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We studied the effects of weather and tides on percent feeding and flock positions of wintering redheads (Aythya americana Eyton) in the Chandeleur Sound, Louisiana, USA. Flock scans (n = 750) were made on 55 flocks from November through March of 1988–1989. The percent of the flock that was feeding was negatively correlated with time of day, temperature, water level, and distance of the flock from shore, and was positively correlated with wind velocity, flock size, fetch, and wave height; birds also fed more in early winter and during northerly winds. Flocks were closer to land earlier in the winter on cloudy, rainy, and windy days when waves were high, and those flocks were smaller than flocks farther from shore. Conditions associated with reduced fetch by flocks included later time of day, smaller waves, warmer air temperatures, northerly wind shifts, stronger winds, increasing cloud cover, and rain. Redheads minimized energy expenditure by foraging during low tides and in shallow water closer to shore; they increased feeding and reduced fetch during times of high thermoregulatory demands.  相似文献   

Woodin  Marc C. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):279-287
Behavioral data were gathered for redheads (Aythya americana Eyton) using saltwater and freshwater habitats in southern Texas, the northern portion of their major wintering range, in 1989–90. Saltwater and freshwater habitats were used for different purposes by wintering redheads. Approximately 41% of all redheads in saltwater habitats were feeding, while only 0.1% of redheads in freshwater habitats were feeding. Redheads in saltwater habitats drank infrequently (0.3%), but 7.5% of redheads in freshwater wetlands were drinking. Only 23 courting activities were observed, but all occurred in freshwater wetlands. This study showed that redheads depend on saltwater habitats for feeding, which confirmed similar results from recent studies of redheads in the central and southern portions of the Laguna Madre in southern Texas. This study also showed that redheads depend on freshwater wetlands as sources of drinking water. This concurred with data on redhead behavior in the central portion of the Laguna Madre in Texas, but not for redheads wintering in the southern part of the Laguna Madre. Both habitats, saltwater and freshwater, must be considered as integral components of the redhead winter range throughout southern Texas.  相似文献   

Brown DR  Sherry TW 《Oecologia》2006,149(1):22-32
The hypothesis that migratory bird populations are limited during the non-breeding season is increasingly supported by empirical studies that also suggest consequences that carry-over into subsequent seasons. Although variation in food supply is the best supported explanation for non-breeding season limitation, the ecological mechanisms and physiological consequences are not well understood. We both supplemented and reduced Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) food availability on replicate plots in Jamaica in each of 3 years to determine the direct role of food in limiting the physical condition of Ovenbirds. Annual variation in rainfall and food supply created a natural experiment in parallel with manipulations. Sex and age-classes of Ovenbirds did not respond differently in terms of body condition to either food manipulation or natural variation in environmental conditions, suggesting that this population is not structured by strong dominance relationships. Ovenbird body mass, fat, and pectoralis muscle shape were positively and predictably related to manipulated food availability. Feather regrowth rate also responded positively to food supplementation and negatively to food reduction in the drier of 2 years. Prior to manipulation, annual variation in body mass corresponded to annual variation in food supply and rainfall, providing additional, correlational evidence of food limitation. Since multiple intercorrelated body condition indices of Ovenbirds responded directly to food supply, and since food supply influenced body condition independently of other habitat features, we argue that food is a primary driver of non-breeding season population limitation. Moreover, since these effects were observed during the late non-breeding period, when individuals are preparing to migrate, we infer that food availability likely initiates carry-over effects.  相似文献   

Musil  Petr  Fuchs  Roman 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):511-519
In 1981–1992, the breeding fauna of 153 fishponds was studies in three fishpond regions in south Bohemia (Czechoslovakia). On each pond, all water and wetland birds were censused by the Two-check method, which consists of adult birds counts during each breeding season (the first in the second part of May, and the second in the second part of June). We assessed the numbers of all species living in water and wetland habitats in the breeding season.The decline in abundances (expressed as number of individuals) of ducks (Anatinae), grebes (Podicipediformes), Coot (Fulica atra), Moorhen (Galinulla chloropus), Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) were the most marked changes recorded. Marked increase in abundances was found in Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) and Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) during the whole decade, whereas in Graylag Goose (Anser anser) the increase was restricted to the first half of the period under study. Numbers of charadriform and passeriform birds fluctuated in the dependence of water level variation.  相似文献   

