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Studies have been made on the content of catecholamines (noradrenaline and dopamine) as well as metabolites of dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic and homovanillic acids) in the brain structures of silver foxes which differ in their handling reactions. The level of noradrenaline was found to be significantly higher in the anterior hypothalamus of domesticated animals; no differences in noradrenaline content were found in the frontal cortex, hippocamp, posterior hypothalamus and midbrain in animals from aggressive and domesticated groups. Dopamine content was higher in the tuberculum olfactorium of domesticated animals, being lower in the striatum and n. accumbens. Metabolite level remained unaffected which is presumably due to changes in dopamine synthesis in the investigated structures. It was concluded that domestication of animals favours the specimens with an altered state of catecholaminergic system of the brain.  相似文献   

Experiments were made on silver foxes from a population which had been selected for 10 to 15 generations for the domestic behaviour and on animals from a control, unselected population. In females from both populations, studies were made of the level of 11-OHCS in the blood serum, in vitro production of 11-OHCS, the size of fascicular zone in the adrenal cortex, the volume of cellular nuclei and nucleoli, as well as the reaction of the adrenals in vitro to 2 doses of ACTH (1 and 5 units/g of the adrenals) during anestrus, proestrus and estrus. In control females, all the characters investigated significantly increased from anestrus to proestrus. In domesticated females, no changes in the production of 11-OHCS in vitro or changes in morphological features of the fascicular zone were observed in the course of estrous cycle. During proestrus, the adrenals of the domesticated animals were not able to increase the production of 11-OHCS in vitro after application of ACTH. The decrease in the reactivity of the adrenals to the effect of ACTH is presumably the main cause why in unselected females the adrenal are not activated during proestrus. Therefore, in the course of selection for the domestication type of behaviour, species specific dynamics of activation of the adrenals during estrous cycle is lost.  相似文献   

In June 1987, when the testes were fully regressed, 5 males were given s.c. implants of 40 mg melatonin. The same treatment was repeated in August and October 1987. Five males served as controls. Plasma concentrations of melatonin increased significantly in treated males and were still elevated at the end of the study in April 1988. The changes in testicular volume and blood plasma concentrations of testosterone in response to GnRH indicated that melatonin administration promoted testicular development. However, testicular regression was observed earlier in treated than control animals, perhaps because of refractoriness to melatonin or to a down-regulation of melatonin receptors. Semen was collected and frozen in November 1987, 2 months ahead of the natural breeding season, from the melatonin-treated males, and 10 blue fox vixens were inseminated the following breeding season: 9 vixens conceived, and the average litter size was 7.6 +/- 0.5. The results demonstrate that melatonin treatment initiated during exposure to naturally long days (a) promotes testicular development in a way similar to an artificial short photoperiod and (b) may induce a refractory condition after an extended period of treatment.  相似文献   

The data on cranial measurements performed in silver foxes indicate that there are differences in sizes measured between the farm foxes--bred population and the population selected for domestication. A method of principal components was used to analyse the cranial measurements and their changes under domestication. The first component covers about 50% of cranial diversity, which is interpreted as variation in the total skull size. This component clearly separates the two sexes, but not different populations. The second component presumably reflects the growth rate allometry between the skull length and width. The third and fourth components are measurements of skull width; the fifth one reflects the sizes of brain skull. None of these components clearly separate the foxes from farm--bred and domesticated populations. However, some differences in distribution are observed.  相似文献   

Surgical embryo transfer in the silver fox was investigated as part of a larger project concerning the conservation of endangered canine species using modern artificial reproduction techniques with the farmed fox as a model. The animals were chosen on the basis of synchrony in natural oestrus. The timing of ovulation and artificial insemination was determined by measuring electrical resistance in the vagina. Twenty-nine embryos were flushed from eight humanely killed donor females and transferred surgically into the uteri of eight recipients. One recipient female gave birth to two male pups 47 days after the transfer of four expanded blastocysts and one embryo at the 16-cell stage derived from a donor female flushed 10 days after artificial insemination.  相似文献   

