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Journal of Mathematical Biology - We introduce a model designed to account for the influence of a line with fast diffusion–such as a road or another transport network–on the dynamics of...  相似文献   

As a result of climate change, many populations have to modify their range to follow the suitable areas—their “climate envelope”—often risking extinction. During this migration process, they may face absolute boundaries to dispersal because of external environmental factors. Consequently, not only the position, but also the shape of the climate envelope can be modified. We use a reaction-diffusion model to analyse the effects on population persistence of simultaneous changes in the position and shape of the climate envelope. When the growth term is of logistic type, we show that extinction and persistence are principally conditioned by the species mobility and the speed of climate change, but not by the shape of the climate envelope. However, with a growth term taking an Allee effect into account, we find a high sensitivity to variations in the shape of the climate envelope. In this case, the species which have a high mobility, although they could more easily follow the migration of the climate envelope, would be at risk of extinction when encountering a local narrowing of the boundary geometry. This effect can be attenuated by a progressive opening at the exit of the narrowing into the available space, even though this leads temporarily to a diminished area of the climate envelope.  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, researchers have examined how differences in the social and asocial environment affect learning in rats, mice, and, more recently, a variety of other species. Despite this large body of research, little has been done to synthesize these findings and to examine if social and asocial environmental factors have consistent effects on cognitive abilities, and if so, what aspects of these factors have greater or lesser impact. Here, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis examining how different external environmental features, including the social environment, impact learning (both speed of acquisition and performance). Using 531 mean-differences from 176 published articles across 27 species (with studies on rats and mice being most prominent) we conducted phylogenetically corrected mixed-effects models that reveal: (i) an average absolute effect size |d| = 0.55 and directional effect size d = 0.34; (ii) interventions manipulating the asocial environment result in larger effects than social interventions alone; and (iii) the length of the intervention is a significant predictor of effect size, with longer interventions resulting in larger effects. Additionally, much of the variation in effect size remained unexplained, possibly suggesting that species differ widely in how they are affected by environmental interventions due to varying ecological and evolutionary histories. Overall our results suggest that social and asocial environmental factors do significantly affect learning, but these effects are highly variable and perhaps not always as predicted. Most notably, the type (social or asocial) and length of interventions are important in determining the strength of the effect.  相似文献   

The current extinction and climate change crises pressure us to predict population dynamics with ever‐greater accuracy. Although predictions rest on the well‐advanced theory of age‐structured populations, two key issues remain poorly explored. Specifically, how the age‐dependency in demographic rates and the year‐to‐year interactions between survival and fecundity affect stochastic population growth rates. We use inference, simulations and mathematical derivations to explore how environmental perturbations determine population growth rates for populations with different age‐specific demographic rates and when ages are reduced to stages. We find that stage‐ vs. age‐based models can produce markedly divergent stochastic population growth rates. The differences are most pronounced when there are survival‐fecundity‐trade‐offs, which reduce the variance in the population growth rate. Finally, the expected value and variance of the stochastic growth rates of populations with different age‐specific demographic rates can diverge to the extent that, while some populations may thrive, others will inevitably go extinct.  相似文献   

A partially migratory population consists of non‐migrant and migrant individuals that share a common site during one period of the annual cycle. In this paper, we derive the expected equilibrium population sizes of migrants and non‐migrants and show how the abundance of one type is dependent on the other because their dynamics are coupled through density‐dependent effects. We present an approach for developing hypotheses about how changes in the environment will influence partially migratory populations and for formulating testable predictions about the effects of future changes on the proportions of migrants and non‐migrants. We apply this approach to a hypothesis put forward by Berthold that improved environmental conditions at the shared site will generally increase the number of non‐migrants and decrease the number of migrants, and to a study by Nilsson et al. which observed an increase in the number of migrants in a partially migratory blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus population in Sweden, but an overall maintenance of the proportion of migrants.  相似文献   