模拟火干扰对森林土壤微生物活性及氮矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘发林 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2188-2196
火干扰产生热能从而诱导土壤有机质的化学氧化,改变碳和氮转换,对土壤的结构与功能产生严重影响,影响程度取决于火强度、火干扰持续时间和热渗透。在湖南省株洲市高枧林场选取马尾松次生林火烧迹地,按两种土壤、3个温度和3种土壤水势进行试验设计与方差分析,探讨火干扰对土壤微生物及氮矿化的影响。结果表明:无机氮的浓度与火强度和初始土壤有机质含量呈正相关关系;火干扰后短期内土壤碳和氮浓度较高,微生物生物量碳和潜在可矿化氮较低,温度和土壤水势对基础呼吸速率没有显著影响;当土壤温度达160℃时,未受火干扰土壤中潜在可矿化氮浓度迅速不稳定增加,温度达350℃时破坏90%的非微生物组织;土壤加热后水势对氮矿化过程有显著影响,水势越高,潜在可矿化氮损失越大,火干扰土壤的含水量与硝态氮之间呈正相关关系;培养14d期间,土壤火灾历史、热处理和土壤水势对微生物活性、碳和氮矿化有显著影响,-1.5 MPa水势下加热到380℃后两种土壤的微生物生物量碳含量最高,土壤水势和可溶性糖呈负相关关系;水势和火干扰之间的交互作用显著影响微生物活性和氮转换,低水势土壤中的微生物生物量碳、可溶性糖和潜在可矿化氮浓度较高。  相似文献   

Redheads, Aythya americana, concentrate in large numbers annually in traditional wintering areas along the western and northern rim of the Gulf of Mexico. Two of these areas are the Laguna Madre of Texas and Chandeleur Sound of Louisiana. We collected data on 54,340 activities from 103 redhead flocks in Texas and 51,650 activities from 57 redhead flocks in Louisiana. Males and females fed similarly, differing neither in levels of feeding (percent of all birds in flock that were feeding) (p>0.90) nor in percentages of birds feeding by diving, tipping, dipping, or gleaning from the surface (p>0.10). The foraging level of redheads in the upper Laguna Madre region was relatively constant throughout two winters. Foraging of redheads in early winter in Louisiana was significantly greater than redhead foraging in the upper Laguna Madre, but by late winter, foraging by redheads in Louisiana had declined to the same level as that shown by redheads foraging in the upper Laguna Madre. The overall foraging level of redheads from Chandeleur Sound was greater (41%) than that of redheads in the upper Laguna Madre (26%), yet it was quite similar to the 46% foraging level reported for redheads from the lower Laguna Madre. Redheads in the upper Laguna Madre region of Texas fed more by diving than did those in the Chandeleur Sound and the lower Laguna Madre. Diving increased in frequency in late winter. Greater reliance by redheads on diving in January and February indicates that the birds altered their foraging to feed in deeper water, suggesting that the large concentrations of redheads staging at this time for spring migration may have displaced some birds to alternative foraging sites. Our results imply that the most likely period for food resources to become limiting for wintering redheads is when they are staging in late winter.  相似文献   

Oertli  Beat 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):195-204
Spatial and temporal changes of zoobenthos composition and density were assessed in a woodland pond, near Geneva (Switzerland), by monthly sampling (during 15 months), on the three main substrates: a submerged macrophyte (Chara sp.), an emergent macrophyte (Typha latifolia stems) and allochthonous detritus (oak leaves).Many taxa showed preferences for one or two of the substrates, as expressed by differences in densities, but few taxa presented an exclusivity for one substrate. Zoobenthos densities (per m2 of pond bottom) were largely dominated on all substrates and seasons by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta. Other dense macroinvertebrates included Ostracoda (on Chara and Typha stems), Gastropoda (on Typha stems), Ephemeroptera (all substrates), and Ceratopogonidae (on Typha stems).The magnitude of temporal differences in densities was expressed by the ratio of maximal to minimal monthly densities and reached values between 2.8 to 11.8. On all substrates the highest monthly densities were observed in summer or beginning of autumn. The temporal changes in densities were strongly influenced by the life cycles of the invertebrates: presence of numerous young individuals in summer (for example Cypridopsis vidua, Cloeon dipterum, Caenis horaria, Ferrissia wautieri), and emergence (for example Chironomidae in April). Fluctuations in densities, especially on Chara and leaves, were also attributed to modification of substrate condition (surface availability, stage in the decomposition or senescence process). Temporal fluctuations of densities were compared with other lentic water bodies: highest densities showed a common trend, occurring between end of spring and beginning of autumn.  相似文献   

