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In order to develop an anti-FMDV Asia1 type monoclonal antibody (mAb), BABL/c mice were immunized with recombinant FMDV VP1 protein. Three mAbs, 1B8, 5E1 and 5E2, were then further optimized. The result indicated that prepared anti-FMDV Asia1 mAbs had no cross-reactivity with Swine vesicular disease (SVD) and FMDV O, A and C type antigen. Their titers in abdomen liquor were 1:5×106, 1:2×106 and 1:5×106, respectively. 1B8 was found to be of IgG1 subtype, 5E1 and 5E2 belonged to IgG2b subtype. In this study, the prepared mAbs are specific for detecting FMDV type Asia1, and is potentially useful for pen-side diagnosis. Foudation items: The National high Technology Research and Development Program of China (No.2006AA10A204); The National science & Technology Pillar Program (No. 2006BAD06A17)  相似文献   

The high specificity and affinity of monoclonal antibodies make them attractive as therapeutic agents. In general, the affinities of antibodies reported to be high affinity are in the high picomolar to low nanomolar range and have been affinity matured in vitro. It has been proposed that there is an in vivo affinity ceiling at 100 pM and that B cells producing antibodies with affinities for antigen above the estimated ceiling would have no selective advantage in antigen-induced affinity maturation during normal immune responses. Using a transgenic mouse producing fully human antibodies, we have routinely generated antibodies with sub-nanomolar affinities, have frequently rescued antibodies with less than 10 pM affinity, and now describe the existence of an in vivo generated anti-hIL-8 antibody with a sub-picomolar equilibrium dissociation constant. This confirms the prediction that antibodies with affinities beyond the proposed affinity ceiling can be generated in vivo. We also describe the technical challenges of determining such high affinities. To further understand the importance of affinity for therapy, we have constructed a mathematical model to predict the relationship between the affinity of an antibody and its in vivo potency using IL-8 as a model antigen.  相似文献   

Similar to blood type, human plasma haptoglobin (Hp) is classified as 3 phenotypes: Hp 1-1, 2-1, or 2-2. The structural and functional relationship between the phenotypes, however, has not been studied in detail due to the complicated and difficult isolation procedures. This report provides a simple protocol that can be used to purify each Hp phenotype. Plasma was first passed through an affinity column coupled with a high affinity Hp monoclonal antibody. The bound material was washed with a buffer containing 0.2M NaCl and 0.02 M phosphate, pH 7.4, eluted at pH 11, and collected in tubes containing 1M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8. The crude Hp fraction was then chromatographed on a HPLC Superose 12 column in 0.05 M ammonium bicarbonate at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min. The homogeneity of purified Hp 1-1, 2-1, or 2-2 was greater than 95% as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Essentially, each Hp isolated was not contaminated with hemoglobin and apolipoprotein A-I as that reported from the other methods, and was able to bind hemoglobin. Neuraminidase treatment demonstrated that the purified Hp possessed a carbohydrate moiety, while Western blot analysis confirmed alpha and beta chains corresponding to each Hp 1-1, 2-1, and 2-2 phenotype. The procedures described here represent a significant improvement in current purification methods for the isolation of Hp phenotypes. Circular dichroic spectra showed that the alpha-helical content of Hp 1-1 (29%) was higher than that of Hp 2-1 (22%), and 2-2 (21%). The structural difference with respect to its clinical relevance is discussed.  相似文献   

The baculovirus expression system has been used to express large quantities of various proteins, including membrane receptors. Here, we reveal a novel property of this expression system to be that certain membrane proteins can be displayed on the budded virus itself. We introduced the genes encoding sterol regulatory element-binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) or SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP), important integral membrane proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and/or the Golgi apparatus related to cellular cholesterol regulation, into a baculovirus vector. When insect cells were infected with SREBP-2 or SCAP recombinant viruses, it was found that these ER membrane proteins appeared on the budded baculovirus in addition to the host cell membrane fraction. Compared to proteins expressed on the cell membrane, membrane proteins displayed on virus exhibited both less aggregation and less degradation upon immunoblotting. Using this viral displayed SCAP as the screening antigen, we then generated a new monoclonal antibody specific against SCAP, which was useful for immunological localization studies. This system, which takes advantage of the viral display of membrane proteins, should prove to be a powerful additional tool for postgenomic protein analysis.  相似文献   

Staurosporine is a broad-spectrum inhibitor of both tyrosine and serine/threonine protein kinases. Excitation of staurosporine and its analogues at 296 nm results in major emission bands centered at 378 and 396 nm. The intensity of the emission bands is enhanced on binding to the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) site of many protein kinases. This property was used to develop a competitive displacement assay for evaluating the binding affinity of small molecules to protein kinases. The assay was validated in both cuvette and plate formats for several phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated protein kinases. The throughput of the assay is high enough to be used in drug discovery for screening as well as lead optimization.  相似文献   

