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Apis cerana and Apis mellifera normally display different strategies in cooling hive temperature, raising the question whether they would coordinate their efforts in to achieve stable thermoregulation in mixed colonies. The results show that the normal temperatures in the brood area in mixed colonies are more similar to those of pure A. cerana colonies than pure A. mellifera colonies. Under heat stress, A. cerana workers are more sensitive, and initiate fanning earlier than A. mellifera workers. In mixed colonies, the former become the main force for thermoregulation. When worker bees of both species were fanning together at the entrance, their own species-specific postures were adopted, but due to a significantly smaller number of A. mellifera workers engaged in fanning, the cooling efficiency of mixed colonies were closest to that of pure A. cerana colonies.  相似文献   

The microsporidium Nosema ceranae is an emergent pathogen of European honeybees Apis mellifera. Using a PCR-RFLP diagnosis, 29 samples of infected honeybees obtained in 2007-2008 (N = 26), 2004 (N = 2) and before 1990 (N = 1) were analyzed for the presence of Nosema apis and N. ceranae. Only N. ceranae was found in all samples, indicating that this species dispersed to Uruguay (and likely the region) at some time before 1990. The presence of N. ceranae in Uruguay is not associated with an increase of Nosemosis, and its role in colony loss seems to be irrelevant.  相似文献   

Dopamine plays multiple roles in the regulation of reproduction in female honeybees where it appears to act independently of juvenile hormone (JH). In males the role of dopamine and its relationship to JH control have not been elucidated. In the present study we determined hemolymph levels of dopamine and its metabolite (N-acetyldopamine) in males at post-emergence days 0-16. The development of locomotor and flight activities were recorded over the same period. Hemolymph levels of dopamine and N-acetyldopamine were found to increase at the time of onset of mating flight activity and those of dopamine decreased thereafter. Both locomotor and flight activities increased in parallel with hemolymph dopamine levels but the increased activity levels were maintained following decline of dopamine levels. Brain and meso-metathoracic ganglia levels of dopamine showed a similar developmental profile to hemolymph dopamine levels. Locomotor activities were temporarily inhibited by injection of a dopamine-receptor antagonist (cis(Z)-flupenthixol) into the thorax, and were enhanced by injection of a dopamine-receptor agonist (6,7-ADTN). These results suggest that dopamine regulates locomotor activities for mating and plays a role downstream of JH in premature males in honeybees.  相似文献   

The fraction between 950 and 4000 Da of the venom of Apis mellifera has been analyzed with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and statistical facilities of the ClinProTools™ software. Consistent differences in the composition of this venom fraction were observed between queens and workers while younger and older workers (nurses and guards as well as foragers) differ for the relative percentages of two well known cytolytic peptides, namely Melittin and Apamin. Total in situ body methanol extracts and methanol micro-extractions on the cuticle of various parts of the body of drones and females confirmed that venom peptides are smeared on the body surface of females in a not yet clarified way. The observation that venom peptides have been found also on comb wax rises the hypothesis that the use of venom as antimicrobial agent makes part of the social immunity system of A. mellifera.  相似文献   

In northern temperate climates, western honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies can be wintered outdoors exposed to ambient conditions, or indoors in a controlled setting. Because very little is known about how this affects the recently-detected microsporidium Nosema ceranae, we investigated effects of indoor versus outdoor overwintering on spring N. ceranae intensity (spores per bee), and on winter and spring colony mortality. For colonies medicated with Fumagilin-B® to control N. ceranae, overwintering treatment did not affect N. ceranae intensity, despite outdoor-wintered colonies having significantly greater mortality. These findings suggest that N. ceranae may not always pose the most significant threat to western honey bees, and that indoor-wintering may ensure that a greater number of colonies are available for honey production and pollination services during the summer.  相似文献   

This is the first study where the systematic application of theories and techniques used in mammalian sperm cryopreservation have been applied to honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) semen as a means to improve postthaw viability of cryopreserved sperm. Six newly designed diluents, three cryoprotectants (dimethyl sulfoxide, DMA, glycerol), and five diluent:semen ratios (1:1, 3:1, 6:1, 9:1, and 12:1) were tested. In addition, the sperm freezing tolerance of three honey bee strains was evaluated. Specific protocols were designed to control semen freezing and thawing rates. Sperm motility was assessed visually, whereas sperm viability was assessed using SYBR-14 and propidium iodide fluorescent stains. Diluent treatments did not affect fresh (nonfrozen) sperm viability yet affected fresh sperm motility (P < 0.05). Based on these assessments, two diluents were chosen and used in all successive cryopreservation experiments. Using the selected diluents, semen was collected at various diluent:semen ratios, along with one of the three cryoprotectants. Semen collected at high dilution ratios, using a hypotonic antioxidant diluent containing catalase, in combination with dimethyl sulfoxide, provided higher postthaw sperm viability than that of all other combinations tested (68.3 ± 5.4%; P < 0.05). Using this combination of dilution ratio, diluent, and cryoprotectant, there were no differences among honey bee strains for postthaw sperm viability (P = 0.805). Nevertheless, these new semen dilution and freezing methods improved postthaw viability of sperm to levels that could theoretically sustain worker populations in colonies, thus providing potential for further optimization of cryopreservation techniques for the genetic preservation and improvement of honey bee genotypes.  相似文献   

Varroa destructor mite is currently the most serious threat to the world bee industry. Differences in mite tolerance are reported between two honey bee species Apis mellifera and Apis cerana. Differential gene expression of two honey bee species induced by V. destructor infection was investigated by constructing two suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) libraries, as first steps toward elucidating molecular mechanisms of Varroa tolerance. From the SSH libraries, we obtained 289 high quality sequences which clustered into 132 unique sequences grouped in 26 contigs and 106 singlets where 49 consisted in A. cerana subtracted library and 83 in A. mellifera. Using BLAST, we found that 85% sequences had counterpart known genes whereas 15% were undescribed. A Gene Ontology analysis classified 51 unique sequences into different functional categories. Eight of these differentially expressed genes, representative of different regulation patterns, were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Upon the mite induction, the differentially expressed genes from both bee species were different, except hex 110 gene, which was up-regulated in A. cerana but down-regulated in A. mellifera, and Npy-r gene, which was down-regulated in both species. In general, most of the differential expression genes were involved in metabolic processes and nerve signaling. The results provide information on the molecular response of these two bee species to Varroa infection.  相似文献   

We present a differential equation-based mathematical model of nectar foraging by the honey bee Apis mellifera. The model focuses on two behavioural classes; nectar foragers and nectar receivers. Results generated from the model are used to demonstrate how different classes within a collective can collaborate to combine information and produce finely tuned decisions through simple interactions. In particular we show the importance of the ‘search time’ - the time a returning forager takes to find an available nectar receiver - in restricting the forager population to a level consistent with colony-wide needs.  相似文献   

Deformed wing virus (DWV) in western honey bees (Apis mellifera) often remains asymptomatic in workers and drones, and symptoms have never been described from queens. However, intense infections linked to parasitism by the mite Varroa destructor can cause worker wing deformity and death within 67 h of emergence. Ten workers (eight with deformed wings and two with normal wings) and three drones (two with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Nova Scotia, Canada, and two newly-emerged queens (one with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Prince Edward Island, Canada, were genetically analyzed for DWV. We detected DWV in all workers and drones, regardless of wing morphology, but only in the deformed-winged queen. This is the first report of DWV from Atlantic Canada and the first detection of a symptomatic queen with DWV from anywhere.  相似文献   

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