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While incubating, brooding and calling their young out of the nest, female mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) utter a species-typical maternal vocalization that their young find highly attractive. To determine the characteristic acoustic features of these calls, we recorded the vocalizations of seven hens in the field. The pre-exodus and nest exodus calls of these hens were similar with respect to frequency modulation, presence of a low-frequency impulsive sound, note duration, and repetition rate. The exodus call differs from the pre-exodus call in having more notes per burst and more harmonics, with a corresponding upward shift in dominant frequency. Repetition rate and frequency modulation may be the critical acoustic features of the auditory basis of species identification in mallard ducklings.  相似文献   

The problem of dispersion of geodesic acoustic modes is revisited with two different methods for the solution of the kinetic equation. The dispersive corrections to the mode frequency are calculated by including the m = 2 poloidal harmonics. Our obtained results agree with some earlier results but differ in various ways with other previous works. Limitations and advantages of different approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Male-male vocal competition is critical for mating success in anuran species; however, it remains unknown that how males regulate their competitive strategies dynamically during competition because calling is highly time-consuming, energetically demanding and likely to increase predation risks. Since different parts of calls will encode different information for vocal communication, we hypothesized that competitive strategies of male frogs may be modulated by the temporal and spectral features of different call notes. To test this hypothesis, the natural advertisement calls(OC), its modified versions with the first call note replaced by white noise(WN) or other notes and with the fifth call note replaced by WN, were played back to the Anhui tree frogs(Rhacophorus zhoukaiyae). Results showed that 1) males produced more competitive calls in response to acoustic stimuli compared to their baseline calling during silence; and 2) males emitted more non-overlapping calls compared to overlapping calls in response to the acoustic stimuli. These results are consistent with the idea that males are flexible to acoustic signals and their competition strategies are modulated dynamically by social contexts.  相似文献   

The effective production of acoustic signals is critically important for intraspecific communication in vocal animals; however, it is also highly time-consuming, energetically demanding and likely to increase predation risks. Thus, we hypothesized that the biological significance of each component of complex acoustic signals would differ serving specific functions and that the first component of such signals would be most important for social signalling and exhibit unique acoustic characteristics because of the precedence effect. To test this hypothesis, we measured temporal and spectral acoustic parameters for each note in the advertisement calls of the Anhui tree frog (Rhacophorus zhoukaiya), a species in which males build mud burrows and call from within these nests. Multivariate analyses including hierarchical cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling were used, based on temporal and spectral acoustic parameters for each of 10 notes/call. These results show that the first call notes form one cluster while the other notes form a second cluster in multidimensional space when the parameters measured were normalized. Furthermore, the temporal and spectral sound attributes of the first call note provide sufficient information for discrimination between different individuals. Moreover, discriminant analysis showed that the fundamental frequency of the first note is sufficient to identify individuals when the data are not normalized. Taken together, these results indicate that the first call note is poised to play an important role in Anhui tree frog vocal communication insofar as the temporal and spectral features provide sufficient information for individual recognition.  相似文献   

无尾两栖动物的鸣声通常具有物种特异性,了解其鸣声特征信息,是利用生物声学进行物种多样性调查及物种监测的前提。本文汇总、整理了2012–2020年间利用高保真录音设备在野外记录的43种(隶属于7科26属)无尾两栖动物的鸣声数据,以及相应的鸣声采集信息。对音频文件进行降噪处理后,提供了由61个鸣声的波形图及语图组成的鸣声特征数据集。本数据集展示了鸣声的多种时域和频域信息,如单音节或多音节、音节数、音节时长、音节间隔、鸣声时长、主频、基频、谐波等,为我国无尾两栖类的声学研究、物种多样性调查及鸣声监测提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the response of mallard ducklings to conspecific distress calls. In experiment 1, a synthetic call was constructed from a single distress note, by recording it on a digital disc and then using a software routine to regularly repeat this stored note with the average period (267 ms) of the original call. Ducklings were then tested for their tendency to inhibit their own distress vocalizations in response to either this synthetic call, the original call, or a constant-frequency tone mimic; they showed a significantly stronger inhibitory response to the synthetic call than to the tone mimic, but an even stronger response to the original call. The former result indicated that the synthetic call was an effective stimulus, and suggested that some aspect of the frequency modulation found in distress notes is required to evoke the normal duckling inhibitory response. The latter result further suggested that the acoustic variability found in the original call, but not the synthetic call, may be of importance for controlling duckling behaviour. Experiment 2 demonstrated that several other minor differences between the synthetic call and original call (number of notes per call and the digital recording of the synthetic call) could not account for the difference in duckling response to these two calls. Finally, in experiment 3, two additional synthetic stimuli were constructed from the digitized note, by first excising either the initial (front-chop) or terminal (rear-chop) frequency modulation found in each distress note, then creating amplitude envelopes for these new notes similar to that of the unaltered note, and finally repeating these notes to form calls with the same note period as the original call. The ducklings tested with the synthetic normal-note call and synthetic front-chop call showed a significantly stronger inhibitory response than the ducklings tested with the synthetic rear-chop call and the tone mimic. These results indicate that the terminal descending frequency sweep is an important feature of distress notes for triggering the response of ducklings to conspecific distress calls.  相似文献   