We describe the use of four complementary biosensors (Biacore 3000, Octet QK, ProteOn XPR36, and KinExA 3000) in characterizing the kinetics of human nerve growth factor (NGF) binding to a humanized NGF-neutralizing monoclonal antibody (tanezumab, formerly known as RN624). Tanezumab is a clinical candidate as a therapy for chronic pain. Our measurements were consistent with the NGF/tanezumab binding affinity being tighter than 10 pM due to the formation of an extremely stable complex that had an estimated half-life exceeding 100 h, which was beyond the resolution of any of our methods. The system was particularly challenging to study because NGF is an obligate homodimer, and we describe various assay orientations and immobilization methods that were used to minimize avidity in our experiments while keeping NGF in as native a state as possible. We also explored the interactions of NGF with its natural receptors, TrkA and P75, and how tanezumab blocks them. The Biacore blocking assay that we designed was used to quantify the potency of tanezumab and is more precise and reproducible than the currently available cell-based functional assays.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant hepatitis B virus surface antigen (rHBsAg) purified by immunoaffinity chromatography with monoclonal antibodies is used to obtain a vaccine against this virus. Monoclonal antibodies to rHBsAg from mouse ascites have been purified by Staphylococcal Protein A (SpA)--prior coupling to Sepharose CL-4B (Amersham-Bioscences, Uppsala, Sweden). A high sensitivity immunoassay has been developed for the quantification of part-per-million of SpA contaminants likely to co-purify with monoclonal antibodies obtained by Protein A affinity chromatography, in the presence of immunoglobulins. Specific sheep polyclonal Abs against SpA (SpAc1) were used as plate coating and the SpA detection was possible thanks to the conjugates of sheep Ab fragments F(ab)(2) (fSpAc1) and horseradish peroxidase (fSpAc1-peroxidase), reducing the possible unspecific interaction between SpA and Fc fragments. The immunoassay was shown to be specific for SpA contaminants. The quantification limit of the assay was 0.39 ng/ml spreading to the measurement of contamination levels less than 2 ppm of SpA in final preparations of monoclonal antibodies used for the immunopurification of pharmaceutical products, which is quite low for this application.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe an immunoenzymatic assay based on a rat monoclonal antibody (Ram kappa) developed to determine mouse IgG concentration, which is widely used for samples obtained on purification processes, like supernatant waste and the content of IgG in the vaccine (rHBsAg). This assay involves the use of a rat antibody-horseradish peroxidase-conjugated for the revealing of the antigen-antibody reaction. The rat antibody was produced in cell culture using a dialysis tube (DT). The immunoassay was standardized following several concepts, such as specificity, precision, and linearity. The result obtained permitted us to replace the use of polyclonal antibodies to determine the kappa light chain mouse antibodies by a rat monoclonal antibody of high sensibility and reproducibility. The assay permitted a reliable measurement of murine kappa Ig up to 0.68 ng/ml and was capable of quantifying 6.25 ng/ml. Due to the high frequency of the kappa light chain in mouse antibodies this system acquires a great application.  相似文献   

Polyomavirus JC (JCV) infection causes the fatal human demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Although the initial interaction of JCV with host cells occurs through direct binding of the major viral capsid protein (VP1) with cell-surface molecules possessing sialic acid, these molecules have not yet been identified. In order to isolate monoclonal antibodies which inhibit attachment of JCV, we established an immunoscreening system using virus-like particles consisting of the VP1. Using this system, among monoclonal antibodies against the cell membrane fraction from JCV-permissive human neuroblastoma IMR-32 cells, we isolated a monoclonal antibody designated as 24D2 that specifically inhibited attachment and infection of JCV to IMR-32 cells. The antibody 24D2 recognized a single molecule of around 60 kDa in molecular weight in the IMR-32 membrane fraction. Immunohistochemical staining with 24D2 demonstrated immunoreactivity in the cell membrane of JCV-permissive cell lines and glial cells of the human brain. These results suggested that the molecule recognized by 24D2 plays a role in JCV infection, and that it might participate as a receptor or a co-receptor in JCV attachment and entry into the cells.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), which is a ligand of programmed cell death-1 (PD-1), is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is expressed on antigen-presenting cells and several tumor cells, including melanoma and lung cancer cells. There is a strong correlation between human PD-L1 (hPD-L1) expression on tumor cells and negative prognosis in cancer patients. In this study, we produced a novel anti-hPD-L1 monoclonal antibody (mAb), L1Mab-4 (IgG2b, kappa), using cell-based immunization and screening (CBIS) method and investigated hPD-L1 expression in oral cancers. L1Mab-4 reacted with oral cancer cell lines (Ca9-22, HO-1-u-1, SAS, HSC-2, HSC-3, and HSC-4) in flow cytometry and stained oral cancers in a membrane-staining pattern. L1Mab-4 stained 106/150 (70.7%) of oral squamous cell carcinomas, indicating the very high sensitivity of L1Mab-4. These results indicate that L1Mab-4 could be useful for investigating the function of hPD-L1 in oral cancers.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) has been highly conserved through vertebrate evolution, making it challenging to generate useful antibodies. Some polyclonal antibodies against LPL have turned out to be nonspecific, and the available monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against LPL, all of which bind to LPL's carboxyl terminus, have drawbacks for some purposes. We report a new LPL-specific monoclonal antibody, Mab 4-1a, which binds to the amino terminus of LPL (residues 5–25). Mab 4-1a binds human and bovine LPL avidly; it does not inhibit LPL catalytic activity nor does it interfere with the binding of LPL to heparin. Mab 4-1a does not bind to human hepatic lipase. Mab 4-1a binds to GPIHBP1-bound LPL and does not interfere with the ability of the LPL–GPIHBP1 complex to bind triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. Mab 4-1a will be a useful reagent for both biochemists and clinical laboratories.  相似文献   

