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Salinity preference and responses to predatory chemical cues were examined both separately and simultaneously in freshwater (FW) and saltwater (SW)‐acclimated sailfin mollies Poecilia latipinna, a euryhaline species. It was hypothesized that P. latipinna would prefer FW over SW, move away from chemical cues from a crayfish predator, and favour predator avoidance over osmoregulation when presented with both demands. Both FW and SW‐acclimated P. latipinna preferred FW and actively avoided predator cues. When presented with FW plus predator cues v. SW with no cues, P. latipinna were more often found in FW plus predator cues. These results raise questions pertaining to the potential osmoregulatory stress of salinity transitions in euryhaline fishes relative to the potential fitness benefits and whether euryhalinity is utilized for predator avoidance. This study sheds light on the potential benefits and consequences of being salt tolerant or intolerant and complicates the understanding of the selection pressures that have favoured the different osmoregulatory mechanisms among fishes.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the prolactin cells of the euryhaline marine teleosts Gillichthys mirabilis and Platichthys stellatus were studied by light and electron microscopy after transfer from sea water to fresh water. In seawater fish the secretory granules were smaller and the cellular organelles poorly developed. Within 3 hours after transfer to fresh water, the prolactin cells of Gillichthys exhibited definite functional activation: exocytosis of granules and development of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), Golgi systems and mitochondria. Concurrently, plasma sodium fell from about 172 meq/l to about 133 meq/l.As adaptation to fresh water progressed, prolactin cells of Gillichthys showed greater prominence of cellular organelles but granule storage was not detected even 10 days after transfer. Platichthys adapted to fresh water for 10 days showed RER in an expanded state containing irregular electron-dense material which was not seen in Gillichthys. Plasma sodium levels were much lower than in the controls. These results were in contrast to those obtained from euryhaline freshwater fishes such as Poecilia and Oryzias. Although the prolactin cells of euryhaline marine fish exhibited intense secretory activity when transferred into fresh water, the secreted prolactin per se appeared to be insufficient to maintain plasma sodium at seawater levels.We thank Dr. R. Foster for providing the acclimated starry flounders caught by the staff of the Bodega Marine Laboratory. Thanks are also due Mr. J. Underhill for photographic assistance, Mrs. A. Mos for microtechnical assistance, and Mrs. E. Reid for preparation of the graphs. This study was aided by NIH grant CA-05388 and NSF grant GB-23033.  相似文献   

Hypoxia tolerance and air-breathing occur in a range of freshwater, estuarine and intertidal fishes. Here it is shown for the first time that coral reef fishes from the genera Gobiodon, Paragobiodon and Caracanthus, which all have an obligate association with living coral, also exhibit hypoxia tolerance and a well-developed air-breathing capacity. All nine species maintained adequate respiration in water at oxygen concentrations down to 15–25% air saturation. This hypoxia tolerance is probably needed when the oxygen levels in the coral habitat drops sharply at night. Air-breathing abilities of the species correlated with habitat association, being greatest (equaling oxygen uptake in water) in species that occupy corals extending into shallow water, where they may become air exposed during extreme low tides. Air-breathing was less well-developed or absent in species inhabiting corals from deeper waters. Loss of scales and a network of subcutaneous capillaries appear to be key adaptations allowing cutaneous respiration in air. While hypoxia tolerance may be an ancestral trait in these fishes, air-breathing is likely to be a more recent adaptation exemplifying convergent evolution in the unrelated genera Gobiodon and Caracanthus in response to coral-dwelling lifestyles.  相似文献   

Distinct fish assemblages were found at the mesohabitat scale in 14 streams in eastern Sabah, Malaysia. Sites were designated a priori as pool, run or riffle on the basis of physical habitat structure and properties. Principal components analysis of physical habitat data confirmed the validity of the a priori designation with a major axis of three correlated variables: water velocity, depth and substratum type. Canonical discriminant analysis on fish abundance and biomass data confirmed the existence of a specialized assemblage of fishes from riffle areas of all streams. Overall, pool and run assemblages were highly variable, dependent on stream size, but also variable between streams of the same size. Multiple regression of species richness, diversity, abundance and biomass data on principal components revealed significant but low correlations with measured habitat variables. Riffle habitats showed lower species richness and diversity but high abundance. The fish assemblage in riffles was dominated by balitorid species, specialized for fast-water conditions. Pool assemblages had the highest species diversity and were dominated by cyprinid species of a number of morphological and ecological guilds. Run assemblages were intermediate in assemblage characteristics between riffle and pool assemblages. Between-stream variation in assemblage composition was less than within-stream variation. Of 38 species collected, seven could be designated as riffle specialists, 18 as pool specialists and 13 as ubiquitous, although most of the latter showed size-specific habitat use with larger size classes found in slower, deeper water.  相似文献   