Plant population modelling has been around since the 1970s, providing a valuable approach to understanding plant ecology from a mechanistic standpoint. It is surprising then that this area of research has not grown in prominence with respect to other approaches employed in modelling plant systems. In this review, we provide an analysis of the development and role of modelling in the field of plant population biology through an exploration of where it has been, where it is now and, in our opinion, where it should be headed. We focus, in particular, on the role plant population modelling could play in ecological forecasting, an urgent need given current rates of regional and global environmental change. We suggest that a critical element limiting the current application of plant population modelling in environmental research is the trade-off between the necessary resolution and detail required to accurately characterize ecological dynamics pitted against the goal of generality, particularly at broad spatial scales. In addition to suggestions how to overcome the current shortcoming of data on the process-level we discuss two emerging strategies that may offer a way to overcome the described limitation: (1) application of a modern approach to spatial scaling from local processes to broader levels of interaction and (2) plant functional-type modelling. Finally we outline what we believe to be needed in developing these approaches towards a ‘science of forecasting’.  相似文献   

Agent农业土地变化模型研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农业土地变化是全球变化与可持续研究的热点,当前研究虽取得了长足进展,但仍存在诸多不足,集中表现在对农业土地系统复杂性与动态性的认识不够.近年来,基于Agent的农业土地变化研究(农业ABM/LUCC,Agent-based agricultural land change modeling)逐渐兴起,极大的丰富了传统研究的理论与方法,具体表现在:(1)农业ABM/LUCC将微观层面的人类个体行为整合进土地变化研究框架,有助于更加清楚的认识农业土地系统的“人类-自然”综合复杂性问题.(2)农业ABM/LUCC能够动态表达土地系统变化的内生反馈机制,有助于弥补传统的静态土地变化驱动机制分析的不足.(3)基于ABM/LUCC的农业土地利用格局动态研究是整合“人类-自然”综合研究的关键桥梁,农业ABM/LUCC能够与其他生物地球物理模型或经济模型动态嵌套,使多尺度、多维度综合模型研究成为可能.然而,农业ABM/LUCC研究也存在诸多挑战,如理论研究滞后于应用研究,大尺度应用难以开展,以及农户行为的模拟结果很难得到校验等.  相似文献   

The epitheliome: agent-based modelling of the social behaviour of cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have developed a new computational modelling paradigm for predicting the emergent behaviour resulting from the interaction of cells in epithelial tissue. As proof-of-concept, an agent-based model, in which there is a one-to-one correspondence between biological cells and software agents, has been coupled to a simple physical model. Behaviour of the computational model is compared with the growth characteristics of epithelial cells in monolayer culture, using growth media with low and physiological calcium concentrations. Results show a qualitative fit between the growth characteristics produced by the simulation and the in vitro cell models.  相似文献   

Johan P. Dahlgren  Johan Ehrlén 《Oikos》2011,120(8):1183-1190
Despite seemingly obvious effects of environmental drivers, mechanisms behind long‐term changes in plant population sizes over time are often poorly known. We investigated how soil potassium concentration and seed predation are likely to change over time as a result of succession from deciduous forest to spruce forest, and how this affects population trajectories of Actaea spicata. Observations and addition experiments showed that high soil potassium concentration increased individual growth rates. Among‐site comparisons showed that soil potassium concentration was lower where proportion spruce was higher. Incorporation of a gradual increase in spruce over time in an integral projection model where individual growth depended on potassium suggested a net decrease in A. spicata population sizes over forest succession. This result suggests that small changes in factors with small effects on individual performance can influence patterns of species occupancy along successional gradients. We incorporated also density independent and density dependent effects of pre‐dispersal seed predation over succession into the same model. Seed predation influenced the tree composition at which A. spicata population growth was positive. However, significant effects of A. spicata population size on seed predation intensity did not translate into important feedback effects on population growth trajectories over succession. Our results illustrate how demographic models can be used to gain understanding of the mechanisms behind effects of environmental change on species abundances and distributions by the simultaneous inclusion of changing abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   