We present an electronic microscopy (EM) analysis of synaptonemal complexes (SC) spermatocytes of male silver fox Vulpes fulvus at the pachytene stage. The SC-karyotypes of pachetene cells were made and described. Knowledge of normal SC-karyotype is necessary to reveal synaptic abnormalities of autosome and sex bivalents during the pachytene. It was indicated that EM analysis of SC-spermatocytes—the study of synaptonemal complexes in agricultural animals—is a very good instrument for comparative analysis of normal SC-karyotype of foxes that carry chromosomal abnormalities and in fur-bearing animals as well.  相似文献   

Six silver fox males were exposed to short days (6L:18D) from February, when the testes were fully developed, until June 1986 (Group 6L). Eight males maintained in natural daylight served as controls (Group N). Histological sections from the testes of 2 males in Group 6L killed in June indicated full spermatogenic activity. Three blue fox vixens inseminated the following year with semen collected and frozen in June from 3 males in Group 6L failed to produce litters. One possible explanation for the reproductive failures could have been that the high environmental temperatures in June influenced semen quality. There was no significant difference (P greater than 0.05) in LH release in response to GnRH stimulation in June, but testosterone response to LH release was significantly higher (P less than 0.01) in animals subjected to a restricted photoperiod, demonstrating that testicular testosterone production was maintained longer than in control animals. Two males in Group 6L were retained in 6L:18D from June until December 1986 and then exposed to natural daylight until the end of the study in May 1987 (Group 6L:6L:N). These males started to shed their winter coat and showed clinical signs of testicular regression in December, i.e. after approximately 11 months exposure to 6L:18D. The 2 remaining males in Group 6L were moved to cages with natural daylight in June 1986, where they were kept until the end of the experiment (Group 6L: N:N). These males displayed testicular regression soon after the change in photoperiod but maintained their capacity for testicular redevelopment during the following breeding season.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Melatonin administration in the form of slow-release implants advanced breeding activity in silver fox males when treatment began in June. Plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly higher in treated animals than in controls from September to November, whereas in February and March they were significantly lower. Plasma prolactin concentrations were significantly reduced immediately following melatonin treatment in June but increased to greater levels than control values and 'peaked' after 7 months. This 'peak' was associated with a rapid decrease in testosterone secretion. The normal seasonal spring rise in prolactin secretion was prevented by melatonin administration. Thyroxine values decreased and were significantly lower after 2 months of melatonin treatment.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative analysis of pigmentation in "singne"-type fur color mutation arising in silver foxes during domestication, was made. It was shown that the decrease in quantity of eumelanine in hair and uneven distribution of pigment granules lengthwise the hair were the reason for formation of "singnes".  相似文献   

Genetic parameters (heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations) of chosen coat colour traits of golden fox were estimated. 1013 animals, born on the Sniaty fox farm (Poland) in 1985-1999 were evaluated. In 1993-1999 colour type was additionally assessed for 833 animals, by detailed evaluation of coat colour on the back and sides of the body, throat colour, belly colour and the amount of silver hair. The REML method was used to estimate genetic (co)variance components. Data were transformed using the probit transformation. Heritability estimates for coat traits were low (0.04 to 0.22). Values of most of the estimated genetic parameters (h2, rG, rP) were comparable to those frequently reported for other colour types of silver fox.  相似文献   

Milk intake of fox cubs (2-16 days of age; body weight, 96-649 g) in ten blue fox litters and ten silver fox litters were measured by the water isotope dilution (WID) technique following a single intraperitoneal injection of tritiated water (3HHO). Litter size varied from four to 14 in blue foxes and from three to eight in silver foxes. Silver fox cubs had higher birth weights than blue foxes. Inter-species body weights and growth rates were apparently dependent on litter size and the dam's constitution. In both species growth rate increased with age and body weight (7-35 g per day). In the cubs, the biological half-life of body water turnover (BWT) rose from 1.5 days at 2-3 days of age to 2.5 days at 13-16 days of age, although a considerable scatter was seen. The mean daily milk intake of the cubs varied with body weight, from 31 to 193 g per day, whereas daily milk intake per unit of body mass remained stable at 30-35 g per 100 g body weight. The ratio of milk intake to body weight gain varied considerably among cubs, averaging 4.5 g/g during the 3-week experimental period. In suckling fox cubs, the calculated daily intake of metabolically energy (ME) corresponded fairly with the estimated energy requirements for growth and maintenance of the young. Finally, the applicability and the accuracy of the WID technique was evaluated in ten 3-week-old fox cubs, by tube-feeding with a milk replacer for 48 h, which documented that the daily rates of milk intake and water turnover can be accurately measured in suckling fox cubs by the WID technique following a single injection of 3HHO.  相似文献   

