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Although female insects generally gain reproductive benefits from mating frequently, females do not mate unlimited numbers of times. This study asks whether the limit on female mating rate is imposed by trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Female Gryllus vocalis were given the opportunity to mate 5, 10, or 15 times with novel males, and the effects on daily fecundity (egg production), fertility (proportion of eggs that were fertilized), and female post‐experimental longevity were measured. Females that mated 10 times laid more eggs and had a higher proportion of fertile eggs than females that mated 5 times. However, females that mated 15 times did not lay significantly more eggs or have a higher proportion of fertile eggs than females that mated 10 times. Although number of matings did not affect the date that females laid their last egg, mating more times was associated with a prolonged period of laying fertile eggs. Number of matings did not affect female post‐experimental longevity. Thus, there was no trade‐off between female reproductive effort and survival, even when females mated very large numbers of times. When females were allowed to mate ad libitum, the average number of times that females mated was greater than the number of times that confers maximal fitness. The lack of cost to mating explains why females might be willing to mate beyond the point of diminishing reproductive returns.  相似文献   

In several species of fish, females select males that are already guarding eggs in their nests. It is a matter of debate as to whether a female selects a good nest site for her offspring (natural selection) or a male for his attractiveness (sexual selection). The golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill, resembles fish in the sense that mating males carry more eggs than single males, but in the bugs, female mate choice is decoupled from egg site choice. The sexual selection hypothesis predicts that if females select males using male egg load as a cue for male quality, they should not mate with a male when eggs are removed, regardless of his mating attempts. When individual females were enclosed with an egg-loaded male and an unloaded male, they mated equally often with both males, although the loaded males courted more. In addition, when only successful males were used, females mated equally often with the loaded male and the unloaded male irrespective of sex ratio. Male choice rather than female choice affected mating frequency when sex ratio was equal. Therefore, females do not select the male by the eggs he carries, but successful males may receive many eggs due to egg dumping by alien females while they mate or as a consequence of mate guarding.  相似文献   

The evolution and expression of mate choice behaviour in either sex depends on the sex‐specific combination of mating costs, benefits of choice and constraints on choice. If the benefits of choice are larger for one sex, we would expect that sex to be choosier, assuming that the mating costs and constraints on choice are equal between sexes. Because deliberate inbreeding is a powerful genetic method for experimental manipulation of the quality of study organisms, we tested the effects of both male and female inbreeding on egg and offspring production in Drosophila littoralis. Female inbreeding significantly reduced offspring production (mostly due to lower egg‐to‐adult viability), whereas male inbreeding did not affect offspring production (despite a slight effect of paternal inbreeding on egg‐to‐adult viability). As inbreeding depressed female quality more than male quality, the benefits of mate choice were larger for males than for females. In mate choice experiments, inbreeding did not affect male mating success (measured as a probability to be accepted as a mate in a large group), suggesting that females did not discriminate among inbred and outbred males. In contrast, female mating success was affected by inbreeding, with outbred females having higher mating success than inbred females. This result was not explained by lower activity of inbred females. Our results show that D. littoralis males benefit from mating with outbred females of high genetic quality and suggest adaptive male mate choice for female genetic quality in this species. Thus, patterns of mating success in mate choice trials mirrored the benefits of choice: the sex that benefited more from choice (i.e. males) was more choosy.  相似文献   

Synopsis Mating success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural population of the polygynous fluvial sculpinCottus nozawae. Furthermore, the female mate preference of this species was examined experimentally under alternative conditions for mating in a stream. The mating success of individual males (the number of females with which a male mated) ranged between 0 and 8 with a mean of 2.41 in 1983 and 2.52 in 1989, in a population of which the sex ratio was about 1 : 2 in both years, skewed toward females. Mainly due to the excess of nests without egg masses and the few nests with one egg mass, the distribution of male mating success did not fit a Poisson distribution, indicating its non-randomness. Male mating success was not correlated either with the size of the nest rocks or with the male size, suggesting that these two variables are not determinants of mating success. The mate choice experiments demonstrated that females of this species more frequently chose smaller males as mates whose nests already contained eggs than large males without eggs. Additionally, an analysis of stomach contents of guarding males suggested that the parental males ate their own eggs during egg guarding (filial-cannibalism). Based on these results and on a comparison of reproductive characteristics with congeneric species, it is suggested that one of the most important determinants for female mate choice inCottus species may be whether or not parental males are filial egg cannibals.  相似文献   

