of an unknown cell line the combination of two or more primer pairs is suggested. Our PCR assay represents a powerful, fast, easy, robust, and inexpensive method for speciation and does not need any elaborate sequencing or computer-based analysis system.  相似文献   

Flowering plants often have specific floral cues, which allow bees and other pollinators to differentiate between them. Many bee species exhibit specialised associations with flowers (oligolecty) and it is important for them to find and recognise their specific host plants. In this study we compared the visual and olfactory floral cues of different Echium and Pontechium (Boraginaceae) species with the closely related Anchusa officinalis (Boraginaceae). We tested whether plant-specific cues occur in Echium and Pontechium which may allow oligolectic Hoplitis adunca (Megachilidae) to recognise its host plants and to distinguish them from Anchusa non-hosts. Our investigations showed that Echium/Pontechium provides a specific scent bouquet. Furthermore, we identified compounds which were not described as floral scent before ((Z)-3-nonenal and 1,4-benzoquinone). These unique volatiles and the specific bouquet could act as a recognition cue for H. adunca. The corolla colours differed between all species, but were grouped together in the bee colour categories blue and UV-blue and can indicate potential host flowers for H. adunca.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide primers specific for intron 5 sequences were used to amplify a unique 718 bp fragment in the human GST gene. Using DNA from a panel of somatic cell hybrids it was possible to confirm the assignment of the GST1 locus to chromosome 1p and to refine localisation to 1p13 using Southern blot analysis of DNA from three-generation CEPH families and a GST specific DNA probe.  相似文献   

Pompe disease is an uncommon autosomal recessive glycogen storage disorder caused by deficiency of acid α-glucosidase. Classic infantile form triggers severe cardiomyopathy, hypotonia, and respiratory failure, leading to death within the first two years of life. The majority of patients with Pompe disease have been reported to have point mutations in the GAA gene. We report the first complex deletion–insertion encompassing the complete structure of GAA gene and a large fragment of the gene CCDC40 in a patient with very severe form of Pompe disease. Sequencing analysis of breakpoints allowed us to determine the potential implication of an Alu repeat in the pathogenic mechanism. We suggest that molecular strategy of Pompe disease should include systematic analysis of large rearrangements.  相似文献   

Gene–gene and gene–environment interactions govern a substantial portion of the variation in complex traits and diseases. In convention, a set of either unrelated or family samples are used in detection of such interactions; even when both kinds of data are available, the unrelated and the family samples are analyzed separately, potentially leading to loss in statistical power. In this report, to detect gene–gene interactions we propose a generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction method that unifies analyses of nuclear families and unrelated subjects within the same statistical framework. We used principal components as genetic background controls against population stratification, and when sibling data are included, within-family control were used to correct for potential spurious association at the tested loci. Through comprehensive simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed method can remarkably increase power by pooling unrelated and offspring’s samples together as compared with individual analysis strategies and the Fisher’s combining p value method while it retains a controlled type I error rate in the presence of population structure. In application to a real dataset, we detected one significant tetragenic interaction among CHRNA4, CHRNB2, BDNF, and NTRK2 associated with nicotine dependence in the Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment sample, suggesting the biological role of these genes in nicotine dependence development.  相似文献   

Cellular interactions with extracellular matrices (ECM) through the application of mechanical forces mediate numerous biological processes including developmental morphogenesis, wound healing and cancer metastasis. They also play a key role in the cellular repopulation and/or remodeling of engineered tissues and organs. While 2-D studies can provide important insights into many aspects of cellular mechanobiology, cells reside within 3-D ECMs in vivo, and matrix structure and dimensionality have been shown to impact cell morphology, protein organization and mechanical behavior. Global measurements of cell-induced compaction of 3-D collagen matrices can provide important insights into the regulation of overall cell contractility by various cytokines and signaling pathways. However, to understand how the mechanics of cell spreading, migration, contraction and matrix remodeling are regulated at the molecular level, these processes must also be studied in individual cells. Here we review the evolution and application of techniques for imaging and assessing local cell–matrix mechanical interactions in 3-D culture models, tissue explants and living animals.  相似文献   

The Streptomyces albidoflavus 16S rRNA gene clade contains 10 species and subspecies with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences and very similar numerical taxonomic data, including Streptomyces griseus subsp. solvifaciens. Type strains of this clade, as well as three CGMCC strains which were received as Streptomyces galilaeus, Streptomyces sioyaensis and Streptomyces vinaceus, respectively, that shared the same 16S rRNA gene sequences with the clade, were subjected to multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) and phenotypic characterization for a comprehensive reevaluation. The 13 strains still formed a distinct, albeit loosely related, clade in the phylogenetic tree based on concatenated sequences of aptD, gyrB, recA, rpoB and trpB genes, supported by a high bootstrap value and different tree-making algorithms, with MLSA evolutionary distances ranging from 0 to 0.003. DDH values among these strains were well above the 70% cut-off point for species delineation. Based on the genotypic data of MLSA and DDH, combined with key phenotypic properties in common, it is proposed that the 10 species and subspecies of the S. albidoflavus clade, namely S. albidoflavus, S. canescens, S. champavatii, S. coelicolor, S. felleus, S. globisporus subsp. caucasicus, S. griseus subsp. solvifaciens, S. limosus, S. odorifer and S. sampsonii, should be merged into a single genomic species, for which the name S. albidoflavus is retained, and that the three strains S. galilaeus CGMCC 4.1320, S. sioyaensis CGMCC 4.1306 and S. vinaceus CGMCC 4.1305 should be assigned to S. albidoflavus as well. The results also indicated that MLSA could be the procedure of choice for distinguishing between species within Streptomyces 16S rRNA gene clades.  相似文献   

