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甘蔗器官固氮酶活性及其对接种固氮菌的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林丽  张新成  李杨瑞  梁俊 《西北植物学报》2008,28(12):2472-2477
以巴西固氮甘蔗品种B1、B8和广西主栽甘蔗品种ROC22和ROC16为材料,通过桶栽砂培方法,研究不同品种甘蔗及接种固氮菌R16SH后不同生育期和不同器官(根、茎、叶片、叶鞘)的固氮酶活性.结果显示,4个品种甘蔗及接菌后各器官的固氮酶活性均在伸长初期或伸长盛期达到高峰,且以根和茎较高,叶、叶鞘次之;B1、B8根的接菌效果最佳,其固氮酶活性分别比对照增加13.22%和12.42%,而B1和ROC16茎的固氮酶活性分别比对照提高12.19%和12.02%,叶片提高了8%~9%,叶鞘的固氮酶活性变化最小;4个品种甘蔗固氮酶活性表现为B8>B1>ROC22>ROC16,且品种B8与ROC22和ROC16存在显著或极显著差异;相对于品种ROC22和ROC16,固氮菌R16SH对B1与B8的株高以及B1的茎径有更好的生长诱导效应,且在伸长期表现最明显.研究表明,甘蔗的固氮酶活性在品种、器官及生育期间均存在明显差异,接种固氮菌能不同程度提高各品种器官的固氮酶活性,且各品种根、茎以及B1和B8的叶片固氮酶活性显著或极显著差异增加;巴西固氮甘蔗品种表现出比广西主栽甘蔗品种更强的固氮酶活性,且对接种固氮菌反应更敏感.  相似文献   

甘蔗叶不同部位ATP酶活性细胞化学定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
甘蔗叶片,叶鞘和肥厚带韧皮部 ATP 酶活性定位于筛管、伴胞的质膜、内质网和某些伴胞细胞基质、小囊泡和发育成熟的液泡上;叶片韧皮部薄壁细胞、厚壁细胞和厚壁通道细胞质膜及小囊泡中亦显示有 ATP 水解产物;维管束鞘细咆与厚壁细胞或厚壁通道细胞所构成的细胞间隙上也存在有 ATP 酶活性反应产物沉淀。甘蔗叶片大、中、小三种维管束,从小维管束到大维管束,面向细胞间隙的细胞表面上的 ATP 酶活性逐渐增强,而维管束鞘细胞质膜上的 ATP 酶活性则趋于减弱;同一维管束内则以韧皮部细胞的 ATP 酶活性最强。维管束鞘细胞与叶肉细胞之间存在很多的胞间连丝,并表现出高的 ATP 酶活性。讨论了 ATP 酶活性的分布状态与叶肉细胞的光合产物向韧皮部运输的关系。  相似文献   

 本文对内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原栗钙土地带8种植物根瘤固氮酶活性的季节变化进行了测定。结果表明:1.不同种植物固氮酶活性表现了明显的季节性变化,夏季最高,平均值达到529.6n·mol C2H4/min·g,秋季较低,而春季只有夏季的10%左右。2.不同种植物,其根瘤固氮酶活性变化有不同的特点,杂花苜蓿是8种植物中固氮酶活性一直最高的,而小叶锦鸡儿与沙棘在8种植物中根瘤固氮酶活性一直较低,扁蓿豆,沙打旺前期较低,后期相对较高。3.同种植物在不同季节固氮酶活性表现了明显差别。  相似文献   

几种固氮蓝藻的固氮酶活性及其某些特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对三种固氮蓝藻:固氮鱼腥藻(水生686)、柱孢鱼腥藻和鱼腥藻7120的整细胞及无细胞抽提液的固氮酶活性,进行了比较研究。水生686的整细胞酶活虽然不低(51.9毫米乙烯峰高/光密度/30分),仅次于柱孢鱼腥藻,但其无细胞抽提液的酶活却最低。这可能与它含有大量藻胶有关。研究了Mn^ 、Fe^ 对蓝藻固氮酶的作用,以及测定其在不同酶浓度下的反应动力学表明:柱孢鱼腥藻中不存在象深红螺菌中所看到的那种激活因子。用甲苯-乙醇溶液处理藻细胞,对固氮酶作原位测定,探索了它的氧损伤及氧保护机理。  相似文献   

本文研究了在好气条件下,在以谷氨酸为氮源的液体培养基中,固氮螺菌(Azospirllumbrasilense)Yu62固氮酶形成的条件及溶氧压对固氮酶活性的影响。厌氧使整体细胞固氮酶迅速失活;而见氧后固氮酶又重新恢复活性。Western blotting实验证实,这种可逆失活的分子基础,是由于固氮酶铁蛋白-亚基被修饰和去修饰。呼吸抑制剂KCN对固氮酶活性的抑制,亦是由于固氮酶铁蛋白被修饰。因此推论细胞内的能量状态可能是启动固氮酶活化酶系统的重要信号。谷氨酰胺合成酶的抑制剂MSX不能去除厌氧和KCN引起的抑制作用。结果表明:固氮酶活性的NH+4和厌氧关闭可能通过不同的机制起作用。  相似文献   