Seasonal Variation in Mate Choice of Photinus ignitus Fireflies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Mate choice by either sex may vary with changes in the associated costs and benefits, determined by factors such as the availability of potential mates and variation in mate quality. We examined seasonal variation in operational sex ratio, courtship behavior, spermatophore mass, egg count, and the relationship between morphological traits and mating success in Photinus ignitus fireflies to determine if mate choice in either sex varied with the availability and relative reproductive investment of fertilizable females and sexually active males. Successfully mating males had larger lanterns than unsuccessful males when the operational sex ratio was male‐biased. In addition, female responsiveness to male signals increased as the number of courting males decreased, and male spermatophore mass decreased with body size across the mating season. Successfully mating females had larger body mass than unsuccessful females. Female body mass predicted egg count and female rejection by males increased as the season progressed and female size decreased. These results suggest that both male and female P. ignitus exhibit mate choice, and that such choice is influenced by seasonal variation in the abundance and quality of potential mates.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of egg presence on female mate choicein a fish with paternal care. Females who were allowed a freechoice between two males mated within a shorter time than femaleswho were randomly assigned to a particular male. When a secondfemale was allowed to choose among the males, she preferredthe same male as the previous female. This result shows thatfemales are concordant in their mate choice. When the initialfemale was randomly assigned to mate with one of two males (forcedchoice), the second female mated randomly with respect to thefirst one. Thus females do not prefer males with eggs. If theinitial female was given a free choice, but the eggs were removedfrom the chosen male, the test female mated randomly. When boththe males initially had mated but one randomly determined male'seggs were removed, the test female preferred the male who wasstill guarding eggs. These experiments show that females avoidspawning in unsuccessful nests. When the females in the freechoice/egg removal experiment mated with the unsuccessful malethere was a considerably bigger size difference in favor ofthis male than when the females mated with the other male. Weconclude that female sand gobies show clear mate preferences,but that they do not prefer males with eggs over males withouteggs. They do, however, avoid mating with males guarding unsuccessfulnests. We therefore suggest that egg loss could be an importantfactor selecting for egg preference.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of female mating history on copulation behavior and sperm release in the haplogyne spider Tetragnatha versicolor. Despite significant behavioral differences during mating, males released equivalent amounts of sperm to virgin and non-virgin females. When mating with non-virgin females, males showed twice as many pedipalp insertions and half the copulation duration as compared to virgin females; however, males were as likely to mate with non-virgin as virgin females. Even with these overt behavioral differences, males released half of the sperm contained within their pedipalps during mating, regardless of female mating history. With respect to male mating order, first or second, we suggest the numbers of sperm released would lead to an expectation of unbiased paternity. In this species, sperm release is not directly proportional to total copulationduration.  相似文献   

Abstract  The mating behavior of cat flea, Ctenocepholides felis (Bouche) was studied on an artificial feeding device. Male and female can mate repeatedly with same partner or Merent ones. In the situation of male: female ratio of 1 :5, each mating lasted an average of 6.6 min, with a mean interval between matings at 2.5 min., compared to 11. 1 min and 12.1 min respectively in a cell with 5 males and 1 female. As many as 48 mating events were observed for one male during an 8 h period. One female mated 27 times in 7 h with 5 males in the same cell. Newly emerged males and females can not mate before blood meal and about 24 h blood feeding is rewuired for successful mating. Newly emerged males can not mate with fed females (fed for 48 h), but fed males can mate with newly emerged females who are feeding the blood. Significantly more male contacts and male-male mating attempts were observed after the paper treated with female extract was introduced into the cell. The paper contacts and mating attempts were 16.75–32.25 times and 15.75–31.38 times, respectively, on average during a period of 20 min when different doses (FE) of extract were provided.  相似文献   