我国伊犁河鱼类群落结构及外来鱼类适生性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012-2019年,在我国伊犁河流域的6个断面开展了鱼类群落结构调查,结果显示我国伊犁河流域现有鱼类共计29种,大多属于鲤形目。鱼类群落组成与20世纪末期相比发生了变化,银色裂腹鱼、短头鲃、银鲫、鲢、北方泥鳅在本研究中未出现,尤其是银色裂腹鱼,截至目前为止的鱼类资源调查中,均无捕获记录。历史研究中未见的乌鳢与大口鲇在本研究中有捕获。外来鱼类的出现率和数量均有所增加。对鱼类群落结构特征进行分析,显示伊犁河流域鱼类群落多样性较低,下游干流和上游支流的鱼类群落结构差异较大。现阶段,我国伊犁河流域主要的优势种外来鱼类有鲤、和鲫。利用最大熵生态位模型(MaxEnt)对鲤、和鲫的适生区域进行预测,与鱼类资源调查获得的鱼类实际分布区对比,显示鲤和在我国伊犁河流域的分布范围与预测结果是吻合的,而鲫在进入伊犁河流域之后开始向上游支流河段扩散。由于这几种外来鱼类在一开始引入的时候未采取管控措施,又具有极强的适应能力,且伊犁河流域的鱼类多样性较小,因此极易形成规模并扩散。外来鱼类的入侵,会对土著鱼类造成巨大的威胁。基于本论文研究结论,应当将已发生生态位漂变的鲫其作为重点关注种类,关注外来鱼类的生活史对策,深入研究外来鱼类的入侵机制和诱因;对上游支流河段的生境进行监测,关注气候和水文变化,尤其是土著鱼类产卵场、索饵场和越冬场的变化,尽可能减小人类活动干扰;对伊犁河流域的鱼类资源进行长期监测,关注鱼类群落结构变化,一旦发现异常及时采取措施;增加对土著鱼类的增殖放流;严格控制进出口贸易和增殖放流时夹带的外来鱼类。维护我国伊犁河流域的生态安全。  相似文献   

The morphology of two species of bucephalids (Bucephalidae; Digenea; Trematoda), which since 1999 has caused a fish disease at the Uji River, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan, is described. Parabucephalopsis parasiluri Wang, 1985 was first recorded in the Uji River in 2000, and Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty, 1937) in 2005. The definitive host of both species is the Lake Biwa catfish (Silurus biwaensis), and the second intermediate hosts include many fish species from several families. P. parasiluri is an introduced parasite that invaded with its first intermediate host, golden mussels (Limnoperna fortunei), from the Asian continent. P. ozakii may also be an introduced species, although its first intermediate host has not been identified.  相似文献   

The testicular gland (t.g.) is a glandular tissue situated adjacent to the testis of blenniid and several gobiid species. In the present study the t.g. of Blennius pavo Risso and Gobius niger L. were compared by histological and histochemical methods. In B. pavo the spermatozoa have to cross the t.g. to reach the vas deferens and thus they come into contact with the gland cells, whereas in G. niger the vas deferens is situated between the testis and the t.g. The fine structure and histo-chemistry of the t.g. cells reveal that in B.pavo the cells of the t.g. have exocrine as well as endocrine functions. The t.g. cells of B. pavo contain large amounts of lipids, form a secretion containing acid mucopolysaccharides, show positive reaction for acid phosphatase, and some cells stain for 3β-HSD and G6PD. The function of the t.g. of G. niger is exclusively endocrine. Characteristics of the gland cells of this species are well developed smooth ER and tubulovesicular or paracristal-line mitochondria. The stainings for 3β-HSD, G6PD and UDPGD give strong positive results in the whole t.g., indicating the presence of steroids and steroid glucuronides.  相似文献   

