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There is growing interest in the consequences of consistent individual behavioral differences within and between populations. We compared the magnitude, repeatability, and plasticity of boldness in the terrestrial hermit crab Coenobita compressus in three habitats with different degrees of disturbance in Costa Rica. We encourage researchers to test additional sites to assess the generality of our results. Boldness decreased with crab size at the less disturbed sites, while no relationship between size and boldness was found at the disturbed site. Boldness increased with habitat disturbance, perhaps because bolder crabs succeed in exploiting food around people. Repeatability and plasticity were similar across sites. We hypothesize that population differences may be the result of developmental plasticity when aquatic larvae settle on a beach or selection for boldness at the disturbed site acting on each new generation.  相似文献   

Behaviour, including personality, informs us about the response of animals towards their changing environment. Despite the widespread occurrence of florivorous insects and the important but often underrated ecological roles that they play, the study of florivore behaviour is neglected relative to that of pollinators and other herbivores. Specifically, we do not know how different personality types can develop among florivores and enable them to persist in habitats with an ephemeral and dynamic availability of food resources. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the following questions: whether the (a) inter‐individual differences of exploration and boldness are consistent; (b) inter‐population differences of exploration and boldness are consistent; (c) exploration and boldness are correlated. We collected individuals of the polyphagous floriphilic katydid, Phaneroptera brevis from four populations from wasteland sites in Singapore and performed a personality assay conducted in an insectary to investigate the exploratory and boldness levels of the individuals and populations. The major novel finding was that the floriphilic P. brevis katydids exhibit population‐level personality types for boldness, but not for exploration. Some katydid individuals were consistently more exploratory and bolder than other individuals. However, contrary to our predictions, we did not find any evidence of behavioural syndromes in the katydid individuals, as the boldness level for individuals was not significantly correlated with exploration for individuals. This suggests that an individual which is more exploratory may not be equally keen to take risks and consume novel food that it encounters. Our findings also suggest that boldness and exploration are linked to ecologically important behaviours, but more studies are needed to better understand population‐level personality and how and why natural selection may favour the evolution of personality in certain populations.  相似文献   

Behavioral syndromes, seen as correlations among two or more functionally different behaviors, are well documented in many different animal taxa. They may not be present automatically, however, and their consistency within populations and individuals also varies among studies. Here, we studied a behavioral syndrome comprising foraging aggressiveness and boldness/shyness and its time consistency in the cursorial spider Philodromus albidus. We measured foraging aggressiveness as the number of prey killed per 2-hour period. Boldness/shyness was assessed as a latency of initiating exploration in a novel environment. We found the presence of the behavioral syndrome in P. albidus, as bold individuals were also more aggressive than were shy individuals. The syndrome was consistent through time within the population but not consistent for individuals. We further discuss the possible causes of the pattern.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat disturbance can have profound effects on multiple components of forest biotas including pollinator assemblages. We assessed the effect of small-scale disturbance on local richness, abundance, diversity and evenness of insect pollinator fauna; and how habitat disturbance affected species turnover across the landscape and overall diversity along a precipitation gradient in NW Patagonia (Argentina). We evaluated the effect of disturbance on overall pollinator fauna and then separately for bees (i.e. Apoidea) and non-bee pollinators. Locally, disturbed habitats had significantly higher pollinator species richness and abundances than undisturbed habitats for the whole pollinator assemblage, but not for bees or non-bees separately. However, significant differences in species richness between habitats vanished after accounting for differences in abundance between habitat types. At a local scale Shannon–Weaver diversity and evenness did not vary with disturbance. A β diversity index indicated that, across forest types, species turnover was lower between disturbed habitats than between undisturbed habitats. In addition, rarefaction curves showed that disturbed habitats as a whole accumulated fewer species than undisturbed habitats at equivalent sample sizes. We concluded that small patches of disturbed habitat have a negligible effect on local pollinator diversity; however, habitat disturbance reduced β diversity through a homogenization of the pollinator fauna (in particular of bees) across the landscape.  相似文献   