In subalpine forests near the forest limit on Mt. Fuji in central Japan, slush avalanches occasionally destroy forest-floor vegetation through an influx of volcanic gravel from bare upper sites. The vegetation structure of Larix kaempferiAbies veitchii forests near and distant from avalanche paths was investigated to determine the effects of forest-floor disturbance on successional processes. The Larix population in a forest near an avalanche path, where there had been signs of forest-floor disturbance by avalanches, had a discontinuous age structure with three age groups, indicating that Larix seedlings established under the Larix canopy after the forest-floor disturbance. In contrast, the Larix population in a forest distant from avalanche paths, where there had been no forest-floor disturbance, had a continuous age structure, with no plants younger than the 90-year-old trees, indicating that this population had established on bare ground over a long period. These data suggest that the primary requirement for the regeneration of L. kaempferi on the forest floor is a mineral substrate. Conversely, A. veitchii had a continuous age structure in both forests. However, forest-floor disturbances by avalanche(s) may exclude A. veitchii from the forest because A. veitchii is very sensitive to scoria deposition. In conclusion, forest-floor disturbance by avalanche(s) provides L. kaempferi with an opportunity to establish on the forest floor, resulting in the maintenance of Larix forests alongside avalanche paths in the upper subalpine area on Mt. Fuji.  相似文献   

Maria Kwiatkowska 《Planta》1991,183(2):294-299
Translocation of [14C]gibberellic acid into antheridial cells of Chara vulgaris L. was investigated in relation to the presence of symplasmic connections between the antheridium and the thallus. It was found that manubria, capitular cells, and antheridial filaments were about three-fold more strongly labelled in young antheridia connected to the thallus by plasmodesmata than in older antheridia in which spontaneous symplasmic isolation had occurred. Plasmolytically induced symplasmic isolation of young antheridia severely diminished the radioactivity of all the cells, down to the level characteristic for spontaneously isolated antheridia. It is concluded that plasmodesmata are the main channel of gibberellin transport into antheridia. The change in the character of symplasmic connections during the course of morphogenesis might, among other events, constitute a signal determining a shift of cell metabolism in a new direction, in response to a rapid change in gibberellin level.Abbreviations GA(n) gibberellin (An) - GA3 gibberellic acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid This study was supported by the Polish Academy of Sciences research project CPBP  相似文献   

A four-year study showed a clear seasonal succession of species within the cladoceran community of the large, oligotrophic Sainte-Croix reservoir (S.E. France). Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Ceriodaphnia pulchella were strictly limited to the warm stratified period (July to October), whereas Bosmina longirostris and Bosmina coregoni were dominant during spring and autumn. Daphnia longispina was the only species to occur throughout the year with higher densities in spring.In spring and late autumn, the discharge of the inflowing river Verdon was high and the abundance of all species showed a gradient over the whole lake with lower densities close to the inflow. During the stratified period, water inflow was very low and species showed different patterns. Densities of the small form Ceriodaphnia pulchella were similar all along the long axis of the lake, whereas Daphnia densities were significantly higher near the dam. The distribution pattern of Diaphanosoma, an intermediate-sized species, showed similar trends to that of Daphnia. The only planktivorous fish in the pelagic zone, the bleak (Alburnus alburnus), fed mostly on large-bodied species (> 1.0 mm) and was more abundant close to the inflow current. A comparison between the length frequency distributions of cladocera upstream and downstream provided a clear demonstration of the effects of size-selective predation on prey populations. Finally, the interactions between spatial heterogeneity and long-term development of the zooplankton community and the indirect effects of predation are discussed.  相似文献   