在人工饲喂系统上研究了猫蚤的交配习性及雄蚤对雌蚤化学提取物的反应,结果表明,当5雌1雄在饲养盒内时,该雄虫可与其他雌虫进行多次交配,连续8小时内交配达48次,交配时间平均持续6.6分钟,两次交配的间隔时间平均为2.5分钟,当1雌5雄时,交配时间平均持续11.1分钟,交配间隔时间为12.1分钟,连续7小时内,该雌虫与雄虫交配27次,新羽化的雌雄虫吸血前不能交配,当把用雌虫提取物处理过的黑色滤纸片放进只有雄虫的饲养盒时,雄虫接触纸片的次数及雄-雄交配企图明显增加。  相似文献   

In the wild, male chameleon grasshoppers (Kosciuscola tristis) are frequently observed mounted on the back of females even when not in copula, and will fight off other usurping males. If this behaviour is mate guarding and reflects investment in male mate choice, then we expect males to preferably guard females based on reliable cues of quality. Cues for female quality likely include female size and egg development that together may indicate fecundity. We investigated male mate choice in the field expressed as mate-guarding preference, by comparing size and egg development in guarded and unguarded females. We found no difference between guarded and unguarded females in measures of fecundity or body size. The majority of females sampled did not contain any viable eggs. This finding suggests that male K. tristis indiscriminately guard females in a scramble mating system.  相似文献   

Given the non-trivial cost of reproduction for males and substantial variation in female quality, males have been predicted to show mating bias as an evolved strategy. Using a large outbred population of Drosophila melanogaster, we test this prediction and show that males may adaptively bias their mating effort in response to the infection status of females. Given a simultaneous choice between females infected with pathogenic bacteria and sham infected females, males preferentially mated with the latter, who had a higher reproductive output compared to infected females. This may provide evidence for pre-copulatory male mate choice. Assessment of the reproductive behaviour ensured that the observed pattern of mating bias was not due to differences in receptivity between females infected with pathogenic bacteria and sham infected females. Further, there was no evidence for post-copulatory male mate choice measured in terms of copulation duration.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is potentially important in marine zooplankton, presumably the most abundant metazoans on earth, but it has never been documented. We examine the conditions for sexual selection through mate choice and describe mating preferences in relation to size in a marine zooplankter, the pelagic copepod Acartia tonsa. Males produce spermatophores at a rate (~1 day−1) much lower than known female encounter rates for most of the year and the decision to mate a particular female thus implies lost future opportunities. Female egg production increases with female size, and males mating larger females therefore sire more offspring per mating event. Similarly, females encounter males more frequently than they need to mate. Large males produce larger spermatophores than small males and the offspring production of female increases with the size of the spermatophore she receives. Additionally, large spermatophores allow females to fertilize eggs for a longer period. Thus, mating with large males reduces the female’s need for frequent matings and she may sire sons that produce more offspring because size is heritable in copepods. Finally, we show that both males and females mate preferentially with large partners. This is the first demonstration of sexual selection by mate choice in a planktonic organism.  相似文献   

Females across many taxa may mate with several males or mate more than once with the same male within one reproductive event. Although many researchers have discussed the effects of multiple mating on reproductive success of females, few studies have attempted to disentangle whether the reproductive success of females differs with respect to whether females mate with multiple males or mate more than once with one male. In this study, we hypothesized that female leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) increase aspects of their reproductive success, such as fecundity, fertility and relative clutch mass, by mating more than once within one reproductive event, either by mating repeatedly with the same male or multiply mating with different males. We controlled for the potentially confounding variables of mating frequency and mate number by allowing females to mate once with one male, twice with the same male, or twice with two different males. We found that females that mated with more than one male laid more clutches, exhibited increased egg fertility and invested more in clutches relative to females that mated only once with one male, whereas females that mated twice to the same male were intermediate for these variables. Thus, reproductive success is higher among female leopard geckos that mated with more than one male compared to female leopard geckos that mated only once.  相似文献   

