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The genome structure of a newly isolated sarcoma virus, Y73, was studied. Y73 is a defective, potent sarcomagenic virus and contains 4.8-kilobase (kb) RNA as its genome; in contrast, helper virus associated with Y73 had 8.5-kb RNA, similar to other avian leukemia viruses. Fingerprinting analysis these RNAs demonstrated that the 4.8-kb RNA contains a specific RNA sequence of 2.5 kb, which represents the transforming gene (yas) of Y73. This specific sequence was mapped in the middle of the genome and had at both ends 1- to 1.5-kb sequences in common with Y73-associated virus RNA. This structure is very similar to those of avian and mammalian leukemia viruses. In vitro translation of the 4.8-kb RNA and the immunospecificity of the products directly demonstrated that polyprotein p90, containing p19, is a product translated from capped 4.8-kb RNA and that the specific peptide portion is coded by the yas sequence. Protein 90, which was also found in cells transformed with Y73, was suggested to be a transforming protein.  相似文献   

Avian sarcoma virus UR2 and its associated helper virus, UR2AV , were molecularly cloned into lambda gtWES X lambda B by using unintegrated viral DNAs. One UR2 and several UR2AV clones were obtained. The UR2 DNA was subsequently cloned into pBR322. Both UR2 and UR2AV DNAs were tested for their biological activity by transfection onto chicken embryo fibroblasts. When cotransfected with UR2AV DNA, UR2 DNA was able to induce transformation of chicken embryo fibroblasts with a morphology similar to that of parental UR2 . UR2 -specific protein with kinase activity and UR2 -specific RNA were detected in the transfected cells. Transforming virus, UR2 ( UR2AV ), was produced from the doubly transfected cells. Five of the six UR2AV clones tested were also shown to be biologically active. The insert of the UR2 DNA clone is 3.4 kilobases in length and contains two copies of the long terminal repeat. Detailed restriction mapping showed that UR2 DNA shared with UR2AV DNA 0.8 kilobases of 5' sequence, including a portion of 5' gag, and 1.4 kilobases of 3' sequence, including a portion of 3' env. The UR2 transforming sequence, ros, is ca. 1.2 kilobases. No significant homology was found between v-ros and the conserved regions of v-src, v-yes, or v- abl . By contrast, a significant homology was found between v-ros and v-fps. The v-fps-related sequence was mapped within a 300-base-pair sequence in the middle of ros.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that a newly isolated avian sarcoma virus, UR2, is defective in replication and contains no sequences homologous to the src gene of Rous sarcoma virus. In this study, we analyzed the genetic structure and transforming sequence of UR2 by oligonucleotide fingerprinting. The sizes of the genomic RNAs of UR2 and its associated helper virus, UR2AV, were determined to be 24S and 35S, respectively, by sucrose gradient sedimentation. The molecular weight of the 24S UR2 genomic RNA was estimated to be 1.1 x 10(6), corresponding to 3,300 nucleotides, by gel electrophoresis under the native and denatured conditions. RNase T1 oligonucleotide mapping indicated that UR2 RNA contains seven unique oligonucleotides in the middle of the genome and shares eight 5'- and six 3'-terminal oligonucleotides with UR2AV RNA. From these data, we estimated that UR2 RNA contains a unique sequence of about 12 kilobases in the middle of the genome, and contains 1.4 and 0.7 kilobases of sequences shared with UR2AV RNA at the 5' and 3' ends, respectively. Partial sequence analysis of the UR2-specific oligonucleotides by RNase A digestion revealed that there are no homologous counterparts to these oligonucleotides in the RNAs of other avian sarcoma and acute leukemia viruses studied to date. UR2-transformed non-virus-producing cells contain a single 24S viral RNA which is most likely the message coding for the transforming protein of UR2. On the basis of the uniqueness of the transforming sequence, we concluded that UR2 is a new member of the defective avian sarcoma viruses.  相似文献   

Two forms of the transforming proteins of Fujinami (pp140fps) and Yamaguchi 73 (pp94yes) sarcoma viruses were detected in lysates of chicken cells transformed by these viruses; the majority of pp140fps and pp94yes molecules were present as monomers; however, a small percentage of these proteins was associated in a complex with two cellular proteins of Mr 90,000 and 50,000. These cellular proteins were shown to be identical to those previously found to be complexed with the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus, pp60src. These results suggest a common role for the interaction of pp90 and pp50 with viral transforming proteins encoding tyrosyl-protein kinases.  相似文献   