The aerial prop roots of the neotropical red mangrove,Rhizophora mangle L., begin growing well above highest high water (HHW) and often extend well below lowest low water (LLW) before rooting in the benthic substratum. In Belize, Central America, prop roots growing below LLW are colonized by diverse assemblages of organisms, including macroalgae, hydrozoans, ascidians, sponges, anemones, hard corals, and isopod crustaceans. Mangroves, root-fouling epibionts, root herbivores, and benthic predators engage in complex interactions that are major determinants of mangrove growth and production. Species richness of root epibionts increases with distance from the mainland and with proximity to the barrier reef. Species richness decreases with variability in water temperature and salinity. Ascidians and sponges transplanted from Lark Cay into the coastal Placencia Lagoon failed to survive, but anemones from Lark Cay survived in Placencia Lagoon. Reciprocal transplants survived off-shore. The gastropod predator,Melongena melongena L., present only in mainland estuaries, reduced local barnacle abundance and epibiont species richness in Placencia Lagoon. Isopod species richness also increases with distance from shore, but the number of roots bored by these species decreases. These isopods can reduce root relative growth rate (RGRroot) by 55%. On off-shore cays, sponges and ascidians ameliorate negative effects of isopods. In mainland estuaries where epibionts are less common, isopod damage to roots is more severe. Experimental studies in mangrove swamps throughout the world would clarify the importance of plant-animal interactions in these widespread tropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

Winfield  Denise K.  Winfield  Ian J. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,279(1):377-386
The overwintering population of tufted duck (Aythya fuligula) on Lough Neagh, Northern Ireland, has varied over the last three decades, with numbers declining in the early 1980s but then increasing to former levels in the late 1980s. Population fluctuations of recently introduced roach (Rutilus rutilus) mirrored these trends. The present study explores the possibility that competition for benthic food resources is responsible for these changes by examining the diets of tufted duck, roach and other major fish species of the lake. Diet overlaps were generally high due to the common consumption of chironomid larvae. The diet of tufted duck overlapped most with that of roach because these two species were the only significant consumers of molluscs. This evidence provides further support for a tufted duck — roach competition hypothesis.  相似文献   

冯骏  张继辉  疏义林  姚龙  唐鑫生  吴海龙 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5638-5647
凹耳臭蛙(Odorrana tormota)是一种小型山溪蛙类,由于叫声独特,种内具有超声通讯功能而引起国内外相关专家的广泛关注。首次针对皖南凹耳臭蛙地理分布、生境选择以及人为干扰强度对种群密度的影响进行了研究。共调查了9县1区32条不同的山溪,发现其中的16个有凹耳臭蛙分布,除黄山区的香溪和浮溪具文献记录外,其余14个分布点均为首次报道。基于现存凹耳臭蛙分布点的水系关系,推测该物种在皖南的分布呈现出以青弋江、新安江和水阳江三大水系为纽带、间断分布的格局。对其中10个分布点222只凹耳臭蛙生境选择的统计结果表明,在夜晚活动周期内,该物种对乔木、灌木丛、草本植物、岩石、沙滩和倒伏朽木等不同生境的选择具有显著差异(F5,54=25.75,P0.001),栖息在草本植物和灌丛中蛙的数量明显多于栖息在其它几种生境类型中的蛙类。暗示溪流沿岸的草本植物和灌丛对该物种的生存和繁衍具有重要意义,乔木对其非活动周期的隐蔽可能具有不可替代的作用。根据人类活动对其栖息地破坏程度,将人为干扰程度划分为强、中和弱3种不同强度,对不同干扰强度下种群相对密度进行单因素方差分析。结果表明,中等干扰强度下的种群密度显著高于其它两种强度下的种群密度(F2,13=8.155,P=0.005)。推测适度的人为干扰可能增加了栖息地内昆虫的种类和数量,对蛙类的生存和繁衍更为有利。但随着人为干扰强度的增强,对溪流沿岸植被的破坏更为剧烈,种群密度显著下降。  相似文献   

The prevalence of non-indigenous species (NIS) in southern California embayments was assessed from 123 Van Veen grab samples collected in nine bays and harbors during the summer of 1998. NIS occurred in all but two samples. They accounted for only 4.3% of the 633 taxa but contributed 27.5% of the abundance. There was no significant difference in the proportion of NIS abundance among ports harboring large vessels, small boat marinas, and areas where boats were not moored. Three species accounted for 92% of the NIS abundance: a spionid polychaete worm Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata, a mytilid bivalve Musculista senhousia, and a semelid bivalve Theora ubrica. The NIS did not appear to have a negative impact at the overall community level since NIS abundance was positively correlated with the abundance and richness of other species. This may be due to biogenic structures built by P. paucibranchiata and M. senhousia that enhance the abundances of other macrofauna.  相似文献   

