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We experimentally investigated the attraction of adult butterflies to moist soil and dirt places (a behavior termed `mud-puddling') in two species-rich tropical communities on the island of Borneo. At a rain forest site, 227 individuals (46 species) were attracted to the baits, compared to 534 individuals (54 species) at a farmland site. With one single exception, all attracted butterflies were males. Of various salt and amino acid solutions, only sodium was accepted, but overall, albumin solutions turned out to be the most attractive puddling resource. Butterfly families differed consistently in their resource preferences. Representatives of the families Papilionidae and Pieridae more often visited NaCl solutions, but still accepted albumin, whereas representatives of the Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae and, in particular, Lycaenidae preferred the protein resource. In experiments using decoys prepared from pinned butterfly specimens, representatives of the Papilionidae and Pieridae were more strongly attracted to baits provided with decoys made from conspicuous, medium-sized yellow Eurema species (Pieridae), whereas dummies made from small, cryptically colored lycaenids (Prosotas and Caleta species) were ineffective. Decoys did not influence the attraction of lycaenid butterflies towards baits. Hence, visual cues play an important role in locating puddling resources for papilionids and pierids, while for lycaenid butterflies searching for nitrogen sources, olfactory cues emitted by decaying organic matter are more likely to be important. The strong attraction of male butterflies to nitrogen-rich resources suggests that, as in the case of sodium, these nutrients may increase reproductive success. Received: 5 October 1998 / Accepted: 7 December 1998  相似文献   

People with severe mental illness (SMI) experience some of the worst physical health and die younger than almost any section of the population. Mental health professionals have seemed strangely indifferent to this inequality, which in other areas of health would be a national scandal. In this editorial we discuss the recently introduced smoking ban in inpatient mental health service settings, which will offer mental health services an opportunity to implement creative, evidence-based strategies to help people with SMI address smoking and nicotine addiction. In doing this, we refer to National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance. This guidance forms the basis of national smoking policies for the general population and forms a starting point for those with SMI. Such a strategy will necessarily involve close collaboration with primary care, and we specifically examine how this might be achieved.  相似文献   

Although intrasexual contests generally favor bigger or stronger individuals, the relevance of body size to war of attrition-typedisputes between weaponless animals such as butterflies isunclear. In this study I aimed to investigate the significanceof size in this context by studying territorial contests inHypolimnas bolina (L.), a species that exhibits consistentseasonal plasticity in body size. In this species adult ageis positively correlated with large size in spring but withsmall size in autumn. This shift allowed independent evaluationof the relevance of each variable (size and age) to intrasexualcontest success. Observation of a population of marked individualsindicated that only age appeared important, with the winnersof pair-wise contests significantly older than losers in both seasons, and with contests lasting longer when the age differencebetween the combatants was small. Age was also linked to residency;residents won 99% of all contests. This study suggests thatsize does not matter in these aerial disputes, but age andresidency do. It is not yet possible to determine whether olderbutterflies are intrinsically better competitors, or whether they simply have greater opportunity to find a vacant territory.  相似文献   

Gray  David A. 《Behavioral ecology》2005,16(1):201-206
Reproductive behavior influences gene flow within and amongspecies; thus, sexual selection may be a major contributor tothe maintenance of species, and possibly their formation. HereI experimentally manipulate the courtship interactions of thefield crickets Gryllus rubens and G. texensis to examine thepotential of close-range courtship interactions to limit interspecificgene flow. Responses of males to females and of females to malecourtship song and males per se were examined for four pairedsympatric and allopatric populations. Male G. rubens were morelikely to court conspecific females, but male G. texensis courtedfemales of both species equally. If paired with conspecificmales, female G. rubens and G. texensis both preferred conspecificcourtship song. In none of these comparisons were the responsesof males or females from allopatry different from those in sympatry.There was an asymmetry of courtship response across both sexand species: male G. rubens were more discriminating than maleG. texensis, whereas female G. texensis were more discriminatingthan female G. rubens. Despite significant preferences for conspecifics,the net effect of courtship interactions would appear to limitinterspecific gene flow only weakly. These results are consistentwith courtship behavior evolving under the influence of sexualselection and only indirectly promoting species integrity.  相似文献   

