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We found that Drosophila embryo extract contains a protein activity (or activities) that can destabilize nucleosomes, resulting in increased sensitivity to DNase I, release of nucleosomal supercoiling, high levels of conformational flexibility of DNA and more diffuse micrococcal nuclease digestion patterns. Incorporation of histone H1 did not significantly affect this nucleosome remodelling. Remodelling occurs more efficiently in hyperacetylated chromatin. It was shown previously that hyperacetylated chromatin, reconstituted in a Drosophila embryo cell-free system, exhibits increased DNase I sensitivity and a high degree of conformational flexibility of DNA. The present data suggest that the more diffuse structure of acetylated chromatin is a result of chromatin remodelling by protein activities in the Drosophila embryo extract. Received: 4 November 1998 / Accepted: 10 May 1999  相似文献   

Abstract: Epigenetic regulation of the chromatin landscape is often orchestrated through modulation of nucleosomes. Nucleosomes are composed of two copies each of the four core histones, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, wrapped in ~150 bp of DNA. We focus this review on recent structural studies that further elucidate the mechanisms used by macromolecular complexes to mediate histone modification and nucleosome assembly. Nucleosome assembly, spacing, and variant histone incorporation are coordinated by chromatin remodeler and histone chaperone complexes. Several recent structural studies highlight how disparate families of histone chaperones and chromatin remodelers share similar features that underlie how they interact with their respective histone or nucleosome substrates. Post‐translational modification of histone residues is mediated by enzymatic subunits within large complexes. Until recently, relatively little was known about how association with auxiliary subunits serves to modulate the activity and specificity of the enzymatic subunit. Analysis of several recent structures highlights the different modes that auxiliary subunits use to influence enzymatic activity or direct specificity toward individual histone residues.  相似文献   

Arcesi L  La Penna G  Perico A 《Biopolymers》2007,86(2):127-135
Histonelike proteins in prokaryotes and histone octamers in eukaryotes carry large positive charges, which are responsible of strong electrostatic interactions with DNA. As a result, DNA wraps around proteins and genetic information is condensed. We describe a generalized model of these electrostatic interactions mediated by salt that explains the wrapping of DNA around the nucleosome octamer, around remodeling factors in eukaryotes and around histonelike proteins in prokaryotes. It comes out that small changes in protein dimension and charge produce large effects in the supramolecular DNA-protein architecture.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a malignancy arising from the epithelial cells lining the biliary tract. Despite the existence of variation in incidence and etiology worldwide, its incidence is increasing globally in the past few decades. Surgery is the only curative treatment option for a minority of patients presented with early disease; while moderate effective chemotherapy remains the standard care for patients with locally advanced or metastatic diseases. In this article, we briefly review the molecular alterations that have been described in CCAs focusing on the role of epigenetic modification, including promoter methylation inactivation, histone modification and microRNA, in the carcinogenesis and progression of CCAs. This article is part of a Directed Issue entitled: Epigenetics dynamics in development and disease.  相似文献   

The molecular details of how chromatin factors and enzymes interact with the nucleosome are critical to understanding fundamental genetic processes including cell division and gene regulation. A structural understanding of such processes has been hindered by the difficulty in producing diffraction-quality crystals of chromatin proteins in complex with the nucleosome. We describe here the steps used to grow crystals of the 300-kDa RCC1 chromatin factor/nucleosome core particle complex that diffract to 2.9-Å resolution. These steps include both pre- and postcrystallization strategies potentially useful to other complexes. We screened multiple variant RCC1/nucleosome core particle complexes assembled using different RCC1 homologs and deletion variants, and nucleosomes containing nucleosomal DNA with different sequences and lengths, as well as histone deletion variants. We found that using RCC1 from different species produced different crystal forms of the RCC1/nucleosome complex consistent with key crystal packing interactions mediated by RCC1. Optimization of postcrystallization soaks to dehydrate the crystals dramatically improved the diffraction quality of the RCC1/nucleosome crystal from 5.0- to 2.9-Å resolution.  相似文献   

We analyzed structural features of 11,038 direct atomic contacts (either electrostatic, H-bonds, hydrophobic, or other van der Waals interactions) extracted from 139 protein-DNA and 49 protein-RNA nonhomologous complexes from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Globally, H-bonds are the most frequent interactions (approximately 50%), followed by van der Waals, hydrophobic, and electrostatic interactions. From the protein viewpoint, hydrophilic amino acids are over-represented in the interaction databases: Positively charged amino acids mainly contact nucleic acid phosphate groups but can also interact with base edges. From the nucleotide point of view, DNA and RNA behave differently: Most protein-DNA interactions involve phosphate atoms, while protein-RNA interactions involve more frequently base edge and ribose atoms. The increased participation of DNA phosphate involves H-bonds rather than salt bridges. A statistical analysis was performed to find the occurrence of amino acid-nucleotide pairs most different from chance. These pairs were analyzed individually. Finally, we studied the conformation of DNA in the interaction sites. Despite the prevalence of B-DNA in the database, our results suggest that A-DNA is favored in the interaction sites.  相似文献   