We constructed a genetic fusion of a single domain antibody (sdAb) with the thermal stable maltose binding protein from the thermophile Pyrococcus furiosus (PfuMBP). Produced in the Escherichia coli cytoplasm with high yield, it proved to be a rugged and effective immunoreagent. The sdAb–A5 binds BclA, a Bacillus anthracis spore protein, with high affinity (KD ∼ 50 pM). MBPs, including the thermostable PfuMBP, have been demonstrated to be excellent folding chaperones, improving production of many recombinant proteins. A three-step purification of E. coli shake flask cultures of PfuMBP–sdAb gave a yield of approximately 100 mg/L highly purified product. The PfuMBP remained stable up to 120 °C, whereas the sdAb–A5 portion unfolded at approximately 68 to 70 °C but could refold to regain activity. This fusion construct was stable to heating at 1 mg/ml for 1 h at 70 °C, retaining nearly 100% of its binding activity; nearly one-quarter (24%) activity remained after 1 h at 90 °C. The PfuMBP–sdAb construct also provides a stable and effective method to coat gold nanoparticles. Most important, the construct was found to provide enhanced detection of B. anthracis Sterne strain (34F2) spores relative to the sdAb–A5 both as a capture reagent and as a detection reagent.  相似文献   

Using classical cytogenetic techniques, we detected a male patient with monosomy 18p/trisomy 20p, originating from a paternal reciprocal translocation of the short arms of chromosomes 18 and 20. To characterize the breakpoints further and to determine the centromeric origin of the chromosomes involved, we analyzed the metaphase chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization using -satellite DNA probes specific to chromosomes 18 and 20. With this approach, we showed that -satellite centromeric fragments were involved in the translocation event and that the chromosome-18-specific centromeric sequences were split into two. Analysis of 14 family members from four generations revealed nine phenotypically normal individuals carrying this reciprocal translocation. These results suggest that breaks in -satellite DNA fragments neither impair the centromeric function nor have clinical effects.  相似文献   

SUMOylation is a posttranslational process that attaches a small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) to its target proteins covalently. SUMOylation controls multiple cellular processes through the recognition of SUMO by a SUMO-interacting motif (SIM). In this study, we developed assay systems for detecting noncovalent interactions between SUMO and SIM in cells using split-luciferase complementation. We applied a version of this assay to the detection of in vitro SUMO–SIM interactions using a bacterial expression system. These novel assays enable screening of inhibitors of SUMO-dependent protein–protein interactions, either in vivo or in vitro, in a high-throughput manner.  相似文献   

T1α, a differentiation gene of lung alveolar epithelial type I cells, is developmentally regulated and encodes an apical membrane protein of unknown function. Morphological differentiation of type I cells to form the air-blood barrier starts in the last few days of gestation and continues postnatally. Although T1α is expressed in the foregut endoderm before the lung buds, T1α mRNA and protein levels increase substantially in late fetuses when expression is restricted to alveolar type I cells. We generated T1α null mutant mice to study the role of T1α in lung development and differentiation and to gain insight into its potential function. Homozygous null mice die at birth of respiratory failure, and their lungs cannot be inflated to normal volumes. Distal lung morphology is altered. In the absence of T1α protein, type I cell differentiation is blocked, as indicated by smaller airspaces, many fewer attenuated type I cells, and reduced levels of aquaporin-5 mRNA and protein, a type I cell water channel. Abundant secreted surfactant in the narrowed airspaces, normal levels of surfactant protein mRNAs, and normal patterns and numbers of cells expressing surfactant protein-B suggest that differentiation of type II cells, also alveolar epithelial cells, is normal. Anomalous proliferation of the mesenchyme and epithelium at birth with unchanged numbers of apoptotic cells suggests that loss of T1α and/or abnormal morphogenesis of type I cells alter the proliferation rate of distal lung cells, probably by disruption of epithelial-mesenchymal signaling.  相似文献   

《Microbiological research》2014,169(11):835-843
The Fusarium oxysporum species complex consists of fungal pathogens that cause serial vascular wilt disease on more than 100 cultivated species throughout the world. Gene function analysis is rapidly becoming more and more important as the whole-genome sequences of various F. oxysporum strains are being completed. Gene-disruption techniques are a common molecular tool for studying gene function, yet are often a limiting step in gene function identification. In this study we have developed a F. oxysporum high-efficiency gene-disruption strategy based on split-marker homologous recombination cassettes with dual selection and electroporation transformation. The method was efficiently used to delete three RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) genes. The gene-disruption cassettes of three genes can be constructed simultaneously within a short time using this technique. The optimal condition for electroporation is 10 μF capacitance, 300 Ω resistance, 4 kV/cm field strength, with 1 μg of DNA (gene-disruption cassettes). Under these optimal conditions, we were able to obtain 95 transformants per μg DNA. And after positive–negative selection, the transformants were efficiently screened by PCR, screening efficiency averaged 85%: 90% (RdRP1), 85% (RdRP2) and 77% (RdRP3). This gene-disruption strategy should pave the way for high throughout genetic analysis in F. oxysporum.  相似文献   

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