Many mammal and bird species respond to predator encounters with alarm vocalizations that generate risk‐appropriate responses in listeners. Two conceptual frameworks are typically applied to the information encoded in alarm calls and to associated anti‐predator behaviors. ‘Functionally referential’ alarm systems encode nominal classes or categories of risk in distinct call types that refer to distinct predation‐risk situations. ‘Risk‐based’ alarms encode graded or ranked threat‐levels by varying the production patterns of the same call types as the urgency of predation threat changes. Recent work suggests that viewing alarm‐response interactions as either referential or risk‐based may oversimplify how animals use information in decision‐making. Specifically, we explore whether graded alarm cues may be useful in classifying risks, supporting a referential decision‐making framework. We presented predator (hawk, owl, cat, snake) and control treatments to captive adult tufted titmice Baeolophus bicolor and recorded their vocalizations, which included ‘chick‐a‐dee’ mobbing calls (composed of chick and D notes), ‘seet’ notes, two types of contact notes (‘chip’, ‘chink’), and song. No single call type was uniquely associated with any treatment and the majority of acoustic measures varied significantly among treatments (46 of 60). The strongest models (ANOVA and classification tree analysis) grouped hawk with cat and owl, and control with snake, and were based on the number or proportion of a) chick and D notes per chick‐a‐dee call, b) chip versus chink notes produced following treatment exposure, and c) the frequency metrics of other note types. We conclude that (1) the predation‐threat information available in complex titmouse alarm calls was largely encoded in graded acoustic measures that were (2) numerous and variable across treatments and (3) could be used singly or in combinations for either ranking or classification of threats. We call attention to the potential use of mixed threat identification strategies, where risk‐based signal information may be used in referential decision‐making contexts.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise produced by human activities affects acoustic communication in animals living in urban habitats. We recorded the calling songs of the cicada Cryptotympana takasagona in the Kaohsiung metropolitan areas of southern Taiwan to investigate possible acoustic adaptations to anthropogenic noise. C. takasagona did not call more in noise gaps. Acoustic features (peak frequency, quartile 25%, quartile 50%, and quartile 75%) of calling songs significantly increased with ambient noise levels. C. takasagona shifted the energy distribution of calling songs to higher frequencies in the presence of higher noise levels. We suggest that the acoustic adaptation by which song frequencies increase with levels of anthropogenic noise in C. takasagona may result from a size-dependent calling strategy in which small-sized males call more in noise conditions or large-sized males adjust their song frequency by changing their abdominal cavities.  相似文献   

Acoustic noise from automobile traffic impedes communication between signaling animals. To overcome the acoustic interference imposed by anthropogenic noise, species across taxa adjust their signaling behavior to increase signal saliency. As most of the spectral energy of anthropogenic noise is concentrated at low acoustic frequencies, species with lower frequency signals are expected to be more affected. Thus, species with low-frequency signals are under stronger pressure to adjust their signaling behaviors to avoid auditory masking than species with higher frequency signals. Similarly, for a species with multiple types of signals that differ in spectral characteristics, different signal types are expected to be differentially masked. We investigate how the different call types of a Japanese stream breeding treefrog (Buergeria japonica) are affected by automobile traffic noise. Male B. japonica produce two call types that differ in their spectral elements, a Type I call with lower dominant frequency and a Type II call with higher dominant frequency. In response to acoustic playbacks of traffic noise, B. japonica reduced the duration of their Type I calls, but not Type II calls. In addition, B. japonica increased the call effort of their Type I calls and decreased the call effort of their Type II calls. This result contrasts with prior studies in other taxa, which suggest that signalers may switch to higher frequency signal types in response to traffic noise. Furthermore, the increase in Type I call effort was only a short-term response to noise, while reduced Type II call effort persisted after the playbacks had ended. Overall, such differential effects on signal types suggest that some social functions will be disrupted more than others. By considering the effects of anthropogenic noise across multiple signal types, these results provide a more in-depth understanding of the behavioral impacts of anthropogenic noise within a species.  相似文献   