Is linker DNA bent in the 30‐nm chromatin fiber at physiological conditions? We show here that electrostatic interactions between linker DNA and histone tails including salt condensation and release may bend linker DNA, thus affecting the higher order organization of chromatin. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 81: 20–28, 2006 This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

An acetyl-histone peptide library was used to determine the thermodynamic parameters that define acetylation-dependent bromodomain-histone interactions. Bromodomains interact with histones by binding acetylated lysines. The bromodomain used in this study, BrD3, is derived from the polybromo-1 protein, which is a subunit of the PBAF chromatin remodeling complex. Steady-state fluorescence anisotropy was used to examine the variations in specificity and affinity that drive molecular recognition. Temperature and salt concentration dependence studies demonstrate that the hydrophobic effect is the primary driving force, consistent with lysine acetylation being required for binding. An electrostatic effect was observed in only two complexes where the acetyl-lysine was adjacent to an arginine. The large change in heat capacity determined for the specific complex suggests that the dehydrated BrD3-histone interface forms a tightly bound, high-affinity complex with the target site. These explorations into the thermodynamic driving forces that confer acetylation site-dependent BrD3-histone interactions improve our understanding of how individual bromodomains work in isolation. Furthermore, this work will permit the development of hypotheses regarding how the native Pb1, and the broader class of bromodomain proteins, directs multisubunit chromatin remodeling complexes to specific acetyl-nucleosome sites in vivo.  相似文献   

Stopped-flow fluorescence anisotropy was used to determine the kinetic parameters that define acetylation-dependent bromodomain-histone interactions. Bromodomains are acetyllysine binding motifs found in many chromatin associated proteins. Individual bromodomains were derived from the polybromo-1 protein, which is a subunit of the PBAF chromatin-remodeling complex that has six tandem bromodomains in the amino-terminal region. The average k(on) and k(off) values for the formation of high-affinity complexes are 275 M(-1) s(-1) and 0.41 x 10(-3) s(-1), respectively. The average k(on) and k(off) values for the formation of low-affinity complexes are 119 M(-1) s(-1) and 1.42 x 10(-3) s(-1), respectively. Analysis of the on- and off-rates yields acetylation site-dependent equilibrium dissociation constants averaging 1.4 and 12.9 microM for high- and low-affinity complexes, respectively. This work represents the first examination of kinetic mechanisms of acetylation-dependent bromodomain-histone interactions.  相似文献   

The demand for highly purified plasmids in gene therapy and plasmid-based vaccines requires large-scale production of pharmaceutical-grade plasmid. Plasmid DNA was selectively precipitated from a clarified alkaline lysate using the polycation poly(N,N'-dimethyldiallylammonium) chloride which formed insoluble polyelectrolyte complex (PEC) with the plasmid DNA. Soluble PECs of DNA with polycations have earlier been used for cell transformation, but now the focus has been on insoluble PECs. Both DNA and RNA form stable PECs with synthetic polycations. However, it was possible to find a range of salt concentration where plasmid DNA was quantitatively precipitated whereas RNA remained in solution. The precipitated plasmid DNA was resolubilised at high salt concentration and the polycation was removed by gel-filtration.  相似文献   

Wrapping DNA into chromatin provides a wealth of regulatory mechanisms that ensure normal growth and development in eukaryotes. Our understanding of chromatin structure, including nucleosomes and non-histone protein-DNA interactions, has benefited immensely from nuclease and chemical digestion techniques. DNA-bound proteins, such as histones or site-specific factors, protect DNA against nuclease cleavage and generate large nucleosomal or small regulatory factor footprints. Chromatin subject to distinct modes of regulation often coincides with sites of nuclease hypersensitivity or nucleosome positioning. An inherent limitation of cleavage-based analyses has been the inability to reliably analyze regions of interest when levels of digestion depart from single-hit kinetics. Moreover, cleavage-based techniques provide views that are averaged over all the molecules in a sample population. Therefore, in cases of occupancy of multiple regulatory elements by factors, one cannot define whether the factors are bound to the same or different molecules in the population. The recent development of DNA methyltransferase-based, single-molecule MAP-IT technology overcomes limitations of ensemble approaches and has opened numerous new avenues in chromatin research. Here, we review the strengths, limitations, applications and future prospects of MAP-IT ranging from structural issues to mechanistic questions in eukaryotic chromatin regulation.  相似文献   

Krajewski WA 《Biochimie》2008,90(3):534-541
Using cell-free system derived from Drosophila embryos, we found evidence for a regulated nucleosome disruption process, which depends on the phosphorylation status of 120 kDa protein (complex). Dephosphorylation enables the remodeling activity to destabilize nucleosomes, which assume a more accessible structure, possessing increased DNase I sensitivity and high conformational flexibility of DNA; remodeling was more efficient on highly acetylated chromatin templates. This phosphorylation-regulated nucleosome destabilization, acting synergistically with histone acetylation, is discussed as a possible mechanism to provide regulated disrupt of histone-DNA interaction.  相似文献   