The photochemistry of ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde dissolved in tetrahydrofuran was studied by means of femtosecond UV/Vis and IR spectroscopy. Comparison was made of the spectral and temporal signatures for ~400 nm and ~260 nm excitation. The 400 nm excitation promotes NBA to its lowest excited singlet state of nπ* character whereas for 260 nm an upper excited state of ππ* character is addressed. On the picosecond time scale, the molecule undergoes hydrogen transfer, yielding a ketene intermediate, internal conversion recovering the starting material, and intersystem crossing. Time constants and yields of these processes are virtually not affected by the excitation wavelength. For 400 nm excitation a ~100 fs decay component seen in the 260 nm experiment is absent, indicating that this component is due to a ππ* → nπ* internal conversion. In contrast to its formation, the decay of the ketene intermediate is influenced by the excitation wavelength. This can be attributed to different amounts of vibrational excitation.  相似文献   

We have been exploring the role of serotonin in fighting behavior in lobsters using a specific model of agonistic behavior, the establishment of hierarchical relationships between pairs of socially naive juvenile lobsters. We selected this model because the behavior is easily evoked, readily quantifiable, and the effects of experience are eleminated by using socially naive animals. In these studies we injected a specific neurotoxin, 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine, into juvenile lobsters over a 4-week period and then measured the effects on fighting behavior. This treatment reduces the levels of serotonin in the nervous system and immunocytochemical studies show a dramatic reduction in neuropil staining for the amine. Control animals received vehicle injection alone. All injected animals were paired against larger or smaller non-injected opponents, and three successive 30-min fights were carried out and statistically analyzed. The results were surprising: As with elevations of serotonin, reduced levels of serotonin increased the amount of time animals engaged in fighting behavior. No significant effects were seen on who initiated encounters, who retreated first, or who the eventual winner would be. Thus, in this model, elevation or reduction of serotonergic function increases the tendency of animals to engage in agonistic encounters.  相似文献   

Many environmental risk factors for common, complex human diseases have been revealed by epidemiologic studies, but how genotypes at specific loci modulate individual responses to environmental risk factors is largely unknown. Gene-environment interactions will be missed in genome-wide association studies and could account for some of the 'missing heritability' for these diseases. In this review, we focus on asthma as a model disease for studying gene-environment interactions because of relatively large numbers of candidate gene-environment interactions with asthma risk in the literature. Identifying these interactions using genome-wide approaches poses formidable methodological problems, and elucidating molecular mechanisms for these interactions has been challenging. We suggest that studying gene-environment interactions in animal models, although more tractable, might not be sufficient to shed light on the genetic architecture of human diseases. Lastly, we propose avenues for future studies to find gene-environment interactions.  相似文献   

Two very basic ideas in sexual selection are heavily influenced by numbers of potential mates: the evolution of anisogamy, leading to sex role differentiation, and the frequency dependence of reproductive success that tends to equalize primary sex ratios. However, being explicit about the numbers of potential mates is not typical to most evolutionary theory of sexual selection. Here, we argue that this may prevent us from finding the appropriate ecological equilibria that determine the evolutionary endpoints of selection. We review both theoretical and empirical advances on how population density may influence aspects of mating systems such as intrasexual competition, female choice or resistance, and parental care. Density can have strong effects on selective pressures, whether or not there is phenotypic plasticity in individual strategies with respect to density. Mating skew may either increase or decrease with density, which may be aided or counteracted by changes in female behaviour. Switchpoints between alternative mating strategies can be density dependent, and mate encounter rates may influence mate choice (including mutual mate choice), multiple mating, female resistance to male mating attempts, mate searching, mate guarding, parental care, and the probability of divorce. Considering density-dependent selection may be essential for understanding how populations can persist at all despite sexual conflict, but simple models seem to fail to predict the diversity of observed responses in nature. This highlights the importance of considering the interaction between mating systems and population dynamics, and we strongly encourage further work in this area.  相似文献   

Female mate choice and male–male competition are the typical mechanisms of sexual selection. However, these two mechanisms do not always favour the same males. Furthermore, it has recently become clear that female choice can sometimes benefit males that reduce female fitness. So whether male–male competition and female choice favour the same or different males, and whether or not females benefit from mate choice, remain open questions. In the horned beetle, Gnatocerus cornutus, males have enlarged mandibles used to fight rivals, and larger mandibles provide a mating advantage when there is direct male–male competition for mates. However, it is not clear whether females prefer these highly competitive males. Here, we show that female choice targets male courtship rather than mandible size, and these two characters are not phenotypically or genetically correlated. Mating with attractive, highly courting males provided indirect benefits to females but only via the heritability of male attractiveness. However, mating with attractive males avoids the indirect costs to daughters that are generated by mating with competitive males. Our results suggest that male–male competition may constrain female mate choice, possibly reducing female fitness and generating sexual conflict over mating.  相似文献   