本文改进了利用气相色谱分析活体豆科植物根瘤内根瘤菌固氮酶活性的方法,该方法比用传统的测量离体根瘤的方法所得结果更接近共生体的实际水平。本试验使用国产仪器和材料,组装了一个适合测量大豆(Glycine max)、野大豆(Glyeine soja)-大豆根瘤菌(Bradyrhizobium japonicum/Sinothizobium fredii)共生体完整植株根瘤固氮活性的装置。其特点是不损伤被测植株,并在植物正常进行光合作用的同时测量根瘤固氮酶活性,还可同步测量植株的光合作用和呼吸作用,特别适于研究共生体的连续变化。应用此装置侧量的结果与国外使用的全自动定型仪器的侧量结果一致。  相似文献   

台湾相思的根系具有多年生的根瘤,根瘤初发生时球状,以后发育成分叉瘤和扇状瘤。根瘤固氮活性因苗龄、成熟度不同而有明显差异。环境条件影响结瘤及固氮活性。15℃时结瘤受到明显抑制,固氮作用最适温度条件是25~30℃。光照不足降低根瘤固氮活性。短期轻度干旱不影响根瘤固氮活性,但持续干旱使固氮活性明显下降。pH4.5~8.5条件能正常结瘤,pH5.5时结瘤最好。根瘤固氮作用时不释放H_2,具有较高的吸氢酶活性,在固氮反应系统中加入5%的H_2,能提高根瘤固氮活性。  相似文献   

在农业生产中,化学氮肥的投入大幅度增加了粮食产量,然而过量或不合理的施肥措施对农业生态环境造成了严重破坏.因此,挖掘植物自身的生物学特性,寻求其他有效的氮素来源,对农业减肥增效至关重要.其中,植物与微生物之间的生物固氮作用,能为宿主提供大量的清洁氮源,在农业生产中发挥着不可替代的作用.本文以甘蔗为代表,综述了植物联合固...  相似文献   

测定和分析2个品种甘蔗节间蔗糖含量与和蔗糖代谢相关的4种酶活性之间关系的结果表明:节间蔗糖含量与酸性转化酶活性成极显著负相关,与蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性呈显著正相关。从通径分析结果可知,4种关键酶中可溶性酸性转化酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶是对蔗糖含量贡献程度最大的2个酶.  相似文献   

以4×3不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)选配的12个杂交组合后代为材料,对蔗汁锤度、旋光读数、转光度、蔗汁蔗糖分、视纯度和重力纯度等6个品质性状进行配合力和遗传力分析。结果表明,品质性状的遗传主要由基因加性效应引起,其中蔗汁锤度、旋光读数、转光度、蔗汁蔗糖分主要由父本基因加性效应引起。CP72-330、HoCP93-750、桂糖91-116和粤糖92-1287等4个亲本的品质性状一般配合力(gca)为正值且较大,是配合力较好的高糖亲本。CP72-330×桂糖91-116及HoCP93-750×粤糖92-1287的品质性状特殊配合力(sca)相对效应值均为正值且较大,杂交后代品质性状平均值也较高,为较好的高糖杂交组合。品质性状父本gca方差大于母本gca方差,亲本gca方差为组合sca方差的7-28倍,广义遗传力(hB2)为58%-68%,狭义遗传力(hN2)为56%-60%,属于遗传能力较强的品质性状。  相似文献   

Trehalose Is a nonreduclng dlsaccharlde of glucose that functions as a protectant In the stabilization of blologlcal structures and enhances stress tolerance to abiotic stresses in organisms. We report here the expression of a Grlfola frondosa trehalose synthase (TSase) gene for Improving drought tolerance In sugarcane (Saccharum offlclnarum L.). The expression of the transgene was under the control of two tandem copies of the CaMV35S promoter and transferred Into sugarcane by Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105. The transgenlc plants accumulated high levels of trehalose, up to 8.805-12.863 mg/g fresh weight, whereas It was present at undetectable level in nontransgenlc plants. It has been reported that transgenlc plants transformed with Escherlchla coil TPS (trehalose-6-phosphatesynthase) and/or TPP (trehalose-6-phosphate phosphatase) are severely stunted and have root morphologlc alterations. Interestingly, our transgenlc sugarcane plants had no obvious morphological changes and no growth Inhibition in the field. Trehalose accumulation in 35S-35S:TSase plants resulted In In- creased drought tolerance, as shown by the drought and the drought physiological Indexes, such as the rate of bound water/free water, plasma membrane permeability, malondlaldehyde content, chlorophyll a and b contents, and activity of SOD and POD of the excised leaves. These results suggest that transgenlc plants transformed with the TSase gene can accumulate high levels of trehalose and have enhanced tolerance to drought.  相似文献   