The shy-bold continuum is a fundamental axis of behavioral variation in humans and at least some other species, but its taxonomic distribution and evolutionary implications are unknown. Models of optimal risk, density- or frequency-dependent selection, and phenotypic plasticity can provide a theoretical framework for understanding shyness and boldness as a product of natural selection. We sketch this framework and review the few empirical studies of shyness and boldness in natural populations. The study of shyness and boldness adds an interesting new dimension to behavioral ecology by focusing on the nature of continuous behavioral variation that exists within the familiar categories of age, sex and size.  相似文献   

Most examples of adaptation to the urban environment relate to plasticity processes rather than to natural selection. Personality, however, defined as consistent individual differences in behaviour related to exploration, caution, and neophobia, is a good behavioural candidate character to study natural selection in relation to the urban habitat due to its heritable variation. The aim of this paper was to analyse variation in personality by comparing urban and forest great tits Parus major using standard tests of exploratory behaviour and boldness. We studied personality in 130 wild great tits captured in Barcelona city and nearby forests and found that urban birds were more explorative and bolder towards a novel object than forest birds. Genotype frequencies of the DRD4 SNP830 polymorphism, a gene region often associated with personality variation, varied significantly between forest and urban birds. Behavioural scores, however, were not correlated with this polymorphism in our population. Exploration scores correlated to boldness for forest birds but not for urban birds. Our findings suggest that the novel selection pressures of the urban environment favour the decoupling of behavioural traits that commonly form behavioural syndromes in the wild.  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) are conspicuous components in most terrestrial ecosystems, performing important ecological functions and services. Being sensitive to several types of disturbance, they have been successfully used as indicators of habitat change. Dung beetle communities in tropical rainforests have been well studied, but considerably less information is available for tropical dry forests. In this study I sampled dung beetles in two undisturbed habitats, deciduous forest and semideciduous forest, and two disturbed habitats, secondary forest and open area habitat, in the Chamela-Cuixmala region of western Mexico. Dung beetle species with high indicator value for each habitat were identified. Beetle abundance, observed species richness and estimated species richness were similar in the three forest habitats, but significantly lower in the open area habitat. A more detailed analysis of species-specific abundances in the three forest habitats revealed some differences. Transects of one of the undisturbed habitats, the deciduous forest, were more similar to the non-adjacent transects of disturbed secondary forest, than to the adjacent undisturbed semideciduous forest transects. Unlike studies in other tropical sites that have found a decrease in equitability in Scarabaeinae assemblages between undisturbed forest and disturbed habitat (particularly open habitats), in the Chamela-Cuixmala region all four habitats showed similar low equitability in community structure, with two or three very dominant species.  相似文献   

Animal personality has been widely documented across a range of species. The concept of personality is composed of individual behavioural consistency across time and between situations, and also behavioural trait correlations known as behavioural syndromes. Whilst many studies have now investigated the stability of individual personality traits, few have analysed the stability over time of entire behavioural syndromes. Here we present data from a behavioural study of rock pool prawns. We show that prawns are temporally consistent in a range of behaviours, including activity, exploration and boldness, and also that a behavioural syndrome is evident in this population. We find correlations between many behavioural traits (activity, boldness, shoaling and exploration). In addition, behavioural syndrome structure was consistent over time. Finally, few studies have explicitly studied the role of sex differences in personality traits, behavioural consistency and syndrome structure. We report behavioural differences between male and female prawns but no differences in patterns of consistency. Our study adds to the growing literature on animal personality, and provides evidence showing that syndromes themselves can exhibit temporal consistency.  相似文献   