The affinity constants of recombinant human galectin-1 and galectin-3 for sugars were determined by capillary affinophoresis. The monoliganded affinophore contains p-aminophenyl-beta-lactoside as an affinity ligand in the matrix of succinylglutathione and has three negative charges. An analysis of the mobility change of the lectins caused by the affinophore and its inhibition by neutral sugars allowed, for the first time, a determination of the affinity constants between the binding sites of the lectins and sugars. The relative magnitude of the affinity constants for each of the sugars in terms of dissociation constants found to be consistent with previously reported data on the concentrations of sugars that caused a 50% inhibition (I50) in the binding assay of the lectin to oligosaccharide-immobilized agarose beads but the absolute values of the dissociation constants were considerably smaller than the I50 values. Capillary affinophoresis indicated microheterogeneity of the lectin preparations and enabled the separate analysis of the affinity of each component simultaneously showing the advantage in using a separation method for analysis of bioaffinity.  相似文献   

Abstract Polyclonal rabbit anti-idiotypic antibody (anti-Id) against the protective monoclonal antibody specific to the flagella of Clostridium chauvoei was produced, purified, and characterized. Anti-Id inhibited the binding of its related monoclonal antibody to the flagellar antigen, suggesting that the anti-Id bore an internal image of the flagellar antigen. When mice were immunized with anti-Id intraperitoneally, the survival rate increased significantly, compared with mice immunized with normal rabbit IgG ( P < 0.01), and specific anti-flagellar antibodies were induced.  相似文献   

We have obtained equilibrium and rate constants for the interaction of monoclonal IgG and its monovalent Fab fragment with a hapten (fluorescein) attached to the surface of a liposome. Binding was detected at nanomolar hapten concentrations by the quenching of the hapten's fluorescence on antibody binding. The binding parameters were computed from nonlinear least squares fits, using mass-action models. Crypticity of the hapten was observed and interpreted as an equilibrium between two states, extended and sequestered, the latter representing haptens associated with the membrane surface. Depending on the lipid composition of the liposomes, the fraction of sequestered hapten ranged from 0.25 to 0.975; transitions between the two states took place on the time scale of minutes. Fab interactions with extended hapten on the membrane were similar to interactions with water-soluble hapten. The ability of IgG to bind bivalently to membrane gave it an avidity two to six times the affinity for purely monovalent binding. However, the equilibrium constant for the monovalent-bivalent binding equilibrium was effectively four to five orders of magnitude less than that for the initial binding step. This probably reflects steric penalties for the simultaneous binding of two haptens on a membrane.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the recently emerged Asian H5N1 virus (A/crow/Kyoto/53/2004) were generated. From five anti-hemagglutinin (HA) MAbs, four antibodies (3C11, 4C12, 3H12, and 3H4) broadly in vitro recognized and neutralized H5 subtypes, including H5N1. By contrast, the 4G6 MAb specifically reacted with H5N1-HA and not with H5N2- or H5N3-HAs from previous epidemics. The 4G6 MAb was useful for immunofluorescence assays but not for immunoblotting, suggesting that this antibody recognizes a conformational epitope of the H5N1-HA protein. An intensive epitope-mapping analysis demonstrated that the 4G6 MAb recognizes Asp59, which is highly conserved among currently circulating H5N1 lineages. Further, a 4G6-based antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detected H5N1 even that derived from clade 2.2 (A/chicken/Egypt/CL-61/2007) from infected chicken lung before virus isolation. Taken together, these results suggest that the established MAbs, especially 4G6, are useful for rapid and specific detection of Asian H5N1 viruses.  相似文献   

