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C. amoros  J. Mathieu 《Hydrobiologia》1984,108(3):273-280
Many abandoned stream channels are provided alternatively by river water or groundwater from the interstitial flow. The cyclopoid populations from an abandoned channel of the Rhône river are compared with those from a neighbouring interstitial station. Among the 18 species of cyclopoids found during the present study, only 4 are common to both stations. During 3 years of sampling, the populations living in interstitial waters were rather stable, while the epigean populations were more fluctuating. The latter seem to be influenced by the origin of the water.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the extinction rate of a population that follows a continuous-time multi-type branching process in a random environment. Numerical computations in a particular example inspired by an epidemic model suggest an explicit formula for this extinction rate, but only for certain parameter values.  相似文献   

C. A. Dedryver 《BioControl》1978,23(2):137-151
Résumé Plusieurs espèces d'Entomophthora participent à la régulation des populations d'Aphis fabae Scop. sur féverole dans l'Ouest de la France. Les r?les respectifs de chaque espèce ont été évalués en 1971 et de 1973 à 1975. Entomophthora fresenii Nowak. est l'espèce qui se dissémine le plus rapidement et le plus complètement dans les parcelles, et qui est la plus agressive au niveau des colonies. Ces deux caractères en font l'agent pathogène dominant d'A. fabae dans l'Ouest, 3 années d'observations sur 4.Entomophthora aphidis Hoffman, bien que présent tous les ans n'est le pathogène le plus efficace qu'en 1973.Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch etEntomophthora planchoniana Cornu n'apparaissent pas chaque année et, lorsqu'ils sont présents, n'interviennent que pour une faible part dans le développement des mycoses. Des facteurs inhérents à l'agent pathogène (spécificité, caractères du cycle) ainsi que des facteurs écologiques (climatiques) sont évoqués pour expliquer la prédominance d'E. fresenii.
Summary Several species ofEntomophthora take part in the natural control ofAphis fabae Scop. on field beans (Vicia faba) in the West of France. The respective importance of each species was assessed in 1971 and from 1973 to 1975. Entomophthora fresenii Nowak. is the species that most completely and quickly spreads in the fields, and the most efficient in the colonies. For both reasonsE. fresenii is the main pathogen ofA. fabae in the West of France 3 years over 4. AlthoughEntomophthora aphidis Hoffman occurs every year, this species was the most efficient pathogen in 1973 only.Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch just occurred in 1974 and 1975 and, these years, its contribution in the total sum of infected aphids was low.Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu appeared in 1975 only, very late in the season, which makes its pathogenicity difficult to assess. Factors inherent to the pathogen (specificity ofE. fresenii, nature of its cycle, dependence of the aggregation of aphids) and ecological factors such as response to climate variations, may at least to a great extent explain the predominance ofE. fresenii. All these factors must be studied for a good understanding of this species.

Les 2 premiers mémoires de cette étude ont été publiés dans Entomophaga respectivement parRobert et al. (18, 1973, 61–75) etRabasse & Robert (20, 1975, 49–63)  相似文献   

Annick Boullier 《Geobios》1981,14(1):29-67
The questions relating to the type-species of genus PostepithyrisMakridin and to its systematic position within Terebratulids are discussed.The French species are described: besides the type-species P. cincta (Cotteau) from Upper Oxfordian, two species from Inferior Kimmeridgian can be included in this genus: P. minor (Douvillé) and P. dubisensis nov. sp.A new subspecies P. cincta mosensis nov., recently discovered in Oxfordian from East of the Paris Basin, can also be assigned to the genus.Postepithyris did not evolve through a single special facies: the species could supported different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We used the Hallé and Oldeman's groups of the present and of the future, as obtained by an architectural analysis of trees, in order to test the hypothesis that the group of young (or potential) trees is more sensitive to parameters of present landscape structure than the group of old trees. The landscape structure and the tree species richness of 11 remnant forest fragments, located in the riparian corridor of the Jacaré-Pepira river (S.E. Brazil), were studied. The results showed that the tree species richness may not be linked to the landscape structure changes that have been occurring since 1962 (date of the oldest aerial photographs from the region). The studied communities are probably still responding to the main landscape structure changes that occurred during the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century as a consequence of the expansion of coffee plantations. Furthermore, the group of the future presented significant correlations with a greater number of landscape indices, confirming the initial hypothesis of greater sensitivity of the younger trees to the present landscape structure. It appears also that the richness of the group of the future is mainly affected by the present landscape structure while the richness of the group of the present results from interactions with present and past landscape structures.  相似文献   