The presence of undesirable plants in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) plantations reduces crop yields. Using genetic engineering as a complement for traditional breeding methods it is possible to introduce herbicide-resistant traits into Saccharum germplasm. Transgenic sugarcane plants resistant to phosphinothricine (PPT), the active compound of the commercial herbicide BASTA were generated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Meristematic sections of sugarcane were treated with anti-necrotic compounds to minimize oxidative bursts and used as explants. Four transformation protocols were assessed and the transformation frequencies reached 10–35%. The regeneration rate was high and did not appear to be affected by the transformation procedure. Southern blot analysis of several transformed plants indicated the integration per genome of one or two intact copies of the bar gene which encodes PPT acetyltransferase and confers resistance to BASTA. The levels of BASTA resistance were evaluated under greenhouse and small-plot conditions. Received: 8 November 1997 / Accepted: 22 November 1997  相似文献   

间种蔬菜对甘蔗地生态环境和甘蔗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘蔗 (SaccharumofficinarumL .)是广西重要的经济作物 ,种植面积达 4 5 33× 10 6ha[1] ,甘蔗的前期生长比较缓慢 ,行间有比较大的可利用空间 ,到6月下旬~ 7月上旬才进入迅速生长期并逐渐封行。有研究表明 ,在甘蔗园间种玉米对甘蔗的生长发育和产量有一定的影响[5] ,而合理间种豆科作物 (黄豆和花生 )不仅不影响甘蔗的正常生长发育 ,还可以增加甘蔗的产量[4 ,6] 。但间种作物对甘蔗园生态环境的影响未见报道 ,我们于 1997- 1999年在桂西北开展了甘蔗园间种经济效益比较高的蔬菜作物的试验 ,并对间种甘蔗园生态环…  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) straw left in the field after harvest interferes with the growth of winter and summer weeds. In the last years, there was a progressive move away from burning sugarcane straw to retaining it on the soil surface after harvest to prevent soil degradation and environmental pollution. Water-soluble phenolics leachated from straw into soil may suppress weed growth. A study was carried out to investigate (1) the effect of biotic (unautoclaved) soil treated with burned and unburned sugarcane straw leachates on seedling growth and foliar proline content of beggarticks (Bidens subalternans L.) and wild mustard (Brassica campestris L.), (2) the modification of sugarcane straw phytotoxicity in abiotic (autoclaved) soil and biotic (unautoclaved) soil plus activated charcoal, and (3) changes of inorganic ions and phenolic contents in biotic soil after treatment with burned and unburned sugarcane straw leachate. Unburned straw leachate significantly inhibited root elongation of 7-d-old beggarticks and wild mustard seedlings. Burned straw leachate did not affect seedling growth of the assayed weeds suggesting that organic straw phytotoxins were involved. Experiments with activated charcoal, however, did not provide clear evidence supporting the involve of organic molecules in straw phytotoxicity. Unburned straw leachate incorporated in biotic soil was more inhibitory than in abiotic soil on root growth suggesting that microbial activity is involved in sugarcane straw interference. There was no evidence of nutrient microbial immobilization. Unburned sugarcane straw leachate increased total phenolic content in biotic soil more than in abiotic soil or biotic soil plus charcoal. Burned sugarcane straw leachate did not increase phenolic compounds levels in biotic soil. Linear regression analysis indicated a strong correlation between levels of soil phenolic contents and root growth inhibition. Soil characteristics evaluated in soil treated with burned and unburned sugarcane straw leachate suggest that straw phytotoxicity is related with organic molecules, such as phenolic compounds, rather than to variations in inorganic nutrients. Unburned straw leachate induced proline accumulation in seedling leaves of both beggarticks and wild mustard. Proline foliar content was higher in seedlings grown in biotic soil than in seedlings grown in biotic soil plus charcoal suggesting that straw organic constituents induced proline accumulation. Proline foliar content of seedlings grown in biotic soil treated with burned straw leachate was not significantly different from water control. The present study showed that sugarcane straw leachate interferes with seedling growth of beggarticks and wild mustard and that water-soluble phenolics can play a role in the seedling growth inhibition of the assayed weeds.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum hybrid cultivar) ranks among the world's top 10 food crops and annually provides 60–70% of the sugar produced worldwide. Despite its economic importance there has been no large-scale systematics study of genus Saccharum and the existing model of sugarcane origins has remained largely unchallenged for almost 50 years. For the first time, we have assembled the complete plastid genomes of Miscanthus floridulus (first report for this genus), Saccharum spontaneum and Saccharum officinarum allowing us to elucidate the phylogenetic origins of Saccharum s.s. species. We demonstrate that Saccharum s.s. is divided into four species, with S. spontaneum diverging from the remainder of the genus about 1.5 million years ago and S. robustum diverging 750,000 years ago. Two separate lineages, one leading to S. officinarum and the other leading to modern hybrid cultivars diverged from S. robustum 640,000 years ago. These findings overturn all previous hypotheses on sugarcane origins, demonstrating that sugarcane's antecedents could not have arisen by human action. All modern cultivars share a common Polynesian origin, whereas Old World canes, S. barberi and S. sinense, cluster as a distinct S. officinarum lineage. This makes modern cultivars a distinct species of genus Saccharum, and we formally propose the name Saccharum cultum for the ancestor of all lineages currently classified as Saccharum hybrid cultivars.  相似文献   

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