SM5-1 is a mouse monoclonal antibody which has a high specificity for melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and breast cancer, making it a promising candidate for cancer targeting therapy. We have therefore attempted to construct a humanized antibody of SM5-1 to minimize its immunogenicity for potential clinical use. Using a molecular model of SM5-1 built by computer-assisted homology modeling, framework region (FR) residues of potential importance to the antigen binding were identified. Then, a humanized version of SM5-1 was generated by transferring these mouse key FR residues onto a human framework that was selected based on homology to the mouse framework, together with the mouse complementarity-determining region (CDR) residues. This humanized antibody retained only six murine residues outside of the CDRs but was shown to possess affinity and specificity comparable to that of the parental antibody, suggesting that it might have the potential to be developed for future clinical use.  相似文献   

A murine hybridoma cell line that produces monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the serogroup D1 Salmonella lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen was established. The trisaccharide tyvelose alpha 1----3 mannose alpha 1----4 rhamnose was shown to be involved in the reactive epitope of the mAb since this mAb reacted strongly with strains of serogroup D1 Salmonella but not with Salmonella strains from the O serogroups of A, B, and D2, and sodium meta-periodate was found to destroy the reactivity of the serogroup D1 O-antigen with the mAb. As such this mAb was found to be a useful serotyping reagent for the identification of serogroup D1 Salmonella, and for the differentiation of strains of serogroups D1 and D2 Salmonella which have identical flagellar H antigens.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody specific for the S1 fragment of skeletal muscle myosin has been identified. The antibody does not inhibit actin-activated Mg2+-ATPase or K+-EDTA-activated ATPase of myosin, indicating that it is not related to the portion of the S1 which carries the ATPase activity. In the absence of relaxing medium, antibody binding to the myosin filament is restricted to narrow regions on each side of the bare zone region of the filament, and to a narrow region at the tapered ends of the filament. This restricted antibody binding is not altered by the attachment of the myosin cross-bridges to the actin filaments. In the presence of relaxing medium, antibody binding occurs along the entire length of the cross-bridge-bearing region of the filament. The restricted binding to only small regions of the filament in the absence of relaxing medium suggests that the molecular packing of the myosin in different portions of the filament may be different, resulting in differences in the availability of the antigenic site on the S1 for antibody binding. The change in availability of the antigenic sites along the filament in the presence of relaxing medium may reflect a perturbation in the molecular packing of the filament, or a conformational change resulting from the binding of MgATP, both of which could affect the availability of the antigenic sites on the S1 for antibody.  相似文献   

Dot-blot is a versatile and simple analysis to perform. We adapted this method as a simple identity test for monoclonal antibodies to a number of small compounds: three transplant drugs, an anticonvulsant, a steroid, an anticancer drug, and an antibiotic. Immunology-based identity tests using low-molecular-mass organic compounds have historically been a challenge to develop. We modified the traditional dot-blot assay to serve as an identity test for monoclonal antibodies to carbamazepine, sirolimus, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, cortisol, methotrexate, and gentamicin. The primary obstacle was the immobilization of these organic compounds on nitrocellulose as nitrocellulose is also soluble in most of the organic solvents in which the compounds are soluble. We evaluated different membranes, solvents, and chemical forms of these organic compounds to overcome this challenge. A number of incubation and washing solutions were also investigated. By varying the chemical form, concentration, and incubation conditions, a set of effective and reproducible identity tests were developed for these monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Human copper transporter 1 (hCTR1) is the high-affinity copper influx transporter in mammalian cells that also mediates the influx of cisplatin. Loss of hCTR1 expression has been implicated in the development of resistance to this cancer chemotherapeutic agent. It has turned out to be very difficult to develop antibodies to hCTR1 and polyclonal antibodies produced by different laboratories have yielded conflicting results. We have characterized a newly-available rabbit monoclonal antibody that reacts with an epitope on the N-terminal end of hCTR1 that now permits rigorous identification and quantification of hCTR1 using Western blot analysis. Postnuclear membrane (PNM) preparations made from cells engineered to express high levels of myc-tagged hCTR1, and cells in which the expression of hCTR1 was knocked down, were used to characterize the antibody. The identity of the bands detected was confirmed by immunoprecipitation, surface biotinylation and deglycosylation of myc-tagged hCTR1. Despite the specificity expected of a monoclonal antibody, the anti-hCTR1 detected a variety of bands in whole cell lysates (WCL), which made it difficult to quantify hCTR1. This problem was overcome by isolating post-nuclear membranes and using these for further analysis. Three bands were identified using this antibody in PNM preparations that migrated at 28, 33–35 and 62–64 kDa. Multiple lines of evidence presented here suggest that the 33–35 and 62–64 kDa bands are hCTR1 whereas the 28 kDa band is a cross-reacting protein of unknown identify. The 33–35 kDa band is consistent with the expected MW of the glycosylated hCTR1 monomer. This analysis now permits rigorous identification and quantification of hCTR1.  相似文献   

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