Urbanization creates novel environments for wild animals where selection pressures may differ drastically from those in natural habitats. Adaptation to urban life involves changes in various traits, including behavior. Behavioral traits often vary consistently among individuals, and these so-called personality traits can be correlated with each other, forming behavioral syndromes. Despite their adaptive significance and potential to act as constraints, little is known about the role of animal personality and behavioral syndromes in animals' adaptation to urban habitats. In this study we tested whether differently urbanized habitats select for different personalities and behavioral syndromes by altering the population mean, inter-individual variability, and correlations of personality traits. We captured house sparrows (Passer domesticus) from four different populations along the gradient of urbanization and assessed their behavior in standardized test situations. We found individual consistency in neophobia, risk taking, and activity, constituting three personality axes. On the one hand, urbanization did not consistently affect the mean and variance of these traits, although there were significant differences between some of the populations in food neophobia and risk taking (both in means and variances). On the other hand, both urban and rural birds exhibited a behavioral syndrome including object neophobia, risk taking and activity, whereas food neophobia was part of the syndrome only in rural birds. These results indicate that there are population differences in certain aspects of personality in house sparrows, some of which may be related to habitat urbanization. Our findings suggest that urbanization and/or other population-level habitat differences may not only influence the expression of personality traits but also alter their inter-individual variability and the relationships among them, changing the structure of behavioral syndromes.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes the species composition of remnant grasslands in the aspen parkland region of Alberta and its relation to soil characteristics and small‐scale disturbance. Our findings are consistent with the centrifugal model of communities with Festuca hallii dominating undisturbed ‘core’ habitat and the composition of more ‘peripheral’ habitats varying in soil properties and in the magnitude of disturbance. Invasive non‐native species are not present in the core habitat and are present only in the disturbed sites, most abundantly in those with the highest soil nitrogen. The centrifugal model, as it applies to these remnant grasslands, differs from its previous application to wetlands and forests in that the core communities are not on the most fertile sites, but on the least disturbed. These findings have implications for the management of prairie remnants to exclude invasive exotic species.  相似文献   

Acridid communities are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance and the community structure of acridids plays vital role in functioning the forest ecosystem. They are potentially useful bioindicators for conservation planning and habitat disturbances. Acridid assemblages of three different habitat types based on degree of disturbance as follows five natural sites, five moderately disturbed sites and five highly disturbed sites in Chaupahari forest, West Bengal, India were studied. Diversity, abundance, equitability and species richness of acridid were observed in respect to undisturbed and disturbed habitats. The species richness and diversity of the sites tracked the intensity of disturbance, the greatest value being associated with the natural site followed by the moderately disturbed site and highly disturbed site. The highest species richness and diversity index indicate the suitable habitat for acridid population. Statistical analysis infers that different species show different behavior and the sites are also different in relation to different habitat types.  相似文献   

Habitat‐specific selection pressures have been widely recognized, but whether selection favours different personality types in different habitats has rarely been evaluated. This study aimed to test whether personality‐related differences in annual reproductive success differed between two populations of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) occupying different Mediterranean habitats (oakwood and pinewood). We measured exploration and parental provisioning behaviours and used a path analysis to ask how the interplay between these two behavioural traits affected reproductive success in each of these two habitats. We found that blue tits breeding in the pinewood were slow‐exploring compared to blue tits breeding in the oakwood, suggesting the occurrence of personality‐related differences in settlement, or behavioural plasticity in response to habitat. Exploration behaviour and feeding rates were positively associated, suggesting that they affect each other or that there is an environmental factor affecting both traits simultaneously. Finally, fast explorers were favoured in the pinewood, while there was no selection acting on exploration behaviour in the oak habitat. These findings emphasize the importance of integrating habitat selection, plasticity and personality in the study of behavioural evolution.  相似文献   

Individuals from the same population generally vary in suites of correlated behavioral traits: personality. Yet, the strength of the behavioral correlations sometimes differs among populations and environmental conditions, suggesting that single underlying mechanisms, such as genetic constraints, cannot account for them. We propose, instead, that such suites of correlated traits may arise when a single key behavior has multiple cascading effects on several other behaviors through affecting the range of options available. For instance, an individual's shyness can constrain its habitat choice, which, in turn, could restrict the expression of other behavioral traits. We hypothesize that shy individuals should be especially restrained in their choice of habitat when the risk of predation is high, which then canalizes them into different behavioral options making them appear behaviorally distinct from bolder individuals. We test this idea using an individual‐based simulation model. Our results show that individual differences in boldness can be sufficient, under high predation pressure, to generate behavioral correlations between boldness and both the tendency to aggregate and the propensity to use social information. Thus, our findings support the idea that some behavioral syndromes can be, at least to some extent, labile. Our model further predicts that such cascading effects should be more pronounced in populations with a long history of predation, which are expected to exhibit a low average boldness level, compared with predator‐naïve populations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat disturbance has potential consequences for ant communities. However, there is limited information on the effects of ant responses on associated ecological processes such as seed dispersal. We investigated the effect of disturbance on the abundance, richness, and composition of ant communities and the resulting seed‐dispersal services for a herbaceous myrmecochore, Corydalis giraldii (Papaveraceae), in an undisturbed habitat (forest understory), moderately disturbed habitat (abandoned arable field), and highly disturbed habitat (road verge) on Qinling Mountains, China. In total, we recorded 13 ant species, and five out of these were observed to transport seeds. The community composition of dispersers was significantly different amongst habitats. The richness of the dispersers did not differ among the habitats, but their total abundance varied significantly across habitats and was 21% lower in the road verge than in the abandoned arable fields. The major seed‐dispersing ant species in both the forest understory and the abandoned arable field were large‐bodied (Myrmica sp. and Formica fusca, respectively), whereas the major seed‐dispersing ants found in the road verge were the small‐bodied Lasius alienus. This difference resulted in lower seed removal rates and dispersal distances in the road verge than in the other two habitats. The different dispersal patterns were attributed primarily to differences in dispersing ant abundance and identity, most likely in response to habitats with different degree of anthropogenic disturbance. The possible influence of disturbance on the ecological specialization of ant‐seed dispersal interaction is also discussed.  相似文献   