The ability of transformation-defective deletion mutants of Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus to induce tumors and generate recovered sarcoma viruses (rASVs) was correlated with the partial src sequences retained in the transformation-defective viral genomes. Since all the transformation-defective viruses that were capable of generating rASVs retained a portion of the 3' src sequence, regardless of the extent of the 5' src deletion, and those lacking the 3' src were unable to generate rASVs, it appears that the 3', but most likely not the 5', src sequence retained in the transformation-defective viral genome is essential for rASV formation. However, rASVs derived from a particular mutant, td109, which retained a portion of the 3' src sequence, but lacked most (if not all) of the 5' src sequence, were all found to be defective in replication. Analyses of the genomic sequences of 13 isolates of td109-derived rASVs revealed that they contained various deletions in viral envelope (env), polymerase (pol), and structural protein (gag) genes. Ten isolates of rASVs contained env deletions. One isolate (rASV3812) contained a deletion of env and the 3' half of pol, and one isolate (rASV398) contained a deletion of env and pol. The one with the most extensive deletion (rASV374) had a deletion from the p12-coding sequence through pol and env. In addition, the 5' src region of td109-derived rASVs were heterogeneous. Among the 7 isolates analyzed in detail, one isolate of rASV had a small deletion of the 5' src sequence, whereas three other isolates contained extra new sequences upstream from src. Both env- and env- pol- rASVs were capable of directing the synthesis of precursor and mature gag proteins in the infected nonproducer cells. We attribute the deletions in the replication-defective rASVs to the possibility that the 5' recombination site between the td109 and c-src sequence, involved regions of only partial homology due to lack of sufficient 5' src sequence in the td109 genome for homologous recombination. A model of recombination between the viral genome and the c-src sequence is proposed to account for the requirement of the 3' src sequence and the basis for the generation of deletions in td109-derived rASVs.  相似文献   

PRCII is an avian retrovirus whose oncogene (v-fps) induces fibrosarcomas in birds. The viral gene v-fps arose by transduction of an undetermined portion of a cellular gene known as c-fps. PRCII is weakly oncogenic when compared with Fujinami sarcoma virus, another transforming virus containing v-fps. As a first step in the elucidation of the molecular basis for the decreased virulence of PRCII, we have determined the entire nucleotide sequence of v-fps in the PRCII genome. The v-fps domain in PRCII encodes a polypeptide with a molecular weight of ca. 60,500 fused to a portion of the polyprotein encoded by the viral structural gene gag. The hybrid gag-fps polyprotein of PRCII would have a molecular weight of ca. 98,100, in accord with results of previous studies of the protein encoded by the PRCII genome. The leftward junctions between fps and gag in Fujinami sarcoma virus and PRCII are located at the same position in fps, but at different positions in gag. A sequence of 1,020 nucleotides, bounded by direct repeats of 6 nucleotides, is present in v-fps of Fujinami sarcoma virus but absent from PRCII. Our data should permit further explorations of the relationship between structure and function in the transforming protein encoded by v-fps.  相似文献   

The gag gene-related, nonstructural proteins of three avian acute leukemia viruses (namely, myelocytomatosis viruses MC29 and CMII and avian erythroblastosis virus) and of avian Fujinami sarcoma virus (FSV) isolated by immunoprecipitation from cellular lysates with anti-gag serum were shown to be phosphoproteins in vivo. The specific 32P radioactivity of the nonstructural proteins of MC29, CMII, and FSV was significantly higher than that of helper viral, intracellular gag proteins. Two of these proteins, i.e., the 140,000-dalton FSV and the 110,000-dalton MC29 proteins, were also phosphorylated in vitro by a kinase activity associated with immunocomplexes. This kinase activity is either separated from these proteins or inactivated by incubation of cellular lysates with normal serum followed by adsorption to staphylococcal protein A or sedimentation at 100,000 x g or both. It remains to be resolved whether the 110,000-dalton MC29 and 140,000-dalton FV proteins, in addition to being substrates for phosphorylation, also have intrinsic kinase activity.  相似文献   

A procedure was established whereby most of the major viral proteins were isolated to apparent homogeneity in biologically and immunologically active forms from a single batch of avian sarcoma virus QV2. For the initial step of purification, gently disrupted virions were fractionated by CsCl centrifugation into envelope proteins, RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, and viral core proteins. Further purification of envelope glycoproteins and DNA polymerase was performed by affinity chromatography on agarose columns cross-linked with plant lectins and poly(C), respectively. On the other hand, core proteins were fractionated by a combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange column chromatography into components p27, p19, and p15. The core protein p15 thus isolated retained proteolytic activity even after storage for 6 months. The present study also demonstrated that QV2 p19 is structurally altered from the corresponding protein of avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV), a reference avian leukosis-sarcoma virus having a well-characterized polypeptide composition.  相似文献   

Some biological properties of two new avian sarcoma viruses.   总被引:8,自引:14,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文