Le percher est un comportement répandu chez les espèces d’un assemblage de Scarabaeinae d’une forêt non perturbée de Guyane française. Quarante-trois espèces de percheurs ont été répertoriées sur 7 ans d’échantillonnage. Les fouisseurs diurnes de petite taille (moyenne 7,0 mm) dominaient sur les feuilles isolées et autour des défécations de Singes hurleurs ou des fèces humaines, avec une hauteur moyenne de percher de 62,8 cm. Les hauteurs étaient positivement corrélées aux tailles des insectes excepté pour cinq grandes espèces dont trois possédaient une défense chimique contre les prédateurs. Deux complexes mimétiques ont été identifiés. L’agrégation en dehors de la présence de ressource a été montrée. Les défécations de singes provoquaient une concentration d’insectes dont des Canthon (Glaphyrocanthon) arboricoles qui formaient leurs pilules sur les feuilles. D’autres espèces perchaient en attente de rencontrer au sol un partenaire ou de se livrer au kleptoparasitisme. Les signaux olfactifs pourraient jouer un rôle dans diverses modalités du percher. Compétition et prédation semblent être les principales contraintes auxquelles le percher répond.  相似文献   

The boreal Ammonites (and the more or lessphylogenetically related ones) of the southeast France (Tethyan Realm) are described and figured. 24 forms are refered to, or compared with, previously identified species. 3 are left under open nomenclature, and 7 are new ones. Two new subgenus: Julianites (Paquiericeras) and Lemurostephanus (Olcostephanus) are also introduced.Their biostratigraphic position in the Frenchzonal scheme is detailed. Their contribution to the establishment of correlation between the Boreal and Tethyan provinces is stressed.The most interesting feature is the identification of a Prodichotomites horizon just below the Verrucosum zone, allowing comparison of the definition of the Lower-Upper Valanginian boundary in these two paleobiogeographic realms.  相似文献   

Change of hybrid dysgenesis potentials in P-M system of Drosophila melanogaster — In the P-M system of hybrid dysgenesis, three types of Drosophila melanogaster strains have been described in relation to hybrid gonadal sterility: P, Q and M. When M strain females were mated with P strain males, the P factors resulted in variable level of sterility in their progeny. The Q strain had no significant potential for sterility in any hybrid strain combination. To observe the dynamics of chromosomal contamination, due to the P transposable elements in different genetic context, mixed populations of these three types of strains were set up and monitored for their gonadal sterility potential during at least 30 generations.A first set of 16 experimental populations was set up; each of these was initiated with a mixture of 50% of individuals from the Harwich strain (a strong P strain) and 50% of individuals from a M or Q strain collected in natural populations. The M activity levels of these strains corresponded to a range from 100% to 0%. For all of these populations, the M activity potential disappeared during the five first generations. However, the P activity potential reached an equilibrium level positively correlated with the M activity potential level introduced at the beginning. It is proposed that the force of invasion of the P type by chromosomal contamination through the transposition of the P elements is dependent on the copy number of P sequences present on the chromosome of the M strain in competition.A second set of 18 experimental populations was set up with a mixture of P, M or Q strains collected in France between 1965 and 1982 (this period probably corresponds to the invasion of the P elements in France). After 30 generations, all of these populations (except one) had lost all dysgenic sterility potentiality and seemed to be of the Q type. Taking into account the results obtained from the two sets of experimental populations, the temporal and geographical distribution of P elements in the world could be explained by a progressive diffusion of autonomous P elements, from America with an accompanying decrease of their ability to transpose.

Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre de l'A.T.P. Biologie des populations et de l'UA 693 du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

J. A. Sánchez  J. Rubio 《Genetica》1986,70(2):153-160
Evolution of enzyme polymorphism in experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster III. Linkage disequilibrium between alleles of the Adh and -Gpdh loci — The evolution of gametic frequencies and linkage disequilibria between alleles of the Adh and -Gpdh-loci was followed in two experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster maintained at different temperatures. The results observed were compared with those expected on the basis of theoretical models of gametic selection. Gametic fitness values were estimated from the analysis of the productivity of the different homozygous genotypes.Our experimental results indicate that the selection favours an association between the alleles Adh-F and -Gpdh-S, but it is impossible to generate and/or maintain a stable linkage disequilibrium between the two alleles.  相似文献   

In the littoral zone of the St-Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada), benthic and phytophilous macroinvertebrates were studied in order to find and to explain relationships between structure of these animal communities and abiotic (substrate, water depth, current velocity) or biotic (marophytes species) factors. Benthos was sampled at 16 sites in spring, when there was no macrophytic vegetation, and in summer. Phytomacrofauna was sampled at 30 sites in summer. The data were analyzed using simple and partial correlations, stepwise regression, reciprocal averaging and canonical correlation analysis.

J. Devaux 《Hydrobiologia》1980,68(1):17-34
At 1197 m in the French Massif Central, lake Pavin has a volcanic origin. It is a meromictic lake of 44 ha area and 98 meters depth.Zooplancton samples (250 liters) were collected bimonthly with a water pump from May 1973 to April 1974 at six depths from surface to 20 meters.Countings were made to study the dynamics of two Cladocera: (Daphnia longispina and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula), two copepode populations, the calanoide Acanthodiaptomus denticornis and the cyclopoide Cyclops abyssorum. For the last two species, males, females, ovigerous females, Nauplius larvae and each of the five copepodite stages were differentiated.If Cladocera have a period of development limited from June to September for Ceriodaphnia and from June to December for Daphnia, copepods are presents all around the year with two principals periods of reproduction. The first during spring (March–April), the second during fall (October–November). If this second generation presents an important development for Cyclops abyssorum, that is not the same for Acanthodiaptomus denticornis, in which species nauplius larvae died in winter. The synthetical mathematical model realized by Principal Components Analysis illustrates the relationships between phyto-and zooplancton and bio-physico-chemicals parameters and specially the fact that, in this lake, the highest values of phytoplanctonic primary production and activity coefficient (Production/Standing crop) are found when herbivorous zooplancton presents the more important development and nutrients their lowest concentrations.