Domestication affects behavioral and vocal responses, involved in communication with humans; in particular, those that attract human attention. In this study, we found that silver foxes of Tame strain, experimentally domesticated for a few tenses of generation, displayed bursts of vocal activity during the first minute after appearance of an unfamiliar human, that faded quickly during the remaining time of the test, when the experimenter stayed passively before the cage. Distinctively, foxes of Aggressive strain, artificially selected for tenses of generation for aggressive behavior toward humans, and the control group of Unselected for behavior silver foxes kept steady levels of vocal activity for the duration of the tests. We found also that Aggressive foxes vocalized for a larger proportion of time than Unselected foxes for all 5 min of the test. We discuss the obtained data in relation to proposal effects of domestication on mechanisms directed to involving people into human-animal interactions and structural similarity between human laughter and vocalization of Tame foxes.  相似文献   

The amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) varies with a circadian rhythm in the green iguana; the amplitude is high during the day(or subjective day) and low during the night (or subjective night). Dopamine and melatonin contents in the eye are robustly rhythmic under constant conditions; dopamine levels are high during the subjective day, and melatonin levels are high during the subjective night. Dopamine and melatonin affect the amplitude of the b-wave in an antagonistic and phase-dependent manner: dopamine D2-receptor agonists injected intraocularly during the subjective night produce high-amplitude b-waves characteristic of the subjective day, whereas melatonin injected intraocularly during the subjective day reduces b-wave amplitude. Sectioning the optic nerve abolishes the circadian rhythms of b-wave amplitude and of dopamine content. The results of this study suggest that in iguana, a negative feedback loop involving dopamine and melatonin regulates the circadian rhythm of the ERG b-wave amplitude that is at least in part generated in the brain.  相似文献   

Animal evolution during domestication: the domesticated fox as a model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We review the evolution of domestic animals, emphasizing the effect of the earliest steps of domestication on its course. Using the first domesticated species, the dog (Canis familiaris), for illustration, we describe the evolutionary peculiarities during the historical domestication, such as the high level and wide range of diversity. We suggest that the process of earliest domestication via unconscious and later conscious selection of human‐defined behavioral traits may accelerate phenotypic variations. The review is based on the results of a long‐term experiment designed to reproduce early mammalian domestication in the silver fox (Vulpes vulpes) selected for tameability or amenability to domestication. We describe changes in behavior, morphology and physiology that appeared in the fox during its selection for tameability, which were similar to those observed in the domestic dog. Based on the data of the fox experiment and survey of relevant data, we discuss the developmental, genetic and possible molecular genetic mechanisms underlying these changes. We ascribe the causative role in evolutionary transformation of domestic animals to the selection for behavior and to the neurospecific regulatory genes it affects.  相似文献   

Studies on feeding habits based on faeces dissecting are imperative to understand the natural history of Tibetan foxes and their functions in the transmission of a lethal zoonotic parasite, Echinococcus multilocularis. However, Tibetan foxes and red foxes live sympatrically on the Tibetan plateau, China. Therefore, the faeces of Tibetan foxes must be distinguished from those of red foxes. We established a diagnostic method to distinguish the faeces of the two species by amplifying a portion of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cytb) and digesting with the restriction enzymes BamHI and SspI, to produce specific diagnostic banding patterns. This PCR-RFLP assay enabled rapid, accurate and easily performed identification and differentiation of the two species.  相似文献   

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