Home range size in mammals is a key ecological trait and an important parameter in conservation planning, and has been shown to be influenced by ecological, demographic and social factors in animal populations. Information on space requirements is especially important for carnivore species which range over very large areas and often come into direct conflict with human interest. We used long-term telemetry-location data from a recovering wolf population in Scandinavia to investigate variation in home range size in relation to environmental and social characteristics of the different packs. Wolves showed considerable variation in home range size, which ranged from 259 to 1,676 km2. Although wolf density increased fourfold during the study period, we found no evidence that intraspecific competition influenced range size. Local variation in moose density, which was the main prey for most packs, did not influence wolf home range size. Home ranges increased with latitude and elevation and decreased with increased roe deer density. Although prey biomass alone did not influence range size, our data suggest that there is a correlation between habitat characteristics, choice of prey species and possible hunting success, which currently combine to shape home range size in Scandinavian wolves.  相似文献   

Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) transmit preferences for novel foods socially by smelling each other's breath. However, rats fail to learn aversions, acquiring a preference even if the rat whose breath they smell has been poisoned. Rats can distinguish between sick and healthy conspecifics and social learning of both preferences and aversions is present in other species - hence it is unclear why rats cannot learn aversions socially. We constructed an evolutionary simulation in which a population of rats foraged from a central location, exploiting food sites that could contain edible or toxic foodstuffs. We examined the relationship between toxin lethality and selection for individual versus social learning and discrimination between sick and healthy conspecifics in order to allow learning of both preferences and aversions. At low lethality levels individual learning was selected for and at intermediate levels we found social learning of both preferences and aversions. Finally, given high lethality levels the simulated rats would employ social learning but failed to learn aversions, matching the behaviour of real rats. We argue that Norway rats do not learn aversions socially because their environment may contain only highly lethal toxins which make interaction with a sick conspecific an extremely rare event.  相似文献   

Gámez M  López I  Molnár S 《Bio Systems》2008,93(3):211-217
The monitoring and analysis of the processes taking place in an ecosystem is a key issue for a sustainable human activity. A system of populations, as the biotic component of a complex ecosystem is usually affected by the variation of its abiotic environment. Even in nearly natural ecosystems an abiotic effect like climatic implications of global warming may cause important changes in the dynamics of the population system. In ecosystems involving field cultivation or any industrial activity; the abiotic parameter in question may be the concentration of a substance, changing, e.g. as a result of pollution, application of a pesticide, or a fertilizer, etc. In many cases the observation of the densities of each population may be technically complicated or expensive, therefore the question arises whether from the observation of the densities of certain (indicator) populations, the whole state process of the population system can be uniquely recovered. The paper is aimed at a methodological development of the state monitoring, under the conditions of a changing environment. It is shown, how the technique of mathematical systems theory can be applied not only for the approximate calculation of the state process on the basis of the observed data, even under the effect of an exogene abiotic change with known dynamics; but in certain cases, also for the estimation of the unknown biological effect of the change of an abiotic parameter. The proposed methodology is applied to simple illustrative examples concerning a three-species predator-prey system.  相似文献   