The base excision repair (BER) pathway is a conserved DNA repair system required to maintain genomic integrity and prevent mutagenesis in all eukaryotic cells. Nevertheless, how BER operates in vivo (i.e. in the context of chromatin) is poorly understood. We have investigated the role of an essential ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling (ACR) complex RSC (Remodels the Structure of Chromatin) in BER of intact yeast cells. We show that depletion of STH1, the ATPase subunit of RSC, causes enhanced sensitivity to the DNA alkylating agent methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and results in a substantial inhibition of BER, at the GAL1 locus and in the genome overall. Consistent with this observation, the DNA in chromatin is less accessible to micrococcal nuclease digestion in the absence of RSC. Quantitative PCR results indicate that repair deficiency in STH1 depleted cells is not due to changes in the expression of BER genes. Collectively, our data indicates the RSC complex promotes efficient BER in chromatin. These results provide, for the first time, a link between ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling and BER in living cells.  相似文献   

The extent of enthalpy-entropy compensation in protein-ligand interactions has long been disputed because negatively correlated enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (TΔS) changes can arise from constraints imposed by experimental and analytical procedures as well as through a physical compensation mechanism. To distinguish these possibilities, we have created quantitative models of the effects of experimental constraints on isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) measurements. These constraints are found to obscure any compensation that may be present in common data representations and regression analyses (e.g., in ΔH vs. -TΔS plots). However, transforming the thermodynamic data into ΔΔ-plots of the differences between all pairs of ligands that bind each protein diminishes the influence of experimental constraints and representational bias. Statistical analysis of data from 32 diverse proteins shows a significant and widespread tendency to compensation. ΔΔH versus ΔΔG plots reveal a wide variation in the extent of compensation for different ligand modifications. While strong compensation (ΔΔH and -TΔΔS opposed and differing by < 20% in magnitude) is observed for 22% of modifications (twice that expected without compensation), 15% of modifications result in reinforcement (ΔΔH and -TΔΔS of the same sign). Because both enthalpy and entropy changes arise from changes to the distribution of energy states on binding, there is a general theoretical expectation of compensated behavior. However, prior theoretical studies have focussed on explaining a stronger tendency to compensation than actually found here. These results, showing strong but imperfect compensation, will act as a benchmark for future theoretical models of the thermodynamic consequences of ligand modification.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of DNA-porphyrin interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitta Y  Kuroda R 《Biopolymers》2006,81(5):376-391
The binding of manganese(III)-tetra(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin (MnTMpyP) with synthetic poly(dA-dT)2, poly(dI-dC)2, and poly(dG-dC)2 DNAs as well as calf thymus (CT) DNA has been quantitatively studied in detail using induced CD (circular dichroism) spectroscopy in the Soret absorption band. The CD spectra, which changed greatly depending on the porphyrin to DNA base-pair molar ratio (r), were normalized with respect to DNA concentration and deconvoluted. Three independent component binding modes (named mode 1, 2, and 3 in the order of increasing r values) were identified, which successfully simulated the observed CD spectra with negligibly small residuals for a wide range of r values. In the case of poly(dA-dT)2, poly (dI-dC)2, and CT DNA, all the three modes appeared, whereas in the case of poly(dG-dC)2 DNA, only modes 1 and 3 appeared in the r range studied. The r dependence of each binding mode, i.e., its relative affinity toward DNA, has been revealed by this analysis. Mode 1, which appeared as a single binding mode at very low r values (r < or = ca. 0.05), was inhibited by the addition of methyl green, a drug that preferentially binds to the major groove of poly (dA-dT)2 DNA. Berenil, a known minor groove binder to poly(dA-dT)2 or poly(dI-dC)2 DNA, inhibited modes 2 and 3. From these inhibition experiments as well as comparison of the component spectra for DNAs of different sequence, a binding site on DNA was proposed for each component binding mode. The number of DNA base pairs covered by a single molecule of porphyrin was estimated.  相似文献   

Epigenetic mechanisms control various functions throughout the body, from cell fate determination in development to immune responses and inflammation. Neuroinflammation is one of the prime contributors to the initiation and progression of neurodegeneration in a variety of diseases, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Because astrocytes are the largest population of glial cells, they represent an important regulator of CNS function, both in health and disease. Only recently have studies begun to identify the epigenetic mechanisms regulating astrocyte responses in neurodegenerative diseases. These epigenetic mechanisms, along with the epigenetic marks involved in astrocyte development, could elucidate novel pathways to potentially modulate astrocyte-mediated neuroinflammation and neurotoxicity. This review examines the known epigenetic mechanisms involved in regulation of astrocyte function, from development to neurodegeneration, and links these mechanisms to potential astrocyte-specific roles in neurodegenerative disease with a focus on potential opportunities for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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