Studies of the genetic covariance between habitat preference and performance have reported conflicting outcomes ranging from no covariance to strong covariance. The causes of this variability remain unclear. Here we show that variation in the magnitude of genetic covariance can result from variability in migration regimes. Using data from walking stick insects and a mathematical model, we find that genetic covariance within populations between host plant preference and a trait affecting performance on different hosts (cryptic color pattern) varies in magnitude predictably among populations according to migration regimes. Specifically, genetic covariance within populations is high in heterogeneous habitats where migration between populations locally adapted to different host plants generates nonrandom associations (i.e., linkage disequilibrium) between alleles at color pattern and host preference loci. Conversely, genetic covariance is low in homogeneous habitats where a single host exists and migration between hosts does not occur. Our results show that habitat structure and patterns of migration can strongly affect the evolution and variability of genetic covariance within populations.  相似文献   

Patterns of space use and the individual-based behaviour of microhabitat selection were investigated in three intertidal gobiid fishes, Bathygobius fuscus, Chaenogobius annularis and C. gulosus, from Kyushu, southern Japan. While the three species tended to occupy slightly different types of tidepool, their patterns of distribution largely overlapped in the field. Laboratory experiments involving choice of shelter (i.e. underneath a stone plate) and four different substrate types were conducted to examine size- and time-related variation in habitat selection. The shelter area was preferred by small- and large-sized C. gulosus (day and night), large C. annularis (day and night) and small C. annularis (daytime only), while no preference was evident in small B. fuscus (day and night) and small C. annularis (night). Patterns of substrate choice also differed among species, size groups and between day and night. Size differences in substrate use were evident in B. fuscus and C. gulosus but not in C. annularis, while diel differences were shown by all species groups except large B. fuscus. The gravel and sand substrates tended to be used more frequently than the bare rock substrate, but the strength of preference of a particular substrate type varied among individuals/species. Our results demonstrate that habitat selection by the three gobiid species is variable depending on species, body size and time of day, which must ultimately bear upon mitigating intra-/interspecific interactions in tidepool environments.  相似文献   

Anatomical, histological and EM studies are presented on the male seminal vesicles of 111 species of gobies (Gobiidae, Teleostei). These vesicles, attached to the sperm-ducts, are lined with an excretory epithelium composed of three types of cells: 1) columnar cells with giant Golgi cisterns in the form of large rings apical to the nucleus; 2) excretory cells with remarkably interdigitative basal lamina, that resemble sperm-duct cells; and 3) groups of interstitial, Leydig-type cells that possibly form a part of the mesorchial gland. Morphologically the vesicles appear to be taxa specific, the simplest one in the form of a few tubules on the sperm duct, and the most elaborate one forming large, wing-like structures, with an elaborate mass of passages. In many species the final form of the vesicles develops during the fish ontogenesis; in others, the form of this organ does not change during the lifetime of the fish. With the onset of reproduction, secretion and sperm accumulate in the tubule of the seminal vesicle and are expelled from there onto the eggs during fertilization. The comparative morphology, as well as possible ecological and physiological role of this secretion is discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents a method of combining hydroacoustics and hydraulic data to estimate fish preference in a large and rapidly flowing river system. A typical middle reach of the Yangtze River with three islands and two wandering sections was taken as the research object to interpret schools of fish with different sizes and densities for their preference of physical habitat features such as water depth and velocity by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Fish density and size were determined based on the hydroacoustic data, and hydraulic variables were simultaneously collected using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) system. Results show that fish sizes are correlated with water depth and velocity and that fish density correlated only with water depth. Small fish prefer high water depth average velocity (WDAV), lower vertical average velocity (VAV), deep water, as well as a wide depth and velocity range; large fish prefer low WDAV, high VAV, deep water, and a narrow depth and velocity range. High fish densities appear around islands and areas with deep water. The results show that large fish may be sufficiently strong enough to select their preference for water depth and velocity. Areas of deep water can provide broad velocity diversity and more space to accommodate fish. The island littoral zone could provide a variety of habitats with a diverse pattern of depth and velocity for fish. This study provides a contributive method for the field habitat suitability assessment for fish.  相似文献   