RNA and protein of the defective avian acute leukemia virus CMII, which causes myelocytomas in chickens, and of CMII-associated helper virus (CMIIAV) were investigated. The RNA of CMII measured 6 kilobases (kb) and that of CMIIAV measured 8.5 kb. By comparing more than 20 mapped oligonucleotides of CMII RNA with mapped and nonmapped oligonucleotides of acute leukemia viruses MC29 and MH2 and with mapped oligonucleotides of CMIIAV and other nondefective avian tumor viruses, three segments were distinguished in the oligonucleotide map of CMII RNA: (i) a 5' group-specific segment of 1.5 kb which was conserved among CMII, MC29, and MH2 and also homologous with gag-related oligonucleotides of CMIIAV and other helper viruses (hence, group specific); (ii) an internal segment of 2 kb which was conserved specifically among CMII, MC29, and MH2 and whose presence in CMII lends new support to the view that this class of genetic elements is essential for oncogenicity, because it was absent from an otherwise isogenic, nontransforming helper, CMIIAV; and (iii) a 3' group-specific segment of 2.5 kb which shared 13 of 14 oligonucleotides with CMIIAV and included env oligonucleotides of other nondefective viruses of the avian tumor virus group (hence, group specific). This segment and analogous map segments of MC29 and MH2 were not conserved at the level of shared oligonucleotides. CMII-transformed cells contained a nonstructural, gag gene-related protein of 90,000 daltons, distinguished by its size from 110,000-daltom MC29 and 100,000-dalton MH2 counterparts. The gag relatedness and similarity to the 110,000-dalton MC29 counterpart indicated that the 90,000-dalton CMII protein is translated from the 5' and internal segments of CMII RNA. The existence of conserved 5' and internal RNA segments and conserved nonstructural protein products in CMII, MC29, and MH2 indicates that these viruses belong to a related group, termed here the MC29 group. Viruses of the MC29 group differ from one another mainly in their 3' RNA segments and in minor variations of their conserved RNA segments as well as by strain-specific size markers of their gag-related proteins. Because (i) the conserved 5' gag-related and internal RNA segments and their gag-related, nonvirion protein products correlate with the conserved oncogenic spectra of the MC29 group of viruses and because (ii) the internal RNA sequences and nonvirion proteins are not found in nondefective viruses, we propose that the conserved RNA and protein elements are necessary for oncogenicity and probably are the onc gene products of the MC29 group of viruses.  相似文献   

We have identified p10 as a fifth gag protein of avian sarcoma and leukemia viruses. Amino-terminal protein sequencing of this polypeptide purified from the Prague C strain of Rous sarcoma virus and from avian myeloblastosis virus implies that it is encoded within a stretch of 64 amino acid residues between p19 and p27 on the gag precursor polypeptide. For p10 from the Prague C strain of Rous sarcoma virus the first 30 residues were found to be identical with the predicted amino acid sequence from the Prague C strain of Rous sarcoma virus DNA sequence, whereas for p10 from avian myeloblastosis virus the protein sequence for the same region showed two amino acid substitutions. Amino acid composition data indicate that there are no gross composition changes beyond the region sequenced. The amino terminus of p10 is located two amino acid residues past the carboxy terminus of p19, whereas its carboxy terminus probably is located immediately adjacent to the first amino acid residue of p27.  相似文献   

Using biochemical methods, we have shown that a new specific sequence, v-lil, is associated with a given stock of B77 avian sarcoma virus (clone 9). We prepared a DNA complementary to v-lil sequences, using substractive hybridizations, and investigated the properties of this sequence. v-lil has a genetic complexity of ca. 2,000 nucleotides and is not present in various stocks of avian sarcoma virus, avian leukosis virus, or defective leukemia virus. v-lil is not associated with B77 avian sarcoma virus isolated from the original tumor and thus has been acquired by in vitro passage of the virus on chicken embryo fibroblasts. A search for the origin of the v-lil sequence among the DNAs of different avian species has shown that a similar sequence, c-lil, is present in normal chicken DNA (1 to 2 copies per haploid genome). c-lil is not highly conserved but is present in the DNA of all chickens from the genus Gallus. The c-lil sequence is transcribed at a low level (1 to 3 copies per cell) in normal chicken embryo fibroblasts. The biological function, if any, of v-lil or its cellular equivalent has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

We determined the entire nucleotide sequence of the molecularly cloned DNA of Fujinami sarcoma virus (FSV). The sequence of 1182 amino acids was deduced for the FSV transforming protein P130, the product of the FSV gag-fps fused gene. The P130 sequence was highly homologous to the amino acid sequence obtained for the gag-fes protein of feline sarcoma virus, supporting the view that fps and fes were derived from a cognate cellular gene in avian and mammalian species. In addition, FSV P130 and p60src of Rous sarcoma virus were 40% homologous in the region of the carboxyterminal 280 amino acids, which includes the phosphoacceptor tyrosine residue. These results strongly suggest that the 3′ region of fps/fes and src originated from a common progenitor sequence. A portion (the U3 region) of the long terminal repeat of FSV DNA appears to be unusual among avian retroviruses in its close similarity in sequence and overall organization to the same region of the endogenous viral ev1 DNA.  相似文献   