In many animals, body size plays a crucial role in mating success in the context of competition and preference for mates. Increasing evidence has shown that male mate preference can be size‐dependent and, therefore, an important driver of size‐assortative mating. To test this theory, mate choice experiments were performed during the three consecutive stages of mating behaviour, namely trail following, shell mounting and copulation, in the dioecious mangrove snail, Littoraria ardouiniana. These experiments identified two possible forms of size‐dependent male mate preference which could contribute to the formation of size‐assortative mating in these snails. Firstly, whereas small males were unselective, large males were selective and preferred to follow mucus trails laid by large females. Alternatively, the results can also be interpreted as all males were selective and adopted a mating strategy of selecting females similar to, or larger than, their own sizes. Both small and large males also copulated for longer with large than with small females, and this was more pronounced in large males. When two males encountered a female, they engaged in physical aggression, with the larger male excluding the smaller male from copulating with the female. This study, therefore, demonstrated that size‐dependent male mate preference may, along with male–male competition, play an important role in driving size‐assortative mating in these mangrove snails, and this may also be the case in other species that exhibit male mate choice.  相似文献   

Sexual selection, through female choice and/or male–male competition, has influenced the nature and direction of sexual size dimorphism in numerous species. However, few studies have examined the influence of sperm competition on size dimorphism. The orb‐web spider Nephila edulis has a polygamous mating system and extreme size dimorphism. Additionally, the frequency distribution of male body size is extremely skewed with most males being small and few large. The duration of copulation, male size and sexual cannibalism have been identified as the significant factors determining patterns of sperm precedence in spiders. In double mating trials, females were assigned to three treatments: either they mated once with both males or the first or the second male was allowed to mate twice. Paternity was strongly associated with the duration of copulation, independent of mating order. Males that were allowed to mate twice not only doubled the duration of copulation but also their paternity. Small males had a clear mating advantage, they copulated longer than large males and fertilized more eggs. Males of different sizes used different tactics to mate. Large males were more likely to mate through a hole they cut into the web, whereas small males approached the female directly. Furthermore, small males usually mated at their first attempt but large males required several attempts before mating took place. There was no obvious female reaction towards males of different sizes.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts increased investment in offspring when females mate with high-quality males. Few studies have tested whether investment varies with mate relatedness, despite evidence that non-additive gene action influences mate and offspring genetic quality. We tested whether female lekking lance-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) adjust offspring sex and egg volume in response to mate attractiveness (annual reproductive success, ARS), heterozygosity and relatedness. Across 968 offspring, the probability of being male decreased with increasing parental relatedness but not father ARS or heterozygosity. This correlation tended to diminish with increasing lay-date. Across 162 offspring, egg volume correlated negatively with parental relatedness and varied with lay-date, but was unrelated to father ARS or heterozygosity. Offspring sex and egg size were unrelated to maternal age. Comparisons of maternal half-siblings in broods with no mortality produced similar results, indicating differential allocation rather than covariation between female quality and relatedness or sex-specific inbreeding depression in survival. As males suffer greater inbreeding depression, overproducing females after mating with related males may reduce fitness costs of inbreeding in a system with no inbreeding avoidance, while biasing the sex of outbred offspring towards males may maximize fitness via increased mating success of outbred sons.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is known to have adverse effects on fitness-related traits in a range of insect species. A series of theoretical and experimental studies have suggested that polyandrous insects could avoid the cost of inbreeding via pre-copulatory mate choice and/or post-copulatory mechanisms. We looked for evidence of pre-copulatory inbreeding avoidance using female mate preference trials, in which females were given the choice of mating with either of two males, a sibling and a non-sibling. We also tested for evidence of post-copulatory inbreeding avoidance by conducting double mating experiments, in which four sibling females were mated with two males sequentially, either two siblings, two non-siblings or a sibling and a non-sibling in either order. We identified substantial inbreeding depression: offspring of females mated to full siblings had lower hatching success, slower development time from egg to adult, lower survival of larval and pupal stages, and lower adult body mass than the offspring of females mated to non-sibling males. We also found evidence of pre-copulatory inbreeding avoidance, as females preferred to mate with non-sibling males. However, we did not find any evidence of post-copulatory inbreeding avoidance: egg hatching success of females mating to both sibling and non-sibling males were consistent with sperm being used without bias in relation to mate relatedness. Our results suggest that this cabbage beetle has evolved a pre-copulatory mechanism to avoid matings between close relative, but that polyandry is apparently not an inbreeding avoidance mechanism in C. bowringi.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of exposure to males on female longevity and egg production in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. In this species, females typically mate several times each morning over a lifetime that can span several months. We hypothesised that high costs of mating with males would be incompatible with the life history of this species. We predicted that 1) female longevity costs of exposure to males would be low, and 2) that the magnitude of mating-induced fecundity increases in C. dalmanni, if present, would also be low. We tested the predictions by comparing the longevity and lifetime fecundity of virgin and mated females. In line with prediction 1), the longevity difference between virgin and fully reproductive females was small and of borderline significance. In line with prediction 2), egg production was not significantly higher in females continually exposed to males than for virgin females. Our results suggest that costs of reproduction resulting from exposure to males are low in species that mate promiscuously at high rates.  相似文献   