Water loss in insects: an environmental change perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the context of global environmental change much of the focus has been on changing temperatures. However, patterns of rainfall and water availability have also been changing and are expected to continue doing so. In consequence, understanding the responses of insects to water availability is important, especially because it has a pronounced influence on insect activity, distribution patterns, and species richness. Here we therefore provide a critical review of key questions that either are being or need to be addressed in this field. First, an overview of insect behavioural responses to changing humidity conditions and the mechanisms underlying sensing of humidity variation is provided. The primary sensors in insects belong to the temperature receptor protein superfamily of cation channels. Temperature-activated transient receptor potential ion channels, or thermoTRPs, respond to a diverse range of stimuli and may be a primary integrator of sensory information, such as environmental temperature and moisture. Next we touch briefly on the components of water loss, drawing attention to a new, universal model of the water costs of gas exchange and its implications for responses to a warming, and in places drying, world. We also provide an overview of new understanding of the role of the sub-elytral chamber for water conservation, and developments in understanding of the role of cuticular hydrocarbons in preventing water loss. Because of an increasing focus on the molecular basis of responses to dehydration stress we touch briefly on this area, drawing attention to the role of sugars, heat shock proteins, aquaporins, and LEA proteins. Next we consider phenotypic plasticity or acclimation responses in insect water balance after initial exposures to altered humidity, temperature or nutrition. Although beneficial acclimation has been demonstrated in several instances, this is not always the case. Laboratory studies show that responses to selection for enhanced ability to survive water stress do evolve and that genetic variation for traits underlying such responses does exist in many species. However, in others, especially tropical, typically narrowly distributed species, this appears not to be the case. Using the above information we then demonstrate that habitat alteration, climate change, biological invasions, pollution and overexploitation are likely to be having considerable effects on insect populations mediated through physiological responses (or the lack thereof) to water stress, and that these effects may often be non-intuitive.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine whether children of families moving from an area of low incidence of childhood diabetes to one which is higher show a corresponding rise in disease incidence. DESIGN--Disease incidence study over 12 years. SETTING--Bradford District Metropolitan Council area. SUBJECTS--All subjects aged 0-16 years resident within the study area. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--The incidences of childhood diabetes in Asian and non-Asian families. RESULTS--The incidence of diabetes in Asian children increased from 3.1/100,000 per year in 1978-81 to 11.7/100,000 per year in 1988-90 (chi 2 for trend = 4.95, df = 1, p = 0.026) whereas that for other children remained constant at 10.5/100,000 per year. Over the entire study period rates were lower in Asian females (4.9/100,000 per year) than in Asian males (8.8/100,000 per year) whereas the reverse was true for other children (males 9.2/100,000 per year; females 12.0/100,000 per year) (test for common odds ratio: chi 2 = 3.81, df = 1, p = 0.052). CONCLUSIONS--Offspring of this transmigratory population had a rising incidence of childhood diabetes which was approaching that of the indigenous population. The data provide strong evidence for an environmental effect in the aetiology of insulin dependent diabetes.  相似文献   

Most evidence for advances in phenology of in response to recent climate warming in wild vertebrate populations has come from long‐term studies of birds. Few studies have either documented phenological advances or tested their climatic causes and demographic consequences in wild mammal systems. Using a long‐term study of red deer on the Isle of Rum, Scotland, we present evidence of significant temporal trends in six phenological traits: oestrus date and parturition date in females, and antler cast date, antler clean date, rut start date and rut end date in males. These traits advanced by between 5 and 12 days across a 28‐year study period. Local climate measures associated with plant growth in spring and summer (growing degree days) increased significantly over time and explained a significant amount of variation in all six phenological traits, largely accounting for temporal advances observed in some of the traits. However, there was no evidence for temporal changes in key female reproductive performance traits (offspring birth weight and offspring survival) in this population, despite significant relationships between these traits and female phenology. In males, average antler weights increased over time presumably as a result of improved resource availability and physiological condition through spring and summer. There was no evidence for any temporal change in average male annual breeding success, as might be expected if the timing of male rutting behaviour was failing to track advances in the timing of oestrus in females. Our results provide rare evidence linking phenological advances to climate warming in a wild mammal and highlight the potential complexity of relationships between climate warming, phenology and demography in wild vertebrates.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to determine if population attributes and growth of an estuarine pulmonate could be used as bioindicators of environmental conditions in New Zealand estuaries. We quantified the size distribution of the deposit feeding Amphibola crenata in areas which contrasted in contaminant inputs. Within a small estuary, location and tidal level significantly affected A. crenata density. The highest mean abundances were found at the most contaminated site, close to the waste treatment discharge point, compared with lower densities at two river sites and close to the estuary mouth. The population structure was site-specific with juveniles present in historically contaminated areas. Growth of A. crenata held in experimental cages for 6 weeks was highest for medium length individuals from close to the waste discharge point and least for individuals from the estuary mouth. Sediment surface microalgal biomass (chlorophyll a), representing the potential food supply for A. crenata was greatest at the least contaminated site, and lowest at the most polluted site. The abundance, population structure and growth rate of A. crenata are attributes that may be used as ecological bioindicators, reflecting the complex environmental conditions within New Zealand estuaries.  相似文献   

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