Sleeping site selection is an important aspect of the behavioral biology of primates. Comparison of different habitats for the same species in this context enhances understanding of their adaptation to altered environments. We collected data on sleep-related behaviors for 6 groups of Francois’s langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) in two habitats, in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China. Regardless of habitat, all sleeping sites were located in areas of steep terrain of ≥60°. In undisturbed habitat, sleeping sites were located only in evergreen broadleaf forest with rock caves and crevices surrounded mainly by a vegetation layer of shrub + rock. In disturbed habitat, sleeping sites were also located in mixed evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forest and in grassland, including rock caves, crevices, and pits, surrounded mainly by arbor + shrub and shrub + rock. Wild food availability was higher in undisturbed habitat than disturbed habitat, but food abundance around sleeping sites was lower. Water sources included river and seasonal gully or pond. There was strong positive correlation between use of sleeping sites away from the river valley and occurrence of seasonal water sources. The number of sleeping sites varied across groups, numbering 6, 7, and 10 for three specific groups. Few sleeping sites were used all year round. Six consecutive nights was the longest recorded run. Francois’s langurs’ sleeping habits differed between two habitats. In undisturbed habitat, minimizing predation risk appeared to predominate, expressed by choosing steep terrain, open visual field, and inconspicuous presleeping behavior. In disturbed habitat, along with predation avoidance, food resources may strongly influence sleeping site selection, as demonstrated by the richer food abundance and greater foraging activity around the site. Finally, water resources may influence choice of sites distant from the river; such sites were used less frequently during water shortages.  相似文献   

Behavioural differences between individuals are often found to be consistent across contexts and/or over time, although recent studies suggest that ontogenetic processes and learning might influence personality. During ontogeny, environmental influences may play an important role in shaping an individual's personality as well as its physiology. Seasonal changes are ubiquitous and known to influence development. To study developmental plasticity, of behaviour and physiology in the wild cavy (Cavia aperea), we manipulated the photoperiod in a fully crossed match–mismatch design by simulating spring and autumn photoperiod until weaning and subsequently moving half of the animals into the mismatching photoperiod. We found developmental plasticity in behavioural and physiological traits before and after sexual maturation for growth, resting metabolic rate and fearlessness. For fearlessness, changes in response to the opposite photoperiod were more pronounced in males than in females. Exploration and boldness were only influenced by early, but not by late photoperiod. No sex differences were found for these two traits. Even though our treatment changed average trait expression, some behavioural traits proved consistent over time, but physiological traits were not. Fearlessness was consistent only in animals that did not change photoperiod during development, whereas exploration and boldness were consistent over time regardless of photoperiodic treatment. Our study shows that in response to a change in photoperiod personality traits differ substantially in developmental plasticity.  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of agriculture on biodiversity is critical for effective conservation management. Our goal was to determine the impact of agricultural disturbance on the lizard fauna of Los Haitises National Park and the surrounding region in the Dominican Republic. This region has a history of extensive agricultural disturbance followed by abrupt abandonment. Abundance and diversity were surveyed in six habitats: relatively undisturbed hilltop (mogote), four habitats disturbed by agriculture (pasture, oil palm plantation, cacao plantation, conuco or home garden), and one forested habitat. Three of these habitats (pasture, cacao plantation, conuco) were also examined at different stages of activity or abandonment. Glue-trap grids were used to sample each habitat. In general, species richness was lower in more heavily or recently disturbed habitats. Richness was lowest in active agricultural habitats where only 54% of the region's lizard species were detected. Notably, agricultural systems differed considerably in their ability to support a diverse lizard assemblage. Abandoned agricultural habitats had slightly higher richness than their active counterparts, but still contained only 69% of the region's species. By contrast, nearly every native species, including several never observed in agriculturally disturbed habitats, were detected on the undisturbed hilltops (mogotes). These mogotes may have served as refugees for species that could not tolerate disturbance when the region was being heavily exploited for agriculture. Overall, our results suggest that the continued protection of the park, and its mogotes in particular, will be required to maintain the region's lizard diversity.  相似文献   