Effect of aphidicolin on avian sarcoma virus replication.   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We studied the effect of aphidicolin, an inhibitor of eucaryotic DNA polymerase alpha, on viral DNA replication and integration during the first 24 h after infection of quail embryo fibroblasts with avian sarcoma virus. In drug-treated cells, the synthesis of unintegrated linear viral DNA species was not impaired; however, the subsequent accumulation of circular viral DNA species and integrated proviral DNA was reversibly inhibited. After removal of the drug, circular viral DNA species were derived from preexisting linear viral DNA species, instead of being derived by de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

H W Jansen  B Rückert  R Lurz    K Bister 《The EMBO journal》1983,2(11):1969-1975
Molecularly cloned proviral DNA of avian replication-defective retrovirus Mill Hill No. 2 (MH2) was analyzed. The MH2 provirus measures 5.5 kb including two long terminal repeats (LTR), and contains a partial complement of the structural gene gag, 1.5 kb in size, near the 5' terminus, and a 1.3-kb segment of the v-myc transforming gene near the 3' terminus. These v-myc sequences are closely related to the v-myc transforming gene of avian acute leukemia virus MC29, and to the cellular chicken gene c-myc. The gag and myc domains on the MH2 provirus are separated by unique sequences, 1.3 kb in size and termed v-mil, which are unrelated to v-myc, or to other oncogenes or structural genes of the avian leukemia-sarcoma group of retroviruses. Normal chicken DNA contains sequences closely related to v-mil, termed c-mil. Analyses of chicken c-mil clones isolated from a recombinant DNA library of the chicken genome reveal that c-mil is a single genetic locus with a complex split gene structure. In the MH2 genome, v-mil is expressed via genome-sized mRNA as a gag-related hybrid protein, p100gag-mil, while v-myc is apparently expressed via subgenomic mRNA independently from major coding regions of structural genes. The presence in the MH2 genome of two unrelated cell-derived sequences and their independent expression may be significant for the oncogenic specificities of this virus.  相似文献   

The internal structural proteins of avian sarcoma and leukemia viruses are derived from a precursor polypeptide that is the product of the viral gag gene. The N-terminal domain of the precursor gives rise to p19, a protein that interacts with the lipid envelope of the virus and that may also interact with viral RNA. The C terminus of p19 from the Prague C strain of Rous sarcoma virus was previously assigned to a tyrosine residue 175 amino acids from the N terminus. We have used metabolic labeling and carboxypeptidase digestion to show that the C terminus of p19 is actually tyrosine 155. This implies the existence of a sixth gag protein 22 amino acids in length and located between p19 and p10 on the gag precursor. The p19 species of some recombinant avian sarcoma viruses and of the defective endogenous virus derived from the ev-1 locus migrate on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as if they were about 4,000 daltons smaller than p19. We have elucidated the structure of these forms, called p19 beta, by analysis of the proteins and determination of the DNA sequence of the p19 region of the gag gene from ev-1 and ev-2. Esterification of carboxyl groups completely suppressed the differences in migration of p19 and p19 beta. Peptide mapping showed the altered mobility to be determined by sequences in the C-terminal cyanogen bromide fragment of the proteins. We conclude from the DNA sequence that a single glutamate-lysine alteration is responsible for the altered electrophoretic mobility.  相似文献   

The genomes of numerous avian retroviruses contain at their 3' termini a conserved domain denoted "c". The precise boundaries and function of "c" have been enigmas. In an effort to resolve these issues, we determined the sequence of over 900 nucleotides at the 3' end of the genome of the Schmidt-Ruppin subgroup A strain of avian sarcoma virus (ASV). We obtained the sequence from a suitable fragment of ASV DNA that had cloned into the single-stranded DNA phage M13mp2. Computer-assisted analysis of the sequence revealed the following structural features: i) the length of "c" - 473 nucleotides; ii) the 3' terminal domain of src, ending in an amber codon at the 5'boundary of "c"; iii) terminator codons that preclude continuous translation from "c"; iv) suitably located sequences that may serve as signals for the initiation of viral RNA synthesis and for the processing and/or polyadenylation of viral mRNA; v) a repeated sequence that flanks src and that could facilitate deletion of this gene; vi) repeated sequences within "c"; and vii) unexplained homologies between sequences in "c" and sequences in several other nucleic acids, including the 5' terminal domain of the ASV genome, tRNATrp and its inversion, the complement of tRNATrp and its inversion, and the 18S RNA of eukaryotic ribosomes. We conclude that "c" probably does not encode a protein, but its sequence may nevertheless serve several essential functions in viral replication.  相似文献   

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