The lady crab (Ovalipes ocellatus) is one of the most common native species of swimming crab (Portunidae) of the Atlantic Coast of North America but most populations occur south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. There is a disjunct population in Northumberland Strait (southern Gulf of St Lawrence), which was the focus of this study. Adult lady crabs were collected by trawling in water >4 m deep from May to October 1999 to 2005 to determine abundance, distribution, and diet. Lady crab occurred only in a small area (about 2,500 km2) in the central part of Northumberland Strait where bottom water temperature was >18°C during summer, and the substrate was mainly sand or sandy gravel. Male lady crab attained a maximum carapace width (CW) of 112 mm compared to 92 mm CW for females. The summer and autumn diet consisted mainly of infauna. The principal prey (each >5% of diet by weight) were: small bivalve molluscs (primarily Atlantic razor clam Siliqua costata and Macoma sp.; 43%), small rock crab (Cancer irroratus; 13%), polychaetes (11%), fish remains (9%), and small lady crab (9%). All stomachs collected during May (water temperature ≤10°C) were empty. There was little evidence of any difference in feeding intensity between 0700 h and 1900 h.  相似文献   

Summary Removal of Ca2+ from the medium results in depolarization of theChara internodal cell and an increase in membrane conductance (G m). The increase in conductance is associated with an increase in K+ conductance, as judged by Ca2+ effects on the K+ dependence of clamp current. The voltage dependence ofG m is also affected by Ca2+, as is the time course of the response of clamp current to a step change in voltage. Mg2+ restores the low conductance and the fast response to a voltage change, but not hyperpolarization at neutral pH, suggesting that there is an additional, independent effect on the electrogenic pump. The membrane does not show the normal ability to increase proton conductance at high pH in the absence of Ca2+; this is also restored by Mg2+ as well as by Ca2+.  相似文献   

Xu  Xiaoniu  Hirata  Eiji  Enoki  Tsutomu  Tokashiki  Yoshihiro 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(2):161-170
Decomposition of typhoon-generated and normal leaf litter and their release patterns for eight nutrient elements were investigated over 3 yr using the litterbag technique in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on Okinawa Island, Japan. Two common tree species, Castanopsis sieboldii and Schima wallichii, representative of the vegetation and differing in their foliar traits, were selected. The elements analyzed were N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Al, Fe and Mn. Dry mass loss at the end of study varied in the order: typhoon green leaves > typhoon yellow leaves > normal leaves falling for both species. For the same litter type, Schima decomposed faster than Castanopsis. Dry mass remaining after 2 yr of decomposition was positively correlated with initial C:N and C:P ratios. There was a wide range in patterns of nutrient concentration, from a net accumulation to a rapid loss in decomposition. Leaf litter generated by typhoons decomposed more rapidly than did the normal litter, with rapid losses for N and P. Analysis of initial quality for the different litter types showed that the C:P ratios were extremely high (range 896 – 2467) but the P:N ratios were < 0.05 (range 0.02 – 0.04), indicating a likely P-limitation for this forest. On average 32% less N and 60% less P was retranslocated from the typhoon-generated green leaves than from the normal litter for the two species, Castanopsis and Schima. An estimated 2.13 g m–2 yr–1 more N and 0.07 g m–2 yr–1 more P was transferred to the soil as result of typhoon disturbances, which were as high as 52% of N and 74% of P inputted from leaf litter annually in a normal year. Typhoon-driven maintenance of rapid P cycling appears to be an important mechanism by which growth of this Okinawan subtropical forest is maintained.  相似文献   