Game-theory models predict that the frequency and type of agonistic interactions should vary with the value of the resource being contested. We describe bill duels and overt fighting in male Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) at a breeding colony and determine whether these behaviors change with the value of the nests over which they interact. Bill duels represent low levels of aggression while overt fighting high levels of aggression. Consistent with predictions, overt fighting was more common before egg laying when nests have the highest potential value while bill duels were more common at failed nests later in the season when nests are less valuable as they could not be used for reproduction until the next season. Contrary to expectations, overt fights were shorter and resulted in fewer cuts before egg laying than after egg laying. Large size asymmetries between opponents before egg laying may enable losers to quickly assess their opponents and leave before they are hurt. As predicted, the duration and damage occurring during overt fights were positively correlated with nest cover, which is correlated with higher reproductive success. We conclude that male Magellanic penguins have rules of engagement that in the most cases follow game-theory predictions on when and how to interact.  相似文献   

Novel host usage may represent an initial step towards diversification or radiation onto novel hosts within an evolutionary lineage, particularly if a shift in host plant preference ranking takes place. Polyphagous stages of evolutionary lineages may represent transitional states in which novel host associations are more likely to develop, but may be more difficult to detect experimentally. The polyphagous sister species Papilio glaucus L. and Papilio canadensis (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae; these Papilio = Pterourus) are known to exhibit differences in host‐plant use, despite significant overlap in host‐use abilities, providing an opportunity to examine how host shifts in polyphagous species may occur and what the implications for future divergence may be. In particular, we were interested in (i) determining whether differences in oviposition behavior of these species were due to changes in specificity or shifts in host‐plant hierarchy, (ii) whether the varying preference for primary hosts also affected the preference for secondary hosts, and (iii) what the oviposition preferences of a new hybrid swarm population are. We examined more than 40 000 oviposition bouts from more than 400 P. glaucus, P. canadensis, and hybrid females placed in seven‐, three‐, or two‐choice assays. In each of the choice assays, leaves from plants in different plant families of varying suitability for P. glaucus and P. canadensis larvae were used. We found the primary difference between P. glaucus and P. canadensis to be limited to a Z‐linked shift in host rank hierarchy due to an acceptance of Populus tremuloides Michx. (Salicaceae) and reduced specificity for Liriodendron tulipifera L. (Magnoliaceae) in P. canadensis. In addition, we found the absence of the Z‐linked oviposition acceptance of P. tremuloides in a recently formed allochronically separated hybrid swarm population found in P. canadensis territory at the northern border of the P. glaucus and P. canadensis hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Summary The reproductive strategy of butterfly males can be defined as being to maximize the number of females mated. We have earlier shown that, if the eclosion period of females is regarded as given, males should emerge before females to achieve maximal reproductive success. However, females may also be considered to have a reproductive strategy with respect to the issue when to emerge. In this paper we assume that females are selected to minimize the time spent unmated (to minimize prereproductive death), and analyze when females should optimally emerge in relation to males to achieve this end. We show that there is no conflict between the sexes with respect to the timing of eclosion when the length of the eclosion period is approximately equal for males and females. Thus, protandry should be considered a reproductive strategy of both males and females.  相似文献   

All life requires nitrogen compounds. Nitrite is such a compound that is naturally occurring in nature and biology. Over the years, the pharmacological stance on nitrite has undergone a surprising metamorphosis, from a vilified substance that generates carcinogenic nitrosamines in the stomach to a life-saving drug that liberates a protective agent (nitric oxide or NO) during hypoxic events. Nitrite has been investigated as a vasodilator in mammals for over 125 years and is a known by-product of organic nitrate metabolism. There has been a recent rediscovery of some of the vasodilator actions of nitrite in physiology along with novel discoveries which render nitrite a fundamental molecule in biology. Until recently nitrite was thought to be an inert oxidative breakdown product of endogenous NO synthesis but the past few years have focused on the reduction of nitrite back to NO in the circulation as a possible mechanism for hypoxic vasodilatation. Nitrite has evolved into an endogenous signaling molecule and regulator of gene expression that may not only serve as a diagnostic marker but also find its role as a potential therapeutic agent of cardiovascular disease. These data therefore warrant a reevaluation on the fate and metabolism of nitrite in biological systems. This review serves to encompass the history and recent evolution of nitrite, the compartment-specific metabolism of nitrite and its role in plasma as a biomarker for disease, the role of nitrite as a potential regulator of NO homeostasis, and the future of nitrite-based research.  相似文献   