Female crickets can potentially gain both direct and indirect benefits from mating multiple times with different males. Most studies have only examined the effects of small numbers of matings, although female crickets are capable of mating many times. The goal of this paper is to examine the direct and indirect benefits of mating large numbers of times for female reproductive success. In a previous experiment, female Gryllus vocalis were found to gain diminishing direct benefits from mating large numbers of times. In this study I attempt to determine whether mating large numbers of times yields similar diminishing returns on female indirect benefits. Virgin female Gryllus vocalis crickets were assigned to mate five, ten or 15 times with either the same or different males. Females that mated more times gained direct benefits in terms of laying more eggs and more fertilized eggs. Females that mated with different males rather than mating repeatedly with the same male did not have higher offspring hatching success, a result that is contrary to other published results comparing female reproductive success with repeated versus different partners. These results suggest that females that mate large numbers of times fail to gain additional genetic benefits from doing so.  相似文献   

Abstract  1. Large male seaweed flies (Diptera: Coelopidae) are more likely to mate than smaller males. This is due to sexual conflict over mating, by which females physically resist male attempts to copulate. In some species, large males are simply more efficient at overpowering female resistance.
2. Female reluctance to mate is likely to have evolved due to the costs of mating to females. In many dipterans, males manipulate female behaviour through seminal proteins that have evolved through sperm competition. This behavioural manipulation can be costly to females, for example forcing females to oviposit in sub-optimal conditions and increasing their mortality.
3. Previous work has failed to identify any ubiquitous costs of mating to female coelopids. The work reported here was designed to investigate the effects of exposure to oviposition sites ( Fucus algae) on the reproductive behaviour of four species of coelopid. Algae deposition in nature is stochastic and females mate with multiple males in and around oviposition sites. Spermatogenesis is restricted to the pupal stage and there is last-male sperm precedence. It was predicted that males would avoid wasting sperm and would be more willing to mate, and to remain paired with females for longer, when exposed to oviposition material compared with control males. Females were predicted to incur longevity costs of mating if mating increased their rate of oviposition, especially in the presence of algae.
4. The behaviour of males of all four species concurred with the predictions; however mating did not affect female receptivity, oviposition behaviour, or longevity. Exposure to algae induced oviposition and increased female mortality in all species independently of mating and egg production. The evolutionary ecology of potential costs of mating to female coelopids are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

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