Environmental noise can be an important selective force modulating signal evolution in species with acoustic communication. Many anuran species breed alongside streams; hence, the sound produced by the flowing water is an important source of noise for acoustic communication. Since calling is physiologically very expensive in anurans, and communication is essential for reproduction, we expected adaptations that reduce environmental masking effects and allow acoustic communication in streamside breeders. This basic assumption of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis has not been yet evaluated at a large phylogenetic scale. We combined ahistorical and phylogenetic methods to test whether anuran species that breed alongside streams call at higher frequencies than species that breed away from streams. We compiled primary and secondary data on body size, breeding habitat, and the dominant frequency of the advertisement call for 110 species; 40 of them breed alongside streams and 70 away from streams. Call frequency was slightly higher and body size was significantly smaller in streamside breeding species. After controlling for the effects of body size and phylogenetic signal, only differences in body size persisted between species breeding at both kinds of habitats. Our data suggest that habitat filtering rather than acoustic adaptation explains the high call frequency of stream breeders. Species with large body size, pleiotropically constrained to utter low-frequency calls, would have succeeded less often in establishing viable populations alongside streams, due to the masking effect of low-frequency noise. Thus, small species calling at relatively high frequencies would be more common there. Although our data do not preclude adaptations to noisy habitats in some anuran species, they do not provide support for the acoustic adaptation hypothesis at a wider phylogenetic scale.  相似文献   

A number of nonhuman primates produce vocalizations with time-varying harmonic structure. Relatively little is known about whether such spectral information plays a role in call type classification. We address this problem by utilizing acoustic analyses and playback experiments on cottontop tamarins‘ combi nation long call, a species-typical vocalization with a characteristic harmonic structure. Specifically, we used habituation-discrimination experiments to test whether particular frequency components, as well as the relationship between components, have an effect on the perception and classification of long calls. In Condition 1, we show that tamarins classify natural and synthetic exemplars of the long call as perceptually similar, thereby allowing us to use synthetics to manipulate components of this signal precisely. In subsequent conditions, we tested the perceptual salience and discriminability of long calls in which we deleted (1) the second harmonic, (2) the fundamental frequency, or (3) all frequencies above the fundamental; we also examined the effects of frequency mistuning by shifting the second harmonic by 1000 Hz. Following habituation to unmanipulated long calls, tamarins did not respond (transferred habituation) to long calls with either a missing fundamental frequency or the second harmonic, but responded (discriminated) to long calls with the upper harmonics eliminated or with the second harmonic mistuned. These studies reveal the importance of harmonic structure in tamarin perception, and highlight the advantages of using synthetic signals for understanding how particular acoustic features drive perceptual classification in nonhuman primates. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We present the first data on the vocalizations of large odorous frogs (Odorrana graminea, previously Odorrana livida), from southern China. The males produce diverse broadband signals most of which contain ultrasonic harmonics. Six basic call-types were identified based on the number of call notes, fundamental frequency, call/note duration, frequency modulation patterns and spectral composition. O. graminea is one of only a few non-mammalian vertebrates able to detect ultrasound, but its tympanic membranes are not recessed. These results should stimulate further studies to provide new insights into the mechanisms underlying high-frequency communication in anurans.  相似文献   

The chick-a-dee call of the black-capped chickadee (Parus atricapillus) is composed of discrete elements, or notes, that are combined to form hundreds of different calls. To investigate the development of this complex call, 12 families of color-marked chickadees were observed and recorded in the wild. Vocalizations were monitored for 18 d in the nest and 14–18 d postfledging. Most vocalizations of nestlings and fledglings were associated with feeding. At hatching, vocalizations consisted of a structurally simple note type that became more complex and variable with age. Around 9–12 d, the development of the call occurred, when single notes became organized into a multiple-note unit. Notes within the call differentiated into higher frequency, rapidly modulated initial note types and a lower frequency, moderately modulated terminal note type, features also present in adult chick-a-dee calls. Several adult-like calls including chick-a-dee calls, fee-bee songs, and a subsong-like vocalization developed prior to fledgling dispersal. Based on resemblances of note structure and general call structure, the chick-a-dee call appeared to develop from calls of nestlings and fledglings, although not necessarily in a chronologically linear progression. Some features of the chick-a-dee call closely resembled features of older nestling and fledgling calls, while other features more closely resembled the sounds of very young nestlings. Vocal development in the chickadee is compared with song and call development in other species, and the possible significance of acoustic resemblances between chick-a-dee calls and the food-associated calls of nestlings and fledglings is discussed.  相似文献   

In this contribution, we offer new information about the advertisement call of Peltophryne cataulaciceps, an endemic toad species from Cuba and the smallest bufonid from the West Indies. We measured seven acoustic properties from 17 males and analyzed the variability at the within-individual and between-individual levels, using coefficients of variation, type II ANOVAs, and multivariate analysis. Dominant frequency was distinctly less variable within individuals than the rest of the acoustic properties; call rise time showed the highest variability. Variability between individuals was higher for pulse rate, call duration, and dominant frequency, and the CVb/CVw ratios showed that these acoustic properties are more reliable for individual distinctiveness. Discriminant function analyses assigned 54.1% of the calls to the correct individual, and this classification success increased when smaller groups of individuals were considered in the analysis. Results are compared with studies addressing individual acoustic distinctiveness in anurans. We support that the patterns of advertisement call variation within and among co-occurring males differ among explosive and prolonged breeding species/populations, but additional case studies including other explosive breeding species are needed.  相似文献   