We examined the abundance and meso‐habitat use of gobiid species during both day and night along 43 stretches (500‐m long) of the littoral zone at five locations of the Middle Danube, Hungary, in spring and in summer 2004. Electro‐fishing catch per unit effort sampling revealed significantly higher relative densities at night than during the day. Gobiids occupied all the available habitats encountered during sampling. Habitat‐abundance relationships from night‐time samples revealed that the two most abundant species, round goby Neogobius melanostomus and bighead goby Neogobius kessleri, were found in highest relative density along gravel beach and artificial rip‐rap habitats; these species were in relatively low density in sandy areas. Monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis was more abundant in natural shorelines than in rip‐rap habitats and dispersed more consistently between sandy and gravel beaches. Tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus demonstrated great plasticity in meso‐habitat use. In conclusion, Ponto‐Caspian gobies occurred rather consistently along the Hungarian section of the Danube, occupying all available habitats examined. Abundance‐habitat relations suggest plasticity in meso‐habitat use but partial segregation between species. Further studies are required at multiple spatial scales to assess how micro‐ and meso‐habitat use varies with fluctuating population densities.  相似文献   

Evolution of osmoregulatory systems is a key factor in the transition of species between fresh‐ and saltwater habitats. Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles merus are stenohaline and euryhaline malaria vector mosquitoes belonging to a larger group of sibling species, the Anopheles gambiae complex, which radiated in Africa within the last 2 million years. Comparative ecological genomics of these vector species can provide insight into the mechanisms that permitted the rapid radiation of this species complex into habitats of contrasting salinity. Here, we use RNA‐Seq to investigate gene expression differences between An. coluzzii and An. merus after briefly exposing both young and old larval instars of each species to either saltwater (SW) or freshwater (FW). Our study aims to identify candidate genes and pathways responsible for the greater SW tolerance of An. merus. Our results are congruent with the ability of gene induction to mediate salinity tolerance, with both species showing increasing amounts of differential gene expression between SW and FW as salt concentrations increase. Besides ion transporters such as AgAE2 that may serve as effectors for osmoregulation, we also find mitogen‐activated protein kinases that may serve in a phosphorylation signalling pathway responding to salinity, and report potential cross‐talk between the mosquito immune response and osmoregulation. This study provides a key step towards applying the growing molecular knowledge of these malaria vectors to improve understanding of their ecological tolerances and habitat occupancy.  相似文献   

The highest densities of gobiid larvae along the Finnish Baltic coast from 1974 to 1996 were found in the Åland Islands and the Archipelago Sea. The annual variation in gobiid densities was three-fold (from 1· 1 to 3·3 larvae m−2) with peak densities in the years 1977 and 1992 and the lowest density in 1987. No long-term trends in the density were found. The earliest gobiids were caught in the first half of May and the occurrence of larvae peaked at the end of June to early July.Within breeding seasons there was a positive correlation between water temperature at a depth of 1 m and the density of larvae. The density of larvae, however, did not correlate with mean summer temperature or the mean temperature of the previous summer. Instead larvae production was negatively affected by the severity of the previous winter as indicated by the maximum ice cover in the Baltic. The density of larvae was independent of larval density of the previous year suggesting that gobiid production primarily depends on the spawning stock size and may hence be regulated by density-independent factors.  相似文献   

Na+ and Ca2+ regulation were compared in two euryhaline species, killifish (normally estuarine-resident) and rainbow trout (normally freshwater-resident) during an incremental salinity increase. Whole-body unidirectional fluxes of Na+ and Ca2+, whole body Na+ and Ca2+, and plasma concentrations (trout only), were measured over 1-h periods throughout a total 6-h protocol of increasing salinity meant to simulate a natural tidal flow. Killifish exhibited significant increases in both Na+ influx and efflux rates, with efflux slightly lagging behind efflux up to 60% SW, but net Na+ balance was restored by the time killifish reached 100% SW. Whole body Na+ did not change, in agreement with the capacity of this species to tolerate daily salinity fluctuations in its natural habitat. In contrast, rainbow trout experienced a dramatic increase in Na+ influx (50-fold relative to FW values), but not Na+ efflux between 40 and 60% SW, resulting in a large net loading of Na+ at higher salinities (60–100% SW), and increases in plasma Na+ and whole body Na+ at 100% SW. Killifish were in negative Ca2+ balance at all salinities, whereas trout were in positive Ca2+ balance throughout. Ca2+ influx rate increased two- to threefold in killifish at 80 and 100% SW, but there were no concomitant changes in Ca2+ efflux. Ca2+ flux rates were affected to a larger degree in trout, with twofold increases in Ca2+ influx at 40% SW and sevenfold increases at 100% SW. Again, there was no change in Ca2+ efflux with salinity, so plasma Ca2+ concentration increased in 100% SW. As the killifish is regularly submitted to increased salinity in its natural environment, it is able to rapidly activate changes in unidirectional fluxes in order to ensure ionic homeostasis, in contrast to the trout.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusClariger was described on the basis of thirty-two specimens collected from the subtidal zone of Mutsu Bay, Aomori Pref. This species is distinguishable from other congeners in the following: body naked; a series of large white patches on the back, one on the nape passing through the pectoral fin base and axil part; fin rays of both the second dorsal and anal fins, I, 12–14; vertebrae, 34–35; a single free filamentous ray on the upper lobe of pectoral fin. A new key to all the known species of the genusClariger is prepared.  相似文献   