The northeastern area of Honshu is composed of six departments: Aomori, Iwate, Akita, Miyagi, Yamagata and Fukushima. The study of Paleolithic began in 1927 and has given place to the discovery of the site of Hanaizumi. Subsequently, one pushed the research below on land and the discovery of the first paleolithic site in Iwajyuku happened in 1946. Then, H. Nakagawa took back a success of survey of the geomorphological processes and the ordering of the fluviatile terraces with some layers from the volcano-sedimentary deposit of the Pleistocene in the basin of Kitakami and the one of Mabechi. Therefore, we understood that the archaeological levels of the region contain several sedimentary deposits volcano of quaternary origin from the Mounts Öu. In the basin of Kitakami, one noted the deposit of fall pyroclastic of Aiçra (AT) above the layer of the local volcanic ash from Kurosawajiri. Especially, it is one key of an important layer, the last horizon located under AT and above the tephra of Daïfudô from the local volcano, the pyroclastic stream of Towada and the involution of the layer of the volcanic ash from Kurosawajiri. More than 610 paleolithic sites has been counted in the Northeast.  相似文献   

Freléchoux F., Meisser M. and Gillet F. 2007. Secondary succession and loss in plant diversity following a grazing decrease in a wooded pasture of the central Swiss Alps. Bot. Helv. 117: 37 – 56. Reduced cattle grazing pressure in the Alps has caused the reforestation of many subalpine pastures during the last decades. To understand the dynamics of natural reforestation and to evaluate how this change affects plant species diversity, we described the vegetation of a wooded pasture in the central Swiss Alps (Sembrancher, Valais) using the integrated synusial method. Based on stratified vegetation relevés in 27 plots,we defined 11 community types at the synusial level (two tree-layer, five shrub-layer, and four herb-layer synusiae), and four community types at the phytocoenosis level (pasture, tall forbs and scrub, wooded pasture and forest). The spatial distribution of these four phytocoenoses suggests that they represent successional stages after abandonment, and that the pathway of vegetation succession depends on the aspect. We suppose that on northern oriented, cool and shady locations, abandoned pastures first develop towards tall-forb meadows and scrub with Alnus viridis, and then to a preforested stage with Picea abies and Larix decidua. In contrast, on western oriented, warm and sunny location, Larix decidua (mainly) and Picea abies directly colonize the abandoned pastures, but further succession finally leads to the same pre-forested stage as on northern slopes. Plant species richness was highest in open areas and decreased by 25% as tree cover increased from 6% to 65%. According to our successional model, plant species diversity is lost more rapidly on northern slopes (with species-poor green alder scrub) than on western slopes (with species-rich young larch forests), suggesting that northern slopes most urgently need an appropriate grazing management. Manuscrit accepté le 28 mars 2007  相似文献   

A comparison of polymorphism at homologous loci between the sibling species D. melanogaster and D. simulans. — Change in frequency of homologous mutant genes sepia and vermilion in the sibling species D. melanogaster and D. simulans in competition against their wild-type alleles was followed in population cages. For each locus, allelic frequencies reach the same equilibrium level in the two species: about 0.32 for sepia and 0.27 for vermilion.These results strongly support the conclusion that selection at the sepia and vermilion loci themselves is responsible for the maintenance and the level of polymorphism at these loci, since the same type of evolution can be observed in both species without the genetic differences between these sibling species appearing to interfere.

Equipe de Recherche associée au C.N.R.S. No 406: Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

Ecology of the saproxylic beetles in mountain forests of the northern French Alps. Both saproxylic beetles and deadwood stocks were studied in order to detect special deadwood features important for these organisms, and to better understand their ecology. A total of 37 window traps were used in ten stations covering four mountain forests in the French northern Alps. In the same time, the deadwood stocks were inventoried in the ten stations. 181 m3 of deadwood (1219 fragments) were measured and 4268 individuals belonging to 235 saproxylic species were trapped. The deadwood volume ranges from 21.1 to 233.6 m3/ha and the number of beetle species from 27 to 113. A positive relation was observed between the stand age, the whole volume of deadwood and the species richness of saproxylic beetles. However, in some deadwood rich sites the beetle diversity is not as high as expected. This was explained by the negative influence of the management history of the forest. The compositions of saproxylic communities depend also of some characteristics of the deadwood stocks. Xylophagous and zoophagous species prefer “not lying and recently dead softwood” while the mycophagous and saproxylophagous species are strongly dependent on fungi growing on hardwood, respectively under “large surfaces of barks” and in “large woody debris”. Surprisingly, the majority of the saproxylic beetles living on softwood does not depend on the most represented resinous deadwood type: the “decayed and lying softwood”.  相似文献   

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