Many songbird species have evolved multiple vocalizations, or repertoires, that function to communicate various biological signals. More diverse repertoires may have evolved in response to the effects of seasonal variation in habitat structure on signal transmission. Such changes in habitat necessarily occur for migrating species, but they also occur for resident species that occupy deciduous forests. The black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) possesses a chick-a-dee call and a fee-bee song, but the closely related boreal chickadee (P. borealis) lacks a song. Consistent with the habitat variability hypothesis, the black-capped chickadee possesses a larger repertoire and primarily occupies deciduous forests, whereas the songless boreal chickadee occurs more often in coniferous forests. We explored the ecological basis of this hypothesis by recording audio playbacks of two species in two habitat types during two seasons. Specifically, we played both songs and calls of the black-capped chickadee and calls of the boreal chickadee in deciduous and coniferous habitats, prior to and after leaf-out. We measured attenuation and degradation in re-recorded vocalizations. For black-capped chickadees, the song was less degraded than the call in post-leaf, deciduous forests. The boreal chickadee call attenuated more quickly in all treatments, but maintained its acoustic structure better than both black-capped chickadee vocalizations in coniferous forests. Our results support the hypothesis that variable habitats provided a seasonal transmission benefit for both song and call in the black-capped chickadee, but that the transmission benefit of song is lost in the less variant coniferous forests, which may underlie the absence of a song in the boreal chickadee.  相似文献   

Wei L  Lin ZH  Ma XM  Zhao LH  Ma XH 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):456-460
对交配季节虎纹蛙求偶鸣叫进行录制和特征分析。分析结果表明,虎纹蛙求偶鸣叫主要集中在晚上,求偶鸣叫声音主要含有3个鸣叫谐波,鸣叫主频率共有4种类型,即在第一谐波上有3个主频率段,分别为500、700和800Hz段,在第二谐波上有1个主频率段,即1800Hz段。鸣叫时程(call duration)、能环率(call dutycycle)、声强(call intensity)和鸣叫脉冲率(pulse rate)在4种主频率中变化很大。这些鸣叫参数特征的分析将对虎纹蛙生理生态学的进一步研究提供有价值的基础数据。  相似文献   

High background noise is an impediment to signal detection and perception. We report the use of multiple solutions to improve signal perception in the acoustic and visual modality by the Bornean rock frog, Staurois parvus. We discovered that vocal communication was not impaired by continuous abiotic background noise characterised by fast-flowing water. Males modified amplitude, pitch, repetition rate and duration of notes within their advertisement call. The difference in sound pressure between advertisement calls and background noise at the call dominant frequency of 5578 Hz was 8 dB, a difference sufficient for receiver detection. In addition, males used several visual signals to communicate with conspecifics with foot flagging and foot flashing being the most common and conspicuous visual displays, followed by arm waving, upright posture, crouching, and an open-mouth display. We used acoustic playback experiments to test the efficacy-based alerting signal hypothesis of multimodal communication. In support of the alerting hypothesis, we found that acoustic signals and foot flagging are functionally linked with advertisement calling preceding foot flagging. We conclude that S. parvus has solved the problem of continuous broadband low-frequency noise by both modifying its advertisement call in multiple ways and by using numerous visual signals. This is the first example of a frog using multiple acoustic and visual solutions to communicate in an environment characterised by continuous noise.  相似文献   

In anurans, vocalization is the primary communication form and acoustic parameters are influenced by climatic conditions, but also by social contexts. We investigated calling site use and within-individual variation of acoustic parameters throughout the night in the gladiator-frog Hypsiboas goianus. We expected that large males would call closer to the water and at higher perches to avoid dehydration and maximize sound propagation. Furthermore, we tested the prediction that males would emit more aggressive calls early in the night and more advertisement calls late at night. Male size was not correlated with either distance from the water or perch height. However, as expected, males of H. goianus adopted a calling strategy that consisted of emitting more aggressive calls early in the night and more advertisement calls later in the night. Furthermore, repetition rate and interval between notes of the aggressive calls and repetition rate of the advertisement calls showed within-individual variation throughout the night that agreed with our expectations. The calling strategy of H. goianus is probably related to the establishment of calling sites early in the night and an investment in female attraction in the middle of the night when males’ aggressive interactions have faded away, or due to habituation increasing the males’ aggressive thresholds. This is the first study investigating within-individual patterns of acoustic parameters of calls throughout the night for anurans.  相似文献   

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