The eastern portion of the Camargue in southern France is divided into two parts: a natural wetland area of 2800 ha and an agricultural area of 5045 ha. In 1984 and 1989, a new protected area (1000 ha) was created on two contiguous former hunting estates. Analysis of aerial photographs (1968–1998) in conjunction with a field survey revealed, from 1984 to 1998, an increase of management for waterfowl hunting in natural wetlands located on the periphery of the new reserve, and a similar increase in the agricultural area amongst residual wetlands and former rice fields. Based on monthly aerial censuses, the size of the waterfowl population in the winter increased in this part of the delta by a factor of 3.8 following the creation of the reserve. Our results suggest that the creation of a reserve on former hunting estates resulted in greater attractiveness for ducks but also in the development of commercial hunting activity around the edge. This development increased fragmentation and uniformity of natural areas, including the loss of the unique Cladium mariscus habitat in the Camargue and resulted in the spatial expansion of waterfowl hunting areas in agricultural areas. It is associated with an increase in financial profit from waterfowl hunting. Our study highlights unexpected costs for nature conservation associated with the creation of a reserve. It illustrates the need for new models of wetland conservation where protection goals are not restricted to reserves, but also integrate conservation and economic development outside the protected areas.  相似文献   

Summary Charasomes, complex membrane structures, were found along the longitudinal walls of internodal and lateral branch cells ofChara corallina andC. braunii, but not along their transverse walls or in other cell types. Charasome-complexes were larger and more numerous in the lateral branch cells than in internodal cells. InC. corallina, a dioecious species, especially large elaboration of charasome material occurs in the lateral branch cells of the female plant, sometimes reaching a cross-sectional width which is as great as that of the adjacent cell wall. Chara internodes transport hydroxyl (OH) out of the cell and bicarbonate (HCO3 ) into the cell. Spatial distribution of charasomes along the cell was examined with respect to these transport phenomena, which occur at specific identifiable regions along the cell. Charasome-complexes were always found in regions in which HCO3 transport occurs but were often fewer, reduced in size or absent in areas of OH efflux.Nitella flexilis exhibited similar patterns of OH and HCO3 transport along the cell; however, there was a complete absence of charasomes. Ultrastructural examinations onNitella translucens indicated that charasomes were also absent in this species. The observation that charasomes are present in both transport regions ofChara but are totally lacking in the twoNitella spp. indicates that the charasome-complex is not involved in transport of either substance. Other possible functions for the charasomes, including a role in osmoregulation, are discussed.Charasome substructure is the same in bothChara species, consisting of a mass of short (50 nm average length) anastomosing tubules (30 nm average diameter) derived from the plasmalemma. The interior of the tubules is open to the cytoplasm while the area surrounding the tubules is ultimately open to the wall and thus can be considered to be wall space. Charasomes are quite variable in size and shape, but are roughly globular, with the bulk of the structure projecting into the cell cytoplasm. Tubular components of the charasome were sometimes seen to extend into the microfibrillar wall matrix. A three dimensional model of the charasome-complex presented details the great complexity of this membrane system.  相似文献   

Climate and disturbance are considered key factors in explaining plant invasion, mainly by their effect on alien seedling recruitment. We tested whether soil disturbance by digging and altitude, as a sub-set of climate, affected the seedling recruitment of two alien species (Cirsium vulgare and Melilotus alba) in the mountain grasslands of central Argentina. We performed a seed-addition factorial experiment with altitude as a fixed factor co-variable (6 levels), time since sowing (6 levels) as an autoregressive co-variable, and soil disturbance by digging (two levels) and seed addition (two levels) as fixed factors. Seeds of the studied species were sown in replicated undisturbed and disturbed soil plots, in grassland stands located every 200 m from 1200 to 2200 m a.s.l. The number of emerging seedlings at each plot was recorded during a period of 8 months, at intervals of 30–60 days. Seedlings of both alien species emerged at all the studied altitudes, but only the recruitment of C. vulgare increased linearly with altitude. Moreover, the time window of seedling recruitment for this species increased with altitude. Soil disturbance produced a significant decrease in overall seedling emergence of both species; however, an increase in emergence was observed for C. vulgare at an altitude over 2000 m a.s.l. Natural emergence inside control plots without seed addition was only observed for Cirsium vulgare, which indicates that this species was not seed limited. Our results show that altitude and the absence of disturbance do not restrict the recruitment of C. vulgare and M. alba in these natural mountain grasslands. Moreover, these alien species seem to be tolerant to and even favoured by conditions occurring at higher altitudes and in absence of micro-site soil disturbances in the Córdoba mountain grasslands.  相似文献   

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