The fossil remains of Homo floresiensis have been debated extensively over the past few years. This paper gives a review of the various pathologies ascribed to LB1, the type specimen of H. floresiensis, and associated individuals. This paper will assess the arguments for growth anomalies, microcephaly, Laron syndrome and cretinism. Additionally, some of the analyses done by proponents of the pathology theory will be methodologically evaluated. Subsequently, a brief overview of the alternative hypotheses regarding the origin of H. floresiensis will be given.  相似文献   

Mangroves: obligate or facultative halophytes? A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salinity plays significant roles in regulating the growth and distribution of mangroves, and the salt tolerance mechanisms of mangroves have been the focus of research for several decades. There are contradictory views regarding the relationship between mangroves and salt: (1) Mangroves are facultative halophytes, i.e. freshwater is a physiological requirement and salt water is an ecological requirement for mangroves because they are capable of growing in freshwater. The former prevents excess respiratory losses while the latter prevents invasion and competition from non-halophytes. (2) Mangroves are obligate halophytes, i.e. salt is necessary for their growth. Mangroves cannot survive in freshwater permanently and salt water is a physiological requirement. Up to now, mangroves are usually considered as facultative halophytes. In this review, we provided five lines of evidence to evaluate these two contradictory views: (1) the results of laboratory culture experiments and field investigations; (2) the viviparous nature of mangroves; (3) the salt accumulation of mangroves under freshwater or low salinity; (4) the effect of salinity on the photosynthetic rate and in vitro enzyme activities, and (5) the effects of salinity fluctuation on mangrove growth and physiology. Contrary to widely accepted view, our evaluations of the aforementioned evidence suggest that mangroves are obligate halophytes. Mangroves can grow in freshwater for a limited time by drawing upon the nutrients and salt reserves in their hypocotyls while prolonged culture in freshwater is fatal to them. Mangroves have the ability to absorb Na+ and Cl rapidly and preferentially under low-salinity conditions. Not all of the enzymes in mangroves are sensitive to salt. In fact, the activities of some enzymes are even stimulated by low or moderate salinity. Plants grown under constant salinity in a laboratory setting are unlikely to behave in the same way as those in their natural habitat with fluctuating salinity. Thus, studies on the effects of freshwater or low salinity and salinity fluctuation on mangroves, as well as the physiological mechanisms that allow maintenance of function under fluctuating salinity conditions should be strengthened in future research.  相似文献   

Envipnmental cues,mainly photoperiod and temperature,are known to control female adult reproductive diapause in several insect species.Diapause enhances female survival during adverse conditions and postpones progeny production to the favorable season.Male diapause(a reversible inability to inseminate receptive females)has been studied much less than female diapause.However,if the males maximized their chances to fertilize females while minimizing their energy expenditure,they would be expected to be in diapause at the same time as females.We investigated Drosophila montana male mating bchavior under short-day conditions that induce diapause in females and found the males to be reproductively inactive.We also found that males reared under long-day conditions(reproducing individuals)court reproducing postdiapause fermales,but not diapausing ones.The diapausing fies of both sexes had more long-chain and less short-chain hydrocarbons on their cuticle than the reproducing ones,which presumably increase their survival under stressful conditions,but at the same time decrease their attractiveness.Our study shows that the mating behavior of females and males is well coordinated during and afier overwintering and it also gives support to the dual role of insect cuticular hydrocarbons in adaptation and mate choice.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour in spiders in the form of premating vibrations by males may function (1) as a male identity signal used for species recognition, (2) in suppression of female aggressiveness, (3) to stimulate female mating behaviour, or (4) as a quality signal used in female choice. We investigated the function of web vibration by male Stegodyphus lineatus in a series of experiments. Regardless of vibratory performance, all males mated successfully with virgin females but only 56.4% of males mated with nonvirgin females. Vibratory performance did not influence male mating success, but heavier males had a higher probability of mating with mated females. Males vibrated less often and produced fewer vibrations when introduced on the web of a mated female. Males that vibrated webs of virgin females mated faster than nonvibrating males, but there was no effect of vibration rate or body mass. There was no effect of male vibratory effort or vibration rate on female reproductive success measured as time to egg laying, clutch size, number of hatched young, number of dispersed young and offspring body mass after a single mating. Males vibrated on abandoned virgin female webs but the response decreased with increasing duration of female absence, suggesting that females produce a web-borne pheromone, which elicits male vibrating behaviour. Mated females were less receptive and not stimulated by male vibrating behaviour. We conclude that male premating vibrations in S. lineatus do not function as a male quality signal selected via female choice. Rather, the primary function of this behaviour may be to stimulate a receptive female to mate. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

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