From the years 1997 to 2000, fish assemblages from 15 groyne fields and training walls (a current guiding dyke, protecting the groyne field) of the Middle Elbe River (Germany) were examined by electrofishing. The aim of the study was to detect abiotic environmental key variables which determine preadult and adult fish assemblage in typical riverbank structures using multivariate ordination techniques (canonical correspondence analysis) and univariate methods (logistic regression analysis). Habitat preferences of preadult and adult stages of selected fish species were also estimated. Fish sampling was carried out at 190 river stretches; a further 1615 samples were taken by the point‐abundance sampling method. In total, 21 732 preadult and adult individuals belonging to 30 fish species were caught; perch, eel, ide, roach, chub, gudgeon, bleak and white bream were the most frequent. Eurytopic species clearly dominated the fish assemblage with 72% total abundance, followed by rheophilic species (26%). Limnophilic fish species (rudd, crucian carp, stickleback and tench) were relatively rare (2% of total abundance), with frequencies of occurrence between 1 and 10%. The highest species diversities were estimated in structurally diverse training walls and groyne fields with defective groynes, whereas low species diversity was found to occur in poorly structured, strongly silted groyne fields with intact groynes. Additionally, typical seasonal and annual changes of the fish assemblage were observed. From the mesoscalic point of view, the structure of the preadult and adult fish assemblage was affected by both spatial (type of groyne field, river stretch) and temporal factors (year, season). Regarding the microhabitat, hydromorphological parameters (slope, current velocity, water level, predominant and secondary substrate) followed by physicochemical water values [dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature and pH‐value] are of significance for the structure of the fish community. Furthermore, hiding places (shelter) are of subordinate but significant importance for the fish assemblage in the poorly structured main channel of the Elbe River. Importance of hydromorphological factors on the microhabitat scale was confirmed by multiple logistic regression in 12 of 14 preference models, conducted for different ontogenetic stages of roach, bream, white bream, bleak, ide, chub, gudgeon, asp, perch and eel. Habitat preferences of adult bleak and preadult roach were first determined by physicochemical water values and seasonal influences. Univariate models were generated to describe specific habitat preferences of different species and age‐stages regarding the most important environmental variables (depth, velocity, predominant substrate, slope and shelter). Intraspecific differences were noticed between preadult and adult chub regarding preferences for water velocity, or between preadult and adult perch concerning slope of shore. Interspecific differences were observed, e.g. between adult roach and white bream, with regard to the use of shelters.  相似文献   



The potential role hybridisation in adaptive radiation and the evolution of new lineages has received much recent attention. Hybridisation between roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and bream (Abramis brama L.) is well documented throughout Europe, however hybrids in Ireland occur at an unprecedented frequency, often exceeding that of both parental species. Utilising an integrated approach, which incorporates geometric morphometrics, life history and molecular genetic analyses we identify the levels and processes of hybridisation present, while also determining the direction of hybridisation, through the analysis of mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Interspecific competition for spawning sites between two gobiid fishes, Bathygobius fuscus and Eviota abax, was studied on a rocky shore. Large males (LM: 55–80mm in standard length: SL) and small males (SM: 34–52mm SL) of B. fuscus acted as nest holders and sneakers, respectively, in the early spawning season (July). The sympatric male E. abax (22–33mm SL) was smaller than SM B. fuscus, and synchronically used rocky holes much smaller than those of LM B. fuscus. In this season, aggressions between the two species were rarely observed. In late season (August), as the number of the LM decreased, the SM converted their tactics to nest holding, occupying nests of a sizes similar to those of E. abax. Eviota abax males were dispossessed by SM and shifted their nest sites to cavities between cobbles and sandy bottom, which might be poorer nest sites than rocky holes.  相似文献   

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