A common method to assess behavioral types in personality research involves the use of a single emergence test (employed by researchers working on fish, avian, mammal, amphibian, and invertebrate taxa), whereby a shorter latency to emerge from a holding container into a novel environment is inferred to represent greater ‘boldness’. Although any behavior might be context specific, studies using this single assay type must assume it reflects boldness in other similar contexts, otherwise it cannot reflect personality (defined as consistency across time and/or contexts). We attempted to validate whether a single assay of this type is correlated with other similar assays of boldness under more familiar, and less stressful, situations. We compared single emergence test scores of two species of damselfish (Pomacentrus wardi; Pamboinensis) in a novel environment, with two different behavioral assays of the same fish in subsequent repeated trials in home tanks. Although behavior was highly repeatable in home tanks, we found no correlation between emergence test scores in the novel environment and measures of latency to emerge from shelter following disturbance, or activity levels, on the first, second, or third observations in home tanks; there was also no correlation when we used average home tank scores from mixed models that accounted for individual differences (i.e., plasticity) in the rate of habituation (latency) and acclimation (activity). Our results therefore lead us to question the validity of using this single emergence test assay as a predictor of general boldness and to question the use of any single assay of behavior in personality research.  相似文献   

为揭示2008年汶川地震后大熊猫主食竹拐棍竹无性系种群的天然更新状况及影响因子,研究了3种不同地震干扰强度(强度、中度和对照)生境中拐棍竹的生长和发笋状况.结果表明:在3种生境中,拐棍竹存活笋的基径为中度干扰和对照生境显著大于强度干扰生境,存活笋的高度为对照>中度干扰>强度干扰.其发笋密度在3种生境中无显著差异,但强度和中度干扰生境中的存活笋密度显著大于对照,并且1年生和2年生竹密度与死亡竹密度之间呈极显著正相关.拐棍竹的发笋密度、存活笋密度、1年生、2年生和多年生竹密度之间均呈显著正相关,1年生和2年生竹密度与砾石和滑坡土壤盖度呈显著负相关,存活笋密度与郁闭度之间呈显著负相关.  相似文献   

1.  Leaf trait relationships of native and exotic invasive species from a range of habitats were compared to assess consistency across habitats and the role of disturbance.
2.  One hundred and twenty-two native and exotic species were sampled in five habitats in eastern Australia. Specific leaf area, foliar nitrogen ( N mass), assimilation rate ( A mass) and dark respiration ( R mass) were measured for each species. Plants were classified into four types: native undisturbed, native disturbed, exotic invasive undisturbed and exotic invasive disturbed.
3.  All traits were positively correlated and slopes were homogeneous within habitats. Significant differences between plant types in slope elevation were found in only two of 18 cases. There were significant shifts in group means along a common slope between plant types within habitats. These shifts were associated with disturbed vs. undisturbed areas, with plant types from disturbed areas having higher trait values.
4.   Synthesis . Exotic invasive and native species do not have fundamentally different carbon capture strategies. The carbon capture strategy of a species is strongly associated with disturbance, with species from disturbed sites having traits that confer capacity for fast growth. Thus, differences between exotic invasives and natives may reflect differences in the environmental conditions of the sites where they occur rather than differences between exotic invasives and